Lesson - reflection on the story of K.G. Paustovsky “Telegram. Technologies: ICT (presentation)

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Notches in the heart Lesson - reflection on the story of KG Paustovsky "Telegram" * Honor your father and your mother, May it be good, and you will live on earth for a long time. The fifth commandment of God * For good, pay with good ... K. Paustovsky

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The problem of lonely old age The problem of motherly love The problem of relationships between children and parents The problem of mercy

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For Paustovsky, nature is a living being, connected by an invisible thread with a man ... October was extremely cold and rainy. The roofs were blackened. The tangled grass in the garden perished, and everything was blooming and could not bloom and crumble only a small sunflower by the fence. Over the meadows, loose clouds dragged themselves from the river, clinging to the flying willows. Rain poured annoyingly from them.

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... Such is Katerina Petrovna, who "lived out her life in an old house built by her father, a famous artist" ... The wind whistled outside the windows in the bare branches, knocking down the last leaves. The kerosene nightlight shuddered on the table. He was, it seemed, the only living creature in the abandoned house - without this weak fire Katerina Petrovna would not have known how to survive until morning. The nights were already long. Severe as insomnia. The dawn hesitated more and more, it was still late and reluctantly oozed into the unwashed windows, where between the frames, since last year, there were once yellow autumn leaves, and now decayed and black leaves.

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... The landscape is sad when a person is sad .. The rooftops are blackened The tangled grass has died The wind whistled in the bare branches, knocked down the last leaves Poured down the watery snow Gloomy sky sank lower and lower Gradation \u003d intensification of bad weather Feeling of growing anxiety and despair

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It became even more difficult for Katerina Petrovna to get up in the morning and see everything the same: the rooms where the smell of unheated stoves stagnated, the dusty Vestnik Evropy, yellowed cups on the table, a samovar that had not been cleaned for a long time, and pictures on the walls ... The wind whistled outside the windows in bare branches, knocked down the last leaves. The kerosene nightlight shuddered on the table. He was, it seemed, the only living creature in the abandoned house - without this weak fire Katerina Petrovna would not have known how to survive until morning. The nights were already long. Severe as insomnia. The dawn hesitated more and more, it was still late and reluctantly oozed into the unwashed windows, where, since last year, between the frames, once yellow autumn leaves, and now decayed and black leaves, lay.

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She walked slowly, groping. My head ached from the cold air. The forgotten stars gazed shrilly at the earth. Dead leaves prevented her walking ... She stopped by an old tree, put her hand on a cold, wet branch and recognized: it was a maple. She planted him a long time ago, still a laughing girl, and now he was standing flying around, chilled, he had nowhere to get away from this homeless, windy night ... Psychological parallelism Katerina Petrovna also has nowhere to go, no one is waiting for her either ...

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A letter to my beloved daughter, - wrote Katerina Petrovna. - I won't survive this winter. Come just for a day. Let me look at you, hold your hands. I became old and weak to the point that it’s hard for me not only to walk, but even to sit and lie down - death has forgotten the way to me. The garden is drying up - not at all the same - but I don't even see it. Autumn is bad today. So hard; my whole life, it seems, has not been as long as this one autumn. "

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Test for true humanity. Nastya Solveig - (Norwegian - sunbeam or path) - the personification of poetry, beauty

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Test for true humanity. Nastya Artists called her Solveig for her blond hair and big cold eyes.

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Test for true humanity. Nastya At one of the sites, Nastya took out a mirror, powdered and smiled, - now she liked herself ... Narcissism

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Test for true humanity. Nastya Nastya with an effort raised her eyes and immediately averted them: Gogol was looking at her, grinning, a thin sclerotic vein seemed to be beating hard at his temple. It seemed to Nastya that Gogol said quietly through gritted teeth: "Oh, you!"

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Test for true humanity. Nastya Nastya sat down on a bench in the park near the Admiralty and cried bitterly. Snow melted on his face, mixed with tears. Nastya shuddered from the cold and suddenly realized that no one loved her as much as this decrepit old woman abandoned by everyone, there, in the boring Zaborie. "Late! I will never see my mother, ”she said to herself, and remembered that for the last year she had uttered this cute childish word for the first time -“ mother ”. She jumped up, walked quickly against the snow whipping in her face. “Well what, Mom? What? She thought, seeing nothing. - Mum! How could this have happened? After all, I have no one in my life. No and will not be dearer. If only to have time, if only she saw me, if only she would forgive ”.

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"Pay for good with good, don't be a kestrel ..." Kestrel - 1. Bird of prey of the falcon family. 2. A frivolous, empty person.

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Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky (1892-1968)
The story "Telegram" The author of the work: Zvereva TG, teacher of Russian language and literature GBOU Gymnasium №148 named after Cervantes city of St. Petersburg, 2012

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Daniil Granin about K. Paustovsky
“He was a man of amazing purity, a holy attitude to literature. The person is soft, and bold at the same time, at the same time, a strong character. Paustovsky is an example of what a writer should be like in life. And personally, I was greatly influenced by the human, moral aspects of his character. " What in the assessment of D. Granin seemed to you important, significant?

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"There is the most beautiful creature in the world to whom we are always in debt - this is the mother." M.Gorky
The main thing for Paustovsky was the desire to remind people of goodness, justice and honor. What do you think the Telegram story is about?

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Empathy - a responsive attitude to the experiences, misfortunes of others Conscience - a sense of moral responsibility for your behavior
Morality - internal, spiritual qualities that guide a person Mercy - compassionate love, heartfelt participation in the life of the weak and needy

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The story was written under the impression of a meeting with a real person, E.I. Pozhalostina, who was alone in her old age
In the essay "Notches in the Heart" from the book "Golden Rose", the writer tells about the experiences of an old woman who was completely alone, although her daughter lived in Leningrad. In the story "Telegram" Nastya is a character. The author dedicated the middle part of the story to her. Why did he do it? Why was this part needed?

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Read the middle part, making notes where Nastya's portraits and landscape descriptions meet
Nastya, in your opinion, is an evil, bad person? Justify the answer.

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Observe the text. How is the author's attitude to the heroine manifested? From the narrative part of the chapter, we learn about Nastya's life in Leningrad.
List the chain of events, deeds that testify about Nastya. How did she seem to you?

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Nastya is not at all a fiend of hell, she has a difficult job that people need. She helps the unjustly forgotten artist to arrange an exhibition of works, but something alarms the reader.
Portrait of Nastya: “At one of the sites, Nastya took out a mirror, powdered and grinned, - now she liked herself. The artists called her Solveig for her fair hair and big cold eyes. "

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Nastya - Solveig?
Solveig means "solar path" in translation. Comparison with Solveig turned out to be erroneous: Solveig could, with a glance, cause a bright holiday in someone's soul, she was distinguished by kindness, responsiveness, and loyalty. Nastya is arranging a holiday, but her eyes are cold. But they are the windows of the soul. It means that her soul is cold.) What is alarming in the description of the heroine?

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Comparison of landscape features, feelings and experiences of Nastya
Epithets from Leningrad landscapes
Obliquely (snow was flying) Dark (water of the Neva) Watery (snow) Gray (rime) Gloomy (sky) Whipped in the face (snow) Close the right side. Why is the landscape so dull? What is the role of short landscape descriptions?
Nastya's words addressed to mom and mom
-Where to go there now! .. Is it possible to escape from here! -What Katya? .. What Tikhon? -It's so ... From a friend ... -Late! I will never see my mother. “What is it, mom? What mom! How could this have happened? After all, I have no one in my life. No and will not be dearer. If only to be in time, if only she saw me, if only she would forgive. " How and why does epiphany occur in heroin?

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Whom and why in the story does Paustovsky make the "awakener" of Nastya's conscience?
How is the image of Gogol described in the story? What are the most striking details? Why did the writer Gogol make Nastya the accuser? (Gogol, in the story by right of the great satirist, appeals to conscience, revealing the essence of what is happening, testifying to the germs of evil in the soul of the heroine).

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The second denouncer image does not utter a single word. What is the name of this character.
Dasha-courier What epithets characterize her? Why? How do you understand them? Pay attention to the detail in Dasha's behavior: she, "grinning", filed a telegram. Why "grinning"?

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In addition to Timofeev, another artist appears in the story - Pershin.
What is his role in the character system? What is the intention of the author, who compared or contrasted these artists? In what part of the story is the position of the author indirectly expressed, who does not accept false concern for a person? Why did the speech addressed to Nastya Paustovsky put into the mouth of a successful, lucky man, fashionable artist Pershin, who fulfills a social order?

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What is the peculiarity of the dialogue between Nastya and the cashier? What happened? Why did Nastya get the ticket? How is the sad end already anticipated at the end of part 2? Why does the reader already guess that Nastya will not have time to arrive?

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Leningrad plot
Why did Paustovsky come up with the Leningrad plot? What is his role in the "Telegram" story? What in the story as a whole and in the Leningrad part of it inspires hope: not all is lost?

Lesson type: combined

Form of conducting: lesson - reflection

Technologies: ICT (presentation).

Methods: Conversation, working with text, expressive reading, clustering.

Equipment: portrait of the writer, multimedia projector, screen.

Place of work: MOU Secondary School No. 34, p. Sbega, Trans-Baikal Territory, Mogochinsky District.

Lesson topic: Loneliness is the damn thing ...

According to the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram".

Not! A person cannot live without relatives,

how one cannot live without a heart.

K.G. Paustovsky.

The purpose of the lesson: determination of the ideological content of the work, the author's position, the formulation of a personal attitude to the problem raised by the writer.

Lesson objectives:

Read the story of K.G. Paustovsky; analyze the content of the story, acting characters; be able, based on the text, to understand the topic, to determine the main idea; help learners identify issues raised by the author;

To foster a sense of kindness, patience, sensitivity, respect, caring, attention towards their parents.


I. Organizational moment.

II. Introductory speech of the teacher.

Good afternoon guys! I am very glad to see you. (Knock on the door, postman: "Telegrams for you"). To whom are telegrams? You guys! (distribute telegrams to students) (Appendix 1).

Please read it. (reading aloud the text of the telegram: "No! A person cannot live without relatives, just as one cannot live without a heart") From whom is the telegram?

Telegram, guys, from Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky. (Slide number 3).

What is the meaning of these words by the writer? (Student responses)

The conclusion of the teacher: Native people - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, without whom, indeed, you cannot live. They are always there. They will listen, understand, support, help with a kind word.

III. Homework survey.

Purpose: to check the assimilation of the content of the story, the ability to briefly retell the literary text, to determine the theme of the fiction.

Today in the lesson, guys, we will reflect on the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram". First, let's remember the content of the story.

1. Brief retelling of the work. (Individual task)

2. Reflections on the story read.

I think that the story did not leave you indifferent. Share your thoughts, impressions. (Student responses).

Try to define the theme of the piece. What a story? (about mother and daughter, their relationship)

The conclusion of the teacher: The writer talks about the relationship between loved ones, mother and daughter. Do children, especially those who have matured, always rush to help their parents living far away, do they always write letters to them, call them, do they know how to take care of them, are they always kind to them, responsive, affectionate?

IV. Analysis of the story. Comprehension.

Purpose: to promote the formation of the ability to analyze text, IVS; assess the actions of the heroes; formulate your point of view, draw conclusions.

1) Lesson topic.

Teacher's word: - Words by K.G. Paustovsky “No! A person cannot live without relatives, just as one cannot live without a heart, ”we will take as an epigraph to our lesson. They will help you understand the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story, reveal the author's intention. And the topic of the lesson is designated as follows: “Loneliness is a damn thing! This is what can destroy a person. " (Alexander Green). (Slide number 4)

2) "The main character". (Monological story. Reading episodes).

Who is the main character of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram"? (Katerina Petrovna). (Slide number 5).

Tell us what you learned about her. (Katerina Petrovna lived out her days in an old house built by her father, a famous artist, "memorial", in the words of the hostess herself. She complained that there was no one to talk to about paintings, about St. Petersburg life. She once lived in Paris with her father, saw the funeral of Victor Hugo. Katerina Petrovna suffered greatly that her "only dear person" daughter Nastya, who lives in Leningrad, did not come to her, did not write letters).

Paustovsky depicts one more "living image" in parallel. What is it? (Nature). Let's turn to landscape sketches. (Reading episodes) ("The tangled grass in the garden fell ..." "They dragged over the meadows from behind the river, clinging to the flying willows, loose clouds" "Rain was pouring down from them."

We see a picture of late autumn. Nature fades, dies, dies. What means of language does the author use to depict her? (epithets, impersonations)

Now let's return to the heroine's house. Description of Katerina Petrovna's room. Her life is in the distant past. Let's pay attention to the details of the interior: “dusty pre-revolutionary magazine” Vestnik Evropy ”,“ yellowed cups on the table ”,“ long-uncleaned samovar ”,“ paintings that have faded from time to time ”.

How does an autumn landscape feel? Home interior? The landscape and the interior are similar. Than? (They cause feelings of sadness, longing, loneliness, anxiety from neglect, uselessness, forgetfulness, abandonment)

Let us recall an episode of a short walk by Katerina Petrovna: “She suffocated, stopped by an old tree, took hold of a cold, wet branch with her hand and found out: it was a maple ... he flew around, chilled, he had nowhere to go from this homeless, windy night ..." (Sadness, longing in the heart of Katerina Petrovna. She recalled her youth and took the maple as a native creature: he is as lonely and homeless as she).

Compare the two images "alive" and "animate". Their condition. What is the relationship between them? (The writer, with the help of landscape sketches, shows the state of mind of the protagonist. They are doomed. The garden "bloomed", Katerina Petrovna "lived out")

The conclusion of the teacher: Katerina Petrovna is living out her life in oblivion and loneliness. Loneliness is twice as terrible and terrible if the sufferers have relatives who do not show attention and care.

3) Relatives. (Monological story. Selective reading)

The dying Katerina Petrovna constantly thinks about her daughter Nastya, who is in distant Leningrad. (Slide number 7)

What have you learned about Nastya, about her life, work, affairs? (Nastya is the only daughter of Katerina Petrovna. She lives in Leningrad, works as a secretary in the Union of Artists. She has a lot of work: organizing exhibitions, competitions. She shows persistence, determination, ardent interest, attention to the artist's fate, helping him organize an exhibition. , respect, pin great hopes on her. Careerist. But about her mother she completely forgot "there were no letters from Nastya either, but once every two or three months ... the postman Vasily brought Katerina Petrovna a transfer for two hundred rubles").

How does Nastya characterize her attitude towards her mother? (We run into a wall of heartlessness, indifference, callousness, selfishness)

Is Nastya soulless to everyone, to everything? (Not at all. She sympathizes with the sculptor Timofeev, spends a lot of time organizing his exhibition. "Caring for a person becomes that wonderful reality that helps us grow and work," "We owe this exhibition entirely to one of the ordinary employees of the Union, our dear Anastasia Semyonovna." - these words addressed to Nastya). (Slide number 8)

Remember how the artists called Nastya? (Solveig is a solar path or ray). Why? (For her care, exactingness, for the ability to bring the matter to the end)

How could it happen that Nastya, caring about others, shows inattention to her own mother? (It's one thing to get carried away with work, do it with all your heart, give it all your strength, physical and mental, and it's another thing to remember about your loved ones, about your mother - the most sacred being in the world, not limited to money transfers. Tests for true humanity Nastya can't stand it.)

Does Katerina Petrovna condemn her daughter? (Katerina Petrovna knew that Nastya was not up to her, the old woman, “they, the young, have their own affairs, their own incomprehensible interests, their own happiness.” “Better not to interfere,” she thought .. She did not condemn her daughter).

Teacher's conclusion: Anyway, Nastya failed to achieve harmony between worries about the “distant” and love for the closest person. This is the tragedy of her position, this is the reason for the feeling of irreparable guilt, unbearable heaviness.

4) Others' loved ones.

Nastya's guilt before her mother looks especially clear in comparison with the behavior of people who are strangers to her mother, who show sincere concern for her - Manyushka and Tikhon.

Who is next to her? Who are these people?

(Manyushka, the daughter of a collective farm shoemaker, comes running every day to fetch water from the well, wash the floors, put on the samovar. For six days she did not leave Katerina Petrovna, without undressing, slept on an old sofa). (Slide number 9).

(Tikhon is a watchman at a fire shed. He was often busy with the housework, out of pity, but still helped with the housework: he chopped dead trees in the garden for firewood. Tikhon could not look at the “hunched over, little” woman. postman Vasily, took the telegraph form and wrote a telegram and brought it to Katerina Petrovna). (Slide number 10)

What feelings did they show for Katerina Petrovna? (care, respect, affection)

Remember how Tikhon Manyushka raised, what did he tell her? (“For good, pay with good, don't be a kestrel,” says Tikhon Manyushka.

How did you understand the meaning of this phrase? (PUSTELGA - 1. A bird of prey of the falcon family. 2. A frivolous, empty person (colloquial Disagreeable) (Nastya turned out to be such a kestrel).

The conclusion of the teacher: These are fellow villagers of Katerina Petrovna. Simple people. They helped her, showing compassion, care. People with a good heart. But they could not constantly be with Katerina Petrovna. They have their own affairs, family concerns. In their absence, Katerina Petrovna was alone.

4) Letter. (Slide number 11).

Katerina Petrovna writes a letter to Nastya. ("My beloved," wrote Katerina Petrovna. "I won't survive this winter. Come even for a day. Let me look at you, hold your hands. I became old and weak to the point that it's hard for me not only to walk, but even to sit and lie, death has forgotten the way to me. The garden is drying up, it’s not at all the same, but I don’t see it. This autumn is bad. So hard; my whole life, it seems, has not been as long as this autumn alone ")

Nastya received a letter from her mother. How did she react to him? (“I hid it in my purse without reading it, since my mother writes, it means she’s alive”).

What words should have alerted Nastya? (I became old and weak to the point that it’s hard for me not only to walk, but even to sit and lie, death forgot the way to me)

Why? (Mother is lonely, sick, helpless, she needs care. She wants to die, she is tired of being alone).

The conclusion of the teacher: Nastya did not respond to the letter, the request of the mother. She did not show sympathy, respect, cordiality, love for her mother, while at the same time caring for the well-being of strangers to her.

5) Conscience.

Who awakens her consciousness? (Gogol (sculpture): "mockingly, knowing her through and through, he looked at her", "And the letter was unopened in my purse," Gogol's piercing eyes seemed to say. "Oh, you, magpie!") (Slide number 12).

The conclusion of the teacher: Gogol appeals to conscience. The great satirist N.V. Gogol, and the author of the story K.G. Paustovsky showed that Nastya is deprived of true soulfulness, humanity. She thinks only of herself, of her career.

6) Telegram.

Nastya receives a telegram: “Katya is dying. Tikhon ". (Slide number 13).

Did Nastya make it to her mother's funeral? What happened? (Slide number 14 + Sound-song "Sad song about mom". Listen to 1, 2 verses or 2 verses). (Other options are possible)

The conclusion of the teacher. Nastya lost her dear, closest person - her mother. Katerina Petrovna dies without waiting for her daughter. Dying of loneliness and melancholy. The daughter does not make it to her mother's funeral in time. Nastya left Zaborye stealthily, so that no one would see her and ask about anything. (Slide number 15).

Why was Nastya scared? (human judgment)

Who could forgive Nastya? (Only her mother could forgive her: "... no one, except Katerina Petrovna, could remove irreparable guilt and unbearable weight from her").

Why does the writer introduce the image of a young teacher? (There are people on earth with a kind, sensitive heart who will never pass by someone else's grief. “There, in the regional city, she has a mother — this is the same little one, always worried about her daughter and the same completely gray-haired”).

The conclusion of the teacher: Let's reread the episode "Funeral". How does nature change? (Frosty, but fresh and clear. Katerina Petrovna's suffering is over. She calmed down forever).

IV. Cluster compilation. Teamwork. (students work at the blackboard, take notes) (Appendix 2)

Purpose: to teach the compilation of a cluster, to promote the free expression of thoughts.

What happened? Why did it happen? Who is to blame for this?

Conclusions of the students: A terrible thing happened! A man has died! He died of loneliness, longing and grief. There were people next to him who helped, looked after, took care of. But in their absence Katerina Petrovna was left alone. She had a daughter, but she lived far away. Katerina Petrovna was alone. A person cannot be alone for a long time, he needs communication, care, care, help.

V. Lesson summary.

Purpose: to lead students to the definition of the ideological content of the work

Sad story ... Guys, we defined the theme of the work at the beginning of the lesson. (a story about the relationship between parents and children, mother and daughter). Let's go back to the epigraph: “No! A person cannot live without relatives ... ”. How did the words of K.G. Paustovsky to understand the ideological content of the story? (A person cannot live without relatives. Elderly parents require special attention. They often get sick. They need care, attention, help, love. And if there are no loved ones nearby, they are helpless and lonely. "Loneliness is a damn thing! That's what can ruin man. ”(Alexander Green).

What does the author call the reader to? (Remember about your parents - this is your sacred duty to those who gave you life. Now, when you are with your parents, surround them with care, warmth, attention. Help them cope with household chores. Study well, making them happy with your successes. Love yours relatives, call them more often, visit them, do not skimp on affectionate words, tell them more about yourself, they are interested in knowing about every step of your life). (Slide number 16).

Vi. News to relatives. (Song "Mom - the first word")

I suggest that you send telegrams to your parents. Write them kind, warm words of love. Give them joy. I will deliver your telegrams to the addressee. (everyone writes telegrams, collect).

Vii. Home assignment.

Make a list of the problems that the author raises in the story. Comment on each shortly. Remember! Problem (what?)
Write an essay on the topic "What was Nastya left with?"

VIII. All the best! Thank you for the lesson!

Used sources

Belenky G.I. Literature Grade 8: textbook for educational institutions. 2 hours / auth.-comp. G.I. Belenky. - 10th ed., P. - M .: Mnemosina, 2012 .-- 383 p.
Belenky G.I. Methodical advice for a textbook for grade 8. Literature. Teacher's manual. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M .: Mnemosina, 2010.
Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova, Moscow: Az, 1996, 938 p.

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Author: Ushanfa O.T.
Tags: Paustovsky
Thing: Literature

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Slide captions:

1 Before it's too late Galandina Galina Methodievna teacher of Russian language and literature MKOU Secondary School No. 251 Fokino, Primorsky Territory

2 Leningrad Nastya Katya is dying. Tikhon Zaborie

3 Fence. Katerina Petrovna Wait, I left. I remain always your loving daughter Nastya Leningrad

4 “No! A person cannot live without relatives, just as one cannot live without a heart. " K.G. Paustovsky

5 Vocabulary Sympathy Mercy Kestrel Notch Willow Interior Art Detail

7 Teck roofs turned black ...

8 The roads were impossible to walk or drive

9 It became even more difficult for Katerina Petrovna to get up in the morning and see the same

10 The past of Katerina Petrovna - in memoirs the artist Kramskoy I.N. ... Victor Hugo

11 Nastya, the daughter of Katerina Petrovna and the only family member, lived far away, in Leningrad ...

13 Artists called her Solveig for light brown hair and big cold eyes Solveig - the heroine of Ibsen's drama "Peer Gynt" (literally - the Solar path)

14 Sinkwine Manyasha Simple, compassionate Cleans, cares For sincerely wants to help unselfishness

15 Tikhon Simple, nondescript Caring, worried, deceived for the good Wants to brighten up someone else's loneliness compassion

16 Honor your father and your mother, that you will be blessed, and you will be long on earth (the fifth commandment of God)

17 Summing Up This story teaches us ... I realized that ... The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story ... Now I know that ...

18 Homework 1 group - make a list - a list of problems raised in the work. Remember! Problem (what?) Answer the question: "An act for which I am ashamed" Group 2 - questions and tasks on page 321

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Lesson objectives: Acquaintance with the creative workshop of K.G. Paustovsky; Acquaintance with the creative workshop of K.G. Paustovsky; Deepening knowledge about the writer and his works; Deepening knowledge about the writer and his works; Development of the idea of \u200b\u200ba portrait, landscape, interior; Development of the idea of \u200b\u200ba portrait, landscape, interior; Development of the skill of analyzing the text of a prose work; Development of the skill of analyzing the text of a prose work; Comprehension of the most important moral problems of our time; Comprehension of the most important moral problems of our time; Formation of the human spiritual world. Formation of the human spiritual world.

Prehistory of the creation of the "Telegram" story "A writer is often surprised when some long and completely forgotten incident or some detail suddenly blooms in his memory just when they are necessary for work. One of the foundations of writing is a good memory. Perhaps all these thoughts will become clearer if I tell you about how I wrote the story "Telegram".

“I settled in late autumn in a village near Ryazan, in the estate of the once famous engraver Pozhalostin. There, a decrepit, affectionate old woman, the daughter of Pozhalostin, Katerina Ivanovna, lived out her life alone. Her only daughter, Nastya, lived in Leningrad and completely forgot about her mother - she sent money to Katerina Ivanovna only once every two months ... Everything told above is the literary everyday material from which prose is born. It is characteristic that all the circumstances, all the details, the very furnishings of the village house and autumn - all this was in full accordance with the state of Katerina Ivanovna, with that heavy spiritual drama that she experienced in her last days. " K.G. Paustovsky "Golden Rose"

Landscape This is a picture of nature, which has a different artistic meaning depending on the style of the author, the literary direction (movement) with which it is associated. In prose, the landscape is associated with the character of the story and correlates with the mood of the characters. It emphasizes or emphasizes the state of mind of the characters, the nature of the events taking place.

Interior This is the interior of the building. This is the interior of the building. “Svetlitsa was cleaned in the taste of that time. Everything was clean, smeared with colored clay. On the walls there are sabers, legs, nets for birds, seines and guns, a crafted gunpowder horn, a golden bridle for a horse, and fetters with silver plates. The windows in the parlor were small, with round dim glasses, which are now found only in old churches, through which it was impossible to look otherwise than by lifting the sliding glass ... "

Portrait This is an image of the appearance of a hero or a group of characters: face, figure, clothes, demeanor. This is an image of the appearance of a hero or a group of characters: faces, figures, clothes, demeanor. Typically, a portrait illustrates those aspects of the hero's nature that are especially important to the author. Typically, a portrait illustrates those aspects of the hero's nature that are especially important to the author.

Working with text The state of nature October cold, rainy Roofs turned black The grass lay down Loose clouds trudged importunately rain On the roads neither pass nor pass The wind whistled, knocked down the leaves Bare branches The state of life of Katerina Petrovna The bitter smell of unheated stoves Dusty "Herald of Europe" Yellowed cups Long ago a cleaned samovar Weak fire of a night lamp The nights are long, heavy Unwashed windows The dawn was late Between the frames lay decayed and black leaves The old woman

Dictionary work Kestrel-bird; a frivolous, empty person. Kestrel bird; a frivolous, empty person. Solveig is the heroine of a Norwegian writer’s drama. The personification of poetry, beauty. Solveig is the heroine of a Norwegian writer’s drama. The personification of poetry, beauty. Synonyms: cold-rainy. Synonyms: cold-stormy-empty-cold cold-lonely

Letter from Katerina Petrovna “My beloved, I will not survive this winter. Come just for a day. Let me look at you, hold your hands. I became old and weak to the point that it’s hard for me not only to walk, but even to sit and lie down - death has forgotten the way to me. The garden is drying up - it’s not at all the same - but I don’t see it. Autumn is bad today. So hard; my whole life, it seems, has not been as long as this one autumn. "


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