Staff motivation. Stimulation of staff Stimulus - (stimulus - pointed stick) - a means of influence to induce action. Stimulation. Presentation on the topic "Personnel motivation Methods of motivating employees presentation

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Motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that induce a person to activity, set the boundaries and forms of activity and give this activity an orientation focused on achieving certain goals. The influence of motivation on human behavior depends on many factors, largely individually, and can change under the influence of feedback from human activities.

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The process of motivation Needs (lack) Motivation (motives) Behavior (action) Goal Evaluation of the result: 1. Full satisfaction 2. Partial satisfaction 3. Lack of satisfaction

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There are two main approaches (classes) of the theory of motivation: substantive and procedural.

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Maslow is one of the leading scientists in the field of motivation and psychology. His theory of personnel motivation includes the following main ideas: unmet needs induce action; if one need is satisfied, then another takes its place; needs closer to the base of the pyramid require priority satisfaction.

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Hierarchy of human needs according to A. Maslow respect Social needs Safety and security Physiological needs self-realization

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The meaning of such a hierarchical construction lies in the fact that the needs of lower levels are priority for a person, and this affects his motivation. In other words, in human behavior, the satisfaction of needs at first low levels is more decisive, and then, as these needs are satisfied, the needs of higher levels become a stimulating factor. The highest need - the need for self-expression and growth of a person as a person - can never be fully satisfied, so the process of motivating a person through needs is endless. The duty of the manager is to carefully observe his subordinates, find out in a timely manner what active needs drive each of them, and make decisions on their implementation in order to increase the efficiency of employees.

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David McClelland's Theory of Motivation. With the development of economic relations and the improvement of management, a significant role in the theory of motivation is given to the needs of higher levels. The representative of this theory is David McClelland. According to his statement, the structure of the highest level needs is reduced to three factors: the desire for success - the desire to take personal responsibility in solving problems, to stand out from others; the desire for power - the desire to exert a controlling influence on events; the desire for involvement (participation) - the desire to establish connections with surrounding people, to be part of a team

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With such a statement, success is regarded not as praise or recognition from colleagues, but as personal achievements as a result of vigorous activity, as a willingness to participate in making difficult decisions and bear personal responsibility for them. The desire for power should not only speak of ambition, but also show the ability of a person to work successfully at different levels of management in organizations, and the desire for recognition should be his ability to be an informal leader, have his own opinion and be able to convince others of his correctness. According to McClelland's theory, people seeking power must satisfy this need of theirs and can do this when they occupy certain positions in the organization. You can manage such needs by preparing employees to move up the hierarchy to new positions with the help of their certification, referral to advanced training courses, etc. Such people have a wide circle of contacts and seek to expand it. Their leaders should encourage this.

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The theory of two factors by Frederick Herzberg This theory appeared in connection with the growing need to find out the influence of material and non-material factors on human motivation. The theory is represented by two factors: working conditions and motivating factors. Factors of working conditions (hygienic factors): working conditions; company policy; wage; interpersonal relationships in the team; the degree of direct control over the work. Motivating factors (motivators): success; career advancement; recognition and approval of the results of work; high degree of responsibility; opportunities for creative and business growth. Factors of working conditions are associated with the environment in which the work is carried out, and motivation - with the very nature and essence of the work.

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The process approach determines not only the needs, but is also a function of the person's perceptions and expectations associated with a given situation and the possible consequences of the chosen type of behavior. It refers to the distribution of the efforts of workers and the choice of a certain type of behavior to achieve specific goals. There are three main procedural theories of motivation: 1. Vroom's expectation theory 2. Adams' theory of justice 3. Porter-Lawler's model of motivation

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Vroom's theory of expectations. According to the theory of expectations, not only the need is a necessary condition for motivating a person to achieve the goal, but also the chosen type of behavior. Expectancy theory is based on the fact that an active need is not the only necessary condition for motivating a person to achieve a certain goal. A person must hope that the type of behavior he has chosen will lead to the satisfaction or acquisition of the desired. The procedural theories of expectations establish that the behavior of employees is determined by the behavior of: * a manager who, under certain conditions, stimulates the work of an employee; * an employee who is confident that, under certain conditions, he will be given a reward; * an employee and a manager who assume that with a certain improvement in the quality of work, he will be given a certain remuneration; * an employee who compares the amount of remuneration with the amount that he needs to meet a specific need.

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What has been said means that expectation theory emphasizes the need for a predominance of improving the quality of work and confidence that this will be noted by the manager, which allows him to really satisfy his need. Based on the theory of expectations, we can conclude that the employee should have such needs that can be largely satisfied as a result of the expected rewards. And the manager should give such encouragement that can satisfy the expected need of the employee. For example, in a number of commercial structures, remuneration is allocated in the form of certain goods, knowing in advance that the employee needs them.

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Adams' theory of justice. According to this theory, the effectiveness of motivation is assessed by an employee not by a certain group of factors, but systematically, taking into account the assessment of rewards given to other employees working in a similar system environment. The employee evaluates his own reward size in comparison with the rewards of other employees. At the same time, he takes into account the conditions in which he and other employees work. The main conclusion of the theory is that until people begin to believe that they receive a fair remuneration, they will reduce the intensity of labor. For example, one works on new equipment and the other on old equipment, one had one quality of workpieces, and the other - another. Or, for example, the manager does not provide the employee with the work that corresponds to his qualifications. Or there was no access to the information necessary to perform the work, etc.

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The Porter-Lawler Motivation Model L. Porter and E. Lawler developed a complex procedural theory of motivation, including elements of the theory of expectations and the theory of justice. Elements of the theory of expectation here are manifested in the fact that the employee evaluates the reward in accordance with the efforts expended and believes that this reward will be adequate to the efforts expended by him. Elements of the theory of justice are manifested in the fact that people have their own judgment about the correctness or incorrectness of remuneration in comparison with other employees and, accordingly, the degree of satisfaction. Hence the important conclusion that it is the results of labor that are the cause of employee satisfaction, and not vice versa. According to this theory, performance should steadily increase

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Five variables appear in their work: - effort expended, - perception, - results obtained, - reward, - degree of satisfaction. According to the theory, the results achieved depend on the efforts made by the employee, his abilities and character, as well as their creation of their role. The level of effort expended will be determined by the value of the reward and the degree of confidence that a given level of effort will in fact entail a well-defined level of reward. In theory, a relationship is established between reward and results, i.e. a person satisfies his needs through rewards for the results achieved.

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The theories outlined allow us to conclude that there is no canonized doctrine explaining what underlies a person's motivation and how motivation is determined.

When there is a choice between two options, it is better to make it faster than to postpone it for a certain time. I get easily annoyed when I notice that I can't complete a task 100%. When I work, it looks like I'm putting everything on the line. When a problem situation arises, I am most often one of the last to make a decision. When I have no business for two days in a row, I lose my peace. Some days my progress is below average. I am more strict with myself than with others. I am more benevolent than others When I refuse a difficult task, I then severely condemn myself, because I know that in it I would have succeeded. In the process of work, I need small rest breaks. Perseverance is not my main trait. My achievements in work are not always the same. I'm more attracted to other work than the one I'm in. Blame stimulates me more than praise. I know that my colleagues consider me an efficient person. Obstacles make my decisions harder. I am ambitious. When I work without inspiration, it is usually noticeable. I do not rely on the help of others to do my work. Sometimes I put off what I should have done now. You need to rely only on yourself. There are few things in life that are more important than money. Whenever I have an important task to do, I don't think about anything else. I am less ambitious than many others. At the end of a vacation, I'm usually glad that I'll be back at work soon. When I am disposed to work, I do it better and more qualified than others. I find it easier to associate with people who can work hard. When I don't have things to do, I feel uneasy. I have to do responsible work more often than others. When I have to make a decision, I try to make it the best I can. My friends think I'm lazy. My success to some extent depends on my colleagues. When I have to make a decision, I try to make it the best I can. Sometimes you don't know what kind of work you have to do. When things don't go well, I'm impatient. I usually pay little attention to my accomplishments. When I work with others, my work produces greater results than the work of others. Much of what I undertake, I do not bring to the end. I envy people who are not busy with work. I do not envy those who aspire to power and position. When I am sure that I am on the right track, I go to extreme measures to prove my case.

MOTIVATION IN ORGANIZATION 1. The concept of motive, need, motivation. The value of staff motivation in the organization. 1. The concept of motive, need, motivation. The value of staff motivation in the organization. 2. Disadvantages in the development of a personnel motivation system 2. Disadvantages in the development of a personnel motivation system 3. Fear and punishment as motivators and demotivators 3. Fear and punishment as motivators and demotivators 4. Theories of motivation 4. Theories of motivation 5. Forms of personnel motivation 5. Forms staff motivation

1. The concepts of "motive", "need", "motivation". A motive is an impulse to act in order to satisfy a need. The motive is an objectified need (A.N. Leontiev). A motive is an impulse to act in order to satisfy a need. The motive is an objectified need (A.N. Leontiev). Need is the state of wanting something. The need is impersonal. For example, a person wants to eat, feels the need for food, but can not always say exactly what he wants to eat. In the process of human activity, the need receives the object of its satisfaction, which becomes the goal and subsequently acts as a motivating force, that is, a motive. Need is a state of need for something. The need is impersonal. For example, a person wants to eat, feels the need for food, but can not always say exactly what he wants to eat. In the process of human activity, a need receives an object of its satisfaction, which becomes a goal and subsequently acts as a motivating force, i.e., a motive. Motivation: 1) a system of motives as factors underlying behavior; 2) special events aimed at the internal values ​​and needs of people working in the company. Motivation: 1) a system of motives as factors underlying behavior; 2) special events aimed at the internal values ​​and needs of people working in the company.

Motivation determines 1) The direction of behavior - that is, what is the main thing for a person in his work activity. It can be: - the work itself, its process and content; - career advancement; - Ensuring their material well-being; - calmness and understanding at work; - Prosperity of the organization.

2) The level of human effort. That is, how much strength and energy he spends on work; works at full strength, realizes all his creative and intellectual potential or works carelessly; delves into what is happening or is superficial. 3) The level of persistence - that is, how much time a person spends on the commission of a particular action, for example, when faced with obstacles and difficulties.

In addition to motivation, the effectiveness of activity is influenced by: - ​​the difficulty of the task; - availability of abilities; - availability of necessary resources; - working conditions; luck, etc. Therefore, a high level of motivation does not always lead to high performance in work. People with low motivation, working half-heartedly, can achieve high performance at work if they have good abilities for it and appropriate professional training.

2. Shortcomings in the development of a personnel motivation system (according to N.V. Samoukina) (according to N.V. Samoukina) 1. Insufficient understanding of the importance of personnel motivation. The management does not take into account that, having the same position and salary, an employee can work with full dedication in one company, and carelessly in another. 1. Insufficient understanding of the importance of staff motivation. The management does not take into account that, having the same position and salary, an employee can work with full dedication in one company, and carelessly in another. 2. The predominance of the "punitive" system of personnel motivation. It manifests itself in a cultural habit: to scold more for mistakes and praise less for successes (not to praise at all). This is how children are brought up in our family, this is how they teach in schools and universities.

3. The expectations and interests of employees are not taken into account. Someone is interested in a salary increase, someone is interested in career growth, someone is interested in the opportunity to combine work and leisure. 3. The expectations and interests of employees are not taken into account. Someone is interested in a salary increase, someone is interested in career growth, someone is interested in the opportunity to combine work and leisure. 4. Long time interval between getting a good result and promotion. 4. Long time interval between getting a good result and promotion. 5. Failure by management to fulfill its promises. Instability of the motivation system. 5. Failure by management to fulfill its promises. Instability of the motivation system. 6. Lack of staff information about motivation factors. Employees need to know what rewards they can expect from management after they get a good performance. 6. Lack of staff information about motivation factors. Employees need to know what rewards they can expect from management after they get a good performance.

3. Fear and punishment as demotivators of activity Reprimand, reprimand, fine, dismissal and similar methods are often used to control the behavior of employees. The question is, how effective are they? Remarks, reprimands, fines, dismissals, and similar methods are often used to control the behavior of employees. The question is, how effective are they? Can punishment (fear of punishment) stimulate effective activity?

Experiment: Experiment: In three groups of kindergarten, the researchers brought a large inflatable doll. The children of the first group were told: "Play with this doll." Second: "Play with the doll, but don't hit it." And finally, the children of the third group were told: “Play with the doll, but in no case hit her. Whoever beats, we will punish.” Then the adults left, leaving the children alone with the doll. What happened in the groups? In the first one, the children played peacefully, in the second they played, occasionally showing aggression towards the doll. In the third, the children began to violently beat the doll as soon as they were convinced that the adults had left. The researchers brought a large inflatable doll to three kindergarten groups. The children of the first group were told: "Play with this doll." Second: "Play with the doll, but don't hit it." And finally, the children of the third group were told: “Play with the doll, but in no case hit her. Whoever beats, we will punish.” Then the adults left, leaving the children alone with the doll. What happened in the groups? In the first one, the children played peacefully, in the second they played, occasionally showing aggression towards the doll. In the third, the children began to violently beat the doll as soon as they were convinced that the adults had left.

Negative aspects of punishment - Punishable behavior is suppressed only for a while. If a manager scolds an employee for some kind of behavior, then most likely it will not manifest itself only in his presence and may resume in his absence. - Fear of punishment stimulates avoidance behavior. An employee who avoids a "terrible" boss may give him false information that embellishes reality. - Punishment can increase aggression on the part of staff, lead to serious interpersonal conflicts. - A person who is constantly being punished may develop a feeling of insecurity, insecurity, inability to control the situation, there is an effect of "tunnel perception", when his thoughts are focused only on the source of fear.

Fear blocks the desire for creativity, the search for new, non-standard solutions, reasonable and justified risk. Therefore, active and creative employees gradually leave the company, in which the “punitive” motivation system prevails, and the driven and unsure of their demand in the labor market remain. - Weak and emotionally sensitive people can be stimulated by fear for a long time. However, as a result of nervous tension, they often get sick and emotionally exhausted, which reduces labor productivity. -Public criticism creates a field for downward comparison: "He works worse than us, therefore, you can relax and take a break." Conversely, public praise encourages employees to strive for the best. - With the help of fear, it is not recommended to motivate line managers who carry the main professional and communicative load in the company.

Principles of Effective Punishment Example: Dealing with tardiness. The first strategy is punishment for being late; The first strategy is punishment for being late; The second strategy is to reward disciplined employees. The second strategy is to reward disciplined employees. Experiment: In the late 1960s. a number of American companies conducted an experiment. It was decided to organize a monthly lottery, the right to participate in which was given to employees who came to work on time. When they entered the office, they were given lottery tickets. There was a draw once a month. As a prize, employees could win a color TV or other household appliances - irons, kettles, vacuum cleaners, etc. According to Human Resources, late arrivals dropped by 75% in the first year of the system. Effective punishment: -warns; - works always, to all without an exception. Rewarding employees for good work is more effective than punishing bad work.

3. Theories of motivation Reinforcement theories focus on the means that control an individual's behavior by manipulating its consequences. Reinforcement theories emphasize means that control an individual's behavior by manipulating its consequences. Content theories focus on an individual's needs—a physiological or psychological deficit that the individual wants to reduce or get rid of. Content theories focus on an individual's needs—a physiological or psychological deficit that the individual wants to reduce or get rid of. Process theories - focus on thinking, or cognitive processes that occur in the mind of a person and affect his behavior. Process theories - focus on thinking, or cognitive processes that occur in the mind of a person and affect his behavior.

Reinforcement theories Founders: B. Skinner, E. Thorndike and others. Founders: B. Skinner, E. Thorndike and others. Reinforcement theory comes from IP Pavlov's theory of the formation of conditioned reflexes. The theory of reinforcement comes from the theory of I.P. Pavlov on the formation of conditioned reflexes. Reinforcement is the management of a consequence as a result of behavior (J. Shermerron and others). Reinforcement is the management of a consequence as a result of behavior (J. Shermerron and others). Reinforcement is based on the law of effect, which states that a behavior will repeat or fade away depending on its positive or negative consequences. Reinforcement is based on the law of effect, which states that a behavior will repeat or fade away depending on its positive or negative consequences.

Positive reinforcement is the management of positive consequences, which increases the likelihood of repeating a particular behavior of a person in a similar situation. For example: a manager nods to a subordinate, expressing her approval for a valuable remark made at a sales conference. Subsequently, this employee will make another valuable remark, which is what the manager hopes for. Positive reinforcement is the management of positive consequences, which increases the likelihood of repeating a particular behavior of a person in a similar situation. For example: a manager nods to a subordinate, expressing her approval for a valuable remark made at a sales conference. Subsequently, this employee will make another valuable remark, which is what the manager hopes for. Negative reinforcement is used to achieve a desired behavior through the negative consequences of a previous unwanted behavior. For example: 1) a manager regularly reprimands an employee for omissions in the performance of official duties, and then one fine day, when she does a good job, stops criticizing her; 2) we stop when we see a red traffic light because we want to avoid getting a ticket. Negative reinforcement is used to achieve a desired behavior through the negative consequences of a previous unwanted behavior. For example: 1) a manager regularly reprimands an employee for omissions in the performance of official duties, and then one fine day, when she does a good job, stops criticizing her; 2) we stop when we see a red traffic light because we want to avoid getting a ticket.

Reinforcement theory allows us to offer the following practical recommendations for motivating employees in organizations: Reinforcement theory allows us to offer the following practical recommendations for motivating employees in organizations: 1) It is necessary to define and detail the behavior that is correct and desirable in the workplace. 1) It is necessary to define and detail the behavior that is correct and desirable in the workplace. 2) Correct behavior requires regular reinforcement. 2) Correct behavior requires regular reinforcement.

3) It is advisable to ignore unwanted or incorrect behavior, applying punishments only with regular repetition or in special cases that can lead to serious negative consequences. 3) It is advisable to ignore unwanted or incorrect behavior, applying punishments only with regular repetition or in special cases that can lead to serious negative consequences. 4) There should be no delay in reinforcing the correct behavior in order to maintain a close relationship between behavior and reward. 4) There should be no delay in reinforcing the correct behavior in order to maintain a close relationship between behavior and reward. 5) It is recommended to develop a reinforcement scheme and types of incentives in accordance with the individual characteristics of the employee and the current situation. 5) It is recommended to develop a reinforcement scheme and types of incentives in accordance with the individual characteristics of the employee and the current situation.

Content theories 1) A. Maslow's Theory of Hierarchy of Needs. Lower level needs: 1) physiological needs, 2) security needs, 3) social needs. Higher level needs: 4) the need for respect, recognition, evaluation, 5) the need for self-actualization.

2) The three-factor theory of Clayton Alderfer reduces A. Maslow's five categories of needs into three: - Needs for existence - the desire to have physiological and material well-being; -Relationship needs - the desire to have satisfactory interpersonal relationships; Growth needs – the desire for continuous personal growth and development. In contrast to the hierarchy of needs in the theory of A. Maslow, K. Alderfer argues that the satisfied needs of the lower level can be activated if the needs of a higher level are not satisfied; more than one need may be activated at any given time. So, if the work is not able to meet the needs of workers for attachment and personal growth, then they begin to complain about the salary, benefits and working conditions.

3) David McClelland's theory. Allocates the following groups of needs: Allocates the following groups of needs: 1) Achievement needs - the desire to do something better and more efficiently, solve problems, perform complex tasks. 2) Affiliation needs - the desire to establish and maintain friendly and warm relationships with others. 3) Needs for power - the desire to control others, influence their behavior or be responsible for them.

Practical implementation of D. McClelland's theory A person with a high achievement motivation prefers individual responsibility, complex tasks and feedback on the performance of work. A person with high achievement motivation prefers individual responsibility, challenging tasks, and feedback on performance. A person with a high need for affiliation is attracted to interpersonal relationships and communication opportunities. A person with a high need for affiliation is attracted to interpersonal relationships and communication opportunities. A person with a high need for power seeks influence over others, loves attention and recognition. A person with a high need for power seeks influence over others, loves attention and recognition. Successful work as a top manager is associated with a moderate to high need for power in combination and a low need for affiliation.

4) The two-factor theory of F. Herzberg, according to which job satisfaction and dissatisfaction with it are separate measurements. He singled out two groups of factors: Hygienic factors - relate to working conditions. Hygienic factors - relate to working conditions. Motivating factors - relate to the content of the work, i.e. what people actually do. Motivating factors - relate to the content of the work, i.e. what people actually do.

F. Herzberg's two-factor theory Hygienic factors Organization policy Organization policy Quality of supervision Quality of supervision Working conditions Working conditions Basic salary Basic salary Relations with colleagues Relations with colleagues Relations with subordinates Relations with subordinates Status Status Safety Safety F. Herzberg found that low wages cause dissatisfaction among people , but increasing it does not necessarily satisfy or motivate workers. That is, improving hygiene factors will not necessarily lead to job satisfaction; it will only prevent the development of dissatisfaction. To achieve job satisfaction, it is necessary to pay attention to motivating factors. F. Herzberg found that low wages cause people's dissatisfaction, but its increase does not necessarily satisfy or motivate workers. That is, improving hygiene factors will not necessarily lead to job satisfaction; it will only prevent the development of dissatisfaction. To achieve job satisfaction, it is necessary to pay attention to motivating factors. Motivating factors Success Success Recognition Recognition The work itself The work itself Responsibility Responsibility Promotion Promotion Personal growth Personal growth

Procedural theories 1) J. Adams' theory of justice J. Adams argues that when doing the same work, employees compare how much money each of them received, while experiencing a sense of justice or injustice. J. Adams argues that when doing the same work, employees compare how much money each of them received, while experiencing a sense of justice or injustice. - A sense of negative injustice arises when an individual realizes that for his part of the work he receives less than others. - A sense of positive injustice arises when an individual feels that he has received more for his work than those around him.

The theory of justice by J. Adams To restore a sense of justice, a person tends to exhibit one of the following forms of behavior: -Changes his contribution to work (for example, reduces the effort expended); - Changes the outcome of his work (for example, asking for a raise); - Gets out of the situation (for example, quits; in Russian practice, according to N.V. Samoukina, up to 25% of dismissals from the total number are dissatisfied with the unfair pay system); - Changes compared items (for example, compares itself with other workers); -Psychologically distorts the comparison (for example, it logically substantiates for itself that injustice is only temporary and will be eliminated in the future); -Takes action to change the contribution to the work or performance of the compared person (for example, convince a colleague to take on more work).

Practical implementation of the theory of J. Adams It is necessary to take into account what seems fair to the leader, the employee can be perceived as injustice - after comparing himself with his colleagues. It is necessary to take into account what seems fair to the manager, the employee may be perceived as injustice - after comparing himself with colleagues. Explain why one employee's salary has been increased and another not, while giving objective arguments. Explain why one employee's salary has been increased and another not, while giving objective arguments. In case of violation of the principle of fairness, explain to the dissatisfied employee that after a certain time he can also count on a salary increase, subject to effective work. In case of violation of the principle of fairness, explain to the dissatisfied employee that after a certain time he can also count on a salary increase, subject to effective work. Introduce a position on experience, length of service, and duration of work in the company into the staffing table so that these objective characteristics of the employee affect the receipt of remuneration. Introduce a position on experience, length of service, and duration of work in the company into the staffing table so that these objective characteristics of the employee affect the receipt of remuneration.

Victor Vroom's Expectancy Theory V. Vroom argues that employee motivation is the result of rational calculations. A person is motivated exactly as much as he believes that: V. Vroom argues that employee motivation is the result of rational calculations. A person is motivated exactly to the extent that he believes that: 1) efforts to complete the work will be crowned with its successful completion; 1) efforts to complete the work will be crowned with its successful implementation; 2) performance of work will be rewarded; 2) performance of work will be rewarded; 3) the reward has a positive value. 3) the reward has a positive value.

Application of V. Vroom's theory in the practice of personnel motivation The practical application of V. Vroom's theory is to take into account not only the needs, but also the expectations of the company's employees. So, it is necessary to find out in a timely manner what expectations the employees of the company or division have, including what kind of remuneration they want to receive. So, it is necessary to find out in a timely manner what expectations the employees of the company or division have, including what kind of remuneration they want to receive. If for some reason it is not possible at the moment to receive the expected remuneration, you should talk with employees and show them the prospects that will open up for them in the future. If for some reason it is not possible at the moment to receive the expected remuneration, you should talk with employees and show them the prospects that will open up for them in the future. It is important to consider the significant goals and values ​​of employees and how the achievement of results in work contributes to the realization of these goals and values, according to their own assessment. Such goals and values ​​can be the desire to assert one's status in the eyes of family members, wealthy neighbors or colleagues, the purchase of prestigious and fashion items, etc. values ​​in their own estimation. Such goals and values ​​can be the desire to assert one's status in the eyes of family members, wealthy neighbors or colleagues, the purchase of prestigious and image items, etc.

Reward Reward is anything that induces a person to purposeful activity. This is something that is significant for a person, which stimulates activity aimed at obtaining it. Reward is anything that induces a person to purposeful activity. This is something that is significant for a person, which stimulates activity aimed at obtaining it. It is customary to distinguish between two types of remuneration: It is customary to distinguish between two types of remuneration: Material, including monetary compensation and the system of benefits provided by the organization to its employees. Material, including monetary compensation and the system of benefits provided by the organization to its employees. Non-material (moral) - focused on the satisfaction of psychological, non-economic, but also very important and significant needs. Non-material (moral) - focused on the satisfaction of psychological, non-economic, but also very important and significant needs.

Money is the most important means of material reward. Their subjective significance is determined, firstly, by the fact that a person can exchange them for the desired goods and services, and secondly, by the fact that they are a means of social assessment of a person's activity - his status, achievements, successes, etc. Money is the most important means of material reward. Their subjective significance is determined, firstly, by the fact that a person can exchange them for the desired goods and services, and secondly, by the fact that they are a means of social assessment of a person's activity - his status, achievements, successes, etc.

Types of material remuneration The traditional scheme of the structure of cash income includes: 1) payment according to tariff rates and salaries; 1) payment according to tariff rates and salaries; 2) the market component, which reflects the results of negotiations between the employee and the employer regarding wages, taking into account the level of demand for labor offered by the employee; 2) the market component, which reflects the results of negotiations between the employee and the employer regarding wages, taking into account the level of demand for labor offered by the employee; 3) additional payments and compensation for working conditions and its severity (work in the evening and night shift, work in hazardous conditions, in remote places). 3) additional payments and compensation for working conditions and its severity (work in the evening and night shift, work in hazardous conditions, in remote places). 4) allowances (piecework earnings) paid when labor productivity is above the norm or when work is performed by fewer employees, as well as for personal contribution to efficiency growth; 4) allowances (piecework earnings) paid when labor productivity is above the norm or when work is performed by fewer employees, as well as for personal contribution to efficiency growth;

5) bonuses paid for the achievement of specific results, for high results at the end of the month, quarter, year, for inventions and rationalization proposals, for the development of innovations; 5) bonuses paid for the achievement of specific results, for high results at the end of the month, quarter, year, for inventions and rationalization proposals, for the development of innovations; 6) social payments; 6) social payments; 7) dividends - income from the shares of the enterprise owned by its employees. (Spivak V.A. Organizational behavior and personnel management. - St. Petersburg, 2000). 7) dividends - income from the shares of the enterprise owned by its employees. (Spivak V.A. Organizational behavior and personnel management. - St. Petersburg, 2000). The remuneration paid can be fixed - constant for a certain time, regardless of the results of the work of employees or variable - change depending on the specific achievements and results of this employee. The remuneration paid can be fixed - constant for a certain time, regardless of the results of the work of employees or variable - change depending on the specific achievements and results of this employee.

Types of non-material remuneration 1. Reward by consumption: 1. Reward by consumption: - Social package (medical insurance, etc.). - Provision of products for a break for "tea"; - Free lunches; - Family dinners at the expense of the company; -Picnics organized by the company; - Holiday gifts.

Remuneration with use: Reward with use: - provision of additional equipment; - a sign for the office; - provision of a company car; - provision of a mobile phone; - providing a ticket to the company's rest house; -use of the company's equipment for own purposes (copier, long-distance calls from a business phone); - prestigious business trips.

Social rewards: Social rewards: - friendly greetings; - informal recognition, request for an opinion; - request for advice; - recognition in the press organ of the company; - public recognition of merits and successes. Gifts: Gifts: - memorable souvenirs; - travel during the holidays; - Dinner at the expense of the company. A variety of forms of material and non-material incentives allows you to choose the one that will be positively perceived by a person.

Internal and external motivation Among the various motives of human activity, it is customary to single out internal and external motives, which, in particular, are considered as internal and external causes that affect the decision-making by a person. Among the various motives of human activity, it is customary to single out internal and external motives, which, in particular, are considered as internal and external causes that affect the decision-making by a person. Despite some differences in wording, it is generally accepted that intrinsic motivation is associated with satisfaction from the work process itself, while extrinsic motivation is associated with a focus on reward as the only valuable result. Despite some differences in wording, it is generally accepted that intrinsic motivation is associated with satisfaction from the work process itself, while extrinsic motivation is associated with a focus on reward as the only valuable result.

Extrinsically motivated activities are behaviors performed primarily to obtain material or social rewards or to avoid punishment. Salary, interest, bonuses, gifts - these are the tools that managers of all levels rely on, trying to stir up their staff, but which for some reason do not keep employees in the organization. And once again a trained and highly qualified employee leaves the walls of the organization. Extrinsically motivated activities are behaviors performed primarily to obtain material or social rewards or to avoid punishment. Salary, interest, bonuses, gifts - these are the tools that managers of all levels rely on, trying to stir up their staff, but which for some reason do not keep employees in the organization. And once again a trained and highly qualified employee leaves the walls of the organization. An intrinsically motivated activity is an activity that is carried out out of interest in it, a subjective feeling of its value. An intrinsically motivated activity is an activity that is carried out out of interest in it, a subjective feeling of its value.

A person may be extrinsic, intrinsically motivated, or a combination of the two. In this regard, three psychological types of employees are distinguished. The first group is employees for whom internal factors of remuneration are important: the desire to achieve results, interesting content of work, the significance of work for society, communication with colleagues. The first group is employees for whom internal factors of remuneration are important: the desire to achieve results, interesting content of work, the significance of work for society, communication with colleagues. The second group is employees who are most sensitive to external factors of remuneration: wages, career, symbols of official status (personal car, office, power, etc.), recognition, additional benefits (loans, insurance, etc.). The second group is employees who are most sensitive to external factors of remuneration: wages, career, symbols of official status (personal car, office, power, etc.), recognition, additional benefits (loans, insurance, etc.). The third group is employees for whom mixed factors of remuneration, both internal and external, are important. The third group is employees for whom mixed factors of remuneration, both internal and external, are important.

Genuine involvement in the activity and satisfaction from the process of activity itself presuppose the presence and activation of internal motivation. Moreover, a number of studies have shown that when extrinsic motivation arises (in the form of a reward for something that a person does on their own), intrinsic motivation, as a rule, weakens. Genuine involvement in the activity and satisfaction from the process of activity itself presuppose the presence and activation of internal motivation. Moreover, a number of studies have shown that when extrinsic motivation arises (in the form of a reward for something that a person does on their own), intrinsic motivation, as a rule, weakens. The researchers note that only one type of extrinsic rewards can increase intrinsic motivation - praise and public approval. The researchers note that only one type of extrinsic rewards can increase intrinsic motivation - praise and public approval.

It is generally accepted that externally motivating staff is more efficient, easier and faster: he promised to reward or punish, and the job is done. It is generally accepted that externally motivating staff is more efficient, easier and faster: he promised to reward or punish, and the job is done. But material reward, as well as punishment, cannot be carried out constantly and indefinitely; sooner or later, this approach to staff motivation is fraught with serious conflicts and problems. But material reward, as well as punishment, cannot be carried out constantly and indefinitely; sooner or later, this approach to staff motivation is fraught with serious conflicts and problems. In addition, people motivated by external factors have a rather low level of psychological well-being compared to those who are oriented towards internal values. The latter, in turn, do not tolerate external motivators, they strive to make their own decisions about what is important for them and what is not, and therefore they get more pleasure from life, and are generally happier. In addition, people motivated by external factors have a rather low level of psychological well-being compared to those who are oriented towards internal values. The latter, in turn, do not tolerate external motivators, they strive to make their own decisions about what is important for them and what is not, and therefore they get more pleasure from life, and are generally happier.

There are frequent cases when employees, getting a job, have internal motivation, but gradually internal motivation is replaced by the strongest internal demotivation. In particular, the following are called as demotivation factors: It is not uncommon for employees, when getting a job, to have internal motivation, but gradually internal motivation is replaced by strong internal demotivation. In particular, the following are called as demotivation factors: 1) violation of an implicit contract; 2) failure to use any employee skills that he himself values; 3) ignoring ideas and initiatives; 4) lack of a sense of belonging to the company; 5) lack of a sense of achievement, no visible results, no personal and professional growth; 6) lack of recognition of achievement and results by management and colleagues; 7) no changes in the status of the employee. Organizational and economic psychology: Reader / Comp. K.V. Selchenok. - Minsk: Harvest, p.327.

How can one achieve an increase in the internal motivation of the professional activity of the staff? This work is possible in three directions: How can one achieve an increase in the internal motivation of the professional activity of the staff? This work is possible in three directions: 1) the creation of an organizational culture focused on updating and developing the value of the work itself among the staff; 1) creation of an organizational culture focused on updating and developing the value of the work itself among the staff; 2) direct development of internal motivation among the personnel of the organization in the course of special trainings, coaching; 2) direct development of internal motivation among the personnel of the organization in the course of special trainings, coaching; 3) development of the managerial staff skills of internal motivation of personnel. 3) development of the managerial staff skills of internal motivation of personnel.

Measures to increase the internal motivation of employees? 1. When hiring, provide the employee with realistic information about the organization and prepare him for the possible difficulties associated with adapting to the team, growth prospects, training and professional development opportunities. 1. When hiring, provide the employee with realistic information about the organization and prepare him for the possible difficulties associated with adapting to the team, growth prospects, training and professional development opportunities. 2. Offer employees temporary tasks that take a little time (or even are solved outside of school hours), but make it possible to realize all their multifaceted skills and talents (for example, knowledge of foreign languages, musical, artistic, etc. abilities). 2. Offer employees temporary tasks that take a little time (or even are solved outside of school hours), but make it possible to realize all their multifaceted skills and talents (for example, knowledge of foreign languages, musical, artistic, etc. abilities). 3. Employees - direct executors of this or work - are often full of new ideas and suggestions. Even if the ideas and suggestions of employees are not so brilliant that they should be implemented, something can still be learned from them. Otherwise, the employee needs to explain why his idea is not suitable for implementation. 3. Employees - direct executors of this or work - are often full of new ideas and suggestions. Even if the ideas and suggestions of employees are not so brilliant that they should be implemented, something can still be learned from them. Otherwise, the employee needs to explain why his idea is not suitable for implementation.

4. Do not limit employees to only immediate responsibilities related to the private goals of the department / organization. It is necessary to involve employees in corporate events, informing them about all the affairs taking place in the company. 4. Do not limit employees to only immediate responsibilities related to the private goals of the department / organization. It is necessary to involve employees in corporate events, informing them about all the affairs taking place in the company. 5. From time to time offer employees short-term, creative tasks in areas adjacent to the employee's specialization. Divide long-term projects into separate stages, actively highlighting and encouraging intermediate results. 5. From time to time offer employees short-term, creative tasks in areas adjacent to the employee's specialization. Divide long-term projects into separate stages, actively highlighting and encouraging intermediate results. 6. Regularly provide recognition of achievements and results from both management and colleagues, if only sometimes financially, but always with verbal approval and support. 6. Regularly provide recognition of achievements and results from both management and colleagues, if only sometimes financially, but always with verbal approval and support.

7. If it is not possible to promote an employee who has stayed in his position, in order to activate his internal motivation, a change in his status without changing his position, for example, managing a temporary project, can be used. 7. If it is not possible to promote an employee who has stayed in his position, in order to activate his internal motivation, a change in his status without changing his position, for example, managing a temporary project, can be used. It is initially somewhat more difficult and unusual to update the internal motivation of the staff, but if the development of self-determination is ensured for the staff from the very beginning, then its effect turns out to be much more significant, which, in turn, makes it possible to find the necessary material means to ensure decent material well-being of employees with less problems. It is initially somewhat more difficult and unusual to update the internal motivation of the staff, but if the development of self-determination is ensured for the staff from the very beginning, then its effect turns out to be much more significant, which, in turn, makes it possible to find the necessary material means to ensure decent material well-being of employees with less problems.

1. Stimulation of labor activity, its essence and content.2. Principles of stimulation.3. Functions of labor incentives 4. Types of labor incentives 5. Special types of labor incentives employed in the economy 6. Methods of stimulation.7. The main forms of incentives 8. Requirements for the organization of labor incentives 9. The mechanism of labor incentives.10. Features of labor stimulation at the present stage of economic development. PLAN:

A stimulus (lat. stimulus - a goad, a goad, a pointed stick that drove animals) is an external impulse to action, a push, a motivating reason. A stimulus is such an impact by one person on another that induces him to a directed action, which is necessary for the initiator of the impact. Stimulation of labor is some kind of external motivation, an element of the labor situation that affects a person's behavior in the sphere of work, it is a kind of material shell of staff motivation. Staff incentives are external levers for activating staff, that is, motivation with the help of material interest.

In the broad sense of this concept, it covers everything that is used in management, methods of motivation, influence, rewards, including administrative, economic (material), social and regulatory ones. Administrative methods of stimulating labor affect an individual, a group through orders, tasks, etc. In a narrow sense, "stimulation of labor" actually coincides with the social regulation of labor - the social motivation of labor behavior, when the motivation for activity is carried out through the satisfaction of various needs of an individual, social group or work collective.

8 cash payment that compensates for the wage level lagging behind the price level additional payment for high labor potential or performance of work of particular complexity or intensity compensation for increased labor consumption in adverse conditions The following types of material payments are distinguished by economic content: fulfillment of the established measure of labor Financial assistance Allowances Surcharges Tariff rates

Incentive bonus payments depending on the personal contribution Additional days off Paid vacation Bonuses for the absence of absenteeism Reduced meals Gifts and so on Deprivation of bonuses and bonuses Reducing the amount of wages for absenteeism and the like 6. Incentive methods. punishing. Note Transfer to a lower-paid job

Incentive form Main content 12 Salary (nominal) Remuneration of an employee, including basic (piecework, hourly, salary) and additional wages Salary (real) Ensuring real wages by: 1) raising tariff rates in accordance with the minimum established by the state ; 2) introduction of compensation payments; 3) indexation of wages in accordance with inflation

Continuation of the table Bonuses One-time payments from the company's profit (remuneration, bonus, additional remuneration). Abroad, these are annual, semi-annual, Christmas, New Year's bonuses, usually associated with work experience and the amount of salary received. Profit Sharing Profit sharing payouts are not a one-time bonus. The share of profit from which the incentive fund is formed is established. It applies to categories of personnel that can really affect profits (most often these are management personnel). Payment of transportation costs or maintenance by own transport Allocation of funds for: 1) payment of transportation costs; 2) purchase of transport: a) with full service (transport with a driver for management personnel); b) with partial service for persons associated with private trips. eleven

Continuation of the table Catering Allocation of funds for catering in the company; payment of subsidies for meals Scholarship programs Allocation of funds for education (covering the cost of education on the side) Staff training programs Covering the costs of organizing training (retraining) Medical care programs Organizing medical care or concluding contracts with medical institutions. Allocation of funds for these purposes Housing construction programs Allocation of funds for own construction of housing or construction on share terms

Continuation of the table Life insurance Insurance at the expense of the company of the life of an employee and for a symbolic deduction - members of his family. Temporary Disability Benefit Programs Temporary Disability Coverage Health Insurance Both for Employees and Their Family Members Loan Associations

14 is a form of implementation by workers of the role of the owner of production, contributes to the expansion of publicity, awareness, creates the preconditions for increasing the social justice of distribution relations in the team involves the use of different incentives in relation to different groups of workers and individual workers. For some social groups, the amount of remuneration is especially important, for others - at a certain life span - public praise, for the third - promotion through the ranks, for the fourth - awarding a tourist voucher involves a regular review of existing incentive conditions in accordance with changes in organizational, technical and socio-economic working conditions, constant diversity in the incentives used, which makes it impossible to get used to them and thereby reduce the effectiveness of incentives, allows you to give a public assessment of the work of employees, contributes to the formation and maintenance of a good psychological climate in the team. Therefore, it is necessary that each worker knows what and why this or that member of the team is rewarded or punished requires that encouragement or punishment follow the act as quickly as possible Differentiation Publicity Flexibility Efficiency Participation of workers in the organization of incentives

In the context of the development of market relations, one of the most important elements of the mechanism for the functioning of an enterprise is the stimulation of labor. In the conditions of transition to the market, a qualitatively new approach to the organization of wages at enterprises, the creation of a motivational mechanism for the labor activity of workers is required.

In the early stages of the development of society, non-economic coercion to work dominated, based on direct violence or personal subordination of the worker to the owner (for example, the relationship of a slave and a slave owner, a serf and a landowner). With the development of the economic system based on wage labor, economic coercion to work became widespread. No one forces anyone to work by force, but a person is forced to take a job in order to support himself and his family. Since wage labor is always labor for another person, the owner of the means of production, the latter applies various methods and methods to increase the efficiency and labor activity of workers.

Since self-employment is the most effective, methods of stimulating labor have recently become widespread, associated with the transformation of an employee into a co-owner of an enterprise, firm by transferring or selling part of the enterprise’s shares to him, accruing part of the income, or using other forms of participation in profits.

Content theories of motivation are based on the identification of those internal motives that make people act one way and not another. Process theories are based on how people behave in relation to their perception and cognition. Both types of theories include common basic concepts: 1) needs or need for something. Needs are primary (physiological) - for food, clothing, etc. and secondary (psychological) - in success, respect, power. 2) the behavioral manifestation of needs is motivation. 3) reward - everything that a person considers valuable for himself. Content theories of motivation are based on the identification of those internal motives that make people act one way and not another. Process theories are based on how people behave in relation to their perception and cognition. Both types of theories include common basic concepts: 1) needs or need for something. Needs are primary (physiological) - for food, clothing, etc. and secondary (psychological) - in success, respect, power. 2) the behavioral manifestation of needs is motivation. 3) reward - everything that a person considers valuable for himself. The incentive is often characterized as an impact on the employee from the outside (from outside) in order to encourage him to work effectively. There is a certain dualism in the stimulus. The dualism of the incentive is that, on the one hand, from the standpoint of the administration of the enterprise, it is a tool for achieving the goal (increasing the productivity of workers, the quality of their work, etc.), on the other hand, from the standpoint of the employee, the incentive is an opportunity to obtain additional benefits (positive incentive) or the possibility of their loss (negative incentive).

When incentives pass through the psyche and consciousness of people and are transformed by them, they become internal motives or motives for the worker's behavior. Motives are conscious incentives. Stimulus and motive do not always agree with each other, but there is no “Chinese wall” between them. These are two sides, two systems of influence on the employee, inducing him to certain actions.

Theories of motivation focus on defining the list and structure of people's needs. A need is an awareness of the absence of something that causes an impulse to act. A need can be satisfied with a reward - something that a person considers valuable for himself.

Herzberg's two-factor theory Hygiene factors Firm and administration policy Working conditions Earnings Interpersonal relationships with superiors, subordinates, colleagues Degree of direct control over work Motivation Success Promotion Recognition and approval of work results High degree of responsibility Opportunities for creative and business growth

The theory of expectations A person directs his efforts to achieve a goal only when he is sure of a greater probability of satisfying his needs or achieving the goal at this expense. Motivation Labor costs - Results Results - Remuneration Valence =xx


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