Job description of the HR inspector. Job description of the secretary Job description of the secretary of the personnel officer


I. General provisions

  1. Appointment and removal from office is carried out by the General Director.
  2. This position reports directly to the Head of Human Resources. The secretary of the personnel department may receive additional orders from the deputy head of the personnel department.
  3. The executor of this position for the period of absence is replaced by the inspector of the personnel department.
  4. In his activities, the employee is guided by the following legal acts and regulations:
    - Legislation of Ukraine,
    - the Charter of the Company,
    - Internal labor regulations,
    - Orders (instructions) of direct management,
    - Regulations on the personnel department,
    - Other regulatory documents of the personnel service.
  5. Qualification requirements:
    - Higher, n / higher education (direction "Office work" or "Psychology", "Sociology")
    - At least ____ years of work experience in the specialty.
  6. The executor of this position must know:
    - Labor legislation.
    - The structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects.
    - Personnel policy and strategy of the enterprise.
    - Fundamentals of HR management.
    - The procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of documentation related to personnel and their movement.
    - The procedure for the formation and maintenance of a data bank on the personnel of the enterprise.
    - Organizing payroll.
    - Methods for recording the movement of personnel, the procedure for compiling established reporting.
    - Fundamentals of sociology, psychology, pedagogy and labor organization.
    - Fundamentals of economics, organization of production and management.
    - Computer equipment, communications and communications, office equipment (MSOffice, Internet, e-mail, fax, copier).
    - Rules and norms of labor protection.
    - Rules for conducting telephone conversations.
    - Work culture and work ethics.
  7. _________________________________________________________________.

II. Job Responsibilities

  1. Ensure uninterrupted communication of the head and employees of the department with other divisions of the Firm.
  2. Timely bring to the employees of the department official information: orders, orders, instructions, regulations, memos, etc.
  3. Timely prepare documents for the head of the department.
  4. Keep minutes of department meetings.
  5. Organize HR documentation, register incoming and outgoing documentation.
  6. Manage telephone communications with department staff.
  7. Prepare instructions for the delegation of authority.
  8. Draw up regulatory documents by order of the head or deputy. chief ok.
  9. Keep records of the working time of department employees (time sheets, vacations, sick days).
  10. Prepare summary reports on smoking employees of the company.
  11. Keep records and provide management with information about smoking employees of the department.
  12. Prepare documents for the preparation of the budget of the department.
  13. Make orders for the provision of business cards to employees of the department.
  14. Prepare lists of birthdays for company employees.
  15. Compile orders for providing department employees with stationery and cartridges.
  16. Compile a register of travel documents for employees of the department for subsequent reimbursement of their cost.
  17. Make orders for subscription of printed publications for the department, control their delivery and bringing to subscribers.
  18. Make orders for the provision of department employees with inventory items.
  19. Participate in department inventory.
  20. Timely respond to requests from other employees in the area of ​​professional activity, provide the required information in full.
  21. Objectively treat other employees, evaluate their contribution to the achievement of the Company's goals based on the results of their work, regardless of their personal relationship.
  22. Comply with deadlines for completing assignments and assignments.
  23. Provide assistance to colleagues at work in solving the problems of their activities, if assistance can lead to a qualitative improvement in performance.
  24. Continuously improve your professional level.
  25. Comply with confidentiality rules when working with personal information of the Firm's employees
  26. _________________________________________________________________.
  27. _________________________________________________________________.

III. The rights

The secretary of the personnel department has the right to:
  1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the department and the head of the organization in the direction of activity.
  2. Attend meetings of committees and working groups, other meetings of employees in the area of ​​activity.
  3. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the activities of the personnel department.
  4. Submit for consideration by the HR Director and the Head of the HR Department proposals for improving the activities of the department and the Firm and improving working methods; options for eliminating the shortcomings in the company's activities.
  5. To carry out interaction with employees of all structural divisions in the direction of activity.
  6. Request personally or on behalf of the management from other structural units information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties.
  7. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.
  8. Require the HR director and the head of the OK to assist in the performance of official duties, and in the exercise of the rights provided for in this job description.
  9. Act on behalf of the personnel department and represent its interests in relations with other structural divisions of the organization within its competence.
  10. _________________________________________________________________.
  11. _________________________________________________________________.

IV. Responsibility

The Human Resources Secretary is responsible for:
  1. Unclear and untimely performance of their official duties - a penalty within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.
  2. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.
  3. Causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.
  4. Violation of labor discipline and non-compliance with the internal rules of labor activity - within the limits determined by the internal regulatory documents of the company.
  5. Incorrect attitude towards the employees of the company - within the limits determined by the director of personnel and the head of the personnel department.
  6. _________________________________________________________________.
  7. _________________________________________________________________.

1. General Provisions

1. Department: frames.

1.Full job title: personnel secretary.

2. Appointment and removal from office is carried out by the General Director.

3. The executor of this position is directly subordinate to the head of the personnel department. The secretary of the personnel department may receive additional orders from the deputy head of the personnel department.

4. The executor of this position for the period of absence is replaced by the inspector of the personnel department.

5. In his activities, the employee is guided by the following legal acts and regulatory documents:

GOST 6/30-97,

Charter LLC "Kolpino",

Internal labor regulations,

Orders (instructions) of direct management,

Regulations on the personnel department,

Other normative documents of personnel service.

1.Qualification requirements:

Work in this position requires the employee to have the following qualifications:

Higher, n / higher education (direction "Office work" or "Psychology", "Sociology")

At least 1.5 years of work experience in the specialty.

1.The executor of this position must know:

Labor law.

The structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects.

Personnel policy and strategy of the enterprise.

Fundamentals of HR management.

The procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of documentation related to personnel and their movement.

The procedure for the formation and maintenance of a data bank on the personnel of the enterprise.

Organization of payroll.

Methods for accounting for the movement of personnel, the procedure for compiling established reporting.

Fundamentals of sociology, psychology, pedagogy and labor organization.

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production and management.

Computer equipment, communications and communications, office equipment (MS Office, Internet, e-mail, fax, copier).

Rules and norms of labor protection.

Rules for conducting telephone conversations.

Work culture and work ethics.


The following functions are assigned to the performer of this position:

Operational communication of the head of the department with the management of the company, heads of groups of the department, managers of the department, other departments of the company.

Ensuring the efficient operation of department staff.

Information support of department employees.

1. Job responsibilities

The Human Resources Secretary is responsible for:

1. Continuously ensure communication between the head and employees of the department with other divisions of LLC "-".

2. Timely bring official information to the employees of the department: orders, orders, instructions, regulations, memos, etc.

3. Timely prepare documents for the head of the department.

4. Keep minutes of department meetings.

5. Organize personnel document flow, register incoming and outgoing documentation.

6. To carry out telephone communication of department employees.

7. Prepare orders for the delegation of authority.

8. Draw up regulatory documents by order of the head or deputy. chief ok.

9.Keep a record of the working time of the department employees (time sheets, vacations, sick days).

10. Prepare summary reports on smoking employees of the company.

11. Keep records and provide management with information about smoking employees of the department.

12. Prepare documents for budgeting the department.

13. Compile orders for providing business cards to employees of the department.

14. Prepare lists of birthdays of company employees.

15. Make orders for providing the employees of the department with stationery and cartridges.

16. Compile a register of travel documents for employees of the department for subsequent reimbursement of their cost.

17. Make orders for subscription of printed publications for the department, control their delivery and bringing to subscribers.

18. Compile orders for providing department employees with inventory items.

19.Participate in the inventory department.

20. Timely respond to requests from other employees in the area of ​​professional activity, provide the required information in full

21. Objectively treat other employees, evaluate their contribution to the achievement of the Company's goals based on the results of their work, regardless of their personal relationship

22. Observe the established deadlines for the execution of tasks and instructions

23. Provide assistance to colleagues at work in solving the problems of their activities in the event that assistance can lead to a qualitative improvement in performance

24. Continuously improve your professional level.

25. Observe the rules of confidentiality when working with personal information of the Firm's employees

IV. The rights

The secretary of the personnel department has the right to:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the department and the head of the organization in the direction of activity.

2. To attend meetings of committees and working groups, other meetings of employees in the direction of activity.

3. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the activities of the personnel service.

4. Submit proposals for the consideration of the HR Director and the Head of the Human Resources Department on improving the activities of the department and the Firm and improving working methods; options for eliminating the shortcomings in the company's activities.

5. To carry out interaction with employees of all structural divisions in the direction of activity.

6. Request personally or on behalf of the management from other structural divisions information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties..

7.Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

8. Require from the HR director and the head of the OK assistance in the performance of official duties, and in the exercise of the rights provided for in this job description.

9. Act on behalf of the personnel department and represent its interests in relations with other structural divisions of the organization within its competence.


The specialist (selection) is responsible for:

1. Unclear and untimely performance of their official duties - a penalty within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation

3. Causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Violation of labor discipline and non-compliance with the internal rules of labor activity - within the limits determined by the internal regulatory documents of the company.

5. Incorrect attitude towards the company's employees - within the limits determined by the HR director and the head of the personnel department.

1. Relationships

6. The performer of this position in the process of work interacts in the direction of activity with employees of all structural divisions and all employees of the personnel department.

2. Criteria for the effectiveness and evaluation of the work of the head of the personnel department

1. Clear, complete and timely execution of management orders.

2. Uninterrupted communication of the information necessary for the work of the department to the employees of the department.

3. Clear, complete and timely provision of information requested in the direction of activity from other departments.

4. Implementation of the functions of the personnel service, indicated in this job description.


Head of the personnel department __________________ V.L. Pavlov

Head of the Legal Department __________________ А.Т. Mikhnev

HR Director __________________ E.R. Bondarchuk

Acquainted with instructions :


In the article, we will tell you how the secretary will lay the foundation for the future personnel department and the archive of documents on personnel, how to formalize his duties in maintaining personnel records management and comply with the necessary minimum of labor legislation.


According to the first part of Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is possible to assign additional duties to an employee that are not provided for by an employment contract only for an additional payment.

You can’t just “make happy” the secretary with new responsibilities. Their laying on is formalized by order. Moreover, we recommend preparing two orders. In the first (organizational) it is necessary to appoint an employee responsible for maintaining personnel records (Example 1).

In the second (by personnel) - assign duties, prescribe the amount of payment and bring the consent of the employee (Example 2). These orders contain personal data, but the “weight categories” of personal information in them are disproportionate: the fact that the employee is engaged in personnel records management is not a secret (it is unlikely that it will be possible to hide it from others), but the amount of his remuneration is confidential personal information that outsiders it is not necessary to know. Both orders are issued on the same day.


There are documents that must be in every organization - any check will request them first. If the secretary is now responsible for personnel records management, then this mandatory recruitment will have to be ensured as soon as possible. We present a list of these documents in the form of a table with explanations. We will not number the documents - the degree of their obligation is the same and is the highest.

This list is not exhaustive. So, if the main activity of the organization is production, then most likely it will be necessary to develop a shift schedule, approve production standards, a list of positions and professions with harmful working conditions, work in which gives the right to additional leave, and this is not all. Only the development of these documents should no longer be a secretary with the duties of a personnel officer assigned to him, but a whole team that includes a labor economist and a labor protection specialist.

Can the secretary develop all the listed LNAs on his own? Probably yes. But it is better not alone, but in tandem with the chief accountant or head of the organization. First of all, this applies to those LNA that establish the procedure for remuneration of employees.


The employer is obliged to ensure the safety of employees' personal information in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ. It is not enough to approve the provision on personal data.

Additionally required:

Written permissions of employees to process their personal data;

Written obligations of employees processing personal data of colleagues on their non-disclosure;

A special mode of storage of documents containing personal data.

If you strictly follow the letter of the law, then first the employee must give permission for the processing of his own personal data, and only then the application for employment. This is a voluntary matter, but in practice it is impossible to apply for a job without permission. Therefore, such permission is given by all employees of the organization without exception. There is no set form for it, but you can use the one in Example 3.

The personal information of colleagues, as a rule, is processed by the secretary responsible for personnel records management and the chief accountant. It is they who must give an obligation not to disclose information about employees (Example 4).


The main document that reflects the managerial decisions of the head of personnel is an order. Orders are issued for admissions and dismissals, vacations and promotions, assignment of duties and assignments on business trips, etc. Therefore, orders for personnel are given a central place in the personnel department and in the archive.

The most common types of orders for personnel have ready-made forms that the personnel officer only needs to fill out:

Order on hiring an employee (unified form No. T-1 *);

On the transfer of an employee to another job (form No. T-5 *);

On granting leave to an employee (form No. T-6 *);

On the termination (termination) of the employment contract with the employee (dismissal) (form No. T-8 *);

On sending an employee on a business trip (form No. T-9 *);

On the promotion of the employee (form No. T-11 *).

Most personnel officers in Russia use unified forms: personnel officers, employees and (not least) inspectors from the state labor inspectorate (GIT) are used to them. The decision to use unified forms of documents must be recorded in the order (Example 5).

The development of your own forms of documents can be compared with the invention of the bicycle. But if there is a desire, then in the developed forms there should be no less information than in those approved by the State Statistics Committee.

The unified forms of orders are more than enough for the secretary-personnel officer to process standard personnel actions. But there are other orders for personnel: they are drawn up in the form of orders for the main activity and do not have any unified form. For example, an order imposing duties on maintaining personnel records (see Example 2). And there may also be an order to change the surname, establish an allowance, withdraw or postpone the vacation. These documents, drawn up in the form of an order for the main activity, remain orders for personnel: they contain personal data and are stored for the periods established for orders for personnel.

Keeping personnel orders. Orders for personnel from the first day of the existence of the organization should be separated from orders for core activities. This is due, firstly, to different storage periods. According to paragraph "a" Art. 19 of the List of standard managerial archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating the periods of storage (approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558, as amended on February 16, 2016; hereinafter - the List 2010) orders for the main activity are stored permanently. Orders on personnel - 5 years (clause "b" (2) of the 2010 List) or 50 years (clause 2 of article 22.1 of the Federal Law of October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ "On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation", as amended by dated June 18, 2017; hereinafter - Federal Law No. 125-FZ).

Secondly, when the organization is liquidated, orders for personnel will be transferred to state storage. The probability that the orders for the main activity will be of interest to the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation is very small, so they will most likely be destroyed.

The nuances of the formation of cases. Orders on personnel are formed into cases during the calendar year. There should be at least two cases: the first - with a shelf life of 5, the second - 50 years. In the future, when there will be more orders for personnel, the number of cases will also increase. For example, separate cases will be formed: “Orders on the provision of annual paid leave”, “Orders on the hiring, dismissal, transfer of employees”, “Orders on the provision of parental leave”, etc. However, in the first years of the organization’s work, the range of order topics is usually not very diverse, so you can get by with two things:

Case 1 - orders for the provision of annual paid holidays, student leaves, disciplinary sanctions, short-term business trips (shelf life - 5 years);

Case 2 - orders for admission, transfer, dismissal, bonuses, parental leave, leave without pay (shelf life - 50 years).


Employment contracts of employees, their personal cards and work books are desktop documents of the personnel officer. We did not talk about them in the section “Required HR Documents”, because these are not local regulations, but documents that apply to each employee personally. All of them are required:

Employment contract - in accordance with Art. 56 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

Work book - in accordance with the Rules for maintaining work books;

Personal card of the employee - the need for its maintenance is indicated by clause 12 of the Rules for maintaining work books.

A personal card (unified form No. T-2) is started simultaneously with the employee's admission to the organization. It contains the personal data of the employee, all information about his movements in the organization, vacations, awards, etc.

The employment contract, personal card and work book are valid documents during the entire period of the employee's work in the organization. If an employee has been working in an organization for 20 years, his employment contract, work book and personal card for 20 years are transferable cases. They are closed by office work only after the dismissal of the employee.

While these three documents are valid, they are kept by the personnel officer and are stored as it should be for documents containing personal data (more on this below).

Employment contracts and personal cards closed by clerical work are sent for storage to the personnel archive. Employment records are returned to employees upon dismissal. Of course, there are exceptions when, for various reasons, a retired employee did not pick up his work book - this happens from time to time. It should be remembered that a work book is a document subject to return, and the employee (or his relatives) can theoretically request it throughout the entire period of storage of this document, and the period is 50 years (clause 2, article 22.1 of Federal Law No. 125-FZ) . Therefore, forgotten work books are by no means stitched together.

The nuances of the formation of cases. Employment contracts and personal cards in the archive form cases that are called “Employment contracts of laid-off workers” and “Personal cards of laid-off workers”. These cases are formed into volumes in the same way: first by the years of dismissal, and then alphabetically by the names of former employees.


In accordance with Art. 17 of Federal Law No. 125-FZ, an organization is obliged to keep documents on personnel. While the secretary only additionally performs the duties of a personnel officer, of course, he will not be able to maintain a full archive of personnel. Subsequently, when the organization grows to the personnel department, specialists will take care of this. But until then, the secretary will have to comply with the mandatory minimum requirements:

Provide a special storage regime for personnel documents completed in office work (this is the basis of the future archive);

Form cases by years in accordance with the terms of storage;

Compile annual sections of the inventory of cases by personnel.

  • We observe a special regime for storing documents that contain personal information. A special regime implies the exclusion of access to them by unauthorized persons. If every meter of office space is worth its weight in gold, and the archive itself is still small, the storage functions can be taken over by an ordinary metal cabinet, locked with a key. This piece of furniture is inexpensive, takes up little space, and copes with its tasks perfectly. It should also store valid personnel documents, including work books, since this is a document of strict accountability (clause 42 of the Rules for maintaining work books). There should be several keys to the cabinet: one for the secretary, the other, for example, for the chief accountant.
  • We form cases by year. We talked about the formation of cases by year in accordance with the storage periods above. In the same way, cases are formed with orders on personnel and documents of laid-off workers (employment contracts and personal cards).
  • We draw up a list of cases for personnel. As for the inventory of files on personnel, it is obligated to keep it in paragraph 4.12 of the Rules for organizing the storage, acquisition, accounting and use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other documents in state authorities, local governments and organizations (approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated March 31, 2015 No. 526). They also offer the form of this document (Appendix No. 15) (Example 6). The rules for filling out an inventory of cases by personnel are clearly described in paragraphs. 8.1-8.4 of section 8 "Compilation and execution of an inventory" of the Methodological recommendations "Organization of management documents for permanent storage and personnel"2. Let's summarize them briefly:

The annual section of the inventory for the past year is compiled annually;

All annual sections of the inventory constitute one inventory of cases by personnel;

The numbering of cases in the inventory is end-to-end and goes through all annual sections from entry No. 1 to entry No. 9999 (if the annual section for 2015 ended with No. 13, then the annual section of the inventory for 2016 begins with No. 14);

Each storage unit is entered into the inventory under its own serial number; storage unit - 1 volume; the volume should contain no more than 250 sheets of documents;

Each annual section of the inventory of cases is approved by the general director.

Official powers:

Get acquainted with the documents that define the rights and obligations of the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction


V. Official responsibility:

For failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties provided for by this instruction - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of Russia.

For failure to perform official duties.

For violation of the company's internal regulations.

For violation of business ethics.

For misuse of computer technology.

For offenses committed in the course of their activities, established by the current legislation of Russia.

For providing false information to management.

For careless attitude to record keeping.




Collection, processing and transfer to the head of the required information;

Control over the execution of the orders of the head, transferred to the secretary;

Organization and support of Skype and telephone conversations of the head, receiving and sending fax messages, in the absence of the head at the workplace - receiving the information transmitted to him and bringing them to the head;

Acquisition of stationery for the head;

Control over the work of office equipment, timely taking measures in case of its breakdowns and damages;

Maintaining internal and external office work related directly to the head (drafting orders, instructions, letters, contracts, etc.)

Organization of corporate events, holidays, training seminars, etc.

Receiving and sending letters;

Reception from employees of the organization of documents and personal statements for the approval of the head;

Organization of the process of receiving visitors who are not employees of the enterprise;

Participation in general meetings and conferences;

Goodwill, positive mood, creating a favorable microclimate in the team.

The rights

The secretary has the following rights:

3.1. Demand working conditions conducive to increasing his labor productivity (

Job description of the secretary of the clerk with the functions of a personnel officer sample

Subordination disorder.

Working conditions

5.1. The mode of work and rest of the secretary is prescribed in the internal labor regulations;

5.2. Business trips are possible (to accompany the head), both within the city and to other regions.

Right to sign

The secretary is given the right to sign documents directly related to his work.

AGREED Head of Human Resources Department of Supply Wholesale LLC Semenov/Semenov R.A./ August 12, 2014

I HAVE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS Vederkina Anna Valerievna Secretary of Supply Wholesale LLC Passport 7685 No. 975849 Issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Leninsky district of Perm on September 14, 2012 subdivision code 123-425 Signature Vederkin August 17, 2014

FILES Download Sample Secretary Job Description.doc

Why do you need a job description

This document is equally important both for the secretary himself and for the company's management. On the one hand, it clearly spells out the functions that the employee must perform, the rules and laws that he must know, the procedure for his appointment and dismissal, as well as his rights, etc.

Job description of the secretary of the clerk with the functions of a personnel officer sample for work

Register the time, purpose of the appeal, as well as data on the actions taken (information for employees, fax reception).

Organize effective service for visitors, create comfortable conditions for them, advise them, provide information and other materials.

To carry out direct business contacts with managers and other employees of the company.

Process incoming and outgoing correspondence (receive, forward).

Check customer phone numbers against the database.

Fix long-distance calls.

Work with e-mail, fax (reception, sending layouts, letters).

Register transactions.

Monitor clients.

Process incoming and outgoing correspondence (receive, register, forward).

Maintain an archive of documents, letters, newspapers, information materials.

Prepare and execute the documentation necessary for organizing the work of the company.

Participate in meetings and meetings of the office, company.

Carry out separate official assignments of the immediate supervisor.

Follow the rules of the labor schedule adopted by the company.




Keeping records in journals and cards, information from which is subsequently needed to compile a data bank.

  • Accompanying documentation at all stages of preparation and execution in accordance with the rules and standards. Reception, processing and sending for archiving.
  • Strict accounting of sent and received correspondence, necessary for the documentation order.
  • Accurate archiving of documents. Efficiency in finding the necessary document in the archive.
  • Creation and maintenance of a reference database, taking into account convenient search.
  • Control over the correct execution and signing of documentation in order to avoid problems with its cancellation.
  • Responsible for all document flow in the enterprise.

If the functions of an employee also include secretarial work, then in addition to the above responsibilities, he needs to receive incoming calls and process them, work with management resolutions, draw up a work plan for the boss and solve organizational issues, and the like.

This list of duties will be handled by a competently trained and trained specialist.

Usually, this includes the possibility of its interaction with other structural divisions of the company, as well as with management.

Responsibility of the secretary

In section "Responsibility" violations should be clearly spelled out for which the secretary may be subject to disciplinary punishment in the form of deprivation of a bonus, remark, reprimand, or even dismissal. In one of the paragraphs, it can be noted that the applied measures of influence correspond to the framework of the law and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Working conditions

In the fifth section of the job description of the secretary called "Working conditions", what they fit into, these conditions are determined (for example, by the internal labor schedule), as well as some features - for example, business trips, shift schedules, etc.

Right to sign

The last section of this document includes only one paragraph, namely, it defines the documents that the secretary has the right to certify with his signature.

After carefully filling out the job description, it must be agreed with the employee who is responsible for compliance with the rules and norms prescribed in the job description of the secretary (this may be the head of the secretariat, the head of the personnel department, etc.).

Business qualities inherent in a good secretary are:

  • Professionalism- possession of special skills, knowledge, skills (fluency in computer programs, editors, knowledge of languages, literate writing and culture of speech);
  • Responsibility- the ability to be responsible for the implementation of tasks;
  • organization- the ability to rationally prepare the workplace, allocate time;
  • Initiative- the ability to show abilities in their competence and others.

Job description of the secretary-clerk

The duties of the secretary of the clerk may vary depending on the size and activities of the enterprise, the number of employees, the structure of the organization, and so on, but the main functions of the clerk are considered to be working with external incoming and outgoing correspondence and managing the circulation of internal documents of the enterprise.

The procedure for issuing instructions is not regulated by established norms, and the compiler individually decides which items it will contain.

However, there are a number of provisions that need to be reflected in the job description.

But, in addition, the specialty has some medical contraindications:

  • allergy and/or asthma to paper dust;
  • cardiovascular diseases, in particular, arrhythmic and hypertension diseases, heart defects;
  • nervous disorders.

If the employee does not have such health problems, then there should be no difficulties for him to perform his work.

Functions of a secretary-clerk

Large firms covering a wide range of activities have the opportunity to keep both a secretary and a clerk on staff. Small and medium-sized firms with a small number of employees usually combine both positions into one - secretary-clerk.

The main task of the secretary is to ensure the normal functioning of the work of the management by resolving issues of an organizational and documentary nature. If the secretary also combines the position of a clerk, then he will process the documents of the entire enterprise and additionally bear responsibility for this work.

An employee who is engaged only in office work must perform tasks related to document management.
Let's consider the functions of the clerk in more detail.

  1. Reception and processing of all incoming correspondence: registration of letters and sending them according to the classification of the addressee. When specifying instructions in letters - control over their execution.

Moreover, in large firms, the volume of document flow is large enough and only a professional can handle it efficiently and quickly. Therefore, almost any enterprise contains a staff unit of a secretary-clerk. Its main tasks:

  • structure, process and keep records of workflow; make and receive calls, negotiate with customers; deal with incoming and outgoing correspondence;
  • control the documentation drawn up by other employees;
  • send documentation for storage in the archive.

An applicant applying for the position of secretary-clerk must meet the following qualification requirements:

  • have the appropriate education - primary vocational or secondary complete education, special theoretical training, know the norms and rules of office work;
  • possess professional skills in document management;
  • be able to handle office equipment, be fluent in computer, know office programs;
  • communicate politely and competently with customers, partners and employees.

Such requirements apply to the clerk.

3.2. Demand and receive documents, certificates, orders, directives directly related to its activities;

3.3. Interact with heads of departments, heads of structural divisions and senior management to resolve issues related to the work of the organization;

3.4. To be a representative of the enterprise in other organizations, both state and commercial, on all issues that are within its competence;

Attend advanced training courses;

3.6. Refuse to perform work duties if something threatens his life or health at the workplace.


The responsibility of the secretary (strictly within the framework of the current legislation) is provided for the occurrence of the following situations:

4.1. Poor-quality or untimely performance of professional functions, as well as a complete refusal to work;

4.2. Refusal to fulfill assignments, tasks, questions, instructions and orders of the head;

Intentional and systematic provision of false or incomplete information regarding his work;

4.4. Negligent attitude to the provision of labor protection measures, internal regulations and safety, as well as the lack of real actions when they are detected by other employees;

4.5. Deliberate violation of labor discipline in the absence of valid reasons and documents confirming their existence.

Qualification levels of specialists in preschool educational institutions and their labor functions

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The job description is not among those documents, the presence of which is established by the Labor Code as mandatory.

4 Reasons to Develop a Clerk's Manual

  1. This will cover all issues related to the work of the secretary-clerk in one document.
  2. The job description can be quickly changed and supplemented without asking for the consent of the specialist himself and without making these adjustments an additional agreement.
  3. The signature of a specialist on a job description familiarization sheet is a legal basis for requiring him to comply with all the provisions of this document.
  4. Both the employee and the employer can always prove their case by referring to the provisions of the job description of the secretary-clerk in the event of a conflict or labor dispute.

Who draws up the job description of the secretary-clerk

In general, the development of such local regulations as job descriptions is carried out by the heads of the relevant structural units. And, if a department of the secretariat is created at the enterprise, the instruction should be developed by the head of this department.

In a small company, where the secretary-clerk is directly subordinate to the director, this work is usually assigned to an employee or head of personnel.

Then the name of the document is written in the middle of the line.

The main sections begin with the second part.

General provisions

In the first section titled "General Provisions" first, it is entered what will be discussed in this document, then the procedure for appointing and dismissing the secretary is indicated, to whom exactly he reports, as well as the qualification requirements that he must meet (specialization, education, additional courses, etc.), the necessary experience and work experience.

Then, in the same section, all laws, regulations, rules, orders with which the secretary must be familiar are listed: standards and forms of documents adopted in the organization, rules of office work, knowledge of office equipment, etc. Below you need to write who replaces the secretary in case of his absence from the workplace (without indicating the names of specific employees) ..

Responsibilities of the secretary

Next section "Functional responsibilities" concerns the duties to be performed by the secretary. They need to be written as detailed as possible, in separate paragraphs, in accordance with the needs of the company and taking into account the working time of the employee.

Rights of the secretary

Chapter "The rights" includes the initiatives and powers that the secretary has the right to use for the most effective activity.

Orders are issued for admissions and dismissals, vacations and promotions, assignment of duties and assignments on business trips, etc. Therefore, orders for personnel are given a central place in the personnel department and in the archive.

The most common types of orders for personnel have ready-made forms that the personnel officer only needs to fill out:

Order on hiring an employee (unified form No. T-1 *);

On the transfer of an employee to another job (form No. T-5 *);

On granting leave to an employee (form No. T-6 *);

On the termination (termination) of the employment contract with the employee (dismissal) (form No. T-8 *);

On sending an employee on a business trip (form No. T-9 *);

On the promotion of the employee (form No. T-11 *).

Most personnel officers in Russia use unified forms: personnel officers, employees and (not least) inspectors from the state labor inspectorate (GIT) are used to them. The decision to use unified forms of documents must be recorded in the order (Example 5).

The development of your own forms of documents can be compared with the invention of the bicycle.

But if there is a desire, then in the developed forms there should be no less information than in those approved by the State Statistics Committee.

The unified forms of orders are more than enough for the secretary-personnel officer to process standard personnel actions.


We did not talk about them in the section “Required HR Documents”, because these are not local regulations, but documents that apply to each employee personally. All of them are required:

Employment contract - in accordance with Art. 56 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

Work book - in accordance with the Rules for maintaining work books;

Personal card of the employee - the need for its maintenance is indicated by clause 12 of the Rules for maintaining work books.

A personal card (unified form No. T-2) is started simultaneously with the employee's admission to the organization. It contains the personal data of the employee, all information about his movements in the organization, vacations, awards, etc.

The employment contract, personal card and work book are valid documents during the entire period of the employee's work in the organization.

If an employee has been working in an organization for 20 years, his employment contract, work book and personal card for 20 years are transferable cases. They are closed by office work only after the dismissal of the employee.

While these three documents are valid, they are kept by the personnel officer and are stored as it should be for documents containing personal data (more on this below).

Employment contracts and personal cards closed by clerical work are sent for storage to the personnel archive. Employment records are returned to employees upon dismissal.


He will be able to optimize the work and complete it with maximum speed and efficiency.

Job description of a clerk at an enterprise

Having familiarized himself with his job description, the employee is obliged to strictly follow it, since this document has an organizational and administrative nature.

For the correct behavior of an employee in accordance with his job description, it is necessary to spell out in detail all the job responsibilities in order to avoid further questions and contradictions. The job description of the clerk includes the following main sections.

General provisions

In this paragraph, according to the staffing table approved by the enterprise, the name of the position, structural unit in which the clerk works is indicated. Qualification requirements in the event of a vacancy for this position are also prescribed here.

Be sure to indicate the procedure for appointment and removal from office, officials replacing the employee at the time of his absence.

Job Responsibilities

The duties of a clerk in an organization require a clear and correct implementation. When compiling a job description, it is very important to determine the functional responsibilities of the clerk, taking into account the specifics of this enterprise. The scope of duties depends mainly on the size of the organization, automation of systems and technical equipment, etc.

1. General Provisions

1. Department: frames.

1.Full job title: personnel secretary.

2. Appointment and removal from office is carried out by the General Director.

3. The executor of this position is directly subordinate to the head of the personnel department. The secretary of the personnel department may receive additional orders from the deputy head of the personnel department.

4. The executor of this position for the period of absence is replaced by the inspector of the personnel department.

5. In his activities, the employee is guided by the following legal acts and regulatory documents:

GOST 6/30-97,

Charter of OOO "Kolpino",

Internal labor regulations,

Orders (instructions) of direct management,

Regulations on the personnel department,

Other normative documents of personnel service.

1.Qualification requirements:

Work in this position requires the employee to have the following qualifications:

Higher, n / higher education (direction "Office work" or "Psychology", "Sociology")

At least 1.5 years of work experience in the specialty.

1.The executor of this position must know:

Labor law.

The structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects.

Personnel policy and strategy of the enterprise.

Fundamentals of HR management.

The procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of documentation related to personnel and their movement.

The procedure for the formation and maintenance of a data bank on the personnel of the enterprise.

Organization of payroll.

Methods for accounting for the movement of personnel, the procedure for compiling established reporting.

Fundamentals of sociology, psychology, pedagogy and labor organization.

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production and management.

Computer equipment, communications and communications, office equipment (MSOffice, Internet, e-mail, fax, copier).

Rules and norms of labor protection.

Rules for conducting telephone conversations.

Work culture and work ethics.


The following functions are assigned to the performer of this position:

Operational communication of the head of the department with the management of the company, heads of groups of the department, managers of the department, other departments of the company.

Ensuring the efficient operation of department staff.

Information support of department employees.

1. Job responsibilities

The Human Resources Secretary is responsible for:

1. Continuously ensure communication between the head and employees of the department with other divisions of Kolpino LLC.

2. Timely bring official information to the employees of the department: orders, orders, instructions, regulations, memos, etc.

3. Timely prepare documents for the head of the department.

4. Keep minutes of department meetings.

5. Organize personnel document flow, register incoming and outgoing documentation.

6. To carry out telephone communication of department employees.

7. Prepare orders for the delegation of authority.

8. Draw up regulatory documents by order of the head or deputy. chief ok.

9.Keep a record of the working time of the department employees (time sheets, vacations, sick days).

10. Prepare summary reports on smoking employees of the company.

11. Keep records and provide management with information about smoking employees of the department.

12. Prepare documents for budgeting the department.

13. Compile orders for providing business cards to employees of the department.

14. Prepare lists of birthdays of company employees.

15. Make orders for providing the employees of the department with stationery and cartridges for printers.

16. Compile a register of travel documents for employees of the department for subsequent reimbursement of their cost.

17. Make orders for subscription of printed publications for the department, control their delivery and bringing to subscribers.

18. Compile orders for providing department employees with inventory items.

19.Participate in the inventory department.

20. Timely respond to requests from other employees in the area of ​​professional activity, provide the required information in full

21. Objectively treat other employees, evaluate their contribution to the achievement of the Company's goals based on the results of their work, regardless of their personal relationship

22. Observe the established deadlines for the execution of tasks and instructions

23. Provide assistance to colleagues at work in solving the problems of their activities in the event that assistance can lead to a qualitative improvement in performance

24. Continuously improve your professional level.

25. Observe the rules of confidentiality when working with personal information of the Firm's employees

IV. The rights

The secretary of the personnel department has the right to:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the department and the head of the organization in the direction of activity.

2. To attend meetings of committees and working groups, other meetings of employees in the direction of activity.

3. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the activities of the personnel service.

4. Submit proposals for the consideration of the HR Director and the Head of the Human Resources Department on improving the activities of the department and the Firm and improving working methods; options for eliminating the shortcomings in the company's activities.

5. To carry out interaction with employees of all structural divisions in the direction of activity.

6. Request personally or on behalf of the management from other structural divisions information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties..

7.Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

8. Require from the HR director and the head of the OK assistance in the performance of official duties, and in the exercise of the rights provided for in this job description.

9. Act on behalf of the personnel department and represent its interests in relations with other structural divisions of the organization within its competence.


The specialist (selection) is responsible for:

1. Unclear and untimely performance of their official duties - penalty within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation

3. Causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Violation of labor discipline and non-compliance with the internal rules of labor activity - within the limits determined by the internal regulatory documents of the company.

5. Incorrect attitude towards the company's employees - within the limits determined by the HR director and the head of the personnel department.

1. Relationships

6. The performer of this position in the process of work interacts in the direction of activity with employees of all structural divisions and all employees of the personnel department.

2. Criteria for the effectiveness and evaluation of the work of the head of the personnel department

1. Clear, complete and timely execution of management orders.

2. Uninterrupted communication of the information necessary for the work of the department to the employees of the department.

3. Clear, complete and timely provision of information requested in the direction of activity from other departments.

4. Implementation of the functions of the personnel service, indicated in this job description.


Head of the personnel department __________________ V.L. Pavlov

Head of the Legal Department __________________ А.Т. Mikhnev

HR Director __________________ E.R. Bondarchuk

Acquainted with instructions :

_________________ “____” ______________ 2001


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