Incorrect behavior. Code of Ethics and Service Conduct. Discrimination as a type of violation of business ethics Violation of ethical standards

Appendix 2

to the Order of GBUZ SO "SOB No. 2"

from 07.04. 2014 No. 52/1


professional ethics of a healthcare professional

Sverdlovsk region

The Code of Professional Ethics of a Medical Worker (hereinafter - the Code) is a document that defines the set of ethical standards and principles of behavior of a medical worker in the implementation of professional medical activities.

The norms of professional ethics of a medical worker are established on the basis of cultural norms, constitutional provisions and legislative acts of the Russian Federation, and international law. This Code defines a high moral responsibility of a medical worker to society and the patient for their activities. Every healthcare professional must take all necessary steps to comply with the provisions of the Code.


Article 1. The concept of "medical worker"

A medical worker in accordance with paragraph 13 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "323-FZ" On the Basics of Health Protection of Citizens in the Russian Federation "in this Code means an individual who has a medical or other education, works in a medical organization and in labor (official) whose duties include the implementation of medical activities, or an individual who is an individual entrepreneur directly carrying out medical activities.

Article 2. Purpose of professional activity

The purpose of the professional activity of a medical worker is to preserve a person's life, to participate in the development and implementation of measures to protect his health within the competence of a medical worker, to properly provide all types of diagnostic, therapeutic, preventive, rehabilitation and palliative medical care.

Article 3. Principles of Operation

A medical worker must use all his knowledge and practical skills, in accordance with the level of professional education and qualifications, to protect the health of citizens, to ensure the quality of care provided at a high level.

A medical worker is obliged to provide medical assistance to any person with equal respect, regardless of gender, age, race and nationality, place of residence, his social status, religious and political beliefs.

The actions of a medical worker, his convictions and orientation during the transplantation of human organs and tissues, intervention in the human genome, in the reproductive function are determined by the ethical, legal and legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

A medical worker is obliged to constantly improve his professional knowledge and skills.

The medical worker bears responsibility, including moral responsibility, for providing high-quality and safe medical care in accordance with his qualifications, accepted clinical guidelines, job descriptions and official duties.

Given the role of the healthcare professional in society, he / she should support and participate in community activities, especially to promote healthy lifestyles.

Article 4. Unacceptable actions of a medical worker

The misuse of the knowledge and position of a health worker is incompatible with his professional activity.

A medical worker is not entitled to:

to use their knowledge and capabilities not to protect human health;

use methods of medical influence on the patient at the request of third parties;

to impose their philosophical, religious and political views on the patient;

use medical equipment not registered in accordance with the established procedure;

prescribe and use pharmacological preparations unregistered in the Russian Federation;

to impose on patients one or another type of treatment, drugs for personal gain;

cause physical, moral or material damage to the patient, intentionally or through negligence, indifferently to the actions of third parties causing such damage.

Personal warnings from a healthcare professional and other subjective motives should not influence the choice of diagnostic and treatment methods.

When prescribing a course of treatment, a medical worker is not entitled to provide a patient with inaccurate, incomplete or distorted information about the drugs and medical devices used.

The refusal of the patient from the offered paid medical services cannot be the reason for the deterioration in the quality and availability, decrease in the types and volume of medical care provided to him free of charge under the program of state guarantees established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Gifts from patients and patients are highly discouraged because they can create the impression that patients who do not give or receive gifts are being given less care. Gifts should not be given or accepted in exchange for services.

A medical worker has no right, taking advantage of his professional position, mental incapacity of the patient, to conclude property transactions with him, to use his labor for personal purposes, as well as to engage in extortion and bribery.

The medical worker has no right to hide information about the patient's health from the patient. In the event of an unfavorable prognosis for the patient's life, the medical professional should inform the patient about this very delicately and carefully, provided that the patient has expressed a desire to receive such information.

A medical worker has no right to hide information about the development of medico-technogenic pathology, unforeseen reactions and complications during treatment from the patient and the immediate supervisor.

Article 5. Professional independence

It is the medical professional's duty to maintain their professional independence. When providing medical care, a medical worker assumes full responsibility for a professional decision, and therefore is obliged to reject any attempts to pressure from the administration, patients or other persons.

A medical worker has the right to refuse to cooperate with any individual or legal entity, if it requires him to act contrary to legislation, ethical principles, professional duty.

By participating in consultations, commissions, consultations, examinations, etc., a medical worker is obliged to clearly and openly declare his position, defend his point of view, and in cases of pressure on him - resort to public and legal protection, as well as protection from outside professional medical communities.



Article 6. Respect for the honor and dignity of the patient

The medical worker must respect the honor and dignity of the patient, show an attentive and patient attitude towards him and his relatives.

A rude and inhuman attitude towards a patient, humiliation of his human dignity, as well as any manifestations of superiority, aggression, hostility or selfishness, or expression of preference for any of the patients on the part of a medical professional is unacceptable.

Article 7. Conditions for the provision of medical care

The medical professional must provide medical care in the conditions of preserving the principles of freedom of choice and human dignity of the patient.

Anyone who requires emergency medical care for conditions requiring emergency medical intervention (in case of accidents, injuries, poisoning and other conditions and diseases that threaten life) must be accepted and examined by medical workers, taking into account the specialty and regardless of the ability to pay and the availability of medical insurance. policy.

Article 8. Conflict of interest

In the event of a conflict of interest, the healthcare professional should give preference to the interests of the patient, unless their implementation causes direct harm to the patient himself or others.

Article 9. Medical secrecy

The patient has the right to count on the fact that the medical professional will keep secret all medical and personal information entrusted to him. A medical worker has no right to disclose information obtained during examination and treatment, including the very fact of seeking medical help, without the permission of the patient or his legal representative. The healthcare professional must take measures to prevent the disclosure of medical confidentiality. The death of a patient does not exempt from the obligation to keep medical confidentiality. The transfer of information containing medical secrets is allowed in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 10. Moral support for a patient near death

A medical worker should not resort to euthanasia, as well as involve other persons in its execution, but must alleviate the suffering of patients in a terminal state by all available, known and authorized methods. A medical worker must assist the patient in exercising his right to benefit from the spiritual support of a minister of any religious concession; he must respect the rights of citizens regarding the conduct of a posthumous examination, taking into account the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 11. Choice of a medical professional

A medical professional has no right to prevent a patient who decides to entrust his further treatment to another specialist. A healthcare professional may recommend another specialist to a patient in the following cases:

if he feels insufficiently competent, does not have the necessary technical capabilities to provide the proper type of assistance;

this type of medical care is contrary to the moral principles of a specialist;

if there are contradictions with the patient or his relatives in terms of treatment and examination.



Article 13. Relationship between healthcare professionals

The relationship between healthcare providers should be based on mutual respect and trust.

In relations with colleagues, a healthcare professional must be honest, fair, benevolent, decent, respect their knowledge and experience, and also be ready to disinterestedly transfer his experience and knowledge to them.

The moral right to lead other health professionals requires a high level of professional competence and high moral standards.

Criticism against a colleague should be reasoned and not offensive. Professional actions are subject to criticism, but not the personality of colleagues. Attempts to strengthen one's own authority by discrediting colleagues are inadmissible. A healthcare professional has no right to make negative statements about his colleagues and their work in the presence of patients and their relatives.

In difficult clinical cases, experienced healthcare professionals should advise and assist less experienced colleagues in the correct manner. In accordance with the current legislation, only the attending physician bears full responsibility for the treatment process, who has the right to accept the recommendations of colleagues or refuse them, guided solely by the interests of the patient.




Article 14. Operation of the Code

This Code is valid throughout the Sverdlovsk Region.

Article 15. Liability of a medical worker

The degree of responsibility for violation of professional ethics is determined by the Medical Ethics Commission under the Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region and ethics commissions in health care organizations.

If the violation of ethical norms simultaneously affects legal norms, the medical professional is liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 16. Revision and interpretation of the Code

The revision and interpretation of certain provisions of this Code is carried out by the Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region, taking into account the proposals of the trade union of health workers of the region, the Association of medical workers and the medical professional association of doctors of the Sverdlovsk region.

Professional ethics and business communication in the organizational environment are important components of industrial relations, affect the economic activity and stability of the enterprise, and their role can hardly be overestimated. Compliance with professional ethics and the skills of competently conducting a conversation in a team, with partners and clients affect the success of the internal and external activities of the company, preserve its image and reputation.

Business conversation

Business communication implies principles and norms aimed at achieving mutually beneficial results. Regardless of the position and functions of the employee, he must be able to clearly express and argue his own thoughts, analyze the partner's thinking, form a critical attitude to the relevant opinions and proposals.

As examples of business communication show, a prerequisite is to conduct a conversation and adjust its process, the ability to listen to the interlocutor, convince and have a positive influence, create a favorable atmosphere conducive to productive activity and the elimination of conflict situations, while maintaining the norms of professional ethics.

Ethics of telephone communication

Intonation is of prime importance in a telephone conversation, especially at the beginning and end. Any errors in speech, delay, stuttering cause stress or irritation in the interlocutor. And if the tone does not match the content of the information, the interlocutor tends to trust the intonation.

Before you call, you should most briefly form the task, make the necessary notes. After connecting, you need to introduce yourself, indicating your name and the name of the company, and then check with the interlocutor if he has enough time.

Of course, regardless of the emotional state, you should avoid inappropriate behavior in such a way as to openly express your own emotions. But excessive politeness in the form of long thanks can cause impatience and irritation in the interlocutor.

As extraordinary examples of business communication that require careful preparation, you should point out the cases when the caller needs to remind of himself after a long absence, as well as offer the service to various types of customers whose preferences are unknown.

Features of incorrect behavior

Inappropriate behavior implies:

  • offensive remarks to colleagues and clients of the company;
  • use of profanity in conversation;
  • rudeness, abuse of authority, obsessive behavior;
  • tactless gestures towards colleagues and clients.

Also, the employee's inappropriate behavior includes violation of the established dress code of the organization, wearing inappropriate clothing.

Code of ethics

And official conduct is drawn up on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and is developed in accordance with the principles and rules of employee conduct, which he must study when entering the position. The set of norms in the form of attitudes to are designed to ensure the effectiveness of the performance of official duties, to help increase the authority in the team among employees.

The Code of Ethics and Service Conduct shapes relationships within the workforce. It regulates concepts such as conflict of interest within the company, abuse of authority, data confidentiality, personal integrity, adherence to the principles of healthy competition and much more. Any citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to expect employees to behave in accordance with their professional ethics.


Information in the form of a report is intended for higher management in order to bring it to its attention and apply appropriate measures. The difference between a service memo and a memo is that the latter is legally binding.

Any person who was present at the incorrect behavior of an employee has the right to issue a report for him. In addition to the report, it is permissible to record the facts of such a violation in relation to other employees and business partners.

The service memo on incorrect behavior necessarily includes the following items:

  • an indication of the culprit of the incorrect behavior;
  • name of the affected party;
  • the names of those present at the time of the incident;
  • other circumstances of the incident.

Memorandum functions:

  • solving problems of an administrative or production nature;
  • proposals for the rationalization and improvement of production;
  • reporting to the management about disagreement with the decision of the superiors;
  • clarification of the circumstances that arose during the conflict with employees or direct supervisor;
  • reports on the progress of work;
  • complaints when subordinates fail to fulfill their work duties;
  • investigation into the unlawful delegation of responsibilities;
  • reporting of information about disciplinary violations;
  • reporting of information about non-standard incidents that could result in material losses or physical harm;
  • positive nature of events requiring management attention.

Responsibility and punishment

Disciplinary punishment in the form of a reprimand or remark is provided for inappropriate behavior. Dismissal is not permitted in this case, since the actions do not have the character of one-time grave.

If, before that, disciplinary punishment has already taken place in relation to this employee during the year, then a second remark may result in dismissal, although his misconduct falls into another category of violations.

The official investigation does not insist on indicating the expressions that were used against the injured party. And if the case goes to court, then such details should be confirmed, supported by facts with the help of witnesses.

Satisfaction of the claim by the court

In addition to the alleged punishment, according to the Labor Code, it is possible to apply the clauses of Article 152, which reflects the procedure for protecting business reputation.

The legal claim will be satisfied under the following conditions:

  • recognition of the fact of violation of the code of ethics and official conduct;
  • the information disseminated concerns the issue of honor;
  • inconsistency of information with reality.

In this case, the plaintiff is obliged to provide evidence of the facts of insult, and the defendant is obliged to confirm the facts related to reality.

Professional ethics in a macro perspective

Professional ethics include a system of concretized moral norms and principles, taking into account the characteristics of a certain professional activity, which ensures confidential communication.

As consequences, several areas of a large-scale nature can be indicated.

  1. Corrupt practices.This type of action restricts freedom of choice and changes the conditions for making decisions. At the same time, the employee is able to increase his profit through unearned income. Bribery leads to a reallocation of resources in favor of less promising options.
  2. Compulsion. Coercive actions impede the development of relations between a particular seller and customers, are aimed at stimulating the purchase of specific services or products, which is why competition is untenable. As a result, there is a decrease in the quality of existing products, a narrowing of the range, a decrease in demand. Fewer resources come into production than would have gone with unlimited competition.
  3. Unreliability of information.Distortion of information about a product leads to consumer dissatisfaction, violation of the terms of subsequent deliveries and production cycles. The consequence of inaccurate information is the unjustified expenditure of funds.
  4. Theft.Theft increases the cost of services and products, since the damage is supposed to be repaired by increasing prices. As a result - higher prices and irrational redistribution of resources, a shortage of products.

Psychology and ethics of business communication are components of a complex of basic sciences, based on the principles of their majority. And if the success of a society does not depend on one individual, then the success of the company affects the subject and society. Thus, personal development, relationships within the organization, the success of an enterprise and social development are interconnected, therefore, professional ethics always remains relevant.

The successful conduct of a consultation largely depends on the moral and ethical requirements that apply to the psychologist. If these standards of conduct are not followed, the consultation will never benefit the client. Professionalism and striving for self-improvement are the main credo of every psychologist, for whom work is the meaning of his life!

And what is the threat of their violation? Many people don't even think about it.

I want to cover this topic.

I will list basic ethical) principles

1. Do no harm! Or the principle of not harming the subject.

2. Don't rate! Don't say negative ratings out loud!

3. The principle of the impartiality of the psychologist. Unacceptable bias towards

the client, no matter what subjective impression he makes with his appearance,

legal and social status.

4. The principle of informed consent. It is necessary to inform the client about

ethical principles and rules of psychological activity.

5. The principle of confidentiality, that is, the preservation of professional secrecy.

(The material obtained by the psychologist in the process of his work with the client based on

trust relationship, not subject to deliberate or accidental disclosure

and must be presented in such a way that it cannot compromise either

client, customer, psychologist, or psychological science).

6. Respect your colleagues at work, their right to professional creativity and

(It is inadmissible to clarify the relationship between

colleagues and employees in the presence of clients).

7. The principle of professional competence.

The psychologist has the right to take on the solution of only those issues on which he is professionally aware and endowed with the appropriate rights and powers to perform psychocorrectional or other influences.

1. The basic principle of a psychologist's work is "do no harm", sounds exactly the same as "Thou shalt not kill". The psychological impact of a specialist on a client should not cause negative. A conversation with a professional is easy, stress-free, in a free form. Does not affect the deterioration of a person's self-esteem. A careless word can lead an unbalanced person into a difficult moral state. By asking for help, the client expects to find a way out of a difficult situation. Any wrong word can drive him into a dead end.

How to get the client's favor? I always try to be sincere. Noticing the positive aspects, I am sure to voice them. I address the client as it is more comfortable for him.

2. The principle of work of a psychologist - non-disclosure of confidential information I would compare it with the commandment "do not steal".

It only means that it is possible to transfer information to third parties, even to the management, exactly within those boundaries as far as the client agrees. Strangers should not be devoted to the details of the visit, and even the very fact of such should not be disclosed. Any information is the same property as any thing or intellectual work. Violation of this principle can lead to very serious consequences. A specialist can lose confidence, lose his status and accreditation. The client will receive serious mental trauma. It is not known how others will react to information about his visits to a psychologist.

It is not enough not to divulge information. It also needs to be protected, made inaccessible to other people. For example, I store all information under complex passwords. I work exclusively on my personal computer, restricting access even to my family members. I use programs - information defenders.

As an example, consider one extremely egregious case of a psychologist's violation of professional ethics. In the USA, one very famous film actor and producer, after turning to a psychotherapist, was forced to divorce his wife and lose part of his huge fortune. The fact is that his wife found out about his infidelity from the Internet, where confidential information obtained during the sessions was posted. The psychotherapist, after the first communication with the star, sold all the information he received to the media. After a long trial, it turned out that the motivation for committing such an official crime was the woman's own divorce because of her husband's constant infidelities. Naturally, after such events, she could not distinguish between her personal and professional life. Experiencing a persistent dislike for male cheaters, she decided to take revenge on all of them by exposing this unfortunate actor and producer.

3. The principle of ethics of a psychologist is associated with the methods and style of communication during the whole conversation. Dislike, ridicule, teachings, arrogance are unacceptable... A professional will never ask unnecessary unrelated questions. Will not "fish out" information and ask questions out of curiosity. With the ability of a psychologist to listen carefully and delve into, the client himself will tell everything that worries him. When making recommendations, you should disclose several options for solving the problem. The client himself will choose what is closer and more understandable to him.

What is the risk of violation of this principle? As soon as the client suspects that the conversation is going in an unnecessary direction, psychological protection will work at the subconscious level. He will "close" and will not receive the necessary support and help.

Once a teenager approached me. These are usually classified as "difficult". He was tense, withdrawn. I understood that he was hiding something, quite possibly something important and not pleasant. As soon as I said that I am not a doctor, judge or teacher, and I am not going to ask anything about his affairs at all, let alone condemn or lecture, he immediately made contact.

4. The last and most important principle is constant self-improvement... - this is the path that will lead the psychologist to the pinnacle of professionalism. Controlling your own behavior, the ability to admit mistakes, careful constant analysis of conversations - a necessary set of a real specialist. The ability to determine the boundaries of one's own competence will protect novice psychologists from a multitude of wrong actions and disappointments. You cannot overestimate your capabilities. If a specialist does not have enough knowledge, skills and experience to guide a given client, he should redirect him to a more competent colleague.

Any field of activity, without exception, has a number of professional rules, the observance of which is mandatory and indisputable. Knowledge, and most importantly, understanding of the rules of the "researcher-subject" relationship helps psychologists a lot. All this, based on the best traditions of humanistic psychotherapy, can help the psychologist in his professional activities. Observing these simple rules, the specialist will make his occupation ethical, noble, and most importantly effective.

1. Absolute friendliness of a psychologist in relation to the client. By creating a comfortable environment for him to feel comfortable and at ease. Goodwill should come from the soul, and not be a consequence of compliance with the norms of behavior. A psychologist who knows how to listen, provides qualified psychological help and support and puts himself in the shoes of his client will always be in demand.

2. Focusing on the views of your client and his values \u200b\u200bin life. According to people, an experienced psychologist should not rely solely on generally accepted norms and rules. You need to look at the principles and ideals of the client, and in no case criticize his views, otherwise he will shut up in his problems and will not be frank with you, then all your efforts will be useless.

3. An experienced professional should clearly separate personal relationships from professional... You should not develop relationships with clients, such as friendships. It is also not recommended to provide psychological services to relatives, relatives and friends.

Summing up the above, it should be noted that practicing psychologists face great difficulties, which they work to overcome. My difficulties are deeply understood, and often serve as a support for me in further practice. To improve my professional skills, I regularly undergo personal and group therapy. Participate in many trainings and educational programs for continuing education. Their goal is to achieve openness and sincerity in communication with the client. They believe that in each of us, nature has a desire for development and self-improvement.

1. Ethical violations in the organization

Serious ethical issues are now emerging at the micro level, within organizations, in areas such as:

Making management decisions;

The relationship between managers and subordinates;

Official disclosures;

The position of women in the organization;

Mutual services.

There are four groups of main arguments justifying the adoption of managerial decisions that are incorrect from an ethical point of view:

The belief that this activity does not go beyond the ethical and legal norms, that is, in fact, it is not immoral;

Confidence that this activity is in the interests of an individual or corporation and that such actions are expected;

Confidence that the activity is “safe” as it will never be discovered and made public;

The belief that because the activity helps the organization, it will be tolerant and even protect the person doing it.

A significant number of people who find themselves in an ambiguous business situation consider all those actions that were not prohibited to be correct. Top managers, as a rule, rarely directly ask their subordinates about illegal or reckless actions, but often make it clear that they would prefer not to know about something, while hinting at significant rewards. Grassroots managers generally lack clear guidelines on which aspects of their business will be overlooked and which ones will be condemned.

Ambitious managers are looking for ways to attract attention, to stand out from others. Some people think that it is not difficult to look good in the short term if you avoid doing things that will only work in the long term (for example, you can ignore the repair service, or retraining, or the problem of improving customer service). Managers are often promoted on the basis of "huge" results achieved in precisely this way, and their less fortunate followers are responsible for earlier decisions. Many cases of illegal behavior in organizations are never investigated. In moments of crisis, the boundaries of unacceptable actions are generally "forgotten".

The relationship between managers and subordinates affects the entire nature of business communication, largely determining its moral and psychological climate. This concerns, first of all, how and on the basis of what orders are given in the management process, what is the service discipline expressed, whether subordinates participate in decision-making, what methods are used to encourage subordinates to take more active actions, to what extent their individuality is taken into account.

A significant part of people, meeting in organizations with egregious facts of waste, deception or corruption, does nothing to expose them. Starting from childhood, informing elders about the unseemly deeds of their peers, and later - colleagues or immediate superiors, is perceived by many very negatively. From an ethical point of view, there is indeed a moral dilemma in such situations. The question arises about the criteria for the correctness of this kind of information.

Every year the share of women in production, in management, in the public service is constantly increasing. Women are increasingly conquering paid employment and professions. But, despite the progress made in the position of women in the organization, they continue to face serious problems, including: earnings, in contrast to men working in the same field, are lower; restriction of career advancement to senior management positions (the so-called "glass ceiling"); sexual harassment that affects activities and future careers.

Often in business relations, problems are resolved in violation of the existing legal, economic, and moral order, through the use of the position of individuals with privileged access to goods and services. In a mutual service system, the recipient is obliged to return the service sometime in the future, but with "interest". And when the service is returned, the person who previously provided it is again obliged to repay for this even greater service. As it grows, the system of this kind of informal relationships based on the principle “you - me, I - you” destroys the existing official relations between people and organizations. The situation with illegal or immoral receipt of certain goods or services can take an ethically more complex form, when a person does not represent his own interests, but the interests of the organization, that is, its personnel, customers, consumers. A cultural tradition that is closely related to the system of mutual services is gifts. Giving or receiving a gift means much more than just a friendly gesture. Difficulties in the traditional exchange of gifts are associated with the establishment of criteria for distinguishing a gift from a bribe and the corresponding assessment of staff behavior.

Based on a survey of leaders of various organizations in the United States, the following ethical issues arising in business relationships were identified:

Concealment of facts and incorrect information in reports during inspections;

Release of low-quality products or the need for its constant maintenance;

Overpricing or outright deception in business negotiations;

Excessive self-confidence in judgments, which can lead to damage to the interests of the company;

Unconditional obedience to leadership, no matter how unethical and unfair it may be;

Presence of favorites;

Inability to express your indignation and disagreement in an atmosphere of constant unethical actions;

Inability to pay due attention to family or personal affairs due to the abundance of work;

Production of products with questionable safety characteristics;

Failure to return any things or valuables taken at the workplace, from colleagues or from company funds;

Deliberately exaggerating the benefits of your work plan to gain support;

Exaggerated attention to moving up the hierarchical ladder to the detriment of the interests of the case;

Moving up the career ladder "over the heads" of colleagues;

Cheating employees in order to obtain benefits for the company;

Forging alliances with dubious partners in the hope of a fluke;

Delays and delays in the performance of their duties, which leads to a waste of company time and money;

Providing a negative impact on the social and political process by amending legislation for bribes.

To a large extent, this list of problems is also true for Russian conditions. Leaders and workers who face such problems cannot only follow what they have learned about morality in their families, from teachers, in the church, etc. to resolve them. Often immoral decisions are made and impartial acts are committed by people who are extremely honest. and have the best intentions. Modern business relationships are extremely ethical issues. To solve them, it is necessary to develop certain approaches, the establishment of "rules of the game" that contribute to the successful fulfillment of professional tasks by participants in business relations and the coordination of the interests of the business sphere and society.

Nikolay S., having worked in an insurance company for about a year as an economist, was appointed head of the civil liability insurance department. This was facilitated by a number of important circumstances that were taken into account by the company's management when making such a decision.

Nikolay S. had a good basic education, knew foreign languages, was sociable, energetic, and executive. During his time in the company, he has grown a lot as a specialist, demonstrating outstanding abilities. However, the very first working day of Nikolai S. as a manager was not successful. If, in general, the department staff met him kindly, but one of the experienced employees Valentina Grigorievna pointedly refused to recognize the new head. In response to the request of Nikolai S., which he addressed to all employees, to submit to him the reports on the work for the past month for review, Valentina Grigorievna stated the following:

“I have been working in the department for twenty years. Your predecessor as head of the department, Ivan Mikhailovich, whom we recently honorably retired, never checked my work. He was always confident in my qualifications and diligence. For the work that I have done during these years, I have been repeatedly rewarded. Your mistrust of me as a specialist offends me. "

Question: What decision should the head of the department Nikolay S. make? Suggest your version of the sequence of actions for the manager in a similar situation.

In my opinion, Nikolai S. should explain to the employee that this is not a check on her personally, this is a group report of the department to the higher management. Thus, Nikolay S., as an experienced manager, must apply the persuasion method to the employee, which will undoubtedly give positive results.

Thus, the actions of Nikolai S. should follow the following plan:


3.application of administrative measures

If the employee does not understand and does not begin to fulfill the duties assigned to her, then the manager has the right to apply administrative measures to her - from reprimand to dismissal.

If you are a manager, what of your tasks and powers could you, in your opinion, delegate to subordinates?

In any case, you need to delegate:

Routine work;

Specialized activities (i.e. those activities that your employees can do better than you);

Private questions;

Preparatory work (projects, etc.). In general, in each specific case, check any of the cases ahead of you for the possibility of delegation. The principle here is extremely simple - everything that employees can do should be done by employees. First, try evaluating jobs such as:

o preliminary formulation (but not the final fixation!) of goals, plans, programs and projects on which you must make decisions.

o participation in meetings for you at which your projects and proposals can be presented by your employees.

Never delegated:

Goal setting;

Final decision on strategic issues;

Control of results;

Employee motivation;

Tasks of special importance (tasks of group A);

High-risk tasks;

Unusual, exceptional cases;

Topical, urgent matters that do not leave time for explanations or rechecking;

Confidential tasks.

Delegation should be used in case of significant changes in the working situation, requiring a redistribution of functions and powers, namely:

When the personnel structure changes (new appointment, promotion, dismissal, etc.);

When reorganizing or restructuring a department (firm, division);

In crisis situations;

In the event of the emergence of new areas of activity or a change in competence.

6. Comment on any two statements: Within the framework of this question, students need to give 5 quotes, aphorisms in the field of management (indicating the author of the statement and the source, as well as their attitude to this statement).

"If a person does not have the data to become a leader, you cannot teach him, do not teach him." (A.P. Lukoshin)

It is difficult to agree with this opinion, in my opinion, leaders are not born, they become leaders. And I'm sure A.P. Lukoshin himself was not a star of the leadership from the very beginning.

All management ultimately comes down to stimulating the activity of other people (Lee Iacocca)

One of the most important functions of a manager is to stimulate the active work of his subordinates. If people have an incentive, then they will work in full force and the control function will take the last place.

When we try to pull out one thing, it turns out that it is connected with everything else (R. Moore). the meaning of the statement is that there are no separate cases and problems in the organization - everything is interconnected. If a manager solves one problem, then he may well have to solve another.

A one-of-a-kind process that brings together science, technology, economics, business and management is the process of scientific and technological innovation. It embodies the knowledge that a competent leader, an efficient scientist, engineer, smart official and just an educated member of society should have tomorrow. This is the process of transforming scientific knowledge into physical reality that changes society (J.R.Bright). the meaning of the statement is that at present, for the development of an organization, the most important thing is the introduction of innovations. It is no coincidence that today innovative management is actively developing - this is the key to stable development and success.

Be yourself with everyone you meet, but at the same time show the best that is in you (S. Goldwin). In fact, here we see a repetition of the Kantian moral imperative - the manager must use the best in himself - you cannot build a relationship with the staff on the negative.

When you already have a staff of trained, smart and energetic people, the next step is to stimulate their creativity (A. Morita). Incentives are the top priority for this manager. One of the most important functions of a manager is to stimulate the active work of his subordinates, and without this, the normal functioning of the organization is impossible.

It is much better that you yourself identify and use your strengths and capabilities, enjoy them and move forward with their help, rather than feel like in a wheelchair that others are driving behind you (S. German). A manager must actively stimulate himself, must know all the pros and cons of his character and personality. If a manager has problems in some area, then he can delegate them to a competent person, not allowing him to receive help from above.

List of references

1. Vesnin V.R. Technology for working with personnel and business partners. - M .: ELIT-2000, 2002.

2. Voropaev V.I. Personnel Management. - M .: Alance, 2005.

3. Gerchikova I.M. Management: Textbook. - M .: Banks and stock exchanges, UNITI, 1997.

4. Glushchenko V.V. Management: System Foundations. - Railway Moscow. region: LLP IPC "Wings", 2004.

5. Kuznetsov Yu. V., Podlesnykh V.I. Fundamentals of management. - SPb .: OLBIS, 2007.

6. Personnel management of the organization: Textbook / Ed. A.Ya. Kabanova. - M .: INFRA-M, 2005.

7. Project management: a reference guide / Ed. I.I. Mazura, V.D. Shapiro. M .: Higher school, 2001.

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The ethics of management consulting is usually talked about a lot at various professional gatherings, but it is not customary to write about it. Because the social space is limited, all more or less serious consultants know each other, you never know ... Today I am about him, and tomorrow - he is according to my reputation ... And reputation is orders, and orders are money and generally welfare. So we keep silent, creating a favorable environment for all kinds of crooks and crooks. And then they are used to judge the entire consulting community. So our delicacy and respect for each other turn into disaster for the entire professional community.

The ethical problems of management consulting can be divided into three large groups: problems of interaction between consultants, problems of the behavior of consultants in relation to clients and problems of behavior of clients in relation to consultants. From my point of view, the first group of problems completely and completely determines the content of the second. Since a person is a systemic and integral being, and the way he behaves with his fellow craft, inevitably becomes his way of dealing with clients. And, - do not discard this thought in stride! - both of these groups largely determine how the client will act in relation to the consultant.

Why, nevertheless, it is necessary to talk about ethical standards in the work of consultants? First of all, because any violation of ethical norms leads to the most negative and destructive consequences. Thus, the client does not receive help from the consultant. Destructive conflicts arise along all lines of interaction. The authority of the professional activity of consultants is falling. In client organizations, "intellectual starvation" sets in, often leading to a fatal outcome for the organization. The unstable stability of the formation of the market mentality and the market economy in the country as a whole is being violated ... And many other negative consequences.

There is one more issue that should be noted. When talking about the ethical issues of consultants, one cannot but talk about violations of ethical standards. And this "casts a shadow" on the community. I don't want that. Let's get out of this situation like this. We will look at cases of deviations from ethical standards in counseling as a warning to clients and consultants, as a way to trigger an "alarm bell" that will warn each time a potential client or consultant encounters a "convention breaker."

So, group number one ethical issues: norms and principles that are most often violated by consultants in interaction with each other.

1. They denigrate colleagues in front of potential clients in order to receive an order or simply "out of the kindness of their soul"... I have always been amazed at the delight with which some relish negative information about other people. It costs nothing to say about a colleague with a cannibal smile: "Oh, this one. This is how his clients are treated after his consultation ... And his wife left him recently ...". To seem big, bright and qualified against the background of a colleague drenched in mud is the direction of such people. And reap the fruits of your dirty deeds. But: evil released into the world always returns to a person in a tenfold size. This is the law of human life.

2. Stealing methods and other tools that represent the know-how of colleagues... I have already written about plagiarism in science once. There are three distinct types of plagiarists. First: a plagiarist bandit. This one simply takes other people's work and appropriates them to himself with clear eyes. And earnestly speaks everywhere about his brilliant achievements. The second type: a rogue plagiarist. This one somehow modifies the stolen and appropriated. Well, since he added something from himself - God himself commanded to consider it his own. And the third type: a plagiarist thief. Sometimes it is "conscientiously deluded". Sometimes - "Stole - blushed, stole - blushed ..." And more often they do not blush.

3. Take credit for others... Most often, this can be found in promotional materials. For example, a significant figure in the consulting industry announces that she has created something "for the first time in Russia." And five to seven years before that, another "figure" had created this "something" in a developed form that gives a serious practical effect. Therefore, when I hear that one of my colleagues “created something for the first time in Russia,” or even “in world practice,” I get on my guard and treat these declared feats with caution. The most objective judge is time. And it is it that has the right to judge who said "A" first. And if the person himself shouts about it - for me it is always doubtful.

4. They recommend each other "bad" clients (who are either not paying, or not ethical, or scandalous, etc.) in order to "please the other." Of course, this violation can be interpreted differently. For example: if you are such a tough consultant, try to deal with this client ... And then they watch with interest how the colleague who fell for the provocation, "bleeding", tries to save his reputation and make money. And they are very upset when he succeeds.

Group Two Ethical Issues: ethical norms and principles that are most often violated by consultants when interacting with clients.

1. They promise what they cannot do, or what cannot be done at all... The fact is that there are things that, with certain approaches, cannot be done. For example, it is impossible to change anything in an organization if you do not work within the framework of a human-centered approach. Technocratic and naturalistic-minded consultants have read or heard that any organization can be made super profitable. And they are trying to do this ... through improving accounting, or increasing the legal literacy of staff, or through improving financial schemes and the like. That, in principle, does not allow solving problems of this class. You can consider these situations the same "bona fide delusion". However, such intrusions of experts, who by mistake call themselves consultants, into the living tissue of an organization, in most cases do more harm than good (a change in some subsystem leads to an imbalance in established connections and interactions). What discredits professional consultants in the eyes of managers and owners.

2. They cheat the client, using stencil reporting documentation, in which the figures obtained in this organization are substituted. This case is a whole song. Some large consulting firms, relying on the absolutely correct thesis that business in the marketplace is a massive and technologized phenomenon, produce some "standard documents" (reports, projects, references, etc.), in which pieces of text are italicized, which should be replaced by the "invoice" obtained during the preliminary survey or diagnostics of the organization. In such documents, recommendations are also typical. The trouble is not that there are recurring phenomena and problems in different organizations. The point is that typical ideas about their solution do not come from the organic nature, characteristics or history of a given organization, but from someone else's experience, which has turned into a speculative scheme. Such solutions cannot be used in a specific organization, and when used, they cannot solve the problems of these organizations. Competent consultants understand this in the same way that a scientifically minded person understands that you cannot create a perpetual motion machine.

3. Use work in this organization to obtain information in the interests of another, possibly competitive. This case is actually already a criminal one. Since there is a concept of a trade secret, and there is a law that protects this secret. But among consultants, there are cases when a close relationship with one client leads to the fact that a consultant working for another client transfers information to the first about the second. In order to confirm your loyalty to the first. And it is possible to make money. In general human morality, in fact, this is called betrayal. Knowing that there are such cases, some businessmen "on the shore", that is, at the beginning of a relationship with a consultant, "put dots on i". So, one of the businessmen, whom I was recommended as an "extremely difficult", "difficult person", at the beginning of our cooperation, demanded that the entire team of consultants sign a "Confidentiality Agreement" in which the fine for violation of confidentiality was $ 10,000. We have signed. We have been cooperating for the third year. Not a bad way to prevent information leakage and punish possible leakage. I recommend to all businessmen.

4. They use manipulative technologies that allow, bypassing the client's consciousness, to force him to act in a certain way... Manipulation is, by definition, forcing a person to act in the way the manipulator needs, bypassing the consciousness of the person being manipulated. Many political consultants are masters of this business. The ability to manipulate the minds of the electorate is an indicator of the level of professionalism of consultants in this area. In the field of business and management consulting, manipulative methods are used less often. Maybe because businessmen are more attentive and sophisticated in working with people. It is possible that management consultants are less flawed than political ones. How does this happen? For example, a consultant needs to receive an order. He makes preliminary diagnostics and, based on its results, paints a terrible picture for the future customer, waiting for him if he does not immediately resort to the help of this consultant. Thoughtful phrases like "It may be too late ...", or "You are in for such an acute crisis that you have never experienced ..." And here an optimistic picture is painted, which will become reality if ... and so on. These are the simplest techniques. There are also more sophisticated ones. For example, to "anchor" some state of the client to induce this state when it comes to money matters. Or "mirror" gestures and behavioral reactions of the client, to create a sense of closeness and understanding with the counselor. It is clear that in these cases "do with him what you want" ... You need to know about this.

5. Overestimate (to get more money) or underestimate (to get at least something) the cost of work... "Ask for more - they will give at least half" is a fairly common logic, in accordance with which many consultants act. Not an accurate miscalculation of all parameters of future work, assessment, use of criteria, and so on, but the expectation that this will increase the image, solidity. I know a pretty sly young consulting firm that set a minimum cost of $ 30,000 for their work. I ask: "And they give?" “But what about,” a young creature, recently hatched from some kind of supernumerary university, answers me. “And we have also set bonuses…”. Some consultants, on the contrary, underestimate the cost of work, are "shy", perhaps they have a conscience. But in a civilized society, in general, dumping is flogged with rods. Once a well-known university professor proudly said to me: "I made a lot of money this month in consulting." "How much, if not a secret," I asked. “Three thousand rubles,” the professor answered importantly. Just some kind of country of unafraid professors. This is what non-professionalism is in the field of management consulting. And violation of corporate ethics. The price must strictly correspond to the volume, complexity and quality of the consultant's work.

6. They violate agreements with the client on the timing, volume, quality and efficiency of work. Recently, on a flight from Helsinki to Moscow, I met the head of a law firm from Finland. We sat side by side and started talking quickly. I started a conversation on a topic that has been tormenting me lately about guarantees that business people should give each other, about guarantees that these guarantees are real ... and so on. For him, everything was so simple: you need to register all mutual guarantees in the agreement as a legal document, and that's it. I say how is everyone? And if they throw it? "No, - he laughed. - You agreed with him, and wrote it down in the contract." I asked cautiously, but they are not being thrown? It happens, he says, but at the same time a person's image deteriorates, he loses his authority, as a result he will lose clients. And then there is a whole system, courts, arbitrations, and some other bodies that monitor all this. People know this and are simply afraid to break their word. That is, the ethical norm is supported by a system of legal norms, various organizations and the whole way of life. Well, let's say we also have something. Both the courts and the arbitration system. And we know about the importance of business authority not by hearsay. And security services in serious companies and banks. And the lads are always on hand. Just a person should know that for breaking a word, a promise, it will be long and painful to beat. Then everything will be in order with us with business ethics.

7. They organize the work in such a way that the client turns to this consultant again and again ("put on a consulting needle"). Many foreign and our IT firms compose programs in such a way that after a certain moment the client who bought this software has problems: help is required. Who to contact? Naturally, to the one who made the corresponding software and installed the system. So you can feed for decades. And some of our management consultants go there too. At the end of some period of joint work, the consultant says: you have a new problem ... I met with such people, I know, I can help ... Or even more sophisticated move: you need constant consulting services. In world practice, this is called "outsourcing" (transfer of a part of management functions to a third party). So maybe it's not about ethics? And in the deepening system of division of labor and progressive specialization? This is a subject for thought.

Group Three Ethical Issues: ethical norms and principles that are most often violated by clients when interacting with consultants.

1. Refuse to pay, discrediting the results of the consultant's work. An awful unpleasant situation for a consultant. I remember that the driver of one company, who was taking us to an unfamiliar boarding house for a seminar, got lost, and we were late for an hour and a half. The furious leader, meeting us at the entrance, said the first phrase: "You are late, and I am fine you a thousand bucks." Conversations were pointless. And since the beginning was, as you know, terrible, the seminar went very hard, and in the end we were paid half, explaining that we "did not work well." "Well, thank God," I thought with relief. But I would never want to meet with this customer again…. There are other cases as well. Once the job is done, its value to the client often diminishes. And for him to pay, "you have to run" sometimes for six months. That is why we always try to work with one hundred percent prepayment. What I wish other consultants too.

2. Require more work from the consultant for the same money, or without them at all... There are practically no norms of intellectual, and especially, creative, work in the field of consulting support of management and business. It's just that people agree, relying on generally accepted rather vague concepts about the project, problems, diagnostics, solutions, and so on. And really, what is, for example, "to diagnose"? First, "why" diagnostics - business, management systems, problems, human potential? ... Secondly, it can be a months-long study, or a two-hour meeting with the team, or just a conversation with the first person. There are, of course, whole batteries of special diagnostic methods. But the depth of understanding the situation often more depends not on them, but on the intuition and experience of the consultant. For example, in one hour of meeting with the first person, I, with my more than twenty years of consulting experience, will receive as much information as a novice consultant will receive in half a year of research. And maybe more. This means that for an hour, given my experience and depth of understanding of the situation, I have to pay the same amount as he paid for half a year of work. However, the client, especially when he is free from ethical standards, can always say that I have not done enough for this. And then - see point one. I have come across situations when a potential client used the ideas of consultants for a long time at all free of charge, constantly saying that "we will orient ourselves, and then we will do a large project." This issue is especially acute at the moment of "reckoning", if the consultant allowed full or partial payment for his labor after the work done.

3. They critically evaluate the methods and forms of the consultant's work (interfere in his "kitchen"), "knocking him down" at the same time psychologically. It happens all the time. Just like most people, doctors, psychologists, politicians, and experts on how to solve all problems in general, they are also specialists in the field of management consulting. Recently, at a seminar with one large structure, the head of the security service, a huge man with an impenetrable serving face, annoyed me all day with critical remarks like: "You have the wrong methods of conducting the seminar," or: "You should not do this here, but this ... ", or:" Why isn't this consultant loaded with you? " And so he got me that at some point I came close to him and said with a rather charismatic pressure: "Do you think I understand anything about your safety?" At first he was confused, then his combat training worked, and he reported: "No!" "Do I come to you with my opinions on the organization of the work of the security service?" He backed up and answered more quietly: "Well, no ..." "What are you doing?" The hard work of thought reflected on his face ... The tactless interference of the organization's employees in the consultant's kitchen is more a law than an exception. Well, will you give him an educational program on system analysis, methodology of consulting, methodology of organizaton development and two or three dozen more extensive disciplines, without which it is impossible to become a professional consultant in the field of management? And psychologically it is insanely difficult to control yourself when they give you amateurish advice, or just say nonsense with an important air.

4. Fighting consultants against the changes they are proposing for which they were invited... Sometimes customers stop working half way, disrupting the technology of change in the organization and causing it irreparable damage. One of the possible reasons - problems arising during the restructuring of the business or management system. In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about "change management" because the main difficulties are concentrated here. A consultant, for example, is hired to help tame a raging bureaucracy, but that same bureaucracy starts a war on change and its chief agent, the consultant, and often wins the battle. After all, it is the bureaucracy that is the force that cannot be defeated for decades, since it is armed with professional methods of struggle and self-defense - denunciations, the formation of a negative opinion about a person or some kind of venture, intrigues, pitting people against each other, inciting hostility and conflicts between groups and so on and so forth. And since there are elements of bureaucracy in any organization, changes that begin with a consulting project cause its evil spirit, and it begins to fight against what the consultant was invited for. And the first person starts to frown. And you are already smiling less. And the solution of even the smallest issues is delayed ...

5. Defamation of consultants in front of their potential future clients for the purpose of psychological compensation for their own shortcomings, or simply for the same "kindness". Well, when the consultants were dealt with, they naturally speak badly of them. "We worked here alone, we know, they say, these consultants ..." And their friends, friends shamelessly vilify the unfortunate consultants, fortunately, they cannot get change. And this further aggravates the disgusting situation. So, "the client is always right"?

6. Arrange tenders for the selection of consultants, using the knowledge and experience of the applicants for free... Three times I have participated in such "tenders". Until I figured out all the background. Correct, gallant, smart, concerned about the fate of the market development in Russia ... "Please prepare your resume." "Besides you, we have five more consulting firms in the tender." "Now let's hold a meeting with the owners." "How would you solve this problem?" "Nothing, think, get ready." "What are the best methods to use for this problem?" "What is the best way to solve this question?" And so on, for two or three months. One such firm hired a "winning" consultant on the project. A month later, she threw him out with a bang, pouring all possible slops after him. After that, his psyche simply could not stand it. Now he is disabled. Thank God that I have not won any such tender.

So here is, in fact, a micro-encyclopedia of ethical violations in the counseling world. Of course, this world is not only about situations like this. On the contrary, they are not so common. However, in such a concentrated form, violations make a strong impression. And it's worth thinking about, realizing your own violations, remembering situations when you suffered from someone's unethicality. Think over and cleanse this. To treat such social suppuration, a surgical route is needed. Which is what I tried to do.

When I finished this article, I decided to check what impression it made and read it to my fellow consultant. I didn’t really like the reaction: “It’s like falling out in the mud: trying everything on yourself.” But not to write for the hundredth time that consultants have dozens of ethical codes. Every consulting firm has such a code. Every association. Including at the international level. That in the professional community only those who agree with the norms of these codes are accepted. There are many known cases when a person was expelled from the community for violating ethical standards. So, here I just outlined the violations that are prohibited in the community. This is a "brick" that prohibits traffic, a red light of a traffic light: this cannot be done.

1 V.S. Dudchenko. "Ontosynthesis of Life". - M .: Publishing house "Granitsa", 1999. Chapter 3. Ontosynthesis of bluff, pp. 45-50.


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