What is a Request for Quotes? Quotation request form. How to submit an application for a request for quotations in electronic form Quotation application under 44 FZ in electronic form

You can apply for participation in the request for quotations only in paper form.

Important! When submitting an application electronically, care must be taken to ensure that all attached documents are legible.

Request for quotations:

  1. There is no single form of quotation order.
  2. The legislation obliges the customer to prescribe a detailed application form.
  3. Most often, as part of the documentation, a questionnaire is presented to fill out, in which you just need to enter the data in accordance with the questions.

If the completed form contains incomplete data or the form itself is filled in incorrectly, the quotation commission has the right to reject a participant from participation in the procedure.

You can learn more about filing a request in electronic form.

According to the 223 legislative act

The main difference between tenders held under 223-FZ is that the entire procedure is regulated primarily by the organization's procurement regulations. Therefore, when participating in a request for quotations under 223-FZ, it is necessary to take into account the norms prescribed in the regulation of a particular customer.

You can find out more about the procedure for requesting under 223-FZ and how it is done.


The method of requesting quotations is devoted to 3 paragraph 44-FZ (Articles 72-82). It spelled out all the norms that the current procedure for requesting quotations must comply with.

Since 2018, it is planned to create a unified form of quotation orders under 44-FZ. However, the timing of the introduction of this form into operation is still unknown.

The legislation provides for a list of data that the customer may request from the participants:

  1. Information about the participant.
  2. Information about agreement with the terms of the contract.
  3. The proposed price for the supply of the procurement item.
  4. Taxpayer TIN.
  5. Declaration of the participant's belonging to small businesses (if necessary).
  6. Documents confirming the compliance of the procurement item with the requirements established by the customer.
  7. Date of signing and data of responsible persons: who drew up the document, who signed it. When drawing up an electronic application, it must be signed with an enhanced EDS of the responsible person.

Important! An already submitted application cannot be corrected or withdrawn. This is only possible if the customer has corrected the purchase notice and the information specified in the submitted documents has become irrelevant.

General compilation rules

The main condition that must be adhered to when drawing up an application is the compliance of the document with all the customer's requirements. When preparing to participate in the procedure, it is necessary to study all the documents attached to, since submitting an application for participation means agreement with all the conditions of the tender and the draft contract.

The documents provided by the participant and confirming the compliance of the procurement item with the customer's requirements are attached in the original or in the form of a certified copy. The customer specifies the need for notarization of a copy of the documents in the documentation.

You can find out about the rules for drawing up a request under 44-FZ.

Step-by-step analysis of writing with examples

It is necessary to start filling out the questionnaire with the data about the participant:

  1. For a legal entity, you must specify the name, location, mailing address. For an individual, this is the last name, first name and patronymic (if any), passport data, place of residence. It is also obligatory for any participant to indicate: bank details, contact phone number and e-mail.
  2. The full name of the general director and chief accountant must be written in full in the appropriate columns, even if one person holds both positions.
  3. The quotation must not exceed the initial maximum price of the contract and cannot be changed. It is better to decipher the price, for example: 100,000 (one hundred thousand) rubles. 00 kopecks
  4. You must indicate the individual tax number of the founders and the head of the organization. Indicated in writing, registration certificate is not required.
  5. When signing the completed application, it is necessary to decipher the name and position of the person in charge.

How is the finished paper formatted?

The participant's application must be made on a letterhead, signed by the head of the organization and sealed with the seal of the organization (if any).

The documents attached by the participant in its composition can be drawn up as an annex to it.

It is advisable even to indicate on the envelope the date of its opening - this will protect against possible illegal actions. It is not necessary to indicate the name of the procurement participant on the envelope. Up until the moment the envelope is opened, the customer is obliged to ensure confidentiality.

When sending an envelope by mail, you need to take into account the time it will take for delivery.Otherwise, the application simply will not arrive on time, and participation in the tender will become impossible.

If the envelope with the documents for participation in the request for quotations is delivered by the representative of the participant, then he needs to have a passport and a power of attorney for the right to submit documents from the organization.

To submit an electronic application through the ETP, you must have a qualified digital signature and be an accredited participant on the ETP where it is being held.

If you wish to participate in the request for quotations, an application for participation is required. In order for the customer to consider it, it must be drawn up correctly and submitted no later than the time specified in the notice.

From July 1, 2019, customers carry out procurement procedures on the ETP only in electronic form.

The requirements for the electronic procedure for requesting quotations are the same as for the paper one: the contract price must not exceed 500 thousand rubles, and the annual volume of purchases carried out by requesting quotations must be less than 10% of the customer's total annual procurement volume and not exceed 100 million rub.

Notification of request for quotations in electronic form

The customer places a notice of the request for quotations in electronic form in accordance with 44-FZ at least 5 working days before the end of the deadline for submitting applications for participation.

It should be freely available for review during the entire application period.

Simultaneously with the placement in the EIS of the notice of the request for quotations, the customer has the right to send a request for quotations to at least 3 persons.

For example, this is convenient if the customer knows suppliers working in the industry and providing the required goods (work or services).

In the event that the customer wants to make changes to the notification, then he can do this if there are at least 2 days left until the end of the application period.

Request for quotations in electronic form

To apply, the participant must be registered in the EIS and, accordingly, accredited on the ETP where the purchase takes place.

Deadline for accepting requests for quotations in electronic form - from the moment the notice is posted and until the date and time of the deadline for submitting applications for participation specified therein.

Each participant in the request for quotation can submit only one application for participation. At the same time, if the customer makes changes to the notification, the participant has the right to change or completely withdraw his application within the time period regulated by law, i.e. before the end of the application deadline.

Within 1 hour after receiving the application for participation in the electronic request for quotations, the ETP operator assigns it an identification number and sends a notification to the supplier confirming that the application has been accepted.

If mistakes were made, the operator returns the application to the sender.

Cases in which the application will be returned to the participant:

    submission of quotations in violation of the requirements;

    submission by one participant of 2 or more applications;

    filing after the date or time of the end of the filing deadline;

    receiving an application from a participant in violation of the provisions of Part 9 of Art. 24.2 44-FZ;

    a quotation that does not contain a proposal for a contract price or a proposal for a price exceeding the NMCK or equal to zero;

    the participant is in the register of unscrupulous suppliers under 44-FZ.

Participation in the request for quotations in electronic form: terms and stages

Within one hour, after the deadline for submission, the operator of the electronic site sends the customer all submitted applications and documents provided for in Part 11 of Art. 24.1 44-FZ.

The next day, the quotation commission begins to consider applications. This process takes 1 business day. As a result, the corresponding and inappropriate quotes are determined, and the results are recorded in the minutes of consideration of applications.

Then, no later than the end of the period for consideration of applications, the customer sends the protocol of the request for quotations in electronic form to the operator of the ETP. The operator, in turn, assigns a serial number to all admitted bids - as the contract price offered in them increases, i.e. from the largest to the smallest.

Failed request for quotations in electronic form 44-FZ

An electronic request for quotations is recognized as invalid in the same cases as a request for quotations in hard copy: if all applications of the participants are rejected or only 1 application is allowed.

If such a procedure is declared invalid on the grounds provided for in Part 14 of Article 82.3, Part 9 of Article 82.4 of FZ-44, then the customer extends the deadline for filing applications by 4 working days,

Conclusion of a contract based on the results of an electronic request for quotations

The contract can be concluded no earlier than more than 7 days and no later than 20 days from the date of placement in the EIS of the protocol for considering and evaluating applications.

Within 5 days from the date of posting the protocols, the customer places in the EIS and on the electronic platform a draft contract, which indicates the price proposed by the winner.

Then, within 5 days after the customer places the draft contract in the EIS, the winner signs it with an enhanced qualified signature, and also provides security for the execution of the contract (if it is provided for in the tender documentation).

If the winner has comments on the draft contract, he posts the protocol of disagreements and within 3 working days the customer reviews it and without his signature adds the revised draft contract, or re-posts the original draft, indicating the reasons for the refusal.

Important: The protocol of disagreements can be posted on the electronic site for each procedure no more than 1 time!

The winner must sign a draft contract within 3 days. After that, the customer is also given 3 working days to sign from his side and place it in the EIS.

Also, the winner must provide, together with the signed contract, security for its execution. Usually, a bank guarantee is used for this, the requirements for which the customer specifies in the tender documents. If the collateral is not provided to the customer, then the winner will be considered as evading!

To calculate the guarantee, you can use our online calculator, find out the cost and send an application in just 2 minutes.

★ Calculation of the guarantee to secure the contract

[bank guarantee calculator]

By choosing a bank in advance where you will receive a bank guarantee, you will save your time and money when you participate in the purchase.

From the moment the signed draft contract is placed in the EIS, the winner and the customer - the contract is considered concluded.

The winner avoids signing a contract based on the results of an electronic request for quotations

If the winner does not provide the customer with a signed contract, as well as an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (or a notarized copy of it), within the time period specified in the notification, then such a winner is recognized as evading the contract.

The customer can send a request to include this winner in the Register of Unscrupulous Suppliers, and conclude a contract with a participant in the electronic request for quotations, whose application has been assigned a serial number following the winner.

Note: the participant in the request for quotations in electronic form, who took second place, has the right to refuse to conclude a contract with the customer.

When conducting a purchase in a printed format, he was obliged to conclude a contract if the winner was recognized as evading.

Complaint to the FAS in the electronic request for quotations

An appeal against the actions of the customer and the quotation commission is allowed at any time of the procedure, but no later than 10 days from the date of placement in the EIS of the protocol for considering and evaluating applications.

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In the article we will tell you what a quotation order is, how to participate in it and what is needed for this.

Types of trade and procurement procedures using electronic trading platforms:

  1. Contests
  2. Auctions
  3. Request for proposals
  4. Quote requests

44-ФЗ dated 05.04.2013 (as amended on 03.07.2016) article No. 24 "Methods for determining suppliers (contractors, performers)"

2. Competitive methods for determining suppliers (contractors, performers) are tenders (open tender, tender with limited participation, two-stage tender, closed tender, closed tender with limited participation, closed two-stage tender), auctions (auction in electronic form (hereinafter also - electronic auction), closed auction), request for quotations, request for proposals.

What is a Quoted Bid

Request for quotations is a method of placing a government order, the winner of which is the participant who offered the lowest price, and whose application meets the established requirements of documentation and legislation.

44-FZ of 05.04.2013, article 72 "Request for quotations"

1. A request for quotations is understood as a method for determining a supplier (contractor, performer), in which information on goods, works or services purchased to meet state or municipal needs is communicated to an unlimited number of persons by placing a notice of a request for quotations in a single information system and the winner of the request for quotations the procurement participant who has offered the lowest contract price is recognized.

2. The customer has the right to make purchases by making a request for quotations in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph, provided that the initial (maximum) contract price does not exceed five hundred thousand rubles. At the same time, the annual volume of purchases carried out by conducting a request for quotations should not exceed ten percent of the total annual volume of purchases of the customer and should not exceed one hundred million rubles.

Benefits for the customer:

  1. The speed of the procurement procedure (12-16 working days from the date of publication);
  2. There are no requirements for the development of a large technical task (procurement documentation);
  3. There is no requirement to clarify the provisions of the notice;
  4. Maximum one lot per procedure;
  5. One vendor-specific protocol.

Benefits for the supplier:

  1. From the requirements, it is enough to attach documents with information about the product and the price offer. You do not need to attach constituent documents;
  2. Financial security of the application is not required;
  3. Submission of an application in electronic or paper form;

The main disadvantage of a quotation order

The criterion for selecting the winner is the lowest price and compliance with the requirements. This is an unreasonable risk for the customer. The supplier is not subject to anti-dumping measures, therefore the quotation does not guarantee the quality of the goods or services.

Step-by-step instructions: how to participate in a quotation order

Step 1. Search for a request for quotes

There are two ways to find quotes:

  1. Search through trading monitoring services (VLSI Trading)
  2. Search on the Unified Procurement Information System (zakupki.gov.ru)

Step 2. Preparation of a package of documents

Carefully study the requirements for a quotation application and prepare a list of documents. If you do not meet the requirements, the application will be rejected.

List of documents

1. Application for participation

The customer prepares the application form and lays it out together with the draft contract, the specification for the Unified Information System in the field of procurement. Download the template and fill it out.

In the application for the request for quotations, indicate:

  1. Business name.
  2. Location of the enterprise.
  3. Surname, name, patronymic of the employee in charge to conclude a contact.

Figure: 1. First part of the application

  1. Bank details of the procurement participant;
  2. The participant's consent to fulfill the terms of the contract, which are indicated in the notice (indicating the name and characteristics of the goods);
  3. Contract price proposal;
  4. Documents confirming the right to receive benefits;
  5. TIN of founders;
  6. TIN of the members of the collegial body;
  7. TIN of the sole executive body.

Figure: 2. Second part of the application

In the participant's declaration of conformity, confirm that the company is not in litigation, has the status of a going concern, is not liquidated, is not in bankruptcy proceedings, etc. All requirements are indicated in the declaration template.

3. Additional documents

Documents confirming the benefits of the participant can be attached to the application:

  • Confirmation of the status of a small business entity
  • Documents confirming the compliance of the goods, work or service with the conditions of admission, prohibitions on admission, admission restrictions

Fill out all documents on the company's letterhead, print it, certify it with the signature of the head of the company and stamp it with the company's seal.

Step 3. Submission of a quotation order

There are two ways to apply:

  1. In electronic form, by signing documents with an electronic signature;
  2. On paper, in a sealed envelope.

If, according to the terms of the request for quotations, it is possible to send in electronic form, sign the documents with an electronic signature. Then send to the email specified in the request.

If the application is made on paper, wrap all documents in an envelope. On it, stick a form with data on request for quotations, the customer and the participant.

Figure: 3. Sample form

Send your quotation by mail or deliver in person to the address indicated in the notification. When transferring the application, we recommend taking a receipt from the customer about the receipt of the application, indicating the date and time.

How to withdraw or change a quotation request

The participant can change (withdraw) the quotation application only if the customer has made adjustments to the notification of the request for quotations after the participant has submitted the application.

The procedure for determining the winner in quotation bids

The Quotation Commission opens the envelopes with applications at the time and place specified in the notice.

The procurement participants who submitted bids or their representatives have the right to be present at the opening procedure. The absence of participants in quotation bids does not cancel the envelope opening procedure.

The winner of the request for quotations, according to Part 6 of Art. 78 ФЗ № 44, a participant is recognized who has submitted an application that meets all the requirements established in the notification, and in which the lowest price of goods, work or services is indicated.

Reasons for rejection of the application

  • Applications do not meet the requirements specified in the notification;
  • The price of goods, work or services offered in bids exceeds the initial maximum contract price indicated in the notice;
  • The participant in the request for quotations did not provide the documents provided for in Part 3 of Art. 73 FZ No. 44.

The contract is concluded with the customer no earlier than seven days from the date of posting the protocol of consideration of applications and no later than twenty days from the date of signing the protocol.

If the request for quotations did not take place, then the customer concludes a contract with the only supplier (contractor, performer) in accordance with paragraph 25, part 1 of Art. 93 FZ No. 44.

Reasons for Failed Quote Requests

The request for quotations may not take place for the following reasons:

  • If at the end of the deadline for submitting applications for participation in the request for quotations, only one application has been submitted;
  • If, based on the results of consideration of applications for participation in the request for quotations, only one application is recognized as meeting the requirements and requirements specified in the notification;
  • All applications that were submitted were rejected;
  • No applications were submitted at all.

If, based on the results of consideration, all applications are rejected, then the customer extends the submission deadline by four working days.

The participant has the right to choose how to submit quotes. By law, this can be done both in paper form and in the form of an electronic document signed with an EDS. The main condition is the confidentiality of information.

Although the law allows remote filing, in fact, this opportunity cannot be used. The necessary functionality has not yet been implemented in the EIS. According to clause 2 of the Government Decree of January 23, 2015 No. 36, the Cabinet of Ministers instructed the Federal Treasury to ensure the possibility of sending a package of documents for participation in determining a supplier through the EIS no later than 01.01.2017. Then this deadline was postponed to 01.01.2018.

In addition to the resolution, let us pay attention to bill No. 623906-6, which proposes to remove from Art. 77, Law No. 44-FZ formulations that relate to the filing of applications in digital form. It is planned to add a completely new paragraph, which will regulate the conduct of such a procedure in digital form for transactions worth not more than 500,000 rubles. At the same time, the terms and place of publication of the notice and the draft contract, making changes to them will remain the same.

The submission of proposals for such a procedure is planned through the ETP only by accredited suppliers. And the application will consist of one part and a proposal for a new price, signed by an EDS.

How to apply by email

There is an acute question about the possibility of sending the customer an application by e-mail, which is indicated in the notification. Judicial practice on this issue is ambiguous.

For example, the Supreme Court on March 28, 2016 in case No. 304-KG16-1289 determined that the link by the customer in the notification of the request for quotations to the email address without the wording that the proposals are submitted by participants through the EIS should be qualified as admitting the filing of an application for participation in the request quotes to the customer's e-mail.

A comprehensive analysis of 44-FZ norms leads us to completely opposite conclusions. It is quite obvious that an electronic document and an email are two different documents. In this case, the e-mail, which is indicated in the documentation, is purely for reference purposes and does not legally give the right to send applications to it. A letter sent by e-mail does not provide confidentiality, and does not guarantee that the customer will receive it.

These findings are supported by the practice of the Antimonopoly Service, which indicates that it is inadmissible to include provisions on electronic filing in a request for quotation. At the same time, complaints from suppliers about the restriction of the method of filing applications in paper form are also recognized as unfounded.

To summarize the above, sending an offer by email risks being rejected. After that, if you decide to prove that you are right, based on the determination of the Supreme Court, you will face serious costs and long litigation. It is much more expedient to collect a standard package of documents and send it to the customer in live form on purpose or through a courier.

Standard set for requesting quotes

By announcing such a procedure, the customer places a notice in the EIS, which includes a form for the supplier to fill out, as well as a list of other mandatory requirements:

  1. Name and details of the participant.
  2. Consent to fulfill the conditions specified in the notice.
  3. Names and characteristics of the supplied goods (if any).
  4. Contract price.
  5. Documentary confirmation of the participant's right to receive benefits (Articles 28, 44-FZ).
  6. TIN of the founders of the supplier or individual.
  7. For the procurement procedure, the customer also publishes a notice in the EIS, on the basis of which the participants prepare their proposals. Further, the purchase is carried out in the usual manner.

Request for quotations is a competitive way to select a supplier for public procurement, provided for by federal law 44-FZ. Simple and therefore popular. In this article, we will consider the features of its procedure, we will analyze step by step how to participate for the supplier, and how to make sure that the application is not rejected. The material will be useful to those who have never participated in this method of purchasing.

Request for quotations is the most suitable option for starting a tender activity. It is used for small purchases, up to 500 thousand rubles, its procedure is simple, clear and clearly regulated: the supplier finds an interesting purchase on the EIS website, considers the notice with the terms of the contract and sends the customer a letter with his price offer. This type of tenders refers to "paper" - it is not held in electronic form on the ETP, but by filling out a paper application and physically transferring it to the customer. All received envelopes are opened in one day, and the winner is the one who offered the lowest price, without further bidding.

Why requesting quotes is more convenient than other supplier selection methods

It is easier to participate in a request for quotes than in larger trades for a number of reasons:

  • No digital signature required.
  • No participation fee - securing the application.
  • Applications can be submitted until the commission starts opening the envelopes.
  • Fewer documents need to be prepared.
  • There is no penalty for dumping even if the price is reduced by more than 25%.

The only disadvantage of requesting quotes for a supplier is that it is impossible to find out what was in other bids, even when they have already been opened. This leaves the customer with the opportunity to choose the winner "his". To prevent this from happening, it is better to be personally present at the opening of the envelopes.

Customers prefer requesting quotations because it is fast: the entire procedure from the publication of the notice to the signing of the contract can be completed in about 3 working weeks. However, restrictions are imposed on the volume of purchases carried out in this way: for the year they should be no more than 10% of all purchases of the customer, for an amount not exceeding 100 million rubles.

Step 1. Looking for suitable tenders

An independent search for any public procurement is carried out through a unified information system. Customers are obliged to publish all tenders in it: both “electronic” and “paper”.

To filter out interesting purchases, on the main page of the site, click on the magnifying glass at the end of the search bar, then select “advanced search”.

fig. 1 Search line of the EIS in the field of procurement

fig. 2 Selecting advanced search

We drive in the necessary parameters. For example, 44-FZ, procurement method, we indicate the region, our field of activity and select the stage “Submission of applications”.

fig. 3 Parameter selection

How can a supplier evaluate the effectiveness of participation in a request for quotations?

Obviously, it is advisable to participate in the purchase when the possible profit exceeds the estimated costs. How to predict and calculate this?

  • Participation in any purchase made by a request for quotations is free of charge. However, the customer may require the provision of contract security. What condition should be sought in the notification. To this amount we add the costs of preparing the application and consulting services, if necessary.
  • The counterbalance to these costs will be the payment under the contract - the amount that you yourself indicate in the application. It should be borne in mind that in the request for quotes, the winner is the one who offered the lowest price. Therefore, the contract amount consists of the cost of goods (works / services) and the amount of the minimum net profit at which you are ready to take on the order.

Step 2. We study the quotation documentation

It should include:

  • Notification of the procurement procedure. It contains the purchase identification code, information about the customer, it is indicated whether the contract is required to be secured, where and when the summing up will take place, the requirements for the supplier and a list of documents that must be provided.
  • Description of the procurement object.
  • Justification of the initial maximum price (you cannot bid above this).
  • Application form.
  • Draft contract.

Step 3. Fill out and submit an application

In the request for quotations, as in other tenders, any inaccuracy in the application threatens its rejection. Therefore, you should carefully study the notice of procurement, the draft contract and the requirements from part 3 of Article 73 44-FZ.

Interestingly, the law permits the filing of a request for quotations in electronic form. But this is provided only through the EIS system, in which such functionality is not yet available. Although some customers allow filing via email, but only if the application is signed with an enhanced unqualified electronic signature.

The application form is contained in the purchase notice. It needs to be downloaded, filled in, printed and packed in an envelope. Let's go through the points that may raise questions:

  • Product name and characteristics. Should be formulated as concretely as possible, without listing and range of values: no “table made of plastic or wood, or PVC 70-80 cm wide”. An exception is when the range is a specific value. For example, it is an error to indicate “gravel with a fraction of 20 cm”. Elements of gravel cannot all be the same size, therefore the characteristic from GOST is indicated - “fraction of 20-30 cm”. In this case, the parameters of the goods in the application must remain within the ranges specified by the customer.
  • Documents confirming the right to receive benefits. To do this, you must attach the requirement for the provision of benefits and a copy of the charter.
  • Requisites with TIN of founders and directors. There is no need to attach certificates - you can just write the numbers.

The application is printed on letterhead, signed by the manager, stamped. The rest of the documents provided for by the notification are drawn up in annexes.

fig. 4 Sample of filling out a quotation order

The sheets of the application are packed in an envelope with the notice number, name and address of the customer indicated on it. It is not necessary to indicate the sender, this information must remain confidential until the winner is determined. It is also advisable to write the date of the opening procedure directly on the envelope so that the customer's secretary in charge of correspondence does not accidentally open it earlier.

Step 3. We send the application to the customer

As already mentioned, at the moment a quote cannot be sent online - only by mail, courier or with an authorized representative. The latter must remember to take a passport and power of attorney, make sure that the customer registers the application in the journal, and request a receipt indicating the date and time.

Considering that requests for quotations are accepted until the commission has started opening the envelopes, and immediately before that an additional opportunity is provided, it makes sense to come to the customer shortly before summing up the results and at the same time stay for the procedure.

How can I change or withdraw a request for quotations?

According to the law, it is possible to change or withdraw a quotation application only if the customer decides to change the purchase conditions. If nothing has changed, and you still have such a need, submit another application for the same request. The customer is obliged to return without consideration all applications submitted by the participant if more than one were received.

Step 4. Determining the winner

Opening of envelopes with bids from all participants and selection of the winner of the purchase are carried out on the same day. The customer is obliged to keep an audio recording of the procedure, and the commission must loudly and clearly voice:

  • where, when and what time the autopsy takes place;
  • name and address of the participant;
  • the price he offered.

The winner is the participant who offered the lowest price if his application meets all the requirements. If there are several such participants, the winner is the one who submitted the application earlier.

Based on the results of the procedure, the customer draws up a protocol of consideration and evaluation of applications and uploads it to the EIS. Accordingly, if you were not present at the opening of the envelopes, you can find out who won the tender after publication. If the results of the purchase raise questions, you can contact the customer for an explanation of the results - in writing or by e-mail.

Step 5. We conclude an agreement

If you have won the request for quotations, the customer will send you a draft contract, filled with the conditions from the notice and your proposed price, within 2 working days. You can sign it no earlier than 7 days later. However, if 20 days have passed since the date of signing the protocol, and the contract has not yet been signed, the participant is considered to have evaded. In this case, the tender is given to the supplier who took second place. If this one has also evaded, the customer makes a request for quotations again.

What does “failed request for quotations” mean?

If in the EIS the tender has the status “failed request for quotations”, this does not mean that the purchase has not been made. It is recognized as invalid in two cases:

  • only one application meets the requirements;
  • all applications were rejected.

In the first case, the customer enters into a contract with a single supplier. In the latter, the deadline for submission of applications is extended for another 4 days, and the customer invites at least 3 potential suppliers to participate.

We hope that this article will help you deal with the quotation documentation and get a profitable government order. Search and analysis of tenders with us is faster and easier, join us.


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