How to make money on stocks for dummies and is it real? How much can you earn on shares in the stock market? Start making money on shares

The concept of "liquidity" means that you can quickly exchange all your assets into cash. Investors have practically no more liquid options for saving money (only currency and cryptocurrency).

The most liquid securities are

Let's take a brief look at what each of them represents.

Stock(stock) are securities of the issuer that give rights to own part of the company. On stock exchanges, prices constantly change during trading. Shareholders receive annual dividends (part of the company's profit for the previous year) and participate in annual meetings of shareholders (AGM).

Bonds(bond) are securities that allow you to receive a pre-known guaranteed reward. Bonds are very similar to a bank deposit and are much less volatile than stocks.

Bonds are a more conservative way to save money because they are less subject to volatility. The income from them is more modest, but predictable. Despite this, most investors tend to invest more of their money in stocks.

2. Stocks vs bonds

Why do most investors choose riskier assets? The thing is that in the future, for several years, shares are a more profitable instrument. If the average income in bonds does not exceed 7-10% per annum, then shareholders expect a profit of 12-15% per annum on average. If you take a short period, then due to high price volatility, the profitability may even be negative.

Bonds provide the opportunity for stable earnings (like bank deposits), but relatively small ones. Apparently due to the great desire to obtain greater returns, investors are more likely to invest in stocks.

To summarize, you can make money in both stocks and bonds. The former are more risky, but the income potential is higher. The ideal solution for an investor is to diversify the portfolio, that is, buy partially two types of securities.

Read more about the comparison of these two securities in the article:

3. How you can make money on stocks

Earnings on shares come from two components:

  1. Exchange rate growth (main component)
  2. Dividends (may not be paid)

4. How much can you earn on stocks?

It’s not worth talking about the absolute amount of income from shares, since everyone has different capabilities and understanding of the amount. For example, for some, an income of 50 thousand a year will be considered normal income, while others earn that much in a couple of hours.

As a percentage, the income from shares is about 12-15% per annum (including dividend payments). Moreover, for such profits, the simplest “buy and hold” strategy is suitable, that is, an investment that does not need to be monitored.

If you buy more shares when they fall and sell them when they rise, you can easily achieve a yield of 20-30% per annum. These numbers are not the limit, these are average values. Under favorable circumstances, profits can reach 50-150% per annum.

Step 2. Opening a brokerage account

Step 4. Buying shares

As soon as you have funds in your account, you can place orders to purchase shares. The broker will provide you with access to trading terminals. For example, this is what the interface looks like when purchasing Sberbank shares (SBER) through the Finam Trade application (broker Finam)

The application also has a convenient opportunity to view the current trading schedule

Read also:

6. Approaches to investing in stocks and securities

Let's consider two approaches that are most often used when investing in securities.

6.1. Investing in one share

The single-stock approach carries serious risks. Your balance will "fluctuate" exactly like that company's quotes. This only means that if it grows faster than the market, then the income will be higher, otherwise lower. It is very unpleasant to see the picture if your asset is not growing, but the entire market is growing.

The risks of investing in one company are clear and justified. “Force majeure” happens to business, which sometimes do not even depend on the activity, but are consequences of external circumstances (sanctions, disasters). If profits fall, quotes will collapse in price.

If the initial amount of investment in shares is small (less than 100 thousand rubles), then the decision to invest in one asset can be fully justified. There is no point in scattering all over the market with a small amount.

Also, this approach can allow you to make good money on fluctuations in the price of this stock, since you monitor exclusively one asset. It's much easier than buying 10 companies and monitoring them all at the same time.

6.2. Creating an investment portfolio

I advise you to read:

8.2. Is it possible to live on earnings from stocks?

The market is cyclical. Any trader experiences periods of high income and negative ones. Moreover, no expert can say exactly how long this or that period will last.

You need to understand that income from shares may be zero for several years. Of course, situations when the market does not grow for more than 1-3 years are extremely rare. Growth periods usually take longer periods of time (3-10 consecutive years).

Therefore, answering the question of whether it is possible to live on earnings from shares: it is possible, but you need to distribute your assets wisely, since you may have to live for a couple of years without income from the stock exchange.

8.3. Is it worth putting money in trust?

Trusted management of money always carries risks. Any fund wants to make money, and to do this it needs to take risks. Therefore, be prepared for fluctuations in your portfolio of 3-5% per day.

There are, of course, more balanced mutual funds, but what's the point of putting money into them when you can just as easily buy the same shares yourself and not pay any commissions.

Everyone has heard that you can invest money in stocks and make money from it. Despite their widespread popularity, very few people know how stocks actually work, what they can offer, and how the buying and selling process works.

As for making money on stocks, everything is simple, there are three options:

  • Earnings on an increase in the exchange rate (buy cheaper, sell more expensive) - long,
  • Earnings from a falling price (we borrow shares from a broker and sell them at a high price, when the rate falls we buy back shares at a low price and give them to the broker, the profit is ours) - short,

Why you should choose investments in stocks and what a beginner should know

The main reason for investing in stocks is the potential for high returns. If you are afraid of the associated risks (and they exist with any type of investment, even with deposits in a bank), then you can be happy and sad at the same time.

It is almost impossible to go completely broke on stocks. Of course, there is a possibility of losing some of your funds, but if you wisely manage your knowledge regarding buying and selling shares, then in the vast majority of cases you will receive only profit.

A small educational program:

Who is a broker

To make transactions on the stock exchange you will need a broker. Brokers provide services for buying and selling shares for a small percentage of the transaction. A broker is an intermediary between you and the exchange; he takes responsibility for purchasing shares and provides you with the necessary equipment and market data.

How to choose a broker

Criterias of choice: cost of services, simplicity and speed of registration of relations, availability of a personal account, additional information, analytics provided by the broker. For beginners, an important point will be the availability of free training, webinars, and a low minimum deposit amount. Adequate and competent personnel (especially important for non-specialized companies, such as banks).

An important point is the proximity and physical accessibility of the broker, his branch, the ease of replenishing your account with payment instruments convenient for you, be it a plastic card, online banking or electronic payment systems.

Leading Russian enterprises whose shares can be purchased

Traditionally, the most reliable Russian enterprises are the so-called blue chips. This is a special privileged caste on the Russian stock market. They are characterized by stability, both in growth and in risks, and companies whose shares are included in the category of blue chips have incredible prestige.

A small selection of information on shares of various companies:

Foreign companies:

— dry numbers (we are talking about non-professional market participants).

By type of securities, they can be divided into the stock market,

Today, almost every representative of modern society wants to gain financial independence and become a wealthy person. And such a desire is completely justified: material well-being gives confidence in the future. Of course, today there is a whole arsenal of ways through which a person can get rich. And one of the effective ones is the acquisition and sale of securities. In addition, their owners may not make any transactions with them at all, but receive a fixed income, which is called a dividend. That is why the question of how to make money on stocks is becoming extremely relevant today. But before we move on to its consideration, let’s determine why it makes sense to invest money in the above securities.

Why shares?

Buying and selling shares is a sure way to save and increase your capital, primarily because, as already emphasized, it allows you to have a stable profit.

However, a lot here depends on whether the investment portfolio is chosen correctly. Anyone who is interested in how to make money in stocks should also remember that the possibility of going broke in this business exists, so one should not create any illusions about getting rich quickly. To successfully trade securities, you need to study, understand the basics of trading, read special literature on this topic and communicate with those who have achieved high results in this business.

Well, for beginners who still have vague ideas about how to make money on stocks, we can recommend the following: find a good broker who will help you make a successful transaction for a certain percentage.

So, there are several options for generating income using the above securities. The first implies enrichment due to the difference in exchange rates. As a rule, it is chosen by those who are passionate about money and morally resistant to financial risks. The second involves gaining financial stability through dividends. This method is more reliable and less risky.

Before moving on to the practical side of the question of how to make money on stocks, let’s define what this financial instrument is.


A share is a security that certifies the right to receive a portion of the profits from the activities of an enterprise. Its owner becomes a co-founder of the legal entity that issued it. The amount of dividends is distributed among all shareholders in proportion to the number of securities. Moreover, the owner of the security can receive dividends or sell it to another person who also owns shares of the same company. It is he who is given the right of first refusal by the law.

Stock market

Don't know how to make money on stocks? Go to the stock market. This platform is specifically designed to carry out transactions in securities. But where to start? First of all, you need to enter into an agreement with a reputable broker who will open a demo account for a beginner. Thus, a novice businessman will be able to begin learning to trade in the stock market. In the process, he does not risk anything, since he will work with virtual money. After you have acquired the necessary experience and knowledge, you can try your hand at a real account.

Of course, the stock market is subject to certain laws. Even experienced traders sometimes find it difficult to navigate them, not to mention beginners who have a very vague idea of ​​how to make money on stocks. If you are not sure of the correctness of the decision made, then you should not make a transaction.

What do you need to remember?

An analysis of reviews from novice traders shows that most beginners make one serious mistake: they invest only in the most expensive securities, hoping to immediately make fabulous profits. It is necessary to take into account the fact that securities can jump in price due to external factors, but their high cost is not at all an indicator of reliability. Today the market has influenced the growth of their value, and tomorrow they can significantly lose value. As a result, the investor may end up with a big loss. In some cases, you should buy inexpensive shares, but you need to be sure that the issuing company has growth plans.

If a trader is pursuing the goal of receiving passive income, then it is better to focus on securities that provide dividend payments.

Work algorithm

So, the beginner has passed the learning stage and is ready to act in practice, having fully understood the mechanism of how to make money on stocks.

Now he faces a difficult choice: which shares to buy? Then everything is simple: as soon as the price goes up, you can make a sale transaction. The difference between acquisition and sale will be the amount of profit. Some experts recommend creating your own securities portfolio for successful trading.

Amount of income

Of course, beginners are primarily interested in the question of how much they earn on stocks. Much here depends on which trading option the trader used. If we are talking about purchasing securities of a specific company, then the amount of income will be determined by two factors: dividends and the degree of appreciation of shares. Real trading involves less risk and low profit. But speculative involves the purchase not of the shares themselves, but of obligations to transfer them. In the latter case, the amount of potential income increases significantly. The fact is that it is influenced by “leverage” - an option that is provided by the broker. For example, if its value is 1:100, and the deposit size is $100, then a transaction can be opened for an amount that is one hundred times greater than the funds available in the account.

Still, how much can you earn from stocks? Statistics confirm that a professional trader can easily count on 40-60% per annum. Naturally, these are not fabulous profits, but they far exceed the profits on interest-bearing deposits offered by banks.

What securities to invest in?

This issue is decided by each individual. You can listen to the opinions of experts, or you can make a choice based on technical and fundamental analyses.

Some even use their own intuition in this matter. The main thing to remember is that the shares must be highly liquid. To choose the right securities, you also need to follow stock market news and track the economic calendar.

What stocks can you make money on? Reviews from experienced traders indicate that you should take a closer look at enterprises that belong to a privileged caste. We are talking, in particular, about Gazprom, Sberbank, Severstal, Uralkali, Surgutneftegaz... Such companies are stable in growth, so their securities are almost always in demand.

Trading on the World Wide Web

No less pressing at present is the question of how to make money on stocks on the Internet.

Yes, you can also trade securities online. Traders make transactions using special software that allows them to communicate with exchange platforms via Runet. Buying and selling stocks online is not much different from real trading.

In the first case, income is derived from short-term adjustments in stock prices. A trader purchases securities in order to later sell them at a higher cost. But such an ideal model does not always happen in practice.

It is noteworthy that online trading allows market participants not to adhere to the above rule. In particular, there are cases when an investor sells securities at the maximum price, having previously borrowed them from a broker, and then buys the same securities, but at the minimum price. The above strategy allows you to generate income even in conditions when the market shows negative dynamics.

Online trading is an ideal starting point for those who prefer to use "hard" speculative tactics. Here investors make trades more often than in standard trades.

A huge number of transactions are carried out on the virtual platform throughout the day.


So, we found out whether it is possible to make money on stocks. However, this business should not be treated like roulette in a casino. It requires a serious and competent approach: you need to regularly monitor the situation on the stock market, follow the news, and use technical and fundamental analyzes in a timely manner.
For successful trading, the psychological attitude is also very important: transactions should be made with a clear head and cold calculation. Very often, beginners, having made a profit from their first transactions, subsequently lose control of themselves and, succumbing to excitement, lose their entire deposit. It is not recommended to borrow money in order to hit a big jackpot in the stock market. It makes no sense to indiscriminately buy all the shares in a row: it is necessary to study the reliability of the issuing companies in advance.

An important component of success is the investor’s discipline. Only a competent approach to business will bring good profits.

Every Russian is familiar with such a large credit and financial institution as Sberbank. The history of this bank goes back decades. The modern Savings Bank has become a powerful and developed financial group with active support from the state. It is not surprising that almost every resident of Russia uses the services of this organization.

And of course, the shares of Sberbank PJSC are no less popular among our citizens. It is worth noting that 50.00%+1 share of Savings Bank belongs to the Bank of Russia, the rest is distributed between foreign and Russian investors. The question of how to make money on Sberbank shares worries all novice investors planning to purchase securities of this company.

Sberbank shares have a high degree of liquidity and can bring good income to their owners

The world of investments: is it possible to get income from shares?

Earnings on Sberbank shares are based on two options for obtaining final profit: long-term and short-term investments. If you decide to use the second option, it is worth conducting transactions to buy/resell securities during the period of highest volatility (maximum growth in quotes). According to estimates, this time can last from several hours to 4–5 days.

The profitability indicators for Sberbank shares confirm their stable profitability. In the previous year alone, net profit to shareholders increased by 35.00%.

This is explained by the ongoing interest of the population in Sberbank services. According to statistics:

  1. The level of the loan portfolio increased by 25.00%.
  2. Overdue loans decreased to 2.40%.
  3. The number of open deposits from the population increased, this figure increased by 5.60%.

If you manage stocks skillfully, you can make a good profit

How to choose a broker

When determining how much you can earn on Sberbank shares, it is worth taking into account the qualifications and level of the chosen intermediary between the investor and the exchange. After all, the quality of the investor’s stock portfolio and the stability of receiving dividends depend on the broker.. Experts advise to approach the choice of a broker responsibly. Namely, adhering to the following rules:

  1. Reliability. The first step is to familiarize yourself with the history of the brokerage company. Study how long ago and with what success it has been on the market for such services.
  2. Company founding date. Some ordinary people argue that the longer an organization is on the market, the better for customers. But this postulate does not always live up to expectations. The longevity of being on the market often pushes companies to inflate prices for their services. But it is also risky to trust young people who have recently started their activities - due to the lack of experience. It is better to adhere to the “golden mean” rule.
  3. Standards and tariffs. It is worth separately analyzing the cost of brokerage services. After all, this is where the stock market specialist earns his income. It is worth considering that a professional brokerage company is accredited by a specific bank. Sberbank also has accredited specialists in this field; to successfully interact with Sber shares, it is worth using the services of “native” brokers.

Are Sberbank shares profitable?

The price of securities is the market's current opinion about the long-term prospects of a particular company. Therefore, to predict benefits, it is worth first studying the company’s reporting. In particular, on the level of dividends paid and their growth. Sberbank prepares such reports quarterly, based on generally accepted accounting rules. Therefore, understanding the numbers is not difficult even for a novice investor.

According to experts, it is better to purchase shares from Sberbank a few days before the end of the trading session

Where is the best place to track the course?

It is quite easy to predict the behavior of stock quotes. This can be done with the help of a broker, who, under the terms of the agreement, will provide a picture of current events on the exchange. Or, if an investor invests funds daily to buy shares, it is worth registering independently and obtaining personal access rights to the trading terminal. This will help you quickly track the slightest changes in quotes.

This principle of trading is most relevant for those trading short shares (it is worth considering that the Moscow Exchange indicators are formed with a fifteen-minute delay). And sometimes even such a small delay can bring financial costs.

How many shares do you need to receive dividends?

You can purchase Sberbank securities from almost any broker operating in Russia. To do this, you just need to spend a few minutes of time registering and opening a personal client account with the chosen broker. All this can be done on the official portal of the brokerage company.

After registering and creating a client account, the investor has the opportunity to personally manage his own account and plan the purchase/sale of shares.

You can receive dividends even if you have one security from Sberbank. But it is worth knowing that shares are not sold individually. Typically, a stock portfolio is put up for auction, representing ten times the number of shares (10, 100 or 1,000). Experts advise purchasing securities on a pre-drawn calendar, at regular intervals. This will allow averaging the total cost of securities and achieve stability in dividend payments.

You can become an investor using the Sberbank-investor mobile application

How much profit can you get from Sberbank shares?

The average return on Sberbank securities is 5.90%. The size of payments to shareholders, according to recent years, varied within 4.00%. The exact amount of payments is established by a decision of the Board of Directors and the subsequent general meeting of shareholders. The lowest percentage of payments in the entire history of working with Sberbank shares was 3.20%, the highest - 6.00%.

The state of the stock market is directly affected by the political situation. It was during the period of large-scale Western sanctions that Sberbank experienced a decline in the value of its shares. According to Sberbank plans adopted for the period 2018–2020. decided:

  1. In 2018, increase the activity of securities and bring them to 35.00–40.00% (based on the amount of dividends paid).
  2. By 2020, Sberbank management plans to increase these figures to 50.00%.

For the current year, 2018, the decision on the cost of dividends was made in the spring. The bank's Supervisory Board recommended payment of 271 billion rubles to depositors. dividends. Or, per one share unit (1 share), the profit is 12 rubles.

It is better to use the services of a broker accredited by Sberbank or use the brokerage agency available at the bank

How to withdraw funds

You will have to receive well-deserved dividends at the Sberbank cash desk (on shares from this organization). It will not be possible to transfer directly to a card/account. The procedure for paying income is predetermined and regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Initially, all dividend funds are transferred to the balance sheet of the bank, which subsequently pays them to its depositors. This rule was established by law in order to combat illegal circulation of funds.

Payment to shareholders is made within 30 days from the date of the general meeting of shareholders and the resolution on payment of dividends.

Additional payments and commissions

You need to understand that brokers are not philanthropists and do not provide unpaid services. These specialists charge a certain fee for their professional activities. And the size of the commission does not depend on the current state of the shareholder’s financial affairs. Additional charges may apply for some services. In particular:

  • for regular debits from the client account;
  • for the acquisition or resale of shares;
  • for depositing or withdrawing funds to a client account for transactions.

The size of the commission will depend on the percentage level of turnover of a particular client, as well as the amount of money being operated. All commission conditions should be studied before executing agreements with a brokerage company for the provision of their services.

You can conduct trades yourself using the Click application

Taxation nuances

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, any type of income is taxed at 13.00%. This also applies to receiving dividends. But this percentage will be taken into account only from the investor’s net profit, which was received thanks to successfully completed stock transactions. When collaborating with a professional brokerage agency, all the hassle of calculating the amount of tax and paying it is taken on by a specialist. Every year, the broker conducts a final analysis of the client's account and either pays extra tax on unaccounted profits or returns some value as a result of the investor's losses.

How to buy Sberbank shares online

The Savings Bank provides potential investors with the services of its accredited brokerage agency. With their help, bank shares are purchased remotely (using specialized online services). Depending on the final goals of investors, Sberbank offers clients two types of tariff plans:

  1. Active.
  2. Independent.

All stock trading transactions can be managed and tracked using a specialized Internet trading program (QUIK service). Or (with an active tariff) through banking specialists. Internet trading from Sberbank is a convenient platform equipped with an easy-to-understand interface. The user has all the functionality necessary to manage assets.


Anyone can become a shareholder of Sberbank and purchase part of the shares of this stable banking organization. You just need to first decide on your own goals and analyze the current situation a little. And also decide whether the client will act independently or entrust the important mission of managing securities to highly specialized specialists.

Co Sberbank every resident of the CIS is familiar with it, but today it is not just the largest commercial bank in Russia with state participation, it is an international financial group comparable in scale to the leading banks in Europe. It is not surprising that Sberbank shares are in demand among ordinary citizens seeking to protect and increase their savings.

Share Bank of Russia in the authorized capital of Sberbank is 50% + 1 share, and the remaining shares are distributed among individuals, companies and foreign investors.

Sberbank offers a wide range of financial services for both individuals and organizations, and almost every year it becomes known about the bank’s participation in capital-intensive and ambitious projects initiated by the Government of the Russian Federation, for example the creation of a universal electronic card.

The largest turnover of Sberbank shares is typical for the Moscow Exchange, but in London and New York you can also purchase shares of the largest Russian bank. presented on the website of the RBC news agency Sberbank quotes in real time. Here at the bottom of the page you can find current news.

How to predict the stock price of Sberbank

The share price is the market’s opinion about the company’s prospects, so before making forecasts, I take into account the main indicators of the bank’s financial statements, namely, I pay attention to the amount of net profit and dividend per share. In addition, for any commercial bank the ratio of its own funds to borrowed funds is important. section of the official website for investors.

But reporting is published once a quarter, so I additionally take into account important news that is directly related to Sberbank, for example, it could be a message about the takeover of another bank, a new product, or an investment in a large project.

Unfortunately, the Russian stock market is highly dependent on the political situation, and 2014 was very indicative in this regard, so I conclude most transactions on the basis of technical analysis, the main postulate of which is “price takes everything into account.”

How to make money on Sberbank shares?

To buy shares, you just need to open an account with a broker, but you should remember that when working with shares, several problems arise: firstly, you will have to master the terminal Quik, secondly, for each transaction you will have to pay a commission to the broker, and thirdly, you can earn on Sberbank shares with active speculation a maximum of 20-30% per annum, which, in the context of a weakening ruble exchange rate and high deposit rates, loses all meaning.

This is partly why I started trading binary options on Sberbank shares.

A binary option is a derivative financial instrument with a fixed return and a predetermined expiration date, when purchased, the trader bets on an increase or decrease in the value of the underlying asset.

My intermediary when buying binary options on Sberbank shares is the broker 24option, which pays high rewards for correct forecasts for this stock.

I prefer to buy several small options in one day, since such tactics significantly reduce risks compared to concluding rare but “volume” transactions. By the way, 24option’s contracts are denominated in dollars, so the trader is insured against fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate.

The forecast turned out to be correct - at the specified time, the broker closed the position and credited my account with $43.75, of which $25 was the return on investment, and $18.75 was net profit.

If the Russian market seems too complex and unpredictable, at 24option you can try trading binary options on shares of American and European companies, commodities, stock indices and currency pairs.

Thus, in 19 minutes I earned 75% profit without risking anything, and I didn’t even need to install special programs on my PC.


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