Electric yandex market. How to get to Yandex.Market, how much it costs and whether your business needs it. What is useful to know in advance

Advertising on Yandex.Market is becoming an occasion for heated discussions among entrepreneurs. Recently, the largest aggregator of online stores in Runet is changing the rules, and this causes a wave of discontent. Where do they come from and is it worth spending time and money on registering with Yandex.Market? We'll talk about this below.

What is Yandex.Market

Yandex.Market is a single platform where online stores place their products. Outwardly, it resembles one large online store - with sections, a showcase and even a basket - recently, goods can be bought directly on Yandex.Market without going to the seller's website.

Today, Yandex.Market has more than 100,000 registered stores that sell electronics, clothing and footwear, toys, car accessories, pet products, and much more. You can sell anything there - as long as the goods do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and the price list for Yandex.Market was drawn up according to the rules.

But in reality, everything is not so rosy and unambiguous. Opinions about J. Market are different, many contradictory and extremely negative. We will list the pros and cons of working with the site, which will not be written on the official website. And you yourself draw your own conclusions whether to consider working with Yandex.Market as a channel for promoting your store.

Advantages of placement on Yandex.Market

  • High attendance. More than 20 million users visit Yandex.Market every month.
  • Great credit of trust from buyers. For sellers, Yandex.Market has high requirements, checks are tough and regular, so it’s almost impossible to run into an unscrupulous store. People know about it and buy there more willingly.
  • Automatic upload of goods to Yandex.Market. Even if you have thousands of titles, you can upload them to the site in a couple of clicks. The main thing is to correctly format the file with the price list and data about the goods.
  • Targeted Impressions. If your store operates in a certain city or has several branches in different cities, then it will be shown to the audience from the desired city.
  • Synchronization of prices, assortment and other data with the store. If something changes in your store, it automatically changes in the online store on Yandex.

Disadvantages of placement on Yandex.Market

  • Unjustified expenses. Recently, the administration has introduced a new payment principle - the seller can pay not only for going to the store from Yandex.Market, but also for an order from (2% of its value). This could be attributed to the advantages of the system, if not for one “but”: Yandex first takes a commission, and then the order is sent to the client. That is, if the client changes his mind about redeeming the order, then you will still pay these 2% to Yandex.
  • Prejudiced attitude of moderators. Moderators or the Quality Control Service will not only tell you how to work with Yandex.Market, but can also put a spoke in the wheels of your business. So, many entrepreneurs complained that their stores were turned off for far-fetched reasons.
  • False orders for verification. Other entrepreneurs have described how QC employees made false test orders in their stores. When the seller redeemed the goods and paid for the delivery, the buyer refused the order, which led to losses. Be prepared to be tested this way.
  • Difficulties with loyalty. If the buyer does not go from Yandex.Market to your store, but buys goods right there, you will not be able to fully work with loyalty, you will not be able to communicate with the client, track his movements on the site in order to understand how to improve it.

As you can see, the shortcomings of Yandex.Market services are serious. Of course, you can use the system, but you should not consider it as the main source of customers. If half of your customers are from Yandex.Market, you should reconsider your promotion strategy. If you are considering Yandex.Market for an entry-level store, then it is worth a try. How and what to do for this - we will tell below.

How to get into Yandex.Market

Step 1. Website preparation and checklist

To prevent your store from being “wrapped up” at the first check, make sure that it has everything that the Yandex.Market rules require:

  • “Cart”, pages “Delivery” and “Payment” with the necessary information and other mandatory features of an online store.
  • Page "Contacts" with a phone number where you can get through.
  • Current prices for goods, store addresses and delivery terms.
  • Information about the legal entity that carries out entrepreneurial activities - Yandex.Market does not host stores owned by individuals. We wrote an article like .
  • Goods that are allowed for sale in the Russian Federation and have not been in use.
  • No pop-ups on product pages.

Step 2. Creating a price list for Yandex.Market

The price list is needed for uploading to Ya.Market the goods that you want to sell there. If there are few of them, then you can create a price list manually. But most often, store owners provide a full range on the Market and they need automatic unloading. It can be done by preparing a price list in one of three formats - YML (Yandex Market Language), CSV or XLS. Read more about how to unload goods and create a price list.

The Shopconstructor management system has the ability to create a YML file with a product database. This is the most convenient option, Yandex.Market believes that it has the most opportunities.

YML file creation form on Shopconstructor

Take the time to prepare the correct price list. If it contains errors, you won't be able to add a store to Yandex.Market until you fix them. If the file is not filled in enough detail, then the store will occupy low positions in the ranking, it will not always be shown in the search and fewer people will see it.

Here are some elements from the YML file required for uploading products on Yandex.Market:

param - characteristics of goods, for example, color, size, weight, equipment. Fill in this property, and right on the Yandex.Market page, the user will have access to the product in different colors, types, and so on.

delivery-options - this element displays conditions - terms in working days and cost.

sales_notes - used to indicate the minimum order amount, the need for prepayment, as well as promotions and sales, if you have them in your store.

price - actual price for the product, required parameter.

oldprice - old price for the item, which should be lower than the new one, optional parameter.

country_of_origin - an optional but desirable element that specifies the country of origin of the item.

category - an attribute that is necessary for the correct distribution of goods into categories. If the products are distributed correctly, then they will be easily found by keywords and viewed more often.

You cannot make a universal instruction on how to add products to Yandex.Market, because different products have different characteristics and features. But on the official website there are recommendations for different product groups.

Step 3. Registering a store in Yandex.Market

To start registration, follow the link. You will be prompted to fill out the following form:

Check the box next to "Online Store" if your products can be purchased online. “Retail online store” - for those who use the site as a showcase, and sell goods only in retail outlets.

The full name and phone number of the store owner must be real - if the Yandex.Market administration has questions for the owner, authentic data will be required.

After that, you will be redirected to the next page of registering a new store on Yandex.Market. There you will need to upload a price list or provide a link from where the Yandex robot can download it. The automatic check of the price list occurs immediately and if there are errors in it, the system will report it.

Step 4. Setting up the Market

So, you filled in all the fields and correctly compiled the price list. Congratulations - there is just a little bit left, and you will be able to sell your goods on Yandex.Market. The final touch is setting the placement parameters.

Be careful when filling out these fields. This is especially true for your points of sale - indicate the real addresses, phone numbers and work schedule of each of them, because Yandex.Market employees will call and check. If the point of sale does not pass the test, it will be removed from the list.

Learn more about how to add a store to Yandex.Market and how to set it up on the source website.

How much does it cost to place a store on Yandex.Market

By itself, registration on Yandex.Market is free. You need to pay for the results - for clicks to your site or for orders that were made under the "Order on the Market" program.

Pay Per Click (CPC Model)

The minimum cost per click in Yandex.Market is 3 rubles. It can increase as rates rise. You can set the rates yourself (indicate in the price list or in your personal account) or use special services for managing rates on Yandex.Market, such as PriceLabs. The bid size affects the store's position in the Yandex.Market ranking. But here, as in contextual advertising, not everything depends on the amount of bets. Positions are also influenced by customer reviews, the thoroughness of filling out the price list and other factors.

In order for the store to be displayed, you must have money in your account. The minimum deposit amount is $10. Payment for clicks is charged once a day

Pay Per Order (CPA Model)

If you choose this payment method, the cost of placement on Yandex.Market will also be free. You will pay if:

The buyer will place an order through Ya.Market, that is, add goods to the cart

The generated order will be sent to your Yandex.Market partner interface or to the store's administrative panel for processing.

The minimum commission for an order is 2% of the value of the goods. The fee is charged after the order is assigned the status “Sent for delivery”.

Note! If the buyer does not pick up the order or refuses it, Yandex will not return the commission to you. Service employees motivate this by the fact that buyers need to be “weaned” from post-payment and encouraged to pay for the order immediately, online.

How to take the best places in the rating of an online store on Yandex.Market

All products that you have uploaded to Yandex.Market are sorted into categories and compete with products from other stores. The position of products in the ranking is influenced by many factors:

  • The completeness of the product title and the absence of unnecessary information in it.
  • Full description of the item.
  • The presence of additional options, such as size or color. If these parameters are not specified, a user who is looking for a specific color or size will not see your suggestion.
  • Delivery terms. Offers with fast and free shipping are more likely to show up first.

Availability of discounted products.

Customer reviews, which also affect the rating on Yandex.Market. But use only real reviews - for cheating, the administration can disable your store.

The training program - Classifier is responsible for sorting goods into categories. As in search engine optimization, no one knows the exact algorithm for its operation. Therefore, all that can be advised to improve the rating of a store on Yandex.Market is to improve offers and make them more attractive to customers.

How not to place a store on Yandex.Market: common mistakes

Here we list typical mistakes that prevent adding a store to Yandex.Market or make it ineffective.

  • Invalid prices. Often, moderators reject the price list due to outdated prices, outdated delivery conditions, due to the fact that the goods on order are displayed as in stock.
  • Watermarked images. Take the time to find product photos without watermarks - it's better for your buyers in the first place. You can also take photos of the products yourself. We wrote an article about .
  • The "delivery-options" parameter is missing delivery information. If you leave this parameter blank, the default delivery time is 2 days. And even if you deliver the goods on the same day, the user who needs urgent delivery will not see your store in the search.
  • Orders are processed slowly. If you decide to upload products to Yandex.Market and sell them there, work with your sales managers to see how quickly they process orders. The Yandex.Market Quality Control Service may come to you with a test order. And, if she thinks that you handled it badly, the store will be downgraded.

Do you need Yandex.Market for stores: we draw conclusions

For many start-up entrepreneurs, registration on Yandex.Market is a great opportunity and a way to the wallets of thousands of customers. For those who have already more or less mastered the expanses of Internet commerce, these are restrictions, strict rules and the constant expectation that your store will be turned off for some subjective reasons.

If you decide to register on Yandex.Market, we wish you patience. This is not the easiest way to advance, you do not need to make it the main one and have high hopes. After all, you started your own business, partly because you don't like being controlled. So why make your brainchild too dependent on a third-party service?

Good luck and high sales!

Yandex.Market is a service for searching and buying goods, launched by Yandex in 2000.

Yandex.Market in numbers:

20 thousand Russian and foreign online stores,

20 million visitors per month

· 100 million offers.

On the Yandex.Market website, users can:

· Search for specific products,

・Selection of goods according to the given characteristics,

· Compare selected products,

Place an order directly on the product card page,

Leave and view product reviews,

· Postpone products and save in special lists.

How to find and select a product on Yandex.Market

· The course "How to connect to the Yandex.Market service" will tell you how to correctly compose a price list and connect an online store to Yandex.Market.

· The Yandex.Market Fundamentals course will tell you how to work with a price list, how to set up delivery and pickup, and how to pass quality control checks.

· The course "How to increase the effectiveness of placing on Yandex.Market" will tell you how to attract users' attention to product offers and increase store sales using commissions, rates, ratings, working with reviews, etc.

Contextual advertising is shown to users whose interests are known to the advertiser in advance. Interest is attempted to be estimated based on data about search queries, content of visited sites, user profile, and the like. They try to show ads in those places where users come - on search, on sites. The purpose of the advertiser is, of course, the sale of goods. Let's try to evaluate the interests of people based on their behavior.

What can be said about the purpose of a person who has entered a bakery? An astute reader will probably notice that a person wants to buy bread. Bingo, we think so too! What if he then went to the liquor store? What for? Ruthless logic leaves us no choice - probably wants to buy wine. So he turned towards the tobacco shop, what did he need there?! .. And here we, together with the reader, are likely to guess.

Let's continue the discussion. What does a person need who has entered a large shopping center where millions of different goods are sold? In this case, only Sherlock Holmes can guess a specific product, but our “deduction” is enough to guess that the visitor is going to buy something.

So we "discovered" another principle of organizing an advertising service. Instead of looking for sites where users go and placing ads there, you can create a place where people will come who are known in advance that they want to buy something, and offer these users to advertisers, sellers. Most one-stop shopping malls are organized like this - the goods inside do not belong to the owner of the mall. They belong to the owners of small shops, who rent retail space in the building of the center. The cost of renting depends on how successful the mall is in supplying tenants with what they need most - visitors who come with the intention of buying something. It looks a lot like "advertising context", right? ..

The same principle is used on the Internet, the largest and most successful "universal shopping center" is Yandex.Market - market.yandex.ru.

Yandex.Market is a system for selecting a variety of goods and places to buy them, or a product search engine. As of January 21, 2011, Yandex.Market visitors were offered a choice of 16,014,764 products belonging to 5,051 stores in different cities of Russia and other countries. It is physically impossible to view such a volume of data, therefore, users have convenient options for quickly finding the right product and additional information, which allows them to make a reasonable, informed decision about its purchase.

According to Yandex statistics, the average daily audience of the service on weekdays in 2010 was about 700,000 visitors. According to research by TNS Gallup Media, the audience of the project is people who plan to make a purchase in the near future. Among the visitors, the percentage of men aged 25-34 is quite high.

  • "Phones";
  • "Electronics and Photo";
  • "Appliances"
  • "Computers";
  • "Tires".

"Yandex.Market" is not the only product search engine in Runet. Direct competitors - Rambler.Pokupki, [email protected], Price.ru. These are also large projects, but each of them is inferior to Market in size.

So, people come to Yandex.Market to find and buy the right products, and the service provides them with convenient search tools. Who and how can "rent space" in this shopping center? The answer is obvious - online shopping. Stores post information about their products in Yandex.Market. At the same time, the cost of "rent" is calculated based on the standard unit of measurement for contextual advertising, it depends on the number of visitors who went to the advertiser's store from Yandex.Market pages. The advertiser pays for each such visitor.

Possibilities of Yandex.Market for the buyer

Let's talk about the features of the "Market" for ordinary visitors. The advertiser must know all the subtleties in order to get the most out of placement on the Market.

We list the places where a potential buyer can see the offers of your store:

  1. Showing the offer on the "Market":
  • in search.
  • in the product catalog.
  • in the store list.
  • in the list of manufacturers.
  1. Showing the offer in the Yandex Big Search, both in the "Market" block and in special placement.
  2. Showing an offer in the "Market" block in Yandex.Catalogue.
  3. Showing the offer in the "Market" block when searching for Blogs.
  4. Displaying an offer on the websites of the Yandex Advertising Network.

Search by "Market"

In the search form, visitors often enter queries corresponding to the name of the product, brand. All of them can be transactional, i.e. the user is looking for the product. The Market search algorithm is similar to the Big Search, but with limited features. By default, ranking occurs by relevance, in addition, there is a ranking by availability and price, as well as by price only.

Relevance ranking in the Market search results is influenced by the following factors:

  • the exact occurrence of keywords in the title and description of the product;
  • request region (offers from shops from a specific city have priority)

Offers that match these items are shown in random order.

When ranking by availability and price, cheaper offers that are in stock are ranked higher.

When ranking only by price, just the most inexpensive products are ranked higher.

For a particular user, the ranking may depend on the ratings that he gave to the stores. That is, if he put the store in "unloved", then he will not see offers from this store. However, other users' search results will not be affected by their ratings.

The user has the opportunity to use refinement filters when searching: “price from / to”, “grouping by stores / products”, “payment method”, “in stock / on order”, etc.


The Market catalog is a powerful, extremely convenient, well-thought-out, structured database of offers from all stores. The Product Catalog contains:

  • thematic list of headings and subheadings;
  • the ability to choose from multiple options;
  • a graph of changes in the average price for the selected product model;
  • the ability to compare products according to various characteristics;
  • intelligent service "Guru", which asks the buyer leading queries and makes a selection of the necessary
  • precisely to him proposals;
  • “Ready Recipes” service, a kind of add-on to the “Guru” service, where the ultimate goal of the buyer is formulated;
  • novelties and popular products, where new or popular products are presented;
  • popular categories, showing the most visited sections in terms of seasonality and general interest;
  • catalog of manufacturers in alphabetical order.

In addition, on the Market site, the buyer encounters extremely interesting opportunities for obtaining additional information about products, such as:

  • reviews. Here users exchange opinions about products;
  • shopping list. A single centralized basket, where the user can put the goods selected on the "Market";
  • product notes;
  • favorite stores, quality ratings and reviews. With the help of the "Favorite Stores" tool, the buyer adjusts the algorithm for selecting goods for himself, and with the help of the "Ratings" and "Reviews" services, he allows other buyers to find out about the level of a particular store;
  • personal settings, where the visitor can change the offer region, currency, show/disable images, etc.;
  • glossary of terms, help.

As you can see, the service developers have taken care of almost everything.

The main conclusions that an advertiser should make for himself, the owner of a store that is hosted on Yandex.Market.

  • It is necessary to make sure that the offers of your store are shown with almost any filters, whether it is a payment method, cheapness of goods, availability.
  • The range of products offered should be as large and varied as possible.
  • It is necessary to provide the "Market" with detailed and honest information about the product.
  • It is very important to monitor the ratings and reviews of the store and improve the level of service.

How to connect your store to Yandex.Market

The first step is to determine if your store meets the requirements of the system. Let's list them.

  1. It should be possible to order online.
  2. A detailed description of the payment methods for the goods is required.
  3. It is important to have a detailed description of the methods and cost of delivery.
  4. Contacts (at least a phone number) must be published.
  5. It is necessary to publish information about the seller (name, legal address, OGRN).
  6. It is important to have a product page for each product name, this page should contain a description and price of the product, an image of the product, and a shopping cart.
  7. The title and description must match the actual product.
  8. Product offers must be written correctly and without typos.
  9. The site and all its pages must be in working order during the entire period of placement on the Market.
  10. All goods presented in the store must comply with all laws and regulations adopted in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  11. Goods must be new, "Market" does not work with used products.
  12. Only retail offers of goods are accepted for placement.
  13. All taxes must be included in the final price.
  14. The status "in stock" should mean that the online store is ready to immediately deliver the goods to the buyer.
  15. The status "to order" should mean that the online store is ready to deliver the goods on the specified conditions within the terms agreed in advance (usually within a month).
  16. The store must not be a clone of another store connected to the Market. It is not allowed to place in the system several stores offering goods in one region, with a significant similarity of the range of goods.

As part of product offers are not allowed:

  • words in capital letters. The exception is abbreviations consisting of the initial letters of abbreviated words (“USB”, “GPS”, etc.);
  • phone numbers, addresses, e-mail, icq or other messengers (including the placement of this information on the transmitted product images);
  • html tags;
  • the use of terms in superlatives, including by using the words "most", "only", "best", "absolute", "only" and the like, if they cannot be documented;
    indication of delivery information in the name and / or description;
  • the use of words that are not related to the name of the product (except for determining the color, size, configuration or configuration);
  • use in the description of information that is not related to the product;
  • the use of words not accepted for placement: “discount, sale, cheap, gift (except for gift categories), free of charge, promotion, guarantee, official delivery, special price, novelty, new, analogue, order”.
  • the use of enumerations and different spellings of goods in the name of one product offer;
  • publication of identical proposals, including those differing in spelling;
  • publication of the same goods placed in different categories.

YML file and connection procedure

In order for Yandex to index the products of your online store, you need to create a script that, when called, uploads data from your database to a YML (Yandex Market Language) file containing descriptions of your products, their prices and links to the "product page" in your store .

“Product page” is a description of one product offer with a picture, price and a “buy” or “add to cart” button. Each product in your store should have its own page with a unique URL. The script URL must be published in a predetermined location on your server and be available via FTP or HTTP. Technical information on generating a YML file is available at partner.market.yandex.ru/legal/tt/index.xml

The procedure for connecting a store to Yandex.Market is as follows.

  1. Create a YML file with product descriptions.
  2. Host the script on your server.
  3. Log in to the service.
  4. Specify contact information.
  5. Indicate to the "Market" robot where the YML file is located.
  6. Provide detailed information about the store.
  7. Go through manual moderation to ensure that your store meets the requirements of the service.
  8. You get access to the interface where you independently issue an invoice for prepayment.
  9. After the receipt of money on the balance, the store "turns on". This usually happens within a day.

You can read more about the connection procedure on the official website - http://help.yandex.ru/partnermarket/?id=1111394

What is useful to know in advance

Below are the features that will be useful to the advertiser at the placement stage.

  • The store is “turned on” on a prepaid basis.
  • After paying the bill, the money goes to the balance of the store and is spent on clicks.
  • 1 click costs 3 rubles.
  • There is no subscription fee.
  • The recommended amount of the first invoice for prepayment is approximately 3000-6000 rubles.
  • The minimum payment amount is approximately 300 rubles ($10).
  • Thereafter, you bill (yourself) for whatever amounts you see fit for your campaign.

Let's list the advantages and disadvantages of Yandex.Market.

  • Given the current situation in Runet, Market is, in fact, the only effective and understandable tool for a small online store. Competitors are not so strong yet and cannot give the same return.
  • The cost of contact with a client for this tool is comparable (and often even lower) to the cost of other online advertising tools, such as contextual advertising, search engine optimization.
  • The "Market" has a fixed fee for the transition, which does not depend on the actions of competitors.
  • In the "Market" there is a tough fight against "clicking" and other unscrupulous actions on the part of advertisers.
  • The Market has tools to meet the needs of regional online stores.
  • The need for preliminary development of a special software module that connects to your site
  • Acquisition of clicks, albeit not expensive, but not guaranteeing buyers.
  • There is no way to accurately predict costs and returns.

Where to show your ads using Yandex.Market

With basic settings, you show your offers to a limited number of customers on an equal basis with other participating stores. No additional effort is required. And if there is a need to reach the maximum audience?

Priority Accommodation

There is a priority placement service in the Market. It connects in addition to the usual placement. Priority placement is an opportunity to place your offer above the offers of other stores. This placement allows you to increase the number of visits by 2-4 times, but the price of the transition increases by 2-5 times.

The price increases due to the presence of an auction (there is a limit on the cost of a click of 1 c.u.). And the volume of traffic increases due to the fact that products are shown not only directly in the Market, but also in the Big Search, Yandex.Catalog and blog searches.

The priority of showing offers can be set in the "Market" block - on the right side of the main Yandex search. It can also be set in a block located in the Yandex Advertising Network. In addition, it is possible to set the priority in Yandex.Market itself on the Model Card page and on the All Prices page.

The order in which offers appear depends on the CPC you select. Offers with higher CPCs are displayed higher. For blocks and cards, the possibility of separate control of the cost of a click is provided.

You can assign a cost per click by adding it to the YML file that is sent by the store to Yandex.Market for placing offers. This method allows you to assign a different cost per click to different products.

It is also possible to set a single CPC for all products through the "Partner of the Market" web interface partner.market.yandex.ru/

At the end of 2007, a new tool, Autobroker, appeared in the Market - a system for automatically optimizing CPC. Before the advent of Autobroker, you had to manually monitor the rates of competitors and, depending on them, make your own. With Autobroker, routine operations have been reduced. The tool automatically reduces your bid, assigning the minimum sufficient CPC each time a product offer is shown to ensure that the offer is in the best possible position, taking into account the bids of competitors and the buyer's region. Now, for the effective sale of goods on the Market, it is enough to specify the maximum price that you are willing to pay for the transition of an interested user and at the same time not overpay for it. The included "Autobroker" will work simultaneously on all places of priority placement.

Let us dwell in more detail on the types of priority placement.

Page "All prices"

The "All prices" page displays product offers automatically associated with a specific product model. The page is intended for buyers who have already decided on the choice of a product and at the moment want to choose a store. Most buyers come to sellers from this page.

The priority on the "All prices" page works as follows: all product offers are sorted by default in descending order of CPC, taking into account the region of the buyer and the availability of the product in the store. If the buyer has applied a sorting that is different from the default sorting, then the cost per click will be equal to the fixed cost per click.

Model Card Page

The model card is a page with detailed information about the product. All product offers automatically correlated by the Market with this model card can go to the "Model Card" page. At the same time, up to 5 product offers can be shown to the buyer at the same time. Offers are sorted in descending order of cost per click, taking into account the region of the buyer and the availability of goods at the store.

Market block on Yandex search

Market offers, depending on the user's request, can be displayed in the general Yandex search on the right, together with or instead of Direct ads.

When displaying a product offer in the Market block, the following factors are taken into account.

Region. Regional stores have priority over federal ones.
Rates. Upon request, regional product offers participating in the auction are shown first. If there are no bids (or there are bids, but not for all five places in the block), then regional offers without bids are displayed (then - offers from federal stores with bids, etc.).

Yandex special placement

Market's offers can compete with Direct's ads and get into special placement. This happens if the set price for displaying a product offer is higher than the ad bid from Yandex.Direct. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the maximum cost per click for the "Market" is not more than 1 c.u.

Showing the offer on the websites of the Yandex Advertising Network

If you wish, it is possible to show your products on the thematic sites of YAN. Market ads on YAN sites are shown by exact match, and not by the occurrence of a word, as is done with Direct ads. The cost of a click when placed on a thematic platform does not differ from the cost of a click on the Market itself.

Showing an offer in the "Market" block in "Yandex.Catalog"

The "Market" block is shown in the search results for "Yandex.Catalog" for product queries. This opportunity is definitely worth taking advantage of.

Showing an offer in the "Market" block in "Yandex.Blogs"

The "Market" block is shown in the search results in "Yandex.Blogs" when trying to find a product query. This is also a useful tool for store owners.

What is prohibited in Yandex.Market

The creators of the "Market" are actively fighting against all sorts of manipulations on their service. The store owner must understand that moderators know almost everything about cheating.

Among the problems are the following.

  1. "Clicking" competitors. The Market has quite powerful algorithms for combating click fraud. Each store can use the client's web interface to view its statistics, including idle clicks that were filtered by the system and not counted.
  2. Displaying goods at reduced prices. To combat this type of cheating, feedback and calls to stores are used by Market managers.
  3. Displaying items that are not in stock. To combat this type of cheating, feedback and calling stores by Market managers are also used.
  4. Cheat internal factors on the side of the YML script. Moderators of the "Market" are struggling with uploading a list of keywords to product offers and other tricks listed in paragraph 3.1.17 of this chapter.
  5. The use of programs for uploading data from competing stores for specific requests for a quick analysis of competitors' prices. Now the developers of the Market have practically closed access to the service to suspicious robots.
  6. "Grabbing" of content, namely the use in your store of the characteristics of goods unloaded from Yandex.Market. So far, it is unclear whether the representatives of the "Market" are struggling with these tricks. But one thing is clear: a carefully collected database of product characteristics is the unique property of Yandex, and you can use it only with the permission of the owners of this search engine.
  7. Cloning product cards. The placement of products with the same name on the Market is considered spam, and this is carefully monitored. If the products are different, then you need to indicate a distinctive feature in the name, for example, Nokia 8800 Sirocco Edition and Nokia 8800 Sirocco Gold. The same rule applies, say, to products that differ only in color.

To summarize these tricks, we can make an unambiguous conclusion: it is better to work honestly, value reputation and partnerships with Market. And then the influx of customers to your store will never end.

Yandex.Market for regional stores

Yandex.Marker has long been primarily a service for Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents. Today, developers are trying to change the situation by providing the opportunity to successfully work with the service for the owners of regional online stores.

A number of important changes have been made.

  • Added geotargeting capability. Participants' offers were shown only to users from the region in which the store is located. The cost of contact due to cutting off the non-target audience has dropped sharply.
  • There was a priority at a conclusion of offers. For users of the main Yandex search and the Market search, the offers of regional stores began to appear higher than the offers of stores with nationwide delivery.

Thus, the Market has become a very convenient tool for attracting customers to regional online stores.

Can returns and costs be predicted?

What to do if you need to draw up a media plan, i.e. plan expenses and returns in the "Market"? From experience, it is practically impossible to accurately predict the return on placing a store in the Market based on the placement statistics of other stores, since statistics for different stores usually differ greatly from each other. At the same time, no facilitating tools for forecasts will appear in the near future.

True, it is worth noting that if it is profitable for the store to be placed on the Market, then this becomes clear almost immediately, and he continues cooperation. That is, placing a store on the "Market" is most often not a one-time, time-limited advertising campaign, but a long-term cooperation.

What niches does Yandex.Market work in?

For example, there is an opinion in communities that, subject to all the rules and subtleties, as well as at low prices, phones, computers, cameras and other electronics are excellently sold through the Market.

Books are harder to sell, even though Yandex deliberately lowered the cost per click in this topic. Discs, food, drinks, tobacco, pet products are even more difficult.

Services are almost non-existent. At one time, Yandex even closed Yandex.Vacation, which worked on the principle of the Market and offered travel packages. It turned out that the tour is an object that is almost not amenable to standardization.

Cost Forecast

Try running a trial campaign in the Market, on the first day you will receive a certain number of clicks.

Assuming the number of visitors per month and knowing that the fixed price per visitor in the "Market" is 3 rubles (and for a priority placement a maximum of 1 USD), we can roughly assume the level of expenses.

Usually this is at least 1,000 rubles, and on average about 25,000 rubles for a store with an average range of goods. Some stores spend many times more on placement in the Market, as they are interested in maximum audience coverage.


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