Selling shawarma is a profitable business. Shawarma trading - some tips for starting a business How much does a shawarma tent bring?

Greetings. My name is Mark Kolchin, I am 27 years old. I live in the city of Krasnodar. I organized a business selling shawarma and will tell you in detail how I did it.

How I started and where I got the money

I considered several types of activities, but it turned out that I was familiar with the work of a cook.

I worked in my profession for several years, was a sushi chef, made shawarma, worked in a restaurant.

I knew this type of activity well, and therefore decided to invest money in organizing a fast food outlet.

The percentage of markups on finished products in this industry is very high and business profitability ranges from 150 to 300%.

I decided to open a point selling shawarma, since this product is in high demand among consumers.

To organize this business, I needed at least 200,000 rubles. I had almost no savings, and I decided to apply for a loan from different banks.

Several lending institutions approved my application. Of all the banks, I chose the one that had the lowest interest rate and monthly payment.

I took 250,000 rubles at 13.9% per annum for one year. My monthly payment is 22,435 rubles.

Selecting a location

To organize good trade, you need a passageway. Since I had a small amount of money to organize a business, I needed a ready-made place where I could immediately install the equipment and start working.

I had several options to choose from when renting a place:

  • city ​​shopping centers
  • free premises located near universities, colleges, and schools.
  • stopping complexes
  • city ​​markets
  • stalls in densely populated areas of the city

I chose a place at a bus stop, near a shopping center under construction. I will briefly explain the reasons why I had to abandon the other above options.

There is a lot of competition in shopping centers, and in order for customers to notice my outlet, I would have to invest a lot of money on beautiful, expensive equipment.

Retail outlets near educational institutions operate seasonally. Trade there depends on the salaries of the students' parents. In such places, business development stops at a certain stage.

City markets are overcrowded with such places, and I was unable to find a free place to rent a retail outlet in a walk-through location.

In densely populated or residential areas of the city, such a business should be organized along with the sale of draft beer. The amount I had at that time did not allow me to organize an additional business selling draft beer.

I stopped at a bus stop where a room of 17 square meters was available for rent. The premises previously housed a tobacco shop. This room had two entrances and a large display case.

I decided to divide the room into two parts, so that one would have a kitchen area, and the other would have a small area for guests, in which I planned to install bar tables and plastic furniture. In the kitchen area, I decided to make a room for a dressing room, storage of things and food.

The rental cost was 800 rubles per square meter, which in total amounted to 13,600 rubles per month. There was no heating in the room.

You had to pay for the electricity you used using your meter.

I settled on this option, hoping that the opening of a shopping center would provide me with a flow of customers.

Of course, I took a risk, but the risk was worth it. Trade in a walk-through location has great prospects.

Business and equipment costs

My expenses started with paying rent for the first month. At this time, I planned to make repairs and prepare the premises for work.

The repair work included: purchasing materials for painting the room, purchasing and laying tiles on the floor, lining the ceiling with panels, installing a hood under the stove, strengthening the electrical wiring for the equipment.

Repair costs:

  • purchase of paint, primer, solvent, sandpaper, brushes, roller – 5,000 rubles.
  • painter services – 7,000 rubles.
  • floor tiles 17 sq. meters – 9,200 rub.
  • tile adhesive, baseboard, etc. – RUB 4,800.
  • tile laying services – RUB 6,800.
  • wiring, sockets, indoor and outdoor lamps, other – RUB 13,500.
  • electrician services – 6,000 rubles.
  • photo wallpaper, renovation of the guest area - 18,000 rubles.
  • ceiling panels – 5,900 rub.
  • ceiling installation services – RUB 5,000.
  • other expenses, including transport - 5,000 rubles.
  • the total amount for the renovation of the premises is 81,200 rubles.

To equip the room with furniture, I ordered a bar counter to separate the kitchen block from the guest block.

I also ordered work tables, which I placed around the display case in the work area. I ordered all the furniture, except plastic, from a furniture shop.

I chose products from the simplest materials, since I did not immediately have a large sum of money to purchase high-quality equipment.

In the process, I plan to change all the furniture and equipment to high-quality ones. But this will only happen after the loan has been paid off.

Purchased furniture:

  • bar counter, size 3000x1300x700 – 26,000 rub.
  • set of plastic furniture, 1 table, 2 chairs, used – RUB 1,800.
  • work tables, size 900x60x700, 5 pieces – 6,000 rub.
  • bar stools, used, 3 pcs. – 1,700 rub.
  • wardrobe, hanger, stand for bags, used – RUB 4,000.
  • transportation costs for delivery – 2500 rubles.
  • the total amount for the purchase of furniture is 42,000 rubles.

I did not purchase all the equipment and inventory new, since a lot of used but functioning equipment was sold on the market.

From the equipment I purchased:

  • second-hand gas shawarma oven – RUB 8,500.
  • grill with a lid for heating products (new) – RUB 14,000.
  • microwave oven (new) – 6,000 rubles.
  • electric kettle (new), 2 units. – 4,500 rub.
  • refrigerators for drinks, used, 2 units. – 38,000 rub.
  • gas cylinder for stove, used – 2 units. – 3,000 rub.
  • gearbox, connecting hoses (new) – 2,000 rubles.
  • hood (new) – 14,300 rubles.
  • dishes, equipment (new) – 7,000 rubles.
  • transportation costs for delivery – 4,000 rubles.
  • the total amount for the purchase of equipment is 111,300 rubles.

When the room was ready, I decided to cover it with advertising material. To save money and with future considerations in mind, I chose a design that had already been used in another city.

This design included the names of other dishes: gyro, fajitas, hamburger, hot dog, donar. I’ll immediately explain why I chose advertising that was already in use, and did not remove from the signs those dishes that I do not make.

I did this to expand the product line in the future. I did not have the necessary equipment to prepare these dishes. I was going to buy them and resell them warmed up.

But after repaying the first loan, I will immediately take out a new loan and purchase the necessary equipment to prepare these dishes.

For pasting the outlet I purchased:

  • advertising material (self-adhesive film) with design and pasting – 5,200 rubles.
  • advertising banner 1800x2700, with installation – RUB 3,800.
  • the total amount spent on advertising is 9,000 rubles.

Total amount for preparing the point for work:

  • repair costs – RUB 81,200.
  • furniture – 42,000 rub.
  • equipment and inventory – 111,300 rubles.
  • advertising – 9,000 rub.
The total amount is 243,500 rubles.

Required documents

I won’t describe much here, because all procedures related to obtaining permits are standard.

I did the following steps:

  • registered as an individual entrepreneur
  • received permission from the district administration to open a cafe
  • received permission from Rospotrebnadzor
  • received approval from the SES and fire service

I spent 11,000 rubles collecting the necessary papers. To maintain accounting records, I entered into an agreement with a company that provides accounting services.

The cost of such services is 4,000 rubles per quarter. This is inexpensive for an entrepreneur, and saves a lot of time, as well as unnecessary paperwork.

Business profitability and product calculation

The profitability of fast food is very high. As an example of calculating profitability, you can take regular tea, which is sold at all fast food outlets. It costs me 20 rubles. All necessary products are purchased at the wholesale market. To prepare one serving of tea you need:

  • tea bags, 1 bag – 2 rubles.
  • cup with plastic spoon – 1.7 rub.
  • sugar, 3 pieces – 1.25 rub.
  • water and consumed electricity - 1.8 rubles.
  • The cost of a glass of ready-made tea is 7 rubles.

The net profit from one glass of tea is 13 rubles. This is almost 200% profitability from the sale of simple tea. I buy coffee at the wholesale market. But I take coffee not in bags, but in cans.

I have milk in the refrigerator and, if desired, the client can buy coffee with or without milk. The cost of such coffee is about 8 rubles. Now, with the onset of cold weather, tea and coffee are sold in large quantities.

Sometimes, more than 150 glasses of hot drinks are sold per day, which gives a profit of about 2,000 rubles.

  • lavash ½ part – 9 rub.
  • chicken meat, thigh, 130 grams per serving – 24 rubles. (price including roasting and removal from the bone)
  • vegetables, assorted greens – 4 rubles.
  • meat sauce – 3 rubles.
  • ketchup or mayonnaise of your choice – 2 rubles.
  • energy costs for cooking (gas) – 1 rub.
  • package, napkin – 1 rub.
  • Also, cheese is added to shawarma for 15 rubles, but then the portion increases in price to 160 rubles.

The cost of a regular portion of shawarma is 44 rubles, and its selling price at my outlet is 120 rubles. Here the selling price exceeds the cost by 2.7 times.

If you sell only 50 servings per day, the income from shawarma alone can be 3,800 rubles, which, if sold daily at this rate, will bring 118,000 rubles per month.

Things are a little worse with hamburgers, hot dogs, triangles, gyro and donuts. I buy them ready-made. To eat, they must be heated in the microwave or grill.

Here the markup ranges from 80 to 100%. For example, I buy hot dogs and hamburgers at wholesale prices from a convenience food manufacturer.

A hot dog costs me 40 rubles, and a good, high-quality hamburger costs 100. I sell a hot dog for 90 rubles, and a hamburger for 180.

The situation is the same with the rest of the products that I purchase as semi-finished products.

Purchase and selling prices of semi-finished products:

  • hot dog – 40/90 rub.
  • hamburger – 100/180 rub.
  • fajitas – 100/190 rub.
  • gyro – 110/170 rub.
  • donar – 110/170 rub.
  • kurnik, or triangle – 80/130 rub.

It is to increase the profitability of the business that I am going to purchase equipment so that I can independently prepare hamburgers, gyro, donars, fajitas, and hot dogs.

This will not only increase the profitability of the business, but will also provide an opportunity to significantly improve the quality of prepared dishes. It is no secret that semi-finished products are prepared from the cheapest products and this repels visitors to the establishment if they sell low-quality products.

Buyers need to be lured by the good quality of dishes prepared according to original, homemade recipes.

Also, drinks are sold at my outlet. I have not entered into any contract with the soda or water companies.

In the photo you can see that I have refrigerators with the Coca-Cola brand, but this does not mean that I have entered into an agreement with them. I just bought used refrigerators.

It is not profitable for me to sell their products at fixed prices. The products of such companies are often expensive. Not every buyer will agree to spend 50 rubles on sparkling water.

It is profitable for me to buy soda, water and juices on the wholesale market. I take domestic, inexpensive products and resell them with a markup of 80 to 150%. For example, the simplest water, 0.5 liters in volume, costs 8 rubles on the wholesale market. I sell this water for 20 rubles.

In the hot season, over 100 bottles of such water can be consumed per day, which brings profit of up to 1000 rubles. This is pure profit, excluding cooling costs.

Starting a business, first profit and monthly expenses

After the repairs and preparatory measures, I began full-time work. I hired a sales cook with a salary of 18,000 rubles and a work schedule of two days in two.

I needed this so that I could deal with the purchase of goods and other organizational matters.

The day before the opening, I purchased products at the wholesale market:

  • Shawarma meat for 150 servings – 20 kg.
  • Lavash – 60 pieces.
  • Assorted vegetables and herbs – 10 kg.
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise, seasonings.
  • Tea, coffee, sugar.
  • Cheese – 2 kg.
  • Water, sweet soda assortment - 70 bottles.
  • Hot dogs, hamburgers, gyro, etc. – total quantity – 50 servings.
  • Assorted plastic dishes, napkins.

My first purchase amounted to 17,000 rubles. This, of course, is not enough, but at the time of the opening of an unpromoted point, this amount was quite enough.

On the first day of sales, I managed to sell only 26 servings of shawarma and about the same amount of tea and soda.

Hot dogs and other food were hardly sold. Almost the entire first week trading was at this level.

Further, during the first month, sales ranged from 20 to 40 dishes per day. The second month passed at the same pace. Sales rose on weekends and fell on weekdays. I chose a place at a bus stop, where there was a roadway and residential high-rise buildings nearby.

The shopping complex at that time was in the final stages of construction. There were no visitors there yet, and my place was working more for the future.

In the first three months, my earnings were no more than 10 thousand rubles. This was due to ongoing monthly expenses.

Also, the losses that I suffered due to low sales made themselves felt. For example, I had to throw away almost all the semi-finished products purchased for the opening on the fourth day of sales. More precisely, I distributed them to the poor, since these products were expiring.

My monthly expenses are:

  • rent – ​​13,600 rubles.
  • salary to the seller - 18,000 rubles.
  • costs for electricity and gas - from 4,000 rubles.
  • payment to the cleaning company for cleaning the premises and washing the display case - 3,000 rubles.
  • production of leaflets and payment to promoters - 6,000 rubles.
  • taxes, deductions, black cash (I save monthly) – 7,000 rubles.
  • monthly loan payment – ​​22,435 rubles. (until 06.2019)
Total amount: 74,035 rubles.

If we take into account the average sales of 30 servings of shawarma, 10 servings of third-party dishes per day, and approximately 40 - 50 servings of drinks, then the total monthly revenue is approximately 175,00 rubles.

From this amount you need to subtract expenses for the purchase of products and consumables. Approximately 85,000 rubles remain.

From this amount we subtract monthly expenses and get 10,000 rubles. I note that these statistics were taken from the period from 07.2018 to 10.2018.

At this time, the weather is hot and almost no tea is sold, the profit from which exceeds the profit from the trade in soft drinks. This also greatly affected earnings.

Business optimization and sales increase

After working for the first three months, I realized that sales needed to be increased and new clients attracted.

I developed a system that allowed me to improve my sales. I started attracting new audiences.

To do this, I agreed with large taxi companies and made a discount for drivers and clients of these operators. The discount was 30% of the purchase price.

For example, with this discount, the cost of shawarma with tea was 80 + 13 = 93 rubles. This significantly reduced my usual boost, but increased traffic. As a result, traffic increased revenue and, accordingly, profit.

Also, I extended working hours until 23:00. In the evening, many taxi drivers arrive. They make very good revenue. Everyone benefits from this innovation.

Taxi drivers, and often their passengers, get delicious shawarma at a discount, and my influx of customers increases and viral advertising for my establishment is created.

For overtime work, I paid the cook 130 rubles extra for each hour of work. By November 2018, my earnings, taking into account all monthly expenses, amount to 25 - 35 thousand rubles per month.

If you subtract loan payments from monthly expenses, you will get earnings of more than 50,000 thousand rubles.

But this may be a decent amount for a salary, but for business it is ridiculous.

Another measure I have taken will be to reduce shawarma portions and sell drinks in cardboard sippy cups. What will it give? The answer is simple - a small shawarma can be eaten while driving with one hand.

This will allow me to attract as clients the mass of bus and minibus drivers who pass by my outlet during the day. They rarely eat shawarma because it is difficult to eat a large portion with one hand while driving.

These drivers cannot stand at the bus stop like taxi drivers. Their working hours are limited, and their schedule is scheduled by the minute. Eating while driving will put passengers in danger.

Therefore, drivers of regular transport mostly snack on pies. This innovation will solve the problem of lunch on the go and attract a large audience of drivers.

Also, this will help attract an audience of people who do not have time for a full lunch.

A mini-portion will not stain clothes and will also attract more visitors, because traditional shawarma is a dish that can easily get dirty.

This is certainly not my invention. It was invented by Chelyabinsk businessmen and has been successfully used for several years.

Future plans

In just a few days, the shopping center that was being built next door will open. I plan to increase my store's sales target to 120 servings per day.

This will be done at the expense of visitors and staff of the shopping center. So far, there are no plans to open a canteen or fast food outlets in the new shopping center.

For this reason, I will make discounts for shopping center staff. It’s important for me to give people a full meal for 100 rubles. Let it be a hearty shawarma with tea, but it is important that the price tag for such a lunch does not exceed 100 rubles.

I have never been a businessman and took my first steps on my own, taking into account the experience of others and my own mistakes. I can say with confidence that any fast food is a very profitable and promising business. Any good outlet can grow into a chain, and a good local chain into a large franchise.

Fast food does not require huge expenses and any aspiring entrepreneur can afford it. Here I shared my own experience and showed by my example that you can start a business with a small investment by purchasing partially used equipment.

There are areas of fast food that you can master with 100,000 rubles in your pocket.

This, for example, is the production and sale of corn dogs. I will develop this area in 2019 and install such points in shopping centers.

The cost of organizing this business is small, but the profitability is high. This business does not require special knowledge and skills. Everything can be mastered in a short time. Try it and you will succeed!

For a successful business start, only two conditions must be met: using only fresh and high-quality products in the cooking process and the correct choice of location for installing an off-site fast food restaurant (places with high human traffic: bus stops, recreation parks, central streets, etc. ).


Shawarma (shawarma) is a Turkish dish consisting of fried minced meat with salad and sauces, wrapped in a special way in thin pita bread. The meat products most often chosen are pork, chicken, lamb, and less often veal.

Production process and required equipment

  1. To prepare shawarma, the meat is threaded into thin slices onto a vertical grill spit, and then thinly sliced, falling into a tray.
  2. Chopped meat, a salad of fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage) are placed on the unfolded pita bread, topped with mayonnaise sauce and ketchup.
  3. Then it is wrapped and packed in a paper bag.

The technology for preparing the product requires the following equipment:

  • grill apparatus for cooking meat,
  • refrigerator for storing food,
  • seller's work surface and sink with water,
  • cabinets for storing food and cash registers,
  • microwave oven for heating,
  • sales chair,

Products and consumables:

  • meat,
  • pita,
  • salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage),
  • sauces - tomato, mayonnaise + mustard,
  • paper bags, napkins.

Let's consider several options for equipment for making shawarma and choose the most optimal one.

Option #1

Option No. 2

Option No. 3

comparison table

A comparative analysis of equipment shows that the Chinese grill is the cheapest, but has the lowest performance. At the same time, Russian and Italian grills are comparable in performance, but the Russian EL-2 is much cheaper. Therefore, option 1 will be used as the basic equipment for calculations.

Update from April 2016: Current prices for equipment:

  • Shawarma grill ERGO VZK-890 with automatic spit rotation, price 56 TR;
  • Gas shawarma Atesy 2M with manual rotation of the spit, price 19 thousand rubles.

Optional equipment:

  • refrigerator for storing food - 11,920 rubles.
  • microwave oven - RUB 2,289.
  • chair for the seller - 425 rubles.

TOTAL additional costs - 14,634 rubles.

To set up a shawarma selling point, you must have a stationary kiosk/tent/van with connected electricity and water.

One of the options for organizing activities is to purchase a single-axle trade trailer "Kupava". Its cost, taking into account additional equipment (autonomous water supply, electric meter, water heater) is 123,930 rubles.

The total cost of equipment for a retail outlet (kiosk, main and additional equipment) is 166,064 rubles.

Feasibility study of the project

Capital investments

  • Purchase of a kiosk and equipment: RUB 166,064.
  • Delivery of equipment: RUB 15,000.
  • Purchase of products, napkins, packaging bags: 10,000 rubles
  • Registration with the INFS, payment of rent for one month, other expenses: RUB 50,000.

The total starting investment for the shawarma trading business will be 241,064 rubles.

Calculation of revenue and profitability

Cost calculation

The cost of producing 1 serving of shawarma, the approximate composition and consumption of products are in the table:

Consumption in kindPriceCost, rub.
Marinated fried meat 50g 60 rub/100g 30 rub
Pita 1 PC 5 rub 5 rub.
Salad 40 g 30 rub/kg 1.20 rub.
Mayonnaise sauce 10 g 40 RUR/1 kg 0.40 rub.
Tomato sauce 10 g 30 rub/1kg 0.30 rub.
Paper bag 1 PC 0.80 RUR/piece RUB 0.80
Napkins 2 pcs 11 rub/50 pcs RUB 0.44
Electricity, kW per serving 3.2 kW/h 3,5 1.12 rub.
Cost of 1 serving, RUR 39.26
Cost per month (3,000 servings) 117 780

Total expenses for salaries of 2 sellers, rent of a place, utility bills, other expenses - approximately 50 thousand rubles.

Profit calculation:

Profit = 210,000 rub. - 117,780 rub. - 50,000 rub. = 42,220 rub.

Return on investment - 241,064 / 42,220 = 6 months.

Nowadays, most people are constantly moving forward and cannot spend much time on proper nutrition. In the frantic pace of the modern big city, many of us snack in a hurry, on the go. But the aroma of freshly prepared shawarma attracts more and more... Besides all this, there are also those who simply cannot afford to eat in a cafe. These are students, schoolchildren, seasonal workers, etc. etc. Opening your own mini-cafe that makes shawarma will not require you to make huge financial investments. And this business will bring you profit from the very first days of work. The most important thing in this matter is to wisely choose a location with high traffic. And then all that remains is to find a good cook and wisely choose a valuable policy. This type of activity is a great start in the catering industry. Opening your own small stall preparing and selling shawarma has many advantages compared to opening a cafe or restaurant:

  1. Small investment.
  2. The likelihood of finding a good chef who will prepare shawarma is much higher than finding a unique chef for a cafe or restaurant.
  3. Easy registration procedure.
  4. All checks in your stall will be much less frequent than in large restaurants and cafes.
  5. Opportunity to scale your business.
  6. The total amount of initial investment in this type of activity will be about 280,000 rubles.

And you can reach the break-even point in the first month of operation. The payback period is approximately five months. Monthly profit - 80,000 thousand rubles. return on sales is 22 percent.

Description of business, product or service

After reading this article you will learn how to open a shawarma. A business plan will be provided here, which will take into account all possible costs. Shawarma (shawarma) is an oriental dish. It is prepared as follows: meat cooked on a special grill is chopped into small pieces. Then herbs, fresh vegetables, and sauce are added to it. Then the filling is tightly wrapped in a flatbread or pita bread. All ingredients are prepared by the chef in advance. For this reason, preparing the shawarma itself takes only 5-10 minutes. This dish is eaten hot without utensils.

The cost of a dish that has a unique and original taste and quickly satisfies hunger is approximately 100-180 rubles. This will depend on the filling included in the shawarma sucking. All the advantages we have listed above make this dish the most popular fast food trend. A stall selling shawarma should be located in a place with a lot of traffic. The area of ​​the selected room should be about 10-15 square meters. meters. Currently, there is a huge selection of stalls in the market. For this reason, finding a suitable stall just for you will not be difficult.

Shawarma range:

  • mushroom,
  • chicken,
  • cheese,
  • meat,
  • dietary,
  • vegetarian.

To be able to earn additional income, you can offer your customers related products: desserts, baked goods, drinks.


  • Coffee.
  • Chilled juices.
  • Sparkling water, lemonade.

Other baked goods:

  • Pizza.
  • Samsa.
  • Sandwiches.
  • Hot dogs.
  • Dessert:
  • Chocolate bars.
  • Ice cream.
  • Milkshakes.

The stall's discount schedule is as follows: from 9-00 to 21-00.

Description of the sales market

In this article it is worth finding out how shawarma is this event profitable or not? The turnover of the catering market in our country over the past 2016-17 exceeded 1,200 billion rubles. Rosstat data tells us this. In addition, the growth in the fast food sector is more noticeable: from May 2015 to May 2016, 409 new fast food chain restaurants were created in Russia. At the beginning of 2015, growth in this area was already 5.2 percent. In the region of our capital, in particular, fast food chains were able to distinguish themselves. For individual networkers, the growth was ten percent, as reported by CBRE analysts. Based on this, the fast food space holds enormous growth potential.

The target audience.

The main clients of establishments involved in the preparation and sale of shawarma are the following groups of citizens:

  • Students.
  • Pupils.
  • Middle level office workers and managers.
  • Representatives of various working professions (loaders, builders).
  • Lovers of street food and fast food.

Sales and Marketing.

Shawarma as a business idea is great. But here it is worth acting wisely. The huge advantage of this type of activity is that you do not have to spend a large amount of money on an advertising campaign. You just need to make colorful advertising that will be noticeable from afar. As part of an ongoing advertising campaign, in order to attract customers, you can arrange a festive opening of your mini-cafe with loud cheerful music, balloons, and free drinks. In addition, we advise you to register with well-known social networks. networks, hold a draw, inform your clients about promotions. From time to time you will need to distribute flyers on nearby streets. The best advertisement for a shawarma stall is, of course, your satisfied customer, who was fed very tasty food, and, moreover, also cheaply. There are very simple rules that allow you to create competitive advantages so that you can differentiate yourself well and profitably from the owners of other stalls:

Cooking needs to be tasty, but also healthy. It is necessary to change the oil intended for frying more often, try to use only high-quality products and fresh vegetables.

Try to add variety to the range of products offered. It is necessary to introduce vegetarian shawarma into the menu for those people who do not eat meat products, or children's shawarma, so that small children can enjoy their favorite dish without harm to their health.

The cook and part-time seller must provide customer service in a clean uniform, and all ingredients used in preparing shawarma must be stored in closed and clean gastronorm containers. In addition, you should be sure to maintain cleanliness in such a way as not to be afraid of an auditor’s inspection.

Under no circumstances should you deceive your clients. Often, the owners of these eateries selling street food, not wanting to incur losses, try to sell the product, even if it cannot be classified as fresh. Such games with human health are very dangerous and can lead to serious and sad consequences.

Provide discounts to wholesalers. For example, if a client buys five types of shawarma at once, then give the sixth one! In this way, it will be possible to encourage workers from nearby offices. Try to add pleasant bonuses to the shawarma sold, for example, chewing gum, or a portion of tea or coffee. Such small things will cost the owner very little, and as for the customers themselves, they will be pleasantly surprised and will visit your cafe more than once.

It is imperative to adhere to a reasonable pricing policy.

Production plan

Stage 1: Business registration.

If you are thinking about the question of how to open a shawarma, then find out what documents are needed in this matter. Let's talk about everything in order.

First, you should register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) and choose a certain form of taxation. Registration as an individual entrepreneur will allow you to sell food products and non-alcoholic drinks. After you register and are included in the unified state register, you need to receive the following package of documents:

  • Permission to open a stall selling shawarma in a selected area - as a rule, this permit is issued by Rospotrebnadzor. It concerns only sanitary and epidemiological issues.
  • Business permit. Issued by the municipality.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor. this document is issued according to your company’s compliance with existing standards,
  • Sanitary and epidemiological standards and rules;
  • A document that serves as an annex to the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor. it is called “Assortment list of manufactured products”;
  • A special program of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and the implementation of mandatory sanitary and epidemiological measures during the sale and production of catering products.
  • Agreement for the provision of dry cleaning and laundry services for washing staff uniforms.
  • Certificate of conformity of manufactured and sold products according to current regulatory documentation.
  • Agreement on disinfection of air conditioning and ventilation systems.
  • Contract for disinfection, deratization, disinfection.
  • Agreement for the removal of solid waste (solid waste), as well as organic waste.
  • Medical book for employees.

Stage 2: Selecting a location.

The best places to set up a stall selling shawarma:

The central part of the city (the ideal option would be to install a stall in one of the central squares, where it can be crowded on weekdays and also on weekends).

The location of the stall is near the market, bazaar.

Near the institute, or other educational institutions, office buildings, and hospitals.

Characteristics of the premises:

  1. Availability of electricity and water supply.
  2. The area of ​​the room must be at least 10 -15 square meters.
  3. Insulated walls in the stall.

Stage 3: Search for suppliers.

In all cities, without exception, there are wholesale companies or grocery stores that specialize in the supply of food products. You should choose one or several suppliers for yourself. This will help you minimize various force majeure events. For example, the main supplier sharply inflates selling prices, or simply cannot provide your company with uninterrupted supply. Only after you have secured business contracts can you safely count on offering additional discounts to your clients. Should be purchased frequently, but in small quantities. Yes, it is worth noting that you will pay more for delivery, but you will significantly save on food storage. You do not need special systems designed for long-term storage, such as a vegetable drawer. This will help you ensure the freshness of your food. Most wholesalers have ready-made sets of supplies in their inventory, or, more simply, they can completely take upon themselves equipping your stall with the necessary food products at a low cost.

Stage 4: Several events.

So, the next step is to do the following:

  • Conducting an advertising campaign.
  • Selection of working personnel.
  • Carrying out repairs in the premises.
  • Installation of necessary equipment.
  • Purchasing furniture.
  • Carrying out an advertising campaign for the network according to the plan of annual promotions.
  • Grand opening of the point.
  • Current operation of the point.

Organizational structure

Basically, at the start of this business, the owner himself acts as the manager of the point. Staff: two sellers/cooks. Working hours: 2/2. In a stall selling shawarma, the cook can also serve as a salesperson. But if there are a huge number of buyers, then in the future you can hire two people per shift. In this case, there will be a salesperson who can serve the client and calculate the price, and also a cook.

Main requirements for working personnel:

Mandatory presence of a medical book;

  • Experience as a cook.
  • Hard work.
  • Honesty.
  • Friendliness.
  • Responsiveness.

The seller's salary should be calculated as follows: RUB 10,000. Salary plus bonus (0.08 revenue).

Financial plan

Investment costs for opening this type of activity will be approximately 280,700 rubles. The main expense item is equipment. In the table below, we will describe it in detail by article. The sales plan according to the project will be provided in the following table. In the future, a gradual increase in sales volumes is predicted in the first four months of this project. Based on this, the base case scenario considered here is more realistic. In addition, this project has a reserve for sales growth in the event of an excellent entry into the market. Monthly expenses include both variable and incremental costs, which will depend on total sales. In the table below we have provided you with average monthly costs. The main cost item is the purchase of products. In our next table we will present a detailed procurement plan. The general markup on shawarma is approximately 150 percent. And for desserts and other baked goods - 100 percent. Fifty percent for drinks. For the first year of operation of the enterprise, the financial result will be presented in the table below. The net average income for the first year of operation of your company will be 91,000 rubles.

  • When planning for one year, we can safely highlight the following economic indicators:
  • The average payback period is approximately 5 months.
  • Net discounted profit will be 555,900 rubles.
  • The discounted payback period is five months.
  • Profitability index - 2.99.
  • The enterprise's internal rate of return will be 199 percent.

Risk factors

Now you can learn about how to open a shawarma and what you need for this. It is worth noting that this type of activity contains a number of disadvantages, which you must be aware of before you decide to open a stall selling shawarma:

Huge competition in this area. Trying to find a free niche is quite difficult, and staying in business and making it profitable is even more difficult. A shawarma point of sale is a small business. And as we know, it is always very difficult for small businesses to stay in the market.

Shawarma is made from perishable food products. It is necessary to carefully select and store products in order not to poison your customers.

Difficulties with personnel selection. The most important task is to find an honest chef who will work quickly and efficiently.

Increased cost of products. None of us, alas, are one hundred percent insured against price increases by suppliers. If you anticipate risks, you can be prepared for all sorts of negative consequences and thus minimize soybean losses.

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Every person dreams of one day becoming an entrepreneur, opening his own business, so that he no longer works for someone, but earns money and develops independently. However, it is worth understanding that you are unlikely to be able to immediately open a second Microsoft and start earning billions from the first months. You need to go at everything gradually, you should start with something simpler. There are dozens of self-employment options you can try if you have some savings. In this article we will talk about one fast food establishment that is familiar to almost everyone. There you can buy shawarma, and almost everyone does it. From this we can already conclude that opening your own establishment for preparing and selling shawarma is a good idea. However, before you invest big money in any event, you should familiarize yourself with all the details in more detail. How much does the equipment cost? What is the cost of shawarma? Is it necessary to take into account seasonality? There are many questions, and you can get answers in this article.

Cost of shawarma

Naturally, after reading just one article, you will not be able to immediately sit down and create a full-fledged business plan. However, you will already have a general idea of ​​what exactly you need to do to open such an establishment, and you will also have an idea of ​​what kind of money you will need to invest in it and what kind of return you will receive from it. And the first question that needs to be considered is the cost of shawarma. Naturally, you shouldn't use the result you get now as a standard - it's just a rough example, because all the ingredients may vary slightly in price.

How is the cost calculated?

So, the cost of one shawarma includes the cost of products such as meat, pita bread in which it is wrapped, vegetables that are added to the shawarma, sauces, packaging, and napkins. Also, of course, the electricity that is used to prepare it is taken into account. If you calculate the average cost of all these elements, the average cost of one serving of shawarma is 37-40 rubles, which is not very much. Now you need to look at what prices sellers set for shawarma. What you see may make you very happy. The fact is that you are unlikely to find shawarma cheaper than 70 rubles per piece, and in some cases its price can reach 100-120 rubles. So you will get twice as much from one serving as you spend on creating it. As you can see, this activity can be quite profitable, so you may be interested in it. And if this is indeed the case, and you are starting to consider the possibility of opening your own outlet, you should familiarize yourself with the advice that this article can offer you. After reading it, you will already have the outline of a business plan in your head, thanks to which the transition from hired labor to your own business can take place much faster.


So, the cost of shawarma has been calculated, and now you can understand that the difference between the cost and the selling price is the biggest advantage of this business. However, this is far from the only advantage that you should pay attention to. For example, you also do not need a large room for preparation; all the necessary equipment can fit into an extremely small area. If you do not plan to open your own full-fledged restaurant, but want to sell shawarma by hand, that is, from a stall, then you can even make your outlet mobile. In any case, you do not need to spend a lot of money to rent a spacious room, and this is a huge plus. As you can see, calculating the cost of shawarma turned out to be far from the only positive note, and in the near future you will be able to become even more convinced that a shawarma stall is an excellent choice for starting your own business.


Unfortunately, it is not enough to know how to calculate the cost of shawarma in order to successfully start a business. You will need a lot more knowledge on this topic, and first of all you should decide on the personnel. The fact is that many people believe that starting their own business necessarily involves hiring a large number of employees. However, this is far from the case, and in many cases you can cope on your own. When it comes to a shawarma stall, there are various options. The most important person who will be responsible for the operation of your kiosk is the cook. You need to take the choice of the person who will cook for you as seriously as possible. The process of preparing shawarma is extremely simple, and one serving can be prepared in just a couple of minutes, but the person in charge must know the process thoroughly. You can always take this position yourself if you do not want to pay extra money to hired workers, but the method in which you hire at least one high-quality employee is still much more reliable.

Other responsibilities

You can also do accounting and, if necessary, act as a cashier. If your location becomes popular, the chef will have to cook a lot, so if he is distracted by taking orders, he may lose productivity, which will affect your income. Well, now you know not only what the cost of one shawarma is. The business plan is becoming clearer, and now it’s time to add information about completing the necessary documents.


Fortunately, you shouldn’t have any problems with documents, since in the Russian Federation everything is as transparent as possible when opening an individual entrepreneur. You need to have start-up capital and permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, since you are going to sell food. Of course, you can open a limited liability company, but this involves a lot of paperwork, unnecessary investments and a much more complex tax system, and the only reason you might want to do such a choice is to sell alcoholic beverages. In most cases, shawarma sells well without alcohol, so it’s best to opt for individual products. Once you have completed all the paperwork and have official confirmation that your company is open and functioning, you can move on to more mundane matters. You already know what the cost of one shawarma from a stall is, but the fact is that you will first have to spend money on the necessary equipment in order to then use this knowledge in practice.


To purchase the right equipment, you need to have a basic understanding of how shawarma is prepared. The cost of such equipment in Russia may fluctuate, but you should understand that this is a one-time expense, so you should not save and buy used or questionable equipment. So, to prepare the dish itself, you will need a special grill, as well as a burner for it. If you have never tried shawarma or seen how it is prepared, you should familiarize yourself with the process. Meat is the main ingredient and it is the equipment that will cost the most. A grill is a device into which a metal vertical pin is inserted with a large amount of meat cut into thin pieces strung on it. This kind of skewer rotates, and at this time a burner installed on one side cooks the meat without stopping. All you have to do is cut it and it will fall into a small tray from which you will then collect it and add it to your dish. However, a grill isn't the only thing you'll need. You will also need a powerful refrigerator to store everything you need, a cash register for financial transactions, and other small items such as containers for vegetables. Returning to the topic of basic equipment, its choice depends on your financial capabilities. There are a large number of grills from various manufacturers, among which, naturally, it is worth highlighting German technology. However, it is very expensive, and if your starting budget is not too large, then you should postpone the purchase of such a grill until later periods when your business has stabilized. You should start with equipment from a Soviet or Chinese manufacturer, and later you can switch to grills that will allow you to also expand your range by making hot dogs and other fast food. As you can see, it all started with how to calculate the cost of shawarma, and now you are already thinking about buying equipment. There is progress, but that doesn't mean you should stop. There is still a lot of work ahead!

Selecting a location

So, you already know how to calculate the cost of making shawarma, what premises to rent, who to hire, and what equipment to purchase. But this will not be enough to open your own business. For example, you don’t yet know whether the location of your shawarma stall plays any role. It turns out that the location of your stall is one of the most important parameters. Choosing the wrong location will put you out of business pretty quickly. So how do you choose the best location?

In this case, everything is quite simple: you need to look for those places where there is a large flow of people, but where there are no other fast food or public food establishments (or at least no establishments of this type). The fact is that shawarma is why you will have to ensure an impressive turnover of products. Moreover, you need to count on high sales for your idea to pay off. So, you'd better spend some time exploring some potential spots in your city. Locations near universities and other public places where people spend most of their days are excellent options. It is also worth paying attention to metro stations, but do not forget that not every city has a metro. Knowing the cost of the shawarma you are going to prepare, you will be able to have a clearer idea of ​​what rent you can afford. The higher the rent, the more you will have to pay each month, but you can be sure that the flow of people will be impressive, creating high demand.

So how much does it cost to open such a business?

Above, you familiarized yourself with the theory of how to calculate the cost of shawarma and open a stall, but this is not enough. You need to have a more specific idea of ​​what costs you'll be facing. So how much money and for what exactly will you have to give out? First, you need to register your own individual entrepreneur by preparing all the necessary documents. Depending on various conditions, the price can range from six to fifteen thousand rubles. Also, you should not forget that this is a rather lengthy process, so you need to think about submitting documents in advance.

Secondly, you need to purchase equipment. The highest quality devices from Germany will cost more than 75 thousand rubles, so you will most likely want to know about less expensive devices. It is best to choose a good domestic grill, for which you will pay about 35 thousand rubles, but if you are in strict economy mode, then you can purchase a Chinese device at your own risk for 20-25 thousand rubles.

Third, you need to think about paying your employees. If you work exclusively on your own, then you can skip this point, but if you hire a cook, then he will have to pay 10-20 thousand rubles per month, depending on the region.

Fourthly, the most pressing issue is rent, since this is the highest cost on an ongoing basis. Every month you will have to pay at least thirty thousand rubles, but you should understand that this price is unlikely to allow you to rent premises in a favorable area.

And finally, you need to think about finding suppliers of necessary products, such as meat, vegetables and sauce, and also have the means to pay for water and electricity. Don't forget about a reserve fund in case of emergencies. You should always have on hand the cost of operating your business for at least two months, even if everything is working great for you. This will allow you not to worry about those times when something might go wrong.

Is it profitable?

Well, it's time to take stock and decide whether it is profitable to open a stall selling shawarma? As you can understand from the above, the costs will be quite impressive. You need to prepare at least 100 thousand rubles, but this amount is really the lower limit. It’s better to count on 200-300 thousand, but this is not so much if you understand that your income every month will be at least half of this, and after deducting all expenses, your business will pay for itself in six months - you remember what the cost of shawarma is? In Moscow you can sell it for 120 rubles per serving, and this is very, very profitable.

Just a few years ago, shawarma was “persona non grata” even in the narrow segment of street food. They scolded her for the calorie content and joked about the meat in the filling. Everything changed when good shawarma outlets began to appear in large cities: high-quality and authentic. Residents of megacities got rid of prejudices and shawarma became not only a favorite street food, but also a profitable business.

We will look in detail at how to open a shawarma from scratch. The business plan was drawn up for Novgorod, but it is suitable for other large cities except the capital - there it is necessary to add 30% -50% to the primary capital. You will also learn what is needed to start a stall, and what risks await an entrepreneur in this industry.

Open shawarma as a business: niche overview

The food sector is always in demand, especially when it comes to inexpensive fast food. Kiosks with nutritious shawarma are especially popular in high-traffic areas: near metro stations, shopping centers and bus stops - where people most often look for an opportunity to have a snack on the run without changing their route.

Let's note the main advantages of the business:

  • relatively small starting capital, you can meet 500,000 rubles;
  • simple procedure for registering and organizing a business;
  • quick launch, income from the first days;
  • popularity in the market;
  • simple cooking technology - finding a good shawarma chef is easier than, for example, finding a professional for a restaurant or sushi bar.

As with any industry, over time you will be able to scale your business and achieve higher revenues. And so that nothing distracts you from your work, outsource all the hassle with accounting and tax reporting. This is a great opportunity to do business without being distracted by routine matters.

Shawarma business plan with calculations 2018: brief summary

    Organizational and legal form: individual entrepreneur

    Tax system: UTII

    Starting investment – ​​300,000 rubles

    Payback period – from 2 months

    Hired personnel: 2 people (or 1 person if you work at your point as a sales cook)

    Forecast of annual profit – 3 million rubles

Organizational business plan for opening a shawarma

Opening a stall or kiosk with shawarma does not require a lot of time and effort, so this business is suitable for novice entrepreneurs.

The work algorithm looks like this.

1. The first step is registration of an individual entrepreneur. By the way, you can do this for free in the Glavbukh Assistant service. The optimal taxation option in this case is UTII, with OKVED code 56.10. You can download the list of documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs;

2. Obtaining the necessary documents - permission to operate from the municipal authorities, conclusion of the Fire Department, permission from Rospotrebnadzor and the sanitation station, a document with an assortment list of manufactured products, certificates of conformity (provided by the supplier), contracts for the removal of solid household waste, medical records of employees;

3. Obtaining an online cash register (mandatory from 2019);

4. Rent or purchase of a stall;

Important! According to the requirements for catering premises, the point must be equipped with a bathroom, an exhaust hood, electricity and water supply

7. Recruitment of personnel, purchase of equipment and products, possible repairs or design of the stall, opening, advertising campaigns.

Shawarma: business plan with production calculations

Production calculations are an approximate estimate of the costs of purchasing equipment. At the point of sale of shawarma, this is the main expense item. At the same time, you can save money at this point - for example, buy cheap Chinese or used equipment. In this example, we took average market prices.

Minimum set of equipment

To this list you can add an outdoor refrigerator for drinks, a bar counter, chairs for visitors, a machine for making milkshakes or other drinks. But the purpose of our article is to answer the question of how to open a shawarma point with minimal investment. In the future, when the business begins to generate income, you will be able to expand the list of services.

Financial business plan for a shawarma stall

In the tables below, we took into account not only production, but also other expenses, so that you can estimate how much money is needed to open a kiosk (taking into account the fact that the entrepreneur rents and does not buy it).

One-time expenses for opening a point

Fixed expenses

Shaurmichnaya: business plan for calculating profitability

It will take about 300 thousand rubles to open a point; approximately the same amount will be spent on its maintenance and development. Now you need to estimate profitability and break-even point.

Profitability depends on many factors:

  • point location;
  • her popularity;
  • markup level;
  • seasonality factor.

For a rough estimate of profit, you can ask how many products similar kiosks in your city sell. You need to subtract 20-25% from this amount - these are regular customers who will come to you in a few months, provided that your products are tasty and fresh.

Here is another profit calculation system. The average cost of shawarma is 140 rubles. Let's say the point will work 12 hours a day, seven days a week. Let’s assume that the outlet will sell 6 pieces of shawarma per hour for the first month, and then sales will grow. Let's calculate the approximate profit.

Number of sales per hour

Profit for 1 month

6x12 (hours)x30 (days)x140 rubles=302,400 rubles

7x12x30x140=352,800 rubles

403,200 rubles

453,600 rubles

504,000 rubles

Thus, the payback period for the point can be 2 months. If the products are in good demand, then the net profit (with the deduction of all costs) is 200-250 thousand rubles.

In the table we did not take into account income from the sale of drinks. The usual markup for tea and code is 100-120%, for cold drinks - 40-60%.

Risk management

If you are opening a shawarma kiosk, your business plan should take into account the most likely risks. What factors lead to problems in this case?

1. The most common mistake is the wrong choice of location and a lot of competition. It is best to place the tent in crowded places, near educational institutions, markets, and near metro stations. It is advisable that there are no similar points nearby.

2. Tasteless and low-quality food will not only lead to problems with regulatory authorities, but will also play the role of anti-advertising. Therefore, carefully check suppliers, look for good sales chefs, experiment with sauces and recipes.

3. Inflated prices. Shawarma is food for poor people, schoolchildren, students, and workers. Be sure to take this into account.

4. Problems with suppliers - sudden price increases, supply disruptions, etc. We have already given advice above that it is best to work with several companies.

5. Damage to products. Meat and vegetables are perishable products, so you should plan your supply volumes wisely. Be prepared for the fact that there will be mistakes at first, and spoiled raw materials will have to be disposed of.

6. Poor quality service. A smile and a kind word from the seller is always a very attractive factor, so monitor the work of the staff.

By preventing risks, you can minimize financial losses.

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