I'll go out the song together across the field. Lyube lyrics - Only we are walking across the field with a horse. Lyube lyrics - we are with a horse

I will go out into the field with a horse at night,
Let's go quietly in the dark night

We will go with a horse across the field together,
We will go with a horse across the field together,

At night in the field of stars grace
There is no one in the field,

Only we are walking across the field with a horse,
Only we are walking across the field with a horse,

I will sit astride a horse,
Carry me across the field
On my endless field,
On my endless field ...

Let me see once
Where the field gives birth to the dawn

Ay lingonberry color, scarlet and dawn,
Ali is that place, or he is not.

My polyushko is springs,
Lights from distant villages

Golden rye, and curly flax ...

It will be a good year of the grain grower
It was all kinds of things will pass

I will go out into the field with a horse at night,
Let's go quietly in the dark night
We will go with a horse across the field together,
We will go with a horse across the field together,
We will go with a horse across the field together,
We will go with the horse across the field together ...

At night in the field of stars grace
There is no one in the field,
Only we are walking across the field with a horse,
Only we are walking across the field with a horse,
Only we are walking across the field with a horse,
Only we are walking across the field with a horse ...

I will sit astride a horse,
Carry me across the field
On my endless field,
On my endless field ...

Let me see once
Where the field gives birth to the dawn
Ay lingonberry color, scarlet and dawn,
Ali is that place, or he is not.
Ay lingonberry color, scarlet and dawn,
Ali is that place, or he is not.

My polyushko is springs,
Lights from distant villages
Golden rye, and curly flax ...
I'm in love with you, Russia, in love
Golden rye, and curly flax ...
I'm in love with you, Russia, in love ..

It will be a good year of the grain grower
It was all kinds of things will pass
Sing golden rye, sing curly flax
Sing about how I'm in love with Russia
Sing golden rye, sing curly maple
We are walking with a horse across the field together.

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I will go out into the field with a horse at night,
Let's go quietly in the dark night

We will go with a horse across the field together,
We will go with a horse across the field together,
We will go with the horse across the field together.

At night in the field of stars grace
There is no one in the field,

Only we are walking across the field with a horse,
Only we are walking across the field with a horse,
Only we are walking across the field with a horse.

I will sit astride a horse,
Carry me across the field
On my endless field,
On my endless field.

Let me see once
Where the field gives birth to the dawn

Ay lingonberry color, scarlet and dawn,
Ali is that place, or he is not.

My polyushko is springs,
Lights from distant villages

Gold rye and curly flax.
I am in love with you, Russia, in love.

It will be a good year of the grain grower
It was all kinds of things will pass

Sing about how I'm in love with Russia.
Sing golden rye, sing curly maple
We are walking with a horse across the field together.

Lyube lyrics - we are with a horse

Go out at night in a field with a horse,
Dark night quietly go,

We "ll go with a horse on the field together,
We "ll go with a horse on the field together,
We "ll go with a horse on the field together.

Night in the stars grace
In the one to be seen,

Only my horse go on the field,
Only my horse go on the field,
Only my horse go on the field.

I will sit astride a horse,
You carry it in the field me
My boundless field,
My boundless field.

Let me see it once,
Where the field creates the dawn,

Ai cranberry color, but red dawn
Ali is the place, Ali, it is not.

Polyushko my - springs,
Lights of distant villages,
Golden rye, flax Kinky yes.

Golden rye, flax Kinky yes.
I "m in love with you, Russia, in love.

Will be a good year, a farmer
Was differently- always pass

Sing about how I "m in love with Russia.
Sing a golden rye, sing curly maple
We go with a horse on the field together.


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