How to open an IP and get start-up capital. Where to get start-up capital. On what conditions can I get a loan

For reading 8 min. Posted on 16.12.

Starting your own business requires start-up capital. But what if at the moment the required amount of funds is not available? This is not at all a reason to give up the prospect of starting your own business. Moreover, there are many ways to find money to open a small company.

Most of the businessmen who start their business from scratch use bank lending as a source of funds to start a company. However, this source of funds is not as easy to use as it might seem at first glance.

  • Firstly , Russian banks put forward rather stringent requirements for borrowers, including:
  1. Resident status.
  2. Preparation of a detailed business plan.
  3. Perfect credit history.
  4. No criminal record, including legally extinguished.
  • Secondly , interest rates on bank loans are quite high and amount to about 15-20% per year.

Given the high risks of financing a new firm, many banks oblige their borrowers to provide them with collateral or surety.

At the same time, it is fashionable to issue a bank loan in just a few days, and in the amount that is necessary to create your own business.

If such an opportunity exists, then this option is extremely beneficial, because:

  • The interest rate will be minimal or nonexistent.
  • Friends will not require an extensive package of papers, collateral or surety.
  • The debt can be repaid in a single payment at the end of the term.

However, it is important to take into account some of the negative aspects of attracting a deputy through your friends:

  1. A delay in paying a debt can cause a serious spat.
  2. If friends suddenly need funds urgently, they will have to be returned, which can negatively affect the functioning of the business.

An important point: You can save yourself from negative moments by issuing a simple receipt for receiving the amount of funds, indicating the terms of their use. This document is subsequently certified by a notary office.

Quite a difficult path, which only a few choose for themselves. This is due to the fact that hoarding always involves the withdrawal of part of the current income into the piggy bank and austerity.

What should be done to quickly save up for your business:

  • Firstly , determine exactly how much start-up capital is needed.
  • Secondly , determine - what part of the current income can be saved.
  • Finally , calculate the period during which the required amount will be collected.

Many citizens have gold jewelry, coins and even ingots at home. When opening your own business, you can always sell them to a pawnshop, at specialized auctions or to individuals.

An important point: In the second half of 2016, it was possible to sell 1 gram of gold in Russian pawnshops for 350-2000 rubles (depending on the sample). That is why such a deal can become a source of funds to cover part of the costs of starting a business.

An apartment is an extremely valuable property. Selling your own apartment in order to open a company is an extremely risky event. is quite real. With such an impressive collateral, even banks will provide a beginner entrepreneur with a loan at a favorable rate and in a large amount.

At the same time, one should not forget that at any time the mortgage apartment can be taken away for debts.

Find investors

Even experienced entrepreneurs recognize this method as an effective source of funds for starting a company.

The essence of the method is as follows:

  1. A novice businessman generates an idea for a future business.
  2. On its basis, a business plan is drawn up with a well-reasoned and convincing justification.
  3. who may be interested in it and invest in it.

An important point: Big investors will never agree to fund battered and dubious ideas. They are mainly interested in innovative and promising startups with a detailed study of income and costs, as well as ways to protect against risks.

Initially, most of the profits will go to investors. However, gradually an entrepreneur can buy out the part of the business he needs and earn a lot of money on it.

Apply for a government subsidy

This option can be considered as the best way to form start-up capital. The fact is that the state is interested in the fact that unemployed citizens of the Russian Federation find work or realize themselves in entrepreneurial activity.

That is why the Russian budget annually allocates funds to subsidize new companies.

The main advantage of government subsidies - no need for a refund; and its disadvantage is a small amount of funds (usually up to 300,000 rubles).

To receive funding from the state, you may need:

  • Submission of a package of documents to state bodies (passport of an entrepreneur, TIN, etc.).
  • Development of a business plan with an indication of its payback period and financial viability.

An important point: The state most often provides subsidies to those entrepreneurs who propose projects that are significant for the economy or social life of certain regions.

Receive an inheritance

Many novice businessmen dream of receiving an inheritance from a rich uncle. However, this method of enrichment may seem fabulous only at first glance.

In practice, the newly made heir may face some difficulties:

  • Firstly , registration of inheritance is a long and complicated procedure that requires the involvement of professional lawyers.
  • Secondly by accepting an inheritance, a person takes upon himself not only the property, but also the debts of the deceased relative.

With all this, this method of enrichment cannot be written off.

An important point: Before accepting someone's inheritance, you should make sure that the testator does not have serious debts.

Ask your parents

One of the easiest ways to get initial capital to start a company.

However, from a moral point of view - attraction of parents' savings does not look so attractive: they already had to invest a lot in their child. Nevertheless, if there are no other options, it is worth using this method, but subject to the full return of the borrowed funds.

Sell \u200b\u200bhome appliances

If the issue of creating your own company is an edge, then it makes sense to consider the possibility of selling home appliances. You can start with those devices that are used less often.

How can you sell equipment? You can place ads on thematic forums and sell it to individuals, hand it over to second-hand shops or pawnshops.

Find treasure

Success never leaves resourceful entrepreneurs who believe in the success of their business. Perhaps one of them will be lucky enough to find, if not a treasure chest, then a rare ancient coin or other artifact.

An important point: If a treasure is found on a site belonging to a person, then he is reimbursed 100% of the value of the treasure, in any other places - only 50%. It is better to transfer the treasure to the state in a legal way, and not try to sell it on the "black" market, since a novice entrepreneur does not need criminal liability at all.

This method does not imply the possibility of turning a novice entrepreneur into an experienced trader. Here we are talking about that are available to him. In Russian practice, there are cases when grandparents left their grandchildren as inheritance of the shares they received in the course of privatization.

An important point: You can sell shares on the stock market or offer to buy them out to the joint-stock company itself.

Make some money on the Internet

Earning money on the Internet has long become a source of additional income for hundreds of people around the world. If the basic salary provides the current livelihoods of a person. Then the funds earned on the Internet can be accumulated and accumulated in order to form start-up capital.

Write texts, create and promote websites, draw banners, run your own blog, act as an intermediary for large trading platforms, etc.

Get a second job

A similar option to the previous one, which assumes that the funds from the second job will become a source of savings for the business.

An important point: In this case, you will have to look for a place with an hourly wage and a flexible schedule, or consider the possibility of employment as a part-time job.

Rent out an apartment / car

Having additional living space in the form of an apartment or a car, you can rent them out for a while. All proceeds should be deposited into a bank account until the amount necessary to open a business is collected.

An important point: When renting out such expensive property, it is extremely important to draw up and sign an agreement with the tenant and certify it in a notary office in order to avoid unpleasant incidents.

Use partner money

After all, you can start a business not alone, but find serious and wealthy partners. In this case, you can offer your idea, take on the settlement of all formalities with registration, solving organizational issues, while the partners will provide funding for the project.

An important point: In order to avoid disagreements in the future, it makes sense to immediately conclude an agreement with partners, which will contain information on the exact distribution of shares in the business between the participants.

Thus, the lack of start-up capital cannot be a reason for refusing to create your own company. After all, there are at least sixteen quite real ways to obtain funds to open a company.

Business development and expansion presupposes regular investment. Sooner or later, the question of the need for financial investments arises among both novice entrepreneurs and successful businessmen. In such a financial situation, the question arises: "Where to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur?"

And in this article, how the banks are presented, where you can take a loan from an individual entrepreneur without guarantors or collateral. In order to collect for you all the best conditions of banks in one place, we have analyzed quite a few loan offers that provide loans for individual entrepreneurs in 2020.

Ways to take a loan from individual entrepreneurs

Bank lending is an effective and prompt solution to financial problems, a profitable tool for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, the ability to promptly respond to emerging negative circumstances. A loan for individual entrepreneurs is available to take for the purposeful development of the business, replenishment of working capital, for the purchase of new equipment, and the expansion of the production base. Almost every credit institution offers loans even for individual entrepreneurs with zero reporting (declaration).

Private entrepreneurs confirm their solvency on the basis of accounting documents, which indicate income from FHD; using declarations; income and expense magazines; other accounting reports. In order to obtain a loan for an individual entrepreneur from scratch, it is necessary to draw up a promising business plan. It should reflect specific indicators for future periods, taking into account the specificity of doing business in Russia, the real level of demand for specific services or goods.

When considering an application for a loan for entrepreneurs, it is important for a bank to understand for what purposes the loan money will be directed, and from what funds it is planned to repay the debt. The loan manager of the bank will answer the question of how exactly to get a loan from an individual entrepreneur under the selected program.

What loans can individual entrepreneurs take

For small and medium-sized businesses, banks offer loans in the following areas:

  1. Express - loans: designed for businessmen with limited time. A minimum package of documents is provided. The decision to approve the loan and its issuance are made within an hour. The interest rate on such programs is much higher, the loan term is shorter.
  2. Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs. This type of IP loan can be taken by an individual. For a large amount, a wider package of documents is required. If you need a large amount, you should be ready to provide security for a loan in the form of real estate, vehicles not older than 3 years, or capable and solvent guarantors.
  3. Targeted programs, including state: include loans for small businesses. This is a type of financing for the activities of legal entities, when the Assistance Fund can act as a guarantor. Issued only for specific purposes. Designed for entrepreneurs engaged in promising businesses and have already been registered for more than three months.
  4. A number of banks provide Individual entrepreneur cash loan, revolving / non-revolving credit lines and overdrafts.

TOP-6 profitable banks for an individual entrepreneur loan

The ratings of banks offering the most profitable loan products for individual entrepreneurs are formed from an assessment of general conditions, a list of required documents, interest rates, duration of lending, and possible cooperation with beginner individual entrepreneurs.

It is beneficial for individual entrepreneurs to take out a loan at the bank in which the current account is opened. Loans are offered to regular customers on loyal terms. Before opening an individual entrepreneur account, it is recommended to make a monitoring of banks, not only in relation to favorable tariffs, settlement and cash services, but also in terms of lending. The experts of our blog have already analyzed and compiled rating of the best banks for individual entrepreneurs .

In 2020, the Housing Finance Bank, OTP Bank, Renaissance Credit and Sovcombank have the best loan offers. We offer you to get acquainted with the terms of lending programs for individual entrepreneurs, both for individuals, and with specialized loan programs for individual entrepreneurs.

The best bank giving loans to individual entrepreneurs without collateral and guarantors

OTP is one of the best banks that provide a consumer loan to an individual entrepreneur without collateral and guarantor. The indisputable advantage of this credit institution is the ability to submit an application from the official website online and receive a final decision in 15 minutes. OTP Bank offers a profitable cash loan for both individuals and individual entrepreneurs.

Lending conditions for people running their own business

  • The loan amount is from 15 thousand to 4 million rubles.
  • The loan is issued for a period of 12 to 120 months.
  • Interest rate - from 10.5% per annum.
  • The provision of collateral in the form of a surety or collateral is not required.

Of the documents, it is necessary to submit only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a USRIP certificate, an INN. The bank is ready to cooperate with novice businessmen.

Cash loan for individual entrepreneurs from scratch on the day of application

Renaissance Credit is one of the few banks that provides consumer loans to individuals involved in their business development. We list the main advantages and possibilities of a cash loan for individual entrepreneurs in this bank:

  • Lending limit - from 30 to 700 thousand rubles;
  • The interest rate ranges from 10.9%;
  • The term of the loan agreement: from 24 to 60 months;
  • To apply for a loan, it is enough to present a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a second document of your choice;
  • No collateral is required, but confirmation of ownership of the property will guarantee the reduced interest rate.

The application is sent from the bank's website. Upon approval, you must visit the office and submit a minimum package of documents. It is enough for private entrepreneurs to bring a certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur. No balance sheet required. Also, as your ability to pay, you can provide a vehicle title or documents for an apartment. (There will be no pledge!). The offers from Renaissance Credit Bank can be used by businessmen who open an individual entrepreneur business from scratch. The optimal rate and loyal conditions will allow you to quickly receive the required amount on the day of circulation without unnecessary paperwork.

Sovcombank - cash loan at a low interest rate

Sovcombank offers consumer loans to all categories of citizens, including individual entrepreneurs.

  1. The limit is 1 million rubles for any purpose.
  2. Base interest rate from 12% per annum;
  3. The application can be sent via the Internet, the loan is issued at the bank's office.
  4. The loan is issued for up to 60 months.
  5. Consideration of the application from one hour to three days.

Individual entrepreneurs have the opportunity to get a loan in a larger amount by pledging real estate or a vehicle. There is a program "For Responsible Plus". No documentation is required from private entrepreneurs. Therefore, a consumer loan in Sovcombank is suitable for individual entrepreneurs with zero reporting.

Attention! The Bank only approves loans to new customers for persons over 35 years old. If you are less, then it is better to leave a request in another bank.

Credit "Trust" for business development from Sberbank

A loan for individual entrepreneurs is offered by the country's main creditor - Sberbank. The Trust program will help resolve the current financial difficulties and implement plans in the future.

Business loan conditions from Sberbank

  1. Loan type - no collateral and for any needs.
  2. The loan is available to individual entrepreneurs whose annual revenue does not exceed 60 million rubles.
  3. When applying for a loan secured by a guarantee, a reduced interest rate applies.
  4. The base rate is 16.5% per annum.
  5. The maximum loan term is 36 months.
  6. Credit limit - up to 3 million rubles.

Sberbank requires such documents for an individual entrepreneur loan as a passport of a citizen - an individual, a military ID, if any, an EGRIP certificate, a certificate from the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service on the registration of a private entrepreneur, the latest version of financial statements with the seal of a tax authority, receipts for payment of taxes. Licenses, business permits, leases (subleases) or certificates of ownership of non-residential premises may be required.

Bank giving a loan for individual entrepreneurs secured by an apartment from the BZHF

Very often, entrepreneurs need a large amount of money to develop their business, to increase turnover or other goals that are related to business development. It is very difficult to get a large loan without collateral, even if you collect certificates. And then the best option is a loan for an individual entrepreneur on the security of an apartment.

The Housing Finance Bank is by far the most popular bank among individual entrepreneurs that lends against real estate collateral. The issuance of the required amount of money to businessmen takes place without bureaucracy, unnecessary certificates and in the shortest possible time. Due to the fact that the apartment is a pledge, the bank is more loyal in assessing your credit history and your business. This gives a real opportunity to take a loan for individual entrepreneurs without refusal.

On what conditions can I get a loan

  • The loan term is up to 20 years, and the rate is from 11%.
  • Amount up to 8 million rubles (but not more than 70% of the market value of the apartment).
  • If the apartment is owned by the spouse, then it can be indicated in the loan agreement as the mortgagor.
  • Early repayment at any time without penalties and moratoriums.
  • The apartment must be located in the cities of the bank's presence: Krasnodar, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod region, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Perm, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Volgograd.

Loan for a sole proprietor business secured by real estate

Over the past few years, P2B crowdfunding projects have been actively developing all over the world, when individual investors lend to borrowers without the participation of credit institutions. In Russia today there are also such companies offering loans to small and medium-sized businesses on simpler and more understandable terms.

One of these companies is the Money in Delo investment and business financing agency, which provides loans to individual entrepreneurs secured by real estate and without providing management, accounting and other financial statements.

The loan offer is inherently unique and cannot be compared with any other bank. If an entrepreneur urgently needs money, we recommend paying attention to this company.

Brief conditions of the IP loan:

  1. The minimum amount is from 500 thousand rubles for a period of 2 years with the possibility of prolongation.
  2. Funds are issued strictly for targeted financing of your business.
  3. As collateral it is possible to provide commercial or residential real estate, as well as real estate of third parties.

Thus, it is not so difficult to answer the question of where to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur and how to get it. If the conditions of a specialized loan for small business are difficult to meet, it is possible to take a standard consumer loan in an amount acceptable to start the business. I hope the review of the conditions of banks issuing an individual entrepreneur loan was useful for you and you will find financing for your business from the proposed list.

Today, for entrepreneurs who decide to start a small business, there are several affordable and quite acceptable options for finding start-up capital:

  • subsidies from the state;
  • venture funding;
  • lending;
  • crowdfunding.

Let's consider each of the options separately.

State subsidies

Today there are government programs that provide start-up capital for small entrepreneurs. For example, you can contact the employment center for financial assistance to open an individual entrepreneur.

What is required to receive start-up capital from a labor exchange? You need to be registered as unemployed for at least a month.

In addition, you need to seek advice from a labor exchange specialist who will provide a list of required documents. You will also need to prepare a detailed business plan. The advantage of this method of getting money to start a small business is that funds from the state are given free of charge. However, in return, you will have to provide full reporting on all expenses for starting your own business.

Another way is to get a subsidy from the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship. Those entrepreneurs who already have a developed project can count on start-up capital, but due to the lack of funds, it does not develop. Businessmen are offered to go through a certain competition, according to the results of which the winner will receive a subsidy in the form of a monetary reward. The advantage of this method is that even if you do not win the competition, you will still be able to show yourself in front of investors and establish the necessary connections.

As a rule, government assistance is provided free of charge.

Investor search

One of the available ways to obtain start-up capital for development is to attract venture capital investors.

What is the essence of this method of financing? An entrepreneur can count on receiving start-up capital in a situation when a venture investor considers his project to be successful and promising. At the same time, a businessman who gives money to a small business receives the following rights:

  • make a profit within 3-5 years;
  • control the affairs of the organization in which he invested money;
  • take part in managerial moments.

After the entrepreneur who issued the start-up funds receives the planned income, he can resell his share to another investor or company owner.

In order to attract a venture investor, you need to seek help from special investment funds, government agencies or large firms.

An essential advantage of obtaining start-up capital in this way is that you can take a large amount of money for development. However, in this case, you will have to give up part of your own company in exchange for financial assistance. This is the only drawback.

Another way to attract investors in order to obtain start-up capital for starting a business is an independent search. To do this, you will need to attend exhibitions and presentations of relevant business topics. This method is less effective than venture investment, since the chance of being noticed at exhibitions is much lower.


Today, any entrepreneur can take money from a bank to develop a small business. However, it is quite difficult to get capital in this way. First, banks are reluctant to lend to start-up entrepreneurs. For the most part, loans are issued to businessmen who need funds to develop an existing business.

Secondly, the interest rate is quite high.

You can also take a consumer loan, but the average rate in this case will be, on average, at least 26% per annum.

A significant disadvantage of obtaining such capital is that if your business ceases to be profitable and "burns out", the funds taken for your own business will still have to be returned to the bank.


Not so long ago, another effective way to take money to open a business appeared in our country - this is crowdfunding (from English - crowd funding).

To receive start-up funds in this way, you will need to register at one of the following sites:


Next, you need to create file and video documents with detailed information about your business idea. The presentation should be interesting and informative at the same time. Do not forget to indicate the necessary capital for the development of your business. The more exciting your video is, the more people you can attract as investors.

Along with the search for funds, you can promote your project on social networks using SMM.

Don't forget about the reward. If you, for example, open your own confectionery, you can make sweet presents to investors. If you develop your own mobile phone app, the reward might be free access to it.

Today, not all people are satisfied with working for hire - a small income that cannot be independently regulated. In order to get maximum profit, many decide to open their own business. It can be controlled, actively involved in any transformation, developed and expanded. But any business, even a small one, requires initial capital. For those who do not have enough funds to create an enterprise, the state is ready to provide financial and organizational assistance.

What kind of help from the state to small business can you count on

In Russia, a program has been adopted, according to which everyone who decides to become an entrepreneur has a chance to get a financial state. assistance to small businesses, and completely free of charge. The amount of monetary compensation has certain limits, which differ in different regions. Many have the right to receive such a subsidy, but due to objective circumstances and subjective reasons, not everyone can enlist such support. In addition to financial assistance, funds for which go from the state budget, property assistance is offered to start-up entrepreneurs. This means the readiness of the state to lease certain property to representatives of small business at low rates or even free of charge: real estate, technical equipment, land use facilities, etc.

Limitations of the state aid program

Not every entrepreneur can count on government assistance in the development of small businesses. For example, if a person has been registered as an entrepreneur for more than one year, he is no longer covered by this program. The sphere of activity of small business is of great importance, because specially created commissions necessarily consider each application and not all respond positively. It is also obligatory for the entrepreneur to have his own money, which is necessary for starting a business. The state will be able to compensate from 40 to 60% of the costs, and often this amount does not exceed 300,000 rubles, the rest will have to be paid from its wallet. Of course, these are in order to purchase equipment and create a competitive enterprise, but it is not profitable for the state to fully sponsor businessmen. This is only a partial aid from the state to small businesses, which enables them to control the small business system.

Articles for obtaining subsidies for state programs

The Small Business Assistance Program in Russia includes several articles that require a subsidy:

  • opening an enterprise;
  • starting a business;
  • rental of premises;
  • purchase of equipment and computer technology;
  • obtaining a license;
  • training of specialists;
  • participation in promotions and exhibitions.

Consultation on these issues can be obtained from employment centers and specialized centers. The regional administration must provide residents with the addresses of these offices.

How to get financial support

If you have already thought about creating your own business, but do not have the required amount of money, then you can get help from the state for small businesses. First, you need to draw up a business plan and submit it to the employment center. The amount of the subsidy issued by this organization is 58,800 rubles. (4900 rubles - monthly multiplied by 12 months). The process of considering a business plan and allocating money can take up to 6 months.

What is needed to receive start-up capital from the state

First, that is, to have the status of unemployed. To do this, the following documents are required:

  • the passport,
  • employment history,
  • educational documents, certificates and diplomas,
  • pension insurance certificate,
  • completed form-certificate of the average salary for 3 months at the last job.

Note that the following are not unemployed:

  • citizens under the age of 16;
  • women on maternity leave;
  • full-time students;
  • retirees;
  • citizens working under an employment contract or registered as an LLC or individual entrepreneur;
  • disabled people of non-working groups.

Next, at the employment center, you need to write an application for receiving subsidies from the state for the development of small business. Think over in detail and draw up a detailed business plan containing many calculations, graphs and tables. After receiving approval, you should register as a legal entity (organize an LLC or individual entrepreneur). The tax office will give you a list of documents, copies of which must be provided. After that, the agreed funds are credited to your bank account, which you can withdraw and purchase the necessary equipment specified in the business plan.

A very important point: the employment center will need to provide a financial report, which should reflect all the costs of equipment, wages of employees, deductions to the tax and pension funds. If you received financial assistance from the government for small businesses, you need to be responsible for every penny spent from this amount.

Other government aid options

Possible help from the state to small business consists not only in providing money for the creation of an enterprise, it can be repayment of interest on a loan already taken or a bank issuing a new loan with a reduced interest rate. Today, many banks issue loans to entrepreneurs, and they, in turn, prefer to contact the bank. Indeed, in this case, they will not have to report on where they spent the received finances, it is enough only to pay a certain amount on time.

The state also organizes so-called business incubators, where you can get qualified assistance both in drawing up a business plan and in teaching employees new skills in organizing and running your business. In addition, in these centers it is possible to rent a room inexpensively and accommodate all their employees there, so they can always turn to experienced professionals for help.

Each of us has the opportunity to receive help and support from the state to create and develop our own business, it remains only to decide on the direction of activity.

As a fan of searching the Internet for various ideas for private business, I have come to one simple conclusion. You cannot do without your own funds in any field of activity, even in intermediary. Therefore, I wrote this article on where to get the start-up capital and one more ()

Hence an elementary question arises: where to get the notorious initial capital, if it is not there?

Especially this question worries, perhaps, people full of brilliant ideas and grandiose plans, generalized by the now fashionable word "startup". Among them, I distinguish the following main categories for myself:

- undergraduate students who have heard a lot about the "startup" movement from teachers and fellow students. They often even go to special meetings and are full of all sorts of original ideas (it is a pity that few of them come true);

- programmers can be singled out as a separate link among students and more experienced specialists. As a rule, they are either looking for partners for the implementation of any project, or they want to join an existing project and help in its promotion;

- mid-level managers, inspired by stories of quick start-ups - takeoffs and quick enrichments;

- corporate startups organized into a kind of entrepreneurial corporation. This is a fashionable and actively developing direction.

There are still plenty of "subspecies" of startups, but leaving the theory behind, let's move on to practice. to the issue of investment.

Relatives or friends

The easiest way is to borrow money from relatives, friends or simply paying acquaintances (the latter, however, may be interested in receiving a percentage of future profits).

The latter are smoothly merging into the category of professional start-up investors. It seems to be a great, and most importantly - a fashionable idea - to finance startups. The only pity is that there are very few people with a professional approach to this issue, and amateurs, as a rule, do not set clear rules and are not too loyal to the failures of their "wards".

Such investors can be roughly divided into two categories - good and evil "angels". With the kind, everything seems to be clear: the basis of the desire to invest in any project is, first of all, sports interest and a real desire to help in the undertaking, and secondly - the profit received in the future.

The "evil" "angel investors" immediately clearly dot the "i" s. And as a result, under the pretext of minimizing their risks and additional motivation, a startup may be required to 50% of the amount in return and 25% as a pledge + clear deadlines for the implementation of the business plan. As a result of such "draconian" conditions, one can simply lose a well-developed and promoted business, because profits from it will go in a completely different direction.


The next source of investment, which I would like to mention, unfortunately, is now available in reality only to residents of the capital and large metropolitan areas. These are subsidies issued by the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship. According to rumors, it is difficult to get a subsidy there, but it is quite possible, since the scheme is very transparent and free from corruption.

If any product or project has already been developed and lives its own life, but for some reason is not selling very successfully, then participation in a competition is a great way to declare yourself, such a kind of test-check of your capabilities and an additional way to "light up" in front of investors.

The result of the competition for its winner in some cases may be not only funding, but also support in the form of necessary contacts, office space, etc. Such assistance, as a rule, is provided by an accelerator fund, which is a kind of mixture of a competitive basis and a venture fund.


Continuing the conversation about the latter, it is worth recognizing that this is a very fashionable direction now, and therefore it is very actively growing. They can be divided into funds that give the so-called. seed (the aforementioned accelerator funds) and late funding.

Funds that provide late funding, as a rule, expect stable and dynamic sales from a startup, and therefore there are much more of them than seed.

The following largest funds can be distinguished on the modern market: Glavstart, AdVenture, InCubeAccelarator, TexDrive, Farminers. I repeat once again: a venture fund itself is now an excellent way of earning money, which, of course, requires certain knowledge and experience.

Business incubators

It is worth, of course, to mention the strategic investors, who, of course, finance already well-promoted projects that can hardly be called startups.

Investment options include business incubators. Of course, the well-known venture capitalist from the USA Nabar Afeyan called incubators a place for weak children (meaning startups), the strong must survive on their own. This statement, in my opinion, is quite far from the truth. A business incubator can be a great airstrip for businesses of all sizes.

Its essence lies in the fact that a beginner entrepreneur on very favorable terms, or even free of charge, are provided with such services as office rent, accounting, consulting, etc.

In addition, an important “plus” of the incubator is the presence of “their own kind” nearby, which implies the exchange of ideas and data, the solution of common problems, and just the spirit of healthy competition.

Summing up everything that was said above, I cannot ignore such a subtle point as the ability to talk with investors. And this is not as easy as it seems at first glance. An improperly structured investment attraction process can greatly delay the result or even backfire.

It's great if the team has a person who knows how to build communication with the investor in the right direction. If there is none, then it makes sense to resort to the services of an investment broker. With all the positive aspects, the price of their services is pleasantly surprising, because fluctuates in the range of 3-5% of the amount attracted to the business.

What opportunities for getting start-up capital can you add?


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