Determine the vertical vessel's vertical coefficient. The geometry of the hull and buoyancy of the vessel. Theoretical drawing. The main dimensions of the vessel and their relationship, completeness coefficients. The utilization rate and the readiness coefficient

§ 6. The ratios of the main dimensions and coefficients characterizing the form of the ship corps

In addition to the above-mentioned general information on the shape of the diameter plane, structural waterline and the Middle Spangout, for a more complete characteristics of the shape of ship housings and the submission of seaworthy and operational qualities depending on it, the following numeric ratios of the main dimensions of the vessel are needed to know:

1) the ratio L / B affecting the hostess of the vessel;

2) The ratio of the V / g affecting the stability of the vessel, its weight and swing. An increase in the relative width improves the stability of the vessel, but the pitching becomes sharpening and the water resistance to the movement of the vessel increases;

3) the ratio of N / T, affecting the unprofitability of the vessel. An increase in the relative height of the side improves the unprofitability of the vessel;

4) L / T ratio affecting the valid of the vessel. An increase in the relative length of the vessel worsens its turnover;

5) The L / H ratio associated with the characteristic of the total longitudinal strength of the vessel (according to the rules of the USSR Register L / H should be from 9 to 14).

Finally, to judge the form of the underwater part of the vessel hull allow the dimensionless completeness coefficients obtained by comparing the main areas and volumes of the hull with the corresponding areas and the volumes of the simplest geometric shapes and bodies built on its main dimensions.

Such main coefficients of completeness of the underwater part of the vessel case are:

A) the coefficient of completeness of the structural (cargo) waterline A - the ratio of the area of \u200b\u200bwaterline 5 to the area of \u200b\u200bthe described rectangle, constructed by the calculated length L and the width of the case in (Fig. 8, a)

b) the coefficient of the completeness of the Middle-Schandet to return the area of \u200b\u200bthe submersible part of the Middle-Schandet W to the area of \u200b\u200bthe described rectangle, built according to the calculated width in and the sediment of the TU (Fig. 8, b)

Fig. 8. Finder coefficients of the underwater part of the vessel hull: a - waterline; b - Middle Spangout; B - displacement.

c) The utmost displacement coefficient is the ratio of the volume of the underwater part of the body V to the volume of the described parallelepiped, built on the calculated length l, the width of the case and the sediment of the case T (Fig. 8, B)

In addition to the three above basic and independent coefficients A B and B, two F and Y ratios are used), which are derived from the first and associated with them by the following relations:

D) the coefficient of the longitudinal completeness F - the ratio of the volume of the underwater part of the vessel V to the volume of the prism with the base equal to the area of \u200b\u200bthe submerged part of the Middle-pin W, and the height equal to the length of the housing L,

Substituting instead of the O and V of their meaning, after simplification, we obtain the dependence of this total completeness and completeness of the Middle Spangout

The coefficient F expresses the distribution along the length of the body of its immersed part, which affects the water resistance to the vessel movement;

E) the vertical completeness coefficient y is the ratio of the volume of the underwater part of the hull V to the volume of the prism, the base of which is equal to the area of \u200b\u200bconstructive (cargo) veateria of the vessel s, and the height of the case t

The calculation of the displacement is performed using the equation of the following type of mass equation:

D. - the desired displacement of the vessel.

- the mass meter of the body equipped;

- meter mass meter;

- the speed of the ship's ship is fully cargo on a quiet, deep water;

- Admiralty coefficient;

- mass meter of mechanisms (energy installation);

- coefficient, taking into account additional fuel, oil, nutrient water;

- coefficient of marine stock;

- specific fuel consumption;

- autonomy; hour.

- load capacity;

- Mass of the crew;

DW. Deadweight;

- Mass of variables of liquid cargo.

The mass meter of the body equipped is calculated by the prototype: Project 17310.



Sea water density -


Calculated length, L. - 93.5 m;

Width, B. - 13.4 m;

Draft, T. - 4.6 m;

The mass of the equipped prototype case is equal to:


The mass displacement mass meter at this design stage is taken equal to ranging from 0.01 to 0.025. Institute

Calculate the coefficient BUT From the mass equation:

Coefficient AT:

Admiralty coefficient CA. Calculated on the prototype formula:

Prototype speed \u003d 11 knots. The speed of the prototype speed is reduced during T.\u003d 4.6 m.

The main engine capacity is Ne \u003d 1740 kW.

Mechaniza mass meter is equal to (the mass of the mechanisms of the prototype is equal

Additional fuel and seaside coefficients are taken equal to:

Specific fuel consumption is:

Autonomy of the vessel in the clock t. equal to:

The coefficient of the major equation B. equal to:

Mass of the crew and stocks are equal to:

- Mass of the crew;

- mass provisions;

- mass of fresh water;

- Mass of food and solid waste.

Mass of the crew: t.

- the number of crew members,

Mass provisions stock: t.

BUT- autonomy (day), BUT=15

Mass of fresh water: t.

Mass of food and solid waste: t.

The mass of waste-fans and sublayer waters is:

The coefficient of the major equation WITH equal to:

The mass equation of the projected vessel is presented in the form:

The solution of the equation to find an iteration method by the formula:

D. \u003d 4350 tons

As the control of the found displacement, the displacement is inspected by disposal coefficients.


The difference in determining water displacement in two ways is 5%.

For further calculations, displacement is accepted D. = 4350 tons

2.2 Determination of the main dimensions in the first approximation

The main dimensions in the first approximation are calculated using the buoyancy equation


- seawater density;

- the utmost displacement coefficient;

L., B., T. - Length, width and sediment of the ship by kv

To solve this equation, you must specify additional parameters:
which in the first approximation we accept the same as the prototype.

Then the sediment of the vessel is determined by the formula:


The width of the vessel is equal to:

The length of the vessel is:

The height of the board of the projected vessel is calculated by the formula:

The ratio of the main dimensions of the vessel if possible for the I of the limited diving area should not go beyond:


You will monitor the utmost displacement coefficient in the speed of the vessel.

The utmost displacement coefficient for dry cargo vessels should be laid in the range

Since the utmost displacement coefficient is stacked in the recommended range, then for further design we accept δ= 0.835

For further calculations, the width of the vessel is taken equal to: B. = 12.8 m.

Taking into account the rounding the length of the projected vessel is made equal to:


The actual height of the superior board of the vessel m.

The minimum possible height of the surface board is equal

The height of the side satisfies the rules on the cargo mark, with respect to the height of the surface side.

There are constructive, calculated, greatest and overall dimensions of the vessel case. To constructive dimensions under which the main dimensions are understood:

H - nasal perpendicular, K - Feed perpendicular, L is the length of the vessel, B - the width of the vessel, H is the height of the side, F is the height of the surface side, D - sediment.

- ship length (L) - the distance to the QLL between the extreme points of intersection of it with DP. -

ship width (B) - the greatest width of the KVL.

- board height (H) - distance measured in the plane of the Middle Spangout from the main plane to the deck line in the side.

- site sediment (d) - the distance between the planes of KBL and the main, measured in the section, where the planes of the Middle Spangout and diametral planes are intersect.

The dimension corresponding to the ship's immersion in the calculated waterline is called calculated. The greatest dimensions correspond to the maximum size of the housing without protruding parts (stews, outdoor sheath, etc.). And the overall dimming corresponds to the maximum size of the housing, taking into account the protruding parts.

The shape of the housing is determined by the ratios of the main dimensions and the coefficients of completeness. The most important characteristics are relationships:

L / B. - Significant degree Defining the ship's ship: the greater the speed of the vessel, the greater this is a relation;

In / D. - characterizing the stability and hugeness of the vessel;

N / D. - determining the stability and non-optimability of the vessel;

L / H. - from which the strength of the vessel case depends to a certain extent.

For the characteristics of the shape of the building of the case of various vessels are the so-called fullness coefficients. They do not give a complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe shape of the body, but allow us to numerically appreciate its main features. The main dimensionless factories of the impetus for the underwater volume of the vessel body are:

- the coefficient of the completeness of water displacement (total completeness) δ - This is the ratio of the body submerged in water, called volumetric displacement V, to the parallelepiped volume with L, B, D:

Completion coefficient middle Spangout Squareβ - the ratio of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Middle Spangout area Ω F to the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle with the parties in, D;

Coefficient vertical completeness χ. - The ratio of volumetric displacement V to the volume of the prism, the base of which serves the area of \u200b\u200bWaterinia S, and the height - the sediment of the vessel D:

χ \u003d V / (S × d) \u003d Δ / α

The above-mentioned completeness coefficients are usually defined for the vessel sitting on the cargo waterline. However, they can also be attributed to other precipitation, and the linear dimensions, areas and volumes are taken in them for the existing veateria of the vessel.

Ship architecture.

The ship architecture is called the total location of the elements of the hull, equipment, devices, the planning of ship premises, which must be met the most rational, in compliance with safety requirements.

The main architectural elements of all vessel are: the hull of the vessel with its decks, platforms, durable transverse and longitudinal bulkheads, superstructures and cuttings.

Deckit is called a solid overlap on the ship, which goes in a horizontal direction. Deck, which goes not along the entire length or width of the vessel, but only on it, called platform. The internal space of the housing in height is separated by the decks and platforms on the interplasteen space called twindekami (Minimum height 2.25m).

Upper Deck (or the calculated) is called a deck, which makes up the topless cross-sectional belt of the durable part of the vessel case. The name of the rest of the deck is given from the upper deck, counting down, depending on their location (second, third, etc.). Deck running over the bottom for some part of the ship's length and constructively associated with it is called the second bottom. The decks located up from the upper deck, wear the names according to the appointment (pleasure, boat, etc.), the deck over the wheelhouse is called the upper bridge.

The length of the vessel body is divided durable transverse waterproof bulkheadsforming waterproof premises called compartments.

Premises located over the second bottom, and designed for the placement of dry cargoes, are called holds.

Compartments in which the main power plants are called machine compartment.

All capacity formed by the structures of the case and is intended to place liquid cargo in it, called tsister. Capacity for liquid cargo placed outside the second bottom is called diphankom.

Tankscalled compartments on bulk vessels intended for transportation of liquid cargo.

Some compartments have special names:

· End - the first compartment from the Forsten is called forepeak, and the first transverse waterproof bulbor is called forpikovaor taranna.

· End - the last compartment in front of the Ahterpik is called ahterpik, and the bulkhead is called Akhtorpika.

· Narrow compartments separating tanks from other premises are called cofferdama. They should be empty, well ventilated and convenient for inspecting their bulkhead.

For the division of the hull of the ship in width in some cases, they put strong waterproof longitian bulkheads.

Weigiouson vessels are called all sorts of light waterproof bulkheads, separating the premises.

Mines- They are called compartments limited by vertical bulkheads passing through several decks, and not having horizontal overlaps.

Superstructureit is called a closed structure on the upper deck, extending from one side to another, and not reaching the distance to the distance, not exceeding 0.04 widths of the vessel. The space on the upper deck from the stentevine to the nasal bulkhead of the nasal superstructure is called tank. The space on the upper deck from the fodder bulkhead of theft superstructure to Akhterstevnya is called utah. The space on the upper deck between the nasal and theft superstructures is called savage.

Loggingit is called every kind of closed room on the top or above the lying decks of the add-ons, the longitudinal outdoor bulkheads of which do not reach the main housing to the distance of more than 0.04 the width of the vessel case.

Bridgea narrow transverse platform is called, walking across the vessel from one side to another. Part of the bridge, protruding the external longitudinal bulkheads, located under it cuts, is called wing of the bridge.

Falsebortit is called a solid fence of the open deck, made of sheet material. On the upper end edge, the raisedbort is decorated with a horizontal strip, called plansen. Falkebout covering supports to the housing oblique racks that are called counterphirts. The length of the falseboard makes the holes for the rapid flow of water that fell on the deck, which are called storm Portica. The space at a falseboard running along the side on the upper deck throughout the perimeter, which serves for water flow called waterway chute(waterway). Hole with a tube serving for water drain from a watervic chute called spigat.

Rankomcalled round wooden or steel tubular parts of armament of vessels located on the open deck and are designed to carry signals, constructions of communication devices serving supports for cargo devices. The masts, steps, arrows, rei, buffels, etc. include masts.

Rigger -the name of all cables that make up the armament of individual masts. Rigger serves to hold and constant linkage of the mast in proper position called standing rigging. The rest of the rigging that can move on blocks is called ride.

When designing the shape of the vessel, a number of prototypes - shipbuilding characteristics are taken into account, which determine not only the various quality of the vessel, but also its economy. Form characteristics are described by the shape of the vessel and thereby its appearance through the relationship between the main dimensions of the length, width, the height of the side and precipitate, as well as through the ratios of the area of \u200b\u200bwaterline, the spangling area and displacement with the main dimensions. The characteristics of the form correlate usually with a structural precipitate. In particular, they influence the behavior of the ship in the sea, and when choosing relative values, take into account the requirements for this type of vessel.

Length ratio to width L / B. It affects the high speed quality of the vessel, on its maneuverability and stability. Large values L / B. (Long narrow ships) favorably affect the velocity of the vessel and its resilience in the course. Therefore, passenger and high-speed cargo ships have greater values. L / B.. At a given speed and displacement under these conditions, the required engine power decreases, and resistance to the course is improved due to the larger side surface of the underwater part of the vessel (projection area). Upper border of the relationship L / B. Determined by the necessary transverse stability of ships. In addition to these advantages, the great attitude of the IV allows you to increase the volume of passenger and large cargo vessels and rationally distribute the premises on them. On the economy of these ships oscillation of values L / B. Almost does not affect. Small meanings L / B. (Short wide ships) provide good maneuverability and stability. For this reason, the tugs that should have a good turnover and with lateral rods of the cable are often experiencing jerks affecting transverse stability, have particularly small L / B..
The ratio of length to the height of the side L / H. The free beam (vessel) is the ratio of the length of the beam to its height. This ratio is crucial for longitudinal strength and bending of the vessel hull. Small L / H., i.e. the high height of the side at a given length, requires smaller sizes for the upper and lower rigs of the vessel case and gives lower deflection with longitudinal load than a large L / H.. The smaller sizes of the belt are possible as a result of the fact that at the moment the resistance required to ensure longitudinal strength, an increase in the height of the beam has favorably. For this reason, long superstructures in the middle part of the vessel are included in the upper belt (high height of the side H.) Ship. For considerations of strength, as well as depending on the diving area, the maximum permissible adopted the following ratios: with unlimited swimming L / H. \u003d 14; with large coastal swimming - L / H. \u003d 15; For the North Sea - L / H. \u003d 16; For the Baltic Sea - L / H. \u003d 17; with small coastal swimming - L / H. \u003d 18. For internal diving ships, which are not subject to significant loads from excitement, take significantly important values. L / H. (up to 30).

The ratio of the width to the sediment B / T. Determines mainly transverse stability and resistance to the movement of the vessel. Since stability increases in proportion to the third degree of width, then the trial with a small B / T. (narrow ships with a large sediment) have less initial stability than ships with large B / T. (wide vessels with a small sediment); However, the latter are prone to a sharp swing on excitement. Since, for example, tugs due to the low height of the surface side are not distinguished by a large stable with significant inclinations, they, like all other small ships, are usually large B / T.While big vessels with high boards have less B / T.. Resistance to the movement of ships with great B / T. more than ships with small B / T..

The ratio of the height of the side to the sediment H / T. It characterizes the supply of water displacement, i.e., the displacement of the unwarked waterproof part of the vessel body, and significantly affects the angle of sunset of the static stability chart. The bigger H / T.The greater the surface board and, consequently, the wage supply of the vessel. In addition, the angle of the sunset of a static stability chart significantly increases due to a large surface board. Thus, ships with great H / T., for example, passenger vessels, possess more stable than courts with small H / T.Since the first at large lifting vessels (60 ° and more) have another regenerating moment, which significantly reduces the risk of tipping.

Fullness coefficients

Completeness coefficient of structural waterline α - The ratio of the KVL Square to the Rectangle Square, the parties of which are equal L. and AT. The smaller this coefficient, the sharper Waterlinia. Usually ships with big L / B. (Long narrow vessels) have large coefficients of completeness of KVL than short wide vessels.
Middle-Swinger's completeness coefficient β - The ratio of the immersed area of \u200b\u200bthe MIDPE-splint set to the square of the rectangle with the parties AT and T.. The form of the splits, as well as the rise and radius of cheekbones, is significantly influenced. The larger the rise and radius of the cheekbones (for example, in small fishing vessels, tugs and icebreakers), the less the completeness coefficient of the Middle Spangout.
The coefficient of total fullness δ - The ratio of the volume of the underwater part of the vessel to the volume of the body with the parties L.h. ATh. T.. This coefficient to some extent characterizes the shape of the vessel with respect to acuteness and has a significant impact on displacement (carrying capacity); On the other hand, with growth δ The vessel resistance increases. On the contrary, the vessel with a given displacement with a decrease in the completeness coefficient becomes longer, without becoming heavier, since the required engine power at a given speed decreases, as a result of which the need for fuel becomes less. Such a vessel will be more profitable and because it is longer and, therefore, may have more tricks.

The coefficient of longitudinal completeness φ - The ratio of water displacement to the volume of the body, the basis of which is the area of \u200b\u200bthe Middle Spangout, and the length is the length of the vessel. This coefficient is always a bit more than the coefficient of total completeness, and better characterizes the sharpness of the vessel's tip. The big coefficient of completeness of the Middle Spangout means the complete tip of the vessel, a small - on the contrary, narrow. However, when comparing two vessels, it is always necessary to consider the attitude L / B.. With large L / B. (long narrow vessels) The completeness factors of the Middle Spangout or total completeness can be greater than with a small L / B. (short wide ships); At the same time, the regiments do not become more.

The above-mentioned completeness coefficients are interrelated, so they cannot be chosen arbitrarily. The listed characteristics of the form (relative values \u200b\u200band the coefficients of completeness) largely determine the behavior of the ship in the sea, the resistance to the movement and profitability of the courts and, moreover, mutually affect each other.

4.4.3 Movement resistance - the number of frudes

When moving the nose and the stern of the vessel, waves are created, which with increasing speed becomes greater. This is due to the fact that with an increase in the speed of movement in the stern part of the vessel, there is a significant vacuum, and in the nose - the zone of increased pressure. The energy consumed on the formation of the waves is a wave resistance, the value of which is determined by the speed and length of the vessel. The characteristic of the vessel wave resistance is the ratio of the speed to the length, called the number of Froud:

FR \u003d. v. / √gl

This characteristic allows you to compare the vessels of various sizes, which makes it possible to determine the resistance and thereby the power of the engine for the vessel under construction using the towing tests of the models. The velocity of the vessel and the model correlate as square roots from their linear dimensions:

This means, for example, that the vessel under construction, a length of 130 m, 14 m wide with a precipitate 6.6 m, with a displacement of 5900 tons and a speed of 25 bonds (12.86 m / s) corresponds to the speed of model 2.572 m / s at length 5, 2 m. At this speed, the model has a wave formation, which is geometrically similar to wave-formation of a field vessel. The resistance measured at the same time contains, however, not only the wave resistance, but also another component - the friction resistance, which arises due to the braking the action of water flowing by the case. The friction resistance depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe moistened surface of the body, from its quality (degree of roughness) and on speed. It can be calculated with sufficient accuracy of experimental data for both the model and for the vessel. If the full resistance of the model is reduced to the calculated friction coefficient, the wave resistance of the model will be obtained. When recalculating the situation is that the wave resistance of two geometric similar bodies - the vessel and the model are correlated as their displacement. But this is a simple ratio justly only when the vessel and model moves with comparable speeds, so that geometrically similar waveforming occurs. If the wave resistance (certain experiments on the model) add the calculated friction resistance, the vessel is complete. In our example, a wave resistance of 0.31 points was determined in model tests and by calculating the friction resistance of 0.35 points. The full resistance of the vessel is thus 0.66 mn. Of course, with the final definition of the required power of the engines, the air and vortex resistance also need to take into account.

The proportion of wave resistance and friction resistance in full resistance depends on the shape of the vessel and its speed. In large low-speed vessels, the wave resistance is approximately 20%, and very high-speed - up to 70% of the impedance. Details of the ship's load

The displacement of the vessel is the mass of water volume in tons, displaced by the body to the permissible cargo waterline, which according to the archimeph law is equal to the mass of the vessel. The mass of the vessel is consisted of a vessel's own mass and its carrying capacity (weight of the useful cargo).

In their own mass of the vessel, we will generate:

The hull of the vessel equipped with equipment and spare parts; ready-to-use energy installation with inventors and spare parts; water in boilers, pipelines, pumps, capacitors, coolers;

Fuel in all operational pipelines;

Carbon dioxide and brine or other operating materials in refrigeration and fire-fighting systems;

Residual water in llalah and tanks, which cannot be removed by pumps as well wastewater and moisture.

Load capacity in tons with a gram volume and operating speed is the most important economic characteristics of the vessel; It should be guaranteed by shipyard, since the understatement is punishable by contractual fines. Gross load capacity - Deadweight of the vessel - includes all masses that do not belong to the vessel displacement by email, such as:

Useful load (including mail);

Crew and passengers with luggage;

All operational materials (fuel reserves, lubricants, oils, boiler nutrient water) in tanks for stocks;

Ship reserves such as paints, kerosene, wood, resin, ropes;

Stocks for crew and passengers ( drinking water, water for washing and provision);

Equipment for fastening cargo, such as wooden stops, tarpaulin and masts, longitudinal semiderabers for bulk cargo;

Special equipment for special types of ships, such as commercial equipment (networks, cables, trawls).

There are certain relationships between the most important components of the load, which also affect the economy of the courts.
The attitude of the vessel displacement by empting to the displacement in full load depends mainly on the type of vessel, the diving area, vessel velocity and the construction of the case. For example, the displacement of the cargo vessel will bring up with normal operating speed (14-16 UZ) without ice reinforcements, it is approximately 25% of the displacement in full load. At the icebreaker, which should have powerful engines and a particularly enhanced housing, the displacement emits is about 75% of the total displacement. If the cargo vessel has a total displacement of 10 thousand tons, then the displacement emits approximately 2.5 thousand tons, and its deadweight is about 7.5 thousand tons, while while big icebreaker The same displacement has a displacement of approximately 7.5 thousand tons and a deadweight of 2.5 thousand tons.

Wealth ratio energy Installation Full displacement is determined by the speed of the vessel, the type of engine (diesel, parroid turbine, diesel-electrical installation, etc.), as well as the type of vessel. Increasing the velocity of the vessel with the same type of installation always leads to an increase in engine power and, therefore, to an increase in the names of the relationship.

Courts with a diesel installation of the engine mass is greater than that of ships with the installations of other types. Since the energy installation includes auxiliary mechanisms for production electrical Energy And the power plants of the refrigerators, the mass of energy installations of passenger, refrigerated and commercial vessels is larger than the mass of ordinary cargo ships of the same displacement. Thus, the mass of the energy installation of cargo ships is 5-10%, passenger ships - 10-15%, fishing vessels 15-20%, and tugs and icebreakers, as a rule, even 20-30% of complete displacement.

The ratio of the mass of the vessel body to displacement is determined by the mass of the naked vessel body and the mass of its equipment. All these masses depend on the type of vessel and, therefore, from its purpose. On the mass of the vessel body, not only its main dimensions and their relationship, but also the volume of superstructure and ice reinforcements are affected. A significant role is also played by the system of recruitment and use of high-strength structural steels, especially for ships of more than 160 m.

The mass of the equipment depends on the destination of the vessel; For example, passenger vessels due to passenger cabins, public, economic premises, etc. or in fishing vessels (commercial and machining) due to cabins for crew, machines for processing fish and equipment of refrigerators it is significantly more than that of ordinary cargo ships and tankers.

The relationship of the deadweight to the full displacement (the coefficient of use of displacement for the deadweight) is best characterized by the economy of cargo ships (if not to talk about the velocity of the vessel). In tugs and icebreakers, the deadweight determines first of all the navigation range (the duration of the flight), since the courts of these types of deadweight are consumed mainly on fuel materials and reserves.

The largest utility utilization rate on the deadweight has cargo ships and tankers (from 60 to 70%), the smallest - tugs and icebreakers (from 10 to 30%).

4.4.4 Features of the vessel body

The shape of the vessel body is determined by its type and appointment. Effective effect on the form is the deadweight, the required amount of holds, the number of decks, speed and transverse stability. Along with this, the influence form, height and sediment, associated with the size of the gateways and spans of bridges, can be affected on the shape of the body, with depth of fixtures, as well as with the need to solve special tasks (for example, towed or icebreaking works).

The shape of the underwater part of the housing to the structural waterline is determined by the ratios of the main dimensions and the coefficients of completeness, and the compromise solution is often inevitable. Thus, for cargo ships, not those completeness factors are usually taken, which are necessary to obtain the minimum power of the main engines and fuel reserves, and higher completeness rates in order to obtain a greater carrying capacity. Only for high-speed cargo ships (for example, refrigerated) take small, i.e. favorable, completeness coefficients taking into account their high-speed qualities.

As a rule, the shape of the vessel is chosen as follows. The structural waterline forms an angle with a diametral plane in the nasal tip, the value of which, depending on the completeness of the vessel, is 10-25 °. In the feed tip, this angle is taken to avoid the separation of the vortices, 18-20 °. In the feed below the structural waterline in two-screw vessels, the splint assemblies give a V-shaped form, and at the simultaneous U-shaped, to obtain the most favorable conditions for flow around in the rowing screw. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe cruising feed, the splintings are performed by such a form that they intersect the structural waterline is not very flat, so that with a slight increase in the precipitate (with a differential to feed), the waterline does not become too complete and the resistance of the movement does not increase. Above the cargo waterline, the splits in the tips of the vessel are usually performed with collapse to obtain a maximum reserve of the pushing force to reduce the cylinder saccinet, reflection of the falling wave deck and increase the deck area in the tip of the vessel.

Cruising feed: but - at the same time, b. - Two-Evening ship

The form of form and ahtersteps largely determines the general appearance of the vessel. However, the forms of the tips are chosen not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from the point of view of the resistance of the vessel (BULBO Nose). The appointment of the vessel also plays a certain role; For icebreakers, for example, special icebreaking duves are created, which allow the vessel with all the weight of the nasal tip to go to the surface of the ice and break it. To do this, the layer of Waterlinnia the sort should be convex, and the angle of entry is not too large. In order for the ice floes to be freely moving back. Film rowing shafts in two-duty vessels give such a form so that the incoming flow falls on the rowing screw against the direction of its rotation. Therefore, they are not installed vertically to the spangling A, starting at an angle of 90 °, to the end they go to the horizontal approximately at an angle of 25 °. Based on practical experience and model tests, several types of abroad forms were created, which comply with the requirements for carrying capacity, speed, stability and seaworthiness. For vessels of large sizes and serial buildings, model tests are usually carried out to bring the engine power in accordance with the speed.

4.4.5 Units of measurement in shipping

In connection with the preserved to our time an important role English-speaking countries in shipbuilding and shipping, in practice and in special literature, along with the international system of units, the Anglo-Saxon basic units are also used.

Similarly, navigation mile in shipping when determining the location of the vessel in the sea and for measuring the speed applies sea mile: 1 sea mile \u003d 1/60 degrees of meridian \u003d 1852.01 m.

This unit will turn out if you take two straight, emerging from the center of the Earth with an angle of disclosure in 1 minute \u003d 1/60 degrees, and measure the distance between them along the perimeter of the Earth (large circle). Since the circle contains 360 degrees \u003d 21600 minutes, then, therefore, sea mile is 1/21600 part of the earth circumference, which is approximately 40,000 km. From the unit of length 1 m.Mile by correlating it with a unit of time 1 hour, the speed in nodes (UZ) is displayed: 1 node \u003d 1 / h \u003d 1.852 km / h.

From these units of length are units of area and volume. 1 Register ton is the main unit and serves to measure the capacity of the vessel.

A significant role in determining the amount of cargo is played by the mass; In international trade, in addition to generally accepted, the following English units are also used:

1 Long ton \u003d 20 long centners \u003d 80 long quorters \u003d 160 moan \u003d 2240funds \u003d 1016,047 038 kg

1 pound (pound) - 0,454 kg

1 moan \u003d 6,350 kg

1 Long Quorter \u003d 12,701 kg

1 Long centner \u003d 50,802 kg

Along with English units, American units that coincide with English are applied. However, at the conclusion of freight contracts distinguish:

Metric ton (T) \u003d 1000 kg - during maritime transport between German, Scandinavian, Dutch, Belgian, French and other ports, i.e., between countries in which the metric system is adopted;

English ton - a long ton (long ton) \u003d 1016 kg - during maritime transport from the UK and in the UK (, however, metric tons);

North American ton - short ton (short ton) \u003d 907 kg, - if we are talking about the North American region.

Full load capacity (deadweight) is obtained from the total displacement of the vessel minus the mass of the empty, ready for the operation of the vessel. The load capacity of the vessel is thus expressed, thus weighing the cargo, which can be taken aboard the empty-ready for operation vessel to the summer cargo stamp. The useful load of the vessel is obtained by subtracting from the full load capacity (deadweight) masses of such components as:

Crew and passengers with things or luggage;

Stocks of fuel and lubricants;

Provision and fresh water (water for food boilers, washing and drinking water);

Botthasky reserves, machine reserves and packaging materials.

Thus, the useful cargo is a value depending on the mass of production materials (fuel and water), i.e., from the vessel navigation range. At cargo ships, the useful cargo is approximately 90% of the loading capacity (deadweight).

The shipping of the vessel is the volume of all holds in cubic meters, cubic feet or in the "barrels" of 40 cubic feet. Speaking about the capacity of the tricks, distinguish with a barrel (bale) and a bulk (grain) load. This difference follows from the fact that in the same Three due to floors, splits, ribs of rigidity, bulkhead, etc. The bulk cargo can be placed more than a piece cargo. Three for the general cargo is approximately 92% of the truma for bulk cargo. Calculation of the capacity of the vessel produces shipbuilding shipyard; Capacity is indicated on the stage of the container, and it has nothing to do with the official deferment of the vessel, which will be discussed in the next section.

Specific cargo capacity is the ratio of the capacity of the trim to the mass of the useful cargo. Since the mass of the useful cargo is determined by the mass of the necessary operational materials, the specific cargo capacity is subject to minor fluctuations. In cargo ships for the general cargo, the specific cargo capacity is approximately from 1.6 to 1.7 m 3 / t (or from 58 to 61 cubic meters).

4.4.6 Court measurements

To determine the magnitude, the vessel is measured. In 1854, after the introduction of the Mursoma measurement method (D. Moorsom) in England, the magnitude of the vessel began to determine using the measure of the internal space. Measure per 100 cu. Futs are called "tonny" (barrel); From here, since the results of the measurement are entered into the ship register, a register ton arose: 1 reg. T \u003d 100 cubic meters. feet \u003d 2.83 m3.

Ton as a measure of volume is used since the time of the Ganza trading union, when the magnitude of the vessel (cargo capacity) was determined by the number of barrels accommodated in the holds. Loading capacity or displacement at that time did not consider suitable measures to determine the magnitude of the vessel.

MURS MURSE METHOD (Sometimes with significant deviations) has been the basis for drawing up a measurement rules for many states and joint-stock companies operating channels through which maritime transportation is carried out, as well as in the compilation of international court indication rules.

The vessel is the administrative act, which is conducted by special government agencies and is issued by the compilation of the official document - the measurement certificate, which indicates gross capacity (gross), net capacity (net) and the size of the vessel identity.

The results of the measurement serve as commercial and statistical purposes. In accordance with them, laws are established on the payment of port and pilotage duties, duties for the passage of channels and the payment of other taxes are established, a set of teams on ships and statistical accounting of the gross-register tonnage of the merchant fleet of the relevant country. In addition, the measurement data is important for the vessel's technical equipment by emergency equipment, steering and other devices, fire-fighting agents, telegraph, radio and depletion installations, etc. The gross-register tonnage of individual countries is taken into account in determining the composition of international conferences who take various conventions, etc.

A number of countries apply international measure rules sea courts According to the Agreement on the Unified System System System, concluded on June 10, 1947 in Oslo. As a result of this OMER, an international measurement certificate is drawn up, which is recognized by all countries participating in the agreement without additional check. Along with the international measurement certificate, there are still national measurement certificates and measurement certificates for the passage through the Suez and Panama channels. By international System The measurement determines the gross capacity and by certain deductions - clean capacity.

Gross capacity (VT) - this is the overall capacity of all waterproof-closed rooms; Thus, it indicates the total internal volume of the vessel, which includes the following components:

The volume of rooms under the measurement deck (the volume of the trim under deck);

The volume of rooms between the measurement and the upper decks;

The volume of closed rooms located on the upper deck and above it (superstructures);

The volume of space between coming hatches.
The outer deck on ships with no more than two decks is considered the most upper deck, and on ships with three or more decks - the second bottom.
The following closed rooms are not included in the gross capacity, if they are intended and suitable exclusively for these purposes and only apply to this:

Premises in which there are energy and electricity installations, as well as air-acting systems;

Premises of the auxiliary mechanisms that do not serve the main engines (for example, the premises of refrigeration plants, distribution substations, elevators, steering machines, pumping machines on commercial vessels, chain boxes, etc.);

Premises for the protection of people in the steering wheel;

Gathering rooms and bakeries;

Light hatches, light shafts and mines that fill light and air to the rooms under them;

Gatherings and tambours that protect ladders, label corridors or ladders leading to the rooms below;

Bathrooms for the team and passengers;

Water ballast tanks.

In order to limit the gross capacity of two- and multiphalinder ships, all the so-called open rooms are not included in the gross capacity. This may include space between the upper and shelf decks ("shellistic space") and other superstructures, if they are made open due to measurement hatches in the upper deck or measurement holes in bulkheads. To exclude the premises below the upper continuous deck, it is necessary to create a so-called measurement space by means of a measurement hatch, from which the adjacent compartments can be made using measurement holes. As closures for measurement hatches, only freely laid wooden bars can be used, as closing for measurement holes in bulkheads it is allowed to use U-shaped metal strips or sheets held by M-shaped bolts.

The vessel, which in the upper deck has holes without durable waterproof closures (measurement hatches and holes), is called a shelter vessel or vessel with mounted deck; It has a smaller register capacity due to such holes. Closed internal volumes in open spaces that have durable waterproof closures are included in the measurement. Condition for exclusion from the measurement open rooms It is that they do not serve to place or servicing the team and passengers. If the upper deck of two- or multiphalobal vessels and the bulkhead of the add-ons are equipped with durable waterproof closings, then the interplanet space under the upper deck and the premises of the add-ons are included in the gross capacity. Such vessels are called full-floors and have the maximum permissible precipitate.

Clean capacity (NRT) is a useful volume to accommodate passengers and goods, i.e. commercial volume. It is formed by deducting from the gross capacity of the following components:

Premises for crew and fifty;

Navigation premises;

Accommodation for shkipers;

Water ballast tank;

Machine compartment (energy installation).

Pullings from gross capacity are made according to certain rules, in absolute values \u200b\u200bor percentage. The condition for deduction is that all these premises are first included in the gross capacity.

To check whether the measurement testimony is genuine and whether it belongs to this vessel, it indicates the sizes of identity (identification dimensions) of the vessel that is easy to check.

The length is estimated (identical) - it is the length of the upper continuous deck from the rear edge of the belt to the middle of the baller, and the ships with the mounted steering wheel

Before the back edge of Ahterstevnya.

The width is calculated (identity width) - the width of the vessel in the widest part. The precipitate is estimated (the sediment of the identity) is the distance between the lower edge of the upper continuous deck and the upper edge of the second bottom floor or flora in the middle of the calculated length.

Economic considerations led to the creation of a shellish vessel, since the "open" premises, as mentioned above, are not included in the gross capacity. But since the rules prescribed the closure of the measurement holes of Shelterdec or other "open" premises reduce the reliability of the courts, such volumes according to the rules on the cargo brake should not be taken into account when calculating the surface board - the shipment stock of the vessel. Prior to the introduction of an international unified system of vessels in the Regulation of the Observative Orders on the recommendation of the Intergovernmental Maritime Advisory Organization (IMKO) of October 18, 1963, by introducing an tunched brand the advantage of open premises should be maintained, despite the waterproof closures of shelter and other premises. The principle that underlies the recommendations for the introduction of the tonnage brand is that certain premises in the Twinek, which are considered open and therefore are not included in the gross capacity, can be closed for some time, and such premises are considered separate, if the tonnage brand Located below the second deck on the boards of the vessel, with a loaded ship lies not lower than Waterlinia. Premises that are suitable for allocation and are in free superstructures or cuts on the upper solid deck or above it should, despite the durable waterproof closures, exclude from gross capacity, regardless of whether the tonnage brand is immersed or not.

Cargo stamps: 1 - tonnage brand, 2 - cargo brand

The tonnage (measurement) brand is applied on each board of the vessel in the stern from the winding brand. In no case, the tonnage brand should not be applied above the cargo stamp - the winding brand. An additional line for fresh water in tropical waters is given, as a rule, minus 1/48 of the precipitate over the upper edge of the keel to the measurement brand. In the event that the tonnage mark (the top edge of the horizontal line) is not shipped, for commercial purposes, the gross and clean capacity of rooms located inside the upper tweek are used and suitable for selection.


The hull of the vessel is a box beam with thin walls and reinforcements, which at the ends under a more or less acute angle goes into form and ahtersterene. The onboard outdoor covering and all solid longitudinal bulkheads form the walls of this boxed beam.

The bottoms of the flooring (including the zoom belt), the second bottom flooring and all the longitudinal bonds passing through a double or single bottom, form the lower Box Boxing Box, and the solid deck flooring next to the hatches and continuous longitudinal connections of the main deck, as well as the breadthway ( The highest poverty sheets of onboard clamp) is the top. The upper and lower rigs perceive normal stretching and compressive stresses from the longitudinal bending of the vessel.

Internal reinforcements are beams located in parallel and perpendicular to the diametrical plane of the vessel (longitudinal and transverse kits). They serve to perceive and transmit local loads (hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressure, cargo pressure) and to give stiffness to the upper and lower belts, and also protect the outer lining from deformations.

In height, the vessel is divided by decks. The side, the bottom and deck of the vessel in the tips converge and end form and ahterstev. Waterproof bulkheads divide the body to waterproof compartments and reinforce it as a transverse set. At the highest continuous deck - the main deck - there are add-ons and cuttings. Long superstructures in the middle part are included in the top housing of the vessel.

Longitudinal, transverse and twisting loads on the body are perceived due to the appropriate location and execution of ship overlaps. The overlap of steel vessels consist of sheets and profiles.

Usually, the vessel body distinguishes the bottoms, onboard and deck overlap, duvets and bulkheads. In addition, there are constructive connections of the superstructure, logging and other parts of the vessel case, such as foundations, rowing shaft tunnel, hatches, mines.

Constructive elements and connections of the vessel hull: a - ah terpic bulkhead, B - box beam, C - superstructure, D - nasal tip, e - Feed end, F - District of cargo hatch, G - area between cargo hatches, H - Machine Branch Area, i is the main deck in the area of \u200b\u200bthe corner of the cargo hatch 1 - deck of ah terpic tank; 2 - Deadwood tube; 3 - upper sheath belt; 4 - wall; 5 - lower belt belt; 6 - deck flooring; 7 - longitudinal coming hatch; 8 - transverse commissioning hatch; 9 - Shirts; 11 - Zyloma belt; 12 - Flooring the second bottom; 13 - bottoms; 14 - chain box; 15 - Twinek; 16 - Taranne Punching; 17 - 18 - emergency yield; 19 - Akhtorpik; 20 - rowing shaft; 21 - Daidwild tube; 22 - ahterstevin; 23 - feather steering; 24 - Baller Steering; 25 - tank; 26 - Forpike; 27 - Side Stringer; 28 - a well-handed spline; 29 - the trumulous spline; 30 - top-nai (home) deck; 31 - rowing shaft tunnel; 32 - Carlings; 33 - bottom stringers; 34 - vertical keel; 35 - Machine mine; 36 - upper light hatch; 37 - navigation bridge; 38 - Boat deck; 39 - deck of medium superstructure; 40 - upper (main) deck; 41 - the foundation of the main engine; 42 - add-on sinch; 43 - extreme intermittent sheet; 44 - frame Bims; 45 - frame spline; 46 - Rhomboidal sheet-pad; 47 - Pillers; 48 - Nasal Breshtuki; 49 - Longitudinal edge.

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5.1.1 Design elements of the bottom of the vessel

The bottom overlaps distinguish two fundamentally different options, namely single and double bottom.

The single bottom has, as a rule, small ships are less than 60 m long, and above all the court with a strong climb of cheekbones and a bar keel. Flora with the swarthhum, in which they pass, form a continuous transverse set. Longitudinal connections in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bottom, so-called kilsons, protect flora from longitudinal bending. The most important longitudinal bond of the single bottom is the average kilson, which, along with the reinforcement of floors and the strengthening of the keel (which is important during the question) increases the longitudinal strength of the vessel.

There are three options for performing a medium kilson:

Middle Kilson standing on flora - the ships are shorter than 30 m

Interguing Kilson

Middle Kilson in the form of a middle kille

In small ships, the flora in the diametral plane is usually not cut. For longer vessels for better perception Longitudinal loads are preferred continuous bottom kelson. Depending on the width of the vessel for each board, one or two bottoms of the Stringer are installed, the purpose of which is the same as the middle kilson. The distance between the bottoms and middle kilson and the distance from the sides of the vessel is no more than 2.25 m; In the nasal tip due to the strong load on the bottom with a killee swing they are installed at a smaller distance from each other. The flora consist of the stiffness of the sheets held by vertical ribs passing through the entire width of the vessel and interrupted only on a continuous average kilson. In the extremities of the vessel, in form and ahterpics, the flora is performed higher, they reach the level of the deydwood tube. The single bottom between the tanning and ah terpic bulkheads (with the exception of the engine compartment) is closed with wooden flooring. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe engine room, a simple bottom closed with bottom sheets (elanya), usually from corrugated sheets.

With a double bottom above the longitudinal and cross connections, located on the bottom belts of the outer skin, there is still a second waterproof bottom. Double bottom of the design resembles a flat boxed beam. Cross bonds at the double bottom consist of also floors. Double bottom compared to single has the following advantages.

1. The strength of the vessel is raised when landing; During the leakage, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe double bottom, the buoyancy is preserved, as water can only penetrate until the rank of the second bottom. For this reason, the requirements of the International Convention on the Protection of Human Life on the Sea with small passenger ships, it is prescribed to have a second bottom in the nasal tip from the bulkhead of the engine room to the taranuing of the bulkhead, and large passenger ships (more than 76 m long) are from Akhtorpikov to the taranium bulkhead.

2. Waterproof longitudinal and transverse bonds double bottom is divided into tanks for the placement of liquid fuel, fuel oil and lubricating oil, washing, nutritious and ballast water.

On the other hand, the double bottom increases the ownership of the vessel and increases the construction cost. Therefore, on small courts, it refuses or install it only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe machine compartment for fuel tanks and lubricating oil. Vertical keel serves not only to increase the longitudinal strength of the vessel and as the main support at the request, but also to increase the rigidity of the bottom between the two bulkheads, as well as to prevent flor deformation. Kiel passes from the stern to the nose through the entire ship. In the middle of the length of the vessel, it is performed by waterproof to split the double bottom in width and reduce the free surface in the double bottom tanks. In the tips, where, due to the low width, the vessel tanks pass from the side to the side, the vertical keel is equipped with facilitating cutouts (lazzes). Depending on the width of the vessel on both sides of the vertical keel, one, two or more interguing bottoms, which perform the same tasks as vertical keel is located.

To reduce the mass of the vessel and make a double bottom available, in bottom stringers, if they do not serve for the water and oil-proof separation of the vessel, cuts are provided. The second bottom flooring together with the extreme interdonal sheets forms the bottom overlap. An extreme intermittent sheet is either located obliquely to the flooring of the second bottom and approximately at right angles to the cheekbone, or lies in the second bottom plane. For access to a double bottom at the end of each of its compartments in the flooring, a closing hatch is made. The transition from floors to the onboard spangles in the extreme interdonal sheets is carried out with the help of zilly books, and in horizontal extreme interdonal sheets - with the help of books.

Flora are located in a double day at a right angle to the diametrical plane of the vessel. As a rule, they pass from vertical keel to the extreme interdonal sheet. At the same time, three types of floors should be distinguished. Waterproof flora form a limitation of interdonal tanks, and they can be compared with waterproof transverse bulkheads. With a high height of the double bottom (more than 0.9 m), they are supported by vertical ribs. Solid flora are similar to waterproof. Since they should not be waterproof, neither by Mas-strokes, cutouts are made in them to reduce their own mass and make separate dual bottom compartments available. Solid flora depending on the length of the vessel put in the nasal tip at each third or fourth spline; On ships for the carriage of heavy cargo, under the engine rooms, as well as under the transverse bulkheads, heavy and finite pilots of medium diametrical bulkheads - on each spline. Open marriage floras are put on the splintings, which do not need waterproof or solid flora. They consist of rolled profiles, which are installed on the bottoms of the skin (lower cooler Flora) and on the floor of the second bottom (the upper cooler Flora). Pleashes are served by the bottoms of the floors with vertical keel, the bottoms of the stringers and the extreme interdon sheet.

Double bottom: A - Double DNA separation; b - double bottom with solid and marriage flora; C is a double bottom with a longitudinal set (with longitudinal ribbies); D - Double bottom with bottom stringers. 1 - ballast water (NPC); 2 - ballast water (double bottom); 3 - fuel; 4 - lubricating oil; 5 - cofferdam; 6 - fresh water; 7 - the shelf of the zicky book; 8 - rank of the second bottom; 9 - waterproof flora; 10 - open marriage floor; 11 - Upper Coal Flora; 12 - Nizhny Coal Flora; 13 - braces; 14 - solid floors; 15 - horizontal keel; 16 - vertical keel; 17 - Side Stringer; 18 - Zhilogo Stringer; 19 - Skuvaya Knitsa; 20 - truminaires; 21 - Skuvaya Knitsa; 22 - bottom longitudinal beams; 23 - longitudinal beams of the second bottom; 24 - extreme intermittonian sheet; 25 - bottom stringers.

Currently, instead of permeable, solid floors with increased cutouts are installed. The manufacture and assembly of solid floors is easier than marked, at the same time, when contacting the ground, solid flora reduces the deformations of the bottom structures; In addition, solid flora is only a bit harder than marked. Scottle braces, or books, connect the trumulous swarthhums with an extreme interdon sheet or the second bottom, that is, with the bottoms of the crossbones, and reinforce the scarlet. To reduce the mass and for laying pipelines, the bile books supply cuttings. The free edge of the zickless bracking is bend or supply it to a beliement or a horizontal book. Horizontal books serve to reinforce the cross-dial interrupted by an extreme inter-interband sheet and to create an effective transition from the zilly book to the flooring of the second bottom and thereby to bottom flora or brack.

Along with the traditional way to build a second bottom with marriage or solid flora on each spline, in recent decades, the method of building with longitudinal ribs of stiffness is increasingly used, and for large vessels (more than 140 m long) - with bottom stringers. The advantage of the longitudinal set system is that it significantly increases the longitudinal strength of the bottom. The bottom longitudinal ribs or stringers are perceived with the trimming of the vessel body bending (stretching and compression), as well as local loads. Double bottom with longitudinal rigid ribs or stringers with the same strength easier than a double bottom with flora on each spline. The disadvantage is that the process of manufacturing ships in such a way of more time-consuming (especially when the rigid ribs are flexible for the tips) and, therefore, more expensive.

With a longitudinal set system, the solid flora are placed at each third-fourth spline, i.e., at a distance of about 3.6 m one from the other; Only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasal tip of the vessel and under the foundations of the main engines, these distances are less. Diverance of bottom stringers from each other or from the vertical keel and the extreme interdonal sheet are approximately 4.5 m; In the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasal tip and under the engine room, they are less. Between the flora at the extreme interdonal sheet put braces, and at the bottom of the stringers - vertical ribs of stiffness at a breakdown distance; Vertical keel depending on the distance between the flora on both sides additionally put one or two braces with flanges. The bottom ribs of rigidity, which, depending on the size of the vessel, are set at a distance of 0.7-1 m, pass through solid flora. With a longitudinal system of recruitment with stringers, elliptic or arched cuts are performed in the latter.

5.1.2 Outdoor sheat and onboard set

Outdoor sheat - this is the shell of the vessel case; It should perceive the water pressure and at the same time, as part of the longitudinal set, together with other longitudinal bonds to ensure the longitudinal strength of the vessel case. The outer lining consists of separate sheets that are connected to each other with the welding, with swarthhum, decks and bottoms. The length of the outdoor sheets is usually much larger than the width. The vertical line of the compound (weld) sheets is called a mix, and a more or less horizontal line of the compound - groove. The grooves are formed by the length of the vessel harmoniously flowing curves. The belt of the sheath, passing between these so-called lectal curves, is called. Each belt has its own name in accordance with its position on the vessel body. We also have sheets that are adjacent directly to the keel are called kille, the rest of the impositions, as well as there, beside the horizontal keel in a flat part of the bottom - bottom. The belt of sheets, which covers the rounding of the cheekbones, is called a zoom belt, wearing the sheets from the flora over the zoom belt - onboard grounding, the topmost - breadth. The number of joints and seams depends on the magnitude of the sheets. Depending on the size of the vessel, the width of the sheets ranges from 1.2 to 2.8 m, and the length is from 5 to 10 m. In the end of the vessel, the sheets of smaller sizes are installed, since the volumetric flexibility and the installation of large-sized sheets would be too time-consuming. The thickness of the outer sheaving depends on the length of the vessel, the height of the side to the upper continuous deck, as well as from the precipitation and the distance between the spp (sppation). This thickness is for ships with a length of 20 m about 5 mm, and for ships with a length of 250 m - approximately 25 mm. But even one and the same vessel, the thickness of the outer sheat is not the same everywhere. So, with the excitement, the largest bending stresses the vessel is experiencing in the middle part, so the sheets are thicker than in the extremities. As a rule, thicker than others, there are also listers and horizontal keel, because they are important longitudinal bonds and are additionally susceptible to loads acting on cross-links. Large compressive loads are experiencing horizontal keel when dialing, so the bottoms are thicker than onboard.

Outdoor covering:
1 - Shirtsk, 2 - Falsebort, 3 - Sheet Foresture, 4 - Sow, 5 - belt leaf, 6 - lesteys, 7 - Zyloma belt, 8 - onboard belt, 9 - Inceous bottoms, 10 - horizontal keel, 11 - district Reinforcements, 12 - On-board adduction

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Also, there are also blending sheets of outdoor sheaths in the area of \u200b\u200btransition to the superstructure, since there arises especially high concentration Stresses with bending vessel on excitement. Because of the keel pitching, in addition to the bottom set in the nasal and feed extremities, the outer trim is also enhanced. Courts with ice reinforcements have thickened onboard trim, especially if they are built in accordance with the rules for a higher ice class and to work in the Arctic waters. Ice reinforcements has not only an outdoor covering, but also onboard connections - splintings and stringers, as well as forms and ahtersterene, steering device and individual parts of the energy installation, such as a rowing screw, grinding and crankshaft engine.

The splits are the ribs of the vessel hull, which are located in vertical planes and give the ship its shape. They are a continuation of the transverse links of the vessel's bottoms and form with the bottoms of the flora, snacks or brally, the sword frame, open in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hatches and closed outside the hatches and mines with the bottoms of Bims and Bims. The swarthhums together with other transverse bonds should provide local body strength so that the vessel can perceive the loads acting on it from water, ice and cargo. In conjunction with transverse bulkheads, the splits also increase the longitudinal strength of the vessel, preventing the outer sheat deformation. The splits are distributed over the entire length of the vessel (with the exception of the tips) at equal distances from each other. This distance depending on the length of the vessel ranges from 0.5 to 0.9 m. As a rule, the splints are numbered from the nasal perpendicular to the stern, starting with "0"; The sparkouts for the stern perpendicular receive negative numbers. The load on the splits increases down from the surface of the water in accordance with the increase in hydrostatic pressure. Therefore, their transverse sections are maximal in the area between the bottom and the lower deck; From the deck to the deck, they gradually decrease. The dimensions of the trumpeted splint assets depend on the magnitude of the vessel, from the sediment and from the height of the zoom. The usual end fastenings of the trumulous spaches to Bims are presented in the picture. In courts with a single bottom or with a horizontal flooring of the second bottom, the trumpeted splints in the outer skin are connected to the vnakroy floors so that the compound is sufficiently rigid to bend; Sometimes they are attached using books. The sizes of the Twinepeck splits are also dependent on the magnitude of the vessel, i.e., from the height of the side to the main deck, from the height of the Twinepec, the number and position of the Twinepec, from precipitation and spp. The usual end fastenings of intermediate splits to the decks and bims are shown in the figure. The dimensions of the add-in spangling and their end mounts are also determined by the same as for a twine-shaft.

Spanmost and onboard set:
but - location of the splint assets (side view); b. - communication of the boards of the ship with a single bottom; with - onboard set of one-lubricane vessel in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cargo hatch; d. - onboard set of three-plane vessel; e. - onboard set in the area of \u200b\u200bthe engine room; f. - Set of cruising feed.
1 - well-mounted swarthhums; 2 - books; 3 - truminaires; 4 - the regiment of the zicky book; 5 - Skulent Knitsa; 6 - BearS; 7 - transit sheet; 8 - feed sterns; 9 - ahterstevin; 10 - longitudinal coming; M - transverse coming; 12 - Frame Bims; 13 - frame spline; 14 - Side Stringer; 15 - intermediate deck; 16 - bottom flora; 17 - Middle Kilson; 18 - Connection of the Vnakroi Spanmost with Florom.

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In those areas of the vessel building, where particularly high stresses arise or where the vessel body should be particularly rigid (for example, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe machine department), in the region of large hatches, reinforced sandy profiles are established - the so-called frame spline. They consist of walls with welded shelves. At the ends of large cargo hatches, frame splints together with hatch end bims and hatch transverse coming form form a closed frame of large stiffness and strength.

In the stern (with cruising stern), the splint sets are located in planes, not vertical to diametral flushness, since otherwise the walls of the spangles would stand too tilted to the outer skin and significantly reduce its strength. Therefore, the feed splits are planes in planes, which are located at various angles to the diametral plane and almost vertically to the outer skin. Together with the appropriately located bims, they form separate frames that are attached on the so-called trove sheet. A transit sheet is a sheet equipped with reinforcements and located at a right angle to the longitudinal axis of the vessel. It connects with ahtersteve and replaces Flor in this place.

To reinforce the splits in the nasal and feed extremities, onboard stringers are installed. Nice deck and ahterpik under the lower deck are additionally enhanced by frame stringers. If the natterpick and ahterpics are conceived as tanks, then additional stringers are installed between the frame stringers at half past. Courts with ice reinforcements put additional splits; Ships with smaller ice reinforcements are limited to the nasal tip; Ships have a higher ice class along the entire length of the vessel installed additional splits and stringers. In the ice reinforcement area, the outer cover can withstand ice pressure to 784.8 kPa.

Onboard set of nasal tip:
1 - Main Deck, 2 - Side Stringer, 3 - Foresture, 4 - Stressed onboard Stringer, 5 - Flora, 6 - Bims, 7 - Plug Punchup, 8 - Double bottom, 9 - Truct Swords, 10 - Top Bumpup

Decks and sublock set

Decks are overlaps in the vessel housing, passing almost horizontally. The highest continuous deck is the main deck - it closes the vessel body from above and forms, one or with a deck of a long superstructure, the upper sheath of the case. The decks below the main task to increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe vessel to accommodate passengers and goods. The decks are above the main name of the decks of the add-ons.

The vertical distance between the decks on which the crew and passengers are located, ranges from 2.2 to 2.8 m. Height between cargo decks - from 2.5 to 3.5 m, and the height of the cargo premises lying under the lower deck, 6 M and more. The thickness of the flooring of the main deck depends on the length of the vessel, from the height of the side to the main deck, the height of the twindec, from the sediment, the set system (longitudinal or transverse) and the distance between the bims, as well as from the width of the continuous deck between the cargo hatches and the outer shelf. At the same time, the thickness of the deck floor range varies depending on the magnitude of the local loads acting on the vessel's body: in the middle of the vessel they are the greatest, and the tips are less. In addition, the sheets of deck flooring between the hatches are usually significantly thinner than sheets between the hatches and the outer skin. The thickness of the sheets of the main deck ranges from 5 to 30 mm depending on the length of the vessel. The corners of the hatches are trimmed with reinforced or double sheets to avoid the deck of the deck laying due to the concentration of voltages.

The flooring of the lower decks has a slightly smaller thickness, which depends on the load and from the distance between bims and is about 5 mm in small ships, and large ships rarely exceed 1 2 mm. The deck flooring, like an outdoor skin, is made of separately blending sheets, and when there are those who are lying in the breadth, are called decking stringers, and there are also passing along the hatches, hatch stringers.

Up to deck stringers, all the impositions of sheets pass parallel to the diametrical plane. Deck Stringers are narrowed at the end of the vessel and end with sheets located across the vessel. In the middle part of the vessel, the deck stringers of the main deck are sometimes blurred using a stringery kit with an outdoor trim (with a breadth).

The bims passing across the vessel with a longitudinal set system carry the deck flooring and the cargo lying on the deck. They are supported by longitudinal sublocks and pilots in one or several places in the width of the vessel. Longitudinal sublock beams pass through frame bims and rest on them. Bim sizes depend on the load on the deck, the length of the span and the distance between the bims; In addition, Bims of the main deck in the middle part of the vessel must have minimal stiffness (moment of inertia), which depends on the thickness of the main deck, so that under compressive stresses, protect the deck flooring from deformations. With the splint groups, deck bims are connected using books. Bims interrupted by entrance hatch or other cutouts are backed by carlings (longitudinal beams), which are attached to reinforced deck bims.

Longitudinal subligation beams consist of welded profiles. In places of passage of bims, they are equipped with cutouts in accordance with Bims profile. From deformations and displacements, brand profiles are protected. For transverse bulkheads, longitudinal sublitting beams are usually attached using books. The size of longitudinal beams depend on the load on the deck and from the span and the width of the overlap, which accounts for the load. Pillers pass from the floors or flooring of the second bottom to the upper deck; On individual decks, they stand exactly above each other, since otherwise Bims would receive an additional bending load. Pillers are made of steel pipes (less often from squares) or other varietal rolled products. At the ends, they have heel plates and upper lining, and on both sides of the wall of the longitudinal beam - vertical braces, which serve to reliably transmit the pressure of deck and bims on pilots and prevent the lateral displacement of the longitudinal beam. Pillers cross sections are determined by load and length.

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Deck: but - the names of the deck; b. - deck with a transverse system set; with - Deck with a longitudinal set system.

1 - deck Utah; 2 - Main deck (deck of bulkhead and palm of the surface side); 3 - the second deck; 4 - rowing shaft tunnel; 5 - navigation bridge; 6 - team bridge; 7 - boat deck; 8 - deck of medium superstructure; 9 - bottoms; 10 - tank deck; 11 - Third deck; 12 - Flooring the second bottom; 13 - seams; 14 - cargo hatches; 15 - bog; 16 - reinforcement of the hatch; 17 - Machine Mine; 18 - Deck Stringer; 19 - bims; 20 - Carlings; 21 - diamond sheet; 22 - frame bims; 23 - hatch stringers; 24 - deck flooring (next to the side and hatching deck and hatch stringers); 25 - flooring between the hatches; 26 - longitudinal sublocks; 27 - frame Bims; 28 - Corrugated bulkhead.

Big and tanks

Under the bulkhead, they understand the water and dustproof vertical wall installed in the vessel body. According to the position relative to the DP vessel distinguish longitudinal and transverse bulkheads. Waterproof bulkheads divide the ship to waterproof compartments; Passenger vessels are located so that when flooding one or more adjacent compartments, the buoyancy of the vessel is preserved. Transverse bulkheads increase the transverse strength and, preventing the extension of the bent and overlap, is the longitudinal strength of the vessel. Waterproof and oilproof longitudinal bulkheads are installed only on ruds and tankers.

The number of waterproof bulkheads depends on the length and type of vessel. On each vessel, behind the terrestrial is provided for emergency taranuine bulkhead. The screw vessels in the feed tip set a hot bulkhead, which usually limits the ahterpics. Steamboats and boats at the ends of the machine and boiler departments are available on one transverse bulkhead. The rest of the housing in accordance with the length of the vessel is divided by other transverse bulkheads, the distance between which does not exceed 30 m. The taper of the bulkhead in courts with a solid superstructure or a tank passes from the bottom to the deck of the superstructure or tank, while the ah terpic passage usually comes only to a waterproof deck Above summer cargo waterline.

Waterproof transverse bulkheads:
but - location of bulkheads at the cargo vessel (full-blooded ship); b. - transverse bulkhead; with - corrugated bulkhead; d. - Taranne a bulkhead.
1st; 2 - Akhtorpik; 3 - ah terpic bulkhead; 4 - trims; 5 - medium superstructure; 6 - deck of bulkhead; 7 - engine room; 8 - lower deck; 9 - tank; 10 - chain box; 11 - Forpike; 12 - Plug-up; 13 - Double bottom; 14 - rowing shaft tunnel; 15 - books; 16 - I think the skin of bulkheads.

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The main dimensions of the vessel are the length, width, sediment and the height of the side (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. The main dimensions of the vessel: A - courts without constantly protruding parts; b - vessels with constantly protruding parts; V - Courts with transom feed; g - the main dimension in cross sections hull; D - examples of the definition of theoretical lines and nose perpendicular

Ship length L.Distinguish:

  • length of constructive Waterlin L QL - the distance between the intersection points of the nasal and theft parts of the structural waterline with the diametrical plane of the vessel. Similarly, the length is determined for any calculated waterline L VL;
  • the length between perpendicular L PP. Behind nasal perpendicular(NP) Take a line of intersection of a DP with a vertical transverse plane passing through the extreme hand point of the vessel's structural waterline. Behind feed perpendicular(KP) take the line of intersection of the DP vessel with a vertical transverse plane passing through the point of intersection of the axis of the baller with the plane of the structural waterline. In the absence of a baller for the feed perpendicular of the vessel, the lines of intersection of the DP vessel with a vertical transverse plane, passing at a distance of 97% of the length of the KVL from the nasal perpendicular;
  • the length of the greatest L NB - the distance measured in the horizontal plane between the extreme points of the theoretical surface of the vessel body (excluding the outer sheaving) in the nasal and feed extremities;
  • length dimensional L GB - The distance measured in the horizontal plane between the extreme points of the nasal and the feed end of the vessel, taking into account constantly protruding parts.

The width of the vessel V. is distinguished by:

  • width of kv in kv - The distance measured in the widest part of the KVL vessel is perpendicular to the DP without taking into account the external sheaving. Similarly, determine for any calculated waterline waterlinnia width In ll;
  • width on Middle Spanort in - the distance measured on the Middle Spangout at the level of the QVL or the calculated waterline without taking into account the external sheaving of the body;
  • the width is the largest in NB - the distance measured in the widest part is perpendicular to the DP between the extreme points of the case without the external sheaving;
  • width overall in GB - The distance measured in the widest part is perpendicular to the DP between the extreme points of the housing, taking into account the protruding parts.

Site sediment T. - The vertical distance measured in the plane of the Middle Spangout from the main plane to the plane of the calculated Waterlin (T VL) or to the KVL plane (g of kl).

Controlling the landing of the vessel (medium precipitation, differential and roll) during the operation of the vessel is carried out by marks of deepening.The grooves are applied by Arabic numbers on both sides, Forstevne, in the Middle Spangout area and Ahtershtevne and denote deepening in decimeters (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Deepening brands.

Shipboard height N. - The vertical distance measured in the plane of the Middle Spangmost from the main plane to the onboard line of the top deck of the vessel. Under Onboard lineit is understood as the line intersection of the side of the side (excluding the trim) and the upper deck (excluding the thickness of the flooring).

Freeboard F. - This is the difference between the height of the side and sediment F \u003d H. - T.

Main dimension L, B, Nand T.only the sizes of the vessel define, and their relationships L / B, V / T, H / T, L / Hand B / H. To a certain extent, the shape of the vessel body is characterized and the strength characteristics affect its nautical qualities. For example, an increase L / B.promotes the speed of the vessel, the more B / T,that is staring.

Fig. 4. To the definition of completeness coefficients: A - Waterlinnia Square; B - Middle Spangout Square; B - displacement.

An additional idea of \u200b\u200bthe shape of the vessel body is given by dimensionless values, called the coefficients of the completeness of the vessel.

Fullness coefficient of Waterlinia α - The ratio of the area of \u200b\u200bWaterlinia S to the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle described around it with the parties L.and AT(Fig. 4):

Completion coefficient of Middle Spangling β - This is the attitude of the submerged part of the Middle to the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle described around it with the parties ATand T:

The coefficient of the completeness of the displacement Δ - This is the ratio of volumetric displacement the volume of parallelepiped with the parties L, B.and T:

The coefficient of longitudinal completeness φ the volume of the prism that has the base area of \u200b\u200bthe Middle Spangout and height L:

The coefficient of vertical completeness χ - The ratio of volumetric displacement the volume of the prism resulting the area of \u200b\u200bthe constructive waterline S and height T:

As well as the ratio of the main dimensions, the completeness coefficients affect the seaworthy quality of the vessel. Reducing δ, α and φ contributes to the speed of the vessel, but an increase α Increases its stability.

The vessel is characterized by volumetric and mass indicators, to the number of which include: displacement of volume V, m 3, - the volume of the underwater part of the vessel, and displacement D,t, - Mass of the vessel: D \u003d ρv,where ρ - water density, t / m 3.

Each sediment of the vessel corresponds to certain volumetric displacement and the mass of the vessel (displacement). Displacement of a fully built vessel, but without reserves, consumables, cargo and people are called Water-displacement of the empty ship.Displacement of the vessel loaded on the cargo brand is called waterproofing vessel with full cargo


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