Duties of a truck driver. Job description Training of drivers for the transportation of dangerous goods

Name of the organization I APPROVE THE OFFICIAL Name of the position INSTRUCTIONS of the head of the organization _________ N ___________ Signature Explanation of the signature Place of compilation Date TO THE SPECIALIST FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS GOODS


1. A specialist in the transportation of dangerous goods belongs to the category of specialists, is hired and dismissed from work by order of the head of the organization upon submission of _________.

2. A person who has a higher or secondary specialized education in the field of work, who has undergone appropriate training in a training organization that has the permission of the supervisory authority, and who has received a certificate of training of specialists established by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus, is appointed to the position of a specialist in the transportation of dangerous goods.

3. In his activities, a specialist in the transport of dangerous goods is guided by:

Regulatory documents on the issues of the work performed;

Methodological materials relating to relevant issues;

the charter of the organization;

Labor regulations;

Orders and orders of the head of the organization (direct supervisor);

This job description.

4. Specialist in the transport of dangerous goods must know:

Law of the Republic of Belarus of 06.06.2001 N 32-З "On the Transportation of Dangerous Goods";

Rules for ensuring the safe transportation of dangerous goods by road in the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Decree of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus dated 08.12.2010 N 61, other requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus in the field of transportation of dangerous goods, including technical regulatory legal acts;

Classification of dangerous goods (classification procedure for solutions and mixtures, structure of the list of substances, classes of dangerous goods and principles for their classification, nature of dangerous goods transported, physical, chemical and toxicological properties of dangerous goods);

General requirements for packaging, requirements for tanks and tank containers (types, codes, marking, design, initial and periodic inspections and tests);

Markings and danger signs, orange information boards and signs (applying markings and danger signs on packages, placing and removing orange information boards and signs);

Entries in transport documents (required information);

Dispatch method and restrictions on shipment (full load, bulk / bulk transport, transport in intermediate bulk containers, container transport, transport in fixed or demountable tanks);

Prohibition of joint loading and precautions related to joint loading;

Separation of cargo;

Quantity restrictions and exemptions for quantities;

Cargo handling and stowage (loading and unloading - filling ratios - stowage and separation);

Cleaning and / or degassing before loading and after unloading;

Crews, professional training;

Documents on the vehicle (transport documents, written instructions, certificate of approval of the vehicle);

Fundamentals of labor organization;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and norms of labor protection and fire safety.

5. During the absence of a specialist in the transportation of goods, his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by an appointed deputy who is fully responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.


6. To perform the functions assigned to him, a specialist in the transport of dangerous goods must:

6.1. Check the status of containers, vehicles, places of loading, unloading, the availability of trained personnel with a note in the log.

6.2. Supervise the cleaning of vehicles or containers that have contained packaged dangerous goods that have leaked, spilled or spilled.

6.3. Check the complete set, technical condition of the vehicle and special equipment and record the results of the check in a log.

6.4. To exercise control over the use of vehicles, other objects of transportation in accordance with the requirements established by acts of legislation in the field of transportation of dangerous goods, including the mandatory requirements for compliance with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts.

6.5. Ensure that, in accordance with the acts of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, reliable information about the vehicles owned by them is submitted to the state supervision bodies.

6.6. Carry out testing, periodic inspections, surveys, technical diagnostics of vehicles, communications and technical devices used in the transportation of dangerous goods, within the time limits established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

6.7. Provide training to employees of the organization and keep records of such training.

6.8. To carry out admission to work on the transportation of dangerous goods of persons who meet the qualification requirements and do not have medical contraindications for the performance of this work.

6.9. Suspend the transportation of dangerous goods by the subject of transportation or by order of the supervisory authorities and its officials in the event of an accident or incident, as well as in case of detection of violations that affect the safety of transportation of dangerous goods.

6.10. Ensure the implementation of orders and instructions of the supervisory authorities and its officials, given in accordance with their authority, taking into account the instructions related to the transportation of dangerous goods.

6.11. Take measures to inform workers about the types of hazards associated with the transport of dangerous goods, their loading and unloading.

6.12. Monitor compliance with the requirements for the identification of transported dangerous goods.

6.13. Implement inspection procedures to ensure that vehicles carrying dangerous goods have the required documents and equipment to ensure safety and that these documents and equipment comply with applicable regulations.

6.14. Timely inform, in accordance with the established procedure, about accidents and incidents the state supervision and state administration bodies, as well as local executive and administrative bodies on the territory of which accidents and incidents occurred, assist state bodies in investigating the causes of accidents and incidents.

6.15. Implement technical measures aimed at creating and deploying engineering systems for monitoring, monitoring and supporting actions in case of possible accidents, warning and communication systems, means and systems of protection, material, financial and other resources, as well as providing for the creation and equipping of training grounds, simulators for working out practical skills related to actions in case of accidents.

6.16. Develop and implement measures to prevent, localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents and incidents.

6.17. Keep a record of accidents, incidents that occurred during the transportation of dangerous goods.

6.18. Verify that employees involved in the transportation of dangerous goods, their loading or unloading, have regulatory legal acts, including technical regulatory legal acts.

6.19. Advise employees of the organization on issues related to the transport of dangerous goods.

6.20. Ensure the organization and implementation of production control over compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus in the field of transportation of dangerous goods, including technical regulatory legal acts.

6.21. To carry out the development of an action plan to improve the safety of the transport of dangerous goods.

6.22. Ensure the preparation of an annual report in the field of the safety of the transport of dangerous goods for the administration of the transport entity or, if necessary, for local authorities on activities with an assessment of the state of safety of the transport of dangerous goods.

6.23. Assist and cooperate with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, immediately inform the immediate supervisor of each case of industrial injury and occupational disease, as well as emergency situations that pose a threat to health and life for him and those around him, discovered deficiencies and violations of security labor.

6.24. Take the necessary measures to limit the development of an emergency and its elimination, provide first aid to the victim, take measures to call an ambulance, emergency services, fire brigade.


7. Specialist in the transport of dangerous goods has the right to:

7.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.

7.2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

7.3. Receive from the heads of structural divisions, specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

7.4. Engage specialists from all structural divisions of the organization to solve the duties assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the organization).

7.5. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

7.6 Take part in the discussion of labor protection issues submitted for consideration by meetings (conferences) of the labor collective (trade union organization).

8. Specialist in the transport of dangerous goods reports to ________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. 9. A specialist in the transportation of dangerous goods interacts on issues within his competence with employees of the following structural divisions of the organization: - from _________________________________________________________________: receives: ________________________________________________________________________________; presents: __________________________________________________________________________; - from _________________________________________________________________: receives: __________________________________________________________________; presents: __________________________________________________________________________.

10. The work of a specialist in the transportation of dangerous goods is evaluated by the immediate supervisor (another official).

11. Specialist in the transport of dangerous goods is responsible for:

11.1. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.4. For non-compliance with the rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection - in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and local acts in _____________________.

Name of the position of the head of the structural unit _________ _______________________ Signature Full name of the signature of the Visa I am familiar with the instruction _________ _______________________ Signature Full name of the signature _______________________ Date

The driver of the vehicle during the transportation of exhaust gas is obliged to comply with the Rules of the road. Rules for the transportation of AT exhaust gas in the Russian Federation and Instructions for the transportation of certain types of exhaust gas.

A driver who is permanently employed in the transportation of DGs is required to undergo a medical examination upon employment and subsequent medical examinations in accordance with the established schedule, but at least once every three years. (Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated September 29, 1989 No. 555), as well as pre-trip medical control before each flight for the transportation of exhaust gas.

Drivers with a continuous work experience as a driver of this category for at least 3 years and a certificate of special training in accordance with approved programs for drivers carrying out the transportation of exhaust gas are allowed to transport the exhaust gas. (Decree of the Russian Federation No. 372 of 04/23/94)

The driver carrying out the transportation of the exhaust gas must have the following transport documents with him:

1) a license card for the vehicle with the mark "Transportation of exhaust gases";

2) certificate of the driver's admission to the transportation of exhaust gases;

3) certificate of approval of the vehicle for the transportation of exhaust gases;

4) a waybill with a mark “dangerous goods” in red in the upper left corner and an indication in the column “Special marks” of the OG number according to the UN list;

5) the route of transportation of the exhaust gas;

6) safety certificate for cargo and packaging;

7) waybill;

8) information card of the SIO;

9) CIO emergency card;

When transporting exhaust gas, the driver is prohibited from deviating from the route of transportation and parking places established and agreed with the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as exceeding the established speed;

In the event of a forced stop of a vehicle with dangerous goods, the driver must:

Designate a stopping place in accordance with the Rules of the Road and signs prohibiting stopping (two orange lights).

If the car breaks down on the way and it is impossible to eliminate the technical malfunction on the spot by the driver, the driver must call the vehicle for the technical support of transportation, and report the place of his forced parking to the nearest bodies of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

In the event of an incident, the driver must:

1) not allow unauthorized persons to the place of the incident;

2) report the incident to the nearest bodies of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and, if necessary, call an ambulance;

3) call the emergency team according to section 2.13. Rules for the transportation of AT exhaust gas in the Russian Federation;

4) provide first aid to the injured;

5) in accordance with the instructions of the emergency card, take measures for the primary elimination of the consequences of the incident;

6) upon arrival at the scene of the incident, representatives of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and healthcare inform them about the danger and the measures taken and present transport documents for the cargo.

Drivers of vehicles carrying exhaust gases are prohibited from refueling at public filling stations. Refueling of vehicles transporting exhaust gas at public gas stations or CFS, in accordance with paragraph 2.9.14., is carried out at a specially equipped site located at a distance of at least 25 m from the territory of the gas station, with oil products received at the gas station in metal canisters.

During the movement along the transportation route, the driver monitors the technical condition of the vehicle, securing the cargo in the body, and the safety of markings and seals.

When driving a vehicle carrying exhaust gas, the driver


a) abruptly move the vehicle from its place and brake;

b) drive with the clutch, gearbox and engine disengaged;

c) to overtake vehicles moving at a speed of more than 30 km/h;

d) smoking in the vehicle while driving (smoking is allowed during stops no closer than 50 m from the parking lot);

e) use an open flame (in exceptional cases, for cooking, a fire can be made no closer than 200 m from the parking lot);

f) leave the vehicle without supervision;

g) it is prohibited to transport in the vehicle goods that are not provided for by the documentation, as well as persons not related to the transportation of exhaust gases. Surnames, first names, patronymics of accompanying persons are indicated in the waybill;

h) the movement of individual vehicles at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility may be prohibited, which is noted in the route of movement. In the case of parking at night or in conditions of poor visibility, if the lights of the vehicle are out of order, 2 orange lights must be placed on the road 10 m in front and behind the vehicle.


Violation by a driver transporting exhaust gas of the rules of the road, the rules for transporting exhaust gas when causing significant material damage or causing bodily harm of varying severity to surrounding people, can be classified as a criminally punishable act.

Safety measures in case of an accident.

Call the police and fire brigade immediately.

Stop the engine.

Ensure that there are no explosive sources (for example, open flames) near the tank truck, smoking is prohibited.

Set up road barriers and warn other road users.

Do not allow outsiders into the designated area.

When working, use explosion-proof lighting fixtures and power tools.

Stay upwind.

Repair leaks if possible. Prevent liquid from entering drains. Contain spreading liquid by forming a barrier of earth or other suitable material.

Prevent the penetration of gasoline into sewers, trenches, basements - gasoline vapors create an explosive situation.

Warn the public of the existence of an explosive situation.

If gasoline gets into water or sewers, or causes soil or plant contamination, notify the fire brigade or police.

If the tank is exposed to a flame, cool it with a spray jet of water.


If gasoline gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of water for several minutes.

Remove parts of clothing soaked in gasoline.

Medical attention is required in case of symptoms indicating that gasoline has been inhaled.


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