Semi-finished meat products. Assortment of semi-finished meat products for complex culinary products


In recent years, the structure of the consumer market has changed dramatically. Around the world, there is a clear trend to offer the consumer a product that requires minimal cooking time at home, up to fully cooked products and often sold in packages suitable for quick heating and serving. In this regard, semi-finished and instant products are becoming increasingly important.


Semi-finished meat products are raw meat products prepared for heat treatment (cooking, frying). Centralized production of semi-finished products in hygienic packaging reduces losses of raw materials, improves labor productivity and service culture. Semi-finished products are consumed at home, in catering, schools, hospitals, railways and air transport.

The range of semi-finished products is varied. Based on the type of meat, they are classified into beef, lamb, pork, veal and poultry. According to the method of previous processing and culinary purpose, semi-finished products are divided into natural, including breaded, pickled and chopped.

Natural semi-finished products

Natural semi-finished products are pieces of meat with specified or arbitrary weights, sizes and shapes from the corresponding parts of the carcass.

They are divided into large-piece, portioned and small-piece. In addition, natural semi-finished products can be either boneless or meat-and-bone.

In terms of quality, natural semi-finished products prevail over other types of semi-finished products, since they are made mainly from the most tender parts of the meat carcass. By removing bones, tendons and cartilage from meat, its nutritional value increases, so natural semi-finished products are characterized by a significant protein content and a small amount of fat.
For the production of natural semi-finished products, beef and lamb of the first and second categories, pork of the first, second, third and * fourth categories, and veal are used. It is not allowed to consume meat from bulls, boars, rams and goats, as well as meat frozen more than once.

The technological process of manufacturing natural semi-finished products is carried out according to the diagram in Fig. 18.1.

Large-piece semi-finished products are isolated from boneless meat. This is pulp or plates of meat removed from certain parts of half-carcasses and carcasses in the form of large pieces, cleared of tendons and thick surface films, preserving intermuscular, connective and fatty tissue. The surface of large pieces should be smooth, not weathered, with smooth edges.

From a beef half carcass, there are (Fig. 18.2) tenderloin, longissimus dorsi (dorsal part - thick edge and lumbar part - thin edge), hip part (upper, inner pieces, side and outer pieces), scapular part (shoulder and shoulder parts) , subscapular part, chest part, trim (from beef of the first category), cutlet meat.

Rice. 18.1. Technological scheme for the production of large-piece semi-finished products

Rice. 18.2. Scheme for cutting beef half carcass into large-piece semi-finished products:
1 - tenderloin; 2, 3 - longissimus dorsi muscle (2 - dorsal part, 3 - lumbar part);
4 - hip part (a - side piece, b - upper piece, c - inner piece, d - outer piece); 5, 6 - scapular part (5 - shoulder, 6 - shoulder); 7 - brisket;
8 - subscapular part; 9 - edge.

Rice. 18.3. Scheme for cutting pork loins into large pieces of semi-finished products:
1 - tenderloin; 2 - hip part;
3 - brisket; 4 - cervico-subscapular part; 5 - blade part; 6 - loin.

Rice. 18.4. Scheme for cutting lamb carcass into large-piece semi-finished products:
1 - hip part; 2 - brisket;
3 - blade part; 4 - loin.

Pork is divided into (Fig. 18.3) tenderloin, loin, brisket, hip, shoulder, neck and cutlet meat.

From lamb there are (Fig. 18.4) loin, brisket, hip and shoulder parts, as well as cutlet meat.

When producing large-piece semi-finished products, carcasses and half-carcasses are cut up in advance. Deboning of cuts is carried out on conveyor and stationary tables and in a suspended state so that there are no deep cuts in the muscle tissue. Boning of half-carcasses is carried out with full or partial stripping of bones and semi-finished meat and bone products are separated (soup sets, stews, meat and bone sets, table sets, etc.).

In order to rationally use the most valuable parts of carcasses, it is advisable to carry out a combined cutting of half-carcasses, separating large-piece semi-finished products, from which they will then cut into portions, and send the rest of the half-carcass parts to deboning for sausage production.

Large-piece semi-finished products for catering establishments are packaged in reusable or disposable containers and cooled to 0-8 °C. Period of storage, transportation and sale
large-piece semi-finished products at a temperature of 0-8 °C for no more than 48 hours, including at the manufacturer for no more than 12 hours. It is advisable to pack large-piece semi-finished products under vacuum in povidene film. In this case, the shelf life at 0-4 °C increases to 7 days, and at -2 °C - up to 10 days.

Portioned, small-piece semi-finished products, meat-and-bone and boneless semi-finished products. Portioned semi-finished products are made from certain pieces of pulp of large-sized semi-finished products. Portioned semi-finished products are one or two pieces of meat of approximately equal weight, intended for frying in whole pieces. For their production, the most delicate parts of the carcass are used - tenderloin, flesh of the dorsal, lumbar and hip parts. The meat of other parts of the carcass, although full in protein composition, is characterized by increased rigidity, therefore it is used for stewing or preparing minced meat. It can be used for portioned semi-finished products only after softening, which is possible with prolonged ripening of meat under the influence of proteolytic enzyme preparations.

The most widely used are pancreatin, elastase, rennino-mein G10X, papain, which are used in the processing of tough meat with a high content of connective tissue.

Portioned semi-finished beef products include: tenderloin, natural beefsteak, languette, entrecote, rump steak (with or without breading), natural zrazy, oven-baked beef.

Portioned semi-finished pork products are tenderloin, natural cutlet (with or without breading), escalope, oven-baked pork, schnitzel (with or without breading).

Portioned semi-finished products are obtained from lamb: natural cutlet (with or without breading), escalope, oven-baked lamb, schnitzel.

Portioned natural semi-finished products are cut across the grain, perpendicular to the grain or at an angle of 45°. Semi-finished products, cut across the fibers, better retain their presentation, are less deformed in their raw form, and during heat treatment they lose less juice and come out more juicy and tasty.

Some natural semi-finished products are used to produce breaded semi-finished products.

Small-piece semi-finished products are obtained by cutting trimmed meat into small pieces (azu, goulash, beef stroganoff, roasting, kebab meat, etc.).

For each type of semi-finished product, meat from a precisely defined part of the carcass is used. Azu, langet, beefsteak, beef stroganoff, for example, are also made from beef tenderloin; entrecote, rump steak, roast - from beef longissimus dorsi muscle; rump steak, braised beef, roasted, azu - from the beef thigh.

for natural cutlets; boneless lumbar part - for escalope; hip part - for natural schnitzel and meat for barbecue; shoulder blade and neck-scapula parts - for oven-baked pork, goulash and frying. Natural lamb cutlets are made from the back of the loin with ribs; escalope - from the boneless lumbar part; natural schnitzel and meat for shish kebab come from the hip part, and braised lamb and meat for pilaf come from the shoulder part.

Boneless semi-finished products - this is pulp isolated from the best parts of meat, cleared of tendons and thick surface films and having a smooth surface. The following types are produced: boneless natural semi-finished premium beef product, special roast, beef for stewing, brisket for kharcho, semi-finished product for natural pork chops, pork for stewing, semi-finished product for baking, boneless semi-finished lamb product.

Meat-and-bone small-piece semi-finished products made from cervical, spinal-costal, lumbar, sacral vertebrae, as well as from the thoracic and pelvic bones with a certain pulp content. These parts are cut on saws or machines or cut into pieces with a cleaver. The sawn pieces are packed in portions and packaged.

Meat and bone semi-finished products include soup set, stew, beef for stewing, etc.

The process of manufacturing natural semi-finished products consists of preparing raw materials, manufacturing semi-finished products, portioning and packaging. Preparation of raw materials involves removing bones, large connective tissue formations, and excess fat. The production of semi-finished products comes down to cutting the pulp and sawing bone raw materials into portions and pieces, the weight of which is provided by the standard for each type of semi-finished product.

Boneless small-piece semi-finished products are cut using machines such as lard cutters. To produce semi-finished meat and bone products, band saws are used, equipped with special devices (cassettes) into which meat and bone raw materials are placed, as well as continuous chopping machines (guillotines).

Breaded semi-finished products are made from tougher parts of carcasses that require mechanical loosening before being used for food.

These semi-finished products are breaded using dry (flour, crackers) and wet breading with leison. The positive effect of breading is that semi-finished products do not stick together, which ensures the preservation of the product’s presentation. When frying, the breading forms a crust, which prevents the leakage of meat juice and maintains the juiciness of the product.

Preparing natural portioned semi-finished products for breading involves cutting portions of meat from one piece of a certain shape

The back of the pork loin with ribs is used
and masses. After weighing, they are beaten with metal choppers or processed in meat rippers by uniformly applying notches to the entire surface of the piece while pulling it between circular knives.

The surface of the semi-finished product is covered with an even layer of leison and breadcrumbs or flour. Lezon is made from melange, water and table salt in the ratio: 40: 10: 1, respectively. The mixture is whipped until a homogeneous mass is formed. Liezon cannot be stored and must be sent for the production of semi-finished products no later than 30 minutes later.

Breading is applied to the surface of semi-finished products using various types of breading machines. A liquid breading machine is usually paired with a dry breading machine.

Modern breading machines ensure recirculation of breading inside the machine, uniform coating of the product, and removal of excess breading from its surface. They move on self-locking wheels and can be used independently or included in various line options. Such machines can also be used for breading chopped semi-finished products, and can also be included in a line for the production of ready-made quick-frozen products.

Breaded semi-finished products are placed on aluminum or polymer liners in reusable boxes. Store at a temperature not lower than 0 °C and not higher than 8 °C. Implementation period 24 hours.

Marinated semi-finished products. The range of semi-finished products can be expanded by using various marinades. Marinated semi-finished products differ from ordinary natural ones not only in their appearance, but also in their taste. Marinated semi-finished products have a longer shelf life (up to 3 weeks) and give a higher yield during heat treatment. The composition of marinades includes spices, herbs, salt, flavorings, enzymes, various additives, vegetable oil, and means for preserving freshness.

Marinades are produced in liquid and dry form, in the latter case they are mixed with drinking water. Marinades are suitable for marinating all types of meat, including poultry. Large pieces of meat are injected with marinades and then massaged for 10-30 minutes, depending on the type of machine. The total mass of semi-finished products increases, thereby reducing their cost. Small pieces of meat for stews, kebabs, roasts, beef stroganoff are mixed with marinades and kept in containers made of non-corrosive material at 2-4 °C for 8-12 hours.
Shops where natural semi-finished products are produced are located under the deboning departments or next to them. They must have stationary or conveyor tables. In workshops with high productivity, belt conveyors are installed to transport clean containers to packaging tables and packaged products to the place of cooling and sale.236 ..

Classification of culinary meat products

Classification of semi-finished meat products

Semi-finished products are divided into:

Groups: meat, meat-containing;

Types: lumpy; chopped; in the test;

Subspecies: boneless, meat-and-bone (lumpy semi-finished products); large-piece, portioned, small-piece (lumpy semi-finished products); stuffed, unstuffed; molded, unmolded; breaded, unbreaded; weighted, packaged;

By thermal state: chilled, frozen, frozen.

Semi-finished meat product category A: Minced or lumpy semi-finished meat product with a mass fraction of muscle tissue in the recipe of 80.0% or more.

Semi-finished meat product category B: Minced or lumpy semi-finished meat product with a mass fraction of muscle tissue in the recipe from 60.0% to 80.0%.

Meat (meat-containing) semi-finished product of category B: Meat (meat-containing chopped or lumpy semi-finished product with a mass fraction of muscle tissue in the recipe from 40.0% to 60.0%.

Meat [meat-containing] semi-finished product of category G: Meat [meat-containing] chopped or lumpy with a mass fraction of muscle tissue in the recipe from 20.0% to 40.0%.

Meat [meat-containing] semi-finished product of category D: Meat [meat-containing] chopped or lumpy semi-finished product with a mass fraction of muscle tissue in the recipe of less than 20.0%.

Meat [meat-containing] packaged semi-finished product. Meat [meat-containing] semi-finished product, molded, weighed and placed in consumer packaging during the manufacturing process.

Meat [meat-containing] semi-finished product by weight: Meat [meat-containing] semi-finished product, which is weighed and placed in consumer packaging when sold to the public.

Chilled meat [meat-containing] semi-finished product: Meat [meat-containing] semi-finished product sold at a temperature within the product from minus 1 °C to plus 6 °C.

Meat [meat-containing] frozen semi-finished product: Meat [meat-containing] semi-finished product sold at a temperature within the product from minus 1 °C to minus 5 °C.

Meat [meat-containing] frozen semi-finished product: Meat [meat-containing] semi-finished product sold at a temperature within the product not exceeding minus 10 °C.

Group: Semi-finished products, combined according to the mass fraction of meat ingredients in the recipe.

Type: Semi-finished products combined according to manufacturing technology.

Classification of culinary products depending on the composition of raw materials:

· with side dishes;

· no side dishes.

Depending on the production technology:

· large pieces;

· portioned;

· small pieces;

· chopped;

· in the test;

· others.

Classification of semi-finished products and culinary meat (meat-containing) products:

Depending on the thermal state of semi-finished products and culinary products:


· frozen;

· frozen.

Depending on the type of meat from slaughtered animals:

· beef;

· pork;

· lamb;

· horse;

· buffalo;

· deer;

· camel;

· elk;

· others (or in any ratio thereof).

Depending on the technology of production of meat raw materials:

· lumpy;

· chopped;

· in the test;

· others.

Meat is the skeletal muscle of slaughtered animals with adjacent tissues. The tissues that make up meat are divided into muscle, fat, connective and bone.

The chemical composition and anatomical structure of tissues are very different, so the general properties of meat will depend and vary on the quantitative ratio of these tissues.

Meat and meat products are suppliers of biologically valuable proteins. In terms of their chemical composition, meat proteins are close to the proteins of the human body and contain all the amino acids necessary for building the tissues of the human body.

Meat, and especially the internal organs of slaughtered animals, contain many vitamins and minerals.

Semi-finished meat products include products prepared for culinary processing.

The main raw materials for the production of semi-finished meat products are various types of meat and offal. Flour, eggs, bread and spices are used to prepare individual semi-finished products.

Semi-finished meat products are divided into: natural (large pieces, small pieces, portioned, portioned breaded); chopped; semi-finished products in dough; minced meat /9/.

Natural semi-finished meat products

Natural semi-finished products are pieces of meat pulp of various weights, cleared of tendons and coarse surface films. Natural small-piece semi-finished products also include meat and bone pieces of meat with a certain bone content. Semi-finished products are produced chilled or frozen. The raw material is meat in chilled or frozen states. The meat of bulls, boars, sheep, meat frozen more than once, and lean meat is not used. Lumpy semi-finished meat products.

Depending on the type of meat, large-piece semi-finished products are divided into four groups.

First group:

a) from beef:

Longissimus dorsi muscle (dorsal part, lumbar part);

Tenderloin (iliopsoas muscle, located under the bodies of the last thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae);

Hip part (upper, inner, side and outer pieces);

b) from pork:



c) from lamb - hip part;

Second group:

a) from beef:

Scapular part (shoulder and shoulder parts);

Subscapularis, thoracic portion, as well as trim (supracostal muscles removed from the 4th to 13th ribs, remaining after separating the subscapularis, brisket and longissimus dorsi muscle) from beef of the 1st fatness category;

b) from pork:




c) from lamb:

Blade part;


Third group:

a) from beef - cutlet meat and beef trim of the 2nd category;

b) pork - brisket;

c) lamb - brisket, cutlet meat;

Fourth group: pork - cutlet meat. Cutlet meat (using the example of beef) - pieces of meat pulp from the neck, flank, intercostal meat, pulp from the tibia, radius and ulna bones, trimmings obtained by stripping large-sized semi-finished products and bones.

Large-piece semi-finished products are sold mainly by weight, portioned - packaged, product weight 125 g (tenderloin 250 and 500 g), small-piece - portion weight 250, 500 and 1000 g (meat and bone).

1) Portioned semi-finished products are meat products, a portion of which consists of one or two pieces, approximately equal in weight and size. Portioned semi-finished products are made from large-piece semi-finished products, cutting them manually or using special machines across the muscle fibers obliquely or perpendicularly.

According to TU 9214-345-00419779-98 and TU 9214-456-00419779-99, the following range of portioned semi-finished products is produced:

a) beef Extra. The raw material for production is the iliopsoas muscle, while Extra beef is cut from meat pulp, it has an oval-oblong shape, and is packaged in portions of 250 and 500 g;

b) natural steak Extra - pieces of meat pulp of irregular round shape, 20-30 mm thick, packaged in portions of 80 and 125 g;

c) splint Extra - made from meat pulp, irregular round shape, thickness 10-12 mm, packaged in portions of 80 and 125 g.

d) entrecote Extra, rump steak Extra, beef. The following muscles are used as raw materials: the longissimus muscle of the back and lower back, which is freed from fat, rough films and tendons, the shiny tendon is removed, the edges are smoothed; gluteus medius, fused adductor and semimembranosus, quadriceps, biceps and semitendinosus muscles from the hip cut; triceps muscle from a shoulder cut.

An assortment of portioned semi-finished products: from beef - natural steak (from the tenderloin), languette (from the tenderloin, two thinner pieces than the steak), entrecote (from the longissimus dorsi muscle), rump steak (from the longissimus dorsi muscle or the most tender pieces of the hip part - the upper and internal), natural zrazy (from the same pieces of the hip part), braised beef (from the side and outer pieces of the hip part).

The range of portioned semi-finished pork products includes: natural cutlet (from the loin), escalope (from the longissimus dorsi muscle), brass pork (from the cervical-scapular part), tenderloin, schnitzel - from the hip part.

2) Portioned breaded semi-finished products: rump steak (beef), natural cutlet and schnitzel (pork and lamb). For portioned breaded semi-finished products, pieces of meat are lightly beaten to loosen the tissues and rolled in finely crushed white bread crumbs to preserve meat juice.

Breadcrumbs are used in an amount of 100 g per 1 kg of product; they are first sifted together with salt to remove large lumps.

3) Small-piece semi-finished meat products are made from the pulp of the dorsal, lumbar and posterior pelvic parts, from the raw materials remaining after the production of portioned semi-finished products.

From beef we get: beef stroganoff (from tenderloin, longissimus dorsi and the upper and inner piece of the hip part), azu (from the side and outer pieces of the hip part), goulash (from the scapular and subscapular parts, as well as the edge), soup set (meat and bone pieces weighing 100-200 g with the presence of pulp at least 50% of the portion weight), beef for stewing (pieces of ribs with the presence of pulp at least 75% of the portion weight), brisket for kharcho (with a pulp content of at least 85% of the portion weight) .

Small-piece semi-finished pork products, in accordance with TU 9214-456-00419779-99, are represented by the following names: roast (from the hip and loin with a fat content of no more than 10%), goulash (the same as beef goulash), meat for barbecue (from the hip part), stew (pulp content no less than 50% of the portion weight), homemade stew (bone content no more than 10% and fat tissue no more than 15%).

Beef Stroganoff Extra. The raw materials used are the gluteal medius, fused adductor and semimembranosus muscles of the hip, the longissimus dorsi and lumbar muscles, and trimmings of the iliopsoas muscle. The meat is cut into cubes 30-40 mm long, weighing 5-7 g.

Azu Extra. The semi-finished product is made from the quadriceps, biceps, semitendinosus muscles of the hip part and the triceps muscle of the scapular part, cut into bars 30-40 mm long and weighing 10-15 g.

Roasting Extra. It consists of pieces weighing 10-15 g from the gluteal medius, fused adductor and semimembranosus muscles of the hip part, longissimus dorsi and lumbar muscles, triceps muscle of the scapular part, trimmings of the lumboiliac muscle.

Kebab Spicy. The raw materials are the gluteus medius, fused adductor and semimembranosus muscles of the hip part, the longissimus dorsi and lumbar muscles, the triceps muscle of the scapular part, and the lumboiliac muscle. The kebab is cut into pieces weighing 30-40 g.

Goulash Extra. The semi-finished product is cut from the transosteal, prespinatus muscles of the scapular part, a layer of meat from the upper edge of the neck, supraspinal and ventral serratus muscles, subscapularis, deep pectoral and superficial pectoral muscles, removed from the sternum.

Beef borscht dressing. It is made from boneless rib half carcass from the 1st to the 13th rib, which is sawn or cut into pieces across the ribs weighing from 500 to 2000 g each.

Beef stew. The meat-and-bone neck part is used without the first two cervical vertebrae and without the upper edge of the neck. It is sawed or cut across the cervical vertebrae into pieces weighing from 100 to 300 g each, with the presence of pulp tissue of at least 70%.

Set for broth. The raw materials are boned 1st and 2nd cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, kneecap, sacrum and sternum with false ribs. The specified raw materials are sawn or cut into pieces weighing 100-300 g, with the presence of pulpy tissue at least 30% of the weight of the portion of the semi-finished product.

Pork roast Extra. It is prepared from the gluteus medius and quadriceps muscles of the hip, the longissimus dorsi and lumbar muscles, with a fat content of no more than 20% of the weight of a portion of the semi-finished product. The pieces are cut into pieces weighing 10-15 g.

Goulash Extra. It consists of pieces weighing 20-30 g from the postspinatus, prespinatus and triceps muscles of the scapula, the longissimus dorsi and lumbar muscles, with a fatty tissue content of no more than 20% of the portion weight

Shish kebab Extra. The meat is cut into pieces weighing 30-40 g, using the coxofemoral part (fused adductor, semimembranosus, semitendinosus and biceps muscles), the cervico-subscapularis part and the longissimus dorsi and lumbar muscles. Sprinkle the chopped kebab with salt, pepper, sprinkle with vinegar, add chopped onion and mix. Kebab vinegar is prepared by diluting 9% food vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:2.

Pork stew. Made from the kneecap and meat and bone pieces from the cervical, thoracic, dorsal, lumbar, scapular, pelvic and sacral parts. They are sawed on band saws or cut with a cleaver into pieces of a certain mass. In this case, the spinal column is cut or sawed first along and then across the vertebrae /10/.

Small-piece semi-finished products may be produced sprinkled with spices, food additives, breadcrumbs, as well as with the addition of various sauces, the recipes and preparation technologies of which are given in the technological instructions.

A) Culinary cutting and deboning of beef carcass.

Meat cutting is carried out in a room with an air temperature no higher than 10°C, so that the meat does not heat up. The beef side is divided into forequarters and hindquarters. The division line runs along the last rib and between the 13th and 14th vertebrae, with the ribs in the anterior part.

Forequarter cutting. When cutting a forequarter, the following cuts are obtained: shoulder part, neck part, brisket and dorsal part.

To separate the shoulder part, the quarter is placed on the table with the inside down, the shoulder blade is lifted with the left hand, the muscles connecting it to the chest part are cut along the determined contour, and cut off. After this, the cervical part is separated along the last cervical vertebra. Then cut the brisket along a line running from the end of the first rib to the end of the last. What remains is the dorso-costal part, consisting of a thick edge, a subscapular part and a hem. Then deboning is carried out.

For deboning, the shoulder blade is placed on the table with the outer side down, the meat and tendons are cut off from the radius and ulna bones. The articulation of these bones with the humerus is cut and the radius and ulna are separated. The meat is cut from the humerus, the tendons connecting the humerus to the scapula are cut, and the scapula is separated. The humerus is then cut out. The sinewy part of the resulting pulp is cut off, and the rest of the meat is cut into 2 pieces: the shoulder part, separated from the humerus and the edge of the scapula, and the shoulder bone, removed from the scapula.

At the neck part, the flesh is cut off in a whole layer, trying to completely separate it from the vertebrae. The flesh of the brisket is cut off from the breast bone and costal cartilages. The dorso-costal part is deboned. Then the flesh is cut off from the ribs in a whole layer. The resulting pulp is divided into the subscapular part, the thick edge and the hem. After this, the meat is veined and trimmed.

Cutting the hind quarter. The quarter is divided into the lumbar part and the hip part.

At the lumbar part, the flesh is trimmed along the dorsal vertebrae and cut off. The resulting pulp is divided into thin edge and flank.

When the hip part collapses, the ilium (pelvic bone) is cut out, the meat is cut lengthwise along the thigh bone and the inner piece is cut off along the separating layer. After this, the femur and tibia are cut out. The stringy pulp and tendons are cut off from the resulting pulp, and the remaining pulp is cut into films into pieces: top, side and outer. Losses during processing of category I meat are 26.4%, category II - 29.5%.

Semi-finished products are products that have been previously prepared for culinary processing. For the production of semi-finished meat products, cooled, chilled and defrosted beef and lamb of categories I and II, pork of category II (young meat) and trimmed poultry are used.

Depending on the type of meat There are semi-finished products made from beef, lamb, pork and poultry. Depending on the nature of processing semi-finished products are divided into natural, breaded and chopped.

Natural semi-finished products They are pieces of meat from certain parts of the carcass. Depending on the size, natural semi-finished products are divided into large-piece, portioned and small-piece. They are produced mainly from chilled meat.

Lump semi-finished products. They are large pieces of pulp obtained from various parts of the carcass with the obligatory separation of coarse connective tissue from them. Cutlet meat is produced from all types of meat; from pork and lamb - loin and brisket; from beef and pork - tenderloin.

Portioned semi-finished products. These are one or two pieces of meat, approximately equal in size, with a total weight of 125 g, cut transversely to the location of the muscle fibers. The following types of portioned semi-finished products are produced from beef.

Entrecote- one piece of oval-oblong shaped pulp 1.5-2 cm thick from the pulp of thick and thin edges, a layer of fat no more than 1 cm.

Beefsteak, fillet and languette prepared from tenderloin; they have an irregular round shape and do not contain fat. Beefsteak - one piece of flesh 2-3 cm thick, fillet - a piece of flesh 4-5 cm thick, langet - two pieces of flesh, approximately equal in weight, about 1 cm thick. Semi-finished products are made from pork and lamb.

Natural cutlet- a piece of pulp with a rib bone no more than 8 cm long. The rib bone must be cleaned and trimmed of the pulp by 2-3 cm. The shape of the cutlet is oval-flat, concave on the side of the rib bone.

Escalope - two pieces of pulp, approximately equal in weight, oval-flat in shape, 1-1.5 cm thick.

Schnitzel- one or two pieces of pulp, approximately equal in weight, oval-oblong, 2-3 cm thick.

Small-piece semi-finished products. These are small-sized pieces of meat, the weight of a portion is often equal to 125 g. Beef is used to prepare azu, beef stroganoff, roast, goulash, barbecue meat, shish kebab, soup set, etc. Azu- cubes or sticks of meat 3-4 cm long and weighing 10-15 g, cut from the posterior pelvic part.

Beef Stroganoff- the same blocks of meat as azu, but smaller in mass (5-7 g), made from the posterior pelvic, dorsal and lumbar parts.

Roasting- pieces of meat of any shape weighing 10-15 g, cut from the same parts of the carcass as beef stroganoff.

Goulash- pieces of meat 20-30 g each. Meat for shish kebab prepared from tenderloin in the form of pieces weighing 30-40 g, packaged in portions of 250-500 g.

Soup set- meat and bone pieces, 100-200 g each, obtained from the cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, caudal and thoracic parts, packaged in 0.5 and 1 kg.

Meat for barbecue - 15-20 g pieces of meat, cut from the dorsal, lumbar and posterior pelvic parts.

Stew- meat and bone pieces, 40-60 g each, from the same parts of the carcass as the beef soup set.

Semi-finished poultry meat products made mainly from chicken and chicken meat. Assortment: Amateur chickens, tobacco chickens, chicken fillet, chicken legs, set for broth; from chicken by-products - a set for soup, stew, jelly.

Quality of natural semi-finished products must meet the following requirements. The shape is correct, corresponding to this type of product, the surface is not weathered. The color is characteristic of benign meat. The consistency is elastic. The smell is characteristic of benign meat. Tendons, rough connective tissue, crushed bones, as well as products that are contaminated or show signs of deterioration are not allowed.

Breaded semi-finished products. Pieces of meat for the production of breaded semi-finished products are beaten to loosen the tissues, dipped in lezon (beaten egg mass) and breaded in bread flour. Breaded semi-finished products are produced in portions of 125 g.

From beef (dorsal, lumbar and posterior pelvic parts) they produce rump steak- a piece of oval-oblong pulp, 8-10 mm thick. Pork and lamb are used to produce chop cutlets (from the loin) and schnitzel chops (from the rear pelvic part).

Chop cutlet- a piece of oval-oblong flesh with a rib bone no more than 8 cm long.

Schnitzel chop- a piece of oval-flat pulp, 15-20 mm thick.

Breaded semi-finished products must have the correct shape, without deformation, a surface evenly covered with bread flour, and the color and smell characteristic of good-quality meat. Moistened and loose breading is not allowed.

Chopped semi-finished products. Such semi-finished products are prepared from minced meat with the addition of fat, bread made from premium and 1st grade wheat flour, salt, pepper, onions, and eggs. After molding, they are rolled in bread flour.

Chopped semi-finished products include cutlets, schnitzels, steaks, etc.

Cutlets Moscow, Kyiv and Domashnye have a round shape, weighing 50 and 100 g.

Chopped schnitzel Depending on the type of meat, it can be beef or pork, weight 100 g, oval shape.

Chopped beefsteak made from ground beef with salt and pepper. Pieces of unsalted bacon are placed on top. The shape of the steak is round, weight is 75 and 100 g.

When determining the quality of chopped semi-finished products pay attention to appearance, consistency, smell. Products must have the appropriate shape, not be deformed, have a surface evenly covered with bread flour, a uniform consistency, without tendons, cartilage, finely crushed bones, well mixed, without pieces of bread and fat, a smell characteristic of good-quality meat, with the aroma of spices.

Other semi-finished meat products include zrazy, dumplings, minced meat, special semi-finished meat products and frozen semi-finished products.

Chopped meat - This is meat removed from the bones, with the tendons and coarse connective tissue removed and ground on a grinder with a grid having a hole diameter of 2-3 mm. Minced meat is packaged in 250 and 500 g and wrapped in parchment, parchment, cellophane, laminated foil and other transparent films. It is released chilled and frozen. They produce minced beef, pork, homemade, and special.

Frozen semi-finished products: dumplings, meatballs, etc. All these products are frozen at a temperature not exceeding -18°C. Dumplings are dough products stuffed with minced meat. Depending on the characteristics of the recipe, dumplings are distinguished into Russian, Siberian, Pork, Beef, Lamb, and Snack dumplings. They are prepared from premium wheat flour; they all contain eggs (Russians - 4%, others 2%), onions, salt, pepper. The main difference lies in the type and amount of meat included in the recipe for one or another type of dumpling. The dumplings should have the shape of a semicircle with well sealed edges (the minced meat does not protrude), and a dry surface. They should not stick together into lumps; when shaken, they should produce a clear, distinct sound. The dough should not tear when cooking. The taste and smell of boiled dumplings are pleasant, without any foreign flavors, with the aroma of spices. The content must be no less (in%): minced meat - 53 by weight of dumplings, fat in minced meat - 2 (Snack Food) and 10 (Russian), salt - no more than 1.7; dough thickness - no more than 2 mm. Weight 1 pc. - 12 ± 1.2 g.

Packed semi-finished meat products are wrapped in wrapping paper or various films and placed in metal or polymer boxes with lids. Portioned natural, breaded and chopped semi-finished products are placed on liners without wrapping in cellophane in one row, semi-obliquely so that one semi-finished product is partially under the other. The cutlets are also placed in a row or obliquely.

Implementation deadlines chilled semi-finished products at a temperature not exceeding 6°C are as follows: natural portioned - 36 hours; natural small pieces - 21 hours; breaded - 24 hours; chopped - 14 hours; chilled minced meat - 12 hours; frozen minced meat - 16 hours; dumplings and other frozen semi-finished products (from the moment they arrive at the store) - 24 hours. At 0°C and below, the shelf life of frozen semi-finished products is 72 hours.

Meat culinary products- These are meat products that have been subjected to culinary processing and are suitable for direct consumption. The raw materials for the production of meat culinary products are meat of various types of slaughtered animals and poultry, semi-finished products, vegetables, cereals, eggs, fats, salt and spices.

According to the method of pre-processing of culinary products divided into natural and chopped. Depending on the nature of processing, culinary meat products are divided into boiled, fried, stuffed, jellied, and pies. A special group is represented by quick-frozen meat culinary products - ready-made meat dishes frozen in aluminum foil forms or in plastic film bags.

Boiled products- these are boiled beef, lamb, pork, tongues, udders and chickens. The finished boiled products are cooled and packaged. The meat should be juicy and well cooked.

Fried products prepared by frying semi-finished meat products (cutlets, kebabs, etc.), as well as pieces of meat and poultry carcasses, in fat. Fried culinary products should be evenly fried, with a golden-brown crust, the meat should be juicy, well-done, the color should be white (chicken meat) or gray (beef, etc.), the taste and smell should be characteristic of this type of fried meat.

Stuffed products prepared from chickens and ducks. Washed gutted carcasses are salted, after which their abdominal cavity and the cavity of the removed crop are filled with minced meat. Only rice or rice with eggs or prunes can be used as minced meat. Jellied most often prepared from chicken meat. To do this, pieces of boiled chicken meat are placed in molds, green peas, pieces of carrots, parsley and a slice of egg are added, after which they are poured with chicken broth, which, when hardened, forms a transparent jelly.

Pies Depending on the baking method, they are divided into baked and fried, and depending on the dough - into yeast and puff pastry. Meat by-products, sausages, meat with the addition of rice, onions, etc. can be used as filling. The pies must have the correct shape, not deformed; the surface of fried ones is golden, baked ones are from yellow to light brown, unburned; the dough is well baked. The taste and smell are characteristic of fried or baked products filled with meat products.

Not allowed for sale culinary products are dirty, dented, with signs of incomplete readiness, burnt, with a pink tint on the cut, stale (pies), with foreign tastes and odors, with signs of spoilage.

Packaging culinary products in clean metal or wooden trays or boxes.

Culinary products are perishable products. Store them at a temperature of -8°C for the following periods (in hours): fried, boiled, stuffed products - 36, aspic - 12, pies - 24. The shelf life of quick-frozen culinary products at a temperature of -18°C is up to 3 months.

Semi-finished meat products are meat products that are previously prepared for culinary processing.

For the production of semi-finished meat products, cooled, chilled and defrosted beef and lamb of categories I and II, pork of category II (young meat) and trimmed poultry are used. Depending on the type of meat There are semi-finished products made from beef, lamb, pork and poultry.

Depending on the nature of processing semi-finished products are divided into natural and chopped (with or without breading). Natural ones, in turn, are divided into large-piece, portioned and small-piece.

Depending on temperature a distinction is made between chilled and frozen semi-finished products.

Semi-finished products for baby food and dietary food are also distinguished according to their intended purpose.

3 Technology of natural semi-finished products

Natural semi-finished products They are pieces of meat from certain parts of the carcass. Depending on the size, natural semi-finished products are divided into large-piece, portioned and small-piece. They are produced mainly from chilled meat.

Lump semi-finished products . They are large pieces of pulp obtained from various parts of the carcass with the obligatory separation of coarse connective tissue from them while preserving the intermuscular connective and fatty tissues. The surface of large pieces should be smooth, not weathered, with smoothed edges. Made from boneless meat.

Certain types of large-lump semi-finished products are used for the production of portioned and pulpy small-lump semi-finished products.

Cutlet meat is produced from all types of carcasses. Beef is divided into tenderloin, longissimus dorsi (dorsal part - thick edge and lumbar part - thin edge), hip part (upper, inner pieces, side and outer pieces), scapular part (shoulder and shoulder parts), subscapular part, chest part, trim (from beef of the 1st category) and cutlet meat.

Pork is divided into tenderloin, loin, brisket, hip, shoulder, neck and cutlet meat.

In the production of large-piece semi-finished products, carcasses, half-carcasses and quarters are pre-cut. Deboning of cuts is carried out on conveyor and stationary tables and in a suspended position so that there are no deep cuts in muscle tissue (more than 10 cm deep). Boning of half-carcasses (carcasses) is carried out with full or partial stripping of bones and semi-finished meat and bone products are separated (soup set, stew, meat and bone set, table set, etc.).

In order to rationally use the most valuable parts of carcasses, it is advisable to carry out a combined cutting of half-carcasses (carcasses), separating large-piece semi-finished products, from which they are then cut into portions, and the remaining parts of the half-carcasses (carcasses) are sent to deboning for sausage production.

Large-piece semi-finished products shipped from the manufacturer are packaged in reusable or disposable containers and cooled to 0-8 °C. The period of storage, transportation and sale of large-piece semi-finished products at a temperature of 0-8 ° C is no more than 48 hours, including at the manufacturer no more than 12 hours. It is advisable to pack large-piece semi-finished products under vacuum in a polymer film, in this case the shelf life at 0- 4°C increases to 7 days, and at t from minus 2 to 0°C - up to 10 days.

Portioned and small-piece semi-finished products. They are obtained from large-piece semi-finished products or individual parts of carcasses. Semi-finished products, a portion of which consists of one or two pieces, approximately equal in weight and size, are called portioned. The pieces remaining after receiving portioned semi-finished products are used for the production of small-piece semi-finished products.

Portioned semi-finished beef products include tenderloin, natural beefsteak, languette, entrecote, rump steak (with or without breading), natural zrazy, oven-baked beef; small-pieces include boneless semi-finished products (beef stroganoff, azu, roast and goulash) and meat and bones (soup set, beef for stewing, brisket for kharcho).

Portioned semi-finished pork products are tenderloin, natural cutlet (with or without breading), escalope, oven-baked pork, schnitzel (with or without breading); small-piece – boneless (fried, goulash and meat for barbecue and meat and bone (stew, homemade stew).

Portioned natural semi-finished products are cut across the fibers, perpendicular to the fibers or at an angle of 45° (oblique cut). Semi-finished products, cut across the fibers, better retain their presentation, are less deformed in their raw form, and during heat treatment they lose less juice and are more juicy and tasty.

Entrecote- one piece of oval-oblong shaped pulp 1.5-2 cm thick from the pulp of thick and thin edges, a layer of fat no more than 1 cm.

Beefsteak, fillet and languette prepared from tenderloin; they have an irregular round shape and do not contain fat. Beefsteak - one piece of flesh 2-3 cm thick, fillet - a piece of pulp 4-5 cm thick, langet - two pieces of flesh, approximately equal in weight, about 1 cm thick. Semi-finished products are made from pork and lamb.

Natural cutlet- a piece of pulp with a rib bone no more than 8 cm long. The rib bone must be cleaned and trimmed of the pulp by 2-3 cm. The shape of the cutlet is oval-flat, concave on the side of the rib bone. Escalope- two pieces of pulp, approximately equal in weight, oval-flat in shape, 1-1.5 cm thick.

Schnitzel- one or two pieces of pulp, approximately equal in weight, oval-oblong in shape, 2-3 cm thick.

Small-piece semi-finished products. These are small-sized pieces of meat, the weight of a portion is often equal to 125 g. Beef is used to prepare azu, beef stroganoff, roast, goulash, barbecue meat, shish kebab, soup set, etc. Azu - cubes or sticks of meat 3-4 cm long and weighing 10-15 g, cut from the posterior pelvic part.

Beef Stroganoff- the same blocks of meat as azu, but smaller in weight (5-7 g), made from the posterior pelvic, dorsal and lumbar parts.

Roasting- pieces of meat of any shape weighing 10-15 g, cut from the same parts of the carcass as beef stroganoff. Goulash- pieces of meat 20-30 g each.

Meat for shish kebab prepared from tenderloin in the form of pieces weighing 30-40 g, packaged in portions of 250-500 g.

Soup set- meat and bone pieces, 100-200 g each, obtained from the cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, caudal and thoracic parts, packaged in 0.5 and 1 kg.

Small-piece semi-finished pork and lamb products are most often prepared from the same parts of the carcass as semi-finished beef products of the same name. Roasting - pieces of meat 10-15 g each, cut from the dorsal, lumbar and posterior pelvic parts. Goulash- pieces of meat 20-30 g each from the shoulder and neck parts. Meat for shish kebab- pieces of meat 15-20 g each, cut from the dorsal, lumbar and posterior pelvic parts. Stew- meat and bone pieces, 40-60 g each, from the same parts of the carcass as the beef soup set.

For the production of breaded semi-finished products, lezon and breading are used. Lezon is prepared from melange, water and table salt in a ratio of 40:10:1, mixing them until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Sliced ​​natural semi-finished products, after beating on special machines, are immersed in a lezon and, after draining off the excess, they are breaded in bread flour. Liezon covers the surface of natural semi-finished products with a film and prevents meat juice from leaking out during heat treatment. Breaded semi-finished products are more juicy and tender.

Boneless small-piece semi-finished products are cut using machines such as lard cutters. To produce semi-finished meat and bone products, band saws are used, equipped with special devices (cassettes) into which meat and bone raw materials are placed, as well as continuous chopping machines (guillotines).

The quality of natural semi-finished products must meet the following requirements. The shape is correct, corresponding to this type of product, the surface is not weathered. The color is characteristic of good quality meat. The consistency is elastic. The smell is characteristic of benign meat. Tendons, rough connective tissue, crushed bones, as well as products that are contaminated or show signs of deterioration are not allowed.

Breaded semi-finished products must have the correct shape, without deformation, a surface evenly covered with bread flour, and the color and smell characteristic of good-quality meat. Moistened and loose breading is not allowed.

Semi-finished meat products are products made from natural and minced meat and offal without heat treatment. Based on the type of raw material, they are classified into beef, lamb, pork, poultry and offal; by processing method - into natural, breaded, chopped, minced meat, dumplings; according to thermal state - chilled and frozen. They are produced at industrial and public catering enterprises.

Natural semi-finished products- These are pieces or pieces of meat from certain parts of the carcass. They are divided into portioned, small-piece and large-piece and are produced mainly from chilled meat.

Portioned semi-finished products made from the most tender parts of carcasses in the form of one or two pieces of meat with a total weight of 125 g for retail sale (tenderloin - 250 g). Assortment: beef - tenderloin, beefsteak, rump steak, languette, entrecote, braised beef, natural zrazy; from pork and lamb - natural cutlet, escalope, schnitzel, pork and lamb, pork tenderloin.

Small-piece semi-finished products- pieces of pulp of a certain mass and size or pieces of meat and bone with a given content of pulpy tissue. They are produced packaged in portions from 125 to 1000 g or by weight. The main assortment: beef - azu, beef stroganoff, shish kebab or barbecue meat, goulash, roast, beef for stewing, brisket for kharcho, soup set; from pork and lamb - stew, meat for pilaf, meat for shish kebab, goulash, frying, soup set.

Semi-finished poultry meat products made mainly from chicken and chicken meat. Assortment: Amateur chickens, tobacco chickens, chicken fillet, chicken legs, set for broth; from chicken by-products - a set for soup, stew, jelly.

Lump semi-finished products are produced mainly for public catering and are pieces of pulp of standard or non-standard weight from various parts of carcasses. Cutlet meat and boneless semi-finished products are produced from all types of meat, loin and brisket from pork and lamb, tenderloin from beef and pork.

Breaded semi-finished products- these are portioned products made from chilled or defrosted pounded (to loosen the tissues) meat, dipped in beaten egg mass (lie-zone) and rolled in bread flour. When fried, they have a delicate consistency; the crust that forms on the surface prevents the juice from leaking out. Portions are made weighing 125 g (including meat - 1 g). Beef is produced from rump steak, cut steak; from pork and lamb - cutlets and schnitzel chops; from offal - brains in breadcrumbs, from chicken fillet - chicken cutlets.

Chopped semi-finished products- portioned minced meat products made from chopped cutlet or trimmed meat and auxiliary components: high-quality wheat bread, salt, pepper, onion, fat, eggs, etc. Cooled, chilled or defrosted meat is used for minced meat. Assortment: Moscow, Amateur, Kyiv, Home, School, meat and vegetable cutlets; Moscow schnitzel; meatballs Ostankino, Kyiv, Children's, Leningrad; chopped beefsteak (made without bread and eggs, but with the addition of finely chopped bacon); zrazy (with filling) and quenelles (products made from finely ground minced meat for baby and diet food).

Chopped meat at meat processing plants it is produced from chilled trimmed meat, which is ground on a grinder and packaged in 250, 500 and 1000 g in parchment, cellophane and other films. Minced meat is produced from certain types of meat or homemade (from a mixture of beef and pork) in chilled or frozen form. Minced meat produced in stores and catering establishments is sold only in a chilled state.

Dumplings- meat products (weighing 12-13 g) from dough and minced meat. The dough is prepared from high-quality wheat flour with the addition of eggs or melange, salt and soda; minced meat - from trimmed meat with the addition of water, salt, sugar, flour and pepper. Dumplings are produced on batch or automated lines according to the following scheme: preparation of dough and minced meat, forming of products, freezing to a temperature inside the minced meat not exceeding -10 ° C, grinding the surface, packaging in cardboard packs of 350, 500, 1000 g.

Assortment of dumplings: Russian, Siberian, Capital, Irkutsk, Pork, Beef, Lamb, Snack (minced by-products), Peasant (with the addition of white cabbage to the minced meat).

The quality of semi-finished products is assessed organoleptically in appearance (shape, surface), consistency, taste and smell. They must have a certain shape and thickness. For natural and breaded products, the content of connective and fatty tissue and bones is standardized. They should have an elastic consistency, the color of muscle tissue and fat, as well as the smell - characteristic of benign meat of the corresponding type. The surface of natural semi-finished products should be slightly damp, but not sticky or weathered; breaded and chopped - covered with a thin layer of breadcrumbs from light yellow to light brown. Chopped semi-finished products should be made from homogeneous, well-mixed minced meat with the aroma of onions and spices. They are standardized for the content of moisture (62-72%), bread (18-21%) and salt (0.9-1.5%).

Frozen dumplings must be firm, with a dry surface and non-sticky, of correct shape, with well-sealed edges, with a minced meat content of at least 53%, salt 1.7. Unacceptable deviations in the mass of individual portions of natural and breaded semi-finished products ± 3%, chopped ± 5%, the weight of a pack of dumplings is ±7 g, and with the use of weighing machines ±14 g. Deviation in the weight of 10 servings or 10 packs of dumplings is not allowed, with the exception of cutlets (±2%). When released for sale, chilled semi-finished products must have a temperature of 0-8 °C, frozen ones - no higher than 10 °C. Semi-finished products that are deformed, contaminated, with a heavily moistened or dried out surface, loose breading, with the presence of cartilage and crushed bones, with foreign tastes and odors, and signs of spoilage are not allowed for sale. Semi-finished products are packaged in wrapping paper or various films and placed in recyclable wooden, metal or polymer boxes with lids. Portioned natural, breaded and chopped semi-finished products should be placed on box liners.

Transport semi-finished products in vehicles with an isothermal body or cooling. Transportation time is no more than 2 hours. Dumplings are transported by rail at a temperature not exceeding -8 °C.

Semi-finished products are stored only in refrigerated rooms. In the retail chain, chilled semi-finished products should be stored at a temperature of 0-6 °C. Sales period from the moment of production (in hours): semi-finished natural large-piece products - 48, portioned - 36, small-piece - 21, breaded - 24, minced - 14, chilled minced meat - 12, frozen - 16. Shelf life of frozen minced semi-finished products, minced meat and dumplings at a temperature not exceeding -5 °C - 48 hours. They can be stored at the manufacturer at a temperature not exceeding -10 °C for up to 1 month. from the date of production.

In refrigerators at a temperature of -18 °C, natural quick-frozen semi-finished beef and pork products, packaged in polyethylene, can be stored for up to 6 months, minced meat - up to 10 months. Storage at lower temperatures and the use of vacuum packaging extend their shelf life to 12 months.

Meat culinary products are made from all types of meat, poultry, and offal and are ready-to-eat products. They are produced at industrial and public catering enterprises, including consumer cooperatives.

According to the method of pre-processing, culinary products are divided into natural and chopped. According to the method of heat treatment - boiled, fried, baked and smoked-baked. A special group is represented by quick-frozen meat culinary products - ready-made meat dishes frozen in aluminum foil forms or in plastic film bags.

Boiled products are boiled meat (beef, pork, lamb), carcasses of chickens and chickens, udder, heart, jellied meat.

Fried products are prepared from natural, breaded and chopped semi-finished products. Poultry and rabbit carcasses, beef and pork liver are also produced in fried form. Stuffed products (chickens, stuffed necks, rolls, etc.) after frying are subjected to cooking and cooling.

Baked and smoked-baked products are prepared mainly from category II poultry meat. The processed carcasses are salted, packaged in cellophane and baked or smoked at a temperature of 80 ° C until cooked and cooled.

The quality of culinary products is determined organoleptically by their appearance and cut condition, consistency, taste and aroma, and degree of readiness. Assessment of the quality of cutlets should be carried out at a temperature not lower than 65 °C. Products with signs of incomplete readiness, contaminated, dented and broken, with foreign tastes and odors, and signs of spoilage are not allowed for sale.

Packaging meat culinary products in wooden, metal, cardboard and polyethylene boxes with a net weight of up to 20 kg.

Meat culinary products are stored at a temperature of 0-8 °C for the following periods (in hours): boiled - 24, fried and baked - 48, smoked-baked - 72, jellied meat - 12. It is allowed to store boiled products at a temperature not exceeding 20 °C up to 3 hours. The shelf life of quick-frozen culinary products at a temperature of -18 °C is up to 3 months.


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