Miss pallett. Actions and contests of paint "Palette" (Palette). Hotline phone

Miss Palette - this is competition, created especially for the girls of Russia - the most beautiful girls in the world! In the cities of Russia and throughout the Russian Internet, Palette Beauty Agents are looking for the future Miss Palette - the standard of beauty and charm, and the new face of the brand! The main objective of the competition is to help their beautiful participants open up and take their first steps towards a modeling career with Schwarzkopf.

Take part in the competition - become a model! Everything is possible with Palette!


  • 1st place - the title of Miss Palette and a precious diadem;
  • 2-3 place - Vice-Miss Palette will receive valuable gifts from Schwarzkopf and the opportunity to start a modeling career with Schwarzkopf. After the competition, a photo session of the winners for the cover of one of the shades of Palette cream paint will take place;
  • All finalists will participate in the Final of the competition, which will be held in Moscow. All expenses for air travel, accommodation and meals are covered by the Competition Organizer. The finalists will have excursions around Moscow, a professional photo session, as well as sets of products from Schwarzkopf;
  • All casting participants in Russian cities will be able, with the help of Schwarzkopf stylists, to choose the most suitable image and get professional photographs for their personal portfolio.

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Nothing foreshadowed surprises. You wander around the online store, compare products, read reviews, make a purchase decision ... But all the time you are haunted by one thought: "Why is it so expensive?" And then all over and ... we appear in a white coat, beautiful, with a working recipe for making purchases cheaper.

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But the era of hard capitalism and market monopolies, fortunately, is long gone. A large number of manufacturers, many shops, alternative shopping methods, the ability to compare prices - thanks to all this, we choose the best quality at the lowest price. Of course, each of us has his own idea of \u200b\u200bquality and what an adequate price is. But we have a universal definition of a good store - it is a store that does not increase prices and gives its customers the opportunity to save on purchases. And just such and only such shops you will find on our website. Don't skimp on quality, but don't waste money either. Save so as to have the very best at lower prices.

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Briefly about conditions and registration ✓

"Magnet and Palette": promotion at www.miss-palette17.ru.


The total duration of the Event, including the period for issuing prizes: from 03 May 2017 to 30 June 2017 inclusive.

You can become a participant of the Event from 00 hours 01 minutes Moscow time on May 03, 2017 to 23 hours 59 minutes on May 30, 2017.

Placement of photographs of the Winners on the packaging of hair dye produced under the trademark "Palette" - no later than December 2019.


Limited Liability Company "Intensive" / LLC "Intensive" (hereinafter -


Legal address: 107076, Moscow, Kolodezny per., 14

Postal address: 111033, Moscow, Customs proezd, building 6, building 3

INN / KPP 7718899299/771801001

Bank details:

Account 40702810602630000446

in JSC "ALFA-BANK", Moscow

The name of the new action from "Magnet and Palette": ":

"Become Miss Palette"

Takes part:

Territory: all stores of the "Magnit Cosmetic" and "Magnit" retail chain throughout the Russian Federation. The list of stores participating in the Event is posted on the website



Daily prize - a gift card "Magnet Cosmetic" in cash of 1000 rubles.

Daily drawing of 50 (fifty) gift cards.

The total number of Daily Prizes is 1400 (Thousand four hundred) pieces for the entire period of the Event.

The main prize - Placement of a photograph of the winner of the Miss Palette contest and two Vice-Miss on the packaging of hair dye produced under the trademark “Palette”. The Organizer does not issue a monetary equivalent of non-monetary prizes, as well as replacement with other prizes.

To participate in the promotion:

In the period from May 03, 2017 to May 30, 2017, purchase any product under the trademarks "Palette" in one of the stores of the "Magnit Cosmetic" retail chain, hypermarkets and supermarkets "Magnit" throughout the Russian Federation, the list of which is available on the website www.miss-palette17.ru.

Receive a cashier's receipt at the store's checkout.

On any day from May 03, 2017 to May 30, 2017 (inclusive), register a check on the website www.miss-palette17.ru The number of check numbers registered by one participant is no more than 10 (ten) for the entire period of the event, provided that the participant purchased the product participating in the event. Each purchase receipt number can be registered only once.

Hotline phone

Official site and mechanics:

Registration at www.miss-palette17.ru.

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