How to find out how many bids have been submitted to the auction. The violation can be calculated. Find out how many bids were submitted for the auction

"Little tricks" of customers in the preparation of tenders, cartel collusion of bidders violate the laws of competition, go to the detriment of the state, which means you and me.

However, tools are emerging that can be used by anyone interested in the purity of public procurement transactions. Oleg Abdrashitov, the founder of the information and analytical system, told Auction Bulletin about one such instrument.

- The tool that I want to tell you about is a "by-product" of our activity, and this is natural, since our information and analytical system, unlike the official website, is not an ordinary bulletin board, but a powerful toolkit for everyone participants in public procurement, which allows you to make reliable predictions of victories based on statistical probability, track systemic relationships between customers and suppliers, see the methods of winning "their" suppliers, etc.

This, in turn, made it possible to see certain cuts in the field of public procurement, which are a reflection of systemic processes, and like rot, they affect everything around them, acting from within, destroying the basic principles of competition, and casting a shadow on the entire system.

I will dwell on cartel agreements in public procurement. For example, if you take the field of information technology (which is especially close to me), then in the regions in this market you can rarely find open competition, all customers are already working with one of the suppliers, suppliers know each other by sight, and participate in announced auctions. knowing that this auction is being held for a specific company, which prepared the technical assignment, and therefore they are happy to give the auction for compensation, which, by the way, are calculated in each case from the number of submitted applications and the amount of the margin laid down in the NMC, without taking steps to decrease.

The same is happening in other spheres, so we have a mass phenomenon, which, as I suspect, will smoothly pass into practice even after the introduction of 44-FZ, since I did not notice any procedural methods of combating this phenomenon in the new law. And it would be necessary to enter. After all, you can make a couple of amendments that can complicate the implementation of this scheme. Maybe someone, after reading these lines, will be able to convey this idea to legislators.

Before moving on to the tool, I'll tell you what I mean. Now in cases of purchase from a single supplier under paragraph 10 of Art. 55 94-FZ no one, except one participant, takes a single step to decline. But all participants are allowed to participate, everyone has made a security for the application, and all that remains is to place bids for a decrease, but everyone is simply silent, and the supplier needed by the customer takes the minimum step and takes the auction almost at the maximum price, having paid off compensation.

Many people ask how the participants are recognized in electronic auctions if they are classified under the law when submitting the first part of the application? Believe me, this is happening, and the nature of this is most likely banal to the utmost, the customer identifies suppliers by various criteria: file properties, letterheads, indirect signs, etc., and informs "his" supplier. The task of "their" supplier is to call other participants and agree on compensation, which in most cases happens. I somehow hardly believe in the leakage of information from official electronic sites, because serious security measures are being taken at the sites. And although from time to time someone declares that there is a leak, and even threatens to provide information, but personally I did not come across reliable facts. By the way, we have published the distribution of such auctions by electronic platforms, but it seems to me that if we relate to the total number of auctions held on all platforms, then their number will be proportional, and there will be no explicit system traced. If you are interested, you can also get acquainted with this data in our tool.

So, what happens next, after the end of the auction, makes me wonder. Why is the data on those companies that did not take steps to downgrade not revealed later, at the end of trading? After all, if they were available to such systems as ours, it would be easy to track any regional systemic collusions, how many who and when crossed in similar situations, what priorities for suppliers, etc. Therefore, the first thing I ask to do is our the legislature - to open this data and make it available for analysis.

Secondly, in my opinion, if a company does not take steps to downgrade after being admitted to the auction and making collateral, it should be obliged to send a detailed explanation of the reasons for “active non-participation” to the supervisor. In cases of a three-fold repetition of this fact, the company should be subject to a serious fine. I would suggest 1-5% of the initial price, within such limits, the compensation varies. I think such a measure will greatly affect the curtailment of this corruption scheme.

So, our tool, (Roscartel), which we made, seeing all these figures in the statistics, allowed us to put all suspicious auctions on a separate list. On the first level, this is a list of customers, but by clicking on the name of the customer, you can open the second level, where a list of his suspicious auctions is presented.

Each customer representative can find similar auctions, and instruct their responsible employees to check the auctions from this list for collusion in the auction. If such are found, take measures to prevent the organization of tenders with signs of cartel collusion in their structure, conduct an internal investigation, etc. fact. By the way, if statistics on refuseniks-participants were available, then active citizens could directly contact them with a request to explain such a strategy for participation in auctions. Well, if someone knows for sure that there was a conspiracy, then you can send a complaint to the FAS directly from the Roscartel website

In addition, we could not help but take into account the "confusion" with the Latin alphabet as a way of hiding their tenders by the customer and, I believe, made a useful service that greatly facilitates the search for such tenders by any socially active citizen in which the latest purchases are visible with the display of replaced letters.

The system also groups such tenders by customer to make it easier to see the consistency of these abuses. And in order to exclude errors in the presence of intent, auctions with the largest possible number of replaced letters are placed on the top of the list for each date, since often the replacement of one letter is just a trivial mistake that occurred due to the fact that the keyboard language was not switched ... However, especially sophisticated customers do this deliberately, presenting them later as a simple mistake.

So, after the user is confident that the replacements were made intentionally, he can send a complaint to the regional FAS directly from the same page, from the same line where the name is displayed with letter replacements, since the system automatically substitutes in the form data on the region and the details of the regional service.

Thus, the search for unscrupulous bids becomes a simple task that is available to anyone who wants to take part in the improvement of public procurement. It is possible that soon there will be no such purchases at all, since the practice of FAS decisions will become extensive and known to a large number of customers, and they will stop using such simple schemes and move on to more sophisticated methods.

Answering the question asked at the meeting in by the representatives of "NAIZ" and "Safe Fatherland" about the possibility of catching "blanks" and "hyphens", I will say that this can also be automated, and we are also thinking about a system for detecting applications under incorrect OKDP and common names, but I hope this issue will still be more elaborated in the new information system of the FCC, which, according to the latest data, should replace the existing website, since the problem of the nomenclature in public procurement is one of the most acute and complex in solution to date.

In conclusion, I want to say that the processing of open data makes it possible to create really useful services for suppliers, public organizations, law enforcement agencies and other structures that are interested in analytical information and control over public procurement.

Today we are promoting on the market a new style of work in public procurement, which is based on the Systematic approach and we see how the market is slowly but turning in this direction. The time of thoughtless participation in trading, waste of time and resources of participating companies is passing. Using the Systematic approach, public procurement participants take calculated and correct steps leading to victory on the basis of known data on the loyalty of customers to competition, the absence of corruption schemes in the customer. At the same time, we see that the number of such customers is growing, the involvement of new players in public procurement occurs with a systematic constancy, and this suggests that initiatives in the field of public procurement like ours are able to slowly, over the years, improve the situation around the government order.

You can argue about anything, but the question of who is the competition was asked by any participant in the electronic auction. Such information can play a decisive role: competitors often know each other well, can guess what the other participant has included in the application, and try to offer the customer the best conditions. Or even, as lawyers say, enter into a criminal conspiracy and agree on "silence" during the procedure in exchange for a remuneration, which is a violation of competition law.

As for the customer, at the beginning of the procedure, he basically does not know who owns this or that proposal. According to the requirements of Part 2 of Art. 66 44-FZ, the first part of the application must not contain information about the participant. The state customer receives offers under the numbers assigned by the operator of the ETP (part 9 of article 66 44-FZ). Who is hiding under a specific number will become known only from the second part of the application. We mentioned above the responsibility for the disclosure of this information.

Method 1. See how many participants

Method 2. Studying the previous purchases of the customer

As a rule, each state customer has a more or less constant set of suppliers. Having studied it, it is possible with a high degree of probability to assume who will take part this time. To do this, we will use the tools of the Unified Information System.

Step 1. Go to the Advanced UIS Search. To do this, on the main page, click on the magnifying glass icon, and then on the "Advanced Search" link.

Step 2. Specify the following key parameters:

Additionally, you can clarify:

  • date of placement, for example, select all auctions for the last year;
  • e-site address.

This method takes less time and does not provide information about all potential participants. But it allows you to understand who most often became the winner, whether all contracts were concluded at the end of the auction, as well as get the contact details of a competitor.

To simplify this work, you can use paid services for searching for tenders. Many of them offer analytics tools that will collect the necessary information and produce a ready-made result.

Hello dear colleague! I am often asked whether it is possible to find out information about the participants of an electronic auction before the bidding. The same questions are full of the "branches" of most forums on public procurement. The question is really interesting and relevant. But I can disappoint you right away. It is impossible to find out “on the forehead” such information in a legal way. However, there are still several ways that you can legitimately identify potential auction participants, but we'll talk about that a little later. The very idea of \u200b\u200bconducting electronic auctions is precisely to make this procedure as transparent and non-corrupt as possible. However, this is only in theory, in practice the situation is different. I suggest you devote a few minutes of free time and understand everything in detail ... ( Note: this article was updated on February 21, 2019).

1. Application for participation in the electronic auction

According to Part 2 of Art. 66 44-FZ, the application for participation in the electronic auction consists of 2 parts. The first part of the application should not contain absolutely any information about the participant, that is, the Customer should not know from whom this or that application came. Each application has only a number assigned by the operator of the electronic site. The customer receives information about the auction participants only at the moment of receiving the second parts of the bids from the operator.

According to the requirements of Part 15 of Art. 66 44-FZ, the operator of the electronic site is OBLIGED to ensure the confidentiality of information about the participants of the electronic auction who submitted applications for participation in such an auction, and the information contained in the first and second parts of this application before posting the protocol of such an auction on the electronic site. For violation of this requirement, the operator of the electronic site is liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. How do participants who illegally receive information about their potential competitors act?

The scheme of actions of such participants is quite simple. Having in hand a list of all the participants in the auction, our participant who owns the information, let's call him Mr. “X”, begins to call all the participants in turn. In conversation, Mr. “X” invites each participant to “keep quiet” at the auction, that is, not to submit price proposals in exchange for a reward. The amount of such remuneration, as a rule, ranges from 0.5% to 1% of the initial (maximum) contract price (NMCK). With a small number of participants, such a scheme has the right to life, but you should not expect a 100% guarantee from it. Some of the participants may refuse this illegal offer, and someone, having received a reward, will still take part in the auction.

In my practice, there have been several similar cases. Literally within 30-60 minutes after submitting an application for an electronic auction, I received a call from a person who informed me that we were participating in the same auction with him and offered a reward for not submitting price proposals. For my "silence" he offered to transfer 1% of the NMCK to the account indicated by me. In such cases, I always answered with a categorical refusal, which I recommend you to do, because participation in such activities is a crime.

3. What are the legal ways to identify potential bidders?

We have dealt with the illegal way of obtaining information about the auction participants (bribery of the operator of an electronic platform). Now let's talk about the legal methods available that will allow you to predict potential bidders for a particular auction.

First way. Find out the number of potential bidders

Until July 1, 2018, when submitting an application for an auction, it was assigned a serial number. If the participant's application was assigned, for example, number 4, then he understood that in addition to him there were 3 more potential applicants for this contract. Therefore, many participants tried to submit their application a few hours before the deadline for applications to roughly determine the number of potential participants.

What did this information give the participant? In fact, there is only one thing, if there are many participants, then for sure there will be a fierce struggle for the contract at the auction itself and, as a rule, the NMCC will be greatly reduced. Therefore, in most cases, participation in such an auction is not advisable. But there is one BUT that must always be taken into account - there are exceptions to any rule. It is not a fact that all participants who have submitted applications will be admitted to the very procedure for participating in the auction. Not the fact that all participants will be dumping. And, finally, there is always the possibility that some participants may be rejected by the Customer following the consideration of the second parts of the applications.

However, since July 1, 2018, the situation has changed radically. Now the applications of the participants are assigned not ordinal numbers, but identification numbers (part 9 of article 66 44-FZ). For example, you submitted an application and assigned it the number 5367, the second application was assigned the number 15, and the third - 647. Thus, it is not possible to determine how many applications were submitted for the auction. Therefore, at present, this method has lost its relevance. However, there are ways that are much more effective, and we will talk about them below.

Second way. Manual analysis of similar purchases of the Customer for a certain period

This method allows you to predict with a certain degree of probability which suppliers will take part in a particular auction. To do this, you need to go to the site - ... And analyze completed auctions using the advanced search tool.

In the form that opens, you must fill in the fields in accordance with the search criteria. As a rule, these are:

  • fZ number - 44-FZ;
  • method of determining the supplier - electronic auction;
  • Date of information placement - the required time interval is indicated;
  • Federal District of the Customer - indicate the desired one;
  • Subject of the Russian Federation of the Customer - indicate the required
  • Procurement stage - procedure completed;
  • District / city - indicated if necessary;
  • Electronic site address - to be specified if necessary;
  • OKPD2 codes - the required ones are indicated.

After that, the analysis of completed electronic auctions is carried out, in particular, the summing up protocols.

In addition, it is also necessary to perform an analysis of the concluded contracts for a particular Customer. Knowing the name of the Customer and his TIN, you can find information about the contracts he has concluded with the winners of previous purchases, similar to the one in which you plan to participate. This information is on the website in the section "Register of contracts 44-FZ". This section is located on the main page of the site in the "Contracts and Agreements" tab.

This method is quite long and laborious, but in the absence of paid analytical tools in the participant's arsenal, it is the only possible one.

Third way. Programmatic analysis of similar purchases of the Customer for a certain period

The method described above for identifying potential bidders can be greatly accelerated and simplified by using analytical tools that are currently available in most paid tender search programs. For example, such as tender plan, ist-budget, bicotender, seldon. In addition, some aggregators in the field of government orders will provide you with the opportunity to independently analyze possible participants. Such a service is very convenient and extremely functional, and, most importantly, is significantly lower in cost than many search programs. The approach is as follows - you will be given access to the most complete database of state bidders with a history of 8 years, in which you, using the settings, set the search criteria of interest by field of activity, region and cost of contracts - then the built-in crm system will do everything for you. You get the result without significant investment and resources. To date, perhaps the best such aggregator service is CRMBG.SU.

Government orders are considered to be no less effective measure to support business than subsidies or incentives. In addition, state and municipal customers are required by law to place from 10 to 20% of the annual volume of supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services with small businesses. The calculation is simple: small and medium-sized enterprises often specialize in a narrow range of products and can potentially offer interesting high quality products. But usually only large enterprises can afford to maintain a dedicated department for tracking interesting competitions and submitting applications for participation in them.

Few people know that in Moscow entrepreneurs have the opportunity to undergo free training in the methodology for selecting tenders and the procedure for participating in tenders.

The state budgetary institution "Small Business of Moscow" in January 2013 opened the Unified State Order Center, which conducts such courses.

Placing a government order can be carried out in several ways: either by holding tenders (tenders or electronic auctions), or it can be a request for quotations, as well as purchase from a single supplier (performer, contractor). Quotations are requested only for lots that cost no more than 500 thousand rubles, and tenders are held in the case of “complex” purchases that require an assessment not only by price, but also by many other criteria. Usually tenders are held for purchases in the defense industry, high technologies, and science.

Today, the main method for placing government orders is electronic auctions, their share is about 59% of the total mass of auctions. Electronic auctions are considered to be an effective anti-corruption tool. The meaning of the system lies in the anonymity of the participants, transparency of information and high competition. Bidding on electronic platforms eliminates bribes at the stage of placing and conducting bidding.

Let's consider the stages of participation in an open online auction.

1. Finding a suitable auction

Notification of any auction is published on the Official All-Russian website and posted on the official website at least 7 or 20 days before the deadline for filing applications for participation, depending on the initial maximum price. There are five federal electronic trading platforms in total:

  • State Unitary Enterprise "Agency for State Orders, Investment Activities and Interregional Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan"

Each site has a register of auctions and a search form. In addition, a consolidated list of all auctions can be found on the official RF information site on placing orders. The search is carried out according to several criteria, which facilitate the procedure.

The Ministry of Economic Development is in charge of the legal regulation of the state order; the Federal Antimonopoly Service, and in some cases, the Federal Service for Defense Orders, controls the placement of orders.

2. Obtaining an electronic digital signature (EDS)

You can buy an EDS at any certification center that has received accreditation on the electronic platform where you are going to trade. The addresses of the sites of authorized certification centers can be found on the official website in the section "Information for customers and suppliers".

The procedure for obtaining an EDS takes 2-3 business days. The signature allows to assign a legal status to the electronic document and thus confirms the financial responsibility of the participants for the decisions they make in the course of the auction.

3. Accreditation on the trading floor

No company is allowed to participate in an electronic auction without accreditation on the trading floor. For each of the five sites, accreditation must be obtained separately.

The procedure itself is as follows. You need to go to the site's website, fill out an accreditation form and an application for opening an account, attach a number of documents (an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRIP for individual entrepreneurs), a constituent document, a power of attorney for the right to participate in tenders, a protocol or decision on the appointment of a head, certified by the seal of the organization, scan company details cards).
It is necessary to understand all the requirements of the site. In particular, to participate in the auction, you must configure your browser in the correct way.

The site operator, within five days, considers the application and confirms the possibility of access to participation or denies accreditation. Refusal must be accompanied by comments indicating the errors made. Sites do not set limits on the number of accreditation attempts. But each submitted application will be considered within five working days.

To participate in the auction, a personal account is created for each accredited supplier within the platform. The functionality of the personal account allows you to submit applications for participation in auctions, directly participate in them, submit requests for clarification of auction documentation, and much more.

4. Transfer of money to the account

The next mandatory step is to transfer money to your account on the trading platform in order to ensure your participation in electronic trading. As a rule, if the auction is held among small businesses, this payment is 2% of the maximum initial order value, in all other cases - 5% of the maximum initial order value. After the end of the auction, this amount is unlocked and can be withdrawn from the account.

As soon as the money arrives at the account of the electronic trading platform, the supplier has the opportunity to send his application for participation in the auction.

5. Drawing up an application

Drawing up an application for participation in the auction is the most crucial stage. To properly compile this document, you need to read the auction documentation very carefully. The application consists of two parts. The first part must be anonymous, it contains the participant's consent to the supply of the desired product (work, services) and a description of their characteristics. The second part contains information about the participant, documents confirming the participant's compliance with the requirements established in the auction documentation (various licenses and certificates).

After the expiration of the period for submission of applications, the customer forms a protocol for considering the first parts of the applications, and the site operator is obliged to inform the supplier within the specified time if he is admitted to the auction.

Auction process

When participating in an electronic auction, pay attention to the following main points: the time remaining until the end of the auction and the step of the auction. The step of the auction is strictly defined by law - half a percent of the initial maximum order value. Each time the participant is given 10 minutes to think about whether to come up with a proposal to reduce the price.

An open auction participant is not entitled to submit a contract price proposal equal to or greater than the proposals submitted by the auction participants earlier, as well as a contract price proposal equal to zero. The Bidder also cannot submit a contract price offer lower than the current minimum contract price offer reduced by the auction step.

Bidding is considered completed if no one has made a better offer 10 minutes after the lowest bid has been submitted.

Within a few minutes, the system automatically generates a protocol with the results of trading, where the best rates are indicated. All participants are hidden under numbers.

Only after the auction, the second parts of the bids will be transferred to the customers, from which they will learn which companies are hidden under which numbers. Based on the results of consideration of the second parts of the applications, the winner is identified, to whom the state contract is sent. It must be signed electronically on time.

It is also necessary to provide security for the contract. Its size is determined by 94-FZ and is up to 30% of the initial maximum contract price. This amount can be transferred to a temporary account of the customer or presented as a bank guarantee.

Hello dear employee! I am often asked questions about whether it is possible to determine the data on the participants of an electronic auction before the bidding. The same questions are full of the "branches" of most forums on public procurement.

The question is really entertaining and relevant. But I can disappoint you right away. It is forbidden to determine “on the forehead” such data by legal method. But still, there are a couple of ways, thanks to which it is possible to fully legitimately find out potential participants in the auction, but we will talk about this a little later.

The very idea of \u200b\u200bconducting electronic auctions is precisely in order to make this procedure as transparent and not corrupt as possible. But this is only in theory, in practice the situation is otherwise. I suggest you allocate a couple of minutes. free time and understand everything in detail ...

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 66 44-FZ, an application for participation in an electronic auction consists of 2 parts. The first part of the application must not contain completely any information about the participant, i.e. the client does not have to know from whom this or that application came. Each application has only a serial number assigned by the operator of the electronic site.

The client acquires information about the auction participants only at the moment of receiving the second parts of the bids from the operator.

In accordance with the requirements of Part 15 of Art. 66 44-FZ, the operator of the electronic site is OBLIGED to ensure the confidentiality of information about the participants of the electronic auction who submitted applications for participation in such an auction, and the information contained in the first and second parts of this application before posting on the electronic site the minutes of the auction in order for the auction. For violation of this requirement, the operator of the electronic site is liable in the legal framework of the Russian Federation.

But, as they say, demand creates supply. The anthropogenic factor has not yet been canceled, on the basis of this, cases are not rare, at a time when the operators of electronic platforms simply “merge” data on the participants who have applied for the auction for a fee. This information can be communicated both to the client and specifically to one or more participants.

2. How do participants who illegally take data about their own potential rivals act?

The scheme of actions of such participants is quite simple. Having in hand a list of all the participants in the auction, the domestic participant with the information, let's call him Mr. “X”, begins to alternately ring up all the participants. During the conversation, Mr. “X” invites each participant to “keep quiet” at the auction, ie not submit quotations in exchange for a fee. The size for the remuneration, in most cases, ranges from 0.5% to 1% of the initial (large) contract price (NMCK).

With a small number of participants, such a scheme has the right to fate, but one should not expect a 100% guarantee from it. Some of the participants may refuse this illegal offer, and someone, taking a reward, will still participate in the auction.

In my practice, there were a couple of similar cases. Almost within 30-60 minutes. at the end of filing an application for an electronic auction, a person called me that he informed that we were participating in the same auction with him and offered a reward so that I would not submit price proposals. For my "silence" he offered to transfer 1% of the NMCK to the account indicated by me.

In such cases, I constantly answered with a final refusal, which I advise you to do, because it is an offense to engage in such activities.

3. What specific legal methods exist for identifying potential bidders?

We figured out the illegal method of obtaining information about the auction participants (bribery of the operator of an electronic platform). Now let's chat about the cheap legal methods that will allow you to predict

potential participants of this or that auction.

First method. Determine the number of potential bidders

When submitting an application for an auction, the participant is assigned a serial number (part 9 of article 66 44-FZ).

If you have been assigned, for example, number 4, then you already realize that there are 3 more potential participants besides you. Many participants try to submit their own application a couple of hours before the deadline for submission of applications in order to roughly find out the number of potential participants.

What can such information give to the participant? In fact, there is only one thing, if there are a large number of participants, then there will definitely be a fierce struggle for the contract at the auction itself and, in most cases, the NMCC will be greatly reduced. Based on this, as a rule, participation in such an auction is not advisable. But there is one BUT that must always be taken into account - there are exceptions to any rule.

It is not a fact that all participants who have submitted applications will be admitted to the very procedure for participating in the auction. Not the fact that all participants will be dumping. And finally, there is invariably the possibility that some participants may be rejected by the client after the second parts of the applications are considered. Based on this, I do not advise you to fully and completely rely on this method.

There are methods that are much more effective, and we will chat about them below.

Second method. Manual analysis of similar purchases by a client for a certain period

This method allows, with a certain degree of opportunity, to predict which specific suppliers will participate in one or another auction. To do this, you need to go to the site - And analyze completed auctions using the advanced search tool.

In the form that opens, you need to fill in the fields in accordance with the search parameters. In most cases, these are:

  • fZ number - 44-FZ;
  • procurement placement method - electronic auction;
  • Order publication date - the required time period is indicated;
  • Federal District of the Client - indicate the required one;
  • Subject of the Russian Federation of the Client - indicate the required one;
  • Purchase stage - purchase completed;
  • District / city - indicated if necessary;
  • Electronic site address - to be specified if necessary;
  • OKPD codes - the necessary ones are indicated.

Then the analysis of the completed electronic auctions is carried out, in particular the summarizing protocols.

In addition, in addition to this, it is necessary to perform an analysis of the arrests of contracts for a separately collected client. Knowing the name of his TIN and the customer, it is possible to find data on the contracts he has condemned with the winners of past purchases, such as the one in which you plan to participate. This information is located on the website in the “Unified Register of National and Municipal Contracts”.

This method is quite lengthy and laborious, but in the absence of paid analytical tools in the participant's arsenal, it is the only probable one.

Third method. Programmatic analysis of similar purchases of a client for a certain period

The method for identifying potential bidders outlined above can be significantly accelerated and simplified if we use analytical tools that are currently available in most paid tender search programs. For example, such as ist-budget, bicotender, seldon. Seldon is the undisputed favorite among such programs.

In my opinion, this is the most wonderful program, both in the search for tenders and in their analytics, which allows you to make all the necessary analytical reports in a matter of seconds. You can verify this yourself by testing this program in test access. Sign up for a "test drive" of the Seldon program here.

Below I have attached a short video on how analytical reports are formed in this population.


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