How to calculate the proportion of labor resources. The share in the economy is an indicator of the weight of any financial phenomenon. Planning the number of workers

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1. This methodology was developed in pursuance of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2012 N 2550-r and is intended to calculate the indicator included in the list of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of senior officials (heads of supreme executive bodies of state power) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation creating favorable conditions for doing business.

2. The specific weight of the number of highly qualified workers in the total number of qualified workers is determined by the formula:

U_vkr \u003d WRC x 100%

U_vkr - the proportion of highly skilled workers in the total number of skilled workers;

WRC - the number of highly qualified employees;

KR is the number of skilled workers.

3. Skilled workers include employees included in the first 8 groups of occupations of the All-Russian Classifier of Occupations (OK 010-93, adopted by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia of 12/30/93 N 298):

1. Heads (representatives) of authorities and management at all levels, including heads of institutions, organizations and enterprises.

2. Specialists of the highest qualification level.

3. Specialists of average qualification level.

4. Employees engaged in the preparation of information, paperwork, accounting and maintenance.

5. Workers in the service sector, housing and communal services, trade and related activities.

6. Skilled workers in agriculture, forestry, hunting, fish farming and fishing (except for those employed in their own households for the production of agricultural, forestry, hunting, fishing products intended for sale or exchange).

7. Skilled workers of large and small industrial enterprises, arts and crafts, construction, transport, communications, geology and mineral exploration.

8. Operators, apparatchiks, plant and machine operators and assembly fitters.

Group 9 "unskilled workers" does not participate in the calculation of the number of skilled workers.

The All-Russian Classifier of Occupations (OKZ) is coordinated with the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-1988) and is built on the principle of the arrangement of occupation groups according to the level of qualification - from highest to lowest.

4. Highly qualified workers from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd groups of OKZ include workers who require higher professional education to perform their duties.

OKZ groups 4, 5, 6, 8 do not contain work and occupations, the implementation of which requires higher professional education. Therefore, workers who are part of these groups are not selected to the number of highly qualified workers.

Highly qualified workers from the 7th group of OKZ include workers who require higher or secondary vocational education to perform their job duties.

5. Source of information for calculating the indicator.

Data on the size of the employed population with the distribution by occupation groups of the OKZ are formed on the basis of monthly sample surveys of the population on employment problems conducted by the statistical authorities of the Russian Federation, with the subsequent dissemination of the results to the entire population of the surveyed age. The units of observation are households and persons aged 15–72 - members of these households.

To calculate data on the number of skilled and highly skilled workers, the respondents' answers to the questions are used:

About the level of education;

About the profession held at the main job;

On the conformity of the work performed and the specialty (profession) received in an educational institution.

6. Algorithm for calculating highly qualified workers

6.1. The number of highly qualified workers from the 1st group of occupations "managers of all levels" and the 2nd group "specialists of the highest qualification level" include all employees with higher professional or postgraduate education.

Persons who do not have higher professional or postgraduate education are not included in the number of highly qualified workers.

6.2. The number of highly qualified workers from the 3 group of occupations "specialists of average qualification level" includes workers employed in positions and jobs requiring higher professional education.

Of all the employed in this group with higher professional education, persons are selected who work in specialties (professions) that require this level of education, i.e. who answered that the work performed corresponds to the education received.

6.3. Of the 7 occupation groups "skilled workers of industrial enterprises, construction, transport, geology and exploration of mineral resources", highly qualified workers are workers employed in professions requiring higher or secondary vocational education.

Of all the employed in this group with higher or secondary vocational education, persons are selected who work in specialties (professions) that require this level of education, i.e. who answered that the work performed corresponds to the education received.

Appendix N 7

The concept of specific gravity is very common in various fields of science and life. What does it mean and how to calculate the specific gravity?

Concept in physics

Specific gravity in physics is defined as the weight of a substance per unit volume. In the SI measurement system, this value is measured in N / m3. To understand how much 1 N / m3 is, it can be compared with a value of 0.102 kgf / m3.

where P is the body weight in Newtons; V is the volume of the body in cubic meters.

If we consider, as an example, simple water, then we can see that its density and specific gravity are almost the same and very slightly change with changes in pressure or temperature. Her at. in. is equal to 1020 kgf / m3. The more salts are dissolved in the composition of this water, the greater the value of y. in. This indicator for sea water is much higher than for fresh water, and is equal to 1150 - 1300 kgf / m3.

The scientist Archimedes once noticed a long time ago that a buoyant force acts on a body immersed in water. This force is equal to the amount of fluid that the body has displaced. When the body weighs less than the volume of the displaced fluid, then it floats on the surface and goes to the bottom, if the situation is the opposite.

Specific gravity calculation

"How to calculate the specific gravity of metals?" - such a question often concerns those who develop heavy industry. This procedure is needed in order to find among the various variations of metals those that will differ in better quality characteristics.

The features of various alloys are as follows: depending on which metal is used, be it iron, aluminum or brass, of the same volume, the alloy will have a different mass. The density of a substance, calculated according to a certain formula, is most directly related to the question that workers ask when processing metals: "How to calculate the specific gravity?"

As mentioned above, y. in. is the ratio of body weight to its volume. Do not forget that this value is also defined as the force of gravity of the volume of the substance being determined taken as a basis. For metals, their y. in. and density are in the same ratio as weight to weight of the subject. Then you can use one more formula that will answer the question of how to calculate the specific gravity: u.v. / density \u003d weight / mass \u003d g, where g is a constant value. The unit of measure y. in. metal is also N / m3.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that the specific gravity of a metal is called the weight per unit volume of a dense or non-porous material. To determine y. c., you need to divide the mass of dry material by its volume in an absolutely dense state - in fact, this is the formula used to determine the weight of the metal. To achieve this result, the metal is brought to such a state that no pores remain in its particles, and it has a homogeneous structure.

Share in the economy

The share in the economy is one of the most frequently discussed indicators. Calculate it to analyze the economic, financial part of the economic activity of the organization, etc. This is one of the main methods of statistical analysis, or rather, the relative magnitude of this structure.

Often, the concept of a share in an economy is a designation of a certain share of the total volume. The unit of measurement in this case is the percentage.

W. in. \u003d (Part of whole / Whole) X100%.

As you can see, this is a well-known formula for finding the percentage between the whole and its part. This leads to the observance of 2 very important rules:

  1. The general structure of the phenomenon under consideration should in total be no more and no less than 100%.
  2. It does not matter at all what specific structure is being considered, whether it is the structure of assets or the proportion of personnel, the structure of the population or the proportion of costs, the calculation in any case will be carried out according to the above formula.

Specific gravity in medicine

The specific gravity in medicine is a fairly common concept. Use it for analyzes. It has long been known that u.v. water is proportional to the concentration of dissolved substances in it, the more there are, the greater the specific gravity. W.V. distilled water at 4 degrees Celsius equals 1,000. Hence it follows that u.v. urine can give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe amount of substances dissolved in it. From here you can make one or another diagnosis.

The specific gravity of human urine ranges from 1.001 to 1.060. Young children have less concentrated urine, ranging from 1.002 to 1.030. In the first days after birth, the specific gravity of urine is in the range from 1.002 to 1.020. According to these data, doctors can judge the functioning of the kidneys and make one or another diagnosis.

1. The proportion of workers in the total number of workers \u003d Number of workers / Number of employees

2. Average annual output per employee \u003d Volume of TP / Number of employees

3. Average annual output per worker \u003d Volume of TP / Number of workers

4. Wed number of days worked by one worker\u003d Total number of man-days worked / Number of workers

5. Wed working hours \u003dTotal man-hours worked / Total man-days worked

6. Average hourly output per worker \u003d TP volume / Total number of man-hours worked

7. Labor intensity \u003dTotal number of man-hours worked / TP volume

According to the table, it can be seen that the average number of employees in comparison with the plan has not changed. As for the average number of workers, it increased by 12.53%, which in absolute terms amounted to 460 people. At the same time, the share of workers in the total number of workers increased by 12.53% in comparison with the plan.

As for the average annual output per worker, it increased by 4.66%, and per worker, it decreased by 1.31%, respectively.

The total number of man-days worked and man-hours increased over the plan by 13.51% and 14.92%, respectively. At the same time, the average number of days worked by one worker increased by 2 days, or 0.87%. The average working day increased in relation to the plan by 0.1 hours (1.24%). The average hourly output per worker is underperformed by 8.92%. The actual labor intensity in comparison with the plan increased by 9.8%.

We will use the method of absolute differences and the following factor model to conduct a factor analysis of the average annual output per employee:

GVppp \u003d UD x D x P x CHV, where GVppp is the average annual output per worker;

UD - the proportion of workers in the total number of workers,%;

D - the average number of days worked by one worker, days;

P is the average working day, h;

PM - average hourly output per worker, rubles.

ΔGWood \u003d Δ UD'Dpl'Ppl'ChVpl \u003d 0.09´240 ´ 7.85 ´9967.04 \u003d 1690011.30 thousand rubles.

ΔHVd \u003d УДф´ Δ Д´Ппл´ЧВпл \u003d 0.70´ 2 ´ 7.85 ´ 99967.04 \u003d 109,537.77 thousand rubles.

ΔГВп \u003d УДф´Дф´ Δ П´ЧВпл \u003d 0.70 ´ 240 ´ 0.1 ´ 99267.04 \u003d 167446.27 thousand rubles.

ΔGVchv \u003d UDf´Df´Pf´ΔChV \u003d 0.70 ´ 240 ´ 7.85 ´ (-889.56) \u003d -1173151.73 thousand rubles.


Total: \u003d 793,843.62 thousand rubles.

Consequently, the average annual output per employee was 793,843.62 thousand rubles, with a small error in the calculations. The average annual output per employee increased by 1690,011.30 thousand rubles. due to the increase in the share of workers in the total number of industrial and production personnel by 12.53%. There was an increase in the average number of days worked by one worker, due to which the output increased by 117,527.39 thousand rubles. in connection with the reduction of whole-day losses of working time. The average working day increased by 0.1 hours, and output due to this increased by 167,446.27 thousand rubles. Average hourly output per worker decreased by 1,173,151.73 thousand rubles. All this became the reason for the increase in the average annual output per employee.

The average annual output per worker is affected by the number of days worked by one worker per year, the average length of the working day and the average hourly output.

GVr \u003d D x P x CHV, where GVppp is the average annual output per worker;

ΔHVd \u003d Δ D'Ppl'ChVpl \u003d 2 ´ 7.85 ´ 9967.04 \u003d 156482.53 thousand rubles.

ΔГВп \u003d Дф´ Δ П´ЧВпл \u003d 240 ´ 0.1 ´ 9967.04 \u003d 239208.96 thousand rubles.

ΔGVchv \u003d Df´Pf´ΔChV \u003d 240 ´ 7.85 ´ (-889.56) \u003d -1675931.04 thousand rubles.


Total: \u003d -1280239.55 thousand rubles.

According to the factor analysis, it can be seen that the average annual output per worker was affected by the increase in the average working day by 239,208.96 thousand rubles. Moreover, there was a decrease in whole-day losses and an increase in intrashift losses of working time by 156482.53 and 1675931.04 thousand rubles. respectively. This led to the fact that the average annual output per worker decreased by 1,280,239.55 thousand rubles.


Let's calculate the absolute and relative deviation for the payroll. The calculations are summarized in analytical table 6.1.

Table 6.1


Prev. year

Reporting year


From the previous. of the year

1.VTP, million rubles

2.Average annual number of employees

3.GV per 1 worker, million rubles

4. FZP of employees, mln. Rub.

5.Medium year

salary of employees, million rubles

6.FZP of workers, million rubles

The relative deviation is calculated as the difference between the actually accrued wages and the planned fund, adjusted for the rate of implementation of the production plan:

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Generalizing indicators of labor productivity include the average annual, average daily and average hourly output of one employee.

The factor model of the average annual output of one worker of the main production can be presented in the following form (see the legend in table 8):

GV \u003d Ud D P CHV (1.25)

The calculation of the influence of the above factors on the change in the level of the average annual output of one worker employed in agricultural production will be performed by the method of absolute differences.

Table 8 - Initial data for factor analysis of the average annual output of one employee of the main production

Index 2010 2011 r. 2012 r. Deviation () 2012 from
2010 2011 r.
The cost of gross production, thousand rubles
The average annual number of workers employed in agriculture. production, people -1 -3
of them workers, people (CR) -1 -4
The proportion of workers in the total number of workers employed in agriculture. production,% (Ud) 61,386 63,107 -0,386 -2,107
Average number of days worked by one worker per year, days (D) -6
Average working day, h (P) 7,857 7,777 7,783 -0,074 0,006
The total amount of time worked by all workers per year, h (FRV): -6003 -7149
incl. one worker, h 2003,5 1928,7 1937,9 -65,6 9,2
Average annual output per worker, thousand rubles (GW) 351,8 356,8 517,7 165,9 160,9
Average annual output, one worker, thousand rubles () 573,1 565,4 848,7 275,6 283,3
Average daily output of a worker, rubles

Analysis of the use of labor resources

2247,6 2279,8 3408,5 1160,9 1128,7
Average hourly output of a worker, rubles (CV) 286,1 293,1 437,9 151,8 144,8
Change in average annual output due to:
- share in the total number of employees -2,2 -11,9
- the average number of days worked by one worker per year -8,2 1,4
- average working day -3,2 0,3
- average hourly output of one worker 179,5 171,2

Change in the average annual output of one employee due to:

a) the share in the total number of employees

GWood \u003d (-) (1.26)

\u003d (61 - 61.386) 255 7.857 286.1 / 100000 \u003d -2.2

\u003d (61 - 63.107) 248 7.777 293.1 / 100000 \u003d -11.9

b) the average number of days worked by one worker per year

GVd \u003d (-) (1.27)

61 (249 — 255) 7,857 286,1 / 100000 = -8,2

61 (249 — 248) 7,777 293,1 / 100000 = 1,4

c) the average length of the working day

ГВп \u003d (-) (1.28)

\u003d 61 249 (7.783 - 7.857) 286.1 / 100,000 \u003d -3.2

\u003d 61 249 (7.783 7.777) 293.1 / 100000 \u003d 0.3

d) average hourly output of one worker

GVchv \u003d ) (1.29)

= 61 249 7,783 (415,8 — 286,1) / 100000 = 153,3

= 61 249 7,783 293,1) / 100000 =145,1

The actual average annual output of one worker employed in agricultural production amounted to 517.7 thousand rubles in the reporting year, which is 165.9 thousand rubles. more than in 2010 and by 160.9 thousand rubles. more than 2011 level.

The increase in the average annual output of one worker of the main production in 2012 in relation to the level of 2010 is explained, on the one hand, by an increase in the average hourly output of one worker, on the other, by a decrease in the share of workers in the total number of workers. Due to these factors, the average annual output per employee increased by 179.5 and decreased by 2.2 thousand rubles. respectively.

The reduction in the average number of days worked by one worker per year and the average duration of the working day led to a decrease in the average annual output of one worker of the main production by 8.2 thousand rubles. in 2010 and in 2011 by 11.9 thousand rubles. respectively.

For a more objective assessment of the changes that have taken place and to identify reserves for the growth of labor productivity, along with generalizing indicators, it is necessary to analyze private ones.

Adequate provision of the enterprise with labor resources is one of the factors in the formation of the working time fund (RFW), the value of which also depends on the number of days and hours worked by one employee per year:

FRV \u003d CR D (1.30)

On the basis of the model presented above, it is possible to determine the magnitude of the influence of factors on the change in the fund of working time.

Table 9 - Factor analysis of the working time fund

Index 2009 (0) 2010 (0) 2012 (1) Deviation 2011 from
2009 year 2010
Average number of workers, people (CR) -1 -4
Average number of days worked by one employee per year, days (D) -6
Average working hours, hours (P) 7,857 7,777 7,783 -0,074 0,006
Working time fund, h. -6003 -7149
Changing the working time fund by:
Number of workers -2003,5 -7714,8
Average number of days worked by one worker per year -2875,7 474,4
Average working hours -1123,9 91,1

Since the factor model of the working time fund is multiplicative, you can use any method of deterministic factor analysis to analyze it.

62 * 255 * 7.857 \u003d 124,219 hours;

65 248 7.777 \u003d 125365 hours;

61 249 7.783 \u003d 118 216 h

At the analyzed enterprise, the actual FRV is less than the planned one by 7715 hours, including due to changes in:

a) the number of workers

∆FRV CR (2010) \u003d (CR 1 - CR 0) D o P o \u003d (61-62) 255 7.857 \u003d -2003.5 h;

∆FRV CR (2011) \u003d (CR 1 - CR 0) D o P o \u003d (61-65) 248 7.777 \u003d -7714.8 h

b) the number of days worked by one worker

∆FRV D (2010) \u003d CHR 1 (D 1 - Up) P o \u003d 61 (249 -255) 7.857 \u003d -2875.7 h;

∆FRV D (2011) \u003d CHR 1 (D 1 - Up) P o \u003d 61 (249 -248) 7.777 \u003d 474.4 h;

c) the duration of the working day

∆FRV P (2010) \u003d CHR 1 D 1 (P 1 - P o) \u003d 61 249 (7.783-7.857) \u003d -1123.9 h;

∆FRV P (2011) \u003d HR 1 D 1 (P 1 - P o) \u003d 61 249 (7.783-7.777) \u003d 91.1 h.

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2.4 Analysis of labor productivity

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Factors of increasing labor productivity

Factors are causes, external circumstances that affect a process or system.

Depending on the degree and nature of the impact on the level of labor productivity, factors are usually divided into material and technical, organizational and economic, socio-psychological and natural-climatic.

Material and technical factors associated with the use of new technology, advanced technology, new types of raw materials and materials. The solution to the problems of improving production is achieved by:

- equipment modernization;

- replacement of obsolete equipment with new, more productive;

- increasing the level of mechanization and automation of production;

- introduction of advanced technologies;

- the use of new types of material resources, etc.

Scientific and technological progress is the main source of a comprehensive and consistent growth in labor productivity. Of course, the implementation of measures to improve the material and technical level of production always requires significant capital investments.

The complex of material and technical factors and their influence on the change in labor productivity can be characterized by the following indicators:

- power-to-labor ratio - consumption of all types of energy per employee;

- technical equipment (capital-labor ratio) of labor - the volume of the value of fixed assets per employee;

- the level of mechanization and automation - the share of workers engaged in mechanized and automated labor;

- chemicalization of production - the share of chemicalized production processes in the total volume.

The influence of these factors is reflected in the hourly output.

Organizational and economic factors determined by the level of organization of labor, production and management.

These include:

- improving the structure of management of production processes and the organization as a whole;

- improvement of operational management of production processes;

- structural changes in production due to changes in the specific weights of certain types of products, labor intensity of the production program;

- implementation and development of automated production management systems;

- improvement of material, technical and personnel preparation of production;

- improving the organization of production processes;

- improving the organization of infrastructure units;

- improvement of the organization of labor - improvement of the division and cooperation of labor, the use of advanced methods and techniques of labor, improvement of the organization and maintenance of workplaces, the development and use of reasonable labor costs, the use of flexible forms of labor organization, improvement of working conditions, rationalization of work and rest regimes, etc. .d.

- improvement of professional selection of personnel, improvement of their training and advanced training;

- improvement of systems and forms of remuneration, increasing their motivating role.

Without the use of these factors, it is impossible to obtain a real effect from the factors of the first group, while most of these factors do not require significant capital investments for implementation. The implementation of these factors is reflected in the level of daily and annual output.

Socio-psychological factors ensure the quality of labor collectives, their socio-demographic composition, the level of qualifications, education, the level of discipline, labor activity and creative initiative, the system of value orientations, leadership style, etc.

Natural and climatic factors are objective, independent of the actions of the organization and are conditioned by the natural conditions in which labor activity takes place. Of particular importance is exerted on labor productivity in open-air industries, that is, in extractive industries.

All factors are closely related and interdependent, therefore, labor productivity management should be carried out systematically and comprehensively.

A decrease in the growth rate of labor productivity has a negative effect on almost all aspects of a commercial organization, as can be seen in Fig. 1.

Figure: 4.1. The performance trap

With its enormous resource potential, the Russian economy occupies a very modest place in the world division of labor. First of all, this is due to the non-competitiveness of the goods produced, which is primarily due to low labor productivity. The level of labor productivity in domestic industry can be 14% of the corresponding indicator for the USA, 18% for Canada, 19% for Japan, France, 20% for England and Germany. (An accurate assessment is very difficult due to the discrepancy between the statistical information of different countries). It is obvious that without an increase in labor productivity, neither the organization nor the country as a whole will be able to solve their development tasks.

Self-test questions

1. Indicate the role and importance of personnel for the commercial organization.

2. What is the difference between labor resources and other types of organization resources?

3. What kind of personnel is reflected in the composition of industrial production?

4. What are the main categories of personnel that make up the PPP.

5. How can you characterize the structure of the organization's personnel?

6. How is staff availability determined?

7. How does the payroll number differ from the attendance number?

8. Give examples of whole-day losses of working time.

9. How can you evaluate the effectiveness of the use of personnel labor?

10. What is the difference between output and labor intensity?

11. Describe the annual output per worker as a generalized indicator of labor productivity.

12. Formulate the main factors of increasing labor productivity.

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The output is determined on the basis of one main worker, one worker and one worker.

When determining the output per one main worker the number of products produced is divided by the number of main workers.

If the output is calculated for one worker, the number of products produced is divided by the total number of main and auxiliary workers.

To determine the output per one workingthe number of products produced is divided by the number of all industrial and production personnel:

where IN - product development; TO- the amount of products produced during the period in natural or value terms; H - the number of employees (main workers, main and auxiliary, industrial and production personnel).

The labor intensity of the product, like the output, can be calculated in different versions. Distinguish between technological, production and total labor intensity.

Technological complexity of products are found by dividing the labor costs of the main workers by the amount of products they produce.

Production labor intensity of productscalculated by dividing the labor costs of the main and auxiliary workers by the amount of products produced.

Full labor intensityis determined by dividing the labor costs of industrial production personnel by the amount of products produced:

where T- labor intensity of products; Z tr - labor costs of various categories of workers for the production of products; IN - the volume of products produced.

Problem 1

The volume of products produced at the enterprise for the year amounted to 200 thousand tons.

Calculate labor productivity indicators based on the data presented in the table:


Labor productivity is characterized by indicators of production and labor intensity.

1. We calculate the indicators of production:

A) production per production (main) worker

PT = TO / H \u003d 200/100 \u003d 2 thousand tons / person;

B) production per worker

PT = TO / H \u003d 200 / (100 + 50) \u003d 1.333 thousand tons / person;

C) production per worker

PT = TO / H \u003d 200 / (100 + 50 + 15 + 10 + 5) \u003d 1.111 thousand tons / person.

2. We calculate the indicators of labor intensity:

A) technological labor intensity

T = Z tr / IN \u003d 100 1 712/200 \u003d 0.856 people h / t;

B) production labor intensity

T = Z tr / IN \u003d (100 1 712 + 50 1 768) / 200 \u003d 1.298 people h / t;

C) total labor intensity

T = Z tr / IN \u003d (100 1 712 + 50 1 768 + 15 1 701 + 10 1 701 +

5 1 768) / 200 \u003d 1.555 people h / t.

The following performance indicators are used in drilling:

1. Natural indicator of production, taking into account changes in geological conditions. This is the volume of penetration per worker of a drilling enterprise or drilling crew per unit of working time.

where H is the volume of penetration by one worker or drilling crew per unit of working time;

H - the number of the brigade;

V c - commercial speed of well construction, m / st.-months;

H beats - the specific number of employees, person / st.-month.

2. The cost indicator of production is the amount of work in the estimated cost per employee per unit of time.

where S is the estimated cost of work, rubles.

3. Labor intensity indicator is the amount of labor costs in man-hours per 1000 m of penetration.

where T is the amount of labor costs, in man-hours.

In oil and gas production, indicators are used:

Assessment of labor productivity and labor intensity of products

In-kind production is the volume of oil or gas produced by one worker per unit of time.

where Q is the volume of produced oil (gas), m3 or so.

2. Production in value terms is the volume of production and work of an oil and gas company per employee per unit of working time.

where P is the price of one ton (m3) of oil (gas).

3. Labor intensity of work is the specific labor intensity of servicing one well.

where H ssp is the average number,

N is the number of active wells.

When determining productivity, hours worked do not include downtime.

The assessment of labor productivity at oil and gas processing and oil and gas chemical enterprises is carried out in a similar way. At the same time, as Q, the volume of manufactured marketable products at the enterprise is substituted into the formula. In this case, the complexity is determined in two stages.

At the first, the labor intensity for individual technological units is determined. At the second stage, the labor intensity of individual products is calculated. It is calculated as the weighted average of the labor intensity of the components included in this product.

Planning the number of workers

The calculation of the number of personnel is carried out:

By production rates;

By labor intensity;

Service standards;

For jobs.

Population rateis the established number of employees required to perform specific work.

Determination of staffing requirements is carried out by groups RFP.

The number of employees hired by the company according to the documents is the payroll number.

1. For work piece workers, it is determined by production rates... The payroll is found by the formula:

where Ch is the number of employees;

K cn - payroll coefficient.

The number of employees is the estimated number of employees on the payroll, who on a given day must come to work to complete the production task. The number of employees for work piece workers is calculated by the formula:

where Q day is the daily production or work performed in natural units;

H vyr - shift rate of output of one worker, in the same units.

K vn - coefficient of performance standards.

Production rate fulfillment:

where Р cm - shift productivity of one worker in natural units.

The payroll ratio of workers is determined:

where P pr is the number of holidays in a year,

P out - the number of days off per year,

P otp - the number of vacation days for workers,

0.96 is the coefficient of absenteeism for valid reasons (illness, fulfillment of state and public duties, etc.).

P s - the number of matches between weekends and holidays.

The average daily number of employees is determined by:

Where Ch i is the payroll number of employees of the enterprise,

P k - calendar number of days in the planned period.

2. The number of auxiliary workers in the oil and gas industry is determined by labor intensity determined

H h \u003d (H vr * Q) / (F eff * K ext),

where Q - production volume, m3, t.

Н вр - time norm per ton (m3), standard hour;

Ф eff - useful (effective) working time of one worker per year, h (calendar time minus holidays and absenteeism);

To ext -coefficient of fulfillment of time norms by workers.

3. For auxiliary workers engaged in the repair of equipment, install service standards:

H h \u003d K o / N o * C * K cn,

where To about- the number of units of installed equipment;

N about - the number of pieces of equipment serviced by one worker (norm);

FROM -number of work shifts;

K cn -coefficient of conversion of the number of workers on the payroll.

If the scope of work and maintenance rates cannot be established, then the calculation is carried out by workplace

H h \u003d M * C * K cn,

Where M- the number of jobs.

Labor productivity is the quantitative ratio of the volume of the received product of labor to the cost of its production. It is expressed by the amount of products produced per unit of time (production) or the time spent per unit of production (labor intensity).

Distinguish performance individual and social labor... The first reflects the cost of living labor , the second - living and past (materialized) labor. In enterprises, individual productivity is determined. An increase in labor productivity - an objective economic law inherent in all socio-economic formations - means saving the total cost of labor (living and materialized labor).

Methods for analyzing labor productivity

Due to technological progress, part of the first decreases, and the second - relatively increases, but in such amounts in which the total amount of labor contained in the commodity decreases. An increase in labor productivity leads to an increase in output, a decrease in its cost, an increase in the average wage of workers, a shorter working day and, as a result, an increase in the well-being of the people.

Labor intensity of production - these are the costs of living labor for the production of a natural unit of production (goods, products) , completed complex of works or construction object, technological process. She may be planned, actual, normative, calculated according to time standards, and design, which is the amount of labor costs for the production of a unit of output, established on the basis of the most progressive and organizational and economic decisions adopted in the project.

The labor intensity of products can be calculated by the labor costs of various categories of personnel of the enterprise who were directly involved in the production process, its maintenance and management.

Tr \u003d Tcm / N, (8.16)

where T CM is the duration of the shift, hour;

N is the number of manufactured products, pcs.

Labor productivity indicators - production and labor intensity of products - are interconnected by an inversely proportional relationship, that is, the less labor intensity, the higher the output.

In accordance with this, distinguish full labor intensity of products- includes labor costs of all categories of industrial production personnel of the enterprise; technological- only the main workers; production- main and auxiliary workers; and labor intensity of production maintenance, management.

The composition of labor costs that are included in the labor intensity indicator depends on the goals and objectives of the calculation, the type of enterprise and industry. The ultimate goal of the enterprise is the formation of the full labor intensity of the product and the management of its reduction at all stages, from the issuance of a task for development (design) to the delivery of products to the consumer.

Production- indicator of labor productivity , due to the amount of products (volume of work, services) manufactured over a certain period of time, on average, per worker or worker. Calculated in the same units as the volume of production.

Productionreflects the amount of products produced per unit of working time:

q \u003d N / Tcm, (8.17)

where N is the number of manufactured products, pieces;

T CM - duration of the shift, hours.

There are three types of production: average annual, average hourly and average daily.

Average annual output:

q \u003d Q / Psp, (8.18)

where Q is the volume of production in value terms, UAH;

P is the average number of workers, people.

Average daily production:

q qp \u003d Q / Chel - dn \u003d Q \u003d Psp * Drab, (8.19)

where Man-days is the total number of man-days worked by all workers during the period under review (year);

D RAB - the number of working days worked by one worker for the period under review (year), days.

Average hourly production:

q hour \u003d Q / Person - hour \u003d Q \u003d Rsp * Drab * Tcm, (8.20)

where Man-hour is the total number of man-hours worked by all workers during the period under review (year);

Т CM - duration of the working day (shift), hour.

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1. Labor productivity, its importance in the economy

List of sources used

Labor productivity, its importance in the economy

The most important indicator of production efficiency is labor productivity. Labor productivity is the efficiency, productivity of workers in the production process.

Since living and materialized labor is involved in the production of a product, it is customary to separate the concepts of productivity of living labor and total labor, i.e. living and materialized labor.

The productivity of living individual labor is the productivity of only living labor of an individual worker (or a collective of workers).

The productivity of aggregate labor is the productivity of the totality of the living labor of workers and materialized labor in the means of production (means of labor and objects of labor). The productivity of social labor can act as a criterion for the economic efficiency of production, since such labor productivity determines the efficiency of all elements that make up production (living labor, means of labor and objects of labor).

An increase in labor productivity is a determining factor in increasing the volume of production, the main source of expanded reproduction and an increase in the welfare of employees of the enterprise. The meaning of increasing labor productivity lies in the fact that the production of each unit of output requires less, than before, the cost of living and materialized labor and a decrease in the share of living labor.

A general idea of \u200b\u200bthe productivity of aggregate social labor at the macro level is given by the ratio of the real volume of the gross domestic product (for example, for a year) and the number of workers employed in the country's economy.

The economic significance of the productivity of aggregate (social) labor is determined by the fact that its increase means:

- growth of GDP and national income;

- the basis for the socio-economic improvement of the living standards of the country's citizens and the solution of social problems;

- the basis for the socio-economic development of the country and ensuring the economic security of the state;

- growth in accumulation and consumption.

The economic importance of ensuring the growth of the productivity of aggregate labor at the enterprise is determined by the fact that this growth allows:

- to reduce labor costs for the production and sale of products (if the growth of PT outstrips the growth of average wages);

- to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise and goods, to ensure the financial stability of production activities;

- to increase (all other things being equal) the volume of production, and most importantly, given its competitiveness - the volume of sales and profit growth;

- to pursue a policy to increase the average wages of employees of the enterprise;

- more successfully carry out the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the enterprise at the expense of the profit.

Relevant is the identification of reserves for increasing labor productivity, which represent unused opportunities to save costs of living and materialized labor. These reserves are classified as follows:

- national economic;

- industry-specific;

- in-house.

The national economic reserves for the growth of labor productivity are concluded: in the creation of a legislative framework for the effective functioning and development of enterprises of any form of ownership; in the elimination of various kinds of barriers to scientific and technological progress; in improving the organization of the wage rate system, material and moral incentives for workers, eliminating equalization in wages and encouraging workers to professional growth and a creative attitude to work.

Sectoral reserves include opportunities to increase productivity through optimal cooperation and combination of production in the industry, appropriate specialization and concentration.

Intra-production reserves determine the possibilities of increasing the productivity of living and materialized labor at the enterprise level. Such reserves are contained in the possibilities of improving production technology and technology, organizing production, labor and management, raising the cultural and technical level and qualifications of personnel. In this sense, reserves are intertwined with factors of growth in labor productivity. A practically inexhaustible source (factor) of growth in labor productivity is scientific and technological progress, and, above all, comprehensive mechanization and automation of production.

At the micro level, it is necessary to calculate the following indicators of labor productivity: product output for manufactured or sold products, or profit, labor intensity, profitability and marginal labor productivity. Note that such indicators as marginal labor productivity, production by profit and profitability of labor are most consistent with the principles of assessing labor efficiency in a market economy.

Problem 1

Determine the average annual cost of fixed assets of the enterprise under the following conditions: the cost of fixed assets at the beginning of the planning period amounted to 54 million rubles; in the planned year, new fixed assets are introduced: 162 million rubles. - Happy April, 1; 220 million rubles - from July 1; 120 million rubles - from October 1; 192 million rubles - from November 1; fixed production assets retire during the planning period: 46 mln.


To calculate the average annual cost of fixed assets (OPF av), we use the formula:

where OPF n is the initial (replacement) cost of fixed assets at the beginning of the planned year;

B 1 - the cost of fixed assets put into operation in the planned year;

В 2 - the cost of fixed assets retired from service in the planned year;

M is the number of full months of functioning of the introduced OPF;

(12-M) - the number of months remaining until the end of the year after the disposal of the OPF.

Problem 2

In the first quarter, the enterprise sold products worth 1,250 million rubles, the average quarterly items of working capital amounted to 125 million rubles. In the second quarter, sales of products increased by 10%, and the time of one turnover of working capital will be reduced by one day.


- the ratio of the turnover of current assets and the time of one turnover in days in the 1st quarter;

- the ratio of the turnover of working capital and their absolute value in the 2nd quarter;

- the release of working capital as a result of reducing the duration of one turnover of working capital.


The turnover ratio of working capital (K about) is the number of turnovers made by working capital during a certain period, determined by the ratio of the volume of products sold (B) to the average balances of the company's working capital (


The duration of one turnover in days (T about) is the period of time during which the circulating assets make one complete circuit. Determined by the formula:

where D k - the number of days of the analyzed period (month, quarter, year).

Let's calculate the above indicators for the first quarter:

We define

- sales volume in the second quarter:

In 2 sq. \u003d 1 250 million rubles. × (100 + 10%) / 100 \u003d 1375 million rubles.

- time of one turnover of working capital in the second quarter:

9 days - 1 day \u003d 8 days

- the ratio of the turnover of working capital in the 2nd quarter:

- the absolute value of working capital in the 2nd quarter:

The amount of released circulating assets as a result of accelerating their turnover (

) is determined by the formula: ,

where DТ about - change in the duration of 1 turnover, days;

RP 2 - the volume of product sales for the reporting period;

Dk - the number of days in the reporting period.

Problem 3

Distribute wages among the team members according to the following initial data:

Piece-work earnings of the brigade - 1120 thousand rubles. per month.


The tariff rate of any category (ТС i) is determined by the product of the tariff rate of the first category (ТС 1) by the tariff coefficient (K i) of the corresponding tariff category ETC according to the formula.

The specialists of any enterprise have to deal with a certain system of indicators. One of them is specific gravity. In economics, this is an indicator that reflects the weight of a particular financial phenomenon.

General definition

They serve as micromodels of various phenomena in the financial activities of both the state in general and the economic entity in particular. They are subject to various fluctuations and changes in connection with the reflection of the dynamics and contradictions of all ongoing processes, they can both approach and move away from their main purpose - assessing and measuring the essence of a specific economic phenomenon. That is why the analyst must always remember about the goals and objectives of the research using indicators for assessing various aspects of the activities of enterprises.

Among the many economic indicators, summarized in a certain system, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • natural and cost, which depend on the selected meters;
  • qualitative and quantitative;
  • volumetric and specific.

It is the latter type of indicators that will be given special attention in this article.

Share in the economy

This is a relative and derived indicator from its volumetric counterparts. As a specific weight, it is customary to consider output per employee, the amount of inventory in days, the level of costs per one ruble of sales, etc. Relative indicators such as structure, dynamics, plan fulfillment and development intensity are also widely used.

The share in the economy is the relative share of individual elements in the sum of all its components.

The magnitude of coordination, considered as a comparison of individual structural parts of a single whole, is considered to be important. An example is the comparison in the passive part of the balance sheet of a business entity of borrowed and equity capital.

Thus, the share in the economy is an indicator that has some meaning with its own value for analysis and control. However, like any relative indicator, it is characterized by the presence of a certain limitation. Therefore, the specific weight in the economy, the calculation formula of which is contained in any thematic textbook, should be considered in conjunction with other economic parameters. It is this approach that will allow objectively and comprehensively to conduct research on the economic activities of business entities in a particular area.

Calculation method

The answer to the question of how to find the share in the economy depends on which particular area needs to be considered. In any case, this is the ratio of a particular indicator to the general one. For example, the share of value added tax receipts in total tax receipts is calculated as the ratio of VAT payments by business entities to the total amount of receipts from all taxes. Similarly, the share of tax revenues in the revenues of the federal budget of the Russian Federation is calculated, only tax revenues are taken directly as a private indicator, and the entire amount of budget revenues for a specific period (for example, a year) is taken as a general indicator.

unit of measurement

How is the share in the economy measured? Percentage, of course. The unit of measurement follows from the very formulation of this concept. This is why it is calculated in shares or percentages.

The value of the indicator "share" in the overall assessment of the state economy

As mentioned above, the share in the economy characterizes its structure in various areas of activity. For example, the sectoral structure shows the degree of openness of the economy of any state. The higher the indicator of the share of such basic industries as metallurgy and energy, the lower the involvement of the state in the division of labor at the international level, which characterizes the less openness of its economy as a whole.

Also, the degree of openness of the economy of any state is characterized by the share of exports in GDP (and this is also a relative indicator, represented by specific gravity). It is generally accepted that for countries with an open economy, the share of exports exceeds 30% of GDP, and a closed economy - up to 10%.

However, the considered share of exports in GDP is not the only indicator of an open or closed economy. Other indicators are also known. An example is export or which are calculated by finding the ratio of the value of exports (imports) to GDP.

Summarizing what has been said, it should be noted that the share of various indicators in the economic system is a kind of indicator of its successful functioning, according to the structure of its individual areas of activity, conclusions can be drawn about the openness or closedness of the economy. At the same time, an analysis of the structure of any economic sphere will make it possible to timely determine the factors that influence certain indicators.

Any substance has characteristics. And the main characteristic of any substance is weight, or rather, the specific gravity, the ratio of the weight of a particular body and the volume occupied by this body. This indicator follows from the mechanical definition of matter. It is through him that we make the transition to the sphere of qualitative definitions. Matter for us is no longer an amorphous mass tending to its center of gravity. Well, for example - the solar system - all of its bodies are different in specific gravity (how to calculate the specific gravity - just below), since they have their own weight and their own volume. If we take separately our Earth and its shells (lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere), it turns out that they also have their own specific gravity, different and individual.

In the same way, individual chemical elements have their own weight, only this time atomic. This is also an expression of specific gravity. By the way, there are only a few elements that can be presented in pure form, and the rest are compounds, as a rule, stable and bearing the name of simple substances. There are more than five hundred of them in the lithosphere of our planet, each with its own specific weight. How to calculate specific gravity? And in general, can this be done?

Sure. Right now, we will consider how to calculate the specific gravity. It is better to do this with specific examples to make it clearer.

1. For example, you are the head of a woodworking shop and want to know how to calculate the specific weight of the sale of specific goods or work materials in this case. Should be known: the amount of sales of a particular product and the total volume. Let's say we have: type of product - board, revenue - 15,500 (rubles), specific weight - 81.6%; type of product - timber, revenue - 30,000 (rubles), specific weight 15.8%; type of product - slab, revenue - 190,000 (rubles), specific weight 2.6%. Total: revenue - 190,000, and the share (total), respectively, 100%. How to calculate the specific gravity of a board? Divide 155,000 by 190,000 and multiply by 100. We get 81.6%. This is exactly the specific gravity of the board.

For some reason, specific gravity is often confused with density, although the concepts are completely different. Specific gravity does not belong to physical and chemical characteristics and differs from density as, say, mass from weight.

2.1.) Density is the ratio of mass to volume, and specific gravity is the ratio of weight to volume, the formula can be represented as follows: γ \u003d mg / V. And if the density is the ratio of the mass of a given body to the volume of this body, then the formula for finding the specific weight, respectively, is written in the following form: γ \u003d ρg.

2.2.) If desired, you can find the specific gravity through volume and mass, or by an experimental method, by comparing pressure values. Here the hydrostatic equation will be used: P \u003d Po + γh. But this method is applicable only in the case when all measured values \u200b\u200bare known without exception. In this case, the formula for finding the specific weight will take the following form: γ \u003d P-Po / h. This equation is usually used to describe communicating vessels and their actions. On the basis of experimental data, the conclusion will be correct: each substance located in communicating vessels will have its own height and its own spreading speed along the walls of the vessel in which this substance is located.

2.3.) In order to calculate (calculate) the specific gravity, you can apply one more formula (the force of Archimedes). Remember school physics lessons? Perhaps only a few will answer in the affirmative. Therefore, we refresh our memory: the force of Archimedes is the pushing force. Suppose a weight is given that has a certain mass (let us designate this weight as "m"), which is kept on the water. At this moment, two forces act on the load, the first is gravity, and the second is Archimedes (the pushing force, and the direction will be opposite to the vector mg). In the formula, the Archimedes force looks like this: Fapx \u003d ρgV. Knowing that ρg is equal to the weight of the specific liquid, we obtain the following equation: Fapx \u003d yV, and from this we derive: y \u003d Fapx / V.

Complicated? Then let's simplify: in order to calculate the specific gravity, divide the weight by the volume.

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1.2 Calculation of the structure of the company's income

1.3 Calculation of the implementation of the plan of income of the enterprise.

The implementation of the plan for the total income of the enterprise is calculated by the formula:

Yp. Pl. \u003d D fact / D pl. * 100% (1.6)

where, Yout. Pl. - percentage of income plan fulfillment

D fact - Income actually performed for the current period, rubles

D pl. - planned income for the current period, rubles

You should analyze the percentage of completion of the income plan.

Section 2. Efficiency of labor resources.

The efficiency of labor resources produced per unit of time or the ratio of the amount produced to the cost of living labor.

Labor productivity for the whole enterprise can be calculated using the formula:

where, Fri - labor productivity, thousand rubles / person

D o.d. - income from core activities, thousand rubles / person

Р - average number of employees, people

The percentage of the fulfillment of the labor productivity plan is determined by the formula:

Labor resources are a set of workers of different groups employed at the enterprise and included in its payroll.

The results of the enterprise's activities and its competitiveness largely depend on the efficiency of use and the quality of labor resources.

2.1 Calculation of the average number of employees.

The average annual number of employees is calculated using the formula:

P \u003d (PI + PII + PIII + PIV) / 4 (2.1)

where, P is the average annual number of employees, people

PI. PII, PIII, PIV - the number of employees at the beginning of each quarter

Implementation of the plan for the number of employees:

Yр \u003d Рfact. / Rpl. * 100% (2.2)

where, Yр is the percentage of the plan for the number of employees

Rfact. - Average number of employees in the current year

Rpl. - Average number of employees according to the plan of the current year

2.2. Calculation of labor productivity

Labor productivity characterizes the efficiency of the use of labor resources at the enterprise.

The level of labor productivity is expressed in the amount of products

Y issue pl. \u003d PT fact / PT square * 100% (2.4)

where, Y issue pl. - percentage of fulfillment of the labor productivity plan

PT fact - actual fulfillment of the labor productivity plan, thousand rubles / person.

PT pl - labor productivity plan, thousand rubles / person

The implementation of the labor productivity plan should be analyzed.

The increase in income from the main activity of the enterprise can be achieved due to the influence of 2 factors: growth in labor productivity, growth in the number of employees.

The share of income growth, as a percentage, obtained due to an increase in labor productivity in comparison with the plan is determined by the formula:

Q \u003d (1-% P /% Do.d.) * 100 (2.5)

where, Q- the share of income growth in percent, obtained due to the growth of labor productivity

% P - Percentage of increase in the number of employees compared to the plan

% Do.d. - percentage of increase in income from core activities in comparison with the plan

where, Rfact. - the actual number of employees.

Rpl. - the planned number of employees.

% Do.d. \u003d (Do.d actual / D o.d. area-1) * 100% (2.7)

where, Do.d fact - actual income from product sales.

D o.d. pl. - planned income from product sales

If there is an increase in the number of employees at the enterprise, then the entire increase in income is obtained due to an increase in the number of workers and labor productivity.

How to calculate specific gravity as a percentage?

To assess the importance of a tog or other indicator, you need calculate specific gravity as a percentage... For example, in the budget, you need to calculate the proportion of each item in order to deal with the most important budget items first.

To calculate the specific gravity of indicators, you need to divide the sum of each indicator by the total total of all indicators and multiply by 100, that is: (indicator / sum) x100. We get the weight of each indicator as a percentage.

For example: (255/844) x100 \u003d 30.21%, that is, the weight of this indicator is 30.21%.

The sum of all specific weights should eventually equal 100, so you can check the correctness of the calculation of the specific gravity in percent.

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Let us consider the calculation of the specific weight as a percentage using the example of calculating the specific weight of the average number of employees, for the convenience of writing, this term will be defined by the abbreviation "СЧР".

The procedure for calculating the CER is provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, clause 1 of article 11.

To calculate the SDR for each separate division, head office and organization in full, you need to calculate the SDR for each month, then - SDR for the reporting period.

The amount of NAR for each calendar day of the month, divided by the number of days of the month, will be equal to the NAR for the month.

The amount of the NAR for each month of the reporting period, divided by the number of months of the reporting period, is equal to the NAR for the reporting period.

In accordance with clause 8-1.4 of the instructions of the Rosstat, the SChR is indicated only in full units. For young, newly formed separate subdivisions, the value of the HR for the reporting period may be less than a whole number. Therefore, in order not to conflict with the tax authorities, for tax purposes, it was proposed to apply mathematical rules when calculating the SDR - data, less than 0.5 should not be taken into account, more than 0.5 should be rounded to one.

The AHR value of a separate subdivision / parent organization, divided by the AHR value for the organization as a whole for the reporting period, will be equal to the indicator of the specific weight of the AHR of each separate subdivision and parent organization.

There is a common part. It is taken for 100%. It consists of individual components. Their specific gravity can be calculated using the following template (formula):

Thus, the numerator will contain a part of the whole, and the denominator will contain the whole itself, and the fraction itself is multiplied by one hundred percent.

When finding the specific gravity, you need to remember two important rules, otherwise the decision will be wrong:

Examples of calculation in a simple and complex structure can be found here.

First, let's understand what the specific gravity of a component of a substance is. This is its ratio to the total mass of the substance, multiplied by 100%. It's simple. You know how much the whole substance (mixture, etc.) weighs, you know the weight of a particular ingredient, divide the weight of the ingredient by the total weight, multiply by 100% and get the answer. Also, the specific gravity can be estimated through specific gravity.

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The specific gravity and its calculation is one of the most common indicators. Its calculation is used in statistics, organization economics, analysis of financial economic activities, economic analysis, sociology and many other disciplines. In addition, the indicator specific gravity is used when writing analytical chapters of coursework and theses.

Initially, specific gravity is one of the methods of statistical analysis, or rather, even one of the varieties of relative values.

The relative size of the structure is the specific gravity. Sometimes the specific gravity is called the proportion of the phenomenon, i.e. it is the proportion of an element in the total population. The calculation of the proportion of an element or specific gravity (as you like) is most often carried out in percent.

The formula for calculating the specific gravity

The formula itself can be presented in different interpretations, but its meaning is the same and the principle of calculation is the same.

- The structure of the phenomenon should always be equal to 100%, neither more nor less, if adding the fractions of 100 did not work out, then carry out additional rounding, and the calculations themselves are best done with hundredths.

- It is not so important the structure of what you are calculating - the structure of assets, the share of income or expenses, the share of personnel by age, sex, length of service, education, the share of products, the structure of the population, the share of costs as part of the cost - the meaning of the calculation will be the same, divide the part by the total, multiply by 100 and get the specific gravity. Do not be afraid of different words in the text of the problem, the principle of calculation is always the same.

An example of calculating the specific gravity

We check the sum of the shares ∑d \u003d 15.56 + 32.22 + 45.56 + 6.67 \u003d 100.01%, with this calculation there is a deviation from 100%, so 0.01% must be removed. Remove it from the group 50 and older, the adjusted share of this group will be 6.66%.

We enter the received data into the final calculation table

All direct tasks for determining the specific gravity have this calculation principle.

Complex structure - there are situations when a complex structure is presented in the initial data, several groupings are included in the phenomenon. The object is divided into groups, and each group, in turn, is not yet subgroups.

In such a situation, there are two ways to calculate:

- either we calculate all groups and subgroups according to a simple scheme, divide each number by the final given;

- either groups are counted from the general given, and subgroups from the size of this given group.

We use a simple structure calculation. We divide each group and subgroup by the total population. In this way of calculation, we find out the share of each group and subgroup in the total population. When checking, it will only be necessary to add groups - in this example, the urban and rural population in the total number, otherwise if you add up all the data, then the sum of the shares will be 200%, a double count will appear.

We enter the calculation data into the table

Let's calculate the share of each group in the total population and the share of each subgroup in the group. The share of urban and rural population in the total population will remain the same as in the calculation above 65.33% and 34.67%.

But the calculation of the shares of men and women will change. Now we will need to calculate the proportion of men and women in relation to the urban population or rural population.

That's all. Nothing complicated or difficult.

Good luck to all in the calculations!

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