Overview of ready-made software for conducting personnel records. Overview of ready-made software for maintaining personnel records Program employees of the enterprise 2.7 5

A program for automating the work of personnel departments of organizations.

The software product can be customized to suit the needs of your organization.

Information about all employees of your company is in one place - the Employee Journal, and you can always easily find the information you need about an employee

For convenience, the employee journal can be printed out in the usual Word (Writer) and Excel (Calc) formats. And you can continue working with it right in these applications

All information about each employee is presented visually in the Card of the corresponding employee

You can upload a photo of each employee to the program not only from a disk or from a scanner, but also from a webcam

The card of each employee can also be displayed in Word (OO Writer), and then formatted and printed

An employment contract, personnel orders and other documents will be generated at the click of a button in Microsoft Word (OpenOffice Writer)

You will not forget about the birthdays of employees in the daily work bustle! The program will remind you of them itself

The program allows you to track the expiration of medical certificates, registration, certificates of transfer training and advanced training, work permits and driver's licenses

Support for working with a scanner will allow you to easily load scanned copies of original documents into the program, there is the possibility of streaming scanning when using a scanner that supports automatic sheet feeding

Access and work with the program "Employees of the enterprise" is strictly regulated: four levels of access are implemented depending on the functions allowed to the user - administrative, user and only for viewing (without the right to make changes) and only for initial input. Additionally, it is possible to fine-tune access to organizations for each access level

It is possible to generate employment contracts, orders and arbitrary documents according to your templates, as a result, the appearance of documents is exactly the same as is customary in your company - documents are generated by the program based on *.dot templates in MS Word or OpenOffice Writer

Convenient team work of the personnel department on documents is provided with support for the network mode and the ability to differentiate rights

Employees will be notified in time about important events of your organization - the program has the functions of sending notifications by e-mail with the ability to link files, store messages and search for them

Maintaining employees of any number of companies in one program: all information about employees is in one place, it is accessible and conveniently presented

It is easy to get the necessary information for analysis: the program will select information according to various criteria and generate the necessary reports

You can display search results for individual fields of employee cards in Excel and OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet editors and convert them into a form convenient for further processing

For daily automatic archiving of programs by time, you can use the free utility Automatic File Archiving.

To install the program:

*Product support is provided via the Internet.

A license for 1 workstation of the standard (non-SQL) version of the program is provided free of charge, without restrictions.

To purchase additional network jobs, send us a request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , indicate in it the name of your company, the name of the product (“Employees of the enterprise 2.7.9”) and the number of additional jobs, and we will send you a contract and an invoice.

Pay the bill in any way convenient for you.

After payment, send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. payment confirmation (copy or number of payment order, date and amount of payment), and we will send you a registration code and an activation code.
Original documents (agreement, act of acceptance and transfer of use rights, invoice, invoice, license agreement, certificate for the program) are sent by mail after payment.

The price of the program "Employees of the enterprise 2.7.9"

Basic version- 1 workplace - Free

Additional jobs:
from the 2nd to the 5th inclusive - 4000 rubles for 1 workplace
from the 6th to the 10th inclusive - 3000 rubles for 1 workplace
from the 11th to the 20th inclusive - 2000 rubles for 1 workplace
from the 21st and more - 1000 rubles for 1 workplace

Price Calculator

0+1*4000=4000 rub.

0+4*4000 +1*3000 =19000 rub.

0 +4*4000 +5*3000+10*2000+5*1000=56000 rub.

* The term of the license is not limited.

For organizations that require increased reliability of data storage and security of access to information, closing unauthorized access to data, possible built-in data encryption, there are version of Enterprise Employees for Microsoft SQL Server.

To purchase the program "Employees of the enterprise version of MS SQL":

1. Download the demo version of the program (installation file) and install the program.

2. Send us a request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , indicate in it the name of your company, the name of the product ("Employees of the enterprise 2.7.9 version of MS SQL") and the number of jobs, and we will send you a contract and an invoice.

3. Pay the bill in any way convenient for you.

4. After payment, send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. payment confirmation (copy or number of payment order, date and amount of payment), and we will send you a registration code and an activation code.
Original documents (agreement, act of acceptance and transfer of use rights, invoice, invoice, waybill, license agreement, certificate for the program) are sent by mail after payment.

The price of the program "Employees of the enterprise 2.7.9 version of MS SQL"

Basic version- 1 workplace - 8000 rubles

Additional jobs:
from the 2nd to the 10th inclusive - 6000 rubles for 1 workplace
from the 11th to the 20th inclusive - 4000 rubles for 1 workplace
from the 21st and more - 2000 rubles for 1 workplace

To calculate the cost of licenses, you can use Price Calculator

An example of cost calculation for 2 workplaces:
8000+1*6000=14000 rub.

An example of cost calculation for 6 workplaces:
8000+5*6000=38000 rub.

An example of cost calculation for 25 workplaces:
8000+9*6000+10*4000+5*2000=112000 rub.

*Price includes 1 year of phone and web technical support. When choosing the extended warranty option, the cost of an additional year of support is 20% of the cost of licenses.

* The term of the license is not limited.

Among the users of the program IMASH RAS, JSC "Nalchik City Electric Grid Company", OBUK "Kursk Regional Museum of Local Lore", Association "Notary Chamber of the Republic of Tatarstan", JSC "Kabbalkenergo", MBU TsHTO of the Administration of the Municipal District "Kabansky District", MBU Centralized Accounting Department of Educational Institutions of Chesmensky municipal area and many others.

20.10.2018 A new version 2.7.9 of the program "Employees of the enterprise" has been released.

In the new version 2.7.9 added:

Added display of the number of employees and vacancies in the logs of employees and vacancies;

In the employee card in the "Passport data" tab, the fields "Country" and "Region" were added to the address of registration and residence, filled in from directories, directories of countries and regions were added, with the ability to search in directories;

For export to MS Excel (OO Calc) the fields "Full address of registration" and "Full address of residence" are added, with country and region;

For registration and residence addresses, the ability to standardize addresses according to FIAS and KLADR has been added (integration with the DaData.ru service);

Section has been added to the User's Guide. How to fill in addresses in accordance with KLADR and FIAS

For the time sheet according to the T13 and 0504421 forms, when generating the time sheet by department, it was possible to select several departments;

Improved interface.

To update the program, you need to download the distribution package of the program version 2.7.9, install it in a folder different from the current working base and, through the menu section Service-Load from archive / previous versions, download information from the previous version, specifying the folder with the previous version to download, if any questions please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

During the download of information, work in the previous version must be completed, it is recommended to disable Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

When upgrading from versions less than 2.7.2 on network workstations, you must install a new version of the Libraries

If you downloaded from version 2.6.7 and earlier, after downloading the information, go to the Tools-Settings menu of the program and set the color of the fields filled in from the directory.

If, after loading, the T2 (GS) card will not be formed, unzip and rewrite the template files to the folder with the program and to the SHABL folder in the folder with the program

If, after downloading, documents will not be generated according to their own templates, you need to rewrite the template files from the old version to the new one in the SHABL folder in the folder with the program.
It is recommended not to delete the old version, but to leave it as an archive.

Users of registered MS SQL versions of the program can get the new version for free. For updates, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (specify version and organization).

The program "Employees of the enterprise" is intended for the personnel department. In this application, you can create a database of all employees of the enterprise and structure it correctly. All information is in the "employee log". This provides quick access to employee information. If it is inconvenient for you to work in the program, or if you need a printed version of the tables, then all the necessary information can be "output" into Microsoft Office applications (World, Excel), from where you can continue working or print. It is possible to use several databases at the same time, which, for example, may belong to different organizations, or departments in the company. "Employees of the enterprise" allows you to quickly get information about currently available vacancies. For this, the program has a corresponding function.

Information about any employee is presented in his card. There you will find documents (employment contract, personnel orders, and so on). You can put a photo on the card. You can upload images not only from removable media, but also directly through the program using a webcam. The "Enterprise Employees" utility interacts perfectly with scanners and helps to quickly download electronic copies of all documents. If your scanner supports automatic sheet feeding, you can enable streaming scanning. Access to database information can be configured. Four interface options are available with different access rights: administrator, enter only, view only, user. In addition to all of the above, in the "Employees of the enterprise" you can create templates for contracts and documents, calculate seniority and vacation, receive reminders of employees' birthdays.


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