How else can you call boutique 7 showroom. Fashion store, or How to make money in a showroom

Not the last place in human life is occupied by trade. It appeared long before our era and still closely intertwines all areas with economic interests together. Seeing the path of its development, one can analyze and notice the significant results of evolution. For example, today the integral phrases of the lexicon are those words that once the predecessors uttered with doubt. So, one of these terms is "show room".

Showroom for men

On a larger scale, the process of globalization has allowed us to create a modern retail, otherwise how to develop a unique system of trade. In order to keep the activity afloat, not only various innovations are being introduced into everyday life, but also the methods of their sales are being improved, providing through their marketing tricks a beneficial effect on the client. Today, the concept of a showroom is so distorted that almost every room or outlet is considered to be it, both in real life and on the Internet. It is difficult to agree with this, therefore, for a complete understanding, we will explain not only the meaning of the word, but also introduce ourselves a little into the construction of the showroom, as a “home boutique” format. In other words, for people close to the fashion and design industry, we will tell you how a showroom can be a good help for business. But before delving into aspects of the idea itself, let's go back to the definition of a show room.

So what is a showroom? In the understanding of ordinary people, this is a place where you can buy or order things for shops. But not everything is so simple because showrooms are closed places, the entrance to which is open only to a certain circle of people. For clients on such sites, demonstrations of collections are often arranged.

Showroom of sportswear

Showroom in fashion

Actually in the world of fashion and trade Showroom (from the English "show" - show and "room" - room) room for shows, has more than one meaning:

Internet show room

How did the term "showroom" come about?

The concept of a showroom came into the dictionary of Russian business from high fashion weeks only at the dawn of the 2000s, despite the fact that it has existed abroad for a long time. Now the word is Russified and inclined according to all the rules of grammar. Before that, we considered what a clothing showroom is, but this does not mean that the field of activity is limited only to this. Also, the concept of showroom is widely used in technology, furniture, construction and automotive industries. A showroom is a showroom, a kind of exhibition area where any sample of products and even services can be presented, because, as mentioned above, the meaning of the word has changed, it has become somewhat more meaningful. However, regardless of the direction of the showroom, the essence remains the same - it is a demonstration of something.

So, in a modern presentation, a showroom can have the following options:

  • it can be a pavilion where the company only exhibits its products for the buyer's acquaintance;
  • the department where the products of a particular brand are assembled;
  • a platform where you can get acquainted and immediately purchase products or order a certain type of company services;
  • hall with showcases with samples of products.

All companies wishing to increase the demand for their products or services arrange a showroom. In addition, such promotions increase the prestige of the company and recognition.

Car presentation

Where else can you see the showroom

The showroom is also a new trend in the real estate market, which allows the client to see firsthand the finishing of an apartment in a new building. Usually this is practiced only for premium and business class housing. The company shows not only the decoration of the room, but also its possible design with furniture from world brands. It also has its advantages:

  • client sees all functionality;
  • evaluates the color scheme and design, as everything is beaten in the best possible way;
  • at the buyer builder is trusted.

Of course, such showrooms are not entirely profitable for developers, because it is expensive, but as far as the fashion world is concerned, here they are, after all, by the way. The point is that in such showrooms, the buyer can find interesting and piece clothes at a relatively affordable price. Showrooms are gaining more and more popularity every year, because they are convenient for fans of branded clothing. In such places, the buyer, as a guest, receives an individual approach to him. And also a plus is that the purchase takes place incognito, which is very useful for public people who love to dress in an original, fashionable, stylish and exclusive way.

Features of the showroom as a business

In the Russian Federation, many showrooms are located in apartments. This is a profitable trade, since there is no need to pay for the rent of a studio or pavilion, and there is no point in hiring workers. While doing all the work yourself, there is no need to register the staff and the showroom itself, because it is a non-profit, as well as a non-legal organization that you do not even run. These savings significantly reduce the cost of doing business. Clients are acquired exclusively by word of mouth or via the Internet.

Showroom opening at home

Own platform helps creative people realize themselves in the profession and at the same time get a name. The start-up investment in the business is minimal, and the sales style is informal, which sometimes brings designers together. The downside is that if couch stores can get by with some sort of storage space, then opening a real store requires a unique atmosphere. But hiring a designer to create an exclusive design is expensive, so again, you can think of everything yourself. In an organization, details play a huge role, because the right design has a beneficial effect on customers.

It is important that appropriate knowledge is needed to run a successful business, as customers perceive showrooms as elite boutiques, where they will not only receive high-quality service, but also be told about the latest fashion trends. There should always be an update, hangers should not be empty. The product must be presented correctly, the layout of things must be perfect, as this is the most important factor in winning the love of buyers. In a word, it is worth relying on the principles of a merchandiser. Another nuance of doing such a business lies in illegal forms, since if the seller works with suppliers, and his business is not registered, then, accordingly, the supply at a wholesale price is closed for him. When employees are hired and not registered, this can be detected by the tax authorities.

Now knowing what a showroom means, you can consider in detail this new type of business that is so relevant all over the world. One thing is clear that showrooms are becoming universal tools in the development of trade. Turning your store or building a showroom from scratch is a serious step that gives you the opportunity to gain the attention and trust of customers. Therefore, such a marketing element should be given due attention.

In contact with

Hello, dear readers of the blog. The idea of ​​creating showrooms originated in Europe.

For several years, it has gained popularity among manufacturers and sellers of branded items.

Today the vast majority entrepreneurs open their own showrooms around the world. What is it? What are its benefits for business development?

What is Showroom

The word showroom is formed by a combination of two English words: show - demonstration, show, exhibition, room - room, room, apartment.

That is, in a literal translation, a showroom is a room for a show.

Showrooms are very popular in Europe and the post-Soviet space. Small comfortable rooms are used as a platform for the presentation of various products. The purpose of such establishments is to visually present branded products to potential buyers and facilitate the conclusion of profitable business deals with sales agents.

Showroom allows the entrepreneur to get the following benefits:

  1. Increase demand for a product or service
  2. Advertise an unknown brand or a young designer
  3. Get a foothold in the market
  4. Promptly acquaint the buyer with the latest production
  5. Sell ​​goods at a tax-free cost

You can open a showroom even with a small start-up capital, so many little-known designers who are just starting to make themselves known in the fashion industry have their own showrooms.

How is a showroom different from a store?

The showroom functions in a sense as a regular store, but has the following peculiarities:

  1. Cozy, almost homely atmosphere
  2. Narrow specialization by type of product
  3. Emphasis on exclusivity
  4. Individual approach to the client
  5. Availability of consultants

The task of the showroom is to provide increased comfort for customers and to contribute to the sale of the offered goods as much as possible.

To this end, the showroom is equipped with comfortable fitting rooms, demonstration stands, and sometimes small podiums. Visitors are offered to sit in a soft comfortable chair, have a cup of coffee or tea, get acquainted in detail with the product catalog and samples of things at the stands.

In some halls, in addition to sales assistants, there are fashion models, who, at the request of the client, can demonstrate any of the clothing models presented at the stand. A children's corner can also be set up in the showroom to keep the little guests entertained while their parents are busy shopping.

Having visited such an institution, the buyer receives a lot of useful information, positive emotions, and, most importantly, acquires exclusive branded items on favorable terms.

Showroom types

Depending on the methods of organization, showrooms are of the following types:

  1. Small shop-studio, which presents the author's products of one manufacturer (he is also the owner of the store)
  2. Fashionable salon or studio for showing new collections from a group of designers
  3. Demo hall with a podium, organized at a fashion store or garment factory, with a permanent staff

Showrooms are open and closed. In the first case, they are available to everyone, in the second they are intended for a narrow circle of visitors.

A closed showroom is a kind of small fashion boutique that is organized in someone's apartment or other place with limited access. They learn about the existence of such an institution from friends. You can get into it by prior appointment.

In terms of assortment, there are no restrictions, but most often the following products are offered in showrooms:

  1. clothing
  2. Shoes
  3. Accessories
  4. Cosmetics
  5. Perfumery
  6. Tableware
  7. Furniture items

Such institutions may be oriented for individual buyers or sales agents. In establishments of the first type, visitors are offered products for retail sale. In the wholesale version, you can order a large consignment of goods for its subsequent sale in retail outlets.

Showrooms can offer customers ready-made items or demonstrate product samples. In institutions of the second type, the client has the opportunity to get acquainted with the collection, place an order and receive the finished product after a while.

How to open and promote Showroom

Three conditions are necessary for the successful opening of your showroom:

  1. Start-up capital
  2. Extensive connections in the fashion world
  3. Comfortable room with good location

Before opening your own display room, you need to decide on the product profile and develop a business plan. The showroom should be organized in several stages:

  1. Choose a room
  2. Organize the interior
  3. Decide on suppliers
  4. Find staff
  5. Create an advertising strategy

Special attention should be paid to the legal side of the issue - register as an individual entrepreneur or organize a limited liability company.

Many entrepreneurs start opening a showroom at home. This allows you to significantly save on renting or buying a special room.

With absence large start-up capital it is convenient to open a franchise business. To do this, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the supplier company on permanent cooperation. With this option, the goods will be delivered to the owner of the showroom at a significant discount. However, a prerequisite is the allocation of part of the profits to the supplier.

To promote the showroom, the owners create specialized online stores, electronic product catalogs, and use online advertising. This approach allows you to find buyers in remote regions, expand the circle of regular customers, and get a quick profit.

Showroom is profitable and promising

Organization of a showroom is a progressive solution that allows you to achieve business profitability of up to 300% with minimal initial investment. The main conditions for success are a clear assessment of possible risks and a competent business strategy.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog

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I use it to make money

Showroom - what is it? In direct translation from English, this word means “demonstration hall”, “show room”. A new trend in commerce, as usual, came to Russia from abroad, from the world of fashion.

Showroom - what does it mean?

In the world of fashion, single items from collections are exhibited in showrooms in order to show them to potential buyers, or rather to wholesale buyers - buyers. Visitors can carefully examine, touch things, try on, order a batch of the selected product.

Some of these showrooms operate directly from factories, large manufacturers of clothing, footwear and accessories. Others are private - from small ateliers selling handmade goods. Let's take a closer look, showroom - what is it? What are they like?

Showroom - an unusual store

So, the showroom is not really a store. It differs from the usual, first of all, in its environment. There is no shopping fuss. And all because not everyone can get there. Often such establishments are closed and you can visit them only in one of the following ways:

  • by appointment;
  • by acquaintance;
  • by recommendation.

There are also open showrooms. Everyone has access to it.

What awaits visitors?

What awaits those who visit, for example, a women's clothing showroom? Upholstered furniture, calm music, new catalogs, tea and coffee for visitors. In a cozy, relaxed atmosphere, customers choose goods, place an order, or simply purchase the thing they like.

Service in the showroom is built on the principle - all attention to the client. Professional models show customers clothes in an ensemble, with accessories, in various variations. Here every client counts. Therefore, the owner of the salon takes into account all the wishes and preferences, offers a choice of exclusive models that do not fall on the shelves of ordinary clothing stores.

Depending on how a particular showroom works, things can be purchased immediately or pre-ordered if this is a showroom at the atelier.

Unlike popular stores, showrooms are not located on the central crowded streets. For their placement, they choose quiet places that a small circle of people knows about.

Principles of work of the showroom - abroad and in Russia

In Europe, showrooms are divided into three types:

  • closed, working from large and famous brands;
  • open ateliers-salons from small manufacturers;
  • private indoor showrooms that sell designer items at retail.

Wholesale buyers of large consignments of goods have access to the establishments of the first type for their further resale.

Everyone has access to open atelier-salons, for example, a showroom for fur coats, shoes, wedding dresses, where tailoring is carried out by order of the client.

Small private showrooms can be accessed by appointment or by invitation. They sell clothes and shoes from both eminent and not so famous designers. It is from such small showrooms that young designers begin their careers, for whom it is not easy to break into the world of big fashion.

Fashion houses in showrooms do not sell copies of collections, but only present them for detailed consideration. This is done mainly for large buyers.

In Russia, the first showrooms appeared in the early 2000s and they were organized in private apartments. There, domestic fashionistas demonstrated branded items brought from abroad at affordable prices. One of the goals of such a hall is to sell things without crazy markups, due to which the rent of the premises and the salary of the staff should pay off. For those entrepreneurs who were rapidly growing, there were more spacious and modern studios for displaying and selling fashionable clothes.

We can say that the Russian showroom is a closed club for its own. It is difficult for a “man from the street” to break into such a place. It is necessary to have acquaintances among visitors or know the necessary phone numbers. The first Moscow showrooms were interest societies attended by celebrities, fashion designers, and the capital's elite.

Modern boutiques are also referred to as showrooms. But this is not entirely true. Otherwise, every clothing store could have such a name.

Currently, there are several clothing showrooms in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Novgorod. There you can find unique designer things for yourself, appreciate the atmosphere and the quality of service in a “new way”.

Showroom of clothes

It is becoming more and more popular to open showrooms powered by online stores. This is done with the aim that potential buyers have the opportunity to evaluate the product live.

Since it is not always possible to determine the quality of fabric, tailoring and choose a model from the description and photographs. But the goods presented in such establishments must be ordered online. Clothing groups and communities on social networks post showroom addresses on their pages.

Sarafan Moscow

Automobiles, household appliances, building materials

It is a mistake to think that a showroom is only a platform for demonstrating fashionable clothes, shoes and furniture. There are showrooms in which new models of cars, household appliances and samples of building materials are exhibited. That is, the filling of the showroom can be very different.

Showroom goals:

  • introduce consumers to new products (for example, cars or appliances);
  • win a place in the market;
  • increase demand for products/services;
  • introduce new types of services.

In some cases, a showroom is an opportunity to quickly and profitably sell used goods. Famous car companies arrange them to sell used cars.

The home appliances showroom gives customers the opportunity to see how a refrigerator, oven and microwave oven will look in the interior of the kitchen, to check their functionality.

A small conclusion

Now you know what a showroom is. As you can see, there are different types of such showrooms. In addition, not everyone can get into some of these showrooms, but only selected people.

As a rule, for all girls, buying clothes is tantamount to taking a “miracle pill” for a bad mood or trouble. And also, this is a great way to just have fun, relieve stress from the whirlwinds of everyday work. Do not forget: every woman is a unique creation, in which, in addition to femininity, style, there is one more desire - this is the pursuit of economy. Therefore, girls are looking for stores where they can buy good, high-quality, inexpensive things. It is these motives that push the fair sex to visit the showroom. The showroom is a great option to find what you need!

A showroom for women's clothing is a store that sells original or designer items, but their difference from designer elite branded models is only in price.

Why are these stores so popular? How to open a showroom? What are the subtleties inherent in the opening of such an institution? All these questions often concern those who want to open their own successful business, but do not know how to implement it. All these issues will be analyzed below.

Indoors, it can also be called a studio or a shop, designer items are put up for sale, the work of which is not known or little known to the public. At the same time, the quality of tailoring things, as well as the material used for them, allow you to express yourself, arouse interest among the buyer. A good influx of customers in the showrooms, as a result - the subsequent recognition of clothes by the general public - allow young designers to become famous. Later, when fame comes, these designers will be able to open boutiques with their name, exposing a high price for things. An alternative to designer items can be simply exclusive items from China or the USA.

Today, stars, as well as famous personalities, decide to open their own studio. To do this, they first pass product advertising through social networks (groups), where there are millions of subscribers. The question "how to open a showroom" is easily solved by ordinary people. First you need to decide which category of products will be sold.

What would a showroom look like? There are many options. It:

  1. A studio space where samples of goods from one or different manufacturers are presented for wholesale purchase.
  2. A studio space where a little-known designer offers ready-made or custom-made exclusive clothes.
  3. Premises-a room where a range of goods from different manufacturers for retail is collected.

The third option is the most popular in Russia, we will consider it in detail .

How to open your fashion showroom from scratch - step by step

The first step is to register the activity. It is divided into several stages:

  • documents are collected - this is a TIN, an identity card with its copies, an application is written for registration and taxation, a state duty is paid;
  • OKVED code is selected;
  • an application for the opening of activities is being prepared for the tax authorities.

The second step is the technical part. Consists of the following steps:

  1. We are looking for a convenient location for the studio, which is going to be opened.
  2. All equipment is purchased.
  3. Suppliers are selected.
  4. Studio employees are selected (if necessary).
  5. Advertising is being carried out.

Selection of premises and equipment for the studio

You won’t be able to immediately see a large influx of customers when opening a business, since you first need to open a store, after which you need to form an audience of buyers. An exception may be a rented boutique inside a supermarket. In our case, friends and acquaintances on social networks will find out that you are going to open a salon.

Note. A showroom is a profitable business, but when opening such a store, you need to think about the premises. The best option for such a business may be a studio apartment, a small room or a small house. Today, when you read advertisements for rental housing, you can find different options. The worst option could be a room in your own apartment dedicated to business.

Repair and design should give the room a certain style. It is better to use light, calm colors, hang lamps (lanterns), as well as necessarily pictures.

On a professional level, you need to think about the combination of walls with the floor. Since the clients of the salon will be demanding people with exquisite taste, it is necessary to understand that the spectacular design of the salon will push the client to visit it again, and also recommend it to their friends. Everyone needs to remember this for those who are going to open a women's clothing showroom.

The presence of comfortable, and most importantly, beautiful furniture is one of the main points of the showroom design. Before opening, you need to install style-matched coffee tables with chairs, showcases - hangers, comfortable dressing rooms with mirrors.

A pleasant atmosphere of the studio will be given by a calm melody, a gentle smell. An important factor is the perfect cleanliness of the room.

What, how, where to sell?

There are a number of issues that need to be addressed regarding the range:

  1. Where to buy things.
  2. Variety of assortment.
  3. How to hang and arrange goods.

Where to buy products

Since the showroom is a business that is associated with the purchase of things, you must first start looking for suppliers.

Today, there are several options for purchasing goods at wholesale and retail prices.

The first option is online shopping. Usually, such stores sell most often Chinese things, on which you can make a 100% rise. If there is no exact idea of ​​the quality of goods in different stores, then you will have to make several purchases from different suppliers in order to understand which store is better to give preference to.

Note. Chinese things can have different quality. Today, many Russian stores sell quality goods from China, which are distinguished by an acceptable cost. However, it is important to remember that wealthy clients are unlikely to visit such a clothing showroom.

The second option is American sites. Many American discount sites offer items from popular brands. Of course, the models will be last year's, but the brand, quality, and price will attract a solid buyer.

The third option is outlets. This concept implies retail outlets where last year's goods are sold, discounted by 70%. The purchase of such goods must be carried out independently, deliberately, selecting the desired products.

The fifth option is factories for tailoring things. Garment factories carry out tailoring according to catalogs, but they can also work on requests, which can be sent remotely. Their products are of good quality, but most importantly - affordable wholesale prices. The only negative is that the manufacturer sets its own minimum cash wholesale, which allows you to purchase goods.

Variety of assortment

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways of obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

The most ideal option that can be used by someone who decides to open a women's clothing showroom is a variety of items with an accessory matched to them.

So, when buying a blouse, the client should be able to choose a skirt or trousers according to her style. And at the same time, a scarf, beads, a handbag, shoes. Among such a variety, the client finds several things, which means that he will no longer look for things in other stores. The owner receives a large profit from the amount of goods sold.

Note. The assortment of the store must constantly change, as fashion makes its own adjustments. Unfashionable things will not be in demand.

How to properly post a product

Even the most simple, inconspicuous wardrobe items can attract the attention of a client. To do this, you need to make sure that it is clean, ironed. Most should hang in a conspicuous place on hangers.

The buyer must have good access to the product, to touch it, to examine it well.

It is necessary to ensure that the goods are always beautifully laid out. New arrivals are best displayed on mannequins at the entrance.

Recruitment for the showroom is an important nuance that should not be neglected

Answering the question "how to open a showroom clothes” - a counter question arises: “who will work there”?

The owner of the showroom can safely work alone. But he will succeed only if he is well versed in fashion trends. He must also have certain design knowledge, know the rules for combining colors, fabrics, shapes. Well, if he knows how to combine even incongruous. Self-confidence and the ability to beautifully serve customers (choose clothes that will hide all the flaws of the figure, and can emphasize the advantages) will allow such a person to boldly open a showroom and work there alone.

Attention! How to start your business at the opening of a showroom, if the key problem for the store owner is the lack of taste in clothes? There is a way out here too - you just need to find a companion who knows this business from "a" to "z". As a rule, the designer can easily cope with this role.

Advertising is an effective engine of trade

The opening of your studio should begin with its presentation. This event must be significant. This means that interested, wealthy people are invited to the opening of the showroom, they are served at the highest level, in order to gain respect. Later, they will tell their friends or acquaintances about you.

You can develop your client base on social networks, among various forums, inviting people to buy their things. In groups on your page, you need to post information about the product, about its new arrivals, about discounts. For advertising, you can use SMS - mailing, or do mailing by e-mail. It will also help the business grow stronger.

What does a business plan for opening a showroom look like?

An approximate cost calculation that everyone who wants to open their own showroom for clothes will face consists of several points:

  • to legalize trade, 5 thousand rubles will be required, of which the state duty will be 800 rubles;
  • the initial purchase is approximately 100 thousand;
  • renting a room for one month is about 40 thousand rubles (by the way, this is an important point that is often forgotten);
  • repair work (if needed) will amount to 100 thousand, this amount may be less, its size will depend on the condition of the leased area;
  • the purchase of furniture is about 50 thousand rubles.

In the case when the purchase of goods will take place independently, the costs must include the cost of the road, as well as hotel accommodation - this is 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, in order to launch your studio, you need initial capital. This is about 400 thousand rubles.

Business Profitability

Given that a wealthy client spends 15-45 thousand on expanding his wardrobe in one month, and plus five new clients on the recommendation, the showroom income will have a fairly decent amount.

Summing up: what are the subtleties and features of the showroom?

The key problem of the showroom is the misunderstanding of this business.

Some believe that a showroom is an exhibition of things for the purpose of wholesale purchases, others associate it with the work of fashion designers, and still others believe that a showroom is a store in a shopping center or somewhere in a house on a crowded street. By the way, if you want to open a regular item store, read the useful material in this article:

The second and rather frequent problem of this business is the quality and the manufacturer of the goods. So, not infrequently, Chinese copies are given out as a branded original. Wealthy people who understand quality quickly discover fraud, and low-income buyers do not spend a large amount on expanding their wardrobe. Therefore, in this scenario, the owner of the showroom risks losing his business.

Hence the conclusion: things intended for wealthy buyers must meet their needs.

If the business is going well, the number of showroom customers is gradually increasing, then you should not be limited to what has been achieved. Studio owners have every chance to create a large store.

Considering this type of business, it becomes clear: the showroom is an activity that is guaranteed to bring profit. But the income that a fashion showroom will bring will be good only if a person who has a sense of fashion and has an "entrepreneurial streak" is engaged in the business. Risk is not always a noble cause, therefore, before investing money, you need to “measure seven times, and then cut it off.”

When the first showrooms appeared, they were covered with mystery and an atmosphere of exclusivity. It was believed that getting into the showroom is not easy and having a special invitation is very prestigious.

What does showroom mean?

In fact, a showroom is one of the trade formats that allows you to present the promoted product in the most profitable way. Most often, clothes, shoes, accessories are exhibited in showrooms. But it is possible to make a showroom of furniture, plumbing, gifts.

The showroom does more than just display products on the shelves. There is a whole presentation system, you can learn about the manufacturing company itself, get acquainted with the entire collection, learn the history of the brand.

A showroom differs from a store or a supermarket, first of all, by its atmosphere, the opportunity to spend a long time here, drink a cup of coffee, slowly think about a purchase, sitting in a comfortable chair. Showroom services are used by both private buyers and companies to order entire collections, because it is here that they can slowly examine in detail all the components of the collection.

Where did the word showroom come from?

If we make a direct translation into English, from which this word came to us, then the showroom is a room for performances. It turns out that the showroom is a room for colorful shows on the presentation of goods. However, consultants, as a rule, behave quietly and correctly, giving each visitor the opportunity to get comfortable and take their time.

The first showrooms appeared in Europe and were used to display fabrics. They were visited mainly by wholesale customers, for whom the premises were designed (large lots, many positions in the order, a place to check the canvases).

Visiting showrooms was not open to any passer-by from the street, so this format has become a kind of club for those who value quality and prestige. In modern conditions, one does not have to wait for an invitation to go into the showroom for a dress. However, they also hold specialized screenings, themed evenings, and it is still quite difficult to get an invitation to such an event.

What are the showrooms

Showrooms differ in the manufacturer that is represented in them. Large factories and well-known industries that have been working in their field for many years have such formats. On the other hand, the showroom is a convenient format for presenting a young fashion designer who is just starting his journey and wants to tell about yourself to as many potential buyers as possible.

If the showroom is owned by a large factory, it may be referred to by the old term "showroom". In the last century, the largest clothing manufacturers in the USSR had such sites. In them, you can select and order supplies of the collection for your store. Today, large distributors are also opening showrooms to sell collections to small shops and retail chains.

Another classification of showrooms according to the items presented:

  • finished things;
  • samples, according to which the collection will be sewn to order.

In the first, things are bought up directly from the hangers, they can be immediately taken away with you or adjusted to fit (for example, hem trousers in length). Secondly, they place an order, and then they wait for the finished items to be sewn. This is how the atelier shops focused on piece goods work. This is how expensive fur coats, wedding dresses, bags and handmade shoes are produced.

How to get to the showroom

Showrooms are of several types:

  • open to retail buyers;
  • closed for buyers and wholesalers;
  • available by appointment.

In showrooms that receive visitors by prior arrangement and are oriented towards wholesale buyers, models often work, there is a podium for showing the collection. It is often impossible to get into the showroom of a particular factory in Europe, as it presents its products through distributors in all countries of its presence.

What are the benefits of showrooms

In small showrooms that do not need an arena of specialized retail space, prices may be below market prices. In such places you can find piece goods, brought from Europe or made in the amount of two or three units.

If we talk about small showrooms located in office premises or even in apartments, then a really select audience gathers here, you can negotiate a discount or sew a thing to order. It all depends on the degree of acquaintance with the owner of the showroom. Such mini-shops are not typical for Europe, there are more of them in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic countries.

In large showrooms, the benefit lies in convenient conditions for getting acquainted with the collection, the ability to order according to individual requirements and a small concession in price, which is created due to the absence of the need to keep a large staff in the showroom.


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