Flocking equipment. Industrial equipment. Introduction. Advertising campaign and search for potential customers

Flocking as a business can be quite promising. This topic is interesting, not very common, but arousing interest among consumers. Rarely, when faced with a coating that is unusual in texture, soft, pleasant to the touch, does not touch it with his hand and does not think - how is it done? Upon closer acquaintance, it turns out that the production is not so difficult, the equipment for flocking is relatively inexpensive, with a low cost of materials, given the unusualness, the result can be sold with a good profit. And if it's profitable - you can start!

But, before betting on flock, you need to understand all the intricacies of this matter. Without going deep into technology, let's try to figure out what is needed in order for a business to be successful.

The first thing to think about is how we will position our service - as creative, design, or as a craft, akin to finishing work. The final cost of the finished product for the consumer, the requirements for its quality, and the planned amount of work per day depend on this.

The fact is that if you make flocked, for example, items of clothing, designer shoes, souvenirs, apply fleecy drawings on leather goods, bottles for cosmetics, paintings, decorate bottles, Christmas tree decorations or flower pots - for this, you first need artist. The technological process can be mastered by any diligent and attentive person, but to make the drawing beautiful, harmoniously combined with the product on which it is applied - you need artistic taste and the ability to draw. It is ideal, of course, if the creator himself brings his ideas to life, but more often it happens that it is economically simply inexpedient to use a high-class designer for drawing work.

If the focus is on covering large surfaces with flock (wallpaper, interior surfaces of drawers in furniture, billiards and table tennis tables, cladding of car or yacht interiors, floors and walls in recording studios that require increased sound insulation), then other specialists are needed here, here accuracy and responsibility are more important than artistic skills.

It's not worth making a workshop from your own apartment (even if you decide that there will be no hired employees, and the business owner will carry out the whole process from searching for customers to making finished coatings himself). The fact is that glue and specially treated viscose, polyamide, acrylic, polyester and other fibers that are suitable for electroflocking are used here. Therefore, the room must be well ventilated, and you need to work in special protective clothing. In addition, the air in the room should not be too dry, otherwise the pile dries out and does not lie down correctly. In principle, a garage or warehouse may well be suitable.

List of equipment to be purchased, is determined depending on whether

the direction that was initially chosen. However, as a rule, it includes an electroflocator itself (cost about $ 400), an air compressor ($ 200 - $ 500), an information-red drying ($ 200 - $ 1,500), a 3D flocking chamber ($ 250), a silk-screen machine ($ 200 - $ 500), as well as spray guns and sets of painting tools and squeegees. This equipment can be used both in a small workshop and in a fairly large production. Do not be afraid that with the development of your business you will have to regularly purchase new technical devices, they serve for a very long time and quickly pay for themselves.

But you will have to buy regularly - these are consumables. First of all, it is actually flock and glue, which serves as the basis for its application. The approximate price of glue is $ 20 per kilogram, and the price for flock is from $ 35 for the same quantity. You need to have an assortment of pile colors - at least 7 - 10 items, and if the line of business is decorative design, then more. In general, to get started, you need to spend about $ 300 on materials. Some part will have to be spent on trial work until the master acquires stable skills in working with equipment and grasps all the subtleties of the technology. Then purchases are carried out depending on the amount of planned work.

Material consumption per 1 m2 is approximately 180 g of flock and 180-200 g of glue, that is, the cost of materials per square meter processed will be about $ 10. To this amount must be added the costs of salaries for the designer and foreman, rental of premises, depreciation of equipment, and marketing and advertising costs. But on an industrial scale, these costs will seem insignificant, and in the manufacture of designer pieces, the cost of the work is estimated several times higher than the cost price.

The fact is that the calculation of the price for the buyer is not per square meter, but per square centimeter, and its cost, depending on the region, season, artistic value, originality and demand, can be up to $ 0.5 per cm2 (and in a square meter 10,000 sq. Cm!). But even without taking into account the work of the designer, for example, the cost of flocking one car interior averages about $ 500 (slightly more or less depending on the model).

Therefore, we can say with confidence that this type of business, while it is not yet very common and in demand, with a competent approach can become very profitable. Especially on the eve of the New Year, when the demand for souvenirs, toys, cute unusual trifles is increasing, it is quite possible to get into the jet and start a new business!

Flocking. Purchase of a flocking device (flocator)

The action of the flokator is to impart an electric charge to the particles of the flock and release them to the surface. This is due to the high-voltage emitter built into the device. Aggregates for creating flock surfaces are industrial and manual. For small businesses, manual flockers are more often used. They are suitable for working with any surface and are much cheaper than industrial ones. The ideal characteristics of a hand-held flockator are: maximum voltage 70kV, current 20-25 microamperes.

Some manufacturers increase these figures, while emphasizing that their models have increased performance. Indeed, the rate of escape of particles in this case increases, but they do not have time to receive a charge, because of this, they fly out chaotically and settle on the surface without really fixing themselves. Consequently, the blockage density suffers, the coating turns out to be heterogeneous - either with bald spots or with lumps. In addition, in this case, material consumption is significantly increased.

A good flocator doesn't need to be shaken to work... On the contrary, the movements when working with it should be smooth, then the flock lays down evenly, creating a velvety surface. The exception is those cases when the work has to be carried out holding the flocking device "upside down" when the flock does not fall on the emitter. In such cases, the flocator does need to be shaken occasionally. Also pay attention to the size of the hopper. If you have to apply the coating to hard-to-reach areas, such as the inside of a safe, a smaller hopper may be more convenient. When processing large areas, a large hopper is useful. The density of the packing also depends on the material from which the emitter is made. It is best if it is made of aluminum.

An additional advantage of the flocking device will be the ability to work from batteries, it is much more convenient to work with such a flocking device than models powered by a network. Also, given that the device is still manual, you should pay attention to its weight. Also, additional, but not mandatory, characteristics include the presence of power control. To make the right choice, you need, based on your budget, to study the characteristics of the models presented and the reviews of the flockers who dealt with them.

Flocking. Workplace preparation

The room in which the flocking machine will work must be large enough. Due to the toxicity of the materials used in the process, it is desirable to create forced ventilation.

The quality of flocking depends on the humidity of the air inside the room; the ideal humidity is 50-60% It will also be a plus if a constant temperature of about 20-25? C is maintained in the room. For safety reasons, there must be a dry powder extinguisher in the room.

The main workplace for flocking is the table, so it must be equipped first. For convenience, the height of the table should be about 1m.

Its surface area is determined by the nature of the manufactured products. If these are figurines, flower pots or other small objects, then the size of the countertop can be approximately 1m long and 0.6m wide. If you plan to finish with flock, for example, of a car interior, then the dimensions should be at least 1.6 m in length and 1 m in width. Any part of the car, including the ceiling, will fit on such a table. To reduce the loss of flock, which scatters in the process of work, sides can be made on the table.

For this, slats with a height of about 0.3 m are nailed onto the tabletop from 3 sides. This height is the most optimal, it will be enough to retain the bulk of the tissue particles and, at the same time, it will not interfere, even if you have to move around the table during work.

When working with a flockator, do not forget about safety, so be sure to ground the table... To do this, it is covered with a galvanized sheet that corresponds to the size of the countertop, and a copper or aluminum wire with a cross section of about 0.5 cm is taken away from it, connecting the other end to the ground loop (for these purposes, radiators and water pipes cannot be used).

Then the entire table, including the sides, is covered with thick polyethylene. This is done for the convenience of work - the table will be easy to clean of glue, flock particles will not get stuck in cracks.

The table should be positioned so that it can be approached from all sides, in addition, it should be well lit. By nailing a shelf under the table, you can organize a place to store a flockator and other tools. In addition to the table, you will need a place for drying products. For these purposes, you can use racks or shelves. Their sizes depend on the amount of work and the size of the products. For high volume production or with some adhesives, force drying may be required. Then it is necessary to equip a drying cabinet. For this, a cabinet frame with shelves is assembled, and a heater is placed inside. This completes the organization of the workplace, now you can start working.

Flocking. Flocking surface preparation

The preparation of the flocked part primarily depends on the part itself, or rather on the material from which it is made.

Consider the options:

1. Wood and plaster surfaces... These products should be primed as they have many pores. You can not prime the product, but if it does not exceed the size of 10x10 cm. Any primer can be used, but only so that later the glue is compatible with this primer.

The surfaces are best primed with pentaphthalic enamels. PF-226 brown-yellow paint is considered to be the best of those produced today. In order to remove yellowness from this paint, PF-115 black is added to it in proportions with PF-226: Pf-115 as 3: 1. For uniform application, do not take paint that has been stored for a long time, since the solvent evaporates and the paint itself becomes viscous, which greatly complicates the process. But if there is no other option, then such a paint can be diluted with white spirit.

Too liquid paint is also not good - it is a bad base for floco. Therefore, a lot of attention is paid to viscosity! 40-50 it should be according to the viscometer. This paint will be a good primer and even when reapplied it will be a good flock adhesive. But before applying a second time, you need to wait until the primer is completely dry. If you flocking laminated surfaces, then such products do not need a primer.

2. Plexiglas and plastic products... Before applying the glue, such products must be carefully rubbed with a cleaning composition from fatty contaminants that migrate during storage to the surface of the plastic components. Trisodium phosphate can be used as a degreasing agent. It should be dissolved in warm water in a ratio of 5: 1 liter. The degreasing process itself can be done by dipping the product or using a rag. Before applying glue and flock, the surface must be completely dry.

3. Metal products... Such products must also be degreased with white alcohol or turpentine. It is recommended to prime large surfaces as in the case of plastic products.

4. Glass surfaces... These surfaces, in the same way as plastic ones, should be degreased with detergents.

Flocking. Flock application

The flock coating is applied after the surface preparation and the flock itself.

Paint or glue should be applied in an even layer on the surface of the product that you have chosen, without streaks and sagging. It is also required to determine in advance how to apply flock.

So that it is not difficult for the flock to stick into the glue and so that a film of glue with changed surface tension does not form on the surface of the product itself, you need to start flocking no later than 3-4 minutes after the glue is applied.

In the picture you can see two different results: the result of flocking within 3-4 minutes after applying the glue and the result within 10 minutes.

As a result, it can be seen that:
The villus adheres firmly to the polymer binder film after curing and, accordingly, penetrates deeply into the adhesive layer;
The villi is not securely fixed, since it has penetrated only a small part of its surface, and most likely it will fall out during further use of the product.

The flocking process provides that after the first time it is necessary to blow off the loose villi with a vacuum cleaner, and then repeat the procedure again, i.e. flocking the product, but only without applying glue. This process will allow the new villi to take up the empty spaces in the adhesive. In the event that the selected product has a complex configuration, the flocking procedure can be repeated again.

Depending on the selected drying mode for the glue, the product itself must be dried. After completing the procedure, you need to wait until the product (glue) is completely dry and only then carry out quality control, cleaning and packaging.

Flocking. Drying parts

Drying of manufactured parts by flocking is determined depending on the choice of one of three types of production.

Let's consider each of them in order.

The first - this is a small-circulation production, it will include single items, for example, parts for finishing a car interior.
This manufacturing method is characterized by the usual application of solvent-based adhesives using a brush or roller. It should be noted that the glue must dry very slowly. The flocking itself is carried out using a manual flocking device.
Drying of these products is carried out in an open room while maintaining room temperature for 24 hours.

Second this is the production of a medium-volume product, for example, flocking of bottles.
Here production starts with the same method of applying glue, but it is also a good idea to dip it, which will allow the use of special glue with a drying time of up to five minutes. Flocking is carried out both manually and in a volumetric flocking chamber.
Drying with this method is also possible open at room temperature or using an oven.

Third - this is a large-circulation production, here are examples of cases and special boxes for jewelry. The best way to apply water dispersion adhesive is to use a spray adhesive. Flocking is carried out on a stationary flocking machine.
Drying of such parts should be carried out in a special continuous oven.

The best conditions for carrying out flocking processes indoors are: a humidity level of 50-60 percent with a temperature of 25 degrees. To control and maintain such conditions, it is best to use special devices in the room.

Flocking result.

Flocking technology is becoming more and more popular every day. After all, everything new is well forgotten old! Everything that catches the eye gets under the flock, it all starts of course with home interior items!

These wonderful bottles, which, after being treated with flock, have become at least several times more expensive, are no exception! And live, these items look even more attractive! And by the way, this work was done by our friend, who was just beginning to master the flocking technology at that time! We wish him success in this business!

Instrument: Manual flockator RF-U03

Material: Flock Italy - 1 mm, Glue Tubicol

Flocking. Necessary equipment to start a business

Flocking is a technology for creating a velvety shell on various surfaces. This business idea has not yet gained widespread acceptance. But flocking of phones, car panels, laptops and safes is in demand. It is fashionable, aesthetically pleasing and quite modern.

Flocking can be used to create exclusive bottles, souvenirs and other unusual items.

To organize the production process, it is necessary to purchase a manual flockator and consumables - flock and glue. You also need to have a production room with a work table and shelves, which is grounded. The room temperature in the room should be constant with a humidity of no more than 75%.


For electrostatic flocking, you can use a hand-held flocator (for example, U02M). It includes a high-voltage generator, mains adapter, flock bin and bunker mesh. Personally, I have RF-U03, I bought it for 11,000 Russian ones - now it may have risen in price.


The first stage of work is the application of an adhesive base to the product. For high quality flocking, glue of the German company SNT is used, which has a high electrical conductivity. It is applied to the product with a brush (in some cases, full immersion in the glue is used). Flock is sprayed onto the adhesive layer using a flockator.


For flocking products, a polyamide flock with a length of 0.5-1 mm is usually used. You can achieve the color scheme desired by the customer by mixing several colors. Their compatibility, proportions and the resulting shade are determined experimentally. Excess flock spilled on the worktable can be reused by pouring it into the flock bin.

Flock is stored in a dark room in a tightly closed container, as it becomes unusable when frozen, heated and wet.
Average consumption of flock is 150-200 gr. for 1 sq. m.
Finished products must dry within 24 hours, which will require special racks.

Flocking is presented as a technique for applying flock by means of an electrostatic field. Flock, in turn, acts as a collection of small particles of textile fibers. As raw materials, synthetic or natural materials can be used, which are finely chopped or cut. The thickness of this element varies from 0.2 to 0.5 mm. To do flocking with your own hands, you must first of all acquire a flocking agent, which acts as the main tool.

You may also be interested in a very interesting article by our specialist telling you how to do it.

The fibers are preliminarily subjected to chemical treatment with electrolytes. The flocator, in turn, generates an electrostatic field with a negative charge, due to which the fibers adhered to the adhesive base are perpendicular. This provides the effect of a special velvety texture.

To make the color of the flocked surface ideally match the stylistic design of the interior, the villi are pre-painted.

As for the surface of the car, which can be flocked, it can be any element both in the cabin and outside, even the body. Few decide to transform the body, but the transformation of the interior, in particular, of its individual elements, is a popular type of styling among modern car owners.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since the disadvantages of the surface decoration technology under consideration are much less than advantages, it is worth starting from the negative sides:

  • the technology is unknown to a wide circle of motorists, and not everyone has a flocator;
  • the structure of the coating is deformed under the influence of alcohol-containing liquids;
  • the phenomenon of electrification is possible in relation to individual materials;
  • consumables are not cheap, and so are the hardware.

Considering the flocking of the car interior in the price aspect, it is worth focusing on the cost of other types of finishes. For example, the use of Alcantara or genuine leather will cost even more, and the Carpet hauling, on the contrary, is a budget option. As for the advantages of this technology, there are many more:

  • a wide range of textured solutions and color shades;
  • ease of maintenance of such surfaces;
  • fire resistance;
  • the surface treated with flock does not absorb foreign odors;
  • resistance to UV rays (does not fade in the sun over the years);
  • in terms of thermal insulation, 2 mm flock replaces 10 mm of thermal insulation material;
  • soundproofing characteristics are also at a decent level;
  • environmentally friendly material in relation to the human body and nature in general;
  • long service life due to the strength of the material.

Since we figured out what a flock is, it remains to consider the varieties of this material in order to be able to competently approach the issue of its choice when buying.

The texture in the form of felt, velvet or suede directly depends on the quality of the thread, as well as its thickness and length.

Taking into account the material, it is worth highlighting the following options:

  • polyester is problematic to paint, but the surface is durable;
  • cotton, on the contrary, is short-lived, but it is cheap and demonstrates resistance to moisture;
  • viscose is easily stained, it is also easy to use, but poorly returns its shape after deformation;
  • acetate demonstrates temperature resistance and plasticity, but wear resistance is not at the highest level;
  • polyamide - the most common option due to its plasticity, elasticity and resistance;
  • blended flock belongs to the category of combined materials and is represented by a combination of polyester, cotton and nylon;
  • flock made of carbon fibers is considered to be an innovative material, the operational parameters of which have not yet been fully studied.

Flocking of the car interior

So, flocking: what is it, what preparatory work needs to be done, what materials to prepare and what is the technology?

The room where you will work with the elements of the car interior must meet the following criteria:

  • dry and warm;
  • the presence of a table with grounding;
  • the presence of a ventilation system;
  • good lighting.

For the competent performance of work, you must purchase the following in advance:

  1. Electric manual flockator power of approximately 70 kV at 25 microamperes. Choose a model with a power adjustment function and the ability to work autonomously from the mains on batteries.
  2. As for the glue, the usual "Moment" will not work. The composition for flocking must be special; such products are represented on the market by a wide range.
  3. - the third main component and about the varieties of this material was discussed earlier. Swiss and British manufacturers are now most trusted, but their cost is appropriate. Chinese products are more affordable, and the quality is almost identical. Among the manufacturers there are also Russian brands, but domestic products are not suitable for use as a finishing material for cars. Rather, for souvenirs. As for the color palette, the variety of which has already been mentioned, the choice is not only matte shades, but also bronze, gold and silver, artsy fluorescent colors.

A special surface treatment is mandatory before flocking:

  1. Remove the slightest signs of dirt and dust.
  2. It is enough to simply treat plastic parts with alcohol to eliminate oily sheen.
  3. The elimination of any defects on the surface is also a mandatory step.
  4. A primer for plastic parts is used when working with polypropylene elements.
  5. Ground the part, not just the work table;
  6. Apply an even layer of glue. You can first add a coloring pigment to it in the color of the flock, so that the flaws and errors are not striking. Remove excess adhesive and stains immediately with a dry brush. At this stage, you have 10 minutes to spray the flock before the glue dries. Any contact between the ground wire and the adhesive is excluded.

Flocking process

The flocking process involves the use of special equipment in the form of a flocator for spraying fiber particles:

  1. It is necessary to fill the flock into the hopper of the device. Mixing fibers of different shades will allow you to invent a new color. In the latter case, stick to proportions strictly or experiment in advance.
  2. Grasp the metal handle with your bare hand to create a ground connection.
  3. The distance from the nozzle to the work surface is 13 cm, the tool is positioned perpendicularly.
  4. Determine the power according to the fiber size. The smaller the flock fiber, the less power.
  5. Try to distribute the first layer as evenly as possible, remove the rest of the flock with a hairdryer. Repeat the steps of applying and blowing out residues until the finish is as you intended. Often 3 layers are more than enough.
  6. Dry the resulting velvety surface for a day at a temperature of +20 degrees Celsius.
  7. Remove excess fluff again, this time with a brush. Assemble the finished part.


If you are working with this technology for the first time, you should not reproach yourself for the presence of errors and inaccuracies, within an hour after application you can remove the glue layer along with the flock where the defect was found. If unused fibers remain in the tool hopper, they can be poured into a bag and stored until next use. Maintenance of the surface in question is limited to vacuum cleaning. Remember, you cannot save on the quality of materials, since the duration of the service life of the treated surface primarily depends on them.

(2 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

  • simple, different colors;
  • glowing in ultraviolet light;
  • for nail design;
  • furniture;

  • air compressor
  • infrared drying
  • 3D flocking camera
  • silk-screening machine


The main costs will have to be borne at the very beginning.

"Velvet" business - flocking

When the business starts to grow, regular purchases of new technical fixtures will not be required, since all flocking equipment lasts a very long time.

Initial spending:

  • flock - 180 g;
  • depreciation of equipment;
  • marketing and advertising.

Approximate prices for services

Flocking of the car interior

Name Price from rub * unit
from 750 pCS
from 1000 pCS
stand medium standard from 750 pCS
from 1000 pCS
from 1000 pCS
from size pCS
from 2500 pCS
from 3000 pCS
panel from 6000 pCS
ceiling from 5000 m2
other elements from 2500 m2
removal of old flock, fabric from 100 pCS
from 2000 m2

Flocking is the kind of business where there are practically no limits. Having learned how to make simple coatings, you can start decorating your car. Nowadays, wall repair with flock application is in vogue. The material well hides all wall imperfections, is pleasant to the touch, is not subject to fading, moisture, mechanical stress, etc. Did it work? Fine. The next step is mastering 3D images. This is aerobatics, you will need additional equipment, but it's worth it.

Flocking (applying flock to almost any surface)

VAZ train 22-05-2012 15:00

Comrades, I am ready to offer you my flocking services.
The applications of flock are great, almost unlimited ...
Those interested can write in the topic, in the LAN, call 8-960-799-91-sixteen Evgeniy.

What is flock and flocking ???

Flock is a fine pile that resembles dust.

Flocking is the drawing of a flock in an electrostatic field onto a prepared surface and creates an imitation of a textile coating on it.
The main areas of flock application are decorative finishing and technological surface coating. "Velvet" obtained by flocking is smooth, beautiful and durable and can be applied to any material of any hardness, plastic, metal, wood and many others. A well-applied flock gives coatings, in addition to purely decorative properties, new functionality.

1. Thermal insulation

a two-millimeter flock is capable of replacing polystyrene with a thickness of 10 mm, therefore it is used where contact with a hot or very cold surface is possible (electric fireplaces, ski poles).

DIY flocking as a business

Flock prevents the formation of condensation (flocks the tubes of air conditioners);

2. Soundproofing

the average amount of sound absorption by a flocked surface is 13%, therefore flock has found wide application in the decoration of professional recording studios, music rooms, rooms for home theaters, car interiors, sound speakers;

3. Mechanical strength

due to the use of high quality adhesives and flock, the surfaces treated with this material are highly resistant to various damages. The technology is used in the manufacture of floor coverings, guide profiles for car glass, shoe suede, all kinds of rugs in shops, car interiors, and at home.

4. Color fastness

the flocked surface retains its color stability in the active sun for 6-7 years;

5. Fire safety

flock is a highly flammable material, the ignition temperature of various types of flock is 400 - 550 degrees;

6. Resistance to weathering

flock, which retains its properties well under the influence of various weather conditions, is used as a protective coating against the adhesion of shells for yacht bottoms; Flock prevents the formation of condensation (flocks the tubes of air conditioners)

7. Wear resistance

flock is used for underlays for carpets, for covering near-threshold rugs The abrasion of the coating is negligible: after 10,000 friction cycles - only 23 mg (for felt, 732 mg). Chemical resistance - the flocked surface is resistant to weak solvents and is suitable for dry cleaning;

8. Sealing function

widely used for the manufacture of rubber sealing profiles and for aligning tolerances;

9. Ease of care

can be washed and cleaned with ordinary detergents with preservation of the original properties, cleaning with weak solvents, white spirit, gasoline is possible.

10. Protection with flock

Many things require protection and careful handling (for example: the bottom of a ceramic ashtray on a lacquered table top). Flock can take care of this.

Plush 22-05-2012 15:49

it would be very good to give a few examples: I made such and such a thing for so many
with respect,

sotrudnikNKVD 23-05-2012 05:09

Interesting in the light of the impending renovation!

Oleg Olegov 23-05-2012 07:43

just excuse me if I ask nonsense ...
and car seats burned out by a cigarette - can they be repaired using the method you proposed? ...
for example ... in the very "cigarette hole" I will glue a piece of foam rubber and carefully trim / align it ... and you will cover this place with beige flock ... probably even electrostatics are not needed - just apply with a brush ... no? ...
and if there are small traces of a cigarette, then don't bother at all - picked up the color and smeared it with a brush ... will it work like this? ...
i can provide my car for experiments ... a scummy friend burned through ... about 10 holes of different hardness will be typed ...

A-F-A 05/23/2012 08: 00quote: Originally posted by VAZ train:

... Thermal insulation
a two-millimeter flock is capable of replacing polystyrene 10 mm thick,

Vovan_k 23-05-2012 13:23

How much is opium for the people? Announce the price for example per square decimeter ...

big Mac 23-05-2012 16:07

And preferably a photo of the products

KsBB 23-05-2012 16:15

Does it dissolve in alcohol?

afmihnik 23-05-2012 16:57

apnu kamradova theme.

dim99 23-05-2012 17:12

need a sample applied

Brother Evgen 23-05-2012 18:39

how is it applied?
where to look for samples and prices?)

dim99 23-05-2012 18:51

where are you geographically

VAZ train 23-05-2012 18:55

Approximate price tags. Taken from the Novosibirsk office.
I HAVE PRICES BELOW, negotiated individually.

Vehicle interior
1 Door trim from 1500 rubles.
2 Racks from 300 rubles.
3 Front panel from 5000 rubles.
4 Ceiling from 2000 rubles *

5 Restoration of burn-throughs from 300 rubles
6 removal of old flock, fabric from 50 rubles.
7 preparation, recovery from 1600 rubles.
Doors, panels, and other furniture items
1 Furniture elements from 2000 rubles.
2 door frame from 2500 rubles. m2
1 Pens, lighters from 50 rubles. PCS.
2 Folders, diaries, planings, etc. from 100 rubles. PCS.
3 bottles of champagne. from 100 rubles. PCS.
5 lodgements from 20 rubles.
dm *
6 Drawing drawings, inscriptions on paper, textiles.
from 2000 rub. m2 *
Other negotiable. PCS.
Personal computers and org. techniques
1 PC case from 1000 rub. PCS.
2 Mouse from 300 rubles. PCS.
3 Keyboard from 500 rubles. PCS.
4 Other 2000 rub. m2

VAZ train 23-05-2012 19: 23quote: Originally posted by dim99:

i need a piece to apply on the sample roughly 10 * 10cm black.
where are you geographically

Geographically KSM Matveevka. I work in Dzerzhinsky.
Do you need a sample to check, feel so to speak? Or figure it out somewhere?
The question is, I will have black only after the weekend. Today I can make it beautiful blue. If it doesn't fit, you'll have to wait a bit.

In general, I will make samples of a flocked surface, and distribute it to anyone interested. Well, I have a catalog of types and lengths of flock, but, unfortunately, in one copy (

dim99 24-05-2012 05:19

let blue

BBC 24-05-2012 06:11

7 bmw
Ceiling and side pillars, with my dismantling and preparation. Color - light gray.

What price tag will come out?

Vovan_k 24-05-2012 09:12

The technology of applying flock is quite simple - an adhesive base is applied to the surface under the flock, an electromagnetic field is created under the surface, particles of the flock from a special sprayer, under the influence of an electromagnetic field, are "stuck" into the adhesive base. Like with painting - the technology is simple, but not everyone succeeds….
Flock is a finely cut synthetic thread. Under the action of some solvents - acetone, etc. - "melts". I studied the topic a couple of years ago, but decided that it was not for me ...
Question to the author of the branch - is it very different from factory parts on a car? In terms of the thickness and length of the villi ...

VAZ train 05-24-2012 18: 43quote: Originally posted by Vovan_k:

from factory parts on a car, is it very different? In terms of the thickness and length of the villi ...

I suspect that there are no uniform "factory" standards for the length and thickness of the villi, from different manufacturers and countries. VAZ train 24-05-2012 18: 48quote: Originally posted by dim99:

let blue

I'll have some samples done by Monday and give them out.

quote: Originally posted by BBC:

7 bmw
Ceiling and side pillars, with my dismantling and preparation. Color - light gray.

What price tag will come out?

Do you have glue for applying flock to fabric? There, the inner lining of the hatch is made of fabric, stretched over the frame.

Do you stock up on flock at floxservice?))

I'll just take the materials. I think it will be useful to develop clients and reviews)
There is no glue for the fabric, but it is bait.
Yes, I stock up in it myself.

VAZ train 26-05-2012 14:07

Coating samples will be ready tomorrow morning.
If you are interested, you can write to me and receive a flocked sample.

Flocking orders are also searched. As I wrote above, in order to attract customers and positive feedback about my work, the price is nowhere lower, only consumables and materials are paid. Not a ruble for work.

A million applications!

Last_pioneer 27-05-2012 08:30quote: Interested people can write to me and receive a flocked sample
Yesterday, while moving from the cave to the hydroelectric power station and back, we discussed with BIGALEXT the possibility of flocking the MP-61, or just the trunk, in pink ...
First for a joke, then ... and why not ... a kind of glamorous pneuma ... still to issue rhinestones ...))) VAZ train 27-05-2012 08:34

It will be glamorous)))
If you think about it, write, I'll do it in the best possible way. I can give you a sample of the coating.
Feel, maybe you want to flock something else.

VAZ train 27-05-2012 08:35

Flock coated samples are ready and ready to be given away.

Xpomou 27-05-2012 18:50

Interesting topic!

must not lose !!!

VAZ train 28-05-2012 04:56

Thanks for the AP!

GrayT 29-05-2012 13:48

Interesting topic.
Once the guys from the Tomsk region gave such a lighter, so interesting to the touch
By the way, is it possible to apply a picture using such a method? To make the colors different?

VAZ train 29-05-2012 18:53

Much is possible. It depends on what drawing. How many colors? He is not an artist himself, so an option is possible, throw me a sketch, because you need a stencil.

P.S. I flocked my phone (Nokia is simple), so I don't want to let go of my hands.))

GrayT 30-05-2012 06:04

Can you write soap here, in a personal? I'll throw off the logo, see if it's possible or not. If so, I will send information about such a souvenir to the authorities.
Well, I put a tick for myself, for all sorts of gifts, unusual, very interesting contraption.

VAZ train 30-05-2012 19:01

I wrote you a PM.

VAZ train 01-06-2012 14:13

Gentlemen, what a lull?
Ask questions, submit a topic, offer a job)))

VAZ train 08-06-2012 13:35

BBC 08-06-2012 14:38

As soon as I assemble the body, I will immediately take up the interior. I will address

VAZ train 08-06-2012 17:42

Contact of course! What kind of car?

puleulovitel 08-06-2012 18:31

Can you please tell me how he sits on the skin of the car?

VAZ train 08-06-2012 18:48

With the right preparation, it's great to go to bed.

P.S. address to "you".

puleulovitel 08-06-2012 19:42

Forgive me, I am not familiar with you, so I cannot call you.
Not in my rules.
Thank you for your answer, I will decide - I will turn to you.

VAZ train 08-06-2012 20:05

Serg 70 13-06-2012 10:33

And if you cover the inside of the weapon case? And then I have it primitively plastic! Maybe?


VAZ train 13-06-2012 11:57

Of course available! Many cases for different things are flocked inside.
You just need to look at what kind of plastic the case is made of, it's just that some types of plastic require a little more complex preparation. Well, think so, ask))
To sort you for the price, you would send me a photo to see the form size.

Serg 70 13-06-2012 13:00

Today I will try to take a photo. Case - from under the combi Zoli.

VAZ train 13-06-2012 13:12

So I'll look at the photo, otherwise the Zoli combi is nothing to me)))

klest 13-06-2012 13: 34quote: otherwise the Zoli combi is nothing to me)))

ps combination shotgun from Antonio Zoli - probably ?!

VAZ train 13-06-2012 15: 18quote: Originally posted by klest:

Antonio Zoli

They also didn't tell me about anything))) Well, I'm not a hunter !!! VAZ train 26-06-2012 12:55

I'll raise the topic!

nsk9 03-08-2012 12:18

Hello, what is the abrasion resistance of the flock? As nonsense, I think to flock the clip for the scabbard, because it is not "fringed" the edges of the pockets.

VAZ train 03-08-2012 18:55

To start with the coming you !!!
And what material is the sheath clip made of? In general, flock is quite abrasion resistant.

nsk9 03-08-2012 22:15

The clip is metal, oxidized by what method h.z, the clip is removed from the PM holster.

VAZ train 04-08-2012 04:44

The flock will fall on the metal, but high-quality preparation and priming of the part is needed.

The flocking process itself is the application of small, fleecy fibers of cotton, wool, flock, velvet, etc., to almost any surface, using an electrostatic field. This is done using a specialized device - a flocator. The principle of operation is quite simple - the generator generates a small voltage, which in turn is applied to the electrode.

As a result, the charged flock flies out with a given force and is evenly distributed over the surface. In order for the pile to firmly adhere to the material and to form the necessary patterns, the surface is covered with glue. The most suitable in terms of price, quality, and ease of use are Russian-made manual flokators. The choice must be made based on the power of the device. Another important point is that the power must be adjustable, then the flokator is suitable for processing small parts and for large flat surfaces.

The second most important component for flocking technology is glue. It must be purchased depending on which surface you plan to use: plastic, glass, metal, as well as soft items, such as upholstery for furniture, etc.

And finally, the flock itself, and here just the Russian one will not work. It can be different:

  • simple, different colors;
  • glowing in ultraviolet light;
  • for nail design;
  • furniture;
  • polyester, water-repellent.

Where flocking is applied

The scope for application of flock coating is unlimited. These are various small souvenirs (lighters, boxes, boxes, toys, etc.), doors (wooden and metal), clothes (inscriptions and drawings), refrigerators, cell phones and cases for them, laptops, tablets, system units for computers and many other things.

The main category of application (and the most profitable) is cars. You can flock all the plastic parts of the interior, trim, panel. Not only is it incredibly beautiful, but also practical: noise and heat insulation is increased. As a result, the car will be transformed beyond recognition.

But there is a small nuance here - it is necessary not only to imagine what flocking technology is, but also to understand cars (or find an assistant who understands cars). After all, the parts on which the flock will be applied must be dismantled, and later installed in place. It is not recommended to apply the material to parts that have any defect: chips, scratches, cracks. All this must be leveled, eliminated. In the future, the flock will simply preserve the part and it will not crack either under mechanical or thermal exposure.

How to start a flocking business

To equip a workshop for a business, you will need a separate room. In such production, special fibers (viscose, polyamide, acrylic, polyester) and special glue for flocking are used, therefore good ventilation and a certain level of humidity are needed, since when the pile dries, it does not lay down correctly. For these purposes, a warehouse, garage, etc. may well be suitable.

The required equipment depends on the initially chosen flocking direction. As a rule, it includes the following tools:

  • electroflocator (apparatus for applying flock)
  • air compressor
  • infrared drying
  • 3D flocking camera
  • silk-screening machine
  • spray guns, sets of painting tools.

This equipment can be used for different types of flocking: in a small workshop, and in large production, and for walls, and for a car.


The main costs will have to be borne at the very beginning. When the business starts to grow, regular purchases of new technical fixtures will not be required, since all flocking equipment lasts a very long time.

Initial spending:

  • electroflocator (a device that costs about 14,000 rubles). You can choose, for example, on the sites: flokservis.ru, swissflock.ru or Aliexpress.
  • air compressor (7,000 - 16,000 rubles);
  • infrared drying (7,000 - 55,000 rubles);
  • cameras for 3D flocking (8,500 rubles);
  • silk-screening machine (7,000 - 16,000 rubles);
  • spray guns, sets of painting tools, squeegees (about 5,000 rubles).

In addition, flocking requires consumables. If the business goes well, they will have to be purchased regularly. The estimated price is:

  • flocking glue - 700 rubles / kilogram;
  • flock - from 1200 rubles / kilogram.

It should be borne in mind that the assortment of pile colors must contain at least 8 - 10 items. If the business is aimed at decorative design, for example, nails, then even more. And only a few basic shades are required to process the car.

In general, to start working on materials, you need to spend about 10,000 rubles. In the future, the costs will depend on the specifics of the work. So, much more material will be spent on flocking surfaces of a large area than on finishing nails, boxes or a car dashboard.

If flocking is a completely new activity for you that you will perform with your own hands, then a certain part of the material will have to be spent on trial work in order to understand what it is, acquire stable skills and grasp all the subtleties of technology. In the future, the size of purchases will be determined depending on the volume of work.

The profitability of the flocking business

For any business to be successful, it must be profitable. In this regard, flocking is a rather profitable type of business.

Material consumption for flocking surfaces per 1 sq.m. is roughly:

  • flock - 180 g;
  • flocking glue - 200 g.

Thus, the cost of materials for one square meter is about 350 rubles. To this amount are added the costs of:

  • the salary of a designer and foreman (if you do not do the work exclusively with your own hands);
  • rental of premises and a car;
  • depreciation of equipment;
  • marketing and advertising.

These costs, even on an industrial scale, will be insignificant, and if the flocking of designer items is carried out with their own hands, then they are estimated several times more than their cost price. This is due to the fact that such production assumes the calculation of the price per 1 square centimeter, and not per square meter. Its cost depends on various factors: season, region, originality, artistic value and demand, so it can be up to 20 rubles per 1 sq. Cm. Works without a designer are also highly valued. For example, flocking a car costs about 17,000 rubles.

The main advantage in this case is the lack of widespread distribution of this technology in our country. This will allow you to independently determine the pricing policy and regulate your profits. Therefore, with a competent approach, a flocking business can become very profitable.

Approximate prices for services

Flocking of the car interior

Name Price from rub * unit
windshield pillar standard from 750 pCS
large windshield pillar (double, long, etc.) from 1000 pCS
stand medium standard from 750 pCS
medium large stand (double, long, etc.) from 1000 pCS
rear rack standard (sedan) from 1000 pCS
large rear rack (station wagon, jeep, etc.) from size pCS
door card (car with 4 doors) from 2500 pCS
door card (car with 2 doors) from 3000 pCS
panel from 6000 pCS
ceiling from 5000 m2
other elements from 2500 m2
removal of old flock, fabric from 100 pCS
preparation, surface restoration from 2000 m2

Development prospects in flock business

Flocking is the kind of business where there are practically no limits. Having learned how to make simple coatings, you can start decorating your car.

Flock coating

Nowadays, wall repair with flock application is in vogue. The material well hides all wall imperfections, is pleasant to the touch, is not subject to fading, moisture, mechanical stress, etc. Did it work? Fine. The next step is mastering 3D images. This is aerobatics, you will need additional equipment, but it's worth it.

Home / Flocking technologies / Bottle flocking

Bottles (exclusive alcoholic beverages)


For flocking bottles, polyamide flock of various lengths is used: 0.5 mm, 0.75 mm, 1 mm.

Flock can be reused for 2-4 cycles. Excess flock is collected from the work table and poured into the flock bunker. The color scheme can be different at the request of the Customer (see.


standard color grading).

Flock of different colors can be mixed (gray with black, black with dark blue, etc.). The shades obtained by mixing the flock differ from the shades obtained by mixing the paint. Compatibility of individual colors and mixing proportions are determined experimentally. It is not recommended to mix more than 3 flock colors. Flock of different colors can have slightly different volatility, which can affect the color quality of the flock coating.

Flock must be stored in a dark room in a tightly closed container. Filling with water, freezing (temperature drop below 00C), strong heating and fading lead to irreversible changes, i.e. to spoil the flock. The optimal storage conditions for the flock are tightly closed containers (a tied plastic bag placed in a cardboard box).

The approximate consumption of flock is 150 - 200 g / m2. For beginner flockers, a little more is possible. The approximate area of \u200b\u200ban average bottle is approximately 0.1 m. Accordingly, you need to lay at least 15 - 20 grams.

Gluing and flocking.

Flocking of bottles, as a rule, is a large-scale production and therefore, in order to achieve quality, it is necessary to carefully observe the technological process and work only with special flocking adhesives. We recommend glues from the German company SNT or BEZEMA (Switzerland). An added property of flocking glue is electrical conductivity and normalized open time (the time during which, from the moment of application, a polymer film forms on the glue surface). Adhesives based on polyurethane resins TUBICOLL 1510 or UMONIL1500 are recommended for flocking bottles (see Preliminary Information). The glue is applied by brush or dipping. With a circulation of up to 1000 pcs. more convenient to apply with a brush. The open time of these types of adhesives is 20 minutes.

Products must be dried for at least 24 hours at room temperature. With forced drying, the drying time can be reduced to 8 hours. It is recommended to use special drying racks. A certain difficulty is the label, or rather its gluing. When flocking a bottle with an already glued label, it is almost impossible to get a clear outline around the label. We recommend that you apply the glue to the entire bottle, then put the label on the same glue and flock. It is more convenient to work with an empty bottle - it is much easier. But in practice it is difficult to implement, since there are hygienic restrictions on the condition of the bottles before bottling.

The bottles are usually held by the neck. To do this, you need to make a special holder. The bottom of the bottle is usually not flocked. Gluing and flocking of one item with a hand flocator will take 2-3 minutes on average.

Flock coating

Covering with flock (pile) provides the effect of velvet, suede or carpet. It can be applied to almost any material: leather, concrete, plastic, metal, glass, wood, fabric, film materials, etc.

Flocking perfectly gives a more modern design to the interior of the apartment, furniture, car interior, shoes, clothes, various cases and boxes. Flock coatings can be used for various souvenir and New Year products, children's toys, boxes, handbags, display boards, display shelves, artificial flowers, toilet seats, picture and mirror frames, and much more.

Such a coating tolerates temperatures up to 100 degrees well, has properties that absorb noise, protects against condensation, and is quite durable.

Sale of flockers and consumables for flocking

Its thickness ranges from 0.5 mm to 3 cm, depending on the type (for example, it is carpet or suede) flock.

Business plan: Flock coating technology does not require large expenses from you to start your own business. And the initial investment will pay off pretty quickly.

To work, you need to purchase specialized equipment - a flocking apparatus. There are a number of devices of different modifications, designed for flocking of various products, produced by many enterprises.

LLC "Auto-Flok" (St. Petersburg) offers several types of flockers. You can purchase a mini-flocking device AF-1R at a price of 12 thousand rubles (prices are based on 20007 g) designed for flocking products of a simple shape of small sizes (emblems), or a universal manual device for flocking AF-ZR at a price of 18 thousand rubles, made in three modifications differing in design and some functionality (they have a control unit, a device for measuring the quality of flock). The AF-ZR device is designed for flocking of any small parts (flat and embossed). The device contains a source of an electric field and a hand tool connected to it with a cable, two replaceable bunkers for flock. Flokator AF-100 has a portable design, is easy to transport, can be installed on a table, on the floor, etc.

Electro-pneumatic flocking devices EPF-1, 2 are designed for flocking parts with a complex surface, especially with deep internal cavities, as well as for flocking walls, ceilings, etc. The EPF contains a flock metering hopper, a system for pneumatic flock feeding to a working tool, a high voltage source, and a control panel. The device is quite suitable for flocking the car interior. The cost of the EPF-1 is 36 thousand rubles, the EPF-2 is 62 thousand rubles.

All devices operate from a 220 V network, have a maximum flocking voltage of 100 V, a maximum operating current of 100 μA, power consumption for AF-ZR is 10 W, for others - 0.5 kW.

In addition to devices, the company manufactures automatic flocking units UV-0.6, UV-1.2, UV-1.8 (large) at the cost of 92, 136 and 180 thousand rubles, respectively. They are intended for automatic flocking of flat and slightly embossed parts (finely embossed, slightly embossed). The maximum width of the products flocked on the installations is 0.6 m, 1.2 m and 1.8 m, respectively. The productivity of the installations is 1 m / min. Power consumption is respectively 0.8 kW, 1.2 kW and 1.6 kW.

According to your order, the company can manufacture special equipment for flocking various products: lodgements for packaging, bottles, car upholstery parts, special installations for flocking ritual ribbons, etc.

LLC "Kontur-Flok" offers similar equipment for flocking: manual flocking device FR-01, designed for small-scale products, textiles, interior decoration; industrial flock machine FJ 600 (400), designed for flocking the surfaces of various parts, sheet and roll materials; various measuring devices used in flocking, as well as imported equipment.

Kirov-Stroyindustriya LLC offers a flocking device for 16,900 rubles (2007 prices), as well as a technology for assembling a flocking device for 550 rubles on an advance payment, for 700 rubles - when sending documents by cash on delivery. The device is assembled from available domestic parts, assembly is carried out at home. The manufacture of one device costs about 1,500 rubles (excluding the cost of the assembly scheme and technology). The flocking technology is very simple.

The surface of the product is smeared with a stencil with a brush or roller through a stencil, which should correspond to the lubricated material, for example, acrylic for fabrics, and PVA for wood materials. Glue is consumed about 150 g per square meter, flock is consumed 100 grams per square meter. m. Then flocking is done with the appropriate equipment, while the flock villi with the help of an electric field fly up to the product and stick to the surface, which can be both embossed and flat. At the end, everything is properly dried, you can dry it in an oven, determining the temperature depending on the type of glue.

Consumables here are flock and glue. The glue is selected depending on the material to be flocked and on the requirements for the coating (water resistance, mechanical strength, etc.). For flocking wood materials, PVA glue, carbamide resins, various paints are used, for flocking plastics, polyurethane, epoxy adhesives are used, and acrylic glue is used for flocking fabrics. Domestic and German-made adhesives of various types (polyurethane, water-based, epoxy) at a price of 200-800 rubles / kg can be purchased from an equipment supplier in OOO Avto-Flock.

Flock is a cut and chemically treated nylon fiber. The length of the villi is 0.5-2 mm. The color range of the flock is very wide (over 36 colors). In order to obtain different shades, you can mix multi-colored flock. It is produced in Russia (St. Petersburg) and abroad (Germany, Switzerland, Italy, USA, etc.). Depending on the products that need to be flocked, the type of device, flock and glue composition are selected.

Flock consumption - 120-150 g / m2. The prime cost of flocking 1 sq. cm on average is 1.5 kopecks. Usually, flocking the rear parcel shelf of a car costs about 700 rubles.

Recommendations. You can offer your services to your regional enterprises, or you can make your own products, buying in bulk, for example, fabric products, refining them with a flock coating and selling them in bulk at a difference in price.
If you have enough money to purchase the device, there is an option with its own assembly, the technology of which can be bought from the developers. Advertise your service in local media.

Initial costs: 5-15 thousand rubles.
Monthly income: up to 500% of the cost.

Business ideas - production of goods

Flocking at home.

Many people want to do flocking, produce flocking at home... Here I brought one cognitive list to help, I think it will help you estimate the amount of necessary funds and materials.

This list displays the number of necessary things and materials that are needed to get started " flocking business ". The list has been compiled on the basis of my own previous experience and my purely personal opinion on the matter.

The list does not include the costs of registration (as an individual entrepreneur), preparation of the premises (insulation, additional lighting and heating), advertising, etc. Only tools and materials are listed. With such a set of tools and materials, you can try in your room (even on the balcony - it happens) flocking "To taste" and later decide (after 4 - 6 months after the start, you can already think further) - is it worth doing this in the future and then buy the necessary things and consumables.

Name…. Price for 1 unit in rubles ….. Amount …. Amount…. My explanation

flocator 15,000 ... .. 1 ... .. 15,000
For example, we took a flocator FR-01 (Lipetsk production). In my opinion, this is the best value for money. Flokator

flock 1 200… .. 4 …… 4 800
Flock polyamide Swiss in 1 mm. For a start, 4 kg of flock of different colors is enough. I would advise you to choose from: blue, black, gray, red.

Do-it-yourself flocking / How to start a flocking business?

Consumption - 1 kg. 6 sq.m. Flock

flocking adhesive 1040… ..2… .. 2080
For example, the glue "Unonil 1500" is taken. To start work, 2 liters will be enough. High quality German glue. Consumption - 1 liter. 5 sq.m.

hairdryer (household) 400…. 1 ... .. 400
A regular hair dryer for drying hair, but it can still blow off flock from flocked parts. A very useful thing and not expensive, it will be able to replace the compressor. It is desirable that the hair dryer has the ability to turn off the heating element - so that unheated air blows.

brushes 20 ... .. 5 ... .. 100
Take brushes "for water emulsion" - they are best suited for flocking (the pile crumbles less, it is easier to make an even adhesive layer), although they are a little more expensive, but if desired, they can be washed from glue residues in acetone. Most popular width - 5 cm.For flocking ceilings or entire door cards - 8 - 10 cm

epoxy adhesive 180…. .1 ... .. 180
Not prevent

putty on fiber 150…. 1…. 150
Not prevent

scotch tape 30…. 2 ... .. 60
Take just office tape, which is brown (color, it is better seen on the details). You can buy a special car, but the stationery is the most versatile (suitable for a variety of situations)

gasoline 20 per 1 liter ... ... 1 ... .. 20
Sometimes it can be used as a substitute for White Spirit, gasoline is cheaper.

acetone 60 for 0.6 l ... ... 1 ... .. 60
It is mainly needed for washing hands and brushes from dried glue.

White spirit 40 for 0.6 l .... 1 …… 40
It is a weak solvent. Compared to acetone, White Spirit is not so caustic for coatings - it can even wipe a flocked surface after the flocked surface is completely dry.

automotive primer in cans 190 for 0.8 kg… .. 2…. 380
It is mainly used for impregnating wood and fabric elements before flocking. You can take PF (it's cheaper), but av. The primer dries much faster

skin with different grain size 3 x 0.5 m ... ... 200
You can take grain for 80, 120, 140. You don't need a lot of skins. Plastic, unlike iron, does not destroy the grain of the skin so quickly. A piece of 10 by 10 cm may be enough to sand the entire torpedo.

OTHER - - 3000
I did not include such simple tools as scissors, screwdrivers, knives (I think everyone has such things). It takes about that much money to arrange a little workshop. to design a flocking table and make a rack (buy galvanized sheet, plywood, cellophane).

* * * * *

As you can see from the list, the biggest costs go to flocator + flock + flocking adhesive \u003d about 22,000 rubles. Everything else totals as much as 4,500 rubles. TOTAL: about 26,000 rubles to organize YOUR small business. If flocking a car interior costs about 15,000 rubles, then a flocking operator will get 8,000 - 10,000 rubles "clean".

Believe it or not, you won't be able to save on a flocator. Making quality coatings not a quality appliance is like manually painting rolls of wallpaper in a paper mill. If desired, a high-quality device can be sold, flockators are in demand in the secondary market.

I advise you to stop believing in miracles. Only in fairy tales, "Vani" without doing anything, drive around on the stoves and they have everything "chicks - bunches" literally in half a day. "Working" schemes of flokators on the Internet - they are not there, there are schemes with errors. Errors in the schemes are laid initially and deliberately (the quick-witted will understand why, I give a "tip" - flocator subject to state. production certification). If you have any doubts about this, you can write me a question on my email. mail - we will discuss with you.

To train (to develop the skill of flocking), you can first use wood (any clean, sanded surface, for example, plywood) or empty glass bottles will do. For training on wood, nitro varnish is suitable (so as not to waste expensive glue!). Nitrolac costs 140 rubles. for 1 kg. jar, but for glass and plastic, it will not work.

If you work hard, then deserved "results" await you, and shame and disgrace for loafers.

Good luck to everyone, thank you for your attention ...

Most popular questions from beginner flockers + my answers

flocking - business plan

Flocking is the transformation of any surface into a velvety and pleasant to the touch. This niche is free to start your own promising project, since popularity is just emerging. This type of business requires a minimum of investment, both material and mental. For this business, there is no need to graduate from courses or get a higher education, but all costs will be paid off in the shortest possible time.

Flocking of a car interior is the process of applying small drags of cotton, wool or velvet using an electrostatic field. This procedure is carried out using a special device - a flocator. This is a generator that generates a low voltage and supplies it to the electrode.

Ultimately, the flock for the flockator will fly out with the necessary force and evenly spread over the working surface. For high-quality fixing on the material, the surface is covered with high-quality glue.

Our business valuation:

Initial investment - 50,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The complexity of starting a business is 1/10.

What do you need to start your own business?

Before starting work, you should study, select and buy flocking equipment: flocking device, flocking glue
and material. If you live in a big city, then there will be no problems with this question. Otherwise, you will have to purchase materials through the Internet in large cities, since many in small villages do not know about such a project.

The choice of premises for work is no less important issue. It is highly discouraged to work at home, as the glue has an unpleasant specific odor and dries for a long time. It is important that the selected room is warm and dry. Otherwise, you can work in the winter. When designing a room, it is necessary to install a work table with grounding, as well as normal ventilation. Quality lighting is important. All this will require minimal costs, which will pay off in the shortest possible time. How much does it cost to open this business? Investments here are minimal and limited to the need to purchase materials for work.

It takes practice to work quickly and efficiently. It is with her that experience and skill will come to you. This way you can spend a minimum amount of time on preparatory work. If you are a creative person, you can be very creative with ideas for work and offer clients unique projects. Otherwise, the Internet will help you, where there are a lot of interesting ideas and suggestions. So how to do flocking yourself?

The flocking technology is simple, but practice is required to ensure that the products are flawless. Different materials have their own length of villi, density and fit of application. It will take some time to do the job efficiently and quickly, and experience will come.

What can you offer your clients?

  • flocking of walls;
  • auto flocking;
  • flocking of photo frames;
  • flocking of bottles and paintings.

What do you need to know about the flocking process?

Flocking originated in China, where the entire process was done by hand. Today, work is carried out using a flockator, which gives the villi a negative charge and sprays them over the surface, securing the result with a strong glue. You can buy a flocator in specialized stores or online.

The work includes the following steps:

  • choice of coating surface;
  • drawing a picture;
  • glue application;
  • flock application;
  • product drying process.

It is important to do all actions as carefully and accurately as possible. Only in this case the final result will look perfect and not have any flaws. Practice will help you with this and over time your work will be flawless the first time. Be aware that the price of a flocator depends on the power and manufacturer.

The nuances of choosing equipment

We recommend a Russian-made manual flockator. It is easy to use, has an optimal cost and meets all the necessary parameters of quality and reliability. It is necessary to choose a product based on its power. The device must be able to adjust it. In this case, you can work with both small and large surfaces, which will expand the scope of your activity.

Glue is an essential part of the job. His choice should be taken seriously. It should be selected based on the surface on which the work is planned: glass, ceramics, metal, plastic or furniture.

And the most important element is the flock itself. You can buy flock for flocking on the Internet. It can be of several types:

  • multi-colored;
  • with elements that glow under ultraviolet light;
  • for use in nail design;
  • furniture;
  • water repellent.

Flock must be of good quality and it is desirable to give preference to foreign manufacturers. As practice shows, they are more reliable, and the material will be durable and of high quality.

What are the advantages of flocked surfaces?

  • Excellent surface appearance for a long service life. Flocking is able to make an original thing with an attractive appearance from an old thing. You can also change the color scheme of your favorite item and give it a new look;
  • Flock does not spoil during temperature fluctuations and look great even in the heat, even in the cold. Protective functions allow it to be used under any conditions.

Today flocking is gaining popularity and demand in the market. It is you who can organize a profitable business with minimal investment, which will bring you an adequate level of income. When choosing materials for flocking, pay attention to reviews.

Where is flocking applied?

The application is wide enough and it is difficult even to cover all areas where this direction is relevant and in demand. Let's consider the main options:

Business prospects and features

The flocking business is a business where there are no limits. If you learn to create simple coatings, then the question will only be in the perfection of your skill. You can move on to more complex design projects that have a higher cost and value.

Flock wall decoration is becoming fashionable today, where you can show imagination and design vein. With a finish made of this material, surface defects can be hidden. It is very pleasant to the touch and looks original. If you can use it to create 3D pictures, then you are guaranteed success. Love your job and put your soul into it. It is important to choose a quality flocking machine.

Advertising campaign and search for potential customers

First of all, you can offer your services in various shops and shopping centers, where the maximum number of people passes. It is also quite logical to create advertising pages on social networks and on local platforms. After the start of practical work, with high-quality performance, advertising will be in the form of word of mouth, where clients will tell their friends and acquaintances about your activities. It will be superfluous to distribute flyers to attract your first customers.


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