An example of a personnel planning system. Personnel planning. Workforce planning has as its goal - to meet the needs of the organization in the required number of specialists in a specific time frame. "2 These definitions are taken from American history

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Personnel planning at the enterprise (for example, LLC "Super-MIX")


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of personnel planning

1.1 Goals, objectives and methods of workforce planning in the organization

1.2 Basic technologies, problems and stages of workforce planning

Chapter 2. Analysis of methods and technologies of personnel planning in LLC "Super-MIX"

2.1 Philosophy of the organization of LLC "Super-MIX" and tasks of personnel planning

2.2 Ensuring the integration of workforce planning into organization plans and problems of development of workforce planning in Super-MIX LLC


List of references


Modern economic relations have significantly changed the requirements for training personnel, for their professional qualities, paying special attention to high labor productivity, especially managerial: the ability to solve problems, a creative approach to work, self-development, and self-government.

It was found that the results of labor largely depend on a number of factors, including the ability to carry out personnel planning at the enterprise. And here, in the field of personnel planning, the need to take into account and plan the human factor as one of the most significant in the activities of the enterprise comes to the fore. The formation of labor resources is a complex and responsible function.

The first stage is associated with the assessment of the available labor resources at the enterprise. In fact, this process can be defined as the internal certification of workers in the enterprise itself. It is necessary from the general mass of workers to single out those who solve all the tasks assigned to them, those who perform most of their duties in good faith, but cannot fulfill the rest for various reasons, identify workers who do not perform most of their duties and those who are not currently organizations are needed.

In the second phase of workforce planning, future staffing requirements are determined. The purpose of such planning is to organize long-term work with personnel. There is a planning of the need for personnel replacement: by years in connection with retirement, dismissal, transition to disability, etc. The need to reduce the number of personnel due to rationalization or reduction of production volumes is also planned. With the expansion of production and the development of entrepreneurial ability, it is planned to expand the number of personnel.

Personnel planning allows - timely take into account the problems of real and future personnel needs.

Purpose of work: theoretical study of personnel planning and consideration of the problems of increasing the efficiency of personnel planning in the activities of LLC "Super-MIX".

Work tasks:

1) To reveal the basic theoretical issues of the implementation of personnel planning in the organization;

2) To reveal the methods and technologies of personnel planning in personnel management as one of the management functions of Super-MIX LLC and the main directions of increasing its efficiency;

3) Determine the features of the implementation of the function of personnel planning in personnel management of LLC "Super-MIX"

Object of study:

Personnel planning as a process of improving the efficiency of enterprise management.

Subject of study:
Methods and technologies of personnel planning (for example, LLC "Super-MIX").
The work consists of an introduction, two chapters (theoretical and practical), conclusion and bibliography... When writing the work, the works of such authors as Kibanov A.Ya., Korotkov E.M., Pushkarev N.F., Egorshin A.P. were used. and etc.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of personnel planning

1.1 Goals, objectives and methods of personnel planning in the organization

Personnel planning (equivalents found in the literature - personnel planning, planning of the workforce of the enterprise) is defined as "the process of providing the organization with the necessary number of qualified personnel, hired for specific positions at a specific time" 1. According to another definition, personnel planning is "a system for the selection of qualified personnel, using two types of sources:

- internal (employees in the organization);

- external (found or attracted from the external environment).

Personnel planning has as its goal - to meet the needs of the organization in the required number of specialists in a specific time frame. "2 These definitions are taken from American sources.

Personnel planning is a directed activity of an organization on personnel training, ensuring proportional and dynamic development of personnel, calculating its professional and qualification structure, determining general and additional needs, monitoring its use. "

Foreign sources focus mainly on planning the organization's need for personnel, while domestic sources accept this only as one of the types of personnel planning, highlighting, in addition, a number of concepts (planning the use of personnel, planning their training, and so on).

The primary task of personnel planning is to "translate" existing goals and plans of the organization into specific needs for qualified employees, i.e. deduce the unknown quantity of workers needed from the existing equation of the organization's plans; and determine the time at which they will be requested. And as soon as these unknown values \u200b\u200bare found, within the framework of personnel planning, it is necessary to draw up a program of actions necessary to achieve the set goals.

Essentially, each organization is engaged in personnel planning only at the level of the question. Some organizations do serious research in this regard, others limit themselves to superficial attention to personnel planning.

The planning process is not homogeneous and includes a number of constituent parts, which in turn also have a complex structure. The constituent parts of personnel planning are shown in diagram 1.

Scheme No. 1

Components of the personnel planning process

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Be that as it may, the long-term success of any organization undoubtedly depends on having the right employees at the right time in the right positions. Organizational goals and strategies for achieving those goals are meaningful only when people with the required talent, skills, and abilities are involved in the task at hand.

Unfairly performed, and even more so completely ignored, personnel planning can provoke serious problems in the shortest possible time

Effective workforce planning can “fill” vacancies and also reduce employee turnover by assessing career opportunities within the company.

Workforce planning should provide answers to the following questions:

how many workers, what skill level, when and where they will be needed (planning for personnel needs).

how you can attract the necessary staff

how to reduce redundant staff, taking into account social aspects (planning to attract or reduce staff)

how can workers be used according to their abilities (planning of the use of personnel)?

how can you purposefully promote the development of skills of personnel and adapt their knowledge to changing requirements (planning of personnel development)?

what are the costs of the planned personnel activities (personnel costs)?

The main tasks of personnel planning:

development of a personnel planning procedure consistent with its other types,

linking workforce planning with the planning of the organization as a whole,

organization of effective interaction between the planning group of the personnel service and the planning department of the organization,

implementing solutions that contribute to the successful implementation of the organization's strategy,

assisting the organization in identifying key staffing issues and needs in strategic planning,

improving the exchange of information on personnel between all departments of the organization.

Workforce planning includes the following methods:

forecasting the future needs of the organization in personnel (for its individual categories);

study of the labor market (market of qualified labor force) and the program of measures for its "development";

analysis of the organization's workplace system;

development of programs and activities for personnel development.

When implementing personnel planning, the organization pursues the following goals:

get and retain people of the right quality and in the right quantity;

make the best use of the potential of your staff;

be able to anticipate problems arising from possible surplus or shortage of staff;

Personnel planning technologies and types of personnel plans.

The personnel management strategy is a long-term, well-defined direction for applying efforts to form the labor potential of an enterprise. It should be consistent with the overall strategy of the organization.

The development of organizational and economic measures is recommended to be carried out according to the functions carried out by the personnel management service of the enterprise: selection and selection of personnel, planning the need for personnel, training, motivation, training, improving the socio-psychological climate, etc.

Personnel planning - determination of the current state and future needs in quantitative and qualitative personnel structures.

Labor planning - determination of quantitative, qualitative and temporal parameters, necessary costs in the process of enterprise functioning.

One of the methods of personnel planning is to draw up an operational plan for working with personnel. Drawing up an operational plan for working with personnel allows you to provide the organization with the necessary personnel, as well as to recruit such people who could solve the tasks assigned to them and set new ones. This type of planning also allows you to ensure the required level of qualifications of employees and ensure the maximum possible active participation of employees in the activities of the organization.

The operational plan reflects the determination of the need for labor on the basis of systematic observation of the labor market, defines a list of specific measures to attract employees and their hiring.

Table No. 1

Operational plan of work with personnel

Determining the need for labor at the expense of employees of the enterprise

Systematic monitoring of the labor market

Specific measures to attract labor


Release due to structural, technological, organizational, social changes, as well as production capacities

Movements for the purpose of internal exchange of experience

Appointment of young professionals to more responsible positions

Permanent contracts (regardless of the actual need) with:

a) government authorities (informing intermediaries about their enterprise)

b) schools, vocational schools, secondary specialized educational institutions, higher educational institutions, universities (informing about your company)

Sending applications for the necessary workforce to state labor administrations and educational institutions

Studying job ads, publishing your own ads, studying the press, depending on the goals and region

Connecting HR specialists

Review of written job applications and pre-selection

Job interview

Hiring with a trial period.

Operational planning allows you to ensure the necessary level of qualifications of employees and ensure the active participation of employees in the activities of the organization, as much as possible.

1.2 Basic technologies , problems and stages of workforce planning

The planning process technology includes the following stages:

Assessment of cash reserves, their quantity and structure;

Assessment of future needs; tracking changes in the professional and qualification structure of personnel, identifying the need for labor with an indication of quantitative and qualitative indicators;

Development of a program for future needs.

The first stage includes:

· Analysis of the use of labor resources of the organization;

· Clarification of tasks for individual groups of performers;

· Formation of adequate qualification requirements;

· Identification of reserves of labor productivity in each specific area of \u200b\u200bwork.

At the second stage: the determination of the need for personnel for the planned period is carried out.

The initial data for determining the required number, their professional and qualification composition are:

· manufacturing program,

Production rates,

Planned increase in labor productivity increase,

· Structure of work.

All this information is collected as a result of personnel records.

Personnel accounting is a system of methods for observing quantitative measurements and recording the status and use of all categories of employees in an organization.

Usually the need for personnel is determined at the stage of preparation and development of a business plan.

At the preparatory stage, the following is carried out:

· Coordination of the prospects of organizational, economic and production development of the company;

· Collection of applications from managers for the formation of their units.

At the stage of developing a business plan, the following is carried out:

Linking its sections with each other and

· Balancing by terms, performers, resources and sources of their receipt.

· Among others, sections are being developed that are directly related to personnel. These are the sections "Personnel" and "Management".

Based on the assessment of the state of factors affecting the firm's need for personnel, the firm's personnel policy for the planned period is being developed:

· Upcoming reductions, recruitment, including key specialists;

Relocation, professional development,

Changes in the system of motivation and evaluation of results,

· Increasing the level of labor safety, etc.

To determine the required number of managers, there are average standards of manageability.

The developers of the “Personnel” section of the business plan are most interested in key specialists and the possible (real) level of their professional preparedness (and psychophysiological “strength”) for a given region.

At the same time, first a list of areas and areas of activity of the enterprise is drawn up, and the names of the specialists who provide activities in these areas are indicated.

For specialists in open, vacant areas, a list of areas of knowledge that the applicant must possess is drawn up, and then the optimal applicant is determined from the available ones.

At the third stage of personnel planning, the development of personnel activities is carried out aimed at the implementation of personnel goals, tasks, personnel strategy, personnel plans.

Personnel measures are a set of measures aimed at solving personnel problems, the embodiment of the developed personnel plans.

Personnel planning - designed to solve the problems of professional and job growth of employees, to create conditions for career growth.

The real capabilities of the human resource planning system are determined mainly by

The nature of the information base,

Where planning is used to solve a wide range of personnel tasks, an extensive data bank should be created that characterizes in detail each employee, especially his professional and qualification abilities3.

Therefore, it is assumed that the enterprise has a reliable system for collecting and constantly updating information.

Mathematics-based methods include various statistical and modeling techniques. Statistical methods use historical data to project the future state. One of them can be considered extrapolation - the simplest and most frequently used method, which consists in transferring the current situation (proportions) to the future. The appeal of this method lies in its availability. The limitation lies in the inability to take into account changes in the development of the organization and the external environment. Therefore, this method is suitable for short-term planning and for organizations with a stable structure operating in a relatively stable external environment.

Modeling techniques usually provide a simplified view of the talent needs of an organization. As the input data changes, the talent ramifications can be validated for different scenarios of staffing needs.

Historically speaking, judgmental predictions have been used more frequently than mathematical predictions.

Expert assessment methods are simpler and usually do not require complex research, but it is not always possible to find qualified specialists. However, now, given the rapid increase in the number of PCs, it can be assumed that methods based on a mathematical approach will be used more often.

Separately, there are methods for determining the required number of personnel in an enterprise. The concept of the number of personnel can be interpreted in different ways, depending on which value we want to calculate.

In this case, one should distinguish:

total need for personnel, which is the total number of personnel that an enterprise needs to complete the planned scope of work (gross need for personnel)

Additional need, the number of employees that is needed in the planning period in addition to the existing number of the base year, due to the current needs of the enterprise (net labor requirement).

In workforce planning, the following workforce planning technologies can be distinguished:

technologies for using the available labor resources in the organization (placement of personnel, building a management system and organizational structure of functional activities);

personnel development technologies (training, professional development, exchange of experience, etc.);

technologies for determining the need for personnel (based on economic analysis, certification of personnel and determination of their professional suitability; using mathematical calculations, etc.);

personnel retention technologies (management of labor motivation, provision of social guarantees, etc.);

recruitment technologies (from internal or external sources);

personnel selection technologies (questionnaires, testing, interviewing, business game theory, etc.);

technologies for determining personnel costs (direct mathematical calculation)

technologies for staff reduction and relocation (release of staff due to retirement, dismissal due to inadequacy of the position held, etc.)

Questions and problems of personnel planning in the organization management system

Workforce planning involves applying a basic planning process to address the human resource needs of an organization. To be effective, workforce planning must be grounded in and aligned with the long-term plans of the organization. In fact, the success of workforce planning depends largely on how closely the HR department is able to integrate effective workforce planning with the planning process of the organization. Unfortunately, workforce planning is sometimes not adequately linked to complete overall planning.

There are several main obstacles to successful strategic planning:

1) personnel planning is not synchronized with the strategic planning cycle;

2) the tendency to plan in response to short-term, current problems;

Many of the problems described are the result of a lack of coordination between planning operations in the HR department and general planning.

Strategic planning for human resources needs to identify the factors that are key to the success of the organization.

The planning process should ensure:

Determining the purpose of the organization;

Definition of assumptions, assumptions;

Action plan in light of available resources, including trained personnel.

Workforce planning can provide significant support to the strategic planning process by providing the means (personnel) to achieve the desired results.

A common mistake in workforce planning is to focus on short-term needs and not align them with the long-term plans of the organization. Focusing on short-term needs is a natural consequence of not integrating workforce planning with strategic planning. This approach almost always leads to surprises that force the workforce planning department to focus on short-term crises (vicious circle).

Although personnel planning methodologically has a lot in common with other areas of planning, nevertheless, in a number of important aspects it differs from them.

Workforce planning problems are due to:

the difficulty of the personnel planning process due to the complexity of predicting labor behavior, the possibility of conflicts, and so on. The possibilities of using personnel in the future and their future attitude to work are predicted, if at all possible, with a high degree of uncertainty. In this regard, they are unreliable elements in the planning process. In addition, members of the organization resist being "objects" of planning, do not agree with the results of planning and react to it in such a way that the possibility of a conflict is not excluded.

the duality of the system of economic goals in personnel policy. If in planning in the field of marketing, investments, and so on, planning goals affect economic aspects, then when planning personnel, components of social efficiency are added here. If in other areas it is possible to operate with quantitative values \u200b\u200b(amounts of money), then the data in personnel planning are mainly of a qualitative nature (data on abilities, assessments of the work done).

As an integrated part of HR planning, it has the task of providing employees with jobs at the right time and in the right amount in accordance with their abilities and inclinations.

Workforce planning should be based on the strategic plans of the organization. In fact, this means that the goals of workforce planning should be derived from the goals of the organization. In other words, specific initial requirements in the form of a set of characteristics that employees must have should be determined based on the goals of the organization as a whole.

The goal is a certain motive, which is reflected in some desired characteristics.

The process of setting goals - begins with the approval of a global strategic goal, or mission, that determines the future of the organization. All other goals are formulated on its basis. It is used to set short-term (current) goals.

Short-term goals - mostly have a timeline and can be quantified.

Divisional and departmental goals are derived from the organization's short-term goals. This method is called the cascading goal setting approach.

The waterfall approach is not a form of "top-down" planning, where goals are transferred "down" to lower levels of the organization. The idea is that all levels of government should be included in the planning process. This approach leads to upstream and downstream information flows during the planning process. It also ensures that goals are communicated and coordinated across all levels of the organization.

The waterfall approach, when used correctly, embraces both middle managers and HR in the entire planning process.

In the early stages, the HR department can influence goal setting in terms of providing information on the available human resources. Below are some suggestions for integrating talent plans into an organization's strategic plans.

Integration of workforce planning into the organization's business plan. David R. Legh, General Planning Management Planning Administrator at Robbins & Mayers, says that "for workforce planning to succeed, it needs to be integrated into strategic planning."

Some of Robbins & Mayer's “lessons” in workforce planning include:

1. Knowledge of business strategy. The top tier of workforce planning must be familiar with the company's strategic plan and must ensure that any assumptions made in developing talent plans do not conflict with the business strategy.

2. The business plan cycle and workforce planning - must be integrated. Robbins & Mayer find this integration encourages incumbent administrators to think about the workforce, even though they are often only concerned with the business plan.

3. Workforce planning should be a common goal. At Robbins & Mayer, the workforce planning system allowed senior management to recognize that the continued growth of the company was driven by human resource constraints and that attention was needed at the top levels of the organization.9

Forecasting the staffing needs of an organization can be performed using a number of methods (individually and in combination). It is clear that, regardless of the method used, the predictions are certain approximations and should not be considered as an absolutely correct result, “the ultimate truth”.

Methods for predicting staffing needs - can be based either on judgments or on the use of mathematics. Judgments are a subjective assessment of the manager.

You can use the Delphi method.

Using the managerial assessment method, managers provide estimates of future staffing needs. These assessments can be made both by top management and passed down, or by lower-level managers and passed up for further change. Although the greatest success is possible with a combination of these two options.

When using the Delphi methodology, each of the experts makes an independent assessment of what the next request will be, guided by all the basic assumptions. Intermediaries present each expert's forecast and assumptions to others, and allows experts to revise their positions if needed. This process continues until agreement is reached.

The problem of integrating personnel planning into the organization's plans is also solved by linking the main plans of the organization into a single harmonious action plan. The relationship between the main plans of the organization can be represented in the form of a diagram.

Scheme No. 2

Linking the main plans of the organization

personnel planning

In general, the planning system for the organization's activities includes planning in the following sequence:

labor resources;


organizational development;

technical development;


capital investments, etc.

Personnel planning is carried out simultaneously with each type of planning, since each type of activity must be provided with human resources.

Chapter 2. Analysis of methods and technologies of personnel planning in LLC "Super-MIX"

2.1 Philosophy of the organization of LLC " Super-MIX "And the tasks of personnel planning

LTD " Super-MIX »" Was founded in 2002 year.

It has an independent balance sheet, its own letterhead, a seal with the full name in Russian, the necessary stamps.

The property of the enterprise includes fixed assets and working capital, equipment, territory, and the organization has other values, the value of which is reflected in an independent balance sheet.

LLC "Super-MIX" has the rights of a legal entity from the moment of its state registration in accordance with the established procedure, has a current account and other accounts in banking institutions, a seal and a stamp with its name and location, and a standard form. The company owns separate property, recorded on its independent balance sheet, can acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights on its own behalf, be a plaintiff and defendant in court. The Society has civil rights and bears the civil obligations necessary to carry out any kind of activity. The company is liable for its obligations with all property belonging to it. The company is not responsible for the obligations of its members. Participants 000 "Super-MIX" are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the Company, within the value of their contributions.

It is obvious to the management of Super-MIX LLC that planning for personnel requirements is part of the overall planning process in the organization. Ultimately, successful workforce planning is based on knowing the answers to the following questions:

* how many workers, what qualifications, when and where will be required;

* how you can attract the necessary and reduce or optimize the use of unnecessary personnel;

* how best to use staff in accordance with abilities, skills and intrinsic motivation;

* how to provide conditions for personnel development;

* what costs will be required by the planned

One of the main tasks of personnel planning at Super-MIX LLC is to assess the organization's need for personnel.

Assessment of the organization's staffing needs can be quantitative and qualitative.

A quantitative assessment of the need for personnel, designed to answer the question "how much?", Is based on an analysis of the proposed organizational structure (management levels, number of departments, distribution of responsibility), production technology requirements (the form of organizing joint activities of performers), marketing plan (commissioning plan enterprises, the phased deployment of production), as well as forecasting changes in the quantitative characteristics of personnel (taking into account, for example, changes in technology). In this case, information on the number of filled vacancies is certainly important.

A qualitative assessment of the need for staff is an attempt to answer the question "who?" This is a more complex type of forecast, since after analysis, similar for the purposes of quantitative assessment, value orientations, the level of culture and education, professional skills and abilities of the personnel that the organization needs should be taken into account.

Especially difficult is the assessment of the need for management personnel. In this case, it is necessary to take into account, at a minimum, the personnel's capabilities "to determine rational operational and strategic goals for the operation of the enterprise and to formulate optimal management decisions that ensure the achievement of these goals."

An important task for the management of Super-MIX LLC in personnel assessment is the development of organizational and financial staffing plans, including:

* development of a program of measures to attract personnel;

* development or adaptation of methods for evaluating candidates;

* calculation of financial costs for attracting and evaluating personnel;

* implementation of assessment activities;

* development of personnel development programs;

* an estimate of the costs of implementing personnel development programs.

Calculation of staffing requirements:

To determine the required number of workers and their professional and qualification composition, it is possible to: the production program, production rates, the planned increase in labor productivity and the structure of work.

The calculation of the number of personnel can be current or operational and long-term or prospective.

Another important task of personnel planning that has to be solved is the analysis of the personnel situation in the region.

Analysis of the personnel situation in the region is especially important at the stage of organization formation and is essential, first of all, for design and business planning purposes. The main result of the analysis is the identification of segments of the labor market in the region.

The collection and analysis of information about:

* main professional age groups;

* regional market of professions;

* educational institutions, graduating and retraining specialists;

* demographic situation and demographic forecast;

* national and cultural characteristics of the inhabitants of the region.

When analyzing the main professional age groups, we mean the characteristic features inherent in a particular group. Thus, young workers are characterized by features associated with the beginning of a career and a willingness to master modern professions. On the one hand, the beginning of a career is a lack of practical skills, and on the other hand, a great emotional involvement in the work process. Likewise, the positive in the orientation towards modern professions is the absence of stereotypes that block the introduction of a new one, but this same orientation can become a disadvantage when it comes to the implementation of traditional patterns of activity and behavior in the organization. Among middle-aged workers who meet a number of requirements, it makes sense to select leaders.

The analysis of the regional market of professions results in quantitative and qualitative indicators for the following main categories of workers:

· The upper layer of non-physical workers;

· The lowest stratum of non-physical workers;

· The upper layer of manual workers;

· The lowest stratum of manual workers;

· Farmers and agricultural workers.

The company's management believes that it is advisable to base the analysis of the level of wages by category not only on the data of official statistics available in the region, but also on the results of special sociological studies and content analysis of press materials. The same applies to assessing the level of employment by category and information on educational institutions engaged in training, retraining and advanced training of specialists, taking into account the level of the educational institution, its specialization, the volume of specialists graduated and the quality of training.

Assessment of the demographic situation in the region and the demographic forecast are based on: population size, age structure of the region, assessment of natural population growth, birth rate, migration level.

For some regions and specialized organizations, it is important to analyze the national and cultural characteristics of the inhabitants of the region, which would take into account such characteristics as, for example:

* types of professional activity traditional for the inhabitants of the region;

* lifestyle features associated with religious "or cult rites, climatic conditions of life, etc .;

* freedom or tradition in the choice of a profession by young people;

* average age of the beginning of independent labor activity;

* average age of family creation;

* traditions in family life (in particular, is it customary for a wife to work, the average number of children in a family, whether young families live separately).

To carry out activities for personnel planning, it is necessary to solve such a problem as the analysis of activities and job descriptions.

Activity analysis provides answers to the following questions:

* how much time an employee needs to perform basic production operations;

* what production operations can be grouped into a more general concept of the workplace;

* how to organize the workplace in such a way as to increase labor productivity;

* what operating mode is optimal for a given workplace;

* what characteristics (features) an employee must possess to perform this production operation;

* how the information obtained from the analysis of the workplace can be used to create a personnel management program.

Table No. 2

HR planning tasks at Super-MIX LLC

Task name

Workplace description

Statement of the essence of the work process, the duties of the employee and the degree of his responsibility, information about the working conditions

Workflow specification

Personal and professional qualities that a performer should have

Workplace project creation

The optimal combination of elements, responsibilities and tasks associated with a given job position

Staff recruitment

Personal and professional qualities used in the design of procedures for the selection and assessment of candidates for the position, which the performer should have

Evaluation of labor performance

Planned and actual productivity used to calculate the "acceptable" (ethical) level of labor productivity for RM

Personnel training and qualification improvement

Description of production tasks and functions, a list of professionally significant qualities and skills for creating effective training programs

Career planning and promotion

Data on interdependencies and sequence of production processes to create optimal promotion and rotation programs


Data on working conditions, productivity levels in order to obtain a basis for comparison, adequate assessment and effective incentives


Information about safe work standards, equipment location, employee interaction to create safety instructions, evaluate and reward them for their implementation

When implementing the personnel planning process, Super-MIX LLC conducts an analysis of the activities of the employee - the performer, this is based on a professional analysis.

Professiographic analysis - analysis of the performer's work, highlighting the main tasks, results, processes, interaction schemes that describe the activity as fully as possible.

The procedure for the professional analysis of activities, as a rule, begins with an acquaintance with the goals, structure and diagram of the organization's information networks. Then, information is collected on the content of the described activity from the point of view of both performers and their leaders. As a method, as a rule, a structured interview with the performer and his immediate supervisor is used. It is important, based on the results of the collection of primary information, to schematize the analyzed activity and expertise the results.

2.2 Technologies and place of personnel planning in Super-MIX LLC

At the investigated enterprise, great attention is paid to the assessment of candidatesidat when applying for a job. Below will be considered the problems and stages of the process of assessing candidates carried out at LLC "Super-MIX".

The task of the personnel service, which evaluates candidates for employment, is, in essence, to select such an employee who is able to achieve the expected result of the organization. In fact, acceptance assessment is one of the forms of preliminary quality control of the organization's human resources.

Despite the fact that there are a large number of different approaches to assessment, they all suffer from a common disadvantage - subjectivity, the decision largely depends on who uses the method, or who he attracts as an expert.

The problem of objectivity in assessing candidates for Super-MIX LLC can be formulated as follows, in the form of separate requirements for the assessment technology.

Assessment technology - should be structured so that personnel are assessed:

* objectively - regardless of any private opinion or individual judgments;

* Reliable - relatively free from the influence of situational factors (mood, weather, past successes and failures, possibly accidental);

* Reliably in relation to activities - the real level of skills should be assessed - how successfully a person copes with his job;

* with the possibility of forecasting - the assessment should provide data on what types of activity and at what level a person is potentially capable;

* comprehensively - not only each member of the organization is assessed, but also connections and relationships within the organization, as well as the capabilities of the organization as a whole;

* the assessment process and assessment criteria should not be available to a narrow circle of specialists, but understandable to assessors, observers, and the assessed themselves (that is, have the property of internal evidence);

* carrying out assessment activities should not disorganize the work of the team, but be built into the general system of personnel work in the organization in such a way as to really contribute to its development and improvement.

As a rule, before an organization makes a decision on hiring, a candidate must go through several stages of selection:

* preliminary selection interview;

* filling out the application form;

* conversation for hire (interview);

* medical checkup;

* decision-making.

Stage 1. Preliminary selection interview. The conversation can be conducted in various ways. For some types of activities, it is preferable that candidates come to the future place of work, then it can be carried out by a line manager, in other cases it is not important and it is carried out by a specialist in the personnel department.

The main purpose of the conversation is to assess the level of education of the applicant, his appearance and defining personal qualities. For effective work, it is advisable for managers and specialists to use a common system of rules for evaluating a candidate at this stage.

Step 2. Filling out the application form. Applicants who have successfully completed the preliminary interview must complete a special application form and questionnaire.

The number of items on the questionnaire should be minimal, and they should request information that most clarifies the performance of the applicant's future work. The information may relate to past work, mindset, situations that you had to deal with, but so that on their basis a standardized assessment of the applicant could be carried out. The questions of the questionnaire should be neutral and assume any possible answers, including the possibility of refusing to answer. Points must flow from one another.

Step 3. Conversation for hire (interview). Research has shown that more than 90% of selection decisions by US firms are made on the basis of interview results.

Super-MIX LLC uses several basic types of hiring conversation:

* according to the scheme - the conversations are somewhat limited, the information received does not give a broad idea of \u200b\u200bthe applicant, the course of the conversation cannot be adapted to the characteristics of the candidate, constrains him, narrows the possibilities of obtaining information;

* poorly formalized - only basic questions are prepared in advance, the conductor has the opportunity to include other, unplanned questions, flexibly changing the course of the conversation. The interviewer should be better prepared in order to be able to see and record the reactions of candidates, to choose from the range of possible precisely those questions that deserve more attention at a given Moment;

* not according to the scheme - only a list of topics that should be covered is prepared in advance. For an experienced interviewer, this conversation is a huge source of information.

Step 4. Testing. A source of information that can provide information about a candidate's professional abilities and skills. Describe both potential attitudes, orientations of a person, and those specific modes of activity that he actually owns. Testing can make it possible to form an opinion about the candidate's ability for professional and job growth, the specifics of motivation, and the characteristics of the individual style of activity.

Step 5. Verification of references and track record. The information of letters of recommendation or conversations with people whom the candidate named as referrals can make it possible to clarify what exactly and with what success the candidate did at previous jobs, studies, and residence. However, it is inappropriate to seek recommendations from the organization in which the candidate works. This can contribute to the dissemination of information in which the candidate is not interested, and is unlikely to provide reliable information for the HR manager: the component of the emotional attitude towards the person leaving the organization is too large. It is advisable to apply for recommendations to places of previous work, if the term of dismissal exceeds one year, as well as to colleagues from other organizations, professional societies with which the candidate interacted on business issues.

To plan to meet the future need for personnel, it is recommended: to analyze the sources of recruitment, to assess the available labor resources and newly recruited personnel, to identify employees that the company does not need at the moment.

The technology of providing an organization with personnel - consists of several constituent parts that can be linked and presented in the form of a diagram. Each of the constituent parts of this scheme includes a list of actions required to carry out measures to provide the organization with personnel.4

Personnel planning - it is advisable to carry out as planning by results.

Results-based planning is based on the following activities:

determination of results;

operational management of activities to achieve results;

control at all stages of functioning and development.

The provision of the organization with personnel can be represented in the form of a diagram.

Scheme No. 3

Staffing the organization

Place of personnel planning in the management system of Favorit LTD

Personnel planning is carried out both in the interests of the organization and in the interests of personnel. It is important for an organization to have at the right time in the right place, in the right quantity and with the appropriate qualifications, such personnel that are necessary to solve production problems, to achieve the goals of the organization. Personnel planning at Super-MIX LLC is designed to create conditions for motivating higher labor productivity and job satisfaction. Employees are attracted primarily by those jobs where conditions for the development of their abilities are created and high and constant earnings are guaranteed.

One of the tasks of personnel planning at Super-MIX LLC is to take into account the interests of all employees of the organization.

Place of HR planning in the HR management system in the organization

Personnel planning at Super-MIX LLC is designed to create conditions for motivating higher labor productivity and job satisfaction. Employees are attracted primarily by those jobs where conditions for the development of their abilities are created and high and constant earnings are guaranteed. One of the tasks of personnel planning is precisely the consideration of the interests of all employees of the organization.

It is important to keep in mind that workforce planning is only effective when it is integrated into the overall planning process in the organization.

To develop an operational plan for work with personnel at Super-MIX LLC, the following data are collected using specially designed questionnaires:

On the permanent staff (name, patronymic, surname, place of residence, age, time of entry to work, etc.);

On the structure of personnel (qualification, gender and age, national structure; the proportion of people with disabilities, the proportion of workers, employees, skilled workers, etc.);

Staff turnover;

Lost time due to downtime, illness;

On the length of the working day (fully or partly employed, working in one, several shifts or night shift, the duration of vacations);

On the wages of workers (structure of wages, additional wages, allowances, payment at the tariff and above the tariff);

On social services provided by the state and legal organizations (social expenditures allocated in accordance with laws, tariff agreements, voluntarily).

The questionnaires should be designed in such a way that, along with production purposes, they can serve as personnel planning.5 There are two forms of questionnaires at Super-MIX LLC. One of them is for applicants for working specialties, and the second is for those who are applying for managerial positions.

Personnel information collected in the organization can be organized and presented in the form of a diagram.

Scheme No. 5

Staff information

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Information about the personnel collected at LLC "Super-MIX" is a collection of all operational information, as well as the processes of their processing for personnel planning.

Personnel information must meet the following requirements:

Simplicity - this means that information should contain as much data and only to the extent that and in what volume is necessary in this particular case;

Visibility, that is, information should be presented in such a way as to make it possible to quickly determine the main thing, and not hide it behind verbosity. To do this, use tables, graphs, color material design;

Unambiguity, that is, the information must be clear, in their interpretation there must be semantic, syntactic and logical unambiguity of the material presented;

Comparability, that is, information should be presented in comparable units and relate to comparable objects both within the organization and not;

Continuity - information on personnel submitted for different time periods must have the same calculation methodology and the same form of presentation;

Relevance - information must be fresh, operational and timely, that is, it must be submitted without delay.

Staff planning is the initial step in the workforce planning process. It is based on data on available and planned jobs, a plan for carrying out organizational and technical measures, a staffing table and a plan for filling vacancies.

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With the aim of providing jobs at the right time and in the required quantity in accordance with the abilities, inclinations of workers and the requirements.

Workforce planning is a complex task that includes a large number of independent variables - new inventions, population changes, resistance to change, consumer demand, government interference in business, foreign competition and, above all, competition in the national market.

Workforce planning should include possibility of feedbackbecause if the plan cannot be met, it is often necessary to adjust the company's objectives to make them feasible in terms of human resources.

Workforce planning goals

Workforce planning goals should be formulated systematically... This includes the goals of the organization and the goals of its personnel... When planning goals, you need to take into account legal regulations as well as the underlying principles of the organization's policy. The goals and objectives of workforce planning are shown schematically in Figure 12.

Figure: 12. Goals and objectives of personnel planning of the organization

In stages goal planning process are: the search for goals, analysis of goals and their ranking, assessment of the possibilities of implementation, selection and implementation of goals, control and revision (Fig. 13).

Figure: 13. Human resource planning process

Effective workforce planning should answer the questions:

  1. How many workers, what qualifications, when and where will it be needed?
  2. What is the best way to attract the right one and reduce or optimize the use of redundant staff?
  3. How to use staff effectively in accordance with their abilities, changes and intrinsic motivation?
  4. How to provide conditions for personnel development?
  5. How much will the planned activities cost?

Stages and types of workforce planning

By timing, personnel planning is subdivided into:

  • long-term (forecast from 3 years or more)
  • short-term (no more than 1 year)

Let's consider long-term and short-term personnel planning in more detail.

Long-term workforce planning

The tool for long-term workforce planning is human resource plan, which, as a rule, involves an attempt to forecast 3-5 years ahead.

The company must assess the demand for labor, the potential for supply and the state of the external environment of activity. Through the interaction of all these factors, a human resource plan is drawn up, indicating how many and what kind of workers may be required in the future.

The main points to take into account are the following:

  1. Creation of a group of personnel planning of the company, including managers responsible for the implementation of basic functions in the company.

2. The tasks of human resources in achieving the goals of the company, taking into account:

  • plans for capital equipment (recorded on the company's balance sheet);
  • reorganization, such as centralization or decentralization;
  • changes in the range or volume of products;
  • financial constraints.

3. Characteristics of the use of human resources, in particular:

  • the number of employees in different categories;
  • calculation of staff turnover for each category of employees and analysis of the impact of high or low staff turnover rates on the company's performance;
  • amount of overtime work performed;
  • assessment of the performance of the current staff and their potential;
  • the general level of remuneration in comparison with the level of remuneration in other companies.

4. The external environment of the company:

  • recruitment situation;
  • demographic trends;
  • local plans for housing and transport development;
  • national agreements on working conditions;
  • government policy in the field of education, retirement, regional subsidies, etc.

5. Potential supply in the labor market, in particular:

  • the impact of local immigration and emigration;
  • the consequences of recruiting and firing surplus labor by local companies;
  • the possibility of attracting to work those categories of workers who are not currently involved, for example, part-time workers.

After considering and coordinating all these factors, you can compose human resource plan, reflecting in detail how many employees in terms of number, functions, qualifications, places of work and placement should be used at different stages of the future period. The plan should reflect:

  • a list of jobs and positions that may appear, undergo any changes or be abolished;
  • to what extent is it possible to relocate or retrain personnel;
  • necessary changes at the level of both middle and top managers;
  • needs for vocational training;
  • recruitment programs, redundant staff reductions or seniority layoffs;
  • opportunities for feedback in case of need to adjust the plan or objectives of the company;
  • measures envisaged to deal with any workforce problems due to shortages or surpluses of the labor force (for example, early retirement or other procedures for reducing staff).
Short-term workforce planning

Short-term workforce planning is usually based on a short-term workforce plan or operational plan, which is designed for a period of no more than one year and is more common in practice than a human resources plan.

Operational plan of work with personnel - it is detailed by time (year, quarter, month, decade, working day, shift), object (organization, functional unit, workshop, site, workplace) and structural (need, hiring, adaptation, use, training, retraining and advanced training , business career, personnel costs, dismissal) featured a plan with detailed elaboration of operational actions, supported by the necessary calculations and justifications.

To develop an operational plan for working with personnel, it is necessary to obtain data using specially designed questionnaires:

  • on the permanent composition of employees (name, patronymic, surname, place of residence, age, time of entry to work, etc.);
  • on the structure of personnel (qualification, gender and age, national structure, the proportion of people with disabilities, the proportion of workers, employees, skilled workers, etc.);
  • staff turnover;
  • loss of time due to downtime, illness;
  • on the length of the working day (full or partly employed, working in one, several shifts or night shifts, the duration of vacations);
  • on the wages of workers and employees (structure of wages, additional wages, allowances, payment according to the tariff and above the tariff);
  • on social services provided by the state and organizations (social expenditures allocated in accordance with laws, tariff agreements, voluntarily).

The questionnaires should be designed in such a way that they can serve as workforce planning in addition to productive goals.

Personnel information must meet the following requirements:

  • be simple - contain as much data and only to the extent that and in what volume is necessary in this particular case;
  • be visual - information must be presented in such a way as to make it possible to quickly determine the main thing, and not hide it behind verbosity. To do this, use tables, graphs, color design of the material;
  • be unambiguous - the information must be clear, in their interpretation there must be semantic, syntactic and logical unambiguity;
  • be comparable - information must be given in comparable units and referred to comparable objects both within the organization and not;
  • be successive - information on personnel submitted for different time periods must have the same calculation methodology and the same presentation forms;
  • be up-to-date - information must be fresh, operational and timely, i.e. submitted without delay.

Staff planning

The initial stage of the workforce planning process is the planning of personnel needs. It is based on data on the available and planned, the plan for carrying out organizational and technical measures, the staffing table and the plan for filling vacant posts (Fig. 14).

Figure: 14. Personnel planning scheme

When determining the need for personnel in each specific case, it is recommended to involve the heads of the relevant departments.

Exist four categories of workersfor which planning is conducted:

  1. Operating personnel;
  2. Beginners;
  3. Potential employees;
  4. Staff leaving the organization.

In relation to each of these categories, the company's management must take different actions (Table 11).

Actions taken by managers in relation to personnel

TO benefits of workforce planning include the following:

  1. The organization is better prepared to cope with the consequences of a changing operating environment.
  2. Carefully identifying possible future human resource needs helps an organization find new and better ways to manage human resources
  3. An organization can avoid both surplus and shortage of employees.
  4. Planning will help the organization establish and further develop training and leadership continuity programs.
  5. Management will be forced to critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of the company's human resources and personnel policy.
  6. Allows to avoid duplication of efforts of employees of the company and improve their coordination and integration when performing work.

Personnel planning methods

Workforce planning distinguishes quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Quantitative planning uses the following methods:
  1. Balance method is based on the mutual alignment of the resources available to the organization and the needs for them within the planning period. Such a plan is a two-sided budget table, one part of which reflects the sources of resources, and the other - their distribution.
  2. Normative method... Its essence lies in the fact that the basis of the planned targets for a certain period includes the rates of consumption of various resources per unit of production.
  3. Statistical method establishes the dependence of the indicator under consideration on other variables.
With good planning, the following methods are distinguished:
  1. Expert judgment method... For this, an expert is involved who analyzes the planning problems and makes a combination of the available planning variables and the quantities that affect these variables. Based on the recommendations of an expert, planning goals are formed, experts can be either specialists in the field of personnel planning or managers.
  2. Group assessment method... In this case, groups are formed that jointly develop action plans aimed at solving the assigned tasks. These methods include, for example, brainstorming.
  3. includes expert and group methods. First, many independent experts are interviewed, and then the results of the survey are analyzed in group discussions and appropriate decisions are made.

Discipline: Economy
Type of work: Coursework
Topic: Organization of the personnel planning process on the example of Spetspromservice LLC

"Organization of the personnel planning process on the example of Spetspromservice LLC"

Introduction 3

Chapter 1. The concept of workforce planning in an organization 4

Chapter 2. Personnel planning in Spetspromservice LLC 12

2.1. Analysis of the organization of the personnel planning process in Spetspromservice LLC 12

2.2. HR planning problems at Spetspromservice LLC 20

Chapter 3. Improving the organization of the personnel planning process in Spetspromservice LLC 23

Conclusion 27

List of used literature 29


Personnel planning has always been considered as one of the main tasks in the personnel management system. However, in a market economy, its relevance has increased significantly. This was due to several obvious reasons. First, the costs of maintaining personnel have increased significantly, especially for qualified workers in demanded professions, which requires a corresponding return on investment. Secondly, in the conditions of filling the market, the issue of lost profits, resulting from the inability to solve urgent problems with the help of the existing human potential, has acquired particular importance. Thirdly, the dynamics of the business has increased and, as a result, the requirements for employees are constantly changing, both in terms of the volume and the nature of the tasks to be solved. As a result, there was a certain discrepancy between traditional methods of personnel planning and the specifics of these tasks.

With personnel planning, completely different tasks are traditionally solved from the formation of a personnel reserve to planning vacations. At the same time, the focus is often not on the goals and objectives of workforce planning, but on methods for solving specific issues - recruiting, relocating, training personnel, etc.

So, the purpose of this work is to study the organization of personnel planning in Spetspromservice LLC.

The following tasks are set before work:

1. Definition of the concept and basic provisions of personnel planning at the enterprise.

2. Analysis of the organization of personnel planning in Spetspromservice LLC and identification of the problems of such personnel planning.

3. Make suggestions for improving the organization of the personnel planning process at Spetspromservice LLC.

Chapter 1. The concept of workforce planning in the organization

Planning can be viewed in two aspects. In a broad sense, it is the activity of developing the policy and strategy of the organization and how to implement them; narrowly - on the preparation of official documents - plans.

Within the framework of personnel planning, which is an element of the general planning system of the organization, the tasks of providing its workforce with the necessary number and quality, the effective use of the latter, and the improvement of social relations are solved.

The specificity of personnel planning, as well as the formation of appropriate strategies, consists in the presence of two approaches: independent for organizations whose product of activity is personnel, and subordinate to production, investment, financial, commercial and other plans - for the rest.

Workforce planning allows planning tools to take into account economic and employee-oriented positions, coordinate them with each other and thereby contribute to balancing the interests of employers and employees. A prerequisite for this is that workforce planning is comprehensive. In a completely unambiguous way, it should cover a larger number of aspects than the planning of personnel requirements that prevailed in previous years, which was focused mainly on production and economic issues1.

However, personnel planning has not yet found its full recognition everywhere, as opposed to planning production, sales, capital investments. Organizational and technical changes in production make it necessary to timely search and train personnel to solve new production and managerial tasks, as well as to reduce social tension in relation to workers whose jobs are changing or liquidated. These tasks cannot be solved in a short time. Thus, workforce planning is a sign of the organization's responsibility in relation to its personnel2.

Personnel planning is designed to ensure the optimal disclosure of the potential of employees and their motivation in the face of contradictions between production requirements and the objectives of the organization, on the one hand, and the interests and needs of employees, on the other3.

Thus, personnel planning is in most cases secondary, derivative in relation to the general system of internal planning, and personnel plans complement and specify other types of plans and programs.

With the help of workforce planning, you can define, for example:

- how many workers, what qualifications, when and where will be needed;

- what are the requirements for certain categories of workers (professional qualification models of positions);

- how to attract the necessary and reduce unnecessary personnel;

- how to use staff in accordance with their potential;

- how to ensure the development of this potential, improve the qualifications of people;

- how to ensure fair wages, staff motivation and solve their social problems;

- what costs will be required by the activities.

The personnel planning process, like planning in general, is based on a number of principles, i.e. rules that need to be taken into account in the process of its implementation. The main one today is considered to be the participation of the maximum number of employees of the organization in the work on the plan already at the very early stages of its preparation. When drawing up social plans, this principle is unconditional, in other cases its application is desirable4.

Another principle of personnel planning is considered to be its continuity, due to the appropriate nature of the organization's economic activities and the fact that the personnel themselves are in constant motion. In accordance with this principle, planning is not seen as a single act, but as a constantly repeated process. The principle of continuity requires that all plans are developed taking into account the prospects, as well as the fact that they will serve as the basis for drawing up plans in the future, and that the next plans are based on the previous ones, take into account the results of their implementation, i.e. a certain continuity was observed5.

Continuity of planning makes it possible to implement such a principle as flexibility, which implies the possibility of constantly making adjustments to previously made personnel decisions or revising them at any time in accordance with changing circumstances. To ensure flexibility, so-called pillows are included in the plans, giving, if necessary, freedom of maneuver within certain limits6.

The unity and interconnection of the activities of individual parts of the organization requires adherence in planning to such a principle as the coordination of personnel plans in the form of coordination and integration. Coordination is carried out "horizontally" - between subdivisions of the same level, and integration - "vertically", between higher and lower levels.

An important principle of planning is economy, the essence of which is that the costs of drawing up a plan are less than the effect brought by its implementation. Finally, one of the principles of planning is to create the necessary conditions for the implementation of the plan.

The principles listed above are universal, suitable for different levels of management; at the same time, specific principles may apply at each level.

For example, when planning in a department, the bottleneck principle plays an important role, which says that the employee with the lowest productivity will determine the overall performance. At the same time, at the organizational level, this principle is usually not applied, but perhaps the most important specific principle here is the scientific nature of planning7.

Personnel planning should ensure the maximum disclosure of the abilities of employees and their motivation, taking into account the economic and social consequences of decisions made in the firm. Since today personnel is a decisive factor in the activities of any organization, the degree of achievement of organizational goals testifies to the effectiveness of its planning8.

Prerequisites for personnel planning.

1. The readiness of the organization's leadership to integrate the personal aspect into overall planning and to create the necessary organizational and personnel prerequisites for this.

2. The choice of private aspects of workforce planning, which should be preferred. Experience shows that it is reasonable to start planning with determining the need for personnel, resolving the issue of attracting or firing them, and later supplement it with planning the use and development of personnel, costs.

3. The choice of the planning period at the first stage of its introduction could be limited to one or two years, gradually supplementing it with medium-term (up to three years) and long-term planning (over three years).

4. The decision on how differentiated workforce planning should be depends on the type of organization: the more diverse the qualifications of employees required to solve production problems, the more differentiation should be used to determine the planned dates9.

5. A minimum set of information documents with the ability to distinguish between data related to workplaces, management bodies, personnel and statistics.

Structured planning models, which can be adopted at relatively low labor and cost, generally meet the requirements for small and medium-sized organizations. Therefore, each individual organization should try to implement planning that suits its needs. Large organizations with a differentiated workforce structure will have to carry out more detailed planning than small organizations with a relatively homogeneous and easily visible workforce10.

The main tasks of personnel planning:

Development of a personnel planning procedure;

Linking personnel planning with the planning of the organization as a whole;

organization of effective interaction between the planning group of the personnel service and the planning department of the organization;

Implementation of solutions that contribute to the successful implementation of the organization's strategy;

Assisting the organization in identifying key staffing issues and needs in strategic planning;

Improving the exchange of information on personnel between all parts of the organization 11.

Workforce planning includes:

Forecasting the future needs of the organization in personnel (for its individual categories);

Study of the labor market (market of qualified labor force) and a program of measures for its "development";

Analysis of the organization's workplace system; development of programs and activities for personnel development.

In personnel planning, the organization pursues the following goals: to get and retain people of the right quality and in the right quantity; make the best use of the potential of your staff; be able to anticipate problems arising from possible surplus or shortage of staff.

In the process of personnel planning, it is necessary to identify and agree on the goals and types of planning.

The organizational structure of the enterprise personnel management system reflects the interaction between its elements. Organizational management structures can be linear, functional, linear-functional, project, matrix, etc., i.e. the structure is basically a way of organizing the actions of the firm in its internal environment (table 1).

Table 1. The structure of personnel management

Development and implementation of personnel policy

Payment and labor incentives

Group management, team and union relations

Socio-psychological aspects of management

The principles of selection and placement of personnel

Forms of remuneration

Involvement of workers in management at the grassroots level

Employee motivation and creative initiative

Conditions of employment and dismissal

Ways to increase labor productivity

Work teams and their functions

Organizational culture of the company

Training and professional development

Incentive pay systems

Team relationships

The impact of personnel management on the activities of the company and its organization

Assessment of personnel and their activities

Relations with trade unions

Career guidance and adaptation: the introduction of hired employees into the organization and its divisions, the development of employees' understanding of what the organization expects from them and what kind of work in it receives a well-deserved assessment.

Training: development of training programs for personnel in order to effectively perform work and promote it.

Assessment of labor activity: development of methods for assessing labor activity and bringing it to the employee.

Promotions, demotions, transfers, dismissals: developing methods for moving workers to positions with more or less responsibility, developing their professional experience by moving them to other positions or areas of work, and procedures for terminating an employment contract.

Leadership training, career management: development of programs aimed at developing the capabilities and improving the performance of management personnel.

Labor relations: negotiating collective agreements.

Employment: development of equal employment opportunities programs. Providing job security for staff makes any firm more profitable and competitive, especially if the strategy of stabilizing the composition of employees is used as a means of increasing flexibility in personnel management, creating conditions for close interaction between employees and retaining the most qualified staff12.

Chapter 2. Personnel planning in Spetspromservice LLC

2.1. Analysis of the organization of the personnel planning process in Spetspromservice LLC

In the organization under consideration, great attention is paid to the calculation of the balance of working hours when organizing the personnel planning process.

The purpose of calculating the balance of working time in OOO "Spetspromservice" is to establish an effective useful fund of time for one worker per year. It is calculated as the product of the number of working days per year and the average working day in hours.

Based on the schedule of working hours and the duration of the working day and days of rest for 2006, OOO Spetspromservice compiled a balance of working hours. The number of calendar working days is 250 days. 10% of vacation time and 10% of other absences are deducted from this amount. The working day is 8 hours. The total balance of working time for 2006 is 200 days or 1,600 hours.

Agreed Approved

Chairman of the Trade Union Committee Director

_____________________ ________________

Working hours and working hours and rest days for 2004

Numbers of the month

Pick up file


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