Production studio business plan. Studio8: How a video studio took clients away from the majors. Business organization stages

When it comes to big money, it is difficult to deal with this, so Shumov founded his video production studio, where small companies with modest budgets can apply.

One client gave us the following task: “I want this oil to be driven into the brains of these damn consumers so that they wake up in a terrible sweat at night and remember the name”

This analogy shows how our market works: the result is approximately the same, but the cost differs significantly.

We decided to focus on small clients also because when you work with small and medium-sized businesses, you communicate with the CEO or another person who makes a decision. And in large business, interaction takes place with a brand manager, often poorly educated in the field of production. Often he tries to realize his ambitions through you, as well as express his complexes.

Once we were preparing a script for a client. One, two ... ten. And each time the client didn’t accept the offers and made a scandal. Eventually someone found information that the brand manager had been figure skating as a child. We wrote a script based on figure skating, and the client immediately approved it. That is, formally, this creativity did not improve in any way. But the client felt a familiar glade, could actively participate in the discussion of production details from the standpoint of an expert.

Income and staff

Studio8's monthly turnover is several million rubles. Our markup is small, but there is enough income to live in peace. Of course, I have plans that require money: for example, I want to shoot my full-length film - the script is now in Hollywood, being edited by the script doctor, I wrote it for six years. To make a film, I need at least $ 300,000- $ 400,000. Well, I'll find it slowly. By the way, a Hollywood editor is cheaper than a Russian one.

We do not have copywriters and screenwriters on the staff: it is more convenient to find them for a project. There are nine people in total, and if tasks require instant solutions, I sit down and prepare the sketches myself.

Business features

The client sits down, flips through the storyboard and, with a serious face - sort of like finding a problem in the script - asks: "So, I just didn't understand one thing: why do we have the first frame lasting one second, the second two, the third three?" After a pause, she is answered: "Because this is the numbering of frames in order."

If you talk to producers who have been working for the majors all their lives, they will tell completely cretinous and clinical things. The simplest task may come, for which shooting in an ordinary apartment is suitable, but the client will say: we want it to be a mansion, and outside the window you can see Monaco. Then we say: let's do it through the chroma key, it will cost much cheaper. But they answer: no, everything must be authentic, otherwise the viewer will not believe. And they fly to Monaco. And of course, the brand manager never minds flying at the expense of the company - the further the better.

What else is bad to work with large clients. Almost all of them crush production with 100 percent postpay. This means that you shoot an expensive video at your own expense, but you get money, if you're very lucky, 30 days after filming.

The manufacturer takes loans and expects to give them back faster, but he will never sue. Because if a client owes $ 300,000 and hasn't paid for four months, he can continue to order videos further. If you sue and win, you won't get more orders from him. This is the sword of Damocles: the larger the client, the fattier the profit and the more you are afraid of losing it.

One small business client gave us the following task: "I want this oil to be driven into the brains of these damn consumers so that they wake up in a terrible sweat at night and remember the name." This is an understandable task, and based on it, we ourselves come up with a script and choose a shooting location in order to solve it most effectively.

We initially tried to work with those who save money. Or with those who for some reason want to optimize their budget. This was the case, for example, with the Tsaritsyno meat-packing plant. We made four videos for the price of two. The client was satisfied, and we got a mini-series from the life of the plant.

Never work with bandits and psychopaths. Whatever profit the project promises - do not work with mentally ill people. The project is guaranteed to go into endless revisions and alterations, your expenses will grow in multiples of what was previously planned, and the nervous system will burn out by about 30% of the total volume of work. No money is worth it.

Concentrate on your strengths. Do not think in the style of "and I also dance - if only they pay." Do you like graphics? Take care of it. Do you like special effects? Concentrate on them. Shooting weddings? Be the best at it.

*The article is over 8 years old. May contain outdated data

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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Your own business with minimal investment - video production studio.

1. What does a production studio do and what services are most popular with customers?

  • -production of advertising and promotional video clips.
  • -shooting of corporate (presentation films).
  • -and even filming weddings, birthdays and other events.
It makes no sense to consider in detail each service separately in this article, since you can find more than enough information on this topic on the Internet. We will tell you what the prospects and specifics of this or that direction are.
To begin with, you need to decide at what level you are ready to work. If you decide to shoot weddings and birthdays, then know that this is the least profitable and prestigious level. There are a lot of such "production studios in one person". Even the whole ocean.
Shooting corporate videos (or presentation films, as some say, to hide what they are shooting, corporate video) is a bit higher than the previous one. Of course, you can decide to work at this level as well. But in the end, you will spend more energy and nerves than creating a commercial that is shorter than a corporate video, and usually brings more profit.
So, we are left with the production of commercials. Taking into account the current situation in the country, in other words the crisis, we must understand that many companies are cutting their costs. But no matter how costs are cut, firms need to promote their products. This is where the internet comes in. This is a huge audience, the possibility of targeting (choosing who the advertisement will be shown to) and a low cost of placement (in comparison with TV and radio). You can post commercials both on your website and in social media. networks, youtube. In addition, the requirements for a commercial are decreasing - what can be posted on YouTube cannot always be shown on TV.
Based on the above, we advise you to start with this particular niche, since in addition to creating an advertising video, as a bonus, you can offer the promotion of a client's advertising video in social media. networks (which does not require any expenses if you are an active user of social networks or keep your blog).

2. What costs are needed to organize a video production studio?

2.1 Creation of your site.
Depends on your budget - you can, of course, order a website from a web studio, but we want a minimum investment, right? So, you can use the services of companies that host sites for free (and in return leave a banner on your site). But the social group is quite enough. networks and placement on freelance sites (yes, yes, firms are also located there).

2.2 personnel selection.
Without investment - again, we go to freelance sites.
Not a bad option to attract undergraduate students (after all, they need to create a portfolio ;-)).

2.3 Equipment.

We hasten to please you - you don't need to buy it (because it costs crazy money). Consider renting movie equipment. (And what to rent for, you ask? Take an advance from the customer - this is a common practice).

2.4 Portfolio or showreel.
At the initial stage, there are always problems with the portfolio (because we simply have nothing to put there). Therefore, be sure to remove the showreel, at least for a minute or two - this is an opportunity to somehow show what you are capable of. (to make it clear what it is and what it looks like, we will give an illustrative example).\u003d0&controls\u003d1&showinfo\u003d0;autoplay\u003d1
Hint - students will help to film the show. Almost free, and of high quality.

3. Pricing.

To roughly navigate the prices, as well as to study in more detail what and who you need to shoot an advertising video, you can familiarize yourself with the detailed estimate for shooting a video. (in the application).

Good luck in your endeavors.

In this material:

In recent years, video filming and video support of events have enjoyed enviable popularity. Almost no wedding can do without it today, the services of a videographer are in demand at corporate parties, anniversaries and other festive events. The business plan for opening a video studio implies a thorough analysis of the competitors' market, clear planning of the phased organization and registration of a business, a list of necessary equipment and requirements for the formation of a staff, as well as an analysis of the financial indicators of a business project.

Description of the business idea, project goals

The video studio is classified as a business project, the organization and development of which is difficult without proper experience in doing business in this area. In the absence of experience in organizing video services, it is recommended to open a franchise business, but in this case, you will be limited both financially and in the ability to make independent, independent decisions regarding the further development of the studio.

The need for a clear and thorough analysis of the regional market for video services offers is due to the direct impact on the success of the project and the need for effective participation in the competition. In many regions of the country, a situation has developed with the lack of high-quality professional video filming, as a result of which a novice entrepreneur does not have to face a high level of competition. Often in such regions, professional video filming services are additionally provided by the local TV company.

Description of video studio services

The list of video studio services is formed depending on the quality and duration of shooting with the participation of one or several operators of the following events:

  • weddings, weddings, discharge from the hospital, christening;
  • corporate parties, significant holidays of organizations and enterprises;
  • anniversaries, birthdays;
  • regional holidays and significant events;
  • shooting of amateur cinema to order;
  • video support of events in school institutions and organizations of higher professional education;
  • other.

Business organization stages

Video studio registration, taxation

A suitable form of business entity is registration of an individual entrepreneur without forming a legal entity. This form is sufficient for carrying out activities, and there will be no need to form and regularly submit complex accounting and financial statements. Registration of a license for the provision of video support and video filming services is not required. For individual entrepreneurs, there is a simplified taxation system that provides a choice of two tax rates: 6% on the total income or 15% on the profit.

Hardware and software

The main part of the estimate of the initial investment of the video studio business project and the foundation of the company's successful activity is high-quality expensive professional video equipment. You will need not only one, and then several professional video cameras with a monitor and a viewfinder, but also special lighting and sound equipment, a slider, a tripod and a trolley. In addition, the workplace is equipped with a powerful personal computer with impressive characteristics, designed for software processing, rendering and editing of video files. At first, it is possible to do with budget options for assembling working computers, but without fail with the prospect of increasing power and replacing components. You will also need to purchase, install and configure licensed software for video editing, video processing and effects.

The software must be purchased licensed, in addition to the obvious reasons, then in order to gain access to all the functions of video processing and rendering.


It is necessary to hire several video operators, for which one should focus on the number of cameras, the flow of orders and the possibility of shift work. In addition, video engineers will come in handy to assist operators in the filming process, as well as specialists in processing and rendering video files, and creating effects. There is a possibility that these functions will be assigned to one or two specialists, but we will have to talk about a high degree of workload of the employee in this case. It is also necessary to employ a process engineer to provide overall guidance to the video creation and processing workflow.

Advertising and Marketing: Where to Find Customers

Focus on the initial stages of the opening and development of a video studio. During this period, it is necessary to form the bulk of customers. Further, satisfied customers will provide advertising for the video studio through traditional word of mouth. Do not forget about such marketing methods as advertising on the radio, in print media, posting ads, creating a company business card site with a portfolio, as well as maintaining groups on popular social networks.

How much can you earn with your own video studio?

The revenue side of the project is directly influenced by the level of initial investments aimed at renting premises, purchasing the necessary equipment, and registering a business. The operating costs of the company, generated by rent, employee salaries and replenishment of consumables, are also affected. In addition, the level of competition in the region, the demand for video studio services, as well as the minimum number of orders per month affect the profit.

With an average initial investment of 800 thousand rubles, the profitability reaches 300%, and the monthly income of the company will be formed at the expense of the cost of one hour of video filming with subsequent professional processing, as well as the number of regularly executed orders and additional services.

The bulk of the competitors are represented by regional television companies, which provide additional video filming and video support for events, as well as developed local video studios. With significant initial capital investments, obvious entrepreneurial risks and regional negative factors, opening a video studio is a promising and profitable direction of entrepreneurial activity today.

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