Where to find a nanny Where can I find a babysitter? Where and how to look for a nanny

I am looking for a nanny. Behind these simple words is a difficult and very important decision to entrust care, even for a few hours a day, for your child to another person. Choosing a nanny for a child is a rather complex and multi-stage task.

At the first stage, it is necessary, perhaps, to decide how exactly you will search for a domestic worker. Relatives and acquaintances come to the aid of someone in a similar situation, but, as practice shows, sometimes you can be drawn into very difficult relationships. You can, of course, put up an ad "I'm looking for a nanny in Moscow" or print and hang leaflets with the text "hiring a nanny" all over the district. However, in this case, the parents do not have any guarantee that a really good nanny will come to the child. In Moscow, there are known cases of dishonest attitude of would-be workers to their duties. You can find a good nanny in Moscow in another way, most often more effective. is a salvation for those who do not have helping relatives or acquaintances, and who do not want to turn their apartment into a passage courtyard, weeding out numerous applicants.

It is such a recruiting agency for the home that is Second Mom. Our agency is always ready to help those for whom the words “nanny required” have become an urgent need. Our agency will help you find a professional and decent nanny in Moscow.

If the idea that your child needs a nanny has turned into a firm conviction in you, then you have come to the right place. Our agency is over 25 years old. Having serious experience in the field of recruitment of domestic staff, we perfectly understand what is behind the words "I'm looking for a nanny".

The employee you will find in the Second Mother agency is in most cases a nanny who has a special higher or secondary pedagogical or medical education and sufficient experience in working with children in families or government institutions (nurseries, kindergartens, schools).

If you need a nanny who has all the necessary skills for caring for a child, the basics of first aid in a critical situation, modern methods of developing a baby and knowledge of children's cuisine, we will try to help you.

If you need, you will find with us a nanny with a medical education and the necessary experience as a nanny to provide full-fledged care for a newborn.

If your baby has already grown out of diapers and is actively learning about the world around him (1-3 years old), we will offer you a worker with a pedagogical education. If you need a nanny who has the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out the full development of the child, then we will be able to find such an employee for you.

If your child is between 3 and 6 years old, we will find a caregiver for a child of that age. Having a compulsory pedagogical or humanitarian education, the nanny-educator will not only take care of the child, but also prepare him for the upcoming schooling.

The specialists of our agency carry out large-scale personnel work: interviews with candidates for vacancies of a nanny, educator, the formation of a complete package of documents for the candidate, testing. Nannies and governesses who are employed through the Second Mother agency, if necessary, undergo a psychological training course for working in families. Our educators know when they can make an independent decision, and in what cases scrupulous coordination of their actions with parents is necessary.

If you need babysitting services for your child, please contact us. Recruitment agency "Second Mother" has been successfully recruiting nannies in Moscow and the region for a long time.

We provide customers with a semi-annual or annual service contract. The contract provides for the replacement of an employee if, despite the work experience, you are not satisfied with any of her personal or professional qualities.

Choosing a nanny for a child is a difficult and responsible task. This is the person with whom your child is left alone, who communicates with your child, cares for him and educates him. Therefore, it is very important not to make a mistake with the choice. How should you choose the right nanny, what are they like, what should you pay attention to when choosing?

Types of nannies

Child psychologists and parents have long divided all nannies into several conditional types. This division helps parents to understand what kind of nanny they need to look after the child. Moreover, a nanny for a baby and a 5-year-old baby in many ways differ from one another. Not every nanny is able to look after both the baby and the five-year-old fidget with equal success. So, about types:

  • Nanny with medical education (doctor or nurse). Medical education is a very valuable quality. Especially when it comes to breastfeeding. The medical nanny is well versed in issues such as sterility, childhood illnesses and their symptoms, proper care for the baby, and feeding. They are especially careful, in the event of a baby’s illness, they can provide him with competent primary care, give him a massage, etc. Practice shows that medical nannies do not refuse to be with the baby not only during the day, but also at night. The main disadvantage of this category of nannies is that they take care of the child more than they bring it up. In the case of a baby, this is quite acceptable, but when he grows up, parents will most likely have to think about finding another nanny;
  • Arina Rodionovna. So it is customary to call older women, most often pensioners. Such nannies have many advantages. They raised their own children, they most likely have grandchildren. Therefore, they do not have experience in dealing with children. Usually they are extremely patient with the baby, they can tidy up the room and feed the child deliciously. "Arina Rodionovna" like to take long walks with children, take them to zoos, museums and other places that are useful for the child. They willingly read books to the child and patiently answer the endless children's "why". Old nannies usually have plenty of free time, and therefore they can work all day and even overtime. Their main drawback is the upbringing and treatment of the child "in the old fashioned way", as well as the desire to educate not only the baby, but also his parents. Another disadvantage is that it is usually difficult for the "nanny-grandmother" to help the child with the lessons;
  • Students. They are also called "babysitters for an hour." They are young, and therefore they do not have the proper experience in caring for children. Usually they have little free time, as they devote most of the day to study. Therefore, student nannies work on a case-by-case basis, regarding caring for someone else's baby as an occasional part-time job. Hence the corresponding attitude to work. Usually such nannies are hired when there are no other options;
  • Professional nanny. This is usually a middle-aged woman who has worked as a nanny for many years. This is her main profession. She has a lot of experience, she has worked with many children, she can provide references from families where she used to work. She knows how to find contacts with almost any child, as well as with his parents. A professional nanny can equally successfully communicate with children of any age - from infants to primary school students. She knows how to swaddle a baby, how to feed him or help him with an illness. A professional nanny can accompany the child when he travels long distances with his parents - for example, on vacation or abroad. With it, you can fearlessly leave the child for a long time. A professional nanny is the best parenting choice.

When choosing a nanny, you should consider how much time it is needed. If for several hours a day or 1-2 times a week, then a professional nanny is unlikely to agree to this. In this case, it is better to look for an old woman or a student.


Babysitters can work on different schedules. In this sense, they are divided into:

  • For a full time babysitter. Such nannies work from morning to evening. That is, until the child's parents come home from work. Throughout the day, the nanny is with the child, feeds him, walks with him, puts him to bed, is engaged in training;
  • For evening babysitters. As the definition implies, they work in the evenings. Evening nannies meet the child from school or pick him up from kindergarten, prepare dinner for the baby, feed him, put him to bed. Their working time ends when their parents come home;
  • For nannies with accommodation. They usually live for the whole week with the family that hired them to care for the baby. In accordance with the agreement, the nanny with accommodation is provided with one or two days off. It happens that she is given a separate room. In other cases, she sleeps in the same room with the baby. In addition to caring for a child, a live-in nanny can also perform other duties: help with the housework, prepare food for the baby and his parents;
  • For nannies by the day. Daily nannies are usually needed in cases where a child needs to be looked after around the clock. Usually these are babies or sick children. For the most part, daily nannies work in shifts - day after day.

A separate category is accompanying nannies. They are usually hired when a mother with a baby (or several children) has to travel long distances. The duties of an accompanying nanny include taking care of the children during the trip, as well as looking after the kids in a new place until returning back.

babysitting duties

Before you start looking for a nanny, you need to decide what her responsibilities will be. It is clear that not all cases of child care can be imputed to the nanny as a duty. She doesn’t know how to do something, she doesn’t want to do something for one reason or another. And in something else - no nanny, even the most qualified, can replace a mother: for example, in breastfeeding a baby. Therefore, first of all, you need to determine the list of the most important responsibilities, and solve all other nuances as they arise.

So, the nanny should:

  • Carry out full care of the baby;
  • ensure his safety;
  • Bathe the baby and fulfill other hygiene requirements;
  • Observe the daily routine: put the child to bed on time, walk with him;
  • Prepare food for the baby and feed him;
  • Monitor the sanitary order in the children's room;
  • Accompany him during visits to circles, sports sections;
  • Visit exhibitions, museums, attractions with him;
  • Know the features of the age development of the child and apply their knowledge in practice;
  • Help the child (if he is a preschooler) to prepare for school;
  • Help the pupil-school student in the implementation of the lessons.

Additional requirements

Many parents try to find a nanny for their baby exclusively with a pedagogical education. Indeed, there are many advantages in a nanny-teacher. She knows the methods of child development, she can understand music, be able to draw, know foreign languages, etc. She will teach the baby all this, as a result of which he will grow up as a fully developed personality. In addition, the nanny-teacher will be able to prepare the baby for school, and in the future help him with the lessons.

All these are the advantages associated with a nanny with a pedagogical education. However, there are also disadvantages here. Currently, some teachers (as well as psychologists) are trained in Western models of raising children, which in many respects do not coincide with our ideas and worldview. For example, many teachers now believe that a child should not be limited in anything, everything must be allowed to him, otherwise he will grow up as a complex and inferior personality. Therefore, before hiring a teacher-teacher, you should carefully understand his worldview and methods of education.

A nanny who does not have a pedagogical education. There are many more such nannies than those with a teaching diploma. They can be young girls, or they can be older women. They usually do not have any parenting methods of their own, and therefore it is much easier for them to explain the parent's point of view on raising a baby. The only significant disadvantage is that it will most likely be more difficult for a nanny without a pedagogical education to prepare a child for school.

A woman who has her own children. The main advantages of such nannies are their worldly experience and the ability to communicate with children. They will look after the child properly, feed him properly and on time, answer all his questions, etc. At the same time, some nannies from this category may not listen to the wishes of the baby’s parents, explaining that they are better know how to raise a child.

However, all of the above nuances are quite solvable. Another thing is much more important - what kind of nanny is a person. If she has a bad temper, bad habits, a limited outlook and an inappropriate vocabulary, then it is better to refuse her services. The reasons for the refusal are quite understandable: communicating with a dubious nanny, your child, voluntarily or involuntarily, will pick up from her those human qualities that she possesses.

How to look for a nanny

  1. The first and most common way is to advertise in newspapers or on the Internet. There is, in fact, only one plus here: this search method does not require large expenses, but there are plenty of minuses. Among those who submitted an advertisement, there may be former nannies who were expelled from their former places for serious misconduct, as well as nannies with no experience. Another category is the so-called "lovers of other people's husbands" or thieves who are looking for ways to infiltrate someone else's house in order to then rob it. Therefore, it is more reasonable to hold the first meeting with such applicants not at home, but somewhere on neutral territory.
  2. The second way is to search through recruitment agencies. There are many more advantages here: agencies can offer you an impressive list of candidates for every taste, along with characteristics, recommendations, and medical certificates. But, at the same time, there are also enough disadvantages: you have to pay for the services of the agency, many candidates are nannies only from their own words, some may have false documents. In addition, one should not trust indiscriminately the recruitment agencies themselves. There were cases when some agencies deliberately deceived clients, trying to bring them together not with professionals in their field, but with random people.
  3. The surest way to find a nanny is the recommendation of your acquaintances, colleagues, friends, relatives. Usually, none of them will recommend a bad candidate. You will know almost everything about such a nanny: her habits, abilities, marital status, place of residence, work experience. There is only one significant minus here: if for some reason you refuse her, then by doing so you risk ruining relations with those who recommended her.

How to meet a nanny

Getting acquainted with the nanny, you should carefully look at all the little things. This is understandable: it is to her that you entrust the most precious thing that you have - your child. First of all, you need to pay attention to the appearance of a candidate for a nanny for your baby. If she looks untidy, this is a good reason to refuse her.

After a visual acquaintance, it is recommended to ask the candidate a few questions of a general nature. These can be questions on a variety of topics: does she know how to cook, what dishes are best for her, does she like to walk, can she take the child to the section or clinic, what were her duties in the same place, how did she get along with the child there and his parents, etc. Do not hesitate to ask her for a passport and medical certificates. You should also carefully read the letters of recommendation and call the numbers that are indicated in them.

In the event that the meeting takes place at your home, it is wise to invite other members of your family to it, as well as the child. Conclusions about what a candidate is like should be drawn from her very first step in your home. Did she come on time, did she say hello to you and the child, how sincere is she in conversation, etc. When she leaves, you need to develop a generalized opinion and decide together whether this candidacy as a nanny is right for your baby.

After general questions, you need to get to know the future nanny closer by asking her more specific questions.

1) Questions about previous work:

  • What duties did you perform in your previous position?
  • Why didn't you work there?
  • How easily do you adapt in a new family?
  • How long does it take for children to get used to you?
  • What do you dislike doing as a nanny?

2) Questions of a personal nature:

  • How old are you?
  • Do you have education?
  • What is your marital status?
  • Do you have children and what is their age?
  • If the children are minors, then who will stay with them while you are at work?
  • Do you have hobbies, and which ones?
  • Are you a believer and what religion do you practice?
  • How do you spend your free time and what is your social circle?

3) Health Questions:

  • Do you have chronic diseases?
  • Can you lift a child in your arms?
  • Do you have bad habits?
  • How long have you been undergoing fluorography?
  • Do you agree to undergo an additional medical examination?

4) Discussion of future responsibilities:

  • Can you stay if necessary?
  • Are you willing to work weekends?
  • Do you agree to accompany the child if he leaves with his parents to the country house, to another city, to another country?

5) Discussion of payment terms:

  • What salary do you expect?
  • How do you want to be paid - every day, once a week, monthly?
  • How do you feel about fines for absenteeism or being late?

6) Discussion of behavior in emergency situations:

  • What do you intend to do if the child chokes, faints, cries and is naughty, behaves inappropriately, gets sick (the list of situations can be continued)?

7) Questions with background:

  • What games can be played with a child at a particular age?
  • What are the reasons why babies cry?
  • What do you do if your child pisses you off?
  • What is the most important thing for you when caring for a baby and communicating with him?

And, of course, one should not discount one's own maternal intuition. It is she who should be the decisive condition for whether to accept this or that candidate as a nanny or refuse her.

How to introduce a nanny to a child

So, the future nanny made a positive impression on you. However, this is not a reason to immediately hire her. You need to make sure how your child will react to the candidate. This should be the last argument in your decision about whether or not your child needs such a nanny.

Watch your child's reaction carefully. If he has a sociable character, then after what time will he try to get to know the nanny better? If, on the contrary, the baby is uncommunicative, then how will the nanny behave in this case in order to win him over? If at first the child is afraid of the nanny, but thanks to her efforts, then he nevertheless begins to show interest in her, then this is an absolute plus for the nanny.

It is not necessary at the very beginning to leave the baby with the nanny for a long time. It would be wiser if the child gets used to it gradually. At the same time, the baby should try to explain that the nanny is a very good aunt who will teach him to play, draw, walk with him, ride the carousel, etc. Having believed in your explanations, the child will be able to quickly get used to her. And the last condition: when hiring a nanny, it is necessary to conclude an official employment contract with her.

How to supervise babysitting

The fact that the work of the nanny must be controlled should not cause objections. The question is how to do it right. First, inept control is difficult to achieve any specific results. Secondly, in this way you can offend the nanny.

The main method of control is careful observation of the child. If he sleeps restlessly at night, is not happy with the nanny or is afraid of her, then this is already an occasion to think and strengthen observations. If the baby, as soon as he sees you, starts crying and tries to run away from the nanny, then this is another reason for parental thoughtfulness. Additional reasons may also be that for a long time your baby has not learned anything new, he has incomprehensible bruises and scratches, the nanny behaves ingratiatingly in front of you, etc. With the regular appearance of such signs, it is better to part with the nanny.

Good results can give your unexpected arrival home. Or - the same unexpected appearance in the house of your friends and relatives. It is also good to talk to neighbors from time to time, who can see exactly how the nanny communicates with your child. Some parents even hire private detectives for such purposes.

There is another proven way to determine how good or, on the contrary, how bad your baby's nanny is. A good nanny is one in which the baby returns from a walk dirty, but at home he is always clean and washed. Everything is simple here. When a child walks fully, he usually always gets dirty. A fully-fledged child can walk only when he feels comfortable with the nanny.

Recently, more and more often monitor the work of nannies with the help of video cameras. This is perhaps the most effective form of control. In the press and on TV, it is often reported that it was thanks to video cameras that it was possible to expose fanatics under the guise of nannies. It is better if video cameras are installed in several places. It is clear that the nanny herself should not know anything about video surveillance.

Don't be jealous of your baby

The baby gets used to a good nanny quickly. It happens that he starts calling her "mom". Often this leads to the fact that real mothers begin to be jealous of the child for the nanny. And for this reason, she was fired. Thus, such mothers make a big mistake.

In this case, the feelings and psychology of the child are not taken into account. Being attached to someone is very important to him. And when the nanny to whom the baby managed to become attached disappears from his life, and a new one appears instead, this can cause serious stress for the baby. There is no need to be jealous of the child and be afraid that the nanny can really replace a real mother. If the nanny is a professional, and also a wonderful person, then she will always find a way to explain to your baby that the real mother is you, and no one else.

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How to find a good babysitter? 7 secrets from Nastya Zhuk

The realities of our modern life are such that many parents face a responsible task - to hire a nanny for their child. It doesn't matter if you go to work, need free time to study, or you need a nanny occasionally to take a break from household chores. In any case, in order to find a good nanny, you have to make a lot of efforts - look through more than one profile, conduct more than one interview and, relying on your intuition, choose the best of the candidates.

The most reliable way to hire a qualified, experienced nanny is to contact a domestic staff recruitment agency. Choose a trusted agency with a license and experience. When concluding an agreement with an agency, pay attention to what guarantees are provided to you, what responsibility the agency bears in case of an unsuccessful selection of a candidate, on what conditions the replacement will be carried out.

The agency will provide you with detailed profiles of applicants who have already been verified by the agency and have passed the initial selection. You get a guarantee that the certificates and documents provided by the nanny will be genuine. Moreover, some agencies provide psychological testing of domestic staff for mental health, and for nannies and governesses - the ability to work with children.

In the agency, first of all, they will offer you to decide on the requirements for the work schedule and qualifications of the nanny. Babysitters come with accommodation, i.e. are next to the child around the clock, day and night stay, hourly nannies.

It is easiest to find a full-time nanny, for example, from 8 to 5 daily on weekdays, it is more difficult to find a nanny for a non-standard or irregular work schedule. In addition, the hourly pay of a nanny is more expensive than a full-time salary. The qualification of a nanny depends on education, length of service and work experience. As a rule, it is preferable for babies up to a year to choose a nanny with a medical education, and older children with a pedagogical education. Although we advise you not to get hung up on this, and first of all, look for a sensitive, patient, decent woman who loves her job and children.

The duties that the nanny will have to perform are negotiated individually based on your wishes and the consent of the nanny. Usually, the direct duties of a nanny include: looking after the child during the day, bathing, feeding, preparing children's meals, maintaining order in the children's room, walking in the fresh air, developing activities and games, instilling various skills, reading books, accompanying children to circles and sections. If the nanny is required to perform any female housework, then stipulate this in advance, because not everyone will agree to such conditions. Most likely, you need a housekeeper already.

The duration of the selection of a candidate for a position depends on the number of priority criteria for you, the scale of your requirements, as well as the proportionality of the payment that you are willing to pay. Try to clearly formulate your wishes, taking into account reality. You must understand that it will be difficult to find a nanny with a higher pedagogical education, knowledge of foreign languages ​​and willing to combine the work of a nanny with the duties of a housekeeper.

If you like a nanny, you can take her for a trial period (from a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the agency) to make sure that you choose the right one. And only after that the contract is concluded. The services of good agencies are not cheap, and the salary of a nanny through an agency will be higher than the average market. You can try to find a nanny on your own, through acquaintances (not a bad option) or through advertisements. But be prepared that the search for a nanny can stretch out and cost you extra nerves. Be vigilant, beware of scammers, conduct an initial interview on neutral territory.

When applying for a job, do not forget to require medical certificates and identity documents, residence permit and work book. Without knowledge of psychology and subtle intuition, it will be difficult for you to understand at the very first interview what kind of person is in front of you, because the applicant will try to show his best side. Ask questions, inquire about the reason for leaving the previous job, if possible, call the former employer.

Trust your intuition and sooner or later you will find your perfect babysitter.

Even 10 years ago, young mothers quietly and peacefully sat on maternity leave for exactly three years. It was supposed to be so, it was not even discussed. The husband is the breadwinner, and the mother is the mother. Now it is not customary to stay on maternity leave: some lack communication, others lack money. So mothers go to work as soon as the little one is a couple of months old. There are not enough private kindergartens for everyone, so you have to look for a nanny. But how? Where to start and how to make the right choice - MirSovetov will tell.

What are nannies

Babysitters are different - it's a fact! And in terms of age, and in relation to children, and in terms of functions performed. What kind of nanny your child needs is up to you, so read the following qualifications carefully.
baby sitter. If your baby is still very young, and you need to be away from home, try to find a nanny with a medical background. She will skillfully cope with the little one and will not only notice something wrong in time, but will also react professionally. And situations are such that delay is not allowed - suddenly the baby choked, a rash appeared or the temperature rose. The baby will not be able to tell himself about the illness, and an inexperienced nanny will not always be able to provide first aid. It will be good if such a nanny already has experience working with newborns. And be sure to check her medical book, pay attention to the date of the medical examination.
young neighbor. Teenage nannies are in demand abroad. They believe that a child is more fun with a person who is close to him in spirit. True, such a nanny is usually offered a job for a couple of hours, during a short absence of parents. It is proved that children with such nannies develop faster and grow up active. And another plus is the relatively low price of services.
In our country, many believe that leaving a child under the care of the same, in fact, a child is nonsense. But in vain, the young nanny will do everything, not to the detriment of the baby, with household appliances on “you”, and the children love her. There is really one “but” - fearing punishment, the girl may “forget” to tell you about the fall of the crumbs from the sofa or the sudden upset stomach of the child. Therefore, MirSovetov advises to convince her (necessarily in a confidential tone) of the importance of reporting such “little things”.
Middle-aged woman. Considered ideal. The nanny already has considerable experience in dealing with children, at the same time, her children have already grown up and you are not threatened with permanent sick leave. She knows perfectly well how to feed the little one, how to distract him from the whims, how to keep him busy and interested. And your husband is unlikely to be "interested" in such a nanny. So there is nothing to be afraid of.
Madame aged. Such a Freken Bock. She clearly knows that semolina is the most important dish in the children's menu, that fish oil is simply irreplaceable. And if you allow, he will give you a couple of tips on raising a child. And she will definitely notice a “suspicious” plaque in the pupil’s tongue or a cutting tooth. But he does not recognize diapers and from the sixth time he will remember exactly how a pack of washing powder looks like. The motto is tough education and strict control! The ideal would be the presence of love for children, although this implies some pampering, but combined with life experience - a great option.
Relatives and acquaintances. They can be asked to sit with their granddaughter-nephew for a couple of hours. Usually grandmothers work, aunts too. But hardly anyone will refuse to sit in the evening with your little one. Teachings, however, cannot be avoided, but it is much easier for a child to accept a person he knows.
For me personally, the very fact is completely incomprehensible - to leave my son with a stranger. Maybe “not pressed”, as they say, or maybe hypertrophied maternal instinct. But I can’t entrust my own baby to a lady / girl, for whom the very fact of earning money is important, and not the happy childhood of someone else’s child. That's why I have my mother's sister as a nanny. A woman of age, she raised her daughter, but God did not give grandchildren. So she pours out all her unspent maternal warmth on her cousin granddaughter. It's hard to put into words, but she doesn't need anything more than to play with the baby: they build pyramids, study books, eat apples in a race ... and both of them have eyes on fire! Perhaps the image of such an aunt does not fit into the idea of ​​​​a nanny, rather, she looks like a loving grandmother. Finding a nanny that you trust and that your baby loves is not easy. But worth a try! nanny governess. The highest paid nanny. In addition to the usual duties, she will teach your baby a foreign language or professionally prepare for school. Needless to say, one cannot do without pedagogical education. Do not skimp on finding such a nanny - only the services of amateurs are cheap.

Where to look for a nanny?

The main thing in this matter is not to rush. In a hurry, such a serious issue cannot be resolved. Be patient and go ahead!
Babysitter by ad. The cheapest option is to buy a newspaper or stick ads on poles in the area. And you don’t overpay the agency, and the services of such nannies are inexpensive. You can place ads on the Internet or search among members of the forum. But, as always, there is a "but". Not everyone will be able to let a stranger into the house, and even more so leave a child with him. Indeed, under the face of such a nanny there may be a thief or a gunner, a hunter for someone else's husband or for money. Therefore, be very careful when choosing a candidate.
One of my friends just found a nanny for her daughter. The baby was 2 years old when her mother had to go to work. The whole family pasted all the poles in the district with advertisements, and a couple of days later the nanny was found. She turned out to be a nice and fairly young pensioner from a neighboring house. For three years now (they decided to ignore the kindergarten), the nanny has been working in their family. No complaints! And, despite the fact that she does not have a pedagogical education, the baby loves her nanny, she even calls her grandmother. And a friend often boasts - every day a daughter tells a new rhyme, counts in full, her appetite has improved. Such a wonderful nanny, and, it would seem, a complete stranger! Familiar acquaintances. If the previous method categorically does not suit you, give a “cry” to friends. It is both more reliable and faster. After a short search, there will definitely be a friend's mother who will happily sit with your little one. True, there are pitfalls here. By taking a nanny from your acquaintances, you run the risk of regularly listening to instructive speeches about the proper upbringing (nutrition, training) of your child. And, you see, it will not be very convenient to object. In addition, you are threatened with the main role in yard (family) gossip, because such a nanny is the most spy.
Even show business stars most often choose nannies from their circle of acquaintances. Irina Bilyk's mother's friend has been working as a nanny for 10 years. The singer is delighted and horrified to recall unsuccessful attempts to find a nanny through agencies. Agency nanny. This is perhaps the most fashionable way today. It's simple - you call the agency, clearly formulate what kind of nanny you want to see, and that's it. And here they will fulfill any of your desires - from age, education and personal qualities to the hair color of the future nanny (it happens). The advantage of this method is the careful selection and verification by the agency of candidates for the presence of a medical book and the absence of a criminal record. Yes, and such nannies work under an official contract, which clearly indicates the duties, work schedule, procedure and amount of payment, and other conditions of employment. True, nannies from the agency are among the most expensive, because the agency takes a certain commission for its services (up to 50% of the nanny's salary), and you pay this amount.
Often on the Internet I met shootings made by a hidden camera, in which nannies beat children or ignore them. Do not think that all nannies are like that. But you can protect yourself by installing video surveillance, or just leave, leaving the voice recorder on.

List of questions to ask your nanny

Here, you are already preparing for a meeting with the nanny. What to ask and how to find out her true attitude towards children?
So, they meet, as they say, by clothes. Yes, and the first impression, according to psychologists, means a lot. First, punctuality. Why do you need a constantly late babysitter? Pay attention to the appearance too. The way she is dressed will tell a lot. There were times when a nanny came to an interview in stilettos with a "belligerent" make-up. You understand that the candidate is not suitable. In addition, MirSovetov recommends that you note the expression on the nanny's face at the first meeting with the child. A good nanny should be sincerely happy to meet you - no grimaces and negative facial expressions.
My friend chose the nanny who came to the interview with her room slippers and fruit for the child. By such innocent gestures, you can usually see how the nanny relates to future work. In the case of the aforementioned nanny, the expectation of the mother was justified. And, despite the rather young age (24 years), the nanny became an excellent assistant to her mother and her daughter immediately liked it. Now the turn of questions has come.
  1. Find out about the experience and education of the applicant. If you are hiring a babysitter, a medical background is a basic requirement. Yes, experience is a big deal. Although here the opinions of mothers differ. Many people think that learning how to change a diaper is not tricky, but the serious attitude and disposition of the child are qualities that either exist or not. Be sure to find out why the nanny left her previous employers and, regardless of the answer, call them back and ask in detail.
  2. You can ask a few simple questions for the purpose of familiarization. For example, does the nanny have children of her own? It will be good if her children have grown up - you will avoid constant sick leave and unforeseen absences of the nanny. Find out how far the nanny lives - you yourself understand that situations are different, and the nanny should live close. Ask what she usually does with the child - ideally, the answer is not limited to feeding and walking, because communication is important for the child - games, entertainment. It will be good to find out if she has bad habits, and if so, then it is worth banning the nanny from smoking in front of the child.
  3. And the most important thing. Nannies are used to the usual questions, and in general, agencies prepare them for interviews. Therefore, a small list of "insidious" questions:


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