Where to look for a copywriter. Where to look for orders for copywriters? Professional copywriter in personal communication

The ideal copywriter is not a philologist with five honors diplomas. The ideal copywriter is the one you need: an expert on the topics of your sites, writing in a language accessible to your target audience and at your price.

How and where to find a freelance copywriter?

The eTXT content exchange offers five main guidelines that will help in choosing a copywriter for fruitful cooperation.

First landmark. Do you know exactly who you need?

Copywriters are selected according to the theme and needs of the site. The characteristics of your resource determine who you need: an expert or a polymath, a fast-writing author or an analyst, a permanent employee or a performer for one-time cooperation.

Order perfect copywriting from the best authors of the exchange

291 / 0

314 / 1

283 / 1

148 / 0

1. If you have a niche site, you definitely need an expert. Authored articles will help you become an authority in the field and win clients. Cooperation should be long-term; only with regular copywriters can you give your site a unique style.

According to the results of Exchange surveys, 83% of customers prefer constant cooperation. Even if they work with dozens of artists at the same time, several copywriters are permanent.

2. If you have a multi-page information portal (article or news), then one expert is not enough. Inevitably, there will be a need for copywriters who can write on various topics quickly and interestingly.

In order not to create orders of the same type, place a multi-order once - this is a task that hundreds of authors can take on at the same time and give you unique materials. You can also save an order template in the eTXT system and use it regularly for new tasks.

3. For serious resources that prefer to independently search for and test authors, there is an opportunity to add it to your own website. The API will help simplify the transaction process between the copywriter and the customer, and all workflows will take place on your website.

Landmark two. How much to pay an ideal copywriter?

Copywriters are ordinary people who want fair pay for their work. If you pay too little, then there is a risk of missing out on “your” expert, who simply will not apply for your order because the price will not attract him.

What determine the prices for orders?

1. Topic: the narrower and more complex the niche, the more expensive copywriting is. Average prices on the eTXT Exchange for 1000 characters depending on topics:

2. Style: the price per 1000 characters in different genres can also vary greatly:

At the intersection of style and theme, the price per 1000 characters is formed. You need to understand that the average rate for an experienced author is at least 100 rubles per 1000 characters of text. Newbies charge much less. However, such dependence is not always direct and unconditional. For example, an experienced Contractor can offer discounts on its services to attract new Customers.

Landmark three. Where to look when choosing?

Having received requests for a task, experienced Customers first evaluate the profiles. The author's profile is his personal page with detailed statistics of his work and a description of his experience. What to look for before approving your application:

1. Reviews. The number of positive and negative reviews about the author’s work, their content. We should not forget that people willingly leave negative reviews, but sometimes they are too lazy to write positive ones.

2. Rating. The rating does not reflect the total professional experience, but the length and intensity of the Contractor’s work on the Exchange. Therefore, you should not immediately dismiss a copywriter with insufficiently high statistics. Take a closer look, because the author could have started working with the service relatively recently, while having extensive experience working in other places.

3. White and black lists, to which the author is added. Adding to the white list means that the Customer liked the Contractor, and the latter wants to cooperate with him regularly. At the same time, be skeptical about the presence of blacklists. If the author does not have a good relationship with a particular employer, this does not mean that you will not like his work.

4. Literacy. On the eTXT Exchange, all Contractors can take a literacy test to prove their professionalism. Please note that test results are displayed on the author's profile. A result of 80–90% is acceptable.

5. Qualification. Each author performs a test to test his ability to write in a specific genre (copywriting, rewriting, SEO copywriting). When choosing an application, pay attention to the number of “stars” (skill) in the appropriate writing technique.

Lifehacks from experienced Customers:

Landmark four. Portfolio

When hiring, as a rule, they always pay attention to their resume, work experience and portfolio. But the Exchange often forgets about this. However, every author has the opportunity to add articles to his portfolio, but not everyone uses this - this can already become an indicator when choosing.

Portfolios are presentation works that were performed for previous clients; they are presented as an example of the author’s skill.

The “Portfolio” tab is in the profiles of all authors, pay attention to it:

As a rule, these are the best articles, so the likelihood that a copywriter will write 100 times better for you is small.

A competent copywriter adds texts on different topics and in different styles to the portfolio. This allows you to show your skills from all sides and find more customers.

Fifth landmark. Application and communication in private

Pay attention to the comment with which the author submits the application for fulfillment of the order.

For example, an order on the topic “Soundproofing the ceiling”:

Who do you think is better to give the order to?

Professional copywriter in personal communication:

  • does not overuse quality (good, fast, inexpensive) adjectives and introductory words unnecessarily,
  • complies with business ethics,
  • makes it clear that he has carefully read the task, and did not just “submit an application”,
  • indicates the areas of work in which he is most competent.

The contractor can write that he has experience in copywriting in the area of ​​interest to you. If similar works are not presented in the profile, ask the author to show them privately (personal messages on the eTXT Exchange).

Choose your copywriters wisely. Tens of thousands of performers are active on the eTXT Exchange. This makes it possible to choose the most suitable copywriter, whose work matches your goals, objectives, line of business, target audience and budget.

And remember - in the 21st century there is never too much content. Good luck!

And I’m not talking about those “businessmen” who shout at the stock exchange: “I’m looking for a copywriter with experience and bells.” And then it turns out that they need authors for 5 rubles per bunch. I'm talking about those who are willing to pay decent rates. Especially for the bells :)

Are you surprised that generous customers haven’t been snatched up yet? Let's figure it out.

Why does someone endlessly complain that there are no clients, that they pay pennies? There would be enough for a phone...

At the same time, a huge number of businessmen are endlessly searching for a copywriter, whom they are willing to pay a lot.

Clients are ready to shower the copywriter with gold

There are also copywriters who are constantly busy. Or they can occupy themselves literally at the moment if they haven’t worked for some time.

The fact is that the areas of interest of businessmen, copywriters-as-everyone and copywriters-experts intersect in a special way →

Businessmen overlap with both categories of copywriters. And then - depending on your luck. For some, the search for a copywriter will result in successful cooperation with a good specialist. Someone will come across a copywriter who simply writes texts and does not solve the client’s problems.

And, of course, the chances of finding an expert copywriter less than to meet a not very good copywriter.

It's simple.

There are fewer expert copywriters. But the other category, ordinary (lucky, if not bad) copywriters, is much more numerous. And, as you can see, many copywriters barely touch each other.

Because only a small percentage moves from the category of copywriters-as-everyone into the category of professionals. Although some know how to disguise themselves as specialists, and then the search for professional freelancers turns into an exciting quest.

I'm looking for a copywriter - a good specialist. How to calculate it?

Finding freelancers, not just copywriters, is a complex science. Often there are non-professionals who know how to show off, but that’s all.

But experts are rare specimens (take care of them 🙂). They are different from all other players in the web freelance market.

The most important difference →

A professional copywriter is constantly learning

Learns to write texts. Improves his skills. Mastering something new. Ask a copywriter from the exchange if he knows how to write landing pages and make prototypes for them. Unlikely.

And if suddenly he can, then most likely the expert was passing by by chance :)) check the uniqueness or exchange a few words with friends in the chat.

Friends who continue to hang out on copywriting exchanges still periodically ask: are you still learning something? And they add: good for you, but I have to work, I have no time to study.

Here is the root of the problem:

You may not study, work, but not earn money.

Or you can learn and earn money 😉

After all, I also work. I'm just looking for extra time to study. AND I increase my level and earnings.

And this is what all successful copywriters do.

Natalya Karya, Natalya Volnaya, me, Stasya Sher - we study regularly. And free, and paid, and for days, and sometimes at night)))

The result of the study is obvious:

We are not looking for clients. But a client in search of a good copywriter often finds us.

Here's another distinctive feature →

An expert copywriter is constantly busy

In fact, that's how it is. There is no such thing in the life of an expert that he does not have to work. It's no joke, customers are waiting!

Dead seasons and crises are an empty phrase for a high-level specialist.

And the fact that an expert copywriter has no customers says only one thing: he is busy with something interesting!

Developing his project. I threw myself headlong into the partnership project. Busy with the birth and raising of a child... :)))

Usually there is a queue to see the professionals.

Here he is, the copywriter of your dreams!

Including when they return to active work after a break. For example, as soon as I informed several of my clients that I had decided to partially return from maternity leave, I immediately received orders for a couple of texts for landing pages.

By the way, from my own experience and the experience of our students, I will say: the queue for a copywriter grows 2-3 times when you go to study for a new training or course.

Don't have any clients? It's definitely time for you to go study! 🙂

And, of course, one more property →

A successful copywriter values ​​his time

And does not respond to advertisements with subtext:

Attention! I’m looking for a copywriter who doesn’t sleep or eat, and can write well...

Because, most likely, nothing good can be expected from such a vacancy. They pay little and are driven like a horse.

It would never occur to in-demand copywriters to pay attention to such a client. Moreover, quite often experts refuse very profitable offers. Because they want to have something else in their life besides work.

You may already know that we at AIC have created a chat for copywriters and customers.

Do you know what situation we have been observing since the creation of the chat?

Most of the clients' suggestions remain unanswered...

Our students quickly become sought-after professionals and most often begin to receive offers through word of mouth, as a result of which they find themselves inundated with orders.

And this, of course, is another distinctive feature →

A good copywriter knows how to work :)

And it would be strange if it were otherwise.

After all, before working well, a specialist studies well. And now I’m not talking about grades, but about the quality of the knowledge received 😉 And its versatility.

Because to make high earnings from writing articles you need a lot of knowledge. And you and I have already discussed this issue several times.

We, the Academy coaches, have also walked this path, and our successful colleagues and students also walk this path.

To make it easier for you to take the first step towards becoming an expert copywriter, we have prepared a book about the 5 components of success as a copywriter

Do you also want to be on the same floor with copywriters who:

  • they work not for food, but for decent money
  • achieved success and became experts for their customers
  • “build” clients and queues of them
  • relax when you want, and don’t work too hard?

Go to... the Academy :)

Study, study and study many more times!

“But, let me ask...” →

Where to start, what to learn?

At Open Days, we will tell you what we have learned ourselves and what we recommend that you, our students, learn in order to achieve success as quickly as possible. And forget, like a bad dream, working for pennies on web freelance exchanges.

Receive your invitation to the event and find out what and how our Academy can help you in conquering career heights →

Take the first step in your copywriting career

Anna Tkacheva

03.10.2017 22:45

visibility 329

We have compiled a list of sites where you can find a copywriter for one-time and long-term projects. We offer freelance and content exchanges, copywriting studios, job sites, social media groups and Telegram channels.

Exchange Glavred

Freelance exchanges


Features: content costs from 20 rubles. for 1000 characters. They publish projects, vacancies and competitions. A standard project to search for a performer is free. Competitions and vacancies are paid. In order not to take risks, you can work with a copywriter through the “Safe Transaction” service. The exchange takes a commission from the customer: 10–15%. If disputes arise, the parties turn to arbitration. There are free and paid accounts. .

How to find a copywriter:

    Go to your profile and click “Publish project"

    Please indicate your position

    Describe the task

    Select your specialization


Features: online services store for 500 rubles - the performers themselves assign the amount of work for this money. Specializations: texts and translations, IT, marketing, SEO. To find an artist for a project, register. The service will return the money to the customer if the service is provided poorly. Arbitration helps resolve disputes.

How to find a copywriter:

  1. Work-zilla.com

    Features: content cost from 100 rubles. for 1000 characters. Orders and vacancies are placed in the categories: texts, advertising, design, layout. They work on the exchange only through a secure transaction. There is a rating system: when selecting candidates for a project, the exchange gives preference to copywriters with a high rating.

    How to find a copywriter:

      Click the "Give a task" button

      Describe the task

      Publish your project

      Interested candidates will respond to the project

    Work-zilla will freeze the money in the customer's account and pay the contractor after the work is completed. Read how the service works in the “Help” section.

    More freelance exchanges:


    Features: content cost from 25 rubles. for 1000 characters. On the exchange they buy ready-made articles and place projects - for each transaction they take a 5% commission from each side. Additional tools: text correction, uniqueness check (22 online checks per day are free, the rest are paid), text comparison when checking the quality of rewriting.

    How to find a copywriter:

    1. Advego.ru

      Features: content cost from 15 rubles. for 1000 characters. The exchange will take 10% of the cost from each order. Money will be debited from the customer’s account after receiving the finished order: modifications - an unlimited number of times and free of charge. Additional service tools: uniqueness check, spell check, SEO analysis. 24/7 support.

      How to find a copywriter:

        Register and click on “New order"

        Describe the scope of work, time and cost

        Click the "Run" button

      More content exchanges:


      Features: the studio belongs to Denis Kaplunov, author of the books “Copywriting of Mass Destruction”, “Effective Commercial Proposal”, “Book of Copywriter’s Treasures”, “Business Copywriting”. The studio employs hired authors, but the texts are written according to Denis’s method. Price: from $150.


      Features: write articles for information resources, business projects and bloggers. They offer comprehensive website content. They work with individuals and legal entities. Price: from 600 rub. for the article.

      More content creation studios:

      WordFactory content studio conducted a study during which 100 SEO experts were surveyed. Respondents were asked to talk about their experience of working with copywriters. Conclusions: spend time today searching for “your” author or studio in order to receive texts on time tomorrow.


      To find performers, register on the forum and post an ad. If it is inconvenient to go to the forum every day to check messages, leave your contacts for communication.

With the development of business on the Internet, the services of copywriters are becoming increasingly in demand. A pressing question for entrepreneurs is: how to quickly find a copywriter or web writer and get good texts relatively inexpensively. Difficulties arise when the customer is looking for a freelancer for the first time. In this article I will tell you where to find a copywriter for a website and look at the features of different online platforms.

Current resources where you can find a Russian-speaking copywriter:

  • freelance sites,
  • copywriting exchanges,
  • social media,
  • forums,
  • job/employee search sites;
  • personal websites and blogs of copywriters;
  • copywriting agency websites.

Each of these sites can help in finding a specialist.

Freelancing sites

Specialized sites bring together freelancers in different specializations. You can also find copywriters there. Moreover, the level of professionalism of the latter varies from beginners to seasoned pros.

On freelancing sites, each user has his own profile. There you can see information about the author, examples of his work, reviews from other customers and contact information. The advantage of most of these sites is the secure transaction function (optional). It involves the mediation of a website when a customer works with a freelancer and, for a small fee, guarantees the fulfillment of obligations by both parties, excluding the possibility of fraud.

Estimated prices: $1–5 per 1000 characters of text.

The largest freelance sites in RuNet: fl.ru, freelance.ru, weblancer.net.

Copywriting exchanges

Copywriting exchanges work on the same principle as freelance sites. The main difference is the lack of opportunity to contact the performer directly. The customer’s connection with copywriting occurs exclusively through messages on the exchange. It is worth noting that this is very inconvenient.

All transactions on exchanges go through the system approximately in this way: the customer creates a project and deposits money into an internal account; when choosing a contractor, the required amount is blocked on the account and can no longer be used; When the work is received and approved, payment is transferred to the copywriter. Accordingly, the possibility of fraud is excluded.

For customers with a relatively small budget, copywriting exchanges are a good option. But you need to understand that the lower the prices, the greater the likelihood of dealing with a novice author. Unfortunately, not all newcomers turn out to be talented. To be fair, there are real “diamonds”, but they don’t stay in the low price category for long.

Another significant feature of exchanges is that they are aimed primarily at informational SEO articles. If you need effective selling texts, high-quality PR articles and other commercial materials, ordering them on exchanges is not the best solution.

Estimated prices: $0.2–2 per 1000 characters of text.

Popular copywriting exchanges:etxt.ru, text.ru, miratext.ru, turbotext.ru, copylancer.ru, advego.ru, textsale.ru.

Social media

You can find a good copywriter not only on specialized websites, but also on social networks. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Search by pages. Upon corresponding request, the system produces a list of profiles of people who are in one way or another connected with copywriting. Next, all that’s left to do is write messages to suitable users.
  2. Search by communities. It's no secret that many copywriters run groups and public pages on social networks. Moreover, the group often serves as a mini-site for freelancers. This means that you can find a list of services, their prices, portfolio, reviews and other information useful to the customer. After analyzing a number of communities, you will probably be able to select a good author for the project.
  3. View public pages where copywriters live. Freelancers often communicate with each other in thematic groups: they ask questions, give advice, comment, and joke. This is to the benefit of customers, because they can observe the authors from the outside, evaluate their professionalism and spot suitable partners. You can find such communities through the same search. It’s worth paying attention to “live” groups, in which new posts and comments under them appear every day.

Prices for copywriting services vary widely here. Freelancers ask on average from $1–2 per 1000 characters to $8–10 for the same volume. The determining factor is the professionalism of the author and, of course, the task itself.

“Live” publics on VKontakte: Overheard | Copywriting(pod_copy), Copywriters, unite!(forcopywriters), Panda copywriting(textis_ru).


When it comes to where to look for a copywriter for a project, do not forget about thematic forums. They, like communities on social networks, provide an opportunity to observe the author from the outside. On some resources, freelancers have their own presentation topic, which provides information for clients. As a last resort, if no contacts are specified, you can contact the copywriter through personal messages on the forum itself.

The “public” on such sites is very diverse, so the pricing policy here is also ambiguous. Beginners charge about $1–2 per thousand sign, experienced copywriters charge $5 or more.

Forums where you can find copywriters: textis.ru/forum/, searchengines.guru, webmasters.ru/forum/f90/.

Job/employee search sites

Freelancers are forced to look for orders on their own, and they have to do this constantly in order to have a continuous flow of projects. For copywriters, job search sites are a source of clients, and for customers, they are a place where authors’ resumes are collected.

The main advantage of employee search portals is the template resume format. This makes it easier for customers to select and compare candidates for projects. The resume usually indicates not only experience in freelancing, but also previous offline jobs, education, and a contact phone number. However, you will not be able to find a portfolio, reviews, or detailed prices for services here - all this will have to be requested from each copywriter individually.

Popular job search sites: worka.ru, zarplata.ru, jobs.ru, hh.ru.

Personal sites and blogs

Another option for finding a freelancer is a corresponding request in Google or Yandex. Where can you find a copywriter for a website, if not on his own resource? Here all the advantages and disadvantages of the author are revealed to the customer’s eyes. After all, copywriters usually write texts for their pages themselves.

The advantage of personal websites is that they provide all the information the client needs: examples of work, prices, contact information, and feedback. And the resource itself, especially if it includes a blog, is a complete portfolio.

Prices on copywriting sites are often higher than on general sites. This is due, as a rule, to the higher professional level of the authors. Good specialists charge an average of $5 per 1000 characters of text for their services. But there are also sites with frankly low prices (about $0.5–$1 per 1000 characters). Whether you should trust them if you need quality material is up to you to decide.

Copywriting agency websites

Another option to find a contractor for a project is to contact a copywriting studio. They can also be found in search engines using the corresponding query. Just like freelancers' personal websites, agency websites provide clients with all the information they need. This is the optimal solution for those who need to receive a large amount of text in a short time. The studios employ several authors, so they implement large-scale tasks without problems.

The disadvantage of agencies is that the customer cannot know in advance who will work on the project and what professional level the contractor has. The exception is well-known studios in which authors undergo serious selection.

The prices in copywriting agencies are similar to those of freelancers and on average are at the level of $3–5 per 1000 characters.

Now you know where to find a good copywriter. In the next article I will tell you what criteria are recommended for choosing a writer and how to work correctly with a remote employee.

(7 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Good afternoon to all those who are now reading this article. Today I will share practical information that every webmaster should know. But is this really so? It seems that everything is clear: you go to and find there. It also seemed to me that I knew everything, that everything was very simple. However, my first few attempts were unsuccessful.

First, I found a copywriter who kept putting off my assignments until later. Then I found a copywriter who wrote with errors, and then there was a copywriter who wrote: “just to write.” It began to seem to me that I would never be able to find such a person who would do his job well. But at one fine moment, I finally found a responsible performer who does his job in a way that I thought no one would ever do. Ugh, ugh, ugh :)

So, I tell you all the basic information in this video:

I’m not going to throw off hundreds with a screenshot with arrows where you need to click. If you have reached the level where you need your own copywriter, then you already know how to perform such simple operations as registration.

After watching the video, or rather while watching it, you will find out that the site where you can find a copywriter is located at this address:.

I’m also sending off the promised template with technical specifications:

Requirements for the article:

  1. Primary key;
  2. Additional keys;
  3. Additional keys;
  4. And so on…

It is advisable to use the main key at the beginning of the article. In the first paragraph. It cannot be inclined and the words in it cannot be swapped. It can only be used once in the text.

Keywords need to be distributed throughout the text. You shouldn't put them all in a row. You shouldn't put them all in the headings. Add. the keys can be tilted.

  • Check the article for errors here: tech.yandex.ru/speller;
  • Uniqueness according to ETXT and Advego is not lower than 95%;
  • Academic Nausea according to Advego no more than 7.5%, nausea according to the word no more than 2.5%.

What advice can you give? Do any readers have this experience? If there is, then write in the comments, I’m very interested. Yes, probably not only for me, but also for many readers.

Actually, that's all for me. Duma, now you know how to find a good copywriter. I sincerely hope that the material was useful to many. See you in the next articles.

Best regards, Sergey Ivanisov.

The first 9 attempts ended in failure, but the 10th one paid off the previous nine


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