Additional education personnel office work. Training courses for personnel office work and personnel management for specialists from any region of Russia! Interview - offset

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Course program

1. Responsibility of the employer for non-compliance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.1 Types and measures of responsibility.
1.2 Overview of the regulatory articles of the Labor, Criminal, Civil Codes of the Russian Federation, the Code of Administrative Offenses.
2. Labor contract.
2.1 Mandatory and additional terms of the employment contract.
2.2 The procedure for concluding an employment contract at the main place of work and part-time.
2.3 The procedure for amending the employment contract.
2.4 Employment contract with the head of the organization.
2.5 Employment contract with remote workers.
2.6 Features of concluding an employment contract with minors.
2.7 The difference between an employment contract and a civil law contract.
3. Registration of labor relations during the reorganization of a legal entity.
3.1 Forms of reorganization. 3.2 The procedure for interaction between the employee and the employer during the reorganization.
3.3 Documents required for the regulation of labor relations during the reorganization.
4. Working hours.
4.1 The procedure for calculating the norm of working time, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.
4.2 Part-time. Prohibitions and restrictions on part-time work.
4.3 Combination. The procedure for issuing and canceling the combination. List of required documents.
4.4 The nuances of attracting to work at night, to work on weekends and non-working holidays. Compensation procedure.
4.5 Peculiarities of involving women and minors in work. Benefits and compensation.
4.6 Time sheet. Average and average number. Calculation procedure.
4.7 Rotational method of work. The order of registration.
5. Vacation.
5.1 Types of holidays. Delivery procedure.
5.2 Vacation schedule. Approval order.
5.3 Calculation of the length of service giving the right to leave.
5.4 Disabled leave.
6. Reporting to the authorities.
6.1 Military registration. Order of conduct.
6.2 Other reporting to authorities.
7. Termination of the employment contract.
7.1 Termination of the employment contract by agreement of the parties.
7.2 Termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employee.
7.3 Termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer.
7.4 Termination of the employment contract due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties.
7.5 Demotion. Legal aspects.
7.6 Calculation of compensation (withholding) for unused (provided in advance) leave upon dismissal of an employee.
7.7 Review of jurisprudence. Analysis of practical situations.
8. State Labor Inspectorate.
8.1 Types of checks. Notice periods.
8.2 Procedure.
8.3 Punishment for violation of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
Test. Offset.
Registration for an open lesson

Course Description

The purpose of this HR course is the training of managers of cadastral records management in organizations with various fields of activity and various organizational and legal forms.
The program of this training course for personnel specialists will help you gain knowledge of accounting for personnel documents and their maintenance, teach you how to find solutions to contentious issues, work with the labor code, teach the psychology of relationships with people and provide the necessary knowledge to work with the program "1C: Salary and Personnel". Speaking about enterprise management (its theory and practice), it must be said that one of its most important aspects is human resource management. Personnel management includes financial management, small and large enterprises, marketing management.

And the success of its work depends on the professionalism of the personnel policy of the company.
A feature of the teaching methods in our HR course is that each applicant is actively involved in the learning process, and each lesson is organized at a convenient time and has an atmosphere conducive to learning.
The program of this course of personnel officers is taught by professional teachers who have extensive experience in their work, including practical experience in the specialty that students will be trained in. Graduates of the personnel management course are awarded certificates, after which they can hold the position of heads of personnel services in various organizations.

To be competitive and in demand in the labor market, to earn more and regularly receive promotions, to be considered a valuable employee and not be afraid of layoffs, to have additional benefits, bonuses and preferences from management - all this can give you a high level of professional qualifications.

But not only personal ambitions motivate for professional growth and training.

Constantly changing labor legislation, innovations and amendments, fresh court decisions and sudden clarifications of officials - all this literally every day makes adjustments to the work of a personnel specialist and to the conduct of personnel records management.

Seven questions that will be asked to the personnel officer on the new checklist of the Ministry of Emergencies:

In order for a personnel officer to be able to master them in time, apply and adapt them to the specifics of their company, while not making mistakes and not running into fines, one must have the necessary and sufficient level of knowledge.

Yes, remember yourself when you found out that the dates for the payment of salaries and advance payments are determined by law, that professional standards are already being introduced, that soon you will fill out electronic rather than paper sick leaves. Agree, it is at such moments that it becomes uncomfortable, the lack of knowledge is felt especially acutely, and sharply increases.

Today, the desire to constantly engage in self-development and improve their skills is becoming a sign of high professionalism of any specialist. It is necessary to pass in order to improve your knowledge and skills, says the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin. And Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets believes that: "You have to pay well for good qualifications."

However, it may happen that only your understanding of the importance of continuous learning will not be enough. But to convince the boss to pay, let go or send you to a seminar, training, retraining courses, webinar, conference, and so on, is a problem to be solved. And here are some arguments for you to be more confident in that conversation.

Don't talk about yourself. Speak what will give your new level of knowledge to the company.
Modern personnel policy has turned into a real art, and the company's profit directly depends on the efficiency of the personnel department. Master the latest techniques – save on recruiting, recruit the best specialists in your field, and reduce staff turnover.

Masterfully correct the mistake you made - minus one administrative penalty or even a potential case in court.

Keep abreast of the latest trends - already half a head ahead of competitors. Your qualifications meet the requirements of the professional standard - you successfully avoid the GIT fine. You know, it's priceless today. And yes, it is always easier for companies to grow and develop with well-trained staff.

Armed with new knowledge, an employee easily generates interesting ideas, easily copes with most problems and is loyal to the company. At the same time, the company is actively strengthening its position in the market, becoming more competitive, dynamic and attractive.

Keep in mind that by law:
If the employer sends an employee for training, then he must release him from his current job and is obliged to keep his job, position and average earnings. If an employee is sent to study in another area, then he is paid travel expenses and paid average earnings.

A modern personnel specialist has the question “Why improve qualifications?” not only does it not arise anymore, and sometimes it even surprises. Professionals today are much more likely to ask “?” to invest time and money with the greatest benefit and maximum return.

How to improve the qualifications of a personnel officer

Refresher courses and retraining courses, webinars and seminars, video trainings and conferences, lectures and internships, reading specialized periodicals and business games and communication on forums. Information can now be obtained in a completely different way.
Let's look at the strengths and weaknesses of their main ones and "calculate" which one you need at a given time. For clarity, we give the strengths and weaknesses of each in the table.

Refresher courses and retraining courses

They are full-time, part-time, part-time and remote. The most important difference between full-time courses and all the others is that you must come to the educational institution for all classes and exams. Attendance is usually mandatory. Full-time courses begin and end strictly at certain dates and times.

Studying at part-time courses, you master the bulk of the material on your own, but you must attend certain classes and exams that take place strictly according to the schedule.

Recently, when completely remote (distance) learning has become widespread and in demand, it has been confused with distance learning. Be careful. Going to the correspondence course, you still, at least once, will have to come to the training center and pass the exam. When choosing a correspondence course, check this point.

You gain complete freedom by paying. All training takes place remotely, including passing exams. At your request, even a graduation document will be sent by mail and you do not have to go for it.

For whom: if you feel that as a professional you have hit a wall and stopped growing, if you have not undergone serious training for more than a year, if you had a long break from work, if you want to keep your finger on the pulse in your professional field.

Please note that a good selection of advanced training courses with fairly competitive prices is available on the website

And now the pros and cons.


Weak sides

The opportunity to fully discuss the issues that have arisen with the lecturer and colleagues

Opportunity to expand professional contacts

Acquire time management skills

The highest price tag

You need to travel to class regularly. Spend time and energy on the road

Sometimes you will have to choose between school and home

You may need to study outside of work. If you are the only personnel officer, there is a high risk that the manager will not agree not only on payment, but also on dismissal

Foreigners will have to arrange a business trip

Difficulty getting along with manager

Part-time and Correspondence

The average option for the price, taking into account the possibility of live communication with teachers and colleagues

Spend much less time and effort on the road

Virtually non-stop work

Acquire the skills of self-discipline

You will have to put in the effort to see it through to the end.

Little live communication with the teacher and colleagues

Sometimes it will be tempting not to attend classes

Sometimes you have to coordinate the excommunication with the management


Of all the courses, the most budgetary

Opportunity to learn on the job

You don't have to go anywhere. Don't waste your time and energy on the road. No need to ask your manager

You decide when and how much to practice

If you have no one to leave your department

Excellent discipline

Easier to coordinate payment with the manager

There is no opportunity to discuss live the issue with the lecturer and colleagues

No way to make new connections


A specific topic or problem is dealt with clearly and to the point with an intelligent lecturer

Possibility to review the recording of the webinar at any convenient time

Without interruption from work, and sometimes during work

Don't waste your time and energy on the road

There is no opportunity to fully discuss the issue with the lecturer and colleagues

No way to make connections

Do not issue an official certificate of completion

If this is an online seminar or video conference format, additional software may need to be installed

A variation of a webinar can be a video conference. But as a rule, Seminars and Conferences These are massive outdoor events. They last from one to several days. Several lecturers take turns with a kaleidoscope of topics. In addition to the working and business part, there is also an entertainment part.

For whom: if you want to work out several issues that are important for you in a relatively short time, if you need to make new professional acquaintances and plunge into the personnel crowd, if you want to combine business with pleasure.

Business training

Perhaps the most dynamic training option. It is not for nothing that they are also called the method of active learning. Theory is interspersed with the implementation of practical tasks, all this can be seasoned with the passage of a business game and flavored with heated discussions at the end.

For whom: you want to focus on developing your managerial qualities, you are focused on personal growth, you feel stagnant and you need a magic push in the back.

Magazines and books

This is a classic. And even though it is partially transferred to an electronic format, it still does not lose its charm and attractiveness.

For whom: relevant for everyone.

What to look for when choosing a source of information

In order for time, money and effort not to be spent in vain, and most importantly, for a practical result to be obtained from training, for which everything is actually started, one must carefully choose a training center.

The first is reputation.

Talk at a meeting or read reviews on the Internet of those who have already bought or received training from the training center of your choice. Just do not focus on reviews from the company's website, we all know how they are written. Hang out on informal HR forums, HR groups, and social media communities. There people are more willing and sincere to share their impressions.

Pay special attention to negative reviews. If a person writes: “everything was terrible”, do not rush to draw conclusions, figure it out. Maybe he just did not like that the coffee break was delayed for half an hour, and the handouts were not put in folders.

The second is a license for educational activities.

She must be. Otherwise, after, you will not receive a certificate of improvement of this very qualification. No one will guarantee you the quality and reliability of the information provided, and the level of professionalism of the teaching staff may remain a mystery to you.

Third, cost.

Consider several similar offers. When studying prices, pay attention to the number of training hours, and not to the duration of the course itself. Compare: 15,000 rubles for 3 months of training (72 hours) and 16,000 rubles for 2 months of training (80 hours). The second option is more profitable. Do not waste your time if the topic is uninteresting, the lecturer is unknown, and you hear about the organizers for the first time, even if they offer a free webinar or training.

If in the end the school you choose turns out to be a little more expensive, but you have already successfully contacted it before (you studied, or, for example, use its other products), do not risk it. An old friend is better than two new ones.

The fourth is comfort and convenience.

If you don’t answer calls or letters for a long time, if it’s extremely inconvenient to get to the courses, and remote events don’t start on time, if they don’t accept bank transfers when paying, or if the training material was prepared carelessly, discard this option without regret. Disorganization and inattention to the client is not the best characteristic of a training company. And any unpleasant little thing in the learning process will annoy or distract you.

Beginning: 20000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 35000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 60000 ⃏ per month

Demand for the profession

There are practically no problems with employment for graduates. In almost every organization with more than 150 employees, there are HR positions. At the same time, in large companies, the HR department may have more than 10 employees.

Where to study for a profession Human Resources Specialist in Moscow

Who is the profession for?

A specialist in the HR department should be stress-resistant, responsible, efficient in his personal qualities. It is also important for him to be able to gain authority; the ability to clearly, clearly express their thoughts; ability to plan personal time; the ability to control your emotions; openness to new experience, new contacts; discipline, punctuality; teamwork skills; desire to help others; ability to analyze information; attention to detail, accuracy; the ability to maintain a comfortable moral and psychological climate in the team.

Working conditions

Regular work schedule, fixed hours. Overtime work is possible.


The chance of building a vertical career for an HR specialist is small. Career growth is possible only if the specialist is given additional functions or is entrusted with the management of HR projects. But horizontal movement is quite common for specialists. Some become serious strategic partners, are part of the board. There are even cases of transition to the general management of the company.


Performs work on staffing the enterprise with the required professions, specialties and qualifications. Participates in the selection, selection, placement of personnel. Carries out the study and analysis of the job and professional qualification structure of the personnel of the enterprise and its divisions, the established documentation for personnel records related to the recruitment, transfer, labor activity and dismissal of employees, the results of employee certification and assessment of their business qualities in order to determine the current and future needs for personnel, preparing proposals for filling vacant positions and creating a reserve for promotion. Participates in the study of the labor market to determine the sources of meeting the need for personnel, establishing and maintaining direct links with educational institutions, contacts with enterprises of a similar profile. Informs employees of the enterprise about available vacancies. Participates in the development of long-term and current labor plans. Carries out control over the placement and placement of young specialists and young workers in accordance with the profession and specialty received at the educational institution, conducting their internships, takes part in the work on adapting newly hired workers to production activities. Participates in the preparation of proposals for personnel development, business career planning, training and professional development of personnel, as well as in evaluating the effectiveness of training. Takes part in the organization of work, methodological and informational support of qualification, attestation, competitive commissions, registration of their decisions. Analyzes the state of labor discipline and compliance with the internal labor regulations by the employees of the enterprise, the movement of personnel, participates in the development of measures to reduce turnover and improve labor discipline. Controls the timely registration of the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees, the issuance of certificates of their current and past labor activity, compliance with the rules for storing and filling out work books, preparing documents for establishing benefits and compensation, issuing pensions to employees and other established personnel documentation, as well as making the appropriate information in the data bank on the personnel of the enterprise. Prepares prescribed reports.

Rate the job: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Advanced training is one of the ways to obtain additional professional education. Specialists periodically improve their skills by taking educational courses ranging from 16 academic hours to 250 academic hours. hours. The requirements for the number of hours are specified in the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2013 No. 499. The need for advanced training is spelled out in professional standards and other departmental regulations. All those who complete the course are issued certificates.


Professional retraining in the direction of "HR administration"

Professional retraining is one of the forms of additional professional education.

Specialists with higher or secondary vocational education can acquire a new profession through retraining courses. Programs and curricula are developed in accordance with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of September 6, 2000 N 2571, as well as the provisions of the Federal Law No. 273 "On Education". A diploma is issued to those who complete the course.


Distance learning for HR professionals

An HR specialist is needed in any enterprise, regardless of size or form of ownership, as it ensures systemic process work and builds effective working relationships. At the same time, the legislation in the field of personnel matters is periodically undergoing changes, and an experienced personnel officer must keep a "finger on the pulse."

Human Resources - distance learning courses

The Modern Scientific and Technological Academy (SNTA), operating under license No. 034268 from the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, invites specialists with a secondary vocational or higher education to take distance learning in HR administration.

The HR course program is built on a modular basis and is suitable for both experienced professionals who want to improve their skills and newcomers to the profession who can take a professional retraining course. Remote training of personnel officers includes the following topics:

  • current laws and regulations governing personnel matters;
  • modern methods and technologies in personnel management;
  • psychological aspects of individual and group work;
  • accounting standards for employees of enterprises and paperwork;
  • differences in personnel records management in private and public companies;
  • organization and reform of the personnel service;
  • alignment of systemic activities in the field of human resources and more.

The distance learning course on HR records management is located on the platform of additional education, where each student can fully familiarize himself with the necessary materials and consult with teachers. At the end of the course, you must successfully pass the final online test and receive documents on education.

Advantages of SNTA

  • training programs for distance learning of personnel officers comply with the requirements of professional standards, Federal State Educational Standards and current office practices;
  • course teachers are qualified and experienced personnel officers who will help to understand the most non-standard situations;
  • distance learning will help you choose a convenient individual schedule without interrupting your main activity;
  • documents on education comply with the requirements of the law and are issued on strict reporting forms;
  • express delivery service will bring the documents to anywhere in the country in a short time.

Course attendee requirements


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