Chemistry and everyday human life. Introduction Everywhere we are surrounded by objects and products made from substances and materials that are obtained by chemical. Use of Coca-Cola in everyday life

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Chemistry in everyday human life Prepared by: 11A class student Svetlana Galkina 2007.

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Chemistry and Man's Everyday Life Chemistry, with its enormous potential, creates unprecedented materials, multiplies the fertility of the soil, facilitates man's work, saves time, clothes, preserves his health, creates coziness and comfort for him, changes the appearance of people. But the same chemistry can become dangerous to human health, even deadly.

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Home first aid kit Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent antiseptic. Ammonia, an aqueous solution of ammonia, excites the respiratory center. Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, is one of the drugs that is widely used as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antirheumatic agent. Medicines for the treatment of the cardiovascular system are validol, corvalol, nitro glycerin.

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Detergents and cleaners Synthetic detergents are now widely used. The main one is synthetic surfactants, in which a long hydrocarbon limiting radical is connected to a sulfate or sulfonate group. In addition to surfactants, SMS also includes other components: bleach, softener, foaming agents, aromatic fragrances. Of the oxygen-containing bleaches, sodium perborate and sodium percarbonate are the most common.

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Household Insect Control Products Insecticides are insect control products. Insecticides are used in the form of solutions, emulsions, aerosols. Residential premises should be treated only with preparations recommended for this purpose. These are well-known drugs: chlorophos (), dichlorvos, chlorophos pencils.

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Chemical means of hygiene and cosmetics Cosmetics and hygiene are in close contact, as there are cosmetic products (lotion, creams, shampoos, gels) that perform a hygienic function. Important hygiene products include, above all, soaps and detergents.

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Dental care products The most important means of dental care are toothpastes. The main components of toothpaste are as follows: abrasives, binders, foaming agents and thickeners. The first of them provide mechanical cleaning of teeth from plaque and polishing. Most often, chemically precipitated calcium carbonate, as well as calcium phosphates and polymeric sodium metaphosphate, are used as an abrasive.

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Deodorants Deodorants are available in solid, roll-on and aerosol form. Aerosol cans use liquefied gases, the boiling point of which is very low. They easily pass into the gas phase and not only push the base out of the cylinder, but, expanding, spray it into small droplets. For a long time this role was performed only by fluorochlorocarbohydrates.

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Cosmetics The pearly effect is created by bismuthyl salts or mica containing about 40% titanium oxide. As a hair dye, dilute aqueous solutions of highly soluble salts of lead, silver, copper, bismuth are used. Hair lightening is done with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Coloring shampoos contain p-phenylenediamine, resorcinol and other similar compounds.

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Chemistry and food Man is the only creature on Earth that almost all of his food is chemically or thermally processed. Let's try to figure out what happens to the main components of our food during the cooking process.

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Fats Fats make up an essential part of our food. They are found in meat, fish, dairy products, grains. Components of natural fat, important of which are phosphatides, sterols, vitamins, pigments and odor carriers. Phosphatides are actually also esters, but unlike fats, they contain residues of phosphoric acid and amino alcohol. Sterols are natural polycyclic compounds of a very complex configuration. The representative is cholesterol. Vitamins. They are rich in the liver of fish and sea animals, vegetable fats, and butter. Pigments are substances that give color to fats. The odor carriers are very diverse and complex in structure, there are more than 20 of them in the composition of butter.

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Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the human body. Glucose is a monosaccharide. Glucose is easily absorbed by the body, because in its molecule the carbon and hydrogen atoms are partially oxidized and combined with oxygen. Fructose is also a monosaccharide, an isomer of glucose. Sucrose is a disaccharide. In real life, it's just sugar. Lactose is a disaccharide. Starch is a polysaccharide consisting of many units, which are the remains of glucose molecules. Glycogen is similar in structure to starch, but differs from it in the greater branching of the molecules. Cellulose is a plant polysaccharide consisting of many units that are residues of glucose molecules.

Chemistry, having enormous potential, creates materials never seen before, multiplies the fertility of the soil, facilitates the work of a person, saves time, clothes, preserves his health, creates coziness and comfort for him, changes the appearance of people. But the same chemistry can become dangerous to human health, even deadly.

Medications Hydrogen peroxide (H202) is an excellent antiseptic. However, if you confuse a 12% solution of Nerocapd with perhydrol (30% solution), you can get severe burns on the skin and mucous membranes. Ammonia (an aqueous solution of ammonia) excites the respiratory center, and large doses of ammonia can completely stop breathing. Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, is one of the drugs that is widely used as an antipyretic, as well as. Since it is an acid, its excess can irritate the gastric mucosa and cause ulcers.

Means for combating household insects Regularly cleaning the room, keeping the dishes, stove, floors, linen in perfect cleanliness, you are still not guaranteed from the appearance of harmful household insects in the house. If they appear, then insecticides come to the rescue, insect control agents. Insecticides are used in the form of solutions, emulsions, suspensions, aerosols.

The development of the food industry Artificial food is cheaper, it is prepared and ready to eat. Its production allows solving the problems of some scarce products. For example, black caviar, salmon, various aspic dishes, chicken soup, meat and fish broth, marmalade of various varieties, juices.

Chemistry presentation - Chemistry and everyday human life

Chemistry Possessing enormous potential, it creates unprecedented materials, increases the fertility of the soil, facilitates the work of a person, saves his time, clothes, preserves his health, creates coziness and comfort for him, changes the appearance of people. But the same chemistry can become dangerous to human health, even deadly.

Home first aid kit
Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent antiseptic.
Ammonia, an aqueous solution of ammonia, excites the respiratory center.
Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, is one of the drugs that is widely used as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antirheumatic agent.
Medicines for the treatment of the cardiovascular system are validol, corvalol, nitro glycerin.

Detergents and cleaners
Currently, synthetic detergents are widely used. The main one is synthetic surfactants, in which a long hydrocarbon limiting radical is connected to a sulfate or sulfonate group. In addition to surfactants, SMS also includes other components: bleach, softener, foaming agents, aromatic fragrances.
Of the oxygen-containing bleaches, sodium perborate and sodium percarbonate are the most common.

Means for combating household insects
Insecticides are insecticides. Insecticides are used in the form of solutions, emulsions, aerosols. Residential premises should be treated only with preparations recommended for this purpose. These are well-known drugs: chlorophos (), dichlorvos, chlorophos pencils.

Chemical means of hygiene and cosmetics
Cosmetics and hygiene are in close contact, as there are cosmetic products (lotion, creams, shampoos, gels) that perform a hygienic function. Important hygiene products include, above all, soaps and detergents.

Dental care products
Toothpastes are the most important means of caring for your teeth. The main components of toothpaste are as follows: abrasives, binders, foaming agents and thickeners. The first of them provide mechanical cleaning of teeth from plaque and polishing. Most often, chemically precipitated calcium carbonate is used as an abrasive, as well as calcium phosphates and polymeric sodium metaphosphate.

Deodorants are available in solid form, roll-on and aerosol. Aerosol cans use liquefied gases, the boiling point of which is very low. They easily pass into the gas phase and not only push the base out of the cylinder, but, expanding, spray it into small droplets. For a long time this role was performed only by fluorochlorocarbohydrates.

Cosmetical tools
The mother-of-pearl effect is created by bismuthyl salts or mica containing about 40% titanium oxide.
As a hair dye, dilute aqueous solutions of highly soluble salts of lead, silver, copper, bismuth are used.
Hair lightening is done with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
Coloring shampoos contain p-phenylenediamine, resorcinol and other similar compounds.

Chemistry and food
Man is the only creature on Earth that exposes almost all of his food to chemical or heat treatment.

Download Chemistry presentation - Chemistry and everyday life of a person

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"A word about the benefits of chemistry"
Completed by: Team "Dreamer" Pupils: Grade 9.

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Chemistry and everyday human life
Chemistry, possessing enormous possibilities, creates unprecedented materials, multiplies the fertility of the soil, facilitates the work of a person, saves his time, clothes, preserves his health, creates coziness and comfort for him, changes the appearance of people. But the same chemistry can become dangerous to human health, even deadly.

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The life of modern man is impossible without chemistry
We use chemicals in food production. We move around in cars whose metal, rubber and plastics are made using chemical processes. We use perfumes, eau de toilette, soaps and deodorants, the production of which is unthinkable without chemicals. There is even an opinion that the most exalted feeling of a person, love, is a set of certain chemical reactions in the body.

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Chemistry and medicine
Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent antiseptic. Ammonia, an aqueous solution of ammonia, excites the respiratory center. Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, is one of the drugs that is widely used as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antirheumatic agent. Medicines for the treatment of the cardiovascular system are validol, corvalol, nitro glycerin.

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Detergents and cleaners
Currently, synthetic detergents are widely used. The main one is synthetic surfactants, in which a long hydrocarbon limiting radical is connected to a sulfate or sulfonate group. In addition to surfactants, SMS also includes other components: bleach, softener, foaming agents, aromatic fragrances. Of the oxygen-containing bleaches, sodium perborate and sodium percarbonate are the most common.

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Insect control products
Insecticides are insecticides. Insecticides are used in the form of solutions, emulsions, aerosols. Residential premises should be treated only with preparations recommended for this purpose. These are well-known preparations: chlorophos, dichlorvos, chlorophos pencils.

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Chemical means of hygiene and cosmetics
Cosmetics and hygiene are in close contact, as there are cosmetic products (lotion, creams, shampoos, gels) that perform a hygienic function. Important hygiene products include, above all, soaps and detergents.

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Deodorants are available in solid form, roll-on and aerosol. Aerosol cans use liquefied gases, the boiling point of which is very low. They easily pass into the gas phase and not only push the base out of the cylinder, but, expanding, spray it into small droplets. For a long time this role was performed only by fluorochlorocarbohydrates.

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Cosmetical tools
The mother-of-pearl effect is created by bismuthyl salts or mica containing about 40% titanium oxide. As a hair dye, dilute aqueous solutions of highly soluble salts of lead, silver, copper, bismuth are used. Hair lightening is done with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Coloring shampoos contain p-phenylenediamine, resorcinol and other similar compounds.


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