The indicator of bonuses for employees otk. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of audit work. Accounting for marriage in engineering production



Are you a successful and promising employee, but are you unhappy that the company, in your opinion, is not spending money very efficiently or the working conditions leave much to be desired? Do you know how you can fix everything? Do you have any ideas and have you even calculated how much profit can be brought to the plant if you change something in the department or workshop? Contact Lean Manufacturing (BP). Initiative people are always welcome here and appreciate new ideas.

Suffice it to say that this year Aviastar employees wrote 3,500 applications to further improve the quality of labor at the enterprise. Many of them are specific rationalization proposals and kaizen proposals with an economic effect, - explains Dmitry Mironov, head of the bureau for innovation, invention and kaizen proposals, with whom we decided to talk on this topic.

He noted that in order to work with thinking and creative people in each plant division today there are responsible engineers of the main and auxiliary industries. In some places, responsible representatives for the shop are introduced - this is metallurgy, UIT, etc. They are engaged in paperwork, holding shop committees, at which proposals of authors are considered and appropriate decisions are made. Employees wishing to take on this responsibility for their unit can contact the Production System Improvement Department. For this, monetary surcharges are provided, taking into account each subject of the proposal that brought an economic effect.

According to Dmitry Mironov, metallurgists most often turn to them with effective proposals. And there are practical results. So, in shop 215, the manufacture of stampings for the Il-76MD-90A product was previously carried out on a two-ton hammer. At the same time, insufficient force of the stamping equipment led to incomplete filling of deep ribs and under-stamping of the strands on the mirror of the stamping equipment. The result was frequent breakage of the guide hammers. In this regard, it was decided to transfer the manufacture of stampings for aircraft parts to a three-ton hammer, which made it possible to eliminate defects and obtain an economic effect. The application was accepted in 2014, and the project itself was implemented in 2015. The award for a fruitful idea was paid to employees in June this year.

Here is another successful example implemented in production. To check some of the technical characteristics on the aircraft, four batteries were previously used: two on each wing console, which was expensive. One of the leaders of the POS proposed to make two portable simulators for replacement, which can be recharged. And most importantly, they do not need to be bought and they significantly reduce costs. This project has been successfully implemented and is being effectively used in our enterprise.

Specialists of the Bureau for Innovation, Inventions and Kaizen Proposals ask you to pay attention to the fact that in order to submit an application to improve productivity or working conditions, one must be ready to reasonably prove its expected economic efficiency for the enterprise. Therefore, we are constantly working with innovators to bring their creative ideas to their logical conclusion.

By the way, for each kaizen proposal, authors or participants are paid monetary rewards from 200 to 2000 rubles per month. For rationalization proposals with kaizen - effect, the amount of payments is measured on a scale of gradation, but not more than 10 average salaries in the enterprise. Additional rewards await the constant innovators. Thus, two young specialists from Aviastar were recommended for the nomination “Best Young Rationalizer”. These are employees who have already submitted more than 10 effective ideas. And on August 10 at Aviastar a special competition for the "Best rationalization proposal" starts in order to activate the "Lean production" program.

As statistics show, a person who submitted the first application with a productive idea and received a monetary reward for it becomes a “professional” rationalizer, actively thinking, looking for new ways to reduce production costs.


Sergey Popov, Managing Director of OJSC “PMZ”, head of the “Engines for Civil Aviation” division, talks about how it was possible to avoid rash costs, what lean manufacturing tools the company uses and what goals it sets for the coming years.

The two previous years were quite successful for the Perm Engine Company. The company managed to become profitable, first of all, due to the well-coordinated work of the team. In more detail, the company began to pay more attention to costs. We have tried to completely avoid rash costs - whether it is the purchase of expensive equipment or an order from a supplier of components, there must be a justification for each action. Moreover, we tried to convey this to each employee - specific goals were set, their significance was explained. The results speak for themselves. The plant implements the principles of lean production. Frankly, I would like them to be applied more widely. I think, first of all, working in accordance with the principles of the 5S system teaches people to the simplest and most difficult - to order. This is the cleanliness in the workplace, and the consistency of adherence to technologies, rules, standards.

But the most important thing in using lean manufacturing tools is consistency. After all, you can use force to introduce anything you want, but you just have to weaken the pressure, and if people do not have an understanding of the need to use this or that toolkit, we will very quickly surrender the won positions. And it is also important not to slip into indicative use. Last year, beautiful markings were drawn in all workshops, nightstands were painted, it would seem that this is order, put in order. But the team was skeptical about these changes - many did not understand what the point was, how it could be useful specifically for each of them.

And this year we took a different path - workshops were held not only for heads of shops, but also for heads of plant services at the upper and middle levels.

These were a kind of "subbotniks", where, in real "combat" conditions of the workshop chaos, teams of specialists had to jointly figure out how work should be organized on a specific site, what was needed for the case and should be left, and what should be simply thrown away without regret breaking the usual stereotypes. And at first it was really hard for everyone, but then - the result exceeded expectations. The workers themselves became active participants in all transformations, they believed that this system works. But I understand that this task will not be solved at the same time, at once. To destroy stereotypes in their heads, to teach, to teach, and not to force, to think in a new way is a long and laborious process, and it requires a lot of patience. But I believe - we will succeed.

Over the past couple of years, a large number of new high-tech equipment has come to the enterprise. The machine park of the enterprise has not been updated for quite a long time, and the equipment that we have purchased to date is only a small part of the need. Negotiations are underway with suppliers on the purchase of another batch, they have reached the final stage. A procurement tender will be announced shortly. It is planned to purchase about 50 pieces of equipment for welding, heat treatment, machining centers. It will be delivered to almost all major mechanical assembly shops, primarily to areas that are "narrow" for the production process.

It is worth mentioning the ongoing increase in the share of aircraft engines in the total production of the enterprise. This is a smooth, gradual process, mainly associated with the start of operation of the Il-476 aircraft. So far, the aviation theme, according to sales plans for next year, is about 30–35 engines for aviation and 70–80 for ground ones. In the future, we will achieve a ratio of 50 to 50. Of course, we would like more of our motors to fly. And the aviation future of the plant, which we count on, is connected with the PD-14 engine and civil customers.

If we talk about the “Engines for Civil Aviation” division, which I have been heading since April 29 of this year, it is worth noting that all enterprises of the corporation are building their work within the framework of the general UEC strategy. The role of each enterprise and mutual obligations are spelled out in it, and production cooperation between the companies of the division, not only on the PD-14 project, will certainly expand.

We hold weekly meetings within the division and discuss issues of cooperation, the state of affairs on joint projects. So, now I see an increase in the transfer of certain types of work on the production of the PS-90 engine to NPO Saturn. And this is quite understandable - we are definitely not in a position to master the volumes of production of engines based on PS-90, which are supposed to be at PMZ, alone. We have an outdated machine-tool park, we will have to buy a fairly large amount of equipment, but it is already difficult to fit in the existing buildings, we are forced to look for free space. At the same time, serious funds were invested in the technical re-equipment of NPO Saturn. The capabilities of this enterprise and its competence will be in great demand by us. It is necessary during August to draw up a "road map" for the preparation of production there, to determine the amount of funding and sources.

At different times, the production of the ASh-62 motor was transferred from Perm to Rybinsk, then the D-30, now - the PS-90. The idea of \u200b\u200bproducing this engine by cooperation is not new. I have a 1988 document on my desk that was handed over to me in Rybinsk. Even then, it was planned to organize the production of PS-90 there, with the construction of the corresponding areas and the allocation of funds. This decision was worked out by the Ministry of Aviation Industry. Surprisingly, our technical specialists, having reviewed the calculations of that time, confirmed that everything agrees with modern proposals for organizing production.

I believe that the Perm Motor Plant has serious prospects, and that its development plans are ambitious - after all, by 2027 we must reach the production level of up to 270 engines per year. And for this, it is necessary, using the advanced experience of creating high-tech industries, to build the best engine plant in Russia.


From September 1, in all the main workshops of the Trubodetal plant, the provision on material incentives for employees to identify non-conformities will come into force.

Previously, such a system was tested for five months at sections 1.1 and 1.2 of the thermo-press-welding shop No. 1. The regulation was developed in order to improve the quality of manufactured products and eliminate the possibility of unintentional ingestion of defective products by the consumer. Also, the new rules should help to increase the personal responsibility and motivation of plant employees and eliminate the material interest of workers in hiding defects.

Trubodetal specialists saw a similar system at the Paker enterprise in the town of Oktyabrsky (Bashkiria). It is based on the principles of the three "not" - do not accept marriage, do not make a marriage, do not pass the marriage on to another.

Let us recall what is included in this system. If an employee reveals a defect at the entrance control, he receives an incentive in the form of 500 rubles. The one who admitted or overlooked this discrepancy, on the contrary, will be punished with a 10 percent loss of bonus. If a person himself made a discrepancy, it does not matter, through his own fault or due to equipment malfunction, but reported this by filling out the registration form, then he will not be punished. Each case will be examined by a commission consisting of a site foreman, a quality control department controller and a technologist. Thus, the need to hide the marriage disappears.

I must say that the system will begin to operate at the enterprise in a modified mode. The implementation will take into account the five-month experience of her work in the first workshop. Pavel Voznyuk, Acting Head of the Technical Control Department, spoke in more detail about the test results:

Now we can say that the system works, but it does not work as efficiently as we would like. In fact, the same people fill out the non-conformity registration forms and complain about the same defects. At the same time, the number of inconsistencies detected by the technical control department did not significantly decrease. Not all employees of Sections 1.1 and 1.2 have adopted such a product quality control system, and I am talking now not only about workers, but also about foremen. It's also about the mentality of people. For some, the submission of such forms seems almost a betrayal, although in fact it is only a professional attitude to the matter.

We will take into account the shortcomings of the original version and, in order to involve more people, we will work on changing the reward and punishment system. Workers, in my opinion, need to remember that the quality of products, like nothing else, affects the reputation of the enterprise. If we want to work in a successful factory, then each of us must take care of the quality of the products we produce.

What, in your opinion, is the main obstacle to the introduction of a new product quality control system?

In order for it to take root, first of all, it takes time. People need to get used to innovation. On the same "Packer", such a culture has been forming for years, so it is naive to expect that at Trubodetal it will work one hundred percent from the first day. Nevertheless, we need to move forward to improve product quality, which means we need to start somewhere. I think if the workers and their leaders are active and begin to monitor the quality of the products themselves, we will soon get the first results.



The best kaizen of August can rightfully be called the kaizen of the master of the neutralization station, Petr Murashko. This is perhaps one of the most unique kaizens that were invented by our plant workers.

Working at a neutralization station is not an easy task, and all activities related to wastewater treatment must be performed in a specific sequence. For example, sludge pumping operations are carried out before starting the vacuum filter. When

the vacuum filter must therefore be put into operation between 08:00 and 08:30. Since simultaneous pumping of sludge with a running vacuum filter is impossible

i had to start work earlier (from 07:00 instead of 07:30). Moreover, any delay in operations led to a shift in the schedule and, as a result, led to an emergency operation. This is what Petr Murashko drew attention to. He developed a new schedule for the neutralization station. By and large, only the sequence of operations was changed, but after this change, operations began to be performed in normal mode, delays no longer lead to a shift in the schedule, and the time for performing operations has also decreased. “Changes in the station's operating schedule allow operations to be performed at a measured pace, and this improves the quality of performance, reduces the risk of injury and equipment damage,” notes the author of the improvement, Petr Murashko.

This is far from the only improvement that was introduced by Pyotr Murashko at the neutralization station entrusted to him. For a short period of work at our enterprise, they submitted about 6 kaizen proposals, developed more than 7 working standards, fully numbered and visualized workplaces and storage areas.

And this is not the limit. According to Peter, he plans to organize at the neutralization station a unified automated system for monitoring the level of media boundaries in all containers, which will simplify the work of the operator, and also speed up the process.

The indicators of the quality of labor and the coefficients of reduction by the controller, testers and locksmiths of the TsIS OTK are established by the regulation on the SBT OTK.

Employees who have been absent without good reason, who have appeared at work in a drunken state, or who have been absent from work for more than three hours continuously or in total during the working day without a valid reason, have committed theft of enterprise property.

seizures (raw materials, materials, tools, parts, etc.) or those that contributed to their theft, which made a postscript in the orders or other documents, are completely deprived of the bonus.

Brigades or individual employees guilty of defects that have caused claims for products, return of poor-quality products identified by the consumer may lose the bonus in full, about which an order is issued for the department.

Full or partial withdrawal of the bonus is made during the settlement month in which the omission was committed and is formalized by the order of the director of the enterprise, head of the shop (department).

In the presence of facts of additions and distortions of reporting, claims for products and the return of poor-quality products, the premium is withdrawn in the billing period in which these violations were discovered or reported about them.

Workers dismissed from their previous job for a systematic violation of labor discipline, absenteeism for no good reason or drunkenness at work are paid half the bonus for six months. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Payment of bonuses in full to these employees within six months of work is made even if the place of work within the enterprise changes during this period.

The reduction of the bonus is made by the accounting department on the basis of the record of the head of the personnel department in the order for employment.

The team of a subdivision (workshop, department, site, brigade), after at least 3 months of work, has the right to apply in the future for the payment of a bonus in full, if the employee does not commit violations of labor discipline and is conscientious about the performance of his duties.

The application is considered by the administration of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union committee.

The decision is formalized by the order of the general director. The draft order is prepared by the department in which the employee works.

In the case of a collective (brigade) form of organizing and stimulating labor for an employee dismissed from his previous place of work for the above reasons, the bonus is reduced based on its size accrued to the employee, taking into account his real contribution to the overall performance of the team of the brigade (including accrued taking into account the coefficient of labor participation).

The unpaid part of the bonus in this period is not subject to distribution among the steel members of the collective and remains in the fund from which it should be paid.

Workers who have worked for less than a month in connection with conscription into the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus, transfer to another job, admission to an educational institution, retirement, dismissal due to staff reductions, of their own free will and for other valid reasons, are paid bonuses for the hours actually worked.

Workers who have worked for less than a month and who have been dismissed for violation of labor and production discipline will not receive a bonus for that month.

In order to increase the material interest of the team of specialists and employees in fulfilling the tasks of increasing the volume of production, reducing its cost, accelerating the turnover of working capital, improving the quality of labor at the enterprise, the Regulation "On bonus payments to managers, specialists and employees of the JV" Zeiss-BelOMO " results of economic activity ".

Bonuses for production collectives, workshops, departments, sections and other divisions of the enterprise for the main results of work are carried out monthly at the expense of the cost price within the bonus fund accrued to these divisions.

The divisions prepare a monthly report on the formation of the bonus fund for the main results of economic activity.

The main condition for calculating bonuses for workshops and departments is the fulfillment of the plan:

- for the main workshops, industries and areas that are part of them, the fulfillment of the mandatory nomenclature plan is not less than 100%.

- for departments and auxiliary workshops - fulfillment of the profit plan.

If the nomenclature of the most important products is not fulfilled by one or several main workshops, departments, auxiliary workshops and management of separate and subsidiary enterprises, due to which the failure occurred, are excluded from the list of bonuses, regardless of their indicators.

The fact of non-compliance and the specific culprits are reflected in the orders for the last month.

The fund for bonuses is charged monthly as a percentage of the planned salary fund for managers, specialists and employees of the corresponding division, depending on the performance of fund-forming indicators.

If the conditions for bonuses are not met, the specified fund is reserved. If the bonus conditions are met in subsequent periods of the calendar year, the bonus is paid in the amount of 50% of the accrued fund.

Accounting for the fulfillment of bonus indicators is carried out on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year.

Indicators, sizes and conditions of bonuses for workshops and sections of the main and auxiliary production are reflected in Appendix B.

The general rate of bonuses for all divisions of the enterprise are reflected in table 2.9.

Table 2.9 - The general indicator of bonuses for all divisions of the enterprise



Prize percentage

In the absence of safety violations

If there are safety violations

For departments 30, 41, 42, 45, 46, workshop 26

Amounts of unreimbursed fines, losses from marriage and downtime, surcharges for deviations from normal working conditions due to the fault of this unit, as well as the amount of the cost of packaging in the unit in excess of the standard and in 3 times the amount of the cost written off in excess of the standard or lost.

10.4. Bonuses for employees of enterprises

The system of bonuses for employees of the enterprise is aimed at increasing the material interest of workers, managers and engineering and technical workers and employees in increasing production efficiency, increasing sales and improving product quality, increasing profits, increasing labor productivity and profitability of the enterprise.

The regulations on bonuses to workers, managers, professionals, specialists and technical employees of the enterprise are developed by the employer or an authorized body, agreed with the trade unions and included in the collective agreement. The employer can grant the right (in large enterprises) to develop and approve provisions on bonuses to workers to the heads of large internal production units (workshops, departments, services, etc.).

To ensure the stimulating effect of bonus systems on the efficiency of workers, it is necessary to adhere to certain requirements:

decide on the purpose of bonuses, which may consist in improving the technical level and quality of products, labor productivity and sales volumes (with a high demand for products), reducing the cost of production through saving all types of costs;

to establish indicators of bonuses that depend on the results of work of certain groups and categories of workers;

the number of indicators should not exceed two or three;

conditions and indicators of bonuses should not contradict each other, so that the improvement of some indicators (conditions) does not cause deterioration of others.

Indicators of bonuses to workers of the main production, characterizing the quality results of their labor, can be:

when stimulating the improvement of the quality of products, works, services: increasing the grade (grade) of products, increasing the level of delivery of products from the first presentation, reducing the cases of returning low-quality products after being checked by employees of the technical control department (QCD); absence of claims (complaints about products, works, services) from other divisions of the enterprise or consumers; a decrease in the level of marriage in comparison with the previous period and the like;

while stimulating cost reduction: saving raw materials, materials, fuel and energy resources, tools, spare parts;

while stimulating the development of new equipment and progressive technology: increasing the equipment utilization factor; shift factor of new types of machines and equipment; shortening the time for mastering new technologies.

For workers who are engaged in the maintenance of production, it is advisable to establish bonus indicators that directly characterize the improvement in the quality of labor: ensuring uninterrupted and rhythmic operation of the equipment of the main shops; timely repair and increase in the overhaul periods of equipment operation; reducing the cost of repair and maintenance of equipment; uninterrupted and rhythmic provision of workplaces with materials, raw materials, tools, vehicles, all types of energy sources, and the like.

It is advisable to reward workers-inspectors of the quality control department for the implementation of planned measures to improve the quality and prevent rejects of products (works, services), the absence of passes of products with rejects for subsequent operations or outside this area (workshop, enterprise), the absence of complaints from consumers; reduction of cases of return of products (assemblies, parts) from the following operations, sites, workshops, etc.

The above indicators can be used as independent indicators of bonuses. For example, for quality control department inspectors of the machining department of mass production parts, their bonuses may be provided for reducing the cases of returning defective parts from the assembly shop in comparison with the standard, inspectors of the finished product warehouse - for the absence of complaints from consumers, duty electricians and duty mechanics-repairmen, adjusters - for the absence of equipment downtime due to their fault, regardless of the performance of other workers. In hardware processes and automated production, where equipment downtime creates a threat of non-fulfillment of the production plan, bonus conditions are set up to these indicators - the fulfillment of the production plan by a section, workshop, brigade, if these workers serve.

When paying bonuses to workers of the main production, the qualitative indicators of their labor are established as additional. According to the level of their fulfillment, the bonus is adjusted for the fulfillment or overfulfillment of production norms, production targets, standardized targets, and the like.

Systems are also used, in which, instead of adjusting coefficients, an increase in the premium in percentage is provided for each percentage of overfulfillment of the main indicator.

Indicators of bonuses to workers for their personal contribution to the final results of the work of the shop (enterprise) is the growth of labor productivity, as well as profits, production of products for export, and a decrease in the cost of production. The bonus for the individual results of the worker's work on a special scale is increased for each percentage of these indicators.

To increase bonuses, and, accordingly, wages, indicators of growth in labor productivity, volumes of export products, profits (income), and a decrease in production costs are used in conditions of an increase in the wage fund, taking into account the level of their performance in the shop or at the enterprise as a whole.

In certain sectors of the economy, the indicators of bonuses to workers have their own characteristics.

In the coal industry, in addition to bonuses for completing shift production tasks, workers can be paid for improving the quality of coal, indicators of which are its grade (grade) and ash content. If these indicators deteriorate, premiums are not paid. In addition, the basic salary also decreases, because the volume of the task itself is listed. Workers can also benefit from saving materials, energy and the like.

On motor vehicles, bonuses may be established for employees for saving fuel and lubricants, for excess tire mileage, use of the standard carrying capacity of vehicles, and one-time premiums for excess vehicle mileage (without overhaul) may be paid. On passenger vehicles, premiums may be established for excess cash receipts and so on.

In the mining and chemical industries, in addition to bonuses for completing production tasks, bonuses to workers can be established for the increased content of the main raw material in the ore, as well as for saving drilling tools (bits, bits with hard surfacing), energy resources, and the like.

In agriculture, the indicators of bonuses can be increased against the norms of milk yield, animal growth, the safety of young animals of various animals, ensuring the marketable output of vegetables and other products, and the like.

In the railway transport, it is proposed to apply the indicators of the fulfillment of tasks for the repair of rolling stock and other works provided for by the plan and technological processes in a timely manner, subject to the high quality of fulfillment of tasks for unloading, general loading of wagons (cargo), observance of track points, non-exceeding kilometers with unsatisfactory assessment to the previous month, improving the schedule of passenger trains for aspiration, compliance with the limits of operating costs and the payroll and the like.

Thus, each industry can apply its own specific bonus indicators, which should ensure an increase in production productivity.

Among the methods of material incentives for managers, professionals, specialists and technical employees, the following should be applied:

bonuses for both individual and collective results of work;

an increase in official salaries;

establishment of allowances and additional payments to official salaries.

The indicators and conditions of bonuses to the head of the enterprise are determined in the contract (Appendix I).

It is recommended to build bonus systems for managers, professionals, specialists and technical employees of structural units of an enterprise according to a single scheme, the structure of which is shown in Table. 10.28.

Table 10.28

The structure of the bonus system for managers, professionals, specialists and technical employees

Indicators and amounts of bonuses

The name of the structural unit

Basic conditions of bonuses, in case of non-fulfillment of which the bonus is not paid

Key indicators of bonuses

Prize sizes

Additional bonus conditions, if not met, the bonus is reduced to 50 percent

Bonus indicators (column 2 of Table 10.28) for managers, professionals, specialists and technical employees of the main and auxiliary shops who are responsible for the results of work directly in their production areas should reflect the results of the work of these structural divisions.

In the systems of awarding the collectives of the departments of the administrative apparatus, general plant services, central laboratories and other functional divisions, the indicators of their specific activities are used, if they can be taken into account.

The main indicators of the company's activity in market conditions: an increase in the volume of sold products and profits, an increase in labor productivity and quality of products (works, services), a decrease in its cost - as a rule, they are used as the main conditions for awarding bonuses to the structural divisions of the enterprise (column 1 of Table 10.28) ...

Additional conditions for awarding bonuses to structural and functional divisions of the enterprise is the performance of functional duties.

indicators of income incentives (fulfillment, overfulfillment of the plan, growth or growth like that);

reduction of the labor intensity of products, the introduction of the design labor intensity of products, progressive labor standards, etc .;

reduction of material consumption or energy consumption of products;

quality indicators (no growth or reduction of losses from defects, no complaints from consumers, etc.).

When organizing bonuses, a bonus may be charged on the individual wages of an employee or on the collective wages of workers in a shop, department, laboratory, or other service. With the collective accrual of bonuses, it is possible to use KTU when distributing bonuses between employees (excluding the heads of these services, for whom the bonus is determined by the first head of the enterprise).

The use of special bonus systems for:

creation, development and implementation of new equipment, progressive technologies, new types of products;

export sales;

collection, storage, processing and delivery of scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, precious metals, hard alloys, tool and high-quality steel, abrasive tools;

collection, storage and delivery of oils and other petroleum products for regeneration;

saving fuel, electricity, heat and other energy sources;

collection, storage, sorting and delivery of recyclable materials.

Based on the modern conditions of the functioning of production, the entry into a market economy, other systems for organizing payment and stimulating the efficiency of workers, managers, professionals, specialists and technical employees may arise.

We are grateful to the editorial staff of the newspaper "Novosti v detlyah" JSC "Trubodetal" for providing this material.

Previously, such a system was tested for five months at sections 1.1 and 1.2 of the thermo-press-welding shop No. 1. The regulation was developed in order to improve the quality of manufactured products and eliminate the possibility of unintentional ingestion of defective products by the consumer. Also, the new rules should help to increase the personal responsibility and motivation of plant employees and eliminate the material interest of workers in hiding defects.

Trubodetal specialists saw a similar system at the Paker enterprise in the town of Oktyabrsky (Bashkiria). It is based on the principles of the three "not" - do not accept marriage, do not make a marriage, do not pass the marriage on to another.

Let us recall what is included in this system. If an employee reveals a defect at the entrance control, he receives an incentive in the form of 500 rubles. The one who admitted or overlooked this discrepancy, on the contrary, will be punished with a 10 percent loss of bonus. If a person himself made a discrepancy, it does not matter, through his own fault or due to equipment malfunction, but reported this by filling out the registration form, then he will not be punished the first time. Each case will be examined by a commission consisting of a site foreman, a quality control department controller and a technologist. Thus, the need to hide the marriage disappears.

I must say that the system will begin to operate at the enterprise in a modified mode. The implementation will take into account the five-month experience of her work in the first workshop. More details about the test results told acting Head of the Technical Control Department Pavel Voznyuk:

- Now we can say that the system works, but it does not work as efficiently as we would like. In fact, the same people fill out the nonconformity registration forms and complain about the same defects. At the same time, the number of inconsistencies detected by the technical control department did not significantly decrease. Not all employees of Sections 1.1 and 1.2 have adopted such a product quality control system, and I am talking now not only about workers, but also about foremen. It's also about the mentality of people. For some, the submission of such forms seems almost a betrayal, although in fact it is only a professional attitude to the matter.

We will take into account the shortcomings of the original version and, in order to involve more people, we will work on changing the reward and punishment system. Workers, in my opinion, need to remember that the quality of products, like nothing else, affects the reputation of the enterprise. If we want to work in a successful factory, then each of us must take care of the quality of the products we produce.

- What, in your opinion, is the main obstacle to the introduction of a new product quality control system?

- In order for it to take root, first of all, it takes time. People need to get used to innovation. At the same “Packer”, such a culture has been forming for years, therefore it is naive to expect that at Trubodetal it will work one hundred percent from the first day. Nevertheless, we need to move forward to improve product quality, which means we need to start somewhere. I think if the workers and their leaders are active and begin to monitor the quality of the products themselves, we will soon get the first results.

Decision No. 2-6347 / 2017 2-993 / 2018 2-993 / 2018 (2-6347 / 2017;) ~ M-6332/2017 M-6332/2017 dated February 19, 2018 in case No. 2-6347 / 2017


In the name of the Russian Federation

Central District Court of the city of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region, composed of

presiding: Putilova N.A.

with the secretary: V.V. Zelentsova

having examined in open court in the city of Novokuznetsk

civil case on the claim of T. S. Morozova against JSC "EVRAZ ZSMK" on the recognition of illegal orders on the application of measures of material influence,


Claimant Morozova T.S. applied to the court with a claim against the defendant JSC "EVRAZ ZSMK" to declare illegal the order on the application of pecuniary measures. Asks the court to recognize the order No. from DD.MM.YYYY illegal; recover from JSC EVRAZ ZSMK in its favor the amount of the monthly premium for September 2017 and compensation for moral damage in the amount of 2,000 rubles.

The requirements are motivated by the fact that since 2014 he has been working for JSC EVRAZ ZSMK as a quality control department controller. By order No. from DD.MM.YYYY, measures of material influence were applied to her in the form of deprivation of the production bonus by 50% for September 2017.

Considers this order illegal on the following grounds:

DD.MM.YYYY she was 3 minutes late for the unassignment, when the master came into the premises of the unassignment reporting an industrial accident that had occurred at another enterprise of EvrazHolding. She heard all the circumstances of the accident, except for the name of the victim, which she signed on the acquaintance sheet. Believes that ignorance of the victim's surname does not affect the process of performing her work duties provided for in the work instructions.

Requirements of clause 2.1. work instructions for the controller in the production of ferrous metals, which provides for the controller to attend shift-meeting meetings and receive production assignments for the shift she has completed.

According to clause 4.4 of the collective agreement of JSC EVRAZ ZSMK for 2017-2018. the time of holding shift-meeting meetings (unassignments) before and after the shift is not included in the working hours and is paid on the basis of the assigned tariff rate (salary) with the calculation of the regional coefficient.

Clause 5.9 of the Internal Labor Regulations of EVRAZ ZSMK JSC stipulates that only systematic delays or non-attendance on assignments or briefings without good reason are regarded as a violation of labor discipline.

In this situation, there is no fact of systematic delay (non-appearance).

Since depriving employees is a punishment measure, when deciding on deprivation of a production bonus, the employer had to take into account the severity of the misconduct, whether the said misconduct caused material or other damage to the enterprise, no serious consequences occurred.

From the order № from DD.MM.YYYY does not follow about damage, about the occurrence of serious consequences, then there is every reason to assert that the deprivation of her production bonus by 50% for being late for a trip for 3 minutes is illegal.

At the hearing the plaintiff Morozova T.S. insists on satisfying the stated requirements in full.

The defendant's representative Mazikina H.The., Acting on the basis of a power of attorney, did not recognize the claim in full.

Having heard the parties, having examined the written materials of the case, the court considers the stated claims unreasonable and not subject to satisfaction.

At the hearing, it was established.

With DD.MM.YYYY Morozova T.S. works for JSC "EVRAZ ZSMK" as an inspector in the production of ferrous metals at the acceptance of finished products on the basis of an employment contract from DD.MM.YYYY, which is confirmed by the order on the employment of the employee No. from 10.06.2014g.

Subsequently, with T.S. Morozova. fixed-term employment contracts were concluded for periods of absence of employees of N.E. Musokhranova. and Baeva Yew.The.

DD.MM.YYYY on the basis of an additional agreement to the employment contract No. dated 01.04.2016. T.S. Morozova was transferred to the technical control department at the inspection site of the Russian Railways as a controller in the production of ferrous metals at the acceptance of finished products of JSC EVRAZ O.Z.-Siberian Metallurgical Plant.

By order No. l / s from DD.MM.YYYY to the inspector in the production of ferrous metals at the acceptance of finished products of the OTK Russian Railways section Morozova T.S. measures of material influence were applied for violation of clause 2.1 of the working instruction 12/322/2014, clause 2.1 of IOT-OTK-31-2014 - when calculating the production bonus for September 2017, reduce the amount of the bonus by 50%, wages for participation in the shift meeting, in shift DD.MM.YYYY to produce for the actual time of presence.

The plaintiff was familiarized with this order on September 29, 2017, which is confirmed by the familiarization sheet, but she did not agree, since she listened to the safety precautions 100%.

The order was issued on the basis of the memorandum of the master of the control section of the Quality Control Department of the RBC Stolbenko O.P., from which it follows that the controller of the Quality Control Department Morozova T.S. 25.09.2017 came to the shift-meeting meeting with a delay of 5 minutes, in connection with which she listened to an incomplete briefing on health and safety, it was proposed to reduce the production bonus by 50%.

Also Stolbenko O.P. in the report dated 09/30/2017. indicated that from the explanatory note of T.S. Morozova. it follows that the reason for being late is the return to the washer for gloves. To a comment about the possibility of obtaining gloves after a shift-meeting meeting, T.S.Morozova she spoke in a raised voice about the prejudice towards her, in justification of the lateness she indicated that she was a single mother who had the right to a time to send her child to kindergarten, the inconvenient mode of the kindergarten. No supporting documents about being a single mother and about the working hours of the kindergarten T. Morozova. did not present. The fact of being late for the shift meeting was confirmed in the explanatory note dated September 25, 2017. Controller Morozova T.S. during the period of her career, she has established herself as a person who is irresponsible in fulfilling the requirements of work instructions and other local regulatory documents of EVRAZ ZSMK JSC. So, T.S. Morozova 02/06/2015 was on the territory of the workshop without a pass, it was revealed by the master control Upit I.G., with Morozova T.S. an explanatory conversation was held; 03/18/2015 T.S. Morozova was in the shop without a helmet, which was revealed by the control I.G. Upit, for which Morozova T.S. was held liable; 09.02.2016 was in the shop without PPE for hearing organs, which was revealed by the master control Shamonin A.V., for which Morozova T.S. was held liable; 04/12/2016 workplace Morozova T.S. did not meet the requirements of the IOT, the violation was revealed by the control master Matveeva OA, for which Morozova T.S. was held liable; 08.04.2017 T.S. Morozova was on the territory of the workshop in improper shoes (boots with heels), for which Morozova T.S. was held liable; 25.09.2017 T.S. Morozova was late for the shift meeting.

From the explanatory note of T.S.Morozova. it follows that she was 3 minutes late for the unassignment, as she was in the inspection, and then returned to the sink for gloves.

The court considers the order № from DD.MM.YYYY to apply to Morozova T.C. pecuniary measures are legal and not subject to cancellation based on the following.


To satisfy the claim of T. S. Morozova against JSC "EVRAZ ZSMK" to declare illegal the order on the application of measures of material influence, to recover the lost bonus and compensation for moral damage.

The decision can be appealed to the Kemerovo Regional Court on appeal within a month from the date of the final decision of the court.

Presiding Officer: (signature)

Right. Judge: N.A. Putilova


Central District Court of Novokuznetsk (Kemerovo Region)

Case judges:

Putilova N.A. (referee)

Judicial practice on:

Judicial practice on wages

Judicial practice on the application of the norms of Art. 135, 136, 137 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation


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