Modern methods of increasing the efficiency of foundry. Foundry General information about foundry The current state and role of foundry in mechanical engineering. Recommended list of dissertations

Technological scheme of a machine-building plant

Topic 11: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Technology

Lecture plan

11.1. Technological scheme of a machine-building plant

11.2. The essence of the foundry. Casting methods

11.3. Metal forming methods (rolling, drawing, pressing, forging, stamping)

11.4. The essence of the assembly process

11.5. Types and organizational forms of the assembly process

11.6. Ways to Improve Assembly Efficiency

Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of modern industry. The importance of mechanical engineering in the national economy is determined by the fact that it creates one of the most important elements of the productive forces - the instrument of labor. Due to the various instruments of production and the social division of labor, mechanical engineering is subdivided into separate branches, of which the main ones are: machine-tool engineering, heavy engineering, transport, energy, agricultural, and nuclear.

Each branch of mechanical engineering has its own specific technological methods and techniques, however, in general, mechanical engineering is characterized by a commonality of raw materials (ferrous and non-ferrous metals, their alloys and the identity of the basic technological principles of converting them into parts (casting, forging, stamping, cutting), and parts into a product (welding, assembly).

In the production processes of mechanical engineering, the basic principles of the rational organization of production are used.

At machine-building plants, the following main ones are distinguished workshops :

v procurement: iron foundry, steel foundry, forge and press;

v processing: mechanical, thermal;

v manufacturing products: assembly.

The organization of industrial production is built according to one of the principles - technological, subject or mixed. The above division of the main shops is inherent in the technological principle of organizing production. With the objective principle of organizing production, equipment for the manufacture of specific parts or assembly units is concentrated in separate workshops of the enterprise. With a mixed principle - in separate shops, technologically homogeneous parts are processed and the same type of technological processes and operations are performed.

The rest of the structure of machine production is not much different from other industries, i.e. there are auxiliary shops and side shops, various services and facilities, enterprise management bodies that organize the production process and control it, ensure the development of technical documentation and technological equipment, accounting, and sales of finished products.

Thus, a machine-building enterprise is a collection of a number of industries linked by a single technological process. Depending on the scale of production, the possibilities of cooperation with other enterprises and on a number of other technical and economic conditions, the machine-building plant either itself carries out the entire technological process, i.e. manufactures all parts of the machine and assembles it, or manufactures only the main units of the machine, and receives parts and semi-finished products (casting, forgings) from other specialized enterprises and in its workshops performs only their processing and subsequent assembly. The technological scheme of the machine-building plant is as follows: raw materials and fuel from the charge yards, where they are stored and appropriately prepared for production, go to the foundries that produce castings. The resulting casting is sent to the machine shop, and the workpieces made by forging and stamping in the press-forging shop are also delivered there. In the mechanical workshop, further processing of workpieces is carried out by cutting on various metal-cutting machines. In addition to processing cast and forged blanks on metal-cutting machines, parts are made from rolled products. Parts requiring heat treatment are sent to the heat treatment department.

Finished parts from the machine shop are sent to the assembly shop, where the finished parts from other shops arrive. Mechanical and assembly shops are often located in the same building, which reduces the cost of in-plant transportation of parts and assemblies. The most common processes in mechanical engineering are casting, rolling, drawing and pressing, forging, stamping, welding, and machining processes (cutting).

Foundry refers to the processes of obtaining shaped products (castings) by pouring molten metal into the resulting shape, which reproduces the shape and dimensions of the future part. After solidification of the metal in the mold, a casting is obtained, i.e. workpiece or part.

In the structure of the cost of casting, the main share is the cost of metal (up to 80%). When making a technical and economic analysis of the foundry, special attention should be paid to those stages and elements of the technological process that are directly related to possible metal losses for waste, splashing, scrap, etc. The cost of casting depends on the volume of production, the level of mechanization and automation technological processes.

With all the variety of casting techniques that have developed over a long period of development of its technology, the schematic diagram of the casting process has not practically changed and includes 4 main stage :

1.Smelting metal.

2. Making molds and rods.

3. Pouring liquid metal into a mold.

4. Removing the hardened casting from the mold.

Benefits foundry:

v the possibility of obtaining complex thin-walled castings with the rational use of metal;

v low cost of production;

v relative ease of making castings.

disadvantages foundry:

ü low labor productivity;

ü inhomogeneity of the composition and reduced density of the material of the workpieces.

There are the following casting methods:

◭ casting in one-time sandy-clay molds (earthen);

◭ chill casting (permanent metal molds);

◭ injection molding;

◭ centrifugal casting method;

◭ investment casting;

◭ shell casting or shell casting;

◭ casting into thin-walled disposable molds;

◭ electroslag casting.

All of the above casting methods, except for casting in earth molds, are called special casting methods. Castings are widely used in mechanical engineering, metallurgy, and construction.

The most common and relatively simple method of casting is casting in one-time sandy-clay molds. This method produces up to 80% of castings. Sandy-clay molds can be prepared either directly in the soil (in the floor of the foundry) according to templates, or in special boxes-flasks according to models. Large castings are made in soil, small ones - in flask molds.

The technological process for the production of castings in moldings consists of three stages: preparatory, main (Fig. 11.2.1) and final.

The preparatory stage includes the design and manufacture of model equipment.

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The theory and practice of foundry technology at the present stage makes it possible to obtain products with high performance properties. Castings work reliably in jet engines, nuclear power plants and other critical machines. They are used in the manufacture of building structures, metallurgical units, marine vessels, parts of household equipment, art and jewelry.

The current state of foundry production is determined by the improvement of traditional and the emergence of new casting methods, the continuously increasing level of mechanization and automation of technological processes, specialization and centralization of production, the creation of scientific foundations for the design of casting machines and mechanisms.

The most important direction for increasing efficiency is improving the quality, reliability, accuracy and roughness of castings with their maximum approximation to the shape of finished products by introducing new technological processes and improving the quality of casting alloys, eliminating harmful effects on the environment and improving working conditions.

Casting is the most common shaping method.

The advantages of casting are the production of blanks with the highest metal utilization and weight accuracy, the production of castings of practically unlimited dimensions and weight, the production of blanks from alloys that are resistant to plastic deformation and are difficult to cut by cutting (magnets).

Casting alloys

Requirements for materials used to obtain castings:

The composition of the materials should ensure that the specified physical-mechanical and physical-chemical properties are obtained in the casting; properties and structure must be stable during the entire life of the casting.

The materials should have good casting properties (high fluidity, low shrinkage, low tendency to cracking and gas absorption, tightness), weld well, and be easily processed with a cutting tool. They must not be toxic or harmful to production. It is necessary that they provide manufacturability in production conditions and be economical.

Casting properties of alloys

Obtaining high-quality castings without cavities, cracks and other defects depends on the casting properties of the alloys, which are manifested during the filling of the mold, crystallization and cooling of the castings in the mold. The main casting properties of alloys include: fluidity, alloy shrinkage, tendency to crack formation, gas absorption, liquation.

Fluidity the ability of molten metal to flow through the channels of the casting mold, fill its cavities and clearly reproduce the contours of the casting.

With high fluidity, the alloys fill all the elements of the casting mold.

The fluidity depends on many factors: the temperature range of crystallization, the viscosity and surface tension of the melt, the pouring temperature and shape, shape properties, etc.

Pure metals and alloys that solidify at a constant temperature have better fluidity than alloys that solidify in the temperature range (solid solutions). The higher the viscosity, the less fluidity. As the surface tension increases, the fluidity decreases. With an increase in the pouring temperature of the molten metal and the mold, the fluidity improves. Increasing the thermal conductivity of the mold material reduces flowability. For example, a sand mold removes heat more slowly, and molten metal fills it better than a metal mold. The presence of non-metallic inclusions reduces fluidity. The chemical composition of the alloy also affects (with an increase in the content of sulfur, oxygen, chromium, the fluidity decreases; with an increase in the content of phosphorus, silicon, aluminum, carbon, the fluidity increases).

Shrinkage the property of metals and alloys to reduce their volume when cooled in the molten state, during solidification and in the solidified state when cooled to ambient temperature. The change in volume depends on the chemical composition of the alloy, the pouring temperature, and the configuration of the casting.

Distinguish volumetric and linear shrinkage.

As a result of volumetric shrinkage, shrinkage cavities and shrinkage porosity appear in the massive parts of the casting.

To prevent the formation of shrinkage cavities, profits are installed - additional tanks with molten metal, as well as external or internal refrigerators.

Linear shrinkage determines the dimensional accuracy of the resulting castings, therefore, it is taken into account when developing casting technology and making model equipment.

Linear shrinkage is: for gray cast iron - 0.8 ... 1.3%; for carbon steels - 2 ... 2.4%; for aluminum alloys - 0.9 ... 1.45%; for copper alloys - 1.4 ... 2.3%.

Gas absorption the ability of casting alloys in the molten state to dissolve hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and other gases. The degree of solubility of gases depends on the state of the alloy: with an increase in the temperature of the hard alloy, it increases slightly; increases when melted; rises sharply when the melt is overheated. During solidification and subsequent cooling, the solubility of gases decreases, as a result of their release in the casting, gas pockets and pores can form.

The solubility of gases depends on the chemical composition of the alloy, the pouring temperature, the toughness of the alloy and the properties of the mold.

Segregation inhomogeneity of the chemical composition of the alloy in different parts of the casting. Liquidation is formed during the solidification of the casting, due to the different solubility of the individual components of the alloy in its solid and liquid phases. Sulfur, phosphorus and carbon are noticeably eliminated in steels and cast irons.

Distinguish liquation sonline, when different parts of the casting have different chemical composition, and dendritic,When chemical heterogeneity is observed in every grain.

  • Specialty VAK RF
  • Number of pages 142

Chapter 1. State of the issue and formulation of research objectives.

1.1. The main directions of the use of computer technology in foundry.

1.2. Optimization methods for calculating the charge.

1.2.1. Overview of methods that can be used to calculate the charge

1.2.2. Review of software for calculating the charge.

1.3. Methods for calculating corrective additives.

1.4. Methods for reducing the rejection of castings due to liquation.

1.5. Assessment of the influence of alloying elements on the graphitization of cast iron.

1.6. Estimation of the time of action of graphitizing modifiers.

1.7. Determination of the dependences of the properties of gray cast iron on the chemical composition, modification, alloying and pouring temperature.

1.8. Methods for reducing losses when pouring metal into molds.

Chapter 2. Methods of laboratory research.

Chapter 3. Development of software for solving problems of calculating the charge and optimizing the operation of smelting and casting departments of foundries.

3.1. Development of software for calculating the charge and correcting additives.

3.2. Development of software for calculating additives in the ladle and selecting molds for pouring.

Chapter 4. Results of experiments and their implementation in industry 77 4.1. Testing of software for calculating the charge and correcting additives.

4.1.1. Clarification of the coefficients of assimilation of elements from charge materials.

4.1.2. Using the data from the calculation of the charge for the assessment of harmful emissions from smelting units.

4.2. Investigation of the process of transfer of structural components during solidification of cast iron.

4.3. Assessment of the effect of alloying elements in the alloy as graphitizers.

4.4. Estimation of the duration of action of graphitizing modifiers.

4.5. Testing software for calculating additives in the ladle and selecting molds for pouring.

Recommended list of dissertations

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  • The combined effect of the technological parameters of modification and microalloying on the structure and properties of structural cast irons 2009, Doctor of Technical Sciences Boldyrev, Denis Alekseevich

  • Selection and substantiation of the mode of high-temperature processing of molten die casting steel in order to improve its structure and properties 2015, Candidate of Technical Sciences Mikhalkina, Irina Vladimirovna

  • Fundamentals of the theory and technology of disposal of dispersed mechanical engineering waste in the production of shaped castings from ferrous metals 2000, Doctor of Technical Sciences Safronov, Nikolay Nikolaevich

Dissertation introduction (part of the abstract) on the topic "Improving the efficiency of steel and iron foundries based on improving the calculation of the charge and the preparation of metal melts for pouring"

Relevance. Improving the efficiency of foundry production is associated with solving the problems of resource conservation and improving product quality.

Due to the lack of centralized supply of charge materials, caused by a decrease in the production of foundry iron and an increase in their cost, the quality of raw materials for the production of castings and billets has been significantly reduced. Many enterprises are forced to use raw materials with a noticeable difference in the content of alloying components and impurities. For this reason, the requirements of customers, determining the composition and properties of the products, cannot be fully satisfied, since even relatively small deviations in the chemical composition of alloys often entail a change in their casting characteristics, the appearance of various types of defects in the structure and geometric accuracy of casting.

Therefore, the development of software products for calculating the charge and correcting additives for obtaining and fine-tuning the required alloy composition, as well as optimizing the operation of the melting and casting sections of the foundries, is of particular relevance.

Objective. Increasing the production efficiency of mechanical engineering and metallurgy enterprises specializing in the production of iron and steel castings by minimizing the cost of smelting and finishing liquid metal.

Research objectives: 1. Determination of the assimilation coefficients of alloying elements and impurities from ferroalloys during steelmaking in 3 and 6 ton EAF based on statistical analysis of production and literature data.

2. Development of software for optimization<бостава шихты и корректирующих ковшевых добавок в процессе выплавки сталей и чугунов.

3. Research and analysis of the influence of alloying, modification, pouring temperature on the technological and operational properties of gray cast iron, as well as the effect of refining and movement of metal in the form on the occurrence of structural heterogeneity in alloys with anomalous type of eutectic.

Development of a set of software products to optimize the operation of smelting and casting departments of foundries based on the criterion of minimizing production costs.

Scientific novelty.

Experimental studies were carried out and a theoretical analysis of the process of assimilation of alloying elements was carried out, which made it possible to develop software for calculating the optimal composition of the charge and corrective additives in the production of castings and billets from iron and steel, in conditions of instability of the chemical composition and type of supplied charge materials.

It is shown that depending on the type of supplied materials and the applied melting technology, the coefficient of their assimilation can vary within significant limits. So, for silicon, the coefficient of assimilation from ferroalloys for an arc furnace was 0.75, for an induction furnace - 0.95; the coefficient of Si assimilation from scrap for an arc furnace during melting with oxidation was 0, without oxidation - 0.6; when melting in an induction furnace - 0.8.

Mathematical dependences have been obtained and a software product has been developed that allows calculating additives for obtaining iron-based alloys of the required composition, smelted in electric arc furnaces with a capacity of 3 - 6 tons.

A mechanism for the occurrence of local chemical and structural heterogeneity of castings for alloys belonging to systems with anomalous type of eutectics, caused by the transfer of crystals with an increased content of a non-metallic component by turbulent flows of liquid metal and their repeated involvement in the crystallization process, is proposed.

The influence of silicon-containing modifiers on the graphitization of cast irons SCH20 - SCHZO was investigated. It has been established that nitrogen and oxygen have a significant effect on the results of graphitizing inoculation, which increase the tendency of cast iron to chill. With an increase in their concentration, the effect of Mn, Cr and Ti on chill increases noticeably, which must be taken into account when choosing a modifier.

An increase in the nitrogen concentration from 0.001 to 0.018% in the presence of manganese (0.2%) and chromium (0.3%) almost doubled the chill, since nitrogen is involved in the formation of complex iron carbide.

A decrease in the oxygen content in cast iron from 0.0035 to 0.002% contributed to a decrease in the chill depth (11%) and an increase in the modifying ability of silicon. This feature of oxygen is largely associated with the change in the dynamics of the modifier action over time. The strongest, but short-term effect is provided by pure silicon. And the most stable results were obtained using FS60Ba22 containing aluminum in its composition.

Analytical dependencies are obtained that describe the change in the chill value of cast iron over time when using various modifiers.

Taking into account the peculiarities of assimilation of alloy components, as well as melting technology, a method is proposed for calculating harmful emissions during melting in electric arc furnaces.

Practical significance.

Software on personal computers has been developed and implemented, which allows, in the conditions of existing steel and iron foundries, to solve problems of choosing the optimal composition of charge materials and corrective additives, in relation to the conditions of small-scale production of cast iron castings, a program has been developed that allows you to select the forms of optimal metal consumption for casting in workshops for large cast iron castings.

The software for the selection of molds with the optimal total metal consumption for pouring in the large gray iron casting shops was transferred to the Kashirsky plant "Tsentrolit".

Implementation. Personal computer software for the selection of the optimal composition of charge materials and corrective additives for the production of carbon and low-alloy steels has been introduced in the molding shop of OAO Severstal with an economic effect.

Approbation of work. The main provisions of the thesis were reported at 6 conferences: zonal scientific and technical. conference in Yaroslavl in 1990, International scientific and practical. conference in Moscow in 2000, 3rd All-Russian scientific-practical. conference in St. Petersburg in 2002, International scientific and technical. conference in Volgograd in 2002, Russian scientific and technical. conference in Rybinsk in 2002.

Publications. The results, the main provisions of the dissertation are published in 4 articles and 6 theses of reports at conferences.

The volume of the thesis. The work consists of an introduction, 4 chapters, general conclusions and a list of references. Set out in 140 typewritten pages

Similar dissertations in the specialty "Foundry", 05.16.04 code VAK

  • Development of a new composition of wear-resistant cast iron for pump parts castings 2002, Candidate of Technical Sciences Potapov, Mikhail Gennadievich

  • Development of methods and means for improving the quality of production of piston ring castings 2013, Candidate of Technical Sciences Arustamyan, Aram Ivanovich

  • Development of SHS technology for producing silicotitanium alloys for alloying steel 2014, candidate of technical sciences Shaimardanov, Kamil Ramilevich

  • Development of scientific foundations of thermal and electromagnetic effects on melts and development of resource-saving technologies for producing high-quality castings from aluminum alloys 2012, Doctor of Technical Sciences Deev, Vladislav Borisovich

  • Formation of a rational structure and increasing the stability of properties of graphitized cast irons for the automotive industry by their modification and microalloying 2013, Doctor of Technical Sciences Boldyrev, Denis Alekseevich

Thesis conclusion on the topic "Foundry", Mikhailov, Dmitry Petrovich

7. The results of the work were implemented at JSC Severstal in the conditions of a molding shop, which ensured the stabilization of the composition of the melted steels, the economy of alloying additives in steel smelting, a reduction in the duration of melting, waste losses, consumption of basic and auxiliary materials. The economic effect of the development in the production of carbon and low-alloy steels amounted to more than 4 USD / t or 1,500,000 rubles per year.

List of dissertation research literature candidate of technical sciences Mikhailov, Dmitry Petrovich, 2003

1. Neustruev A.A., Ishchenko V.V. "Directions of computerization of foundry". // III All-Union scientific and technical. congress of foundry workers. Abstracts of reports. Volgograd September 26 - 28, 1989 S. 61-66.

2. Maryansky A.V., Silver B.C. The use of computers in foundry production abroad // Foundry. 1985. - No. 11. -FROM. 37-39.

3. Abstracts of the II All-Union Scientific and Technical Congress of Foundry Workers (Leningrad, May 17-20, 1983) M .: Research Institute of Information on Mechanical Engineering, - 1983. - 414 p.

4. Ways to improve the accuracy of cast parts and save metal in foundry. // Abstracts for the regional seminar (September 15-16, 1983) Penza. - 1983 .-- 59 p.

5. Development of technological processes of casting, design of tooling and analysis of the quality of castings using a computer. Abstracts of the zonal scientific and technical conference September 1990. -Yaroslavl. Yaroslavl Polytechnic Institute. 1990 .-- 98 p.

6. Rational use of material resources in the foundry. // Abstracts. scientific and technical. conferences. Chelyabinsk. 1991.-69 p.

7. Togobitskaya D. N., Hamkhot'ko A. F., Belkova A. I. Information, algorithmic and software for solving problems of blast furnace charge optimization. // Metallurg, 1999. - No. 6. S. 42-43.

8. Pelykh S.G., Semesenko M.P. Optimization of foundry processes. -Kiev: Looking for a school, 1977 .-- 192 p.

9. Kurdyumov A.V., Ten E.B. Calculation of the optimal composition of the charge on a computer. Moscow: Metallurgy, - 1984 .-- 72 p.

10. Calculation of the composition of the charge on the simplest computers. / Fokin V.I., Ermilin A.S., Glukhankin K.N. etc. // Abstracts of the zonal scientific and technical conference September 1990. Yaroslavl. Yaroslavl Polytechnic Institute, 1990.S. 40-41.

11. Grushevsky V.G., Maslak A.V. Prompt calculation of the optimal composition of the charge for ferrous and non-ferrous alloys. //Foundry. 1998. No. 4. - S. 13.

12. Smirnov K.I., Fuks A.I., Kharlamov O.M. Optimization of charge compositions for cupola furnaces. //Foundry. 1982. No. 3. S. 3.4.

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14. Sobolev B.M., Ivanov V.V. Calculations of technological processes of iron smelting: Textbook. allowance. Komsomolsk-on-Amur: Komsomolsk-on-Amur state. tech. un-t. - 1995 .-- 92 p.

15. Demidovich B.P., Maron I.A. Foundations of Computational Mathematics. Moscow: Nauka, 1966 .-- 664 p.

16. Tikhonov A.N., Arsenin V.Ya. Methods for solving ill-posed problems. Moscow: Nauka, 1974 .-- 224 p.

17. Strang G. Linear algebra and its application: trans. from English. Moscow: Mir, 1980, 215 p.

18. Stepanov N.F., Erlykina M.E., Filippov G.G. Linear algebra methods in physical chemistry. M. Moscow State University, 1976 .-- 360 p.

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40. Stepanova Yu.M., Zhuliev S.I. Study of off-axis A-shaped segregation in ingots weighing 4.15 tons. // Modern problems of metallurgical production: Proceedings / Volgograd, state. tech. un-t., Volgograd, 2002.S. 197-L99.

41. Stepanova Yu.M., Zhuliev S.I. Study of off-axis A-shaped liquation by metallographic method. // Modern problems of metallurgical production: Proceedings / Volgograd, state. tech. Univ., Volgograd, 2002.S. 199-201.

42. I.F. Kolobnev, V.I. Krymov, A.V. Melnikov. Foundry's Handbook / Ed. Kolobneva I.F. Non-ferrous light alloy casting. 2nd ed., Rev. and add. Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1974.416 p.

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49. Ermilin A.S. Development and research of technological processes for increasing the efficiency of modifying cast iron and steel: Author's abstract. diss. to apply for an account. degree Ph.D. by spec. 05.16.04. N. Novgorod, 1994.20s.

50. Vinokurov V. D. Development and industrial development of technology for modifying gray cast irons when casting machine parts with specified mechanical properties: Avtoref. diss. to apply for an account. degree Ph.D. by spec. 05.16.04. M. 1991.16 p.

51. Torbjorn S. Study of the duration of action of modifiers in cast iron with different forms of graphite. //Foundry. 1999. -№6. S. 11-13.

52. Kulbovskiy I.K., Egorov B.C. Method of calculating the chemical composition of synthetic cast iron on a computer // Zavodskaya laboratory. 1985.-No. 1.- S. 63.64.

53. Dobrovolsky I.I., Zhukov A.A., Smelling I.O. Calculation of the structure and mechanical properties of unalloyed and alloyed cast irons. // Foundry. 1988. - No. 5. -FROM. 6-8.

54. Kulbovskiy I.K. Methods for calculating the properties of synthetic cast iron // Foundry. 1985. - No. 1. - S. 7 - 9.

55. Kulbovskiy I.K. The choice of alloying additives and modifiers using a computer // Liteynoe proizvodstvo. 1990.- No. 4. - S. 23.

56. Ioffe A.Ya., Mishuris S.S. Optimization of the composition of metal and charge for gray cast iron. //Foundry. 1982. - No. 7. - S. 10.11.

57. Pushchalovsky A.D., Prokopenko L.I. Automation and mechanization of metal dosage and pouring. Kiev: "Metallurgy", 1980. 24 p.

58. Polishchuk V.P., Pogorskiy V.K., Zlobin V.F. and others. Pouring cast iron with magnetodynamic pumps in the conditions of mass production of liners of tractor engines // Foundry, 1981. No. 8. - S. 23.24.

59. Prokhoda A.F., Kudrinsky V.M., Mikotin E.E. and others. Automation of dosing of the melt using an electrocontact equalizer // Foundry, 1981. No. 9. P.28.

60. Ryvkis Ya.M., Kudrinsky V.M., Mazurik V.M. Mechanization and automation of casting molds // Foundry, 1981. №9. S. 26, 27.

61. Kramarov A. D. Steel production in electric furnaces. Moscow: Metallurgy, 1969.348 p.

62. Typical consumption rates of ferroalloys and alloying materials for the production of steel and alloys in electric furnaces. M .: Metallurgy. 1974.67 s.

63. Ecology of foundry production. Ed. Boldina A.N., Zhukovsky S.S., Poddubny A.N. and others. Bryansk .: Publishing house of BSTU. -2001-315 p.

64. Fundamentals of environmental impact assessment. Boldin A.N., Poddubny A.N. Bryansk: Publishing house of BSTU. 2001 .-- 135 p.

65. Povolotsky D.Ya., Roshchin V.E., Ryss M.A. and other Electrometallurgy of steel and ferroalloys. M .: Metallurgy. 1974.550 s.

66. V.P. Soloviev, S.A. Gladyshev, V.I. Design of new and reconstruction of existing foundries: Textbook M .: MISiS, 2002. - 237 p.

67. Mikhailov D.P., Boldin A.N., Soloviev V.P., Romanov L.M. Development and implementation of a program for calculating the charge on a computer. // Actual problems of modern science 2002. - №3 (6). -FROM. 344-346.

68. Mikhailov D.P., Krokhotin V.L. Introduction of the method for calculating the charge for multicomponent steels. // Foundry production today and tomorrow. Materials of the 3rd All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. June 25-27. SPb .: Publishing house of SPbSPU, 2002.S. 43,44.

69. Mikhailov DP, Krokhotin VL Calculation of the charge using Excel spreadsheets. // Modern problems of metallurgical production: Proceedings of 1-3 October. / Volgograd, state. tech. Univ., Volgograd, 2002.S. 81-83.

70. Krokhotin V.L., Mikhailov D.P., Romanov L.M., Boldin A.N. Application of spreadsheets for calculating the charge when smelting steel in the particle board of the molding shop of JSC "Severstal". //Electrometallurgy. 2003. - No. 1. - S. 24-26.

71. Balandin G.F. Formation of the crystal structure of castings. Pure metals and single-phase alloys. M .: Mechanical Engineering, 1965.-255 p.

72. Balandin G.F. Foundations of the theory of casting formation. Part 1.M .: Mashinostroenie, 1976.328 p.

73. Foundry. Ed. Kumanina I.B. M .: Mechanical engineering. 1971. - 320 p.

74. Production of castings from non-ferrous metal alloys: Textbook for universities. / Kurdyumov A.V., Pikunov M.V., Chursin V.M. et al. 2nd ed. add. and revised M .: MISIS. 1966 .-- 504 p.

75. Foundry: Textbook for metallurgical specialties of universities. 2nd ed. revised and add. Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1987 .-- 256 p.

76. Improving the quality of cast iron castings by secondary treatment of the melt in a ladle using an inert gas (nitrogen) and the introduction of alloying additives. / Report on research work. State No. registration 01870010789.M. 1988. - 118 p.

77. Brice J.C. The growth of crystals from liquids. Amsterdam, 1973.160P

78. Grigoryan V.A., Belyanchikov L.N., Stomakhin A.Ya. Theoretical foundations of electric arc furnace processes. M .: metallurgy, 1988.-272 p.

79. Balkavoy Yu.V., Aleev R.A., Bakanov V.K. First-order interaction parameters in iron-based melts: Review, inform. / Institute "Chermetinformation". M., 1987.42 p.

80. Todorov R.P. Graphitized iron-carbon alloys. -M .: Metallurgy, 1981.311 p.

81. Vorobiev AP., Ignatenko NV, Kozlov L.Ya. // Izv. university. Ferrous metallurgy. 1993. No. 3. S. 71 -75.

82. V.P. Soloviev, O.V. Kuragin, D.P. Mikhailov. Influence of chemical elements on the graphitization of cast iron // Izv. university. Ferrous metallurgy. 1995. No. 3. S. 54-56.

83. Grigoryan V.A., Stomakhin A.Ya., Ponomarenko A.G. and other Physico-chemical calculations of electric arc furnace processes. Moscow: Metallurgy, 1989.288 p.

84. Hillert M. Recent research on cast iron. New York 1968. P. 101 127.

85. Milman BS, Aleksandrov NN, Solenkov VT // Foundry. 1976. No. 5. S. 3-6.

86. Zimon A. D. Liquid adhesion and wetting.- Moscow: Chemistry, 1974.- 413 p.

87. Kuragin OV, Soloviev VP, Mikhailov DP Duration of action of graphitizing modifiers. // Izvestiya VUZov Ferrous metallurgy 1992. №3. S. 56-58.

88. Development of a control system for the out-of-furnace processing of cast iron. / Report on research work. State No. per. 0189 003193.- 1990.74s.

89. Mikhailov D.P., Soloviev V.P., Timoshkin V.I. Development of a quality control system for cast iron castings using computers. Abstracts of the zonal scientific and technical conference on September 11-13, -Yaroslavl, 1990. P. 56,57 ...

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The scientific and practical seminar "IMPROVING TECHNOLOGY AND INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF THE CASTING PRODUCTION" was held on October 7-10, 2008 within the framework of the XII International Forum "Russian Industrialist".

The forum brought together industrialists and entrepreneurs from many regions of Russia, as well as representatives of countries from far and near abroad. Every year this seminar becomes more and more representative, and its program is supplemented by the most relevant topics and directions that meet the requirements and demands of today. The Forum is one of the most important events in the calendar of business life in St. Petersburg and throughout Russia.

In 2008, the agenda of the forum included a discussion of the most important issues related to the introduction of innovative technologies, the development of small business. In the address of the Governor of St. Petersburg, V. I. Matvienko, to the participants and guests of the International Forum "Russian Industrialist", it was noted that its theme fully meets the interests of the city (megalopolis), the tasks of its industrial policy aimed at developing new types of products, creating science-intensive, competitive products of the world level.

An important event included in the program of the event was the scientific and practical seminar "Improving the technology and increasing the efficiency of foundry", which was held under the scientific guidance of prof., Dr. tech. Sciences Tkachenko Stanislav Stepanovich - President of the Association of foundry workers of St. Petersburg.

The workshop was attended by experts in the field of foundry and metallurgy: FSUTT "PO" October ", JSC" Rostvertol ", JSC" NPK "Ural-wagonzavod", JSC "Kazan Giproniiaviaprom", JSC "Technology-M", JSC "BiKZ ", JSC" GPNII-5 ", JSC" AK OZNA ", LLC" Polygon "," KomMod "," Escalada "," Rontal-Impex "," SevZapEnergo ", TsNIIM, as well as the State Polytechnic Institute (technical university), Department of Automation of Technological Processes and Production, St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University), etc.

A number of reports at the seminar aroused particular interest of the participants: "New materials and technologies of foundry production (G.A. Kosnikov, GPTU)," Computer analysis of foundry technology - problems and prospects "(V.M. Golod, GPTU)," Casting aluminum alloys and technologies for obtaining high-quality castings from them ”(A.A. Abramov, TsNIIM),

"Complex modifiers for steel casting" (N.V. Ternovy, "KomMod"), "Computer modeling system" Polygon "(E.A. Ishkhanov)," Modern technologies of iron casting "(S.S.Tkachenko, GPTU), "The experience of the enterprise in improving the technology of casting under pressure" (S.L.Samoilov, "Escalada"), "New foundry steels and technologies for obtaining high-quality castings from them" (G.A. Shemonaeva, TsNIIM), "Modern technologies of titanium casting" (A.M. Podpalkin, TsNIIM), "Computer analysis of model casting technology and the use of exothermic materials to improve the quality of castings" (D.A. Lukovnikov, "Rontal-Impex"), "Casting technologies using vacuum-film molding" (VD Ryabinkin, TsNIIM), "Experience in the manufacture of model equipment" (T.N. Gavrilova, "SevZapEnergo"), "Possibilities of using modern metal hardness testers and eddy current flaw detectors" (M.Yu. Koroteev, "Constanta" ) and etc.

On October 9, an off-site meeting was held at the Catenary Armature Plant, at which the problems of “Investment casting production” and “Gasified casting production” (A.A. Lisovoy) were discussed.

On the final day of the seminar, October 10, an exchange of experience on the problems of the foundry industry and discussion of the speeches of the seminar participants took place.

In the decision of the seminar it was noted that the main procurement base of machine building is foundry, the development of which depends on the level of the machine building complex as a whole. The machine-building complex of Russia includes about 7,500 enterprises. The share of machine building in the total industrial output is about 20%, including the share of machine tool building and instrument making is 2.5%.

Currently, there are about 1,650 foundries in Russia, which, according to expert estimates, produced 7.68 million tonnes of castings in 2006, including 5.28 million tonnes of cast iron and 1.3 million tonnes of steel. from non-ferrous alloys - 1.1 million tons.

In 1980, in the USSR, the volume of production of castings from alloys of ferrous and non-ferrous metals amounted to 25.8 million tons. At that time, the structure of the Ministry of Machine-Tool Industry included 238 foundries and 12 centrolites, which produced 1.35 million tons of castings and had - whether the technical potential (capacity) is more than 2 million tons. The foundry of the Ministry of Machine Tool Industry was considered the flagship of the USSR in the production of iron casting, especially large ones. During this period in foundries outside- | advanced technological processes of melting, 5 shaping, finishing operations were scrapped. Foundry g


about a dozen research institutes of all-Union significance worked in production. The Ministry of Machine Tool Industry manufactured 70 thousand metal-cutting and 20 thousand forging and pressing machines.

The production volumes of cast billets are proportionally dependent on the production of machine-building products, since the share of cast parts in cars, tractors, combines, tanks, airplanes, etc. is 40-50%, and in metal-cutting machines and press-forging equipment it reaches 80% of the mass. and up to 25% of the cost of the product.

A sharp decline, since the 1990s, in the production of metal-cutting, woodworking machines and forging-and-pressing equipment, as well as power equipment for heavy engineering, shipbuilding, tractors, military equipment, etc., led to the fact that the production of castings in Russia decreased from 18.5 million tons in 1991 to 4.85 million tons in 2000. Specialized centrolite plants for machine tool building with a total capacity of about 1 million tons of castings per year, created in the 1970s, could not withstand competition, lost orders and practically ceased their activities. Foundries operating on the surviving mills

construction factories, in 2006 produced (according to expert estimates) 190-195 thousand tons of castings for their own production and external customers.

A rather difficult situation has developed. If there are now orders for machine tools, the foundries will not be able to produce high-quality, competitive castings, and castings weighing more than 30 tons cannot be produced by any of the remaining foundries. There are almost no highly qualified foundry specialists left in the industry, both workers and engineers, most of the research institutes have been liquidated.

An urgent reconstruction of the foundries is required, which should be carried out on the basis of new, environmentally friendly technological processes and materials, advanced melting, mixing-preparatory and shaping equipment, ensuring the production of high-quality castings that meet European and world standards.

S. S. Tkachenko, I. N. Beloglazov

St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)

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Official representative of Aluminco s.a. in Russia the company EvrAzMetall-Center

ALUMINCO S.A. formed in 1982 in Greece. During its existence, it has developed into one of the largest companies in Europe in the field of aluminum production. It supplies its products to more than 60 countries around the world. The production facilities of the company allow to produce up to 7000 tons of aluminum profiles per year, up to 1000 tons of aluminum casting, up to 50,000 pieces. aluminum sandwich panels.

The production and technological group includes:

extruder with a capacity of 7000 tons of profiles per year; Foundry;

painting line with preliminary anodizing; sandwich panel production line; bending line;

assembly shops;

tool line for the production of matrices; design department; design studio.

The quality of the products is marked by the certificates ISO 9001, QUALICOAT and BUREAU VERITAS. ALUMINCO S.A. campaign products:

7 profile systems designed for the manufacture of windows, doors, facades, office partitions, etc., in various combinations, which can work both in hot and cold climates, with different wind loads;

door aluminum sandwich panels of about 1000 different configurations, intended for use, both for internal and external doors;

aluminum casting grilles; gates and wickets made of cast aluminum; Street lights; outdoor and garden furniture; canopies over the entrance doors; stair railings;

small architectural forms (columns, pylons, cornices, ports, etc.).

In 1996, for the first time in Russia, decorative elements of interior facades were used during the construction of the Okhotny Ryad shopping center on Manezhnaya Square.

Subsequently, the products of ALUMINCO S.A. were used in the construction of various shopping centers, residential buildings, settlements and other urban and social facilities.

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