Trump Donald John. Biography. Melania Trump, biography, news, photos Trump personal life family

Celebrity biographies


14.11.16 11:15

While Hollywood divas hold pickets and promise revolution, the oldest ever elected US president accepts congratulations from supporters. His wife (who is much younger) has a Slavic name, the age gap between his eldest and youngest sons is impressive, but we will talk about Donald Trump's personal life at the very end.

In the meantime, we offer you a short biography of Donald Trump, a man whose election victory was comically predicted many years ago (this happened in the animated series “The Simpsons” in the spring of 2000). We will pay special attention to how a man from a modest family, a descendant of German immigrants, became a billionaire. But the list of his companies and grandiose real estate projects is not so interesting to us: it is too long and can be easily found on websites dedicated to business.

Biography of Donald Trump

Ancestors lived in Germany and Scotland

As we have already said, Trump is the oldest president. At the time of the election, Reagan was 69, and Mr. Trump, who outdid his predecessor, was 70: he was born on June 14, 1946. Donald's family lived in the largest borough of New York, Queens. His father, Fred Christ Trump, had German roots: Donald's grandfather, Frederick, moved to America in 1885 and became a citizen of the United States 7 years later. The ancestors on Donald's mother's side are Scottish (Mary Ann MacLeod visited New York, and stayed there, falling in love with a working-class guy, Fred).

Military Academy Cadet

It was a big family. After their wedding in 1936, builder Fred and Mary had five children: Fred Jr., Maryann, Robert, Elizabeth and Donald. When the future president went to school in Queens and reached adolescence, conflicts began, and the guy was sent to the New York Military Academy to learn discipline. There he performed well and was an excellent baseball player and American football player.

Together with father

The academy was behind us, and the biography of Donald Trump continued at Fordham University. After two courses, the student decided that the knowledge he was gaining was unlikely to be useful to him in practice. He decided long ago that he would go into real estate and entered the Wharton School of Business, studying economics and finance. Having become a bachelor, Donald joined the company of his father, who had long ago transformed from a simple builder into a successful businessman.

Trump Jr.'s first successful deal took place while he was still attending business school - renting out apartments in an "unpromising" complex in Cincinnati brought the father and son $6 million in profits. This is what Donald did at the beginning of his long journey: he provided apartments for rent in New York (including in his native Queens and Brooklyn) to not very wealthy compatriots.

When the crisis doesn’t matter

After expanding his sphere of interests and moving to Manhattan (in the early 1970s), Trump began to take on larger-scale projects, for example, he refurbished a bankrupt hotel into the luxurious Grand Hyatt. He built new facilities (not only hotels, but also entertainment centers and casinos) and reconstructed old ones and received good money.

The financial crisis of the late 1980s hit many businessmen, and the construction of the Trump-Taj Mahal casino, in which the tycoon had invested $1 billion, was also under threat. Then he was declared bankrupt for the first time. However, by 1994, he was almost able to extricate himself from the unpleasant situation, paid off the lion's share of the $900 million debt and began new projects.

Almost collapsed tower

Already before the 2000 elections, Donald Trump’s biography took a new turn: he spoke about the presidency for the first time. He even took part in the primaries and won several states. Trump named Oprah Winfrey as his future vice president. However, business took its toll, and then Trump abandoned further struggle.

The next crisis, which shook the economies of America and other countries, broke out in 2008. This was the period when Trump was selling the premises and offices of a grandiose building in Chicago (Trump Tower).

A $40 million loan to the bank was not repaid, and Trump Entertainment Resorts was forced to declare bankruptcy, and Trump left the Board of Directors. This did not stop the businessman from taking on new profitable deals both in real estate and construction, and in the media - he had plenty of energy and enthusiasm.

The scales were shaking

Back in 1996, Donald Trump became the copyright holder of the Miss Universe beauty contests; as part of this competition, he appeared in Moscow (in the fall of 2013) and was pleased with what he saw - the organization of the show was excellent. Moreover, he decided that he would build a skyscraper in our capital in the image and likeness of the New York Trump Tower.

In January 2015, at a meeting of Republicans, the tycoon first announced that he might run for president, and already in June he officially confirmed his intention. In May 2016, Trump won the primaries and two months later became the candidate of the Republican Party. The election race did not allow us to determine the absolute leader: the scales of forecasters tipped either towards Trump or towards his rival, Democrat and former first lady Hillary Clinton.

Vini, vidi, vizi

The end was reached on November 8, 2016, when Donald Trump won the presidential election, which caused joy from supporters and protests from those dissatisfied with this outcome. At the beginning of this election race, he himself promised that he might become “the greatest president God has ever created,” but for now everyone is waiting for the inauguration. Taking office will take place on January 20, 2017.

Personal life of Donald Trump

A very “rich” first marriage

Interestingly, two of Trump's three wives are immigrants from Eastern Europe. The first wife, Ivana Zelnichkova, was Czech. They got married in 1977 (this was Ivana’s second marriage).

The couple had three children, two were named in honor of their parents: the first-born Donald John, born at the end of December 1979, and Ivanka Marie, who is two years younger than her brother. The youngest, Eric Frederick, was born in January 1984.

This marriage (or rather, the children from it) brought Donald Trump three granddaughters and five grandchildren.

It was hard for her to compete

Soon after the divorce in 1992, the businessman married again - to American Marla Tapes, who was 18 years younger than her husband. She gave birth to one daughter, Tiffany. The couple separated in the summer of 1999. In an interview, Trump noted that it was difficult for both spouses to compete with his life’s work.

Melania is beautiful

Trump's third (current) wife is Slovenian Melania (nee Knavs). She left Yugoslavia to pursue a modeling career almost immediately after school and already met Trump in the States. There was a meeting at a party, a hot affair, and their marriage took place on January 22, 2005.

Melania Trump, the last woman in Donald Trump’s personal life today, is 24 years younger than her husband. They have a son, Barron William, who is now 10, making him 26 years younger than his older half-brother.

The US presidential election on November 8, 2016, which shocked not only America but the whole world, focused attention on the new head of America, his wife and children. His biography causes a lot of gossip, as a result of which more and more people want to study the facts from the businessman’s personal life.

Everyone is interested in the details of Trump’s family life, because now he is the main person of his country, its official representative, which means that attention to his person is completely justified.

Who is Donald Trump?

Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946. In 2016, he celebrated his 70th anniversary. Today he owns a large construction, restaurant, jewelry and mortgage business, and besides this, the world-famous Miss Universe beauty contest. According to the popular Forbes magazine, Donald Trump's net worth is 4 billion.

Being a real careerist and workaholic, he always gets what he wants, this makes him a successful person. Trump's friends and all those who know him well describe this man as responsible and purposeful, ready to go straight to his goal.

Donald Trump's wives

Friends of Donald Trump and his family speak only positively about them. In total, the billionaire had 3 wives. Currently, the wife of the new president is the famous fashion model Melania Trump.

Melania was born on April 26, 1970 in Slovenia, where she spent her childhood. She tried herself at the age of 16 in the modeling business, then received an education and became a designer.

Donald proposed to his beloved back in 2005. It was then that they had a wedding, which was attended by a huge number of famous guests, including the Clinton family. In 2017, his wife turned 47 years old, and the 24-year difference does not at all interfere with family happiness. At the moment, the main values ​​in Melania’s life, according to her, are family, children and her adored husband.

As for the billionaire's previous wives, they were Ivana Zelnichkova and Marla Maples. Ivana, Trump's first wife, was born on February 20, 1949 in Europe (Czechoslovakia). She married Donald in 1977 at the age of 28. This marriage lasted 15 long years - until 1992, and two boys and one girl were born.

As soon as his first marriage broke up, Donald in 1993 chose 29-year-old actress Marla Maples as his wife, with whom they lived for 6 years. They had a daughter together named Tiffany.

Trump considers the main reason for the separation from his first two wives to be the fact that they were strong personalities who competed with him and his business.

Children of a billionaire

The businessman has three children from his first marriage, a daughter from his second, and a son from his third. All of his older children hold leadership positions in the Trump Organization.

The billionaire's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., who was born on December 31, 1977, holds the vice-presidential position in his father's company. His wife is Vanessa Haydon, a famous model and designer.

Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter, born October 30, 1981, received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania, as did her brother Donald. She not only develops her modeling business, but also develops designs for jewelry. Together with her husband, Jared Kushner, who owns a construction business, she has three children.

Another executive at Donald's company is his son Eric Trump, who was born on January 6, 1984. He graduated from Georgetown University. Today he owns his own wine factory and is a well-known philanthropist.

Donald and Marla's joint daughter, Tiffany, born in 1993, turned 23 on October 13, 2016. She is studying at the University of Pennsylvania and plans to continue her singing career in the future.

On March 20, 2006, Donald’s youngest son, Barron Trump, was born, who is the only common child of the billionaire with his current wife Melania.

The 45th American president not only has many children, but also already has 8 grandchildren: 5 from Donald Trump Jr. and his wife Vanessa, 3 from his eldest daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared.

It’s unlikely that anyone seriously assumed that a man who in Russia is compared to Vladimir Zhirinovsky in his shockingness, unpredictability and character, would become the president of the most influential country in the world in November 2016. It is noteworthy that this election was the fifth in US history in which the person with the least number of votes became president. However, these are features of the US electoral system. Trump set another record: having become president at the age of 70, he surpassed Ronald Reagan, who won the election at 69. The life story of Donald Trump is not so rosy. There were successes and defeats, and not always correct, from a moral point of view, actions. But the winners are not judged, and there is a lot to learn from him, including investors.

Donald Trump's capital: how billions were made

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When Mary MacLeod, a native of a small Scottish town, came to the United States on vacation in 1930, she was only 18 years old. Despite her somewhat provincial origins, the girl was lucky: she immediately met Fred Trump, who at 25 already owned his own construction company. True, his parents helped the guy with this, who moved to the USA from Germany before 1900 and received citizenship.

In 1936, Mary and Fred married. The head of the family continued to work in the field of construction, and his wife chose to devote herself entirely to motherhood. In part, the professional activities of the father of the future president played a decisive role in his fate. Of Fred's five children (three boys and two girls), only Donald was able to continue the family business in real estate development.

Donald Trump's success story began at age 13. Studying at a regular school was not very good for him - the assertive and intractable character inherited from his father affected him. Therefore, it was decided to send the boy to a military academy, where he would be taught perseverance and fortitude. Donald himself would later say that this was the right decision: it was there that he learned to survive in a competitive environment under conditions of strict discipline.

In his book The Art of the Deal, Trump wrote that after graduating from the academy in 1964, he planned to go to film school, but his entrepreneurial ambitions and the opportunity to follow in his father's footsteps in real estate proved stronger. After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania Business School in 1968, he plunged headlong into the financial world.

Trump's first entrepreneurial experience

The easiest option to gain first entrepreneurial experience was the idea of ​​taking part in the family business. Trump's father was involved in the construction of budget housing for low-income people. The niche was attractive because, thanks to government funding, one could count on tax breaks. However, Trump quickly got tired of her. After successfully renovating a 1,200-unit apartment complex in Cincinnati, Donald decides to try his luck in building luxury housing.

As a child, Donald Trump dreamed of conquering the top of the financial world at that time - Manhattan, and in 1971 he realized his dream. Seeing broad prospects for development, he begins to engage in architectural design, simultaneously preparing plans for the construction of luxury real estate.

It would seem that the ambitious goal has almost been achieved: Trump is not yet 30 years old, and he is already moving in the “cream of society”, having received membership in a closed club of businessmen and politicians, which includes top managers and owners of corporations. But not everything turns out to be simple. Over the next three years in his career as a real estate developer, Donald suffers failure after failure, and only then does luck smile on him:

  • In 1974, thanks to influential contacts, he won a tender to restore the partially destroyed Commodore Hotel, for which he then managed to obtain tax benefits from the government for 40 years. In 1980, the hotel was rented to Hyatt, which ultimately brought Trump fame as a city planner.
  • After success with Commodore, New York banks agree to give Donald a $70 million mortgage. USA, provided that his company restores the entire area with the same success.
  • In 1979, Trump became the owner of the land opposite the Tiffany jewelry store, where in 1983 the tallest skyscraper in New York with 68 floors, Trump Tower, would be built. According to Donald, the location was not chosen in vain: he had long been targeting wealthy people, and there were many of them near the elite jewelry store. And again to the point. The apartments were sold out instantly, confirming the rule of psychology: rich people value status more than money.

Thanks to his popularity and with the help of the media, he receives more and more orders for reconstruction, including not only residential and non-residential real estate, but also city parks and recreational areas. The Trump name has literally become a national brand in just 10 years. By calling all his projects this way, the businessman turns it into a symbol of elite real estate and luxury. The success of the 80s has turned Trump's head so much that he begins to make mistakes, and his acquaintances accuse him of arrogance and arrogance.

Two steps away from bankruptcy and the collapse of the Trump empire

Gambling became legal in New Jersey in 1977, and Trump quickly realized that this opportunity could not be missed. Where else will there be such an opportunity to attract such a large amount of capital? In 1980, he received a license to conduct a gaming business and acquired a site in Atlantic City, where his first hotel and entertainment center, Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, opened in 1982. In 1986, he bought the city's Hilton Hotel and turned it into another Trump's Castle entertainment center.

By the 90s, Donald Trump's business was growing so much that the billionaire began to let his guard down. However, he is not particularly interested in this, since the creditors are quite supportive. He continues to develop the real estate business, simultaneously buying things that have nothing to do with his activities. A football team, a golf club, an airline, a yacht - all these can hardly be called useful investments, given that in 1990 the debt of the Trump Corporation was about 10 billion dollars. USA, despite the fact that Trump’s own fortune was estimated at $1 billion.

The debt problem was further aggravated by the brewing real estate crisis in the country, which put Trump and his corporation on the brink of bankruptcy. But either luck helped, or it was his entrepreneurial savvy, but he survived and by the end of the 90s he had paid off all his obligations, largely thanks to income from the gambling business. True, Donald failed to retain the rights to any of his construction sites, although he still retained three casinos and several buildings in New York.

With the shadow of bankruptcy receding, Trump is becoming more cautious. He listens more to his advisors and conducts business more carefully. But that doesn't save his construction empire from the 2008 mortgage crisis. Due to falling sales, the billionaire defaults on one of his loans. And although his personal fortune was quite sufficient to repay the debt, he, under the guise of force majeure, filed for bankruptcy and in 2009 left the Board of Directors of his own corporation.

Today, Trump's capital is estimated at more than $4 billion. USA. He continues to invest in commercial real estate: according to the declaration, the income of about 565 companies and corporations brings him profit.

Trump in politics and television

After the financial Olympus could be called conquered, Donald Trump came up with the idea to try his hand at politics and television. In 2000 he participated in the primaries, and in 2002 his reality show “The Candidate” started on television. The show's participants performed a series of tasks, competing for the right to obtain a position of top managers in his corporation. For episodes of the first season of the show, Trump received $50 thousand. USA, but then this figure grew to 3 million, and Donald himself became one of the presenters with the largest fee on US television. Today, his media company (bought in 2006) produces events such as Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA in partnership with NBC.

In 2009, the billionaire joined the Republican Party. In 2011, he was offered to take part in the presidential election, but Trump refused, citing the fact that he was not yet ready to leave investing and go into politics. Only in 2015 did the businessman finally decide to take part in the presidential race, which in 2016 ended with his victory.

Secrets of success from the billionaire who became US President:

  • Money should not be the main goal. Money is just a way to measure success.
  • You should not start negotiations until the goals and ways of their implementation are recorded on paper.
  • You should only invest in assets that are understandable. If nothing is clear, then it is better not to invest at all.
  • Every new day is a new chance. If you made a mistake yesterday, take advantage of the new opportunity today.

Conclusion. Donald Trump is a very controversial person. Having become president, he was able to set several US records at once, and his unconventional domestic and foreign policies are a vast field for discussion. Markets reacted positively to his victory in 2016, and even the trade war with China has not yet undermined Trump's authority. His life is a good example of the fact that it is always worth being stubborn, cautious, soberly assessing risks and making influential connections.

Profit to everyone!

11/17/2016 12/13/2016 by Vl@dimir

Donald John Trump is an American entrepreneur, billionaire, construction magnate, owner of a large chain of hotels and casinos. Author of an impressive number of books on business and self-development. Member of the Republican Party. On November 8, 2016, Trump was elected as the 45th President of the United States. We studied his entire life path, highlighting the main facts in it.

Donald Trump's childhood

His full name is Donald John Trump. Born June 14, 1946 in the Jamaica Borough of Queens, New York.

In 1930, 18-year-old native of a Scottish village, Mary Ann MacLeod, came to New York on vacation. There, fate brought her together with 25-year-old Fred Trump, the son of German immigrants, who at such a young age already owned his own construction company. And she remained in America forever.

In 1936 the couple got married; the couple bought a cottage in a respectable area of ​​Queens, the father of the family continued to engage in the construction business, and Mary devoted herself entirely to motherhood. Donald Trump was the fourth child in the family, but, having inherited his father’s tough and assertive character, he was not going to get used to the role of his younger brother.

Donald Trump (far left) with his siblings

“Trump” is a German surname and sounds like “Trump” in German. The current presidential candidate's grandparents came to America from Germany. My grandfather’s name was Friedrich Trump; he emigrated to America in 1885 and received citizenship in 1892. The beginning of the family capital was laid by this grandfather - he was a successful restaurateur in the Klondike during the “gold rush”. Trump’s father’s company was called Elizabeth Trump and Son, with Grandma taking center stage in the name, as a tribute to the love she was enjoyed by everyone in the family. Trump built his first skyscraper at age eight. I simply stole a construction set from my brother and made a high-rise building from its blocks, tightly gluing it together with glue. Neither brother nor father were able to dismantle the skyscraper.

Donald was a difficult child, with excessive energy and ambition. His parents tried to channel all this into some positive direction and sent him to the New York Military Academy. Trump himself admits that he was completely devoid of any concept of organization until he got there. “But there I was taught order like few others,” he recalled.

As a cadet, Trump proved himself to be a disciplined student who boasted good grades, social skills, and athletic success. The parents could not be happier with their son, who had suddenly come to his senses, and even began to set him up as an example to the other children.

The beginning of Donald Trump's career.

In 1964, Trump graduated from the military academy with flying colors and entered Fordham University. After studying there for 4 semesters, he transferred to the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania. In 1968, he received a bachelor's degree in economics, after which his father accepted his son into the family business. Donald became seriously interested in real estate, hoping in the future to become the heir to the Trump construction empire and multiply his father's fortune many times over.

Starting his career was easier for Donald than for many. His father was already considered a successful real estate businessman. It was in his company that Donald made his first deals.

The first project entrusted to Donald was the grandiose residential complex Swifton Village in Ohio, designed for 1,200 apartments for the “middle class”. Under the leadership of the younger Trump, the company managed to complete the project within a year, spending $6 million on construction and earning $12 million from the sale of apartments.

Double income is a more than excellent start to a career, but Trump was not going to stop there. The construction of apartments in Ohio was sponsored by the state, but Donald understood that for financial support for more serious projects it was worth turning not to government organizations, but to the powers that be: bankers, top managers, oil tycoons. In 1971, Donald rented an apartment in the heart of New York - on the island of Manhattan. Here his circle of acquaintances quickly expanded with influential people.

Career blossoming. Formation of an empire.

In 1974, Trump, with the help of new connections, won a tender to restore the dilapidated Commodore Hotel. Since many of the buildings near the hotel were also in poor condition and needed a financial injection, as did the city itself, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, Donald managed to obtain tax breaks from the mayor's office for a period of 40 years. Moreover, the largest banks in New York provided him with a mortgage loan totaling $70 million. There was only one condition: Trump had to put the area in order.

Donald's firm got down to business, and six years later, Manhattan residents were able to see the 25-story monolith of glass and steel that had replaced the dull yellow building, surrounded by new, functional and livable neighborhoods. Much later, in October 1996, half of the rights to the hotel were bought by one of the largest hotel chains, Hyatt, increasing Trump's fortune by $142 million.

In 1979, Donald had his eye on a piece of land on 5th Avenue, across from the Tiffany & Co jewelry store. When the businessman was asked what made him buy this particular place, he replied: “The wealthiest people in New York always hang out at Tiffany’s stores.” By 1983, the 58-story Trump Tower skyscraper rose on this site, surpassing all city buildings in height.

The house instantly gained fame as an elite complex: the windows of the apartments overlooked Central Park, a series of boutiques and restaurants were located below, the floor was tiled with pink marble, and a three-meter fountain was in the hall. All the apartments were bought up within a few months, and Trump became $200 million richer.

When gambling was legalized in New Jersey in 1977, Trump realized that he had a tasty morsel that should not be missed. In 1980, he purchased a plot of land in Atlantic City, entrusting his brother Robert with obtaining a gambling license. In 1982, the grandiose Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino hotel and entertainment complex worth $250 million was opened. In 1986, Donald bought the city's Hilton hotel and built the $320 million Trump's Castle in its place. At the same time, he began construction of the largest hotel-casino in the world, the Taj Mahal, which opened its doors to visitors in 1990.

On the verge of bankruptcy

By the early 90s, Donald's fortune was estimated at $1 billion. In addition to a chain of hotels, casinos and luxury residential skyscrapers, the Trump empire included the Trump Shuttle Airline, the New Jersey Generals football team and a huge number of small businesses that Donald himself lost count of. Gradually, he began to lose control over the business that had grown to incredible proportions.

New projects were financed with borrowed funds, which was quite risky. Trump's creditors included large banks and investment companies: Citicorp, Merrill Lynch, Chase Manhattan. The businessman’s debts were growing rapidly, and the threat of bankruptcy was aggravated by the brewing crisis in the real estate sector. In the early 90s, debts to creditors reached $9.8 billion, of which Trump had to pay $900 million out of his own pocket. On the verge of bankruptcy, the businessman was forced to mortgage the Trump Tower skyscraper. The press added fuel to the fire, criticizing Donald's every move.

Thanks to his innate perseverance, Donald managed to get out of the debt hole. Gambling revenues covered most of the debt; by 1997, the tycoon had completely repaid his debts and began working on new projects. In 2001, Trump's company, together with the Korean enterprise Daewoo, completed the construction of the 72-story Trump World Tower. The 262-meter skyscraper has risen exactly opposite the UN headquarters in Manhattan.

The 2008 financial crisis was a new shock to Trump's construction empire. Due to falling sales, he was unable to repay the 40 million loan on time. Although the billionaire could easily pay off the debt with his own funds, he filed for bankruptcy, claiming that the crisis was force majeure. On February 17, 2009, Trump announced his decision to leave the Board of Directors of his own company.

Donald Trump's television career

In 2002, Trump launched the prime-time reality show The Apprentice. Participants had to compete among themselves for the right to become a top manager in Trump's company. Unlucky contestants were greeted with the businessman's signature phrase: “You're fired!” (in 2004 he even applied to register the trademark “You are fired!”). For each episode of the first season, Donald received about $50 thousand, but with the start of the second season, the cost of one episode increased to $3 million - so Trump became one of the highest paid presenters on television.

In 2006, Trump, together with NBC, bought out the Miss Universe Organization, which organized the Miss Universe and Miss America beauty pageants.

Trump has been nominated twice for Emmy awards for his roles. He is not shy about presenting himself in a comedic light, having done so in films such as Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, The Nanny, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Days of Our Lives. For example, in the comedy Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, he explained to young Macaulay Culkin how to get to the hall.

In 2007, Trump got his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, which the businessman received for creating the reality show “The Apprentice.”

In October of the same year, Donald was invited to Larry King's studio, where he sharply spoke about the foreign policy of George W. Bush and the appearance of Angelina Jolie. Many people remember other words uttered on the evening broadcast: then Trump said that in the next elections he would certainly support Rudolph Giuliani and Hillary Clinton if they nominated themselves for the presidency. He was reminded of this speech in 2013, when Trump was again visiting the host.

Donald Trump's political career

Trump had been tipped for the US presidency since the 80s, but at that time the needle of Donald’s political compass was constantly darting between the right and left poles. By 2009, he had more or less decided on his own views and joined the Republican Party. They tried to nominate Donald, an outstanding economist and manager, to participate in the presidential elections back in 2011, but the businessman said that he was not ready to leave the private sector.

On June 16, 2015, Trump made it clear to US residents that he had changed his mind, announcing his readiness to fight for the presidency. Trump's presidential campaign was carefully planned: first he visited the state of New Hampshire, traditionally considered a Republican stronghold, then toured Nevada and California, states that previously received a solid financial injection from the Donald. Trump also repeatedly held rallies in his support to entertain the electorate.

Trump's popularity was influenced by his character: the newly minted politician was accustomed to speaking openly, without veiling his speech with euphemisms. Because of this feature, he gained fame as an eccentric truth teller.

The main messages of the Trump campaign concerned the following areas of American society: immigration, health care, the economy and domestic policy. The Republican treated the people of Mexico and the Middle East extremely coldly. If he wins the election, Trump threatened to build an analogue of the Great Wall of China on the border with Mexico. Trump has also advocated many times for the immediate elimination of ISIS armed forces.

Donald demanded the repeal of Barack Obama's health care program, saying it was too expensive for the government to provide and that he would have no problem finding better methods that would be cheaper for taxpayers.

In the economic sector, even Democrats listened to the billionaire; he argued for the need to return production to the United States by increasing duties on goods of American companies manufactured abroad, and also argued for the need for a trade war with China.

He outlined his point of view in more detail in the book “Mutilated America,” published in 2015.

According to Forbes magazine, in 2016, Donald Trump's fortune crossed the $4 billion mark. It continued to grow, including through real estate licensing - developers themselves paid Trump to build and sell new projects on his behalf.

In March 2016, Donald Trump was named the most likely Republican presidential candidate, predicting that he would face Hillary Clinton in the final round of elections. In Russia, Trump's candidacy for the presidency was greeted warmly, as the billionaire more than once publicly promised to improve relations with the Kremlin.

Personal life of Donald Trump

Donald Trump has been married several times. His first wife is Czechoslovakian model Ivanka Zelnichkova.

They got married in 1977. That same year, Trump’s first-born Donald Jr. was born; four years later, the businessman became the father of Ivanka Jr., and in 1984, his second son Eric. Donald and Ivanka Trump's marriage ended in 1992. After the divorce, the ex-wife assigned him the nickname The Donald, which the press really liked.

Donald Trump's second wife, actress Marla Ann Maples, whom the businessman married in 1993, also gave birth to a daughter. The actress made the most of this marriage: during the six years of marriage (1993-1999), she starred in 15 films. After 6 years of marriage, the couple divorced.

At the beginning of 2005, Donald married another fashion model from Eastern Europe, 34-year-old Melanie (Melania) Knauss.

Trump's third wife, originally from Slovenia, has shone on the pages of glossy magazines in the past, not hesitating to appear very candidly. The wedding of Trump and Melanie was included in the list of the most expensive wedding ceremonies with a budget of $45 million. In 2006, their common son, Barron William Trump, was born.

About his last wife, Trump says: “She is exquisitely beautiful both inside and out. Melania is elegant, sensual and smart, she knows all my strengths and weaknesses.”

To the question - “What gives you the greatest pleasure in life?” - Trump invariably answers: “My children and wife.”

The results of the election for the 45th US President were unpredictable. A month before the final day, both candidates received a good portion of “black PR”. Clinton was involved in a scandal involving the FBI, Trump was accused of sexual harassment. Clinton was confidently predicted to win, especially after the third and final debate. However, the results surprised everyone - Trump effortlessly beat his competitor, gaining 276 electoral votes out of the 270 required for victory, thereby securing a seat in the Oval Office of the White House.

The results are officially recognized on December 19, 2016, after the Electoral College votes. However, this step is usually a formality. The inauguration of the president-elect was scheduled for January 20, 2017.

Little-known facts about Donald Trump

  • Trump had two brothers and two sisters. Only one of them turned out to be a loser - Fred Jr., who died of alcoholism in 1981. The most famous is her older sister, Marianne Trump-Barry, a federal appeals court judge and the mother of David Desmond, a famous neuropsychologist and writer in the United States.
  • Trump's three eldest children - Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric - work in their father's company in vice-presidential positions.
  • In his youth, Trump was a very good athlete. When he studied at the military academy, he was the captain of the baseball team and received a special prize from the coach as the best player.
  • At the New York Military Academy, Trump became one of the best in drill training. Together with a comrade, he trained a demonstration platoon of cadets that marched flawlessly down Fifth Avenue in New York on Veterans Day in 1964.
  • Trump could have gone to the Vietnam War, but he received deferments twice for study reasons, and again for medical reasons. Once again, no longer having any delays, he drew a lucky ticket in the draft lottery. And yet, in 1968 he received a summons - but again failed the medical examination (due to “spurs” in his heels) and was finally declared unfit for service.
  • Trump's reserves of internal energy are truly inexhaustible. There were times when he worked for several days in a row without sleep.
  • Trump is already a brand. Many developers pay Donald Trump to sell their properties and be the “face” of their projects. According to Forbes, this part of the Trump empire is the most valuable - at least $562 million.
  • Restaurants, watches, clothes, a travel website, perfumes, a magazine, a board game, steaks, chocolates, mineral water, vodka and much more are named after Trump.
  • Trump is squeamish. Forced to shake hundreds of hands every day, he always has a supply of napkins to constantly dry his hands.
  • Trump loves to drive fast. My favorite car brand is Mercedes.
  • Trump, on principle, does not drink or smoke. And he claims that he has never even tried it.
  • Trump is the author of 16 books. The main character of all of them is himself, his way to the top, his recipes for success, his rebuke to critics, his women and his fame.
  • Some psychologists interpret Trump's famous hairstyle (a lush bouffant on the forehead) as a manifestation of a highly developed inferiority complex.
  • Trump’s no less famous habit of naming constructed objects by his own name, on the contrary, is considered a clear symptom of delusions of grandeur.
  • Everywhere and always Trump tries to act actively. “Don’t be shy, go for it, get into a fight and fight back are some of my commandments,” he says.
  • Trump's divorce proceedings were not easy, so one of his commandments was the phrase: "Do not neglect prenuptial agreements."
  • The most expensive purchase in Trump’s life, a luxury yacht, went to Trump’s first wife, Ivanna, after the divorce. She still owns this “thing,” having actually turned it into her home.
  • At the height of the election battle between Republican candidates, nude photos of Melania, taken at one time for GQ magazine, were used as “black PR” against Trump. This was done by activists who supported his rival Ted Cruz. The photo was captioned: “Look at her, she could be your first lady.”
  • Some of the biggest Trump supporters include tough guys Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone and Mike Tyson.
  • Trump became the prototype for the billionaire anti-hero Biff Tannen in the movie Back to the Future 2.
  • Trump was Mike Tyson's financial adviser and ringside announcer for the Tyson-Michael Spinks fight in Atlantic City.
  • Trump is a wrestling fan, actively participates in the shows of the main organization of this kind of entertainment - World Wrestling Entertainment - and was inducted into its Hall of Fame.
  • Trump is a big fan of golf and owns courses for this game in different parts of the United States. In 2006, he bought a site in Scotland with the intention of creating the best golf complex in the world. He was ready to invest $1 billion in this project, but construction faced negative attitudes from local residents and has not yet begun.
  • At various times, Trump has been compared to Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter, the cruel and sadistic king Joffrey Baratheon from Game of Thrones, the destructive Death Star from Star Wars, and Godzilla.
  • Trump's height is 191 centimeters, current weight is about 100 kilograms.

“I will be the greatest president God has ever created.”

Donald Trump

On November 8, 2016, the results of the election for the 45th President of the United States shocked everyone - American billionaire Donald Trump unexpectedly beat his rival, securing a seat in the Oval Office of the White House. His assumption of office is scheduled for January 20, 2017.

So what is the secret of Donald Trump's success from an astrological point of view? Let's turn to Trump's natal chart and look at his human characteristics.

Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946 at 10:54 am in the Queens borough of New York City. Interestingly, the new US President was born in the so-called eclipse corridor - on the day of a total lunar eclipse, as well as 2 weeks before and after solar eclipses. People born on the day of an eclipse are often endowed with extraordinary qualities. These are gifted and talented people who want to fight and win. The very fact of being born during a lunar eclipse also suggests that a person’s life is largely associated with events that cannot be avoided and situations that cannot be changed. Astrologically, the eclipse is a conjunction of the Sun and the Ascending Node, which at the time of Trump's birth was in his 10th House of success and career. Therefore, the fact that his birth coincided with an eclipse of the Moon is a harbinger of the successful implementation of his life program and provides great opportunities for self-expression and expansion of power.

Trump, without a doubt, was born under a lucky star, or rather under many stars. The number of stars in his natal chart is simply amazing: Regulus, Capella, Alnilam, Procyon, Aldhafera. They give him powerful energy, luck, honors and material wealth.

Indeed, in much of what happened around the 2016 US presidential election, there was a constant sense of invisible support for circumstances that were shaping up in favor of Donald Trump.

In the horoscope of the new American president, the elements of Fire and Air are most clearly expressed. There are 4 air and 3 fire planets in his natal chart. This makes Trump an enthusiastic, positive thinker with a good sense of humor, an optimistic approach to life, and remarkable verbal abilities. The fire element gives him energy and will, enterprise and determination. This is an unusually creative combination, combining ideas, aspirations and plans with the ability and strong desire to carry them out. Therefore, for a politician and businessman, the combination of “fire and air” is vital.

"Fiery" personality

Trump was born during the 20-year period (1937-1957) when Pluto was in Leo. At this time, people were born who are called the “I am the first letter of the alphabet” generation. Representatives of this generation are proud and self-confident people who attach great importance to self-expression and internal integrity.

The Ascendant in Trump's natal chart is also in the sign of Leo. Hence his lush red hairstyle and expressive facial expressions. Trump's active gestures and intonation attract attention to him and force him to listen. Trump is very proud and vain and loves to impress people. He has a strong need for recognition; all his life he strives to be an authority for others. He looks at life as a sporting competition or as a performance on stage: admiration and applause are also important to him.

In 2004, Trump launched the popular reality show The Apprentice. Participants competed among themselves for the right to become a top manager in Trump's company. The show had high ratings and was nominated three times for an Emmy Award. With the start of the second season, the cost of one episode increased to $3 million - so Trump became one of the highest paid hosts on American television. In 2007, Trump received his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Trump is also the co-owner and executive producer of the Miss Universe and Miss USA beauty pageants.

Trump's "fire" is also expressed in the horoscope by the strong Mars in Leo and the Moon in Sagittarius.

The Moon in Sagittarius characterizes him as an open and generous person. Trump is characterized by idealism and the desire for high goals. Faith in an optimistic future helps him overcome difficulties and obstacles: “Dream big because you will end up doing what you dreamed of.” Positive aspects of the Moon with Mars and Jupiter indicate that Donald Trump is inclined towards big politics and fair international relations.

The position of the Moon in the 4th House indicates that Donald Trump, first of all, is a true patriot of the United States, a patriot of his homeland: “America will never again settle for anything less than the best. We must return our country to its purpose and dream big, boldly and audaciously. We have to do this. We will dream about our country, about beautiful things, about success.”

Mars in Leo, well placed on the Ascendant in Trump's horoscope, makes him an active and self-confident person, striving for leadership and decisively moving towards his goal. Ambition and the desire to be the first in everything are his life incentives.

To channel young Trump's energy and self-confidence in a positive direction, his parents sent him to a private boarding school, the New York Military Academy. Trump received academy awards, played on football teams, captained the baseball team, and organized a group of cadets, teaching them advanced close formation drills.

In his “game,” Trump can be quite tough; he is not ready to lose and even admits he is wrong with difficulty, perceiving it as a personal defeat. When attacked, he actively resists, soon going on the offensive. However, he has strong moral principles and a strict concept of honor; he does not compromise, thereby making enemies for himself. Openness, fairness and innate leadership talent help Trump achieve career heights and success in society.

Leadership skills

First of all, in Trump’s horoscope, attention is drawn to the Sun, which occupies the best position in the natal chart, being located in the 10th House. Those with the Sun in the 10th House are characterized by ambitious aspirations, self-confidence and a strong will to win. For Trump, his career, reputation and how he is perceived in society are very important. He really wants to be influential and leave his mark on the world. His ambition is to do something big and be widely recognized for his contributions and efforts.

In addition, the Sun rules the 1st House in Trump's horoscope. People with such an astrological indicator rarely go unnoticed - they either seriously engage in politics or become famous actors. They love to be seen and have an innate need for recognition. At the same time, personal development is felt through an increase in social status and is recognized as real upon achieving a high leadership position. Therefore, Trump is always ready to take responsibility and become a real leader. It is also an indication that his father had a tremendous influence on the development of Donald Trump. Most likely, Trump will imitate him all his life, unconsciously copying his goals, strategies, and methods of achieving what he wants.

In 1968, Trump received a bachelor's degree in economics, after which his father accepted his son into the family construction business. Donald became seriously involved in real estate and multiplied his father's fortune many times over.

Favorable aspects of the Sun with Mars and Jupiter also reward Trump with leadership, courage, creative and entrepreneurial spirit. With such astrological configurations, Trump exudes self-confidence, he is never completely defeated, and is often generous in helping others. He is characterized by decency and adherence to moral and religious norms.

According to the solar sign of the Zodiac, Donald Trump is Gemini, and Russian President Vladimir Putin is Libra. Gemini and Libra are signs of the same element Air, therefore, there is hope that a common language will be found between the leaders of the two powers.

"Zhirinovsky of American politics"

Many compare Donald Trump with the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Even Zhirinovsky himself said that Trump was somehow close to him, and that they could be distant relatives. “The fact that he speaks freely, reacts instantly, instantly creates his assessments,”- said the head of the LDPR. Both politicians are known for their eccentric and controversial statements.

From an astrological point of view, despite completely different horoscopes, there really is an indicator that unites politicians - this is the strong influence of Uranus.

For Trump, this planet is in conjunction with the luminary in Gemini in the 10th House, which is responsible for career and goals in the horoscope. Gemini is already distinguished by its unpredictability, and in combination with the original Uranus - even more so. Therefore, even he himself may not know what to expect from the new president.

This position of Uranus clearly demonstrates Trump’s originality, his unconventional view of things, and his own fundamentally new approach. He is an enemy of tradition and a lover of innovation. The new US President's abilities go beyond the usual. Those who do not understand his goals consider Trump eccentric and strange.

If he wins the election, Trump threatened to build an analogue of the Great Wall of China on the border with Mexico: “I will build a border wall and make Mexico pay for it.” However, this thesis was not reflected in his last address.

Uranus also symbolizes freedom and independence. Is this why Trump has been in both the Democratic and Republican parties, and the Reform Party, and was even an independent candidate.

"How to become rich"

First of all, in Trump’s horoscope, the trine of Jupiter and Uranus attracts attention, meaning unexpected wealth due to karma (inheritance, position). With this aspect, people know how to notice and take advantage of a chance that others do not notice.

Trump's main area of ​​activity, related to construction and real estate, is indicated by the ruler of the 10th House of Career, Venus in conjunction with Saturn. This combination very often gives the profession of a builder, architect, or architect.

Trump is the president of the construction conglomerate Trump Organization and the founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts, which specializes in the gambling and hotel businesses. Trump Tower on 5th Avenue forever changed the face of Manhattan.

The ruler of the 5th House in the 2nd House suggests that Trump also has the opportunity to make money easily through creative expression, real estate investments and gambling.

Donald Trump is the author of a number of business books that have become real bestsellers: “The Art of the Deal” (1987), “Surviving at the Top” (1991), “The America We Deserve” (2000), “How to Get Rich” (2004). ), “Trump: The Path to the Top” (2004), “Trump: Think Like a Billionaire” (2004) and others.

In the 2nd House of the horoscope (the sphere of finance and real estate), Trump has Jupiter in conjunction with Chiron - this is the “aspect of millionaires”, which promotes prosperity and the ability to achieve one’s own in the world of big business. Wealth, material well-being, and well-being are very important to Trump, so he chooses a profession that could give him opportunities for financial growth.

Forbes estimates Donald Trump's net worth at $4.5 billion. He ranks 113th in the ranking of the richest people in the United States.

The ruler of the 2nd House in the 11th House indicates unexpected turns in the course of Trump's financial affairs. And the ruler of the 8th House in the 2nd House - that his fortune is growing due to risky financial transactions and daring adventures that are on the verge of troubles and dangers. This indicator ensures good luck with debt obligations.

From 1989 to 2008 Due to global financial crises, Trump was on the verge of bankruptcy several times. However, thanks to his innate perseverance, Donald managed to get out of the debt hole: “I'm not some nonentity. Even if the whole world goes down, I won’t lose a penny.”

Eccentric truth teller

Let's consider the position of Jupiter, a social planet that is of great importance for a politician going into power. He is in the sign of Libra. This suggests that in his social and political activities Donald Trump is based on the principles of partnership and equal cooperation. “I am about to issue a notice of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a potential disaster for our country. Instead, we will negotiate fair, bilateral trade deals that bring jobs and manufacturing back to America."

In Trump’s natal chart, the 11th House is highlighted, where Saturn is also located. Therefore, the political sphere will never be calm for the new president. He cannot do without obstacles and difficulties. After all, 2016 is not the first time Trump has become a candidate in the presidential election. However, the ruler of the 10th House in the 11th House, in an unexpected and surprising way, ultimately brings Trump to power.

The placement of the ruler of the 11th House in the 11th House indicates that Trump is an innovator, a reformer who “lives in the future”, he thinks outside the box and breaks new paths everywhere. The politician hates routine and shows constant interest in everything advanced and new. Such a person is inclined to achieve his goals at any cost.

According to the president-elect, implementing reforms based on the principle of “America First” will help “Make America Great Again” and “revive the country’s middle class.”

According to the eastern horoscope, Donald Trump was born in the year of the Dog. “Dogs” always stand for order and against injustice. They know well what to fight for and how to fight. The goal is clear to them, they move towards it in a direct way, on their own, and, as a rule, they bring their affairs to a victorious end.

The newly elected president is accustomed to speaking openly, without veiling his speech with euphemisms. Because of this feature, he gained fame as an eccentric truth teller. For example, Trump called the sports officials who suspended Russian athletes from the Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro cretins, and called the decision itself “mean and low.”

The motto is “Drain the swamp!” Trump actively used it during the election campaign, referring to the need for reform of the public administration system at the highest level. Therefore, we can expect the most decisive actions from Donald Trump.


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