We learn to retell the development of speech. How to teach a child to retell a text read? Senior preschoolers. From leading questions to simple retelling

Modern schoolchildren learn to retell texts, at first small, then longer, even in the preparatory group of kindergarten, so that in the first grade they already confidently demonstrate their ability. Nevertheless, retelling causes a lot of problems for many children and their parents trying to teach their children this process. There may be several reasons for such difficulties: insufficient vocabulary, and the inability to concentrate, and other, individual characteristics. But if you wish, you can learn to retell the text yourself and / or teach this to the child. There are proven techniques that can be applied not only in the classroom, but also in a relaxed home environment.

Retelling of a prose text
Retelling the text in prose is the easiest way to complete the assignment, especially for a person who easily makes contact and freely expresses his thoughts. If you or your student is more shy than chatty, you will have to spend a little more time, but in the end, both of you will learn how to retell the text without any problems if you master these nuances:

  1. Retelling a text is a reproduction of its content, and it is much easier if it is based not just on rote memorization, but on an understanding of the main idea and leading plot lines.
  2. Read or listen to the text, mentally tracing the logic of the events described in it. If the text contains reasoning, then try to look at it through the eyes of the author, to understand his point of view.
  3. Remember the names of the main characters. Identify for yourself a few key points on which the development of the plot depends. Let them be the "reference points" for your retelling.
  4. The desire to read or hear the text again is quite natural, especially if this is a new plot for you. Sometimes it is just visual perception that allows you to better remember the content, and most often - a combination of listening and reading with the eyes.
  5. As a rule, during the assessment of the retelling, teachers forbid using the outline of the text, but no one will interfere with you writing down the theses and the outline while you are just learning to retell the text.
  6. Before you write down the retelling of the text or speak it out loud, state it in your mind for yourself. At the same time, pay attention to those moments that cause difficulties and interfere with the free flow of thought. Find them in the original text and reread them.
  7. Sometimes the plot evokes its own associations in the reader - and this only suits you, because they are the ones that are remembered best. And, when you need to retell the text, even after the passage of time, these associative connections will restore the necessary information in your memory.
  8. When retelling the text, do not be afraid to deviate from the author's style or vocabulary. After all, the main thing in retelling is not memorizing, but understanding the content of the text, and by presenting it in your own words, you demonstrate that skill in the best way.
The listed technology is universal and suitable for training the skill of any retelling: oral and written, short and detailed, free and close to the original text. Having mastered it, you will feel confidently in the classroom in any humanitarian discipline that involves memorizing and understanding the material.

Retelling a poem
Lyrics are generally more difficult to retell than prose because they require accurate reproduction of the text. But for poems, there are several techniques that make it easier to remember and retell them:

  1. The basic technique for retelling a poetic text is the same as for retelling prose, that is, the first step is to grasp the essence and idea of \u200b\u200bthe text. On first reading / listening, this will be sufficient.
  2. Poems, due to their structure, are better perceived by ear: this allows you to feel the rhythm and size of the stanzas.
  3. For a successful retelling of a poem, you can use this trick: write down the first letters of each line in a column. They are not considered hints, a plan or a thesis, but remind you which word is in the first line in a line, and allow you to continue it from memory.
  4. After reading the text of the poem several times in full, break it into parts of quatrains or longer stanzas and repeat, reading each of them separately.
  5. After making sure you memorize one verse well, move on to the next one in order. At the very end, repeat all the stanzas from beginning to end and clarify those that cause the greatest difficulty.
Retelling of the text in English
The most difficult variant of the task related to the limitations of vocabulary. Therefore, when retelling an English-language (or in any other foreign language) text, it is much more difficult to improvise and you have to use those relatively few lexical means that you have in your arsenal. But even this will not prevent you from successfully coping with the retelling, if you use these tips:
  1. Even if the assignment does not imply the translation of a foreign text into your native language, you can do it yourself, at least to make it easier for yourself to understand the content.
  2. Retelling a text in an unfamiliar language requires an understanding of the plot even more rigorously than retelling ordinary prose. Indeed, in the case of incomplete understanding, you will not be able to move on, relying on the logic of events. Mentally "go through" the plot from the outset to the epilogue and make sure that you understand everything.
  3. Rearrange long phrases and break them down into shorter ones that are easier to understand. This is not a mistake, but a demonstration of your ability to work with text and adapt it.
  4. You can replace some of the speech constructs that cause you doubts with more familiar cliches and phrases. But at the same time, try not to violate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe text, because phraseological units can carry a non-obvious, but fundamental meaning for the idea.
  5. Avoid the temptation to build a foreign language text according to the rules of the Russian style. Do not forget that the order of words, the agreement of tenses and the form of the verb are the key and most dangerous points, during the reproduction of which you need to be especially careful. Sometimes it is better to replace direct speech with indirect speech, or vice versa, in order to reduce the probability of error to a minimum.
Learning to retell the text is not difficult if you approach this process in a creative way. Understand that a literary work, as well as any piece of text proposed for retelling, is, as a rule, not a statute that is obligatory for memorization, but a kind of informational message. Having grasped its essence, you can easily cope with the task and retell the text in as much detail as necessary.

Retelling is one of the most important types of work that unites all subjects in the school, both humanitarian and technical. Usually, retelling is understood as the presentation of the read text in your own words.

Important! The child needs to be taught not so much retell, how much . The vicious practice of mechanical retelling or simple memorization of individual sentences and paragraphs leads to the fact that gaps remain in the memory: the topic is not understood, which means it is not learned.

It does not hurt schoolchildren and their parents to remember what requirements are imposed on retelling:

  • Live speech. No memorization or cramming!
  • Use in retelling of syntactic constructions, figurative expressions, vocabulary taken from the text.
  • Compliance with the sequence, the logic of presentation, the establishment of causal factors.
  • Completeness of the text. It is important not to miss some facts, basic descriptions. This point especially concerns the retelling of scientific texts.
  • Expressiveness. The most painful drawback of retelling is monotony. Of course, retelling the paragraph on the structure of the frog is fun and mischievous. But the retelling of a work of art must be emotional. Here, expressive or role-based reading is a good helper.

“To learn how to retell a text, children must be able to work with it: highlight the most important thing, take notes, pay attention to the richness of the language,” says Natalya Borisovna Shatkhanova, a teacher of Russian language and literature with 30 years of experience from MBOU Novo-Leninskaya Secondary School "Osinsky district of Irkutsk region, Russia.

Types of retelling

The table shows what problems can arise when teaching one or another type of retelling.

Retelling type


Possible problems

How to fix it

Detailed, close to text

The most common type of retelling, when the text needs to be stated as accurately and close to the original

Inability to start retelling

Never memorize phrases! At the stage of the test analysis, work out several options for starting the retelling

Detailed reproduction of the first paragraphs and distortion of information in the final part

A thorough analysis of the text and a preliminary retelling of the entire work by paragraphs (semantic parts) will help

Depletion of the language

When reading and analyzing text, it is important to pay attention to artistic techniques, literary means of expression, imagery of language, syntax

Boring retelling

Emotional perception will help animate text illustrations. Drawings can be drawn by the students themselves, or you can offer a selection of ready-made illustrations. Gradually, illustration should develop into verbal (by the way, this is also one of the types of retelling)


Assumes reproduction of only part of the text that corresponds to the question posed

Inability to select the correct passage of text for the assignment

Will help drawing up a text plan with highlighting key points


The most difficult type of retelling, when you need to Briefly convey the essence of the story in your own words

The logic of the narrative is violated or important facts are excluded

Avoid mechanical shortening of the text. It is important to teach how to correctly highlight the main ideas, draw up a text plan (from simple to expanded and vice versa)

Inability to convey the content of dialogues

Work on indirect speech

Is there some more creative a type of retelling, which involves rebuilding the narrative plan, creative additions, third-person retelling, dramatization of the text, verbal drawing. This type of retelling teaches you to consider the text from different angles and helps to work in more detail with expressive language means.

How to teach retelling to kids

It is customary to teach the rules of retelling already in elementary school, since by the fifth grade, where oral subjects begin, the student must already master this technique.

Here are some tips to help prepare your child for retelling:

  • Parents should talk to their child as much as possible, ask him to talk more often about something: about what happened on the street, what he saw on a walk, what this cartoon is about, etc. Be sure to listen with interest, accompanying his story with passing exclamations in the spirit: "What are you doing! What is he? What did you answer?"
  • It's good if you yourself often tell him about your impressions, about events in your life, you can recall funny stories from childhood or revive the tradition of "scary stories" (remember how in childhood children talk about the "black hand", "green eye" and other horrors).
  • The more the child hears oral coherent speech (and not dialogue!), The easier he will come to understand the essence of the retelling.
  • Snowball method. To make it more comfortable for the child to get used to a new business for himself, it is recommended to start small. Let the child first try to convey the meaning of one sentence read - then two - then a paragraph. So, gradually increasing the volume of what you read, you can come to retelling entire stories.
  • It is important to identify which type of memory is better developed in a child: some memorize the read text better, others - the listened one. If visual memory works better, focus on reading and looking at pictures and photos to text. If the child is, then it is better to read the text to him or put an audio recording.
  • Ask. You shouldn't say: "Now retell it!" Toddlers are not always able to grasp the logic of the story and highlight the key points on their own. When starting to teach retelling, it is best to ask. For example, when retelling Little Red Riding Hood, the following questions are pertinent: "Why do you think the girl was named Little Red Riding Hood? Who did she live with? What did her mother ask for? What did the girl bring to her grandmother? What happened on the road?" Over time, the questions become less and less, and the questions will be more general in the future, referring immediately to whole paragraphs. See also:.

This will help teach the child to highlight key points, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text.

Work plan for retelling for older children

Working with text for high school students is recommended to be divided into stages.

  • Vocabulary work.

When it comes to scientific literature, ask the student to write down all the incomprehensible words (usually they are highlighted). Now it is necessary to find out the meaning of these words. At the beginning of the work, the meaning can be explained to the teacher / parent himself. In the future, it is better to teach the child to use dictionaries and reference books.

When reading fiction, this stage can be omitted, explaining unfamiliar words already in the process of reading.

  • Initial acquaintance with the text.

At this stage, it is important to highlight the semantic parts.

In the scientific literature, these parts have already been identified and individual parts of paragraphs are usually united by some kind of connecting thought, concept.

The work can be structured as follows: we read the first paragraph and answer the question: "What is written here?" Next, we read the second paragraph and again answer the question.

By the end of the reading, a text plan is mentally drawn up, consisting of the highlighted key points.

For convenience, the compiled basic outline can be written down. In the future, the child will learn to simply memorize key points.

  • Generalization of impressions and joint retelling.

At this stage, it is important to compose a summary, summarize, identify the purpose and main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text, ask about what impression the story made.

  • A break of 5-10 minutes.

Now it's better to distract yourself, to turn your attention to something else. If it happens in the classroom, the teacher at this stage can offer some kind of work that is not related to the text. For example, supplement the author's biography with interesting information, give some additional examples from life related to the topic of the lesson.

  • Re-reading.
  • Actually retelling.

Here it is important not to peep at the textbook / book, but to try to compose a retelling, based on the supporting summary.

If you can't even remember the beginning, try playing associations. Invite the student to recall and mentally recreate the situation that was during reading: what thoughts were spinning in his head, where the text was located - on the left or right page, were there any pictures, photos, graphic images, at the beginning of the page or in the middle began next paragraph, etc.

When it comes to fiction, ask the students to remember —— whom the heroes reminded them, what associations the images described in the text caused, perhaps the students involuntarily compared the described events with events from their lives.

After 2-3 minutes of such reflections, you can look into the book and skim the first lines. Thus, we retell the entire text.

Little tricks to help you remember the content better

  1. As you read the text, draw a picture mentally - in detail, in colors, with smells and sounds. So, when reading a work of art, you can mentally even make a movie. This will help you better remember the images and events described in the text.
  2. When reading, do not say words out loud and do not try to repeat key points at once, while reading. This interferes with the holistic perception of the text.
  3. If the text is difficult, try reading aloud and "feeling, clearly, with constellation."
  4. It is appropriate to divide a large text into parts (but not more than 7) and retell the parts separately.
  5. Psychologists say that the content of the text is better stored in memory if you read it before bed. This tip is useful if you are working on a retelling of a long text, and you have 1-2 days in stock.
  6. Find a "grateful listener". If your retelling is listened to with interest, retelling is easier.

And most importantly, it is impossible to learn how to retell at once, in one day. Planned, gradual and constant work is important here. After all, the ability to retell is useful not only at school, but also in later life.

Babaeva Natalia Vladimirovna.
Development of speech. Retelling training

The essence retelling and its importance for the development of thinking and speech in children

Retelling Is a creative reproduction of a literary image. Retelling a work of art is accessible and close to preschool children due to the fact that the child must receive a ready-made sample that acts on his feelings, makes empathize and thus causes the desire to remember and retell what you heard.

From an early age, children are systematically told fairy tales, read stories, poems, making sure that works of fiction have an effective impact on their behavior, games, speech development.

In the second junior group, the teacher teaches children to follow development of action in a fairy tale, the story, sympathize with the goodies and gradually brings them to the reproduction of the text. This is done in the literature class.

The speech activity of children associated with retelling, appears initially in the form of answering questions. The questions asked by the educator completely determine the completeness and consistency transmission child read. Children can also be involved in sharing i will retell with the teacherprompting you to pronounce individual words or sentences (when the teacher tells the tale again).

Starting from the middle group, the kindergarten program provides for the systematic conduct of classes on retell. Retelling training introduced from December to January, however, if all children of the group have speech well developed, classes can begin in September. During the school year, children retell eight to ten literary texts.

The choice of literary and artistic works is the most important question of methodology learning.

For retelling in the middle group the following can be recommended works: Russian folk tales "Turnip", "Little kids and the wolf", stories "Geese" K. D. Ushinsky. "Grandfather sat down to drink tea.", "My grandfather was bored at home." and etc.

Literary works have a tremendous artistic and pedagogical impact on the thoughts, feelings, interests and creativity of the child. Retelling activates the whole process of emotional and aesthetic mastering by children of literary material. In the shape of retelling the artistic and speech activity of preschoolers is manifested at the initial stage of its development.

A child of six to seven years old can more accurately correlate his retelling with text, mark allowed gaps, rearrangement of material; his independence increases when analyzing a friend's answer.

Children according to the program retell during the year 6-7 works of fiction, thus classes on teaching retelling held almost monthly.

The principles of selection of literary texts for retelling

When selecting works of art for retelling the teacher needs to be guided by such requirements: small volume; clearly expressed sequence of actions; a dictionary accessible to children; uncomplicated syntax speech, etc.... P.).

Works selected for retellingmust meet certain requirements. First of all, this is a well-expressed sequence of actions, a dictionary accessible to children, simple syntax (short phrases, simple straight lines speeches) ... Children of middle preschool age are recommended for retelling folk and author's tales; stories by L.N. Tolstoy: "Spring has come, water has flowed", "Rozka had puppies", "Grandfather sat down to drink tea"; small stories of Soviet writers: "Celebration" I. Thaitsa, "That's the way the attendants" N. Kalinina.

These works, it would seem, meet the above requirements. However, practice shows that some of them are children retell with difficulty... So, a beautiful miniature "Grandfather sat down to drink tea" Leo Tolstoy, consisting of four surprisingly capacious remarks, pleases the children, they willingly agree retell it, reprimand: "Grandfather sat down to drink tea" - and fall silent. After prompting (you have to suggest the whole sentence) reproduce the second phrase and are silent again. The phrase "Drink, don't pour on yourself" remember everything and say it with pleasure. After 3-4 stories (with 2-3 prompts) children memorize the text and then reproduce it verbatim, which is not part of the task teaching retelling... Similarly (even at the end of the year) children retell"That's the way the attendants" N. Kalinina. This is a difficult work, since each phrase is its own conclusion, and the children are forced to retell a text verbatim.

Story "Rozka had puppies" L. Tolstoy turns on the revolution speechesrarely used in modern literary language: "Demolished on the stove", "The rose took down the puppy", "Near the stove".

Memorizing fairy tales based on repetition, for example "Ryaba chicken", "The kids and the wolf", "Turnip", does not present difficulties for children, therefore, it is from them that the researchers (L. Penievskaya and others) recommend starting teaching retelling... But there is also an opposite point of view - to start not with fairy tales, but with small realistic stories. (A.M.Borodich)... Observations show that four-year-olds are equally good retell both fairy tales and stories, correctly chosen for these purposes. Therefore, when planning classes, it is advisable to alternate works of different forms.

For retelling the following works: Russian folk tale "Fox and Cancer", fairy tales and stories "Know how to wait", "Bishka" K. D. Ushinsky, stories "Kitty", "Fire dogs" L. I. Tolstoy. "For mushrooms" I. Taitsa, "Crochet" E. I. Charushina, "Blue Leaves" V. Oseeva, "About the snow bun" N. Kalinina and others.

Requirements for children retell

Retelling is a new type of speech activity for children. It is important to skillfully lead them to this stage, to arouse a keen interest in retelling, support the manifestations of activity and independence.

It should be borne in mind that children of the fifth year of life are just beginning to accumulate experience of perceiving the text for its subsequent reproduction, therefore, on the quality of their retelling directly reflects the degree of comprehension and emotional and aesthetic mastering of literary material, its content and form. To be able to master a literary work and reproduce it in retelling, children of four to five years old need the help of a teacher.

As established by researchers, children of four to five years old are capable of sensibly and emotionally perceive an artistic word under the conditions of pedagogical guidance; relatively complete and concretized to recreate in retelling images of characters, situations; hand over events in the desired sequence.

To prepare children for retell, the teacher reads the text, then talks to them about what they read, shows illustrations, gives instructions. By means of expressive reading, questions, clarifying explanations, he seeks to focus the attention of children on each part of the story, to emphasize its connection with other parts. The teacher makes sure that the children understand what they have read and emotionally react to the described events and actions of the heroes.

Setting the task retell for listeners to a story or a fairy tale, the teacher helps children gradually master the means of expressive speeches, elementary forms of performing arts. Preschoolers learn to use different intonations, voice strength, tempo speech, etc.... e. They begin to gain initial experience transmission of experiences characters and their attitude to the described character) events, actions.

In the classroom teaching retelling a variety of methodological tricks: providing a meaningful and emotional perception of literary material by children; providing pedagogical guidance of the process itself retellings andfinally, providing analysis and assessment of speech activity.

The following tasks are specified in the kindergarten program teaching retelling in the older group: Teach children to tell small literary works coherently, consistently and expressively; transmit dialogical speech; present the content close to the text. In the classroom, children master the skill correctly, consistently and completely retell first heard and previously known works; learn to listen carefully to the speeches of their peers, to clarify and supplement them.

Children five to six years old with retelling literary texts are able to show greater independence and activity than younger preschoolers. At this age, the process of perception and emotional development of works of art is improved. Older preschoolers are more free to orientate themselves in literary material, their vocabulary expands, word usage skills are formed, language flair, attention and interest in the figurative word are enhanced. The role of voluntary actions also increases - children make efforts to better remember, more accurately reproduce what they read. Children aged five to six retell more freely and at ease. They can already use their own, well-found figurative expressions that are lexically and syntactically close to the language of a work of art. Children find new words and phrases encountered in the text more intensively, making volitional efforts to memorize and reproduce them. Performing skills acquired in the middle group are being improved.

In the process of leadership retelling the educator uses various methodological techniques. In case of unsuccessful replacement by the child of this or that word, the teacher uses a hint. If the child allows a long pause, the teacher enters into retelling and continues it... An important methodological technique is the analysis of children's retelling: the teacher assesses its completeness, notes the shown independence, the use of different intonations and tempo speeches... Children are also involved in evaluating the stories of their comrades, for example, they note which words from the fairy tale they tried not to miss, whether they pronounced phrases clearly, whether they were expressive retold, etc.... etc.

In the preparatory group for school in the classroom retell consolidate and improve the speech skills and skills acquired by children in the older group. Preschoolers continue to learn to present texts coherently, consistently, completely, without distortion, omissions and repetitions. The skills of children are improved emotionally, with different intonations hand over dialogues of characters, use in retellings semantic rhenium, pauses, certain artistic means characteristic of fairy tales (initiation, repetitions, etc.)... Children learn to speak slowly, loudly enough, without tension. Increased independence children: they are studying retell fairy tales and stories without the help of the teacher's questions.

Methodology teaching retelling in different age groups

Structure of lessons on teaching retelling fundamentally unchanged throughout the preschool age: 1. Reading a work to children. 2. Conversation on the read, allowing the child to remember the sequence of the presentation of the event and activate the vocabulary, contributing to expressiveness retelling... 3. Reading text set to retelling. 4. Retelling.

There were also techniques teaching retelling... True, depending on the age of the children and the text taken for retelling, they come in different forms and combinations.

The teacher begins to read many works immediately. ( "Today I will read you a story about our beloved Eared Eared".)

Sometimes it makes sense to look at the child's personal experience first.

2-3 days before class on retelling a fairy tale"The kids and the wolf" the teacher reminds her children: reads or dramatizes using tabletop figures. Draws attention to the songs of the goat and wolf: they end differently and the wolf sings its song "Thick-fat" voice. Helps to remember the words of songs and sing them expressively. The fairy tale is not read in class.

"Ryaba chicken" more available for retelling, but this lesson does not require preliminary preparation.

Success retelling in a number of cases it is due to the clarity and meaningfulness of the conversation on the read. Sometimes the title of the work helps to comprehend the text. In the early stages teaching retelling teachersummarizing the children's answers, he himself formulates output: “Jackdaw, like you and me, threw pebbles into the water. That's what a smart bird. Because the story called: "Smart jackdaw".

The topic of stories from experience reflects a variety of observations of children, their games, walks, participation in accessible, interesting work activities, life in a peer group, etc. Children six to seven years old can be offered the following topics: "How we rested in the summer", "My favourite flowers", "Our new toys", "Interesting walk", "Our park in summer and autumn", "How we care for babies", "Good deed of your comrade", "How we had fun at the New Year tree", "About our squirrel", "We visited the zoo", "About our aquarium", "About a trip out of town", "About our buildings from building material", "How we play with the ball".

In the structure of the lesson, the attitude towards retelling... It is usually given after talking about what you read, before re-reading... This contributes to the targeted perception of the text. General installation on retelling in the corresponding structural part of the lesson is supplemented with instructions on the nature retelling(collectively, in parts, in persons, in the first person, etc.)... At the same time, the teacher accompanies his instructions with a speech sample so that children can use specific examples to identify the features of one form or another. retelling.

It should be borne in mind that a child of the seventh year of life can show greater independence when performing tasks. If the kids are good enough retell what they read, the lesson methodology can be changed: after reading the setting is given to retelling, then the text is read again and the children retell it... In this case deployed conversations on what was read held: children have already accumulated experience of perception of works; they can show independence in the process of mastering the material and oral presentation of it, adhering to the previously acquired quality requirements retelling... It should be emphasized once again that retelling literary works in the speech practice of older preschoolers occupies a large place. The better the child learns in different ways retelling, the more significant his success in mastering monologue speech.

The new school year is not far off. And we all carefully instill in them important skills and abilities that will allow them to easily master new knowledge. One of the most important skills for the school is the ability to retell texts, beautifully and consistently present the information learned. Let's talk about retelling.

How to teach a child to retell a text

Retelling is a story about the heroes and events of a literary work, conveyed in your own words in a certain sequence. There are the following types of retelling:

  • detailed (sequential detailed presentation of the events of the text);
  • selective (presentation of some part of the text);
  • compressed (transfer of the most important thing in the work).

What is the retelling for?

First of all, in order to learn how to competently build your speech, enrich vocabulary and skillfully "juggle" grammatical constructions. And for schoolchildren, the ability to retell texts is simply invaluable, since practically all school education is based on orally transmitting the information studied to the teacher.

However, not everyone knows that teaching retelling should be carried out directly "from the cradle" in the form of constant conversations with the baby and commenting on their actions. All such conversations are deposited in the head of the newborn in the form of images of the tongue. Such exercises will not only help your child speak early, enrich his speech, but also competently and fully build his statements, clearly following their logic.

What skills and abilities will a child need to learn how to successfully retell texts?

  • concentrated attention - to patiently listen to the content of the story;
  • a clear understanding of the meaning of the story;
  • logical and associative memory - to remember the sequence of events in history;
  • the ability to systematize and structure information;
  • proficiency in speech for a meaningful, consistent and beautiful presentation of what he learned from the text.

As you can see, this is quite a lot for elementary school children.

The basics of retelling skills are acquired "from the cradle"

So, what can help you develop excellent storytelling skills at an early age:

  • constant conversations with the child (even if it seems that he does not hear and does not understand you);
  • commenting on absolutely all your actions;
  • reading to the baby a huge number of books corresponding to his age ("from the cradle");
  • games to develop memory and attention;
  • association building games;
  • games for the development of imaginative thinking;
  • listening to musical works (for the development of hearing, rhythm and melody, which also contributes to the development of speech);

As soon as the baby grows up (from 3 years old), it is very useful to show him stories based on pictures, which are arranged in a certain sequence according to the events taking place. Demonstrating visual material, it is necessary to ask the child leading questions, pointing to the corresponding picture:

  • what happened first (where does the story begin)?
  • what happened next?
  • what is happening now?
  • how does the story end?

Healthy children, with whom parents have been engaged in this way since birth, usually do not experience any difficulties with the construction of a retelling: its logic and the development of information transfer.

However, do not be upset if you have not been able to develop your child's speech from birth. Just before school, any healthy child can be taught to retell texts at home. And, of course, it is worth starting with stories that give support for clarity.

Use stories that your child really enjoys. We recommend listening to folk tales, understandable and fascinating stories of such writers as: Pushkin, Bianki, Aksakov, brothers Grimm, Suteev, Andersen, Nosov, Tolstoy, Prishvin ...

Guiding questions for retelling

Ask leading questions, asking the kid to present the information in such detail, as if a person who does not know anything about the events taking place in the story is listening to him:

  • where does the story begin?
  • who are the main characters?
  • what happened?
  • what are the consequences of this?
  • what happens at the end of the story?
  • what conclusion can you make?
  • think, did you convey all the important points in your story?
  • if not, please tell me again.

This training plan (not in the form of a lesson) is very suitable for active restless children. You can engage in such entertaining conversations between times, on trips by car, bus (home from kindergarten, for example), train, while shopping, walking, etc.

You should not neglect the retelling of pictures. This retelling with elements of composition expands the horizons and awakens the child's imagination.

Text retelling plan

If your child is quite assiduous and is not bothered by calm activities, you can practice retelling training purposefully. It is already more difficult to take texts and use the school requirements for retelling (introduction, main part, conclusion). What do we have to do?

  • read the text;
  • make out all the difficult and unfamiliar words to the child so that the child understands everything in the narration (only under this condition, children can easily retell the text in their own words);
  • analyze what you have read, determine what is important;
  • draw up an oral retelling plan, breaking the text into the main stages (teach the kid the ability to briefly formulate the headings of the stages of the story);
  • discuss the content of each of the stages, discussing the most interesting points (at the same time, you need to ask leading questions to make it easier for the baby. If at first the baby answers with one sentence, then this is good. Over time, his answers will become more detailed, especially if you ask leading questions);
  • discuss the main characters of the story, their actions and deeds;
  • discuss the sequence of events described in the text;
  • sequentially connect parts of the text with each other.

Guiding questions are designed to give the child only an opportunity to remember what is happening in the story read, so avoid prompting him. Having dealt with the above points in detail, you should ask the baby to retell all the events that are taking place now coherently and step by step.

If it doesn't work, invite your child to retell the text with you. During the process, pretend that you forgot something. The child will be pleased to demonstrate a good memory and what exactly he reminded his mother of some event in the text he read.

If your child is good at drawing and enjoys it, invite him to draw on his own the sequence of events from what he read. If the situation is unimportant with drawing, then you can draw simple diagrams in the form of arrows, which in turn follow from one thought to another, according to the logic of the events taking place.

Retelling learning tactics:

  • before practicing retelling the texts, it will be useful to play associative games with the baby. For example, what does a cloud look like? Such a game will teach the child to easily find the necessary associations and memorable images when retelling texts in order to simplify the memorization and sequence of events presentation;
  • texts should be simple and short (about 5 - 10 sentences, otherwise the child will get tired, lose concentration and will not be able to finish what he started);
  • the text should be interesting to the child;
  • you need to ask the child's opinion about the main characters and what he liked and what he did not like in the story;
  • the main characters of the narrative should be few, and they should definitely have some striking traits of character or appearance for better memorization);
  • you need to read expressively, drawing the baby's attention to significant events in intonation;
  • use supporting plot pictures for clarity (it is better to lay out the pictures not in order, but so that the child can expand them himself in accordance with the logic of the narrative);
  • let the baby tell in his own words as he does it;
  • use dolls (if the kid likes role-playing games, then you can practice retelling on behalf of different characters in a playful way with the help of toy dolls);
  • after retelling according to the plan, you need to start retelling from memory;
  • support and praise your child throughout the learning period.

Problems you may face:

  • violation of the order of the narrative (when the kid out of sequence expounds the events that took place in the text);
  • coming up with something that was not in the text, mistakes in the names of characters, distortion of facts;
  • speech errors - when constructing sentences, misuse of cases, repeated repetition of the same words;
  • the retelling of one part of the text is too short, and the other is too detailed.

With regular exercise, these problems will go away by themselves.

Parents' mistakes:

  • the habit of interrupting the child during the retelling (often children swallow words, make mistakes, and the mother stops, not listening to the end, asks the child to correct himself immediately. then new, especially if it is new, comes from you. Listen first, praise, and then gently tell what was wrong);
  • demonstration of dissatisfaction with the child (will not lead to anything good. Never before have harsh criticism contributed to good results in school. Moreover, it discourages any desire to try. So take your time and remain completely calm. Remember that your psychological state is completely transmitted to your children) ;
  • memorizing sentences from the text (you cannot force the kid to simply "memorize" information. This leads to a lack of awareness and meaningfulness in the process of transferring information, without actually developing the necessary skills and abilities of competent speech);
  • lack of praise (the main thing that the child wants is the praise of mom and dad. Do not skimp on it. Initially, the kids do not understand why they are studying, they have no particular motivation. And the praise of parents can give them an excellent impetus to try to be the first , the most difficult stages of their school life);
  • lack of patience (you should be prepared for the fact that your child will not immediately be able to retell the texts, analyze them and make plans. Someone will need 2-3 times for this, and someone more. Irritability and impatience are very easy to ruin everything in very beginning);
  • “Comparing” the child with more successful friends and classmates, especially not in his favor (from early childhood, this develops an inferiority complex in the baby so deep that it is very difficult to get rid of him throughout his subsequent life);
  • selection of difficult (uninteresting) literature for the child (during classes, the child needs to be interested in what he is studying. Start with these works, and not with those that you like);
  • choice of long texts (a long story can confuse your child, so start with something lighter and shorter (about 6 - 10 short sentences) to make your child feel his own success);

The benefits of retelling. Why learn to retell a text?

Retelling the text carries a lot of necessary skills and abilities that will be useful in life:

  • develops memory;
  • increases vocabulary;
  • develops the ability to clearly express their opinion on any issue;
  • develops the ability to easily convey other people's thoughts;
  • develops the ability to comment;
  • develops the ability to analyze various events and situations;
  • develops the ability to process and present any information;
  • develops the ability to isolate the main thing from the story and clearly state the main idea;
  • develops the ability to formulate correct conclusions;
  • develops the ability to evaluate facts and compare them with events;
  • develops the ability to conduct associative connections between events, their causes and effects, to compare them with each other;
  • develops literacy in general.

Therefore, communicate with each other more often, retell daily events, share your impressions, and then there will be no problems with the presentation of what you have read in your child's school life.

Enjoy your study!

With warmth

Lyudmila Potsepun.

We invite you to watch a fascinating video on our video channel "Workshop on the Rainbow"

My daughter, returning from the kindergarten, told ... Overwhelmed by emotions, she hurried, started one thing, jumped to another, switched to the third. Pronouns went in tight wagons, running over and crushing each other: "She me ... and then me, and here they are, and we didn't want to, but they! .." I did not understand anything. She began to ask questions, the baby got nervous, hurried and finally got confused, burst into tears, realizing that she had not told anything. I was no less upset. My daughter is five years old, a year later - to school, and she does not know how to retell the text she heard, nor convey her feelings. I, brought up on Gogol and Tolstoy, always frown, listening to my daughter's chaotic and meager speech.

The entire school curriculum is based on retelling, read and retell, so while there is time, you need to try to develop this skill.

Change yourself, change the environment around the child

Children speak the language that others speak. For a couple of days I listened to how we communicate with each other and sadly noted that in everyday speech, a minimal vocabulary is used, so that others can understand you. “Please give me a cup. You will go for a walk?" Adverbs and adjectives are inserted when necessary, comparative turns are extremely rare. Our speech is substantive, unified. Therefore, if I want to develop connected speech in a child, color it with figurative phrases, first of all, I myself must speak, using all the diversity of the Russian language. I began to follow my speech. The main principle is to enrich speech with comparative phrases and adjectives, it is difficult to use subordinate sentences and detailed statements, to speak vividly and figuratively.

It was complicated. "Can you please serve a blue cup with a white border on the second shelf in the kitchen cabinet." “Today is wonderful weather! The sun is shining brightly, not a cloud in the sky. When we go for a walk in the park, what toys will we take with us? Maybe we can invite someone for a walk? " To such a question, the child, you see, will no longer be able to answer in monosyllables "yes - no".

It takes time and attention. You will get tired of speaking in detailed sentences, you will get tired of choosing adjectives and figurative comparisons, but gradually this will develop into a habit. Try to switch other family members to such a painted - a detailed way of communication.

Where to begin?

If the child does not have experience of retelling, you can return to fairy tales, stories that the child knows well. Mom begins to talk, starting a sentence, pauses, inviting the child to finish the phrase. After consolidating this skill, the baby begins the story himself, and the mother picks it up. Gradually, the child will be able to retell the entire work.

To memorize the plot, young children are helped by theatricalization with the help of toys or finger puppets. You played a fairy tale in front of the kid, ask him to be an actor and play the same fairy tale in front of you, with the dubbing of all the characters.

Try to replace the phrase: “Retell what you heard, what you read” with a game. Invite your toddler to play radio. He will be the announcer who plays the radio show. In the evening you put him to bed and told a fairy tale, and he, in turn, puts his toys to bed and, like you, treats them to a fairy tale.


Reading plays a huge role in the formation of a child's vocabulary. Analyze what kind of literature you read to your child and what he reads himself. Try to move from books where the plot is actively developing, a lot of action and built-in dialogues, to descriptive literature. These are stories and stories about nature, animals, travel. Refer to the books of our unfading classics, and after a short period of time you will feel the beauty and richness of the Russian language, its melody, learn to enjoy the style of a work of art, and notice the "bloopers" and wretchedness of the modern language, found not only in colloquial speech, but also in written.

If there are unfamiliar words and concepts in the text, explain them to the kid, give examples of in which cases they are used. Have your child compose sentences using new words and concepts.

The book is an occasion for dialogue. Read discussion

If you read to the baby for thirty minutes, and then slammed the book, now rebuild the reading process. Fifteen minutes - read, fifteen minutes - talk about what you read. The level of discussion depends on the intellectual development of the child. If it is small, then the questions are the simplest: “What is the story about? What did the bunny do? Where did the bear run? " The child is older and the questions are more mature: “Did the boy do the right thing? What do you think could have happened next? What would you do in the place of the hero? "

First, the kid retells the text in his own words, then the task becomes more difficult, you ask to describe, say, a character, setting, season, using the same words and images that the author used. When reading, try to highlight them intonationally from the text: "A long twig, red paws spread wide, the house looked like a fungus, it was a small squat with a brown tiled roof."

Mom not only guides the conversation by asking questions, but builds a dialogue. Expresses his opinion, sometimes it is deliberately "wrong" so that the child can notice the mistake, wrong thought and correct the mother. The adult forces the kid to express his opinion and talk about what is not “written” in the book.

As she reads, mom pays attention to what she liked or amazed at. This can be a beautiful comparative turn, a vivid colorful description of an object, or a bold act of a hero. "I would probably be scared, but could you cross the raging river?" Reading is a dialogue between a book and a child. A book is a non-passive object, read and put on the shelf - this is an occasion to talk, discuss, reflect.

Pay attention to how your discussion of what you read is structured, see that there are no conversations - interrogations: your question, the answer is a child. You are talking, the text may be an occasion to recall a previously read book or incident. Try to force the child to speak as much and as detailed sentences as possible.

In the conversation, in addition to questions aimed at comprehending the text and remembering the sequence of events, various techniques are used to draw the attention of children to the language of the work, to the author's characteristics of the heroes, to the description of the time, the actions of the heroes, to precise definitions, comparisons, phraseological turns.

By reading good literature, you will enjoy yourself, and your enjoyment of reading will be passed on to your child.

Retelling by picture

Children's books are well-designed, and any illustration is an occasion for conversation. “Did you imagine the main character like that? Do you think the artist painted this time of year correctly? And what moment of the tale is illustrated? What events happened next? " From one illustration, you can think of more than a dozen questions. You can invite your child to illustrate the text he has read himself and then discuss his "picture to text".

Retelling the content in your own words

A common task in the classroom is to retell what you read in your own words. The child is often frightened, and all his attention is directed to remembering the text, considering that the more accurately he tells to the original, the more “correctly” he will complete the task. And having forgotten the author's text, he "stops" and falls silent. This problem can be solved by teaching the child to read or listen to the text carefully, and then "enter" what he read, see the content with his own eyes, become an actor for a while and retell what surrounds him, what he sees.

Often, the child does not understand the meaning and content of the text, therefore he cannot correctly retell it. First, the material being studied must be analyzed in detail, having understood the meaning of each word and concept, and synonyms already familiar to the child must be found for new terms. If then he forgets a new word for him, he will be able to replace it with another, similar in meaning. Before each retelling, disassemble, "chew" the text, this is the key to a competent retelling.

Event story

Working with literary texts and the skill of retelling will lead to the fact that the child will transfer the new skill into “life”. Gradually, he will more and more vividly and figuratively talk about the events that happened to him, he will be able to clearly and clearly articulate his emotions. By expanding his vocabulary, he will easily find words to describe emotions and feelings. In part, your focused attention on those fragments of the text where the feelings and emotions of the characters are described will help him in this.

At a certain stage in the formation of a child's literate and imaginative speech, parents will need to be “jewelry” tactful in order to help the child find the right word, a comparative turn, at the right time, in order to accurately convey their emotional mood. Many children begin to get nervous, offended, or even completely close, refusing to talk further if their mother inserted a word during their story. You need to subtly feel the child and understand whether he needs parental help. If the kid rejects your attempts to "prompt" him, do not help forcefully. After a while, if it was about an event at which you were also present, then tell your version, in the key that you most "remember-liked", so that the child has an example of how to tell.

Any story about an event that happened is based on two important aspects. First, our attention is selective and second, everyone has their own life values. Therefore, when your child comes from the guests, do not expect from him a detailed retelling: "Who was, what they ate, who gave what." In response, you will hear: "What kind of machine did Petya have, and what candy wrappers Nastya has?" For a child, toys are important, not "how many varieties of sausage were on the table." The kid lives in "his values" and in his own rhythm, "here he looked, ran there, grabbed a pie" and therefore from him a detailed report, "what happened first, what then and who did what", do not expect. But, if the child has a developed base for retelling works of art, then at your request: "I was not visiting your friend, please tell me so that I can imagine how everything was there", you will get a sufficiently intelligible story.

Funny case

Teach the child to highlight interesting and funny cases from the events of the day, focus on them, retell them yourself, and then pass this right on to the child.

Funny cases can not only be retelled, but also played intonationally, breaking into roles. First, you voice all the roles yourself, and then only one, the rest is played by the baby.

Watching comedy films, reading humorous stories and our attention to the funny events that happen in life will create a favorable environment to learn to see the funny, to enjoy it.

A joyful “funny” home environment with a touch of light irony and a readiness to laugh at any moment will make your child cheerful, open, able to appreciate a joke and tell about it.

Make it a habit that the child tells about the events of the past day, dad, who came from work, or grandmother who came to visit. Do not interrupt, do not rush him, cheer him up by "throwing" to him those cases that he forgot to mention.

Games to expand your child's vocabulary

These word games do not take extra time, they can be played on the way to the kindergarten, in line, or on a walk. As soon as they noticed that the baby's attention began to switch to foreign objects, the game stops.

1. Guide. On a walk, the mother closes her eyes, and the child describes to her what surrounds them.

2. Description of the object. The kid is invited to outline the subject using as many non-repeating words as possible.

3. Who has the last word. In turn, describe the object, for whom the last word will remain, he won.

4. Mom begins to tell the story, when she pauses, the child inserts the meaningful word.

5. What could be? The adult names the adjective, and the kid names the nouns to it. For example, "Black". What could be black? The child enumerates: earth, wood, portfolio, paints ... Then the game is reversed. The subject is named, and adjectives are selected for it. "What ball?" Round, rubber, red-blue, new, big ...

6. Become a writer. 5-7 words are offered and from them you need to make a story. If it is difficult for a child to memorize words "from hearing", then you can offer pictures. At first, it may be such a set: skis, boy, snowman, dog, tree. Then the task becomes more difficult: bear, rocket, door, flower, rainbow.

7. Find a repeat. Mom pronounces a stylistic wrong phrase, and the baby tries to find a tautology and correct it. For example, “Dad salted the soup. Masha put clothes on the doll. "

8. Playing with antonyms, words with opposite meanings. The adult names the word, the child selects the word antipode. "Hot-cold, winter-summer, big - small."

9. The game of synonyms. For example, a synonym for the word "stick" is a cane, a stick, a crutch, a staff.

10. What did you see? Draw the child's attention to passing clouds. What do the sky ships look like? What does this tree crown look like? And these mountains? And this person, with which animal is associated?

11. Get a small folder that is easy to carry with you. It can contain didactic material that helps your activities - games for the development of a child's speech. These are pictures, photographs, riddles, small texts, crosswords. You can always find a few minutes during the day to open the daddy and play "talking" games with the baby. You can find material for these activity games in any bookstore. It comes out in the series "Practical guide to the development of speech."

12. Logical chain. From randomly selected cards laid out in a line, you need to make a connected story. Then the task gets harder. The cards are turned over, and the kid remembers the sequential chain of laid out pictures and names them in the order in which they were laid. The number of cards used in the game depends on the age of the child, the older - the more pictures. Despite the seeming complexity of the game, children like this kind of entertainment. They start to compete, who will remember the pictures more.

O. Andreev reading school

Oleg Andreev's reading technique has already been worked out and has proven itself. For more than a decade, his school of fast reading has been teaching children of various ages, striving to develop their speech, visual field, imaginative thinking and learn to “learn easily” at school. When working with any text, O. Andreev recommends such a scheme for highlighting the main thing from the material read: title, author, facts (surnames, geographical data, various quantitative data), action (what actions the heroes of the read works perform, and what events occur there), the main the content of the read (this is a brief retelling of the meaning in your own words, the content of the text).

Engaging in reading or discussion with the child, bring the work according to this scheme to automatism. It will help you to work competently with the text and not get bogged down in the secondary details of the work.

Good spoken language guarantees not only success in school, but is also the key to sociability, sociability, the ability to find a language with people, and organically fit into the team. We all want to see our children in the spotlight, surrounded by friends and girlfriends. So let's help them become that way.


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