The Ministry of Finance refused the Ministry of Defense to increase the salaries of the military. Salaries of military personnel in Russia Salaries of specialists in content, marketing and HR

The military personnel of our country have long known that, according to Order 1010, they are entitled to a cash bonus.

However, few of them know how much and who can count on it at all. For this reason, we will consider all the nuances of this order in more detail.

Key points

Order No. 1010 of July 2010 reads “On the additional measures taken to improve the efficiency of the use of DD funds (monetary allowance) for citizens of the military, as well as persons who belong to the category of “civilians”, but at the same time carry out their labor activities for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ".

This Order replaced Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1459, which was signed back in December 2006.

Who is eligible for the award and why?

The premium paid each year is financial leverage personnel to more conscientious performance of their official duties and improvement of physical, moral and sociological training.

In 2019, those who did not have disciplinary sanctions and did not commit acts that contradict the charter for military service by employees of the RF Armed Forces have the right to count on it.

Such offenses include:

  • loss of official identity;
  • disclosure of confidential information;
  • non-compliance with the rules for crossing the territorial limits of the state;
  • bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility;
  • violation of safety standards for the performance of service, resulting in injury or death of a person;
  • unsatisfactory physical preparation;
  • violation of the norms of the economic activity of the unit, which led to material damage.

The amount of the cash prize, which a serviceman has the right to count on, directly depends on what estimated size is set for a particular year, the military rank itself, as well as the position of the serviceman.

The amount of the monetary bonus in the issue of stimulating citizens of the military, as well as civilians who carry out their labor activities in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (with the exception of commanders, chiefs, as well as leaders and deputies who have a full-time military rank from lieutenant general, vice admiral and above), cannot be set more than 5 times the calculated amount. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the estimated amount itself directly depends on the amount of financial resources released directly for the quarter, as well as on the number of personnel itself.

Prize amount directly depends from military rank, since the coefficients differ.

To be more specific, then coefficient next:

  • junior officers: ml. lieutenants, st. lieutenants and captains - the coefficient cannot exceed 3;
  • if we are talking about majors, captains of the 3rd and 2nd ranks, lieutenant colonels - the coefficient is set no more than 4;
  • colonels, captains of the 1st rank, major generals, rear admirals - the coefficient is not more than 5;
  • if we are talking about a military rank from major general (vice admiral) and above - the coefficient is set within 10.

If we are talking about additional financial incentives for civilians who work in the structures of the RF Armed Forces, then here the coefficient directly depends on which position occupied by a person:

  • if we are talking about deputy heads of any structural divisions of the organization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the coefficient is not more than 3;
  • deputy chiefs of the organization of the RF Armed Forces, as well as the heads of structural units of the RF Armed Forces themselves - the coefficient is set within 4;
  • if we are talking about the immediate leaders of the organization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the coefficient can reach 5, but not more.

When it comes to financial incentives, personnel, then here the amount of the bonus directly depends on any achievements, complex tasks performed, and so on. The bonus for personnel is provided on the basis of a written Order of personal and higher management.

Who has the right to distribute the premium

Speaking of who has the right to distribute this award, then it is worth referring to paragraph 4 of Order 1010. In particular, we are talking about the fact that additional financial incentives within the framework of budgetary funds are carried out:

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that all direct orders for the payment of bonuses are carried out exclusively according to the submitted report the immediate superiors of the soldier or civilian who claims it.

Prize amount

As mentioned above, the estimated amount, which is already used as a starting point in the formation of premiums, changes every year and today it is still unknown what it will be in 2019.

The accrual is carried out to the civilian staff - quarterly, certified - once at the end of the reporting year. The size is directly proportional to the amount of materiel transferred to the military unit.

Based on these data, it is safe to say that maximum premium amount has the following form:

The order for the payment of the premium is signed in November, therefore, in the first ten days of December it will become officially known what the bonus payments will be.

Knowing in what material equivalent the unit of account is expressed, you can calculate this amount yourself by multiplying the personal coefficient by it. This will work premium amount.

If we talk about civilians who carry out labor activities in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, then their bonuses are much lower and vary up to 10 thousand rubles. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that a tax fee of 13% is also withheld from this premium.

But, there is a small nuance: civilians who work in the structures of the RF Armed Forces in the capital or in St. Petersburg can count on a bonus of 12-13 thousand rubles, and at the same time in these regions there is a ban on collecting bonus taxes.

Issuance procedure

Prizes are provided quarterly and at the same time, the maximum amount directly depends on how much budgetary funds were allocated to the district.

Concerning issuance procedure premium, then the algorithm is as follows:

  1. The direct management draws up a report to the higher management for the bonus of one or another soldier or civilian.
  2. The higher management considers the report and, if it agrees, issues an Order.
  3. On the basis of this Order, military personnel or civilians receive a monetary bonus calculated by them.

It is worth noting that many servicemen of our country complain that cash bonuses are paid in a much smaller amount than it should be. According to the Ministry of Defense, this is due to a lack of funding due to the current difficult economic situation, but whether this is actually so can only be guessed at.

For the issuance of the award in accordance with Order 1010, see the following video:

In the past decade, the Russian government has initiated a number of military reforms aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the army, modernizing equipment, optimizing its size and command structure, and increasing the prestige of service in the ranks of the armed forces.

In recent years, the wages of military personnel have increased. Moreover, official housing and other social guarantees were often provided. However, the authorities were forced to abandon a certain part of the social support for military personnel back in 2016, and by the coming year the situation has worsened even more.

Salaries of the military in 2018: the State Duma does not promise high payments

Based on the information in the document, it can be noted that next year the authorities plan to significantly reduce spending on military structures, “freezing” some items. It is for this reason that military personnel are particularly interested in information about whether their wages, which traditionally allocate a third of the entire federal budget, will be increased.

Also, in the conclusion of the DC for Defense No. 44/3 on the budget bill for 2018, signed by Vladimir Shamanov, the hero of Russia, it is said that the government does not plan to increase the salaries of the National Guard. According to the bill, the salaries of military personnel and security officials equivalent to them will be increased every year by 4% - the predicted level of inflation.

Military salaries in 2018: Defense Committee insists on higher pay

At the same time, the Defense Committee insists on finding funds for serious compensation to military personnel for 2018. According to both the military parliamentarians and V. Putin, it is necessary for the Russian Guard to index to 5.2% instead of the declared 4%. This will require several tens of billions of rubles. It is worth noting that as of January 1, 2018, about 24,900 soldiers will need permanent housing. According to Vladimir Putin's decree on raising salaries, the salaries of security officials should increase by 1.5 times. Salaries should be indexed by 4%.

In turn, the Committee stated that the current role of the army in the Russian Federation puts this bill in a negative light, and also completely unacceptable for adoption. It is worth considering that it is in 2018 that the Russian Federation will hold presidential elections, in which power often relies on pensioners, civil servants, and the military. Based on this fact, spoiling relations with the military structure would be completely inappropriate, since this is one of the target groups of the electorate. That is why it is reasonable to assume that salary indexing will return again, albeit not with too high rates.

Military salaries in 2018: what to expect next year

There are no specific and exact figures for the increase in salaries yet, and experts are arguing about whether the wages of military personnel will be the same as those of other categories of people associated with the public service. Or payments will be raised not only to the level of inflation, which is equal to four percent, but also higher - up to five or more. Although the amount will not particularly affect the standard of living, the military is really interested in this issue.

Other experts adhere to the fact that due to the introduction of new norms, the salary will be revised on a completely different principle. The issue of indexation itself will be decided after the government has balanced the budget revenues and expenditures. Thus, if there is an opportunity to increase payments from a financial point of view, then this will happen, although this applies to a fairly small amount within 4% of the standard payment.

In Russia, military personnel under a drawn up contract are paid monthly wages. Employees in this area are entitled to additional payments. One of them is the percentage bonus for the length of service for military personnel. They also have many benefits that are not available to people in other professions.

What is the monetary allowance?

The salary consists of 2 parts. The first includes salary, which depends on the position and rank. Even an ordinary soldier cannot receive less than 15,000 rubles. Officers are paid much more, but it all depends on the length of service, the level of danger of work and other factors.

The salary of military personnel has a second part - additional payments. Their peculiarity is that they are paid only to certain categories of workers. Usually, some conditions must be met. The calculation of additional payments is set as a percentage, but sometimes it is calculated in salaries.

Types of allowances

The second part of the salary may consist of the following types of allowances:

  • percentage bonus for length of service for military personnel: if the service in the army lasts more than 24 months, then these types of payments begin, they increase over time;
  • for qualification: confirmation of professionalism is required, and this requires passing tests;
  • activities with state secrets: they are paid to an officer who has passed the FSB check, and also received the necessary level of access;
  • for special merits: the law on military personnel includes information on the categories of employees who are entitled to additional payments;
  • for dangerous activities associated with a risk to life and health: diving, exercises, parachuting;
  • achievements in the service: the relevant ministers themselves set the conditions, size and rules for granting bonuses, it is also called “personal bonus”;
  • conscientious service: equal to 3 salaries per year;
  • financial assistance: provided once a year in the form of a salary.

Also, officers are given incentives when receiving state awards, when serving in a difficult climate, in the Far North, and in other countries. Each increase in salary serves as an incentive for employees to work effectively.


The allowance of military personnel includes an allowance, which is calculated as a percentage of the salary. Its size is affected by the service life in a particular structure, as well as in their totality. It depends on the size of the entire salary.

Thus, the percentage is added to the salary, and the regional coefficient of the region of the Russian Federation can be added to the final amount, for example, due to service in the Far Eastern District. The allowance is considered a premium, and then income tax is calculated.

Surcharge calculation

The percentage bonus for seniority for military personnel is the same as for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But it differs from that required for civilian personnel. The law on military personnel states that the allowance is calculated from the length of service:

  • if the work lasts 2-5 years, then 10% is added;
  • 5-10 years - 15%;
  • 10-15 years - 20%;
  • 15-20 years old - 25%;
  • 20-25 years old - 30%;
  • from 25 years old - 40%.

The percentage allowance for length of service by a serviceman is determined by the duties, the locality of the service. For employees of flight organizations that are part of the crew, helicopters, if they take part in the tests, 1 month is counted as 2.

Other military personnel have a special allowance. For example, if the work is related to skydiving, then 1 month goes for 1.5. The same applies to the military, which are associated with warships and boats. Based on these rules, the salary of military personnel is calculated.

Features of the military pension

Allowances are laid not only for working military personnel, but also for pensioners. When calculating the allowance, the length of service, as well as injuries received, are taken into account. Based on the legislation, the age when it is supposed to receive a pension is determined:

  • 45 years - women;
  • 50 - to the rank and file;
  • 55 - captains;
  • 60 - average generals;
  • 65 - to the highest command staff.

You have to work 20 years to retire. The allowance is defined in the following amounts:

  • if the length of service is 25 years, then there are 50% of the salary;
  • for each year over 25 years, 3% is charged;
  • the total amount cannot be more than 85%.

The calculation of pensions for the military on the basis of legislation can be established in other ways:

  • if there is civil service, then 1% per year is added to 50%;
  • in case of disability, 85% of the salary is charged;
  • if disability appeared due to illness, then the pension will be 75% of the salary;
  • families of military personnel, if they died during hostilities - 40%, and when the death is not related to these events, then 30%.

The calculation takes into account the annual indexation, which is approved by the President of the country. It turns out that the pension of the military is quite high compared to civilian personnel.

Other benefits for military personnel

In Russia, the military is considered a special category of citizens, since they are provided with many additional benefits:

  • housing: housing is issued for the period of military service, as well as for permanent residence;
  • education: during the period of military service, as well as after it, there are advantages of enrolling in educational institutions;
  • medical services: the military, as well as family members, are offered free medical and rehabilitation services in sanatoriums;
  • food and belongings: certain categories of employees are given food rations, and clothing provision involves the issuance of field uniforms;
  • free travel: the military can go on vacation every year, as well as on a business trip, to a new place of work without paying for it;
  • pension: compared to civilians, the military can retire from the age of 45 if they have 20 years of service;
  • life and health insurance: in case of death while performing military work, the family is given 3 million rubles.

With dismissal, if the employee is found unfit for work or in case of injury, 2 million rubles are issued. Due to such a number of benefits, many choose military service.

Advantages and disadvantages of working as a contract soldier

If you want to enter the military service, you need to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of work. This will allow you to make the right choice:

  • this employment is profitable, especially if there is no prestigious work in towns and villages;
  • a social package, benefits, stable wages are provided, which is not offered at all jobs;
  • service in the RF Armed Forces is comparable to regular service, and therefore differs from urgent service, where there are many restrictions.

The disadvantages include:

  • health risk;
  • life according to the charter;
  • psychologically difficult work;
  • business trips, field life.

As can be seen from the calculations, the military receive a high income, as well as a pension. The work is promising, because no other profession provides so many privileges.

Recently, the Russian Federation has made a large number of changes in the military sphere. Multiple reforms were carried out, which contributed to an increase in the effectiveness of the Russian army. At the same time, equipment was being modernized, but military salaries remained old.

For several years now, the Russian government has been trying to raise the salaries of its military personnel. The authorities also promised to provide housing and a special social package to all who serve. But during the crisis of 2016, all the promised privileges and guarantees were curtailed. In turn, they said that all their salaries would be indexed, and it was not worth thinking about raising military salaries in the near future.

So far, there is no reliable information that the government is going to review and adjust military salaries this year. Although if you look back a few years ago, salaries did increase, but not by much. The economic crisis puts sticks in the decisions of the authorities of the Russian Federation.

Many sources are now very actively luring people to sign up for military service in the Russian Federation. At the same time, there are statements that at the moment the Russian army pays a consistently high salary, provides a full social package, provides housing, insures your life and many other privileges. Many military men do not see these very gifts of the state. And they only wonder what will happen to their salary this year. This question arises not only among those who are already serving, but also among those who are just going to join the ranks.

It became known that at the moment the average salary of military personnel fluctuates within 30 thousand rubles. This amount was collected thanks to the active actions of the authorities, who reformed the army in due time and the previous salary increased three times. Six years ago, all the reforms ended, and at that time it was very good money. But now it is not the same money that it was before. Since 2013, everything has been left unchanged.

This year there were no increases, all salaries remained the same. The authorities of the Russian Federation explained this by the fact that no one will be able to do anything in the near future due to the fact that unfavorable economic conditions are developing in the country. So, there is a very minimal chance that there will still be an increase in salaries this year.

The laws of the Russian Federation stipulate that wages should be indexed every year. Not only basic salaries are subject to indexation, but all other additional types of cash salary in the form of various compensations and bonuses. Although the Russian Duma has long received the budget for the next three years for consideration, no comments have been received from it on the account of salaries, the site has learned. The budget includes huge sums to increase national defense. No one disclosed the exact numbers of indexation and new salaries.

They only reported that in February 2018 wages would be indexed, including military salaries, based on inflation rates in 2016.

The law on the payment of 13 salaries to the military was signed back in 2010. However, the amounts received do not always meet expectations. It is planned that the 13th salary of the military in 2017 will be paid, but not everyone will receive it. Receiving the award is not provided for the military, in whose personal file there are reprimands or a court. 13 salary is not expected for people with weak physical and professional indicators. Military personnel who have another job will also not receive benefits.

13 The salaries of military personnel are paid in December of each year. Contractors and civil servants have the right to claim it. The latter can receive increases every 3 months.

13 salaries of the military of the Ministry of Defense 2017: the amount of payment is affected by the title of specialist, position and degree of salary for the past year

The premium should not exceed 5 times the estimated amount in the total. Civilians working in the armed forces in 2017 will receive a bonus on some coefficients. Their performance will be most importantly affected by the position. The highest indicators are for the heads of the organization, the lowest for the deputy heads of structural departments.

In the first quarter of 2017, expectations for the 13th salary of military personnel did not come into contact with reality. The amount of the payment has been reduced, especially for civil servants. Cash compensation is paid to employees through savings in the budget.

In 2017, savings did not work out due to the large number of new military personnel. For this reason, the premium has decreased. The military is still waiting for the 13th salary. Additional funding is expected closer to the new year as an incentive, but nothing is known about the amount yet. The good news is that the increase can be calculated before the end of the year.

13 salaries of the military of the Ministry of Defense 2017: what payment to expect the military in 2018

In response to the promise to freeze the salaries of military personnel, representatives of the State Duma Committee on Defense Issues spoke. They said that the current role of the army in Russia makes this bill simply unacceptable. It is also known that new presidential elections will begin in Russia very soon, and the administration traditionally relies on the support of such sections of the population as pensioners, military and civil servants, so spoiling relations with these groups is not at all beneficial for them.

In this regard, we can conclude that the practice of indexing military salaries can be returned. Of course, you should not count on very high rates of increase.

13 salaries of the military of the Ministry of Defense 2017: perhaps the proximity of the elections will be the reason for the indexation of salaries

The exact figures for a possible increase in salaries are not yet known. Some experts say that in 2018 the salary of the military, as well as other categories of people employed in the public service, will be raised by an amount equal to the rate of inflation. In this case, the increase would be about 5.5 per cent. Unfortunately, this increase will not significantly affect the quality of life, but it will help offset the negative processes associated with rising food prices, transportation costs, and the like.

Other experts say that the new legislation provides for a completely different principle of salary revision. The issue of indexation will now be resolved only after the authorities recalculate the revenue and expenditure side of the budget. If officials see a financial opportunity to increase payments, such measures will be taken. But it can be a completely insignificant amount of 3-4 percent of the current salary level, which is now called compensation.


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