Sample masseur resume. Sample resume for a masseur, sample for job seekers Sample resume for a massage therapist for work

Looking for a masseur job? We will help you!
The first positive impression a new employee creates about himself is on his resume. Using our massage therapist resume template, you can be sure that this is the impression you will make. In addition, a well-written questionnaire is a competent approach to job search. You won't have to get bored for weeks waiting for invitations.

There are two types of resume templates:

  • For beginners.
  • For professionals with work experience.

Using a template is your advantage.

  1. You will not go unnoticed. By filling out our template with your data, you will receive a competent resume. With him you will not have to wait long for an interview, it is verified, we have already helped many.
  2. Convenient format. The HR specialist will quickly navigate the information provided and find what is needed.
  3. Compactness. A HR manager in search of a specialist has to study a lot of information, as a rule, multivolume questionnaires do not please them. Our fill-in sample contains just what you need, so it's easy to learn.
  4. Correct structure. The most important information about you as a specialist will be placed at the very beginning. Therefore, the likelihood that you will be noticed faster increases immediately. All the most important things about you will be read in the first lines.
  5. The versatility of the template. Having used our masseur resume once, you can use it more than once. By easily and quickly changing the data in it, you can safely send it for a new vacancy. Making changes is extremely simple and quick.

The work of a massage therapist is closely intertwined with medicine. Practicing a variety of techniques, a professional is able to improve a person's well-being.

But the main thing in this matter is not to harm. Therefore, the first thing that employers will pay attention to when looking for valuable personnel in this area is the availability of medical education.

The quality of filling out the resume also plays an important role. A detailed reflection of important facts of the biography and personal qualities is welcomed when inviting for an interview and makes the questionnaire stand out from other standard templates.

For a better understanding, consider a ready-made massage therapist resume sample.

Sample masseur resume

An exemplary massage therapist resume

Before you start filling out the main points of the questionnaire, you should prepare the following information data:

  • Business style photo - it is important to create a good impression on the first visual acquaintance. The position of a massage therapist involves communication with people. Neutral business, better professional, job seeker photo.
  • Education information, trainings, courses on professional development. When filling out these points, it is necessary to register the exact names of the institutions, the year of graduation.
  • Recommendations. The presence of links or attachments with reviews from previous employers will generate additional interest.
  • Work experience information - the name of companies, institutions and length of service will be required.
  • Contact details.

In the applicant's questionnaire, there is a column about the desired salary. By skipping this question, you run the risk of encountering inappropriate suggestions. However, exaggerated requirements are not of interest. Therefore, before filling out the item, it is important to study the indicators of the average salary in the field of professional activity in your region.

"You should be very serious about writing a resume, all the information provided must be reliable, otherwise you will not meet the employer's expectations and ruin your reputation."

Experience of the massage therapist

Professional experience is the basis for finding a job seeker.

Most employers want to see an experienced specialist in their company.

When filling out information about the experience, you should focus on the following points:

  1. Filling in the gaps. It's good if you have continuous experience - this speaks of your relevance in the labor market, unless you change jobs one after another. Working with several companies in one year does not characterize you as a valuable employee.

    If there are career gaps, you can go for the trick and try to hide them or provide a reasonable explanation for the official inactivity. For example, if the break was several months, you can indicate continuous work experience in the questionnaire. The long absence of official employment can be beaten as time spent on self-development - attending trainings, courses on acquiring knowledge of massage techniques, learning languages, etc.

    Never associate career gaps with a crisis in a country or finding the best deal. The wrong decision is to indicate non-existent places of work.

  2. Distribution of priorities. When filling out a resume, it is important to highlight work experience over the past three years, and not recall the beginning of a career. If after completing certain courses you have been promoted, be sure to indicate this fact.
  3. Lack of clericality. Describe your job responsibilities in previous jobs in a concise and understandable language.

An example of work experience in a massage therapist's resume:

    Term of the work:


    MK "Blagomed"

  • Position:



    - Wellness massage;
    - Massage for pathologies;
    - Rehabilitation practices.

Remember that employers only spend a few seconds studying a resume. They are not interested in your complete biography. Attention is paid only to specific facts.

Lack of work experience

It is always difficult to start a career on your own, but experience comes with time. At the very first stages, a masseur can apply for the position of an intern, an assistant to an experienced specialist, a student.
With no work experience it is necessary to focus on other sections of the resume: "Skills", "About me".

Masseur education

All these educational institutions: refresher courses, trainings - should only be relevant to your professional activities.

If you, for example, have ever studied the 1C program, this fact can be omitted when applying for the position of a masseur.

An example of education in a massage therapist's resume:

    State University of Physical Culture and Sports


    Physical education and human health



    Year of ending:

Masseur skills in resume

Pay particular attention to describing general and professional skills. Best sample resume of masseur should include relevant techniques that the applicant knows.

Please provide additional information about skills that complement your profession and highlight your skill level.

Avoid the obvious when filling out. It is not necessary to indicate that you understand anatomy or are familiar with contraindications to massage.

About yourself in the masseur's resume

The conclusion should set you apart from other massage therapists.

"Do not clutter the section with text about your hobbies and interests."

The employer doesn't care how you spend your free time. If necessary, he will find out about this in person.

Key information should be description of universal professional skills: the ability to draw up individual programs, taking into account the patient's condition, to develop their own methods, to learn innovative massage techniques, etc.

The shorter and simpler the final text, the better the resume for a massage therapist, a sample of which is presented above.

Example "About me" in the massage therapist's resume:

  • To localize the focus of irritation, I use in my profession unique diagnostic skills to determine the main and concomitant failure in the body systems. I have a valid masseur certificate, experience in bathing, work with pregnant women, and also conduct restorative sessions after childbirth.

Massage therapist contact information

The form of these contacts is also important. For example, a well-crafted postal email address that indicates a professional occupation will emphasize a serious approach.

Right Wrong
[email protected]website [email protected]website

Email of the same type: [email protected] can scare off a potential employer.

All contacts must be effective so that there are no difficulties in communicating with you.

Example of contact details in a massage therapist's resume:

Final check of the masseur's resume

After the questionnaire is completely filled out, you need to re-read the entire text aloud several times, taking breaks between checks:

  • Carefully check the names of all specified companies, institutions;
  • Edit not very good phrases;
  • Let the "independent expert" read the questionnaire.

The sample can be downloaded and, using its template, create your own unique resume that will be of interest to many employers.

Looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our sample of filling out a resume for the position of a massage therapist (an experienced specialist or a beginner without work experience) will help you. A competent resume will greatly increase your chances of finding a job.

There are two types of massage therapist resume template

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those who have no experience yet.

Template benefits

1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people create a “selling”, strong resume and understood what works and what doesn't. This massage therapist resume template is a field-proven practice.

2) Standard format. Every hr manager and director will instantly find the information they need in their resume. It's simple.

3) Compactness. If you think that someone needs 4 sheets of your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of the right resume for a massage therapist.

4) Important things at the top. What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those who are engaged in recruiting. This will give you an edge over other candidates.

5) The resume can simply be changed depending on the vacancy. To quickly find a good job, it is most effective to slightly change your resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our sample of how to write a massage therapist resume. It allows you to make changes instantly.

To download a sample massage therapist resume, click on the link below.

The work of a massage therapist is associated with a superficial mechanical effect on the human body, which improves well-being. This profession is related to medicine and has many different methods and directions.

If you are writing a resume for a massage therapist, you need to describe all your skills and knowledge, from education to techniques. The first thing to indicate is the availability of appropriate education, it can be an institute, technical school or courses, the main thing is the presence of a certificate of "Masseur" It is good if you have knowledge in the field of medicine, because this profession is closely related to it. Further experience in a similar position, because real skill comes only with experience. And the main thing in the resume is professional skills, here you can describe the techniques that you own, knowledge of human physiology, massage techniques. Personal qualities are also important - benevolence, hard work, individual approach, learning ability, responsiveness.

See also other resume examples:

Download a sample masseur resume:

Vinogradov Andrey Igorevich
(Andrey I. Vinogradov)

Goal: Replacing the position of a masseur in a massage parlor.


september 2002 - July 2005, Moscow Medical College, specialty "Nursing", specialist diploma (full-time department).

Additional education:

august 2005 - Masseur courses, St. Petersburg.
November 2012 - Oriental massage courses, St. Petersburg.

Work experience:


october 2005 - March 2008, First City Hospital, St. Petersburg.
Functional responsibilities:
- conducting sessions of health massage;
- work with postoperative patients;
- development of individual techniques.


may 2008 - January 2012, Massage salon "Pleasure", St. Petersburg.
Functional responsibilities:
- Carrying out massage sessions (anti-cellulite, medical, physiotherapy);
- consulting clients.


march 2012 - September 2016, Beauty salon "Irbis", St. Petersburg.
Functional responsibilities:
- conducting sessions of oriental massage;
- training of specialists.

Professional skills:

- Experience in conducting training sessions;
- Possession of the basics of physiology and physiotherapy exercises;
- Knowledge of various massage techniques;
- Languages: Russian fluently; English - basic level.

Personal qualities:

Benevolence, observation, responsiveness.
Sociability, perseverance, hard work.

Additional information:

Marital status: Married.
Have you got a children.

We hope that our sample resume for the position of massage therapist helped you in creating your resume for work. Back to section ..


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