Outsourcing company: business organization. Outsourcing company as a business

Opening an IT outsourcing company will undoubtedly become a good and stable business at the present stage. The development of information (IT) technologies is necessary to provide office firms with IT services, and this is what such companies do. In simple terms: everything that is needed in the office: computers and related products, telephones, video surveillance systems, etc. and are supplied by IT outsourcing companies, and they also ensure the functionality of this equipment.

In order to open an IT outsourcing company, you need to assess the demand for such services in your city. It will be possible to get a very good profit if there are a sufficient number of organizations and office buildings in your locality. It is no secret that office equipment and computers require regular maintenance, which means that specialists in this field are needed.

How to open an IT outsourcing company from scratch.

Client base. With the right approach, you can create an extensive customer base in less than a year, which will bring large, and most importantly, stable income to your company.

At the initial stage, you will need to study the statistics of the presence of various organizations and companies in this particular city. Large enterprises do not need to be taken into account immediately. Obviously, such organizations (for example, factories) already have their own IT service departments, and sell them office equipment, etc. also practically impossible. This is due to the so-called kickback system, as well as the fact that the management company of any large organization is most likely located in Moscow, which means that all available equipment comes from there. These circumstances must be taken into account at the time of opening your company, so you should not particularly count on the cooperation of such large organizations with your company, which is still unknown to anyone.

In addition, there is no need to immediately take into account numerous banks and their branches; they also already have an established IT service system.

In this regard, the basis of your potential clients will be small enterprises, firms or office organizations, as well as individual entrepreneurs who provide various services to the public. Such organizations can be: a) taxi department; b) various business centers; c) companies providing real estate services; d) any other organizations that require computers, video surveillance systems, automation systems, etc.

There are not many main competitors in this type of business and this should please you. Your competitors may be stores that, in addition to selling computer equipment, provide maintenance services. According to documents, such stores are exclusively suppliers of various equipment. In fact, these same stores often service the supplied equipment and also provide additional IT services, thereby receiving additional income.

The package of services and cost of service directly depends on the proximity to the regional center. If your IT company is located in a regional center, then your prices will be an order of magnitude higher than in other cities in the region. And if your potential clients are located in such cities, then they are unlikely to use your services, much less become your regular clients, and the reason for this is the high price of your services.

To open an IT outsourcing company and for it to bring good profits, you need to correctly draw up your price list. To do this, you need to carefully study the prices and range of services of competing companies, and you can also attract a certain circle of your acquaintances who are in any way connected with this line of activity. In this case, each of your friends should offer the cost of various services that would suit him. Then, from the complete list, you need to select the highest price among those offered by your friends, and this price should be lower than the prices of competing companies. This is how you will create your price list.

Suppliers. At this stage, you need to find out which products and types of equipment are in greatest demand at the moment. In addition, you need to carefully study the list of stores that sell computers and other office equipment. A store that, in addition to low prices, also uses discount systems (from 20 to 30%) can become your reliable supplier.

At the time of registering a company, you need to clearly understand how exactly you want to open it. If there are several planned organizers (co-founders) of the company, this requires registration of an LLC. And if there is only one founder, then registering an individual entrepreneur will be quite sufficient. The tax base should preferably use a simplified form of taxation with a 15 percent rate.

Advertising and promotion of services are necessary for the effectiveness of your work. To do this, you should draw up a commercial proposal for your potential clients, which will use elements of advertising text.

It is quite possible to do this without creating your own website to promote your services. So, customers can simply be redirected to your suppliers’ website, of course, if they have one.

If your company has several co-founders, then it is necessary to distribute areas of responsibility among them in the further conduct of the business. The primary offer to clients should be the sale of equipment, since equipment maintenance and installation are secondary. In your work, you can use different types of commercial proposals for this, although no text documents can replace live communication in a personal meeting.

You can open an IT outsourcing company in your city with minimal costs. This is possible with proper design of your message to potential clients. Specialists must present good and high-quality presentations of your business telling about your company’s products and services. Naturally, in this case, clients do not immediately agree to various types of cooperation proposals. Most often, they need some time to think about your commercial proposal. Namely, in order to get acquainted with your prices (for goods and their delivery) and try to find better offers.

No bank loan is required. The investors of the company will be 2 partners, one of whom is an experienced accountant, and the second is an auditor. One-time investments will amount to 850 thousand rubles. Costs of the 1st year - 1,300 thousand rubles. Planned revenue is 2 million rubles.

Company information

The Financial Outsourcing company will provide accounting services in the Kursk region.

Business environment

Numerous studies show that there is a demand for outsourcing and it is constantly growing. More and more small business owners are realizing that hiring an accountant is not practical. In a small enterprise there is very little work, and the services of a good specialist are expensive. Finding an experienced craftsman for part-time work is not easy. Therefore, transferring accounting to a company specializing in this is a good solution. It will cost less than an accountant. In addition, in a highly specialized company they always use the optimal solution to the problem, and not the usual or familiar one. The reason for such an unusual tandem, formed from cheapness and quality, is that the direct executor has the opportunity to consult with an experienced auditor. The client also has this opportunity.

Marketing and sales plan

Potential clients are almost all small firms, since each of them necessarily has not only an accountant, who often changes due to insufficient wages, but also an experienced consultant. All that remains is to convince them that outsourcing is what they need. A well-organized advertising campaign will play a big role in this. It should inspire confidence in the main specialists. Therefore, you need to advertise not just the brand, but the craftsmen who work under it. In our case, when investors and key specialists coincide, this will not be difficult.

The cost of services in the industry varies greatly depending on the complexity and volume of work. But almost any business plan for an outsourcing company contains an approximate price list. For Kursk companies it looks like this:

  1. Submission of zero reporting:
    • according to the simplified tax system - 800 rubles;
    • according to OSN - 1500.
  2. Submission of non-zero reporting:
    • according to the simplified tax system - from 1,200 rubles;
    • according to OSN - from 2,500 rubles.

But these are minimum prices. In a particular case, they may differ significantly. The cost of complete accounting of an enterprise is on average 10 thousand rubles, taking into account the fact that clients are usually small companies and individual entrepreneurs who have very simple, non-labor-intensive accounting. One auditor consultation on tax and other complex issues costs from 2.5 thousand rubles, if the company seeking advice is not a regular client. The price of this service can be reduced through various promotions in order to attract new businesses. Provided that 15 companies are served, the annual income will be 2 million rubles.

Operational plan

Large investments are not required at first. All we need is a building and some equipment. True, the premises must be chosen near a transport interchange in the central part of the city, so that all clients have convenient access. Otherwise, many will simply refuse the company’s services. After all, the main problem of outsourcing services, its main disadvantage, is the need to constantly carry documents. At the same time, the prestige of the building and expensive repairs are not so important. But you need to immediately buy good equipment, because the number of clients will constantly grow, and therefore the load on the equipment. You immediately need to purchase computers, printers, scanners, copying equipment and furniture. There must be a cooler with plastic cups for clients. It is advisable to have a kettle, tea, coffee and tea cups for guests.

Workforce plan

Clients will come gradually, and therefore there is no need to recruit a large number of employees at once. After the advertising is launched, it is enough to hire a couple of assistants, provided that the partners work themselves. In addition to direct accounting, the company will provide consulting services.

For domestic businessmen, outsourcing is a new concept, but despite this, many enterprises actively use this service. Transferring non-core activities to third-party specialists is much more expensive, but the work is performed at a high quality level. Such a business can generate good and stable income. In the previous publication we told you. You will learn how to open an outsourcing company in this article.

What is outsourcing?

Many people ask the question: What is an outsourcing company in simple words? Everyone knows that it is impossible to become a professional in all industries, so each organization has its own narrow area of ​​activity. In order to pay more attention to the development of the enterprise, many entrepreneurs shift additional, important functions to other companies that specialize in a certain field of activity. This useful mutual assistance is called outsourcing.

Previously, this service was used to calculate salaries for management at some enterprises. This made it possible to avoid publicity of information. Today, businessmen who are trying to optimize their expenses are happy to use the services of leasing staff. Third-party specialists handle tax filings, visit banks, and even have access to some confidential information.

It is worth noting that in Western countries, personnel outsourcing is a fairly popular service. Some companies outsource almost 80% of non-essential functions. In our country, the outsourcing business is at the stage of development, but despite this, 30–40% of entrepreneurs are already actively using this service.

Types of services

Before drawing up a business plan for an outsourcing company, you must first decide on the type of its activity.

Among the most common services, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Accountant services;
  2. Tax reporting;
  3. Advertising activity;
  4. Employee management;
  5. Office printing;
  6. Cleaning;
  7. Website creation and promotion.
  8. Experts recommend choosing niches that have not yet been filled, which include:

  • Development of corporate publications;
  • Sales department management;
  • Logistics services.

This list is unlimited by law. If an entrepreneur has found a highly specialized type of activity in his region that is in great demand, he can safely occupy this niche.

Registration of activities

Before opening a recruitment agency, you should legalize your business. If several co-founders will be involved in the business, an LLC should be opened. One owner can register an individual entrepreneur. This type of activity is not licensed, so you will not have to obtain any additional permits.

To build a business on staff rental you will need approximately 400 thousand rubles.

This amount includes the following expenses:

  1. Office rent – ​​70 thousand rubles;
  2. Purchase of furniture – 100 thousand rubles;
  3. Business registration 10 thousand rubles;
  4. Advertising – 20 thousand rubles;
  5. Computer equipment – ​​100 thousand rubles;
  6. Salary – 100 thousand rubles.

At the start, you will not make a solid profit. You must first establish yourself in the market and gain regular customers. If you use the right personnel selection methods and are able to prove yourself to be the best, within 2–3 years of operation the profitability of your business will reach 40%.


The success of your business largely depends on the choice of employees. Use advanced modern recruitment methods to select the best talent.

They are subject to the following requirements:

  • Competence;
  • Experience;
  • Communication skills;
  • Ability to communicate with clients.

Over time, as your business begins to flourish, you can hire a professional to handle employee selection. The responsibilities of the recruiting manager include interviewing the applicant, checking his professional qualities, and applying for a job.

At first, 5–10 people are enough for full-fledged work.

Basic methods of personnel selection

The main task that every new entrepreneur faces is finding employees. For this purpose, various methods of personnel selection and assessment are used. Let's look at some of them:

  1. Advertisements in business newspapers and magazines;
  2. State employment centers. This is one of the most common methods of personnel selection. The center offers employers several interesting programs. For example, a company can accept an employee for an internship, and after he is enrolled in a permanent job, the employment center pays him a salary for a year.
  3. Recruitment agencies. Nowadays, the services of recruiting agencies are very popular. They charge 2-3 months of an employee's salary for their work. Some organizations work on a prepayment basis;
  4. Advertisements in print media. By analyzing data in the media, you can find not only semi-skilled workers, but also employees for management positions. It is not practical to use such recruitment techniques to find highly qualified specialists, since they usually do not read such publications;
  5. View resume. Specialists post their resumes on employment sites. If you decide to start leasing staff, you can use this information to select employees for your organization;
  6. Advertisements on the Internet. To find specialists to work in an outsourcing company, you can post vacancy announcements on specialized websites on the Internet. To prevent competitors from finding out about your plans, you don’t have to disclose the company name. For feedback, just provide your email address. Such traditional methods of personnel search usually give good results;
  7. Sending commercial proposals to various organizations;
  8. Own internet site.
  9. An important source of advertising can be your first clients who rented workers from your company and were satisfied with the level of service provided. Positive customer reviews will help you create an impeccable reputation and, accordingly, increase the profitability of the enterprise.

    The main task that new entrepreneurs face is to tell their potential clients about the benefits they can get by using their services.

    Features of personnel management

    Many businessmen outsource all accounting calculations and personnel document flow. This is quite labor-intensive work. Outsourcing organizations also offer motivational and appraisal projects, as well as human resource management for small businesses. They use a different approach to work, so this activity is considered a separate type of business.

    Video on the topic Video on the topic

    Before choosing an outsourcing company, you should decide what you want to get from such cooperation. If you want to get rid of routine and save your time, but leave all strategic aspects within the company, you should choose HR document management outsourcing. Another goal is staff training, competent independent assessment, and a motivation system. In this case, you should contact outsourcing companies that conduct seminars, trainings and other events.

    Many business managers who do not know how to manage personnel spend too much time solving various organizational issues. If you entrust this matter to a professional, you can calmly deal with solving major problems and developing new business development strategies. Experienced entrepreneurs know what benefits can be obtained if they transfer secondary functions of the company to third-party specialists, and therefore actively use such a service.


    In any business, there is no absolute guarantee that it will be profitable and profitable. If you correctly analyze your actions and take a responsible approach to your work, outsourcing your workforce can bring in good income. Competition in this area is low, so you can safely enter this business.

Today, the activities of entrepreneurs combine many tasks. It is completely unrealistic to know everything in every area, and performing all its functions is not work for one person. At first glance, the solution would seem to be to create a large staff of employees, which would be quite costly and not profitable.

The solution to this problem lies in a new and popular service called outsourcing. What is it? Outsourcing is the transfer by an organization, on the basis of a contract, of certain business processes or production functions to be serviced by another company specializing in the desired field.

The first company to use this service was Kodak. Outsourcing is divided into: production, IT outsourcing (ITO), business process outsourcing (BPO), knowledge management outsourcing (KPO). Currently, business process outsourcing is very popular because it allows you to carry out business activities more efficiently.

Such services are not included in the scope of the services provided. This type is long-lasting, lasting at least a year. The main source of cost savings through outsourcing is increasing the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole and the opportunity to free up relevant organizational, financial and human resources in order to develop new ones, or concentrate efforts on existing areas that require increased attention. The basis for outsourcing is the existence of a business process.

Types of business processes:

  • Managers, regulation of system functions.
  • Operational, drawing up the basics of the company's business and creating the main profit streams.
  • Supporting, servicing the core business.

Functions that are often serviced by outsourcing companies:

  • various types of technical support for office equipment and networks (computer),
  • Accounting,
  • translation services,
  • provision of transport services,
  • security activities,
  • advertising.

Any activity has both strengths and weaknesses. Each of which must be considered.

Benefits of outsourcing:

  • cost savings and control.
  • the opportunity to direct financial, technical, organizational and human resources to strengthen existing technologies or develop new ones.

To do this, you will not need to expand your staff and the costs associated with this, including paying taxes and salaries.

Outsourcing allows you to reduce the risks associated with the implementation of business processes through the use of special equipment, obtaining high quality services, standard knowledge and modern technologies, reducing the impact of uncontrollable factors. Being at the stage of establishing your own business, without proper experience in the economic sphere, will negate the possibility of risks and reduce your erroneous actions in the management environment. As a small (or medium) business owner, it may be appropriate to outsource marketing, accounting, IT and advertising due to the specialized knowledge required to run these areas.

Benefits of outsourcing. Let's take accounting as an example.

  1. The best solution for personnel-related problems. This will give you a number of advantages, such as no need to search or train specialists, replace personnel during vacation, illness, and other reasons. Taking into account the psychological factor, employees will see themselves in more demand, and hence treat their work conscientiously.
  2. A successful method of saving money on office maintenance.
  3. A chance to use someone else’s knowledge base and professional experience.
  4. This will allow you to avoid penalties for failure to comply with deadlines for submitting reports to the tax authorities; the outsourcing company will be responsible for this.

If it is possible to pay for this type of service, this will eliminate the need to go into depth on your own and cover a wide range of specialized knowledge. In a word, it will free you from worries about entering the business, knowing that you have trusted in the hands of professionals, and therefore the chance of mistakes is clearly lower than with an independent, inept organization.

Entrepreneurs who have already collaborated with outsourcing companies leave feedback on their work. Therefore, you should be interested in the name and quality of services of the chosen company.

Not all employees of these companies are sufficiently qualified in certain areas. Some have ineffective methods that will incur costs and damage to your effectiveness. At the same time, there is a risk of violating the confidentiality of the information provided, due to the transferred full access to all sources of the enterprise.

General disadvantages. Newly founded outsourcing companies, due to inexperience, may turn out to be ineffective, with a constantly changing staff, which has a detrimental effect on the quality of their services. Incompetent personnel selection, lack of knowledge of the mentality of countries, etc. all this creates conditions for poor quality work. Today in Russia you can find companies providing outsourcing services at an international level too.

The outsourcing market at this stage of development offers a wide range of services. The most popular of which are those with an accounting focus. Accounting outsourcing is one of the options for accounting support for accounting and reporting functions at an enterprise, for which the head of the enterprise bears full responsibility, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Outstaffing is also relevant - this is the activity of an agency aimed at recruiting your employees into your own staff.

Outsourcing in the field of IT is important, associated with scientific and technological growth and Internet technologies. In Russia, these are areas such as website creation and support and PC maintenance.

Outsourcing in the field of marketing communications is also one of the popular areas. These are customer relationship management services, mainly outsourcing of telephone call processing and outsourcing to call centers.

Cooperation with outsourcers. In order to avoid any misunderstandings, misunderstandings and unforeseen circumstances in this kind of cooperation, it is necessary to seek the services of a lawyer in advance to conclude contracts of this nature.

Before switching to outsourcing services, you need to calculate the main costs for personally carrying out this type of operation, compare it with the offer of the company providing the services and draw appropriate comparative conclusions. Be careful when calculating costs, take into account all possible expenses so as not to lead the company to unprofitable cooperation. Pay attention to the proposed plans to change the structure of your business so that it does not differ from what you have chosen and meets the desired goals. Discuss all the nuances, taking into account all possible options for changes, even before concluding a deal.

I would like to warn you about making a decision in connection with the modern canons of this type of service; this may not be beneficial for you. Don’t chase fashion, make informed decisions as needed.

Be that as it may, outsourcing is a profitable type of service for small (medium) businesses. The best way to competently optimize production, which will allow the manager to save time and deal only with management issues.

Entrepreneurs in the domestic market are interested in optimizing financial costs for paying employees. And this goal is quite achievable if you resort to the services of outsourcing companies - then part of the work functions can be transferred to the shoulders of incoming specialists. Due to the demand for the service, business in this niche is gradually gaining popularity among budding entrepreneurs. What is outsourcing? And how to establish a profitable business in this area?

To open an outsourcing agency, you do not need large investments - this is the main advantage of the direction. In the meantime, low competition in the market makes it possible for even beginners to build a profitable business.

You will need to draw up a clear business plan for an outsourcing company in order to choose the direction of further activities and calculate all the risks associated with organizing activities.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments - from 300,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 6/10.

What is outsourcing?

Many entrepreneurs on the Russian market already know about the outsourcing system. What is this in simple words? Outsourcing is a business tool that consists in the possibility of transferring certain company functions to a third party for the required period of time. According to experts, the market potential for the successful development of outsourcing agencies is enormous.

And if previously only small companies resorted to the services of third-party organizations, today, in order to save budget, even large companies transfer the affairs of some departments to the hands of incoming specialists. We can conclude that outsourcing as a business is a profitable business, which, with a competent approach, gives the entrepreneur a chance to receive high profits in the future.

Depending on the specific type of activity that incoming employees will be engaged in, the following types of outsourcing services are distinguished:

  • Production outsourcing. In this case, the company outsources part of its production processes. This is beneficial for entrepreneurs, since labor will cost much less than when hiring permanent employees.
  • Business process outsourcing. Outsourcing services extend to the management of certain secondary processes at the customer’s enterprise - accounting, product sales, marketing.

You can open an outsourcing company working on one profile, choosing a niche that is in demand - for beginners in business, this will be the best option, since it will be easier to set up activities. But an agency working in several directions at once will be more profitable - but here both costs and knowledge will be required.

What services do you offer?

In the first paragraph of the business plan, decide on the profile of your activity. Many further steps will depend on this - finding clients, promoting the agency. Currently, there is significant demand among customers for outsourcing activities in the following areas:

  • accounting,
  • legal support of business activities,
  • logistics,
  • IT service,
  • conducting personnel management,
  • cleaning service,
  • providing stores with sales and service personnel.

Beginning entrepreneurs should pay attention to IT outsourcing (repair and maintenance of computer equipment, creation and maintenance of websites, programming, information security) - this area is now in great demand. The provision of outsourcing services in the field of accounting and law has already become a “classic” - small companies prefer to cooperate with incoming specialists. Providing customers with service and sales personnel and low-skilled workers will also be beneficial for newcomers.

It will be difficult for novice entrepreneurs to organize an outsourcing company providing services in the field of logistics - very high costs, high level of competition.

Where to start your own business?

We have figured out what an outsourcing company is and what line of business to choose. How to start a business?

The first step is to register the agency with the regulatory authorities. You can choose the form of individual entrepreneur or LLC. If you do not plan to open a large company, the first option will be the most optimal. But in order to be able to enter into an outsourcing agreement with a large customer in the future, it is better to choose the LLC form of business. This also applies to cases where a business is organized by several founders. Taking into account what the outsourcing company does, its name is chosen. It is better to register your own “brand” in order to exclude the appearance of “eponymous” companies in one locality. The name of the future company can be anything.

The next thing an entrepreneur needs to think about is renting an office. Here you will conduct interviews with staff and meet customers. It’s great if the premises are located in some business center in the business part of the city - it will be more convenient to get here. Before opening an outsourcing company, take care of the renovation of the office - everything should look respectable.

It is advisable to zone the workspace - reception, meeting room, interview room. Equip the office with everything necessary for the outsourcing agency to work without “failures” - telephones and computers for employees, furniture (tables, cabinets, chairs, armchairs or sofas for those waiting). An entrepreneur can spend a significant amount of money on organizing the office.

Be no less responsible when recruiting staff. At first, of course, you can perform all the functions yourself - this way you will save on variable costs. But only specialists will be able to attract profitable customers and provide them with qualified employees to complete their tasks. Outsourcing work will require hiring a lawyer, recruitment and client search managers, and an accountant.

What do outsourcing companies do? The client turns to such companies for temporary staff. To start cooperation, you enter into an agreement, which will spell out the responsibilities of both parties. Outsource involves concluding an agreement with hired specialists. You give part of the money you receive to the hired employee and take a certain percentage for yourself.

It turns out that the basis for the success of your business will be what kind of employees you offer to the customer - the better they work for the benefit of the employer, the more positive reviews your company will have! This means that you should pay special attention to finding professionals who will perform the assigned tasks - HR managers should know their job well.

Working for an outsourcing company, due to the high level of unemployment in the market, today interests not only applicants with low qualifications, but also specialists with higher education - there should be no problems with this. Look for personnel through the Internet, employment exchanges, newspapers.

Business promotion on the market

In order for outsourcing of business services to occupy its niche in the market, you need to take care of the promotion of the newly opened company. Advertising here is of paramount importance - be sure to include in your business plan a cost item for promoting your company.

The more potential clients know about the services you offer, the more money you will earn.

The company's reputation plays a big role in business promotion - a good reputation about you will quickly spread among entrepreneurs who often need staff outsourcing. High quality services should become your calling card. But don’t forget about effective marketing tools - advertising on TV and radio, advertisements and articles in business publications.

Not everyone still knows what outsourcing means. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to create your own website, where all information about the company and price lists will be posted. Promoting a business in the service sector via the Internet is one of the most effective ways of promotion.

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Benefits of outsourcing business

The profitability of an outsourcing company, if its activities are properly organized, can reach 40% by the end of the first year of operation. These are excellent returns, considering the small investment required to start a business.

To offer outsourcing of services or personnel of any skill level, you will need at least 300,000 rubles. Capital costs will be spent on registering a company, preparing an office, hiring staff, and advertising.

It’s great if you can start your business with 2-3 regular clients. This way you can be sure of receiving stable income. And over time, if you offer quality services, you will develop a wide client base.

It is very difficult to determine exact profitability figures - a lot depends on the direction in which you will work, and on how many clients you will serve. Knowing how an outsourcing company works and investing part of your budget in promoting the company on the market, you can receive consistently high income.

Are you planning to start your own business, take the first steps towards opening your own business? You might want to think about starting an outsourcing company. Today, in the Russian services market, outsourcing can with full confidence be considered one of the best options for a promising start.

As a rule, the technical side of the issue does not cause problems. However, in organizational terms, novice entrepreneurs often feel not entirely confident. Let's try to understand what is included in the concept of "outsourcing", what an outsourcing company is, what its activities are, how to draw up a business plan and organize work, what advantages it can offer its clients.

What is outsourcing? Just something complicated

The growth of business specialization is a characteristic feature of the modern economy. Accounting is moving to international financial reporting standards (IFRS), information technologies are developing and becoming more complex, and requirements for information security and personnel management are increasing. Under these conditions, the combination of all areas within one enterprise (especially if we are talking about the small and medium-sized business segment) leads to a decrease in efficiency and profitability.

What optimization tool does progressive business use? Outsourcing provides a comprehensive answer to this question. All non-core activities are transferred to a third party organization specializing in providing services in this area.

Main segments of the outsourcing market

If you are interested in how to open an outsourcing company, approach the task responsibly. First of all, decide on the profile of your future activities. Among the most common, and therefore the most popular, areas are the following services:

— bookkeeping (accounting and tax accounting);

- legal support;

— logistics;

— marketing;

— IT service (repair and maintenance of computer equipment, ensuring information security, development and promotion of a company website or high-precision systems, programming, updating and configuring software);

— personnel management (personnel management);

- cleaning.

What is the economic feasibility of interacting with an outsourcer?

By concluding a bilateral agreement, your client has the opportunity to significantly reduce the costs required to conduct a specific type of activity. There is no longer a need to equip workplaces and organize advanced training for workers. At the same time, paying for the services of an outsourcing company will cost much less than maintaining full-time staff. Savings reach 50% or more.

Benefits of outsourcing

Why else are the services of an outsourcing company beneficial for clients, what do they gain from cooperation with third-party specialists? Let's name two key arguments in favor of outsourcing that you can present to a potential customer.

No risks and confidentiality. Outsourcing always implies the presence of warranty obligations and non-disclosure of information received from the client to third parties.

High level of service, professionalism, maximum efficiency. Entrepreneurs who know well from their own experience what an outsourcing company is have repeatedly been convinced of how important their professional and business reputation is for representatives of this business.

Regardless of the size and type of ownership of the customer enterprise, he is promptly provided with equally high-quality services. The performers are exclusively competent specialists who know how to find a way out of the most confusing and difficult situations.

Organization of work of an outsourcing company

We have understood the concept of “outsourcing” and the areas of activity in this area of ​​business. Now let’s begin to consider the question of how to open an outsourcing company, focusing on the nuances that are important for the start-up stage.

The first thing you will need to do is register a company in accordance with current legislation. Next, you rent a suitable premises (preferably in the business part of the city or business center). It is important that your office looks respectable. Therefore, if necessary, update the furniture and carry out minor cosmetic repairs, having previously coordinated your actions with the landlord.

The next step is hiring staff. Take this very seriously and select only experienced and qualified workers. Pay attention to how their specialization corresponds to the direction of your company. In parallel with the selection of employees, create a website for your company and start an advertising campaign.

Why is a business plan needed?

A number of aspiring entrepreneurs believe that by drawing up a business plan for an outsourcing company, they are wasting their time. Why is this opinion wrong?

— You have decided why and what kind of business you are starting, what you want to offer to the consumer. However, at the initial stage it is just an idea. Working on a plan for the formation and further actions of a future company will help you systematize your thoughts, put your plans into concrete form, without missing a single important point. You will be able to pre-calculate the efficiency of your business based on expected expenses and income, and anticipate possible risks.

— A properly drawn up, well-thought-out business plan serves as an effective tool for attracting investors. Your project can become the object of serious investment if you clearly demonstrate a high probability of significant profit.

— What should this document contain? Let's take IT outsourcing as an example. The business plan of a company specializing in the provision of services in the field of information technology provides for accounting for the costs of its registration, rental of premises, purchase of computer equipment and licensed software, marketing and advertising activities, and planned income indicators for a specific period of time.

— Do not try to immediately cover a wide range of services. Secure yourself in the chosen niche of the market segment and only then start thinking about expanding your staff and offerings to consumers.

— Involve a professional in drawing up an agreement for the provision of outsourcing services. This document must clearly define the areas of responsibility of each party.

— Remember the decisive role of the company’s business reputation. Hire experienced professionals whom you can trust unconditionally.

— Choose a sonorous, interesting, memorable name for your company. This will help attract customers for your services.

From the first steps to a successful takeoff

Due to its advantages, outsourcing is becoming more and more attractive to a wide range of consumers. Therefore, by choosing this type of activity, you are undoubtedly moving in the right direction, but, having figured out how to open an outsourcing company, do not forget that establishing a business takes time.

Confidently move towards your goal, solve each task professionally and responsibly, and work to ensure that your clients trust you. Success will not take long to arrive.

Outsourcing in our country appeared not so long ago, but quickly became popular. Performing certain administrative and other functions is possible in any area of ​​economic activity, including production.


Outsourcing of production activities is the complete or partial transfer of the production process to a third party. The manufacturing of individual components or spare parts can be farmed out to a contractor, or the entire process can be farmed out.

However, it should not be confused with subcontracting, which means a slightly different activity. A subcontract involves a short-term relationship, for example, the manufacture of specific products under a specific contract. Let's say a customer has signed a contract for the supply of 10 thousand bicycles, but the production capacity allows us to produce only 2 thousand per month. In this case, he can find a contractor and order him to manufacture 8 thousand units of products or all 10,000. In this case, long-term cooperation is not assumed, but only within the framework of fulfilling obligations under a specific contract.

Production outsourcing is a long-term cooperation. For example, the customer completely transfers the function of manufacturing chains for bicycles to the contractor or the production of children's tricycles.


Within the framework of production outsourcing, the following types are distinguished:

  • production of raw materials;
  • production of components and blanks;
  • outsourcing of individual functions and operations designed to provide a full production cycle;
  • technological;
  • involvement of third-party specialists.

Reasons for involving third parties

Naturally, the main reason is economic. It is often much cheaper to involve a third party in the process than to provide a full production cycle. Production involves not only the manufacture and release of products, but also the maintenance of equipment, hiring workers, and providing them with special clothing and protective equipment. Outsourcing allows you to reduce costs.

Saving time is the second factor pushing entrepreneurs to hire a contractor. It is much faster to assemble a bicycle from ready-made components and spare parts than to make all the components yourself. As a result, the efficiency of the production process as a whole increases.

The third factor is the rational distribution of personnel. It is better to attract highly qualified employees to perform more complex tasks.

In addition, if there are no suitable production personnel on staff, then they can be attracted under the terms of a production outsourcing agreement, that is, not hired on staff, but ordered, for example, the production of a drawing or a separate unit. The same general cleaning of the workshop can be done by someone else.

The fourth factor is the ability to gain access to new technologies without purchasing expensive equipment.

Outsourcing will come in handy when equipment breaks down or requires scheduled technical work.

And, of course, outsourcing allows you to focus as much as possible on the main goal of business activity, as they say, without being distracted by trifles.

When is it more rational to refuse a contractor?

In some cases, production outsourcing can harm a business. It is not advisable to engage a contractor if his services will affect the cost of the finished product.

There is a big risk that the quality of outsourced parts or assemblies will be very low. In this case, it is better to refuse the services of such a contractor, even if his price offer dumps the entire market. In any case, it is recommended to always order a trial batch to ensure quality, and to carry out quality control on an ongoing basis throughout the duration of the contract.

Production outsourcing activities can become completely ineffective if the contractor’s efficiency has significantly decreased, and this slows down the entire production process.

Monopolization of the outsourcing market due to the small number of “players” also plays an important role. In such a situation, you can attract foreign partners. Although the cost of their services will be higher, there is a high probability that the defect rate will be minimal and the performance characteristics will be high.


Outsourcing production personnel brings many benefits to an enterprise. This is especially true when production is seasonal. There is no need to maintain a large number of staff throughout the year, and there is no need for extra expenses. It is in this situation that outsourcing helps. The contractor provides the customer with the necessary personnel within the period specified in the contract and with the necessary qualifications. The owner of the enterprise does not need to think about sick leave and vacations. The contractor will help when employees are needed for a specific project, for example, to launch a new product.

The outsourcing company will free the customer from the need to train staff, since employees will be selected according to clear criteria and certain qualifications.

And most importantly, the company is freed from the burden of paying payroll taxes.

Occupational Safety and Health

What to hide, in addition to a tax audit, the management of any, especially a manufacturing enterprise, is frightened by an inspection by the labor safety inspectorate. This area of ​​knowledge covers a huge list of regulatory documents, so a qualified specialist always requires high wages. Therefore, you should take into account the number of enterprises that are registered annually. Last year, more than 10 thousand of them were formed, and almost all of them employed up to 50 people. In such a situation, outsourcing of production functions comes to the rescue in terms of transferring functions in the field of labor protection. The main thing is that the contractor is accredited.

Contractor functions:

  • performing all functions in the field of labor protection;
  • certification of workplaces according to working conditions;
  • training of personnel on labor protection issues.

In addition to the fact that the customer gets the opportunity to receive a full range of labor, he is freed from the need to look for appropriate personnel and set up the entire system at his enterprise. You also save money on payroll taxes. The owner of the enterprise does not need to necessarily allocate funds to finance the labor protection system.

Sectors of the economy using outsourcing

Today, there are a number of enterprises that have appreciated the benefits of production outsourcing. These are enterprises of the chemical and metallurgical industries engaged in the supply of electrical and thermal energy, oil and gas production structures. Although third parties are not always involved in the process. So, for example, for Lukoil it was more economically profitable to separate the well drilling division from the corporation and transfer these functions to its own company. In a number of cases, there is a refusal by manufacturers to produce specific components using outdated technology and transferring the manufacturing process to a contractor who is already producing these products using innovative technology. For example, the same tractor plant closed its own production of hardware, which worked using old technologies and could not be loaded even at 10%. The tractor plant already purchases hardware products from third parties.

In light industry, outsourcing of production processes has also been used for a long time. For example, the owners of the OGGI trademark are only engaged in the development of clothing models and their sale, and everything is sewn on a contract basis.

At the same time, it is not yet possible to satisfy the demand of all enterprises wishing to switch to outsourcing. This is due to the fact that small businesses in our country are underdeveloped. It makes no sense to separate workshops with outdated equipment and capacities into a separate enterprise.


Today, the trends in the modern market are such that if it is much more profitable for an enterprise to outsource the production of a piece of equipment to a third party, then it should choose cooperation with a contractor. This approach stimulates the optimization of large and medium-sized enterprises.

Not many beginning entrepreneurs understand what outsourcing is - a new definition of a type of service when an existing enterprise does not have its own specialists of a certain profile, and it uses highly qualified specialists from outside to perform a certain job.

Providing outsourcing can be a great business that generates regular income. If we consider outsource as a literal translation, it will mean “using an external source.” Let's take a closer look at this definition and understand it.

What is outsourcing - definition and origin

When starting his own business, an entrepreneur is often faced with a type of activity in which he cannot be an expert, what is outsourcing, ─ when a start-up businessman or an existing company, under a contract, transfers to another company the functions of some business processes that are core for its specialists. This is a common phenomenon in modern business; it is used by many large corporations and companies.

In the activities of any enterprise, it is important that all processes involved in its organization and conduct of business take place in a quality manner. Having qualified specialists for all types of work is very expensive and ineffective for an entrepreneur. For this reason, it is better to have partners who can provide the service to complete a certain job at the right time and with maximum efficiency.

Outsourcing in Russia appeared with the emergence of entrepreneurial activity, this is:

    Private security agencies whose task is to protect the enterprises of businessmen, who do not spend money on a staff of guards and a security system.

    At the end of the last century, there was a surge in work on Internet resources, and hosting services began to be in demand to provide platforms for websites.

This is a brief history of the origins of outsourcing in Russia, but by the beginning of 2000, about 50% of large companies use this service.

What's the easiest way to explain outsourcing?

It is important for a businessman who has recently opened a business to understand what outsourcing is in simple words, ─ and this is nothing more than attracting the necessary resources from outside. The division of labor in an enterprise brings maximum efficiency. A start-up enterprise cannot afford to keep highly specialized, highly specialized specialists on its staff; it is expensive and irrational.

Modern labor organization technologies make it possible to resort to outsourcing, when some functions in the company’s work are performed by specialists from another company with specialized specialization. A firm or company that undertakes to perform certain functions at a businessman’s enterprise is called outsourcing, namely:

    when functions are transferred partially, this is partial outsourcing;

    if all functions are transferred by business processes in one area of ​​activity, this is complete outsourcing.

An example of partial outsourcing could be the provision of enterprise computers with the necessary programs, and when all maintenance of enterprise computers (repairs, software support, etc.) is given to a third-party company, this is complete outsourcing.

What types of outsourcing

Understanding what outsourcing services are, they can be divided, roughly into types, as follows:

    The transfer of some production functions of an entrepreneur to a third-party company is industrial (production) outsourcing. Often advertising agencies print their booklets in printing houses; this relationship is secured by an agreement, where the printing house is an outsourcer, and the printing of booklets is outsourced to the advertising agency.

    Outsourcing in IT technologies, when the delegation of functions under a contract is transferred to a specialized company, this includes software support, repair and maintenance of computer equipment, work with hosting and support for websites with their promotion for advertising the entrepreneur’s production.

    Involvement of narrow specialists to perform work on servicing the business processes of the entrepreneur. The range of these processes is wide, but the most commonly used processes are:

    servicing the entrepreneur in calculating labor remuneration for employees;

    conducting accounting;

    legal services;

    scheduled audit of production to improve the efficiency of its work;

  • consulting services.

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