New Year's photo zone decor. New Year's photo zones, an opportunity to make the New Year brighter and more creative

We all look forward to the New Year holidays, because they bring not only joy and fun, but also faith in a better future. But, as they say, how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. Therefore, attention should be paid not only to the festive table, but also to entertainment, among which the New Year's photo zone can take pride of place.

A mandatory attribute of a New Year's party, corporate party or home gatherings is photography. To make your photos stand out and be special, try making a special photo zone with your own hands. To do this, it is enough to stock up on patience and a good mood. Decoration can be done ordinary with the help of balls, garlands or rain. Or you can come up with a thematic decor, all the elements of which relate to a given topic. Such decoration will be more difficult to arrange, but the more interesting it will be, and the pictures will be brighter and more individual.

Rules for decorating a New Year's photo zone

If you strive not only to diversify your photos, but also to please your guests, then you should follow some rules designed to provide for all the nuances:

  1. Provide space for photography. It is desirable that 2 sq.m. be free. That's how much a photographer needs in order to take high-quality pictures.
  2. There should be free space in front of the banner to accommodate people.
  3. The location of the photo zone should be the most convenient and at the same time remote from the table and the place for dancing. It should not block the passage.
  4. If this is a corporate party or a theme party, then the decor of the photo zone should match the overall palette of the interior.
  5. Pay attention to what is behind the photo zone. Avoid mirrors, because they will reflect the photographer and everything that should not be in the frame.
  6. It is advisable to illuminate the photo zone with professional equipment: reflectors, light boxes, etc. If such equipment is not available, then the booth with attributes is installed in the brightest place, and an external flash is used during photography. Thanks to these nuances, the pictures will be better, brighter and better.

Near the equipped stand, it is advisable to put a small table on which it will be convenient to place various New Year or themed accessories: hats, glasses, mittens, tinsel, wigs, masks, and more.

They do not have to be used during a photo shoot, but with them people will be able to loosen up and fool around, and, therefore, the result will be natural and relaxed shots.

The rules are not binding, because the required space is not always available, but if you try, you can do without a professional photographer, and photos taken not in the studio, but at home, will amaze with their originality.

Organizational ideas for creating a photo zone

When organizing a photo zone for the New Year, pay attention to its style. There are many options: the Middle Ages with a fireplace, Santa Claus's house, a gangster party or a magical winter fairy tale. Of course, in an apartment it will be difficult to create the maximum approximation to the theme, but it's worth trying. After the style, accessories and other elements are selected that match the theme. A mandatory attribute of the holiday is a Christmas tree, so you need to allocate a place for it.

If you plan to use it in the photo zone, then choose a low tree that fits completely into the frame.

New Year's photo zone can be organized using the following materials:

  • Paper garlands. The most elementary thing you can do is cut out the letters "Happy New Year" from colored paper, and then hang them up like a garland. Paper snowflakes can be used as decoration. If they are voluminous, then they can be hung on a ribbon or with the help of rain, and if they are flat, then glued to a stand or strung on a thread. If you want something original, you will have to make every effort to create voluminous and unusual jewelry.

  • Electric garlands will decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also the New Year's photo zone. This is not original, but by hanging them everywhere and dimming the main lighting, you get mysterious and magical photographs. If the holiday takes place at home in an apartment or office, and not in a studio or a banquet hall, then a wall is quite suitable for a photo zone, and a garland can be hung in the form of an arch. By adding fabric drapery or the same curtains, you get unique photos.

  • Tinsel and Christmas tree rain are indispensable companions of the New Year, so they can be safely used in all decorations. An arch with a hanging Christmas tree rain will look especially beautiful, and if you add a garland with lights, it will turn out like in a fairy tale. Wrapping paper will replace the usual wallpaper background and will be a wonderful decoration for a festive photo zone.

    Ask your child to help glue the bows to the stand and you will have a lot of fun working together and a great result. Arrange competitions between children.

  • Ribbons will help make the decor of the photo zone more festive and brighter. The most important color of the New Year is red and the one that corresponds to the symbolism of the coming year, so decorating the zone in these colors will be a good solution.

  • Paper snowflakes are old, but huge paper snowflakes make the photo space unique and special. Winter will come to your house in the form of elegant snowflakes. Windows can also be decorated. For this, a can of artificial snow is used, which will help create unthinkable frosty patterns.

Themes and ideas for the New Year's photo zone

Home for the New Year

The first and main theme that is played up at photo shoots is the hearth in the form of a fireplace, family and warmth in relationships. To create such an installation, many decorations are not required. It is enough to highlight the main location - a bed, a Christmas tree, a fluffy carpet on the floor or armchairs by the fireplace. Large gift boxes with bows will serve as requisites. You can use a terry blanket or a woven blanket. In such photographs, as a rule, the background is blurred, so it does not require much attention to be paid to it.

Various photo studios offer their services, which include renting a room with decor, lighting equipment and a photographer. Professionals know how to arrange the elements of furniture and accessories in a winning way, so you don't have to think about this topic. In the studio, professionals can create everything, including the homelike feel of a bedroom with a bed or a living room with a fireplace. A Christmas wreath with gold ribbons or a bell will decorate the wall above the fireplace.

Homemade fireplaces made of cardboard and paper are very popular. Anyone can make them on their own, relying on various master classes presented on the Internet. The fireplace reminds us of the warmth and comfort of home, as well as of Santa Claus and Father Frost, who bring gifts under the Christmas tree.

By the way, as a photo accessory for the New Year, you can use a small figure of Santa Claus or his mask and hat.

Photo zone with a clock

A beautiful and timeless element of the New Year is a large clock with Roman numerals, which symbolizes the time and the coming of the new year. It will not be difficult to make them yourself, and if you also connect a child to the process, then success is guaranteed. Depending on the dimensions of the clock, they can be hung or placed near a chair, armchair or background.

Christmas balls made with your own hands will decorate your home and complement the decor. You can make them from colored paper, ribbons, beads and everything that comes to hand. As a basis, you can use foam blanks, which are in any needlework store.

One of the simple and very interesting options for creating balloons is to use knitting threads, PVA glue and a balloon. Dipping threads in glue, you need to wrap them around a balloon. Let the glue dry for a few hours. Then deflate the balloon and take it out. The result is a cocoon that can be decorated with beads, flowers or ribbons.

Gangster New Year's Eve Party

The most popular New Year's theme is the gangster party. Stylish clothes, feathers, boas, pistols and hats - that's what is very important to have with you when going to such a party. As a background, you can print a large prison height meter, and write comic achievements instead of centimeters.

The main colors are white and black. Sometimes gold is added as a luxurious addition. If there is a place for a white piano at your corporate party, then consider that you automatically become the owner of the most glamorous pictures.

Children's photo zone

In fact, the New Year holiday is all permeated with childhood and adults, at times, unbearably want to plunge into this world. Various toys, gifts, a Christmas tree decorated with garlands, balls and figurines, all this makes you feel like a child waiting for a miracle.

But who said that we ourselves can not work miracles? Sweets must be present in the children's New Year's photo zone. Whether they're on the floor, hung on a Christmas tree, or used as garlands, candy can help keep the mood high during the photo shoot.

A small dollhouse looks very nice in the photographs, so if it is not available, then you can make it yourself, at least only the front wall with a porch and a window. Be sure to hang up a mailbox to throw letters for loved ones there. For children, this will be additional entertainment, as it is always nice to receive mail. Invite them to draw pictures with a dream or wish and send it by mail to Santa Claus.

Street photo zone

A great idea is to arrange a street photo zone on New Year's Eve, especially if it's white and snow all around softly lie on the branches of trees. As a background, you can use a decorated window, porch, house wall or garden. You just need to complement the natural beauty with a simple decor and excellent photos are provided.

It will turn out very beautiful if you dress up the Christmas tree in the garden in a garland in advance, and hold a photo session after the snow falls. On a frosty evening, turning on the lights, you will see how beautiful everything is around. Arranging a photo zone on the street on New Year's Eve is a risky business, especially in areas where precipitation falls in the form of rain rather than snow, so it is better to contact a professional photo studio.

Photo zone in the office

It is necessary to equip the photo zone in the office for the New Year professionally, because no one will tolerate pretentiousness and bad taste. This is especially important where formality is preferred. As a rule, in such offices, a banner with the company logo on some festive background is installed on New Year's Eve. A Christmas tree is placed nearby, perhaps even a natural one. Jewelry is selected in one or two colors. Recently, the European tradition of hanging a Christmas wreath on the porch or front door has become widespread. It looks very elegant, stylish and consists of coniferous branches.

From the New Year, the majority have not only a lot of positive emotions and a refrigerator filled with various goodies from the festive table, but also a large number of photographs. When they begin to look at them, it turns out that somewhere in the frame there was a corner of the sofa, somewhere the tail of a dog running past, and in some photos an obviously inappropriate background. What can be done to avoid this? We need to create a photo zone for the New Year.

Easy peasy

A photo zone is a place specially designated for filming in a room where a holiday is celebrated. They arrange it both in a cafe or restaurant, and in a small office and even at home. Setting up this place is very simple:

It is important to ensure that there is no overabundance of details. Sometimes they even do without a Christmas tree and a chair, leaving only a few frames to choose from. They are bought ready-made or made independently using cardboard, old framed pictures or foam building molding.

To the point

Recently - a popular entertainment, especially if there are a large number of guests. In this case, creating a photo zone for the New Year with your own hands is even easier, because its design will completely depend on the style of the celebration.

If you are planning an Oscar-style party, then the photo zone must have a red carpet, as well as figurines standing nearby. For the “USSR” theme, you can use a red banner and a small table with old household items laid out on it.

designer option

How to make a photo zone for the New Year, if you want something unusual. In this case, it is hardly possible to do without designer pieces of furniture and decorations. Some studios rent such things. What should I take to arrange a place for a photo?

You can make a photo zone for the New Year at home, even when there is not much space. To do this, they simply free a small section of the wall from paintings and posters, and put festive accessories and masks on sticks next to it on a table. Guests will be able to wear something for themselves or just hold jewelry in their hands and take photos from the waist up. Such pictures are no worse than those taken in large photo zones.

With the frantic development of services such as Instagram, everyone loves beautiful photos, they love to take a beautiful picture of their breakfast, a new dress in the fitting room and, of course, their beloved one. Of particular relevance are beautiful photos for the New Year holidays, with stylish decor, because the new year is the time when we want to be beautiful and happy at all our possible percentages, we want to put on our best dress and clean all the feathers well. Nobody is interested in the old Soviet decorations with a Christmas tree and cotton under it, therefore, here are some tips on how to make a decent area for photos and just New Year's beauty at home. And small examples of how I did it.

The first thing to do is to decide on the style of your design. Everything that your heart desires, from the art deco style ala 20s (but honestly, everyone is already a little tired of it) to eco decor, as in my example. You can start from colors like red + gold + green - a classic Christmas palette, or take its more modern variation of white + silver + blue. You understand that there are a lot of options, start from what you yourself like, it can be thematic design in the style of a movie or a book or a country. I would like to make a New Year's decoration in the English and magical style of Harry Potter, well, I'm a fan, and you choose what you like specifically, this is important!

The next item, of course, is the financial resources that you can spend on decorating. A lot depends on this, but not everything, fortunately =) I assure you that you can limit yourself to small expenses, the main thing is to know what you need and what you want to get, for this draw an approximate picture of your room with decor (at least in your head ). Then, write a list of what you need to buy from all this obscurantism, and what you can steal to find / beg. For example, with eco or rustic decor, you need a lot of sticks, twigs, cones, logs that you can gather in nature and not spend money on this business. Anything can be used - beads from old jewelry, old jewelry themselves, old curtains like a tablecloth or a tablecloth like new curtains, in short, you need to turn on your imagination and are not afraid to do a lot with your own hands, this, moreover, is incredibly interesting!

Plan the time, namely how many days or hours it will take you to prepare the zone. And do not forget to order some things on the Internet in advance, they take a long time, but there you can find a bunch of everything that you can’t buy in stores, and even twice cheaper.

Have you read Steal Like an Artist? So we are not afraid to steal like artists, we look, we look for interesting ideas and chips on the Internet, and we try to bring to life some of them, those that suit us, but not all! You should not directly blindly copy, it is worth taking ideas in parts, anyway, you will succeed in your own, original way. For example, our deer on the wall was brazenly stolen =) it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that we made it with our own hands and it looks organic in our decor.

Come up with an interesting feature of the whole decor, which will fall on the eye and which will be remembered the most. Our beautiful cardboard deer Ted is suitable for this =)

Don't overlook the details. That is, do not try to do something badly out of laziness or for reasons that no one will notice it - they will definitely notice it and the effect will not be the same. Perfectionism is welcome here, in short =)

Think about light. The amount of light is very important for good photos, and this will become a problem, since you would be photographing at night - on New Year's Eve. You can’t bring studio equipment home, so you’ll have to limit yourself to other means. The first thing that can come in handy if you are shooting on a SLR camera is a fast lens that opens the aperture to values ​​of 2.8 and 1.8 or more, because of this your photos will be brighter, and increasing the ISO values ​​\u200b\u200bis also useful , but do not get carried away too much, otherwise the photos will be very grainy. If you want to shoot all this action on your phone, then use a lot of additional light: garlands, candles, light bulbs. You can, literally, wrap yourself in garlands and your photos will be brighter, more beautiful and festive.

Well, that's all the advice, I hope it was not too in the style of "Captain Obvious", good New Year's photos to you, friends!

I want to capture every moment of the family New Year's Eve in a photograph, to remember the atmosphere of the holiday and festive mood throughout the year. Do you want your photos to be imbued with the spirit of the New Year holidays? Don't always have time to completely decorate the house, hang garlands and other decorative elements? And how to save time, money, effort to decorate the room, but create and convey a real New Year's atmosphere in the photo? Make your own photo booth!

A New Year's photo session in a pre-prepared photo zone will unite the family, charge you with an atmosphere and set you in a festive mood. We will provide photo ideas, fresh interesting compositions for making a photo zone!

Background for a photo for the New Year with your own hands: idea 1

You will need a white background and garlands. For the background, you can use both a press ox and an ironed sheet. The main thing is that the borders of the frame end on the border of the background. Hang the garlands in any order and connect to the network. We recommend experimenting with white or gold bulbs in a garland. They will create a soft muted glow that will seem fabulous in the frame. What does such a background look like at home for a photo with family and children:
Photos on such a background for a photo shoot look like this:

Do-it-yourself photo corner for the New Year: idea 2

The best ideas for a photo zone are those that are made with your own hands. We offer to create a minimalist Christmas tree that will advantageously dilute the interior. You will need: several wooden bars or ordinary sticks of different sizes (the number depends on the desired height of the tree), any Christmas decorations. Arrange the sticks parallel to each other as they increase (like a pyramid), decorate with garlands, balls, and your favorite toys.

You can shoot the decoration of the Christmas tree and the premises for the holiday. Photos will turn out "live" and sincere.

You can make a Christmas tree for a photo shoot with your own hands from a garland, as in the photo below:
From other materials:

Photo corner for a New Year's photo shoot: idea 3

Create a minimalist backdrop for your photo shoot with your own hands. Scatter or systematically place pillows in traditional Christmas colors (white / red / green), gift boxes, paintings and posters on the sofa. Create a studio style classic at home!

Background for a New Year's photo shoot at home: idea 4

Consider the simplest option, thanks to which you can get a lot of original frames. Free the corner of the room (after hanging it with a beautiful piece of fabric or a white sheet), put a Christmas tree there (preferably a real one), and put a blanket on the floor. Place beautifully wrapped gifts under the tree and sit next to them. You should be the center of the composition, the most valuable and expensive New Year's gift.

A good idea is self-adhesive film (only if your corner consists of tiles). Carefully paste the film with New Year's motifs and get an excellent background for New Year's frames.

Photo corner for a New Year's photo shoot: idea 5

A tribute to the classics - a New Year's photo by the fireplace. Both a real and a decorative fireplace will look great in the frame. It is not necessary to buy such an interior item for the sake of one photo shoot. Do it, saving time and budget (you will already spend money on New Year's gifts). Decorate the fireplace with your favorite toys, garlands, glass or balloons.

Do-it-yourself photo corner for the New Year 2017: idea 6

Don't want to create a photo corner for the New Year? Take a photo with minimal New Year's paraphernalia, which (albeit remotely) resembles New Year's. Place a New Year's garland, a spruce branch or a Santa Claus figurine in the foreground. Focus on the foreground and blur the back (you can darken / brighten, make bokeh or insert a congratulatory inscription).

    Ftozone for the New Year can be decorated with a garland of gifts, Christmas balls or snowflakes.

    The fireplace looks very nice in New Year's photos. It can be made fake, out of cardboard, with your own hands.

    You can make a backdrop for photos from burning lanterns or a shiny fabric with sequins, or this backdrop with circles of foil. Indeed, in the New Year there is always a lot of glitter and tinsel that create a sense of celebration.

    You don’t have to make a special photo zone if you have a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. Take pictures near her, and for a change, use masks, wigs or New Year's photo props, which you can also make yourself.

    Here are some more ideas for decorating the New Year's photo zone.

    And the idea is actually one is the New Year! The photo zone needs to be decorated with attributes of the new year and winter. There must be a Christmas tree, branches, spruce wreaths, a soft cozy blanket, a fireplace (you can build it yourself if you wish), candles, champagne, wine glasses, tangerines.

    Examples are shown below.

    The photo zone at home is the best sincere photos, on a beautiful festive background!!!

    After all, not all children can pose in an unfamiliar studio for an unfamiliar photographer. Usually, photos are standard, smiles are strained. At home, everyone is relaxed and in a festive mood!

    In order to organize a photo zone New Year at home - you need to choose a place,

    at least 1.5 * 1.5 meters, it can be part of a wall or a corner. Choose a background for it - hang it with a cloth, garlands, snowflakes, New Year's drawings, whatever you like.

    You can also buy special attributes - horns, smiles, glasses, hats, etc.

    And most importantly, a good mood!) You will have the best New Year's photos.

    See photos below for inspiration :)

    The New Year is approaching - the most beloved and long-awaited holiday for many children and adults. It's time to think about a photo shoot to leave fabulous photos as a keepsake. Even if you do not go to a professional photographer, do not worry, you can arrange a photo session at home. This can be facilitated by a successful photo zone, which is easy to do with your own hands in different styles. The main attributes for a New Year's photo session are traditionally a fireplace, gift socks, a Christmas tree, tinsel and garlands, New Year's toys, gift boxes, a snowman, a cozy chair with a blanket.


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