Personal exhibition in kindergarten. Project “Personal exhibition of the child. Organization of a personal exhibition

Every child is an artist.

The difficulty is to

stay artist coming out

from childhood

Pablo Picasso

One of the conditions of GEF DO is to support the individuality and initiative of children. Therefore, the teachers of our preschool educational institution are trying to help each child to fulfill themselves; let him feel it, albeit small, but a success so that he feels confidence, strength and desire to create in himself. Personal exhibitions of children's creativity help children to reveal themselves, to notice their own “zest” in each.

A personal exhibition is a modern form of work uniting the efforts of a teacher, a foster child and his parents. Personal exhibition provides for the presentation of the achievements of the child. And these are not only drawings, but also crafts, applications from different materials: from dried leaves, flowers, from plasticine, clay, color dough, from natural material, waste material, paper and cardboard, fabric and threads, etc. The main purpose of the exhibitions is the formation of a child's positive self-esteem and internal motivation for achievement. Tasks that this form of work for the development of the child helps to solve:

  • Reveal yourself as an individual in the eyes of peers.

  • Gain experience in presenting your achievements.

  • To acquire skills in building communication with peers and adults who are exhibitors.

The exhibition is organized according to the approved schedule of the group at the beginning of each week of the school year and is valid for a week until replacement with new works. Teachers organize an exhibition in a group reception. Drawings and applications selected for the exhibition are hung out in specially and aesthetically designed frames, and crafts can be placed on special shelves or tables.

When arranging a personal exhibition among children's works, a photograph of the child is placed, his name and surname are indicated.

On the first day of the solo exhibition, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the new exhibition, gives the name and surname of the child - the author of the work. At a separately scheduled time, he conducts a tour of the exhibition, during which: the most successful work is noted, interesting, original. The child is encouraged for the successes and efforts. The teacher also gives his recommendations - wishes for further creativity. Works from a personal exhibition are made out in the portfolio of the pupil by the group's educators.

Work on a personal exhibition helps parents to get to know their child, their interests, tastes, makes it possible to actively participate in his life, to be able to empathize and see the growth of children (creative, intellectual, emotional).

For educators and specialists of a preschool educational institution, a personal exhibition provides the opportunity for successful interaction with each other in order to develop common working methods.

For children - this is a good opportunity for self-expression, self-realization. Personal exhibition contributes to their emotional and sensory development, friendly attitude towards each other.

Sincerely, J.A. Tyutikova, Senior Educator

  MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 67"


"Personal exhibition of the child"

Type of project:   Creative, individual.

Group name: wishing children of the preparatory group.

Name of teacher:   teacher of fine arts.

Space: Kindergarten art studio.

Launch Date:   March 20g.

Terms of implementation: March-April of the school year.

The relevance of the project.

On the basis of the order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation No. 000 dated 01.01.2001. in educational institutions introduced the mandatory creation of a children's portfolio.

Portfolio of a preschooler   - this is a piggy bank of personal achievements of the child in various types of activities, a piggy bank of his successes, a piggy bank of his positive emotions, the opportunity to relive the pleasant moments of his life once again.

Gathering a portfolio for a child, we can not only record his successes, but also follow the dynamics, evaluate the strengths of his development, and outline the skills that require development.

In our kindergarten in   its structurethe following sections are included. :

Title page

Get to know me

My family

No word is gold

Homeland is always nearby

Visiting a fairy tale

Romance of travel

I'm interested

Golden pens

Verge of talent

The section "Edge of Talent" is of interest. Many children achieve significant success by studying in sports sections, music and dance schools, various studios and in children's creativity circles both within the walls of the kindergarten and in institutions of further education. And someone spends whole hours doing what he likes at home. Of course, these activities should not be ignored. This section will help to closely monitor the interest of the child and record the results achieved.

For children who are keen on artistic activities, the idea came up to hold personal exhibitions with their presentations.

This form of work appeared from the following considerations:

Artistic and creative activity is one of the main activities of preschool children, but at the same time, its results are presented, as a rule, only in the form of exhibitions.

The degree of active participation of the child in the presentation of his visual achievements is limited due to the complexity of this form of work for children of this age.

What does the presentation of a personal exhibition suggest?

Personal exhibition presentation   - This is a kind of art exhibition, which involves acquainting viewers with the works of one author, and accompanied by his comments.


It is selected in preparation for the exhibition, based on the theme of the exhibition and the works selected by the child

Objective of the project:

To identify children who are passionate about art, to show other children the possible form of presentation of their hobbies ..

Tasks that this form of work helps to solve:

Child's disclosure of himself as an individual in the eyes of his peers.

Gaining experience in presenting your achievements.

The acquisition of skills in building communication with peers and adults who are exhibitors.

Realization of the child’s opportunity to become an equal subject in the formation of materials in his portfolio.

Project participants:

Children of the preparatory group, parents, educators:, teacher of fine arts.

Project implementation conditions:

The child's interest in visual activity and the presence of his work.

The desire not only to show their achievements, but also to talk about them.

Interest on the part of parents and teachers in conducting this event.

The presence of a demonstration space in the environment of the kindergarten.

Expected Result:

Making a child’s personal exhibition, joint selection of materials for presentation, independent presentation of drawings.

The desire of other children to present their achievements.

Types of children and adults:

· Consideration of the work (drawings, applications, collages, crafts, etc.) of the child;

· Joint selection of works for the exhibition;

· Reading poems, fairy tales, small stories in order to select works of art suitable to reflect the content of the work;

· The reasoning of the child on the work done;

· Registration of children's work;

· Placement of work in the premises of the art studio;

· Organization of art studio space for children to view the exhibition;

· Speech of the child with the presentation of his work;

· Presenting a certificate to a child

  Stages of work on the project.





The first stage (preparatory)

Selection of drawings for the exhibition with the child and his parents

The choice of a common topic is formulated based on the topics of the selected works

The presence of a folder with selected works of the child

Teachers of the group.

The second stage (organizational)

The choice of the form of presentation of their work

Selection of literary material (if these are verses, then their memorization)

Design and placement of children's work in the intended place

Organization of space for comfortable viewing of the exhibition by children

There may be a selection of musical accompaniment

Selected or invented materials (poems, tales, descriptive stories, etc.) to the story of each work.

Decorated and you

Art teacher, child and parents

The third stage (presentation)

Grand opening of the exhibition

Presentation by the child of his drawings

The story of the child about his drawings.

Teacher from izo, child, educators and children of the preparatory group.

The fourth stage (final)

Statements of the attitude of the audience to the works of the author.

A generalization of the child’s self-esteem and the teacher’s statements of the children (summing up the exhibition).

Presentation of a diploma of a participant in a personal exhibition to replenish the piggy bank of his achievements (“Facets of Talent” block).

Child selection of drawings from the exhibition in the portfolio.

Portfolio replenished with drawings, the desire of other children to participate in the same event.

Art teacher, child and parents, group educators

Personal exhibition - ethat is the point from which the child will take a step to achieve new goals.

For children-spectators - this is an opportunity to see their friend from a different point of view, but for someone an incentive to try themselves in this type of activity.

This form of work has shown its effectiveness. This is a great opportunity for a child to show his achievements, hidden talents. In our kindergarten for three years, any child has this opportunity.

Presentation of Sonya Stebletsova

Two parrots perched on a branch.

"Hooray!" - screamed, frightening someone.

They probably didn’t want to scare anyone,

We just decided to have a little chat.

This is my room.

Dad and mom are in it and not only me

And there’s no brother in the portrait,

But I love them more than anyone in the world.

What a silence around

As soon as a splash of water is heard ...

You look closely, my friend,

Here are birds of wonderful beauty.

If you believe in a fairy tale,

Take a look at these flowers.

Fairies met in them today,

They exchanged their magic.

You will never find

In our northern forests


Armored turtles.

And in sunny Brazil.

My Brazil

Such an abundance of unprecedented animals.

I painted a magic theater

Dance wanted to portray awesome ...

Ballerinas try hard

They are great at everything.

And I worked too

Therefore, everything worked out for me.

Were stacked in a basket

Pineapples, oranges

Everyone is happy with the delicious food.

Tili tili dough

Cat and cat bride and groom ...

You hear?

"Bitterly!" - shout. This is a wedding for kittens.

Look guys

How kittens play here.

How balls of balls roll,

Claws cling.

I like the sun I love the sun

I like the spring I love spring

I like the birds

That twitter and sing who chirp and sing

The sky frowns with snow

Winter is long gone

But there is on our street

The magic window.

Winter paint summer

In the window you will see -

Lively, colorful,

Singing flowers.

Autumn left us gifts.

Still life turned bright.

Red apples burn

Attracting our gaze

The leaves swirl quietly

They sank smoothly onto the table.

Smolentseva Olesya

Met at the bench

Nice couple.

A cat named Vasily

The most fashionable and beautiful.

Murka cat dressed up

(In a hurry).

Oh, how Vasya likes it

Murochka is a beauty!

In the clearing on the flower

Flowers gathered in a circle.

Chat, laugh

Hold hands together:

Here is a daisy - a white shirt,

Cornflower - a carved petal,

Forget-me-not - cute baby.

One, two, three, four, five -

Cars go so fast

Only tires rustled along the road.

To cross the road

Traffic light should be on the way.

Green - will show you the way,

Yellow - tells about the danger,

Red firmly says: “No!”,

And do not argue guys in return.

Silence in the forest in winter:

And the branches won't move

The squirrel doesn't run home

And the moose is in no hurry.

Sleeping bear in a warm den,

The foxes hid in burrows.

It's a night with a white moon

In the winter forest has replenished.

Hedgehog running through the forest

Yes, I met someone.

He slowed down a little

And laid out the needles.

Guess you guys

Who did the hedgehog meet in the forest?

A fish floating in the water

And all the girlfriends are calling:

Chat, dance.

Hide and seek fun to play.

Only silence in response.

Maybe no one else is in the sea?

A bird flew into the sky

For grass slightly hurt.

A flock of birds will wait

And then south into flight!

He juggles balls

Having fun with us.

Guess who it is

And give the answer soon!

Two lamb in the morning

first played out

And after not getting along

and immediately got bored.

Nastya is standing here with flowers.

You see it yourself.

This girl is my friend

I will tell all my friends about it.

Leaves filled with the sun

Leaves soaked in the sun

Poured, heavy

Sweating and flying

Rustled through the bushes

Galloped through the knots.

The wind is spinning gold

It makes a golden rain.

Slepova Olya

The country is blue, a wonderful country,

From edge to edge she is visible to me.

In it, the butterfly will open its wings

And bring cold winter with you.

The laughter in the circus is heard again

Speaker clown Vova!

The mood will lift everyone

Stress, fatigue famously relieve.

These letters are not simple,

These letters are mischievous!

Imechko hid in them, which one - guess?

When you guess, give the answer soon!

There are creepers hanging from the trees

Different monkeys live in the jungle,

Large, gray elephants roam ...

Sometimes I have such dreams.

Pink sun

At dawn I got up

At noon it became scarlet

It shone in the sky

Crimson Tired

Over the woods fell.

Again Autumn is dancing in a circle.

Soon, very soon cold.

And while the leaves turn yellow

They painted Autumn with a brush.

Choose a brighter color

And on the leaves checked.

A large animal footprint has been pressed

Into the flesh of yellow sand.

In the yellow, lush desert

The camel came from far away.

A wonderful miracle is in this world.

Adults and, of course, children know about it.

The northern sky will bloom with flowers ...

Admire him, smile with us.

Only the sun will rise

Mother Hare immediately rises.

Kashu cooks at the stake

To my hares and a little to me.

Quietly the candle melts

And I really like it.

If you wish to make a wish,

Then, probably, someone will execute it.

Fur coat

Dressed the whole world

What season is it?


This is a cool car

This is a red car.

Cargo transports

And does not ask for help.

Easy to pick flowers

Small children

But to the one who is so tall

It's not easy to pick a flower!

"Jerzy Ezhovichi"

All Day Jerzy Ezovici

Collect fruits - vegetables.

Plums, Apples and Pears

Dry on stumps and bumps,

Cucumbers and tomatoes

Carefully worn in burrows ...

Know if there is food,

Not terrible and cold.


In the sky above the dunes

Yellow, sandy

The sun is like yolk.

And with an "emergency" landing

Expose boldly paws.

This house is from the letter Dae,

You will not find this anywhere.

My friends can live in it,

Dad, mom and of course me.

Who is this creeping

And the house is lucky on itself?

Yes! This is a snail!

Crawling, lucky house

Yes, and smiles!

Three bears returned from a walk home.
Mom to son: - My hands before eating.
Dad to mom: - An empty plate is standing.
Son - dad: - Mine also shines with a donut.
Son - mom: - Who ate from my plate?
As I now scream that there is power!
Mom flashing her eyes menacingly: - Shut up!
I haven’t put any porridge yet.

Noisy my sea shell
And I remember him!
I remember on the waves of freckles -
The grains of sand sparkled with fire!

In the forest ants goosebumps
They live their work
They have their own customs
And the anthill house.
Loving tenants
Do not sit idle:
In the morning, fighters run to the post,
And nurses in kindergarten.
Working ant in a hurry
Labor path,
Rustling from morning to evening
In the grass and under the foliage.

  WITH January 22, 2018   in our kindergarten opened exhibition of worksthe pupil of group No. 24 "Friendly family"   Dima Bordachev "The world through the eyes of a child" .

Dima is a very creative, active, inquisitive child. He has many interesting hobbies, but Dima's favorite pastime is painting. Dima gives preference in the performance of his work to pencils, although drawings in watercolor and gouache work well.

Topics for his "paintings" the boy chooses the most different: fairy tales,


  holiday events.

  The plot of drawings Dima invents himself! For almost every job, he is ready to tell an interesting story that both children and adults are happy to listen to.

Dima is a participant in many competitions. Last year, he won the international competition "St. Gabriel through the Eyes of a Preschooler", held in Bialystok (Poland).

We heartily congratulate our Dima on his first solo exhibition and hope that she will have a great continuation!

You have no opportunity to visit this exhibition? Do not be discouraged. We invite milestones to


Personal exhibitions in kindergarten»

“Every child is an artist.

The difficulty is to remain an artist,

coming out of childhood».

Pablo Picasso

Many children achieve significant success by studying in various studios and circles. children’s   creativity in the walls kindergarten, and in institutions of further education. And someone spends whole hours doing what he likes at home. For those keen on art in our kindergarten   there is a tradition of personal exhibitions of our pupils.

Positive emotions form the basis of children's mental health and emotional well-being. And since drawing is a source of a child’s good mood, one should support and develop an interest in fine art such personal exhibitions. After all, this world, every child sees in his own way.

Why did this form of work appear?

Artistic and creative activity is one of the main activities of preschool children, and its results are usually presented in the form exhibitions.

The degree of active participation of the child in the presentation of his visual achievements is limited due to the complexity of this form of work for preschool children.

Personal exhibition   Is a kind of art exhibitions, which involves introducing viewers to the works of one author, and is accompanied by his comments.

Draw a little artist

Do not spare the paper!

Draw a thaw in the forest

Kitten on the blockage

And cranes in the sky!

Dipping narrow brush

And in the sun and in the lilac

Draw, draw tirelessly

This is a peaceful day.

In our kindergarten   organized an art studio "Young artist", in whose work much attention is paid to the development of the child as a person with his individual abilities. I, as the head of the art studio, try to help every child fulfill oneself: let him feel it, albeit small, but a success so that he feels confidence, strength and desire to create in himself. To help children to reveal themselves, to notice in each of his hidden talents help personal exhibitions of children's creativity.

It is they who create the conditions for children's self-realization in the process of artistic creation, help to improve the drawing technique, develop the responsiveness and emotional support of children in relation to each other, and celebrate their own progress.

In our kindergarten personal exhibitions   many years are spent and each exhibition   opens up more and more talents of our pupils.

Many children are gifted by nature. Some of them have a good example before their eyes - these are their gifted parents who like to paint in their free time, take their children to museums and exhibitions, watch video lessons on drawing with the children on the Internet and try to paint pictures with children on these video lessons.

Each child is unique as an artist and sees the world in his own way. In my practice was personal exhibition   the twin sisters Masha and Sveta Konovalov, who painted the same thing in completely different ways.

Had experience exhibitions, where dad Nikolai Mikhailovich Degtyarenko and his daughter Evelina painted on the same topic. It was very interesting to look at the paintings of father and daughter, to feel their attitude to the painted.

Most recently, in our pre-school institution took place exhibition   the works of the young artist of the preparatory group Motyshen Maya - 6 years.

From an early age, Maya loves to draw and is proud of her mother, an artist. From an early age, she dreams of seeing the Eiffel Tower and loves to draw it. Maya also loves to draw flowering trees and flowers.

Most of all, Maya likes to watch video tutorials on drawing and draw in gouache and acrylic paints on the theme of paintings by great artists.

Her wonderful exhibition decorated our kindergarten, filled it with bright colors. Maya wish her creative success in developing her talent, and we, teachers and parents, will always nearby: direct, prompt, teach, show.

Higher qualification teacher

MBDOU "38 "Crane"   Pyatigorsk,

Stavropol region

The Children's Work with Straw Association was established in 1987 on the basis of the Constellation House of Children's Creativity in the city of Sayansk. Children from grades 1 to 11 are engaged in the team, and all of them are united by creativity, dedication to what they love.

Holding personal exhibitions has become a good tradition of the team since 1994. Personal exhibitions of the children's association were held in the Regional House of Friendship, in the Regional Center for Folk Art and Leisure, in the Regional Association of Masters of Folk Art “ONIX”, the regional SibExpoCenter, Novosibirsk, Winter.

Solo exhibitions of older children are called "Inspiration". This is a holiday of Creativity, Beauty, Perfection. And for young craftswomen there are mini-exhibitions “I am not a magician, I am only learning!” From them originates creativity. The personal exhibition of the tutor of the children's association, carried away by straws for the eighth year, is presented at your court. The exhibition was held two years ago. Next year one more is planned. Kristina is a multiple winner of municipal, city, regional exhibitions, competitions, NPK. He generously shares his skills with children and adults in master classes.

The value of personal exhibitions is very high. Sometimes at school you may not notice any abilities of the child, and in institutions of additional education, children open up, realize themselves as a person! From the very first days of acquaintance with the team, children are interested in whether they will have their own exhibition. They still do not know how much, but there is a desire, strength, which means a lot of new interesting work for everyone to see.

The material presented can serve as an idea in working with children of any age, even if the child has not a lot of work. You can organize a personal exhibition of not only works of decorative and applied art, but, for example, tests in mathematics, essays, letters, sports awards. It can be an exhibition of only girls or only boys, a class or a group of kindergarten. And why not hold solo exhibitions of 1 "A" class or 1 "B"! Children finish elementary school - how many achievements they have! Here is another reason to rejoice for them!

The purpose of the personal exhibition:Motivation of the child’s personality to creative activity.


  • creating a situation of success;
  • development of a unique creative environment;
  • self-realization of personality;
  • expansion of forms of interaction and integration with city schools.

Preliminary work:

  • scripting;
  • registration of exhibition works, the hall;
  • design of announcements, invitations; invitation of guests: children, parents, school teachers, etc .;
  • prepare booklets about the exhibition, letters of thanks;
  • invite a photographer, cameraman;
  • prepare attributes: flowers, sparklers, balls, crackers, albums, felt-tip pens, paints and album sheet, ribbon, scissors.

Personal exhibition "Inspiration"

The article "Organization of personal exhibitions in the children's association" Work with straws "as a form of demonstration of creative and aesthetic achievements of students."

Scenario of a personal exhibition.

Tatyana Ivanovna Nebogatina, teacher of additional education of the highest qualification category, MOU DOD "Constellation", the city of Sayansk, Irkutsk region. Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation. Laureate of the 2010 Governor of the Irkutsk Oblast award for outstanding achievements in teaching. Winner of the 2010 Golden Hands Master regional contest. Teaching experience of 35 years.


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