1c retail setting up two taxation systems

Dedicated to the 1C: Retail 2.1 configuration for the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform, I talked about how to enter basic information about the organization into the database. Today I will tell you how to enter information about stores into the system. In order to add information about the store to the program, you must clearly formulate its structure for yourself.

So, what do we need to know about the store in order to fill in data about it in the "Retail"?

First of all, we need information about the organizations that will be added to the database. Indeed, it often happens that one large enterprise consists of several smaller organizations, and in some cases, along with legal entities, individual entrepreneurs can also participate in it. Information about all organizations, the accounting of which will need to be kept in the 1C: Retail configuration, must be entered into the database in exactly the same way as in the example discussed in the previous article.

Now you can start adding stores. To do this, go to the section "Regulatory and reference information" and click the link "Stores".

Then in the window that opens, you need to click the "Create" button.

In the first window of the store creation wizard, the first step is to specify its name and information about the warehouses.

A store can have several warehouses, but one warehouse can only belong to one legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

In total, 1C: Retail supports three types of warehouses. The main ones are a warehouse and a sales area. There are also distribution warehouses from which goods arrive at retail outlets. But in "Retail" they are used only if it is running under a different configuration. For example, "1C: Trade Management". It is impossible to create a warehouse of this type directly here, therefore we are mainly interested in the first two types of warehouses.

A warehouse is a warehouse where goods are stored. Sales, with the exception of wholesale, are not conducted from it.

Sales areas also belong to warehouses, since they also contain goods subject to accounting, but from here goods can be sold at retail. Accordingly, if only one warehouse is used in a store, then it will definitely be a trading floor.

If you activate the option "Several warehouses", the system will allow you to specify warehouses for the receipt and shipment of goods.

After you fill in the information about a warehouse or several warehouses, you will need to select an organization on behalf of which sales will be carried out by default. Then you need to specify for which actions you want to use the order scheme.

The order scheme involves the preparation of documents on the basis of which the acceptance, shipment, movement and write-off of goods will be carried out. It makes sense to use it if different people deal with goods and documents. Otherwise, transactions with goods will be carried out without the formation of additional documents.

However, when transferring goods between stores, the order scheme is used without fail, and this setting cannot be changed using standard methods.

The next step is to specify the pricing rule responsible for pricing. We will consider this topic in detail in one of the following articles, but for now, let's just go to the wizard for creating such a rule by clicking on the button with the ellipsis symbol.

In the window that opens, click the "Create" button.

Next, write a name for the new rule, after which you need to specify the type of prices for it. The catalog of price types is still empty, so let's create the first one right away. To do this, you need to press the ellipsis button in the same way, and on the next screen, press the "Create" button.

In the window for creating a price type, we indicate its name, an identifier for the formulas (by default, it coincides with the name), and also check that the price includes VAT and this type is used for sale.

Leave the rest of the settings as they are. We will analyze them in the article on pricing. In the meantime, click on "Save and close" and select the newly created price type.

Please note that if we have included VAT in the new type of prices, then the corresponding mark should also be in the window for creating a pricing rule. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to apply price types with VAT here, because they will not be shown in the list and you will not be able to add them manually either.

Click "Save and Close" again, and then select the newly created pricing rule for our store with the price type already assigned to it. Then we press the "Next" button and proceed to the next step.

On the next screen, you can enter store details such as addresses and phone numbers. In addition, a couple of additional settings can be set here. For example, the type of minimum selling prices.

The minimum sales price type is used if you have different discounts in your store. This setting allows you to set the lower bar, below which the cost cannot drop in any case.

Here you can also set the rounding of prices in favor of the buyer and its size.

None of the settings available in this step are required.

At the final stage, press the "Create" button, and if the corresponding box is checked, the form of the newly created store will open.

By specifying the new name of the warehouse at the first step of the assistant, we thereby gave the program an order to create such a warehouse. Let's go to the section "Regulatory and reference information" and click on the link "Warehouses".

In the window that opens, double-click on the name of the new warehouse to see its properties.

As you can see, by default there is a mark here, indicating that the warehouse is a trading floor. If necessary, we can also indicate that a single imputed income tax applies for this warehouse. To do this, you need to click on the "UTII Application" link and indicate from what moment it is valid.

Now you need to add information about the store's cash registers to the database. Despite the fact that a store can include several organizations, each individual checkout can only belong to one of them.

There are two types of cash registers: operational cash desk and cash register cash register.

The operating cash desk is the main cash desk of the organization, where all revenue flows, from where salaries are paid, money back and other similar operations are carried out.

KKM cash register registers sales, accepting money and preparing accounting documents for buyers.

At the same time, the operating cash desk is also capable of performing the functions of a cash register cash register, as is often the case in small retail outlets.

Let's create one cashier for our new store for now. This can be done both from the section "Regulatory and reference information", and through the page of the store itself.

For the checkout, you need to specify the store and the organization, after which the program itself will suggest a name, which, however, can be changed.

That's all. The main store settings are loaded into the database.

It is known that even in the absence of a specialized general taxation system at an enterprise, for example, in the case of using a simplified form, certain types of activities can still be subject to UTII. Many people know that this abbreviation is translated as a single tax on imputed income. Because of this, today you can notice an increased interest in the current issue of how to set up UTII in 1s 8.3. And if you are interested in this issue, and you want to independently configure UTII in 1c, then we are ready to explain it very clearly in our article for those interested in this activity. At the same time, we will provide detailed information for potential visitors to our resource and interested parties in the form of screenshots and explanations of the manual. In order to be able to independently configure the USN UTII in 1s. And also not to face this difficulty in the further use of the program for its intended purpose.

This system is of interest to many owners who head retail companies, service organizations, wholesalers and other areas. Therefore, the relevance to setting up the entire process is maximized. Of course, this rather laborious process can be entrusted to professionals for a fee, without spending your own time and effort. But it will be expedient, as a cost saving, to do everything yourself. Tau wat, we will consider using screenshots detailed information on setting up the entire process.

UTII when combined with OSN

In order to properly distribute expenses that, for whatever reason, cannot be attributed to one type of activity, you need to follow the instructions in the screenshot:

The enterprise simultaneously combines UTII with STS

It is necessary to take further actions, which are indicated below:

Setting up expense items that cannot be attributed to a specific type of activity:

When following the above recommendations from specialists, you need to click on the button "Save and close". After that, the program automatically saves the entered data, and you do not have to worry about losing or changing the entered data. After going through the above recommendations in stages, you can independently configure the accounting of STS UTII in 1C, thereby improving the workflow. We have a wide range of

Goods are values \u200b\u200bthat an enterprise acquires and then sells wholesale or retail, consider how the sale of goods in 1c Accounting 8 edition 2.0 is carried out from enterprises on a simplified taxation system (income minus expenses).

For enterprises on a simplified taxation system, the recognition of expenses for purchased goods has its own characteristics. In accordance with clause 2 of article 346.17 of the Tax Code, goods are accounted for in expenses if three conditions are met:

1. The goods have been posted to the buyer's warehouse.

2. Payment has been made to the supplier of goods

3. There was a sale of the purchased goods

Payment for goods sold by the buyer does not matter.

Accounting 8

Retail sale of goods in 1c Accounting 8 is carried out using the document "Report on retail sales". This document is located on the "Sale" tab.

When forming a document, you need to select its type: KKM - when goods are sold through an automated point of sale or NTT - when goods are sold through a non-automated point of sale.

In our example, the sale of goods in 1c will be carried out using KKM. In the document, you need to indicate the warehouse from which the goods are sold and in the tabular section fill in their name, quantity and price.

According to the document, transactions are generated

Please note that the transaction for the receipt of money at the cash desk is generated by the retail sales report, however, this document does not form a cash book entry, since the cash book is generated only on the basis of incoming and outgoing cash orders.

Therefore, you must additionally create a cash receipt order with the transaction type retail proceeds. This can be done on the basis of the document "Retail Sales Report". A receipt cash order will not generate a transaction, since it has already been generated, but on the basis of it, this operation will be reflected in the cash book.

In the event that your company sells goods through a non-automated retail outlet, the transaction on receipt of money at the cash desk will be formed by a cash receipt order, and not a report on retail sales. To do this, a check mark is placed in the document for a non-automated point of sale.

How to distribute costs when combining the STS and UTII modes in the program? How to set up an accounting policy in the program in order to organize separate accounting of material expenses and expenses for payment for services? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article, which opens a cycle of materials devoted to the peculiarities of accounting and tax accounting in 1C: Accounting 8 (rev. 3.0) when applying a simplified taxation system. All the described sequence of actions and pictures are made in the new interface "Taxi".

Organization of separate accounting when combining STS and UTII

When combining STS and UTII, the taxpayer must organize separate accounting of income and expenses within each type of activity (clause 8 of article 346.18, clause 7 of article 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). To calculate and pay UTII tax accounting of income and expenses is not required. After all, the tax base - the amount of imputed income - is fixed. Consequently, the main task when combining these regimes is to correctly determine the tax base and calculate the simplified tax. This applies not only to simplists with the object “income minus expenses”, but also to those who count only income. The fact is that insurance contributions and social benefits are also subject to separate accounting, which can reduce the single tax under the STS or UTII (paragraph 3.1 of Article 346.21, paragraph 2.1 of Article 346.32 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The tax code of the Russian Federation does not establish the method of separate accounting with the simultaneous application of UTII and STS, therefore taxpayers develop and approve such a procedure independently (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 30, 2011 No. 03-11-11 / 296). The developed procedure should be fixed in the order on accounting policy or in local documents approved by the order for the organization or individual entrepreneur. The applied method of separate accounting should make it possible to unambiguously assign certain indicators to different types of entrepreneurial activity.

When maintaining separate accounting, the main requirement must be fulfilled: if it is impossible to unambiguously attribute expenses to the STS or UTII, then they must be distributed in proportion to the shares of income in the total volume of income received when using these special regimes.

Methodology for separate accounting of income and expenses in the program "1C: Accounting 8" ed. 3.0 when combining STS and UTII we will consider the following example.

Example 1

In addition to direct costs for these types of activities in the organization, conditionally fixed general business costs are taken into account on a monthly basis:

  • for the salary of administrative and management personnel (AUP) and insurance contributions;
  • for stationery and office equipment;
  • for communication services, etc.

Setting up accounting policies in "1C: Accounting 8" rev. 3.0 for the purposes of the simplified tax system

Automated accounting of business transactions for the purposes of the USN in "1C: Accounting 8" rev. 3.0 is provided by special mechanisms of the USN subsystem. Separate mechanisms of automated accounting are enabled, disabled and configured using the accounting policy settings for the purposes of the simplified tax system. Access to the settings of accounting policy parameters is carried out from the section the main thing by hyperlink Accounting policy on the navigation bar.

Setting up accounting policy parameters for the purposes of the simplified tax system is performed on the STS register entry forms Accounting policies of organizations for the tax system Simplified (fig. 1).

The object of taxation and the tax rate is indicated in the details area Object of taxation... For the object of taxation Income the tax rate is fixed at 6% and cannot be changed. For the object of taxation Income minus expenses the default rate is 15%. If the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation establishes a lower rate, then it is indicated in the field Tax rate... When choosing an object of taxation Income minus expenses the button becomes available Procedure for recognizing expenses to go to the form with a list of events, the fulfillment of which is necessary for the recognition of expenses that reduce the tax base.

Each type of expense has its own list of recognition criteria. The events that must occur in order for the program to take into account expenses when determining the tax base are marked with flags. At the same time, flags for individual events are set without the ability to remove them. This means that for the expense to be recognized, this event must necessarily occur.

We remind you that material costs, in accordance with subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, are recognized at the time they are paid to the supplier, while the fact of their transfer to production does not matter. Expenses for the purchase of goods are recognized only as the specified goods are sold (subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of article 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), therefore, for an event Sale of goods the appropriate flag must be set.

Setting up accounting policies in "1C: Accounting 8" rev. 3.0 for UTII purposes

Setting up accounting policy parameters for UTII purposes when combined with the USN mode is performed on the tab UTII register entry forms Accounting policies of organizationsfor the tax system Simplified (fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Setting up accounting policy parameters for UTII purposes

Let's consider in more detail the purpose of the following details:

  • Method of allocating expenses by type of activity;
  • The base for the distribution of expenses by type of activity.

The tax periods for the combined regimes do not coincide:

  • for the USN, this is a calendar year (paragraph 1 of Article 346.19 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • for UTII - this is a quarter (article 346.30 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Since, when determining the tax base for a simplified tax, incomes are determined on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year, in order to ensure the comparability of indicators, incomes by type of entrepreneurial activity on UTII should also be determined on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year (letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 28.04.2010 No. / 121).

The Tax Code does not specify what kind of income should be taken when calculating the proportion for the distribution of total expenses. In the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 2010 No. 03-11-11 / 121 for taxpayers applying the simplified tax system, it is recommended to take into account both the proceeds from sales (in accordance with Article 249 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), and non-operating income (in accordance with Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) , and the incomes listed in article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation should not be taken into account. As for income by types of entrepreneurial activity, transferred to the payment of UTII, the Ministry of Finance recommends determining such income on the basis of accounting data, also taking into account the provisions of Articles 249, 250 and 251 of the Tax Code, and using the cash method.

  • to determine the parameter Method of allocating expenses by type of activity you must select a value from the list: Cumulative total since the beginning of the year;
  • to determine the parameter Base for the distribution of expenses by type of activity you must select a value - Income received (OU).

When filling in the accounting policy parameters, we will also dwell on the tab Stocks... There is such a feature: if the object of taxation is “income reduced by the amount of expenses”, then in order to correctly determine the amount of expenses for the purchase of goods (taking into account the fact of payment to the supplier and sale), the cost of inventories at disposal can only be estimated using the FIFO method. Therefore, the FIFO value is set by default in the props Inventory assessment method (MPZ) and is not editable by the user. For props Method for evaluating goods in retail for our example, we need to set the value - At acquisition cost.

Accounting for income when combining the STS and UTII regimes

In accordance with Article 346.24 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, tax accounting under the STS is the accounting of income and expenses in the Book of Income and Expenses of Organizations and Individual Entrepreneurs using the STS (KUDiR).

In "1C: Accounting 8" report Book of accounting of income and expenses of STS is filled in automatically on the basis of special accumulation registers, and the entries in the registers are entered, as a rule, also automatically when posting documents that register transactions.

At the object of taxation Income only income is taken into account in KUDiR, and tax accounting is carried out only using the register .

At the object of taxation Income minus expenses Income and expenses are taken into account in the KUDiR, and all accumulation registers of the USN subsystem are used for tax accounting:

  • STS expenses;
  • Registered payments for fixed assets (STS);
  • Registered payments for intangible assets (STS);
  • Book of accounting of income and expenses (section I);
  • Book of accounting of income and expenses (section II);
  • Book of accounting of income and expenses (intangible assets);
  • Other calculations.

We remind you that the proceeds from the sale of goods (works, services, property rights) are recognized as income from the sale for the purpose of calculating the tax paid under the simplified tax system, and the date of receipt of income is the day of receipt of funds, as well as the day of payment to the taxpayer in another way - the cash method (paragraph 1 article 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In our example, revenue from the sale of services under the simplified tax system is registered in the program with documents Sale of goods and services, and the receipt of funds from buyers - documents Receipt to the current account.

After posting the documents registering the receipt of funds, entries are automatically entered into the register Book of accounting of income and expenses (section I), which takes into account income for the purposes of the tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified tax system.


With regard to UTII, tax accounting is not provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and for the purposes of separate accounting, income must be determined on the basis of accounting data using the cash method. To organize the accounting of income within UTII on a cash basis in "1C: Accounting 8" there is a separate column UTII Income in the register Book of accounting of income and expenses (section I).

In our example, retail revenue is recorded by the document Retail Sales Report, during which the necessary data are reflected in the column UTII income register Book of accounting of income and expenses (section I).

Thus, in the accumulation register Book of accounting of income and expenses (section I) incomes are accumulated as follows (Fig. 3):

  • sTS income - in the column Box 5;
  • uTII income - in the column UTII income;
  • total income - in the column Box 4.

Fig. 3. Income of the simplified tax system and UTII in the register Book of accounting of income and expenses (section I)

Set up cost items for cost accounting when combining modes

The technology for setting up cost items for cost accounting in the 1C: Accounting 8 program, ed. 3.0 when combining the USN and UTII modes, consider the following example.

Example 2

Fig. 4. Registration of receipt of distributed services

When filling out the tabular part of the document, you must pay special attention to the column Accounting accounts, where you need to correctly indicate the cost analytics for accounting and tax purposes. Count Accounting accounts contains a hyperlink that takes you to the information form Accounting accounts (fig. 5). For costs that cannot be attributed to a specific type of activity (for example, the cost of communication services), in the form Accounting accountsit is necessary to indicate such an item of costs that will relate simultaneously to both the simplified tax system and the activities transferred to UTII.

Fig. 5. Cost item for accounting for attributable costs

To do this, in the form of a catalog item Expenditures switch For different types of activities... At the end of the month, such costs will be written off in proportion to the income received:

  • to the debit of sub-accounts of account 90.02 "Cost of sales";
  • or in the debit of sub-accounts of account 90.08 "Administrative expenses";
  • or in the debit of sub-accounts of account 90.07 “Sales expenses”.

Pay attentionthat in "1C: Accounting 8" accounting is supported only by the accrual method.

Accordingly, both expenses and income will be recognized regardless of whether they are paid.

For tax accounting purposes in the field Costs (OU)shape Accounting accounts need to set the value Distributed.

Similarly, you need to set up all analytics of cost items used in Romashka LLC. For the cost of renting premises for a retail store:

  • in field Costs (OU) shape Accounting accountsthe value is set Not accepted;
  • in the form of a catalog item Expenditures switch Organization cost article must be set to position For certain types of activities with a special taxation procedure.

For rental costs:

  • in field Costs (OU) shape Accounting accounts the value is set Accepted;
  • in the form of a catalog item Expenditures switch Organization cost article must be set to position .

So that in the document Receipt of goods and services value Accounting accountsfilled in automatically, you need to use the information register setting Item accounting accounts... The register specifies a list of inventory accounts (goods, materials, products, services, etc.), substituted by default in configuration documents. Each register record contains information about inventory accounts used in various business operations: upon receipt, sale, transfer, etc. Accounting accounts can be specified for each item or item group, for each warehouse or warehouse type. In the new "Taxi" interface, this information register can be opened by the hyperlink of the same name from the reference book Nomenclatureposted in the section References... As for the costs of bank services, for accounting purposes they are written off immediately when the document is posted. Write-off from the current account with type of operation Other write-offs (fig. 6). If the accounting policy settings are correct, the details area will appear in the document form Reflection in the simplified tax systemwhere to put the flag Distribute between the STS and UTII.

Fig. 6. Allocation of expenses for bank services

Accounting for material costs when combining the STS and UTII modes

The organization in its economic activities acquires raw materials and materials for use in the production and / or sale of products (goods, works, services), the sale of which may fall under various tax regimes: STS and UTII. In a situation where, on the date of payment for the purchased raw materials and materials by a taxpayer who combines the use of the simplified tax system and UTII, it is impossible to determine for which business activity this raw material (materials) will be used, one should be guided by the explanations of the Ministry of Finance of Russia. In a letter dated January 29, 2010 No. 03-11-06 / 2/11, the financial department recommends recognizing the cost of purchasing materials when paying the supplier in full, and as materials are transferred for activities falling under UTII, make corrective reversal entries in KUDiR.

This approach is implemented in "1C: Accounting 8": upon receipt of materials in the column Costs (OU)the user can choose from only two values: Accepted and Not accepted.

If materials are capitalized with a sign of reflection in tax accounting Not accepted, then later when writing off materials for any value of the props Costs (OU) in document Invoice requirement there will be no accepted and allocated costs.

If the costs of the received raw materials and materials can be accepted for tax purposes, then the user must in the column Costs (OU) select value Accepted... In this case, the costs for payment to the supplier will be recognized in full, and the further "fate" of the received materials will be determined by the value of the variable Costs (OU) in document Invoice requirement.

Let us consider the procedure for separate accounting of the costs of purchasing materials when they are received and written off in the following example.

Registration of received materials in the program is carried out by a document of the accounting system Receipt of goods and services with type of operation Products (fig. 7), as well as with the type of operation Goods, services, commission on the bookmark Products.

Fig. 7. Registration of receipt of materials

When filling out the tabular section of the document in the column Costs (OU) need to select a value Accepted for all nomenclature items. The transfer of the organizer for use in the management needs of the organization is carried out using a document Invoice requirement (section Stock, hyperlink Requirements-invoices on the navigation bar).

Since these costs cannot be attributed to a specific type of activity, then when filling out the tabular section of the document on the tab Materials (with flag set Cost accounts on the bookmark Materials) in the graph Costs (OU) value must be specified Distributed, and in the form of a catalog item Expenditures switch Organization cost article must be set to position For different types of activities (fig. 8).

Fig. 8. Write-off of materials used in various activities

After the document Invoice requirement along with accounting entries and register movements Costs for STS a reversal entry is entered (Fig. 9) for 1000 rubles. to the register Book of accounting of income and expenses (section I).

Fig. 9. Reversal entry in the register "Book of accounting of income and expenses (section I)

As for the transfer of the laptop to the design services department for use in production activities, when filling out the tabular section of the document on the tab Materials (with flag set Cost accounts on the bookmark Materials) the following values \u200b\u200bare indicated in the corresponding columns:

  • Costs (OU) - Accepted;
  • Cost account - 20.01;
  • Cost Division - Design Services Division;
  • Nomenclature group - Services;
  • Cost item - Office equipment (in the form of an element of the infobase directory Expenditures switch Organization cost article must be set to position For activities with the main taxation system (general or simplified).


For more information on tax accounting of expenses under the simplified tax system, see http://its.1c.ru/db/accusn#content:342:1 in the reference book "Accounting when applying the simplified tax system" in the section "Accounting and tax accounting".

In one of the following issues of the journal, we will consider the method of separate accounting for wages and insurance premiums, as well as the routine operation of distributing costs when combining special tax regimes of the USN and UTII in "1C: Accounting 8" ed. 3.0.

The first step in setting up the 1C: Retail 2.2 program will be to create The organization... To do this, go to item Regulatory Reference Information (NSI),in the navigation bar, select Organization details.

In the window that opens, select a Legal Entity or an Individual Entrepreneur. After that, we fill in the appropriate details: Name in the program, Abbreviated name, Full name, TIN and others.

The next step is to create Types of prices.Go to the section Marketing,in the navigation bar, select Types of prices and press the key Create.

We need to create two types of prices: Purchasing and Retail.
First, let's create Purchasing for this, in the window that opens, fill in: Name, Price setting method and Data composition schema. Purchasing the price will fill in from the goods receipt document.

After adding Purchase price need to add Retail price, that is, the price at which we will sell. We fill in the new price: Name, Use for sale, Price setting method and Calculation rules.In this case, we will receive an automatic calculation of the price, that is, the Price of Goods Receipt + 50% markup \u003d Retail Price. Later you can change the price manually.

The next step will be to create Pricing rules, come in Marketing Pricing rules and press Create a.

In the window that opens, fill in Nameand Price type.

Program 1C: Retail for work requires creation Store which will release the goods. Go to Normative Reference Information (NSI), in the navigation bar, select The shops and press Create.

In the window that opens, fill in the main details: Name, In the shophere you need to choose either work with one warehouse or with several, Warehouse name, Organization of sales this is the organization with which sales will be carried out, Pricing Rule, Type of minimum selling prices this is the same purchase price, below this price it will be impossible to sell, so as not to work at a loss, Rounding order of the check amountthis item will allow you to round the check amount so that you do not bother with pennies, if you think that you will have even prices and this is not required, then you are mistaken, because when applying discounts, pennies will still appear, in paragraph Rounding type choose Round off the total this item will allow you to lose less money for rounding. After filling in all the details, press the button Burn and close.

RMK (Cashier's workplace) cannot function without the Fiscal Registrar, so the next step is to add the fiscal registrar to the system. In our case, we will add fiscal registrar emulation... We go to the section Administration, select in the navigation menu Connected equipment.

Next, put a tick Use connected equipment and go to Connectable equipment.

The list of equipment is empty, we add new equipment. Press the key Create.

We fill in the opened form: Type of equipmentchoose Fiscal registrars, Hardware driver select 1C: Fiscal registrar (emulator), put a tick on the item Device in use, click on burn button an object and go to Tune…

If the device driver is not installed on the computer, click: Functions and choose Install the driver. If the driver is installed, the check parameters setting will appear. They can be changed at your discretion or left as default.

The next step is to configure Cash register KKM which will punch checks in your Store. Go to the section Normative reference information (NSI), Cash register KKMand press Create.

We fill in the main points. Cash register type, Shop, Name, Workplace, Connected equipmentthe Fiscal registrar that we created earlier should appear in the field. Then presses Record and close.

Now we need to add rights to our user to use all RMK functions. This point is very important. Go to Administration, Users and Rights and choose Additional user rights.
First, let's give the user all rights. Click on Green checkmark button and press Write down.All necessary rights will be given to the user.

Next, we need to capitalize the goods to the warehouse for this we need to create a document Receipt of goods... We take the data for filling from the supplier's invoice. Go in Procurement, select item Arrivals of goods.

A list of all documents will appear Arrivals of goods created earlier, in order to create a new document, click Create.

We will not consider in detail how the document Receipt of goods is created, this can be found in the article

To sell goods, we must have installed Retail prices for the product.To do this, after creating and filling out the Goods Receipt document, select Create based onthen we choose Setting item prices.

The document will open. This document forms Purchase and Retail Prices. The program itself calculates the price based on the formula that we set earlier. Purchasing is equal to the admission price of 50 rubles, and Retail equals Purchase + 50% markup amounted to 75 rubles. You can change the calculated prices manually, for this you need to double-click in the price field and then enter your price. To save the document, click Swipe and close.

So we made the basic settings of the RMK, now we go directly to the Cashier's workplace. To do this, go to the section Sales and choose RMK (controlled mode).

The RMK panel opens, initially we need to Open the shift, click Opening Shiftand then click Registration of sales.

In the window that opens, press the button Menu (F10) when you click on it, the bottom menu appears, then press the button Search (F11)to select a product from the list.

In the opened window Search and selection of goods in RMK turn on the display of additional information on prices and balances. To do this, press the button below Show Information.

In the next window, select two checkboxes Display: Balances and Prices... At the bottom of the selection, the current stock balance and retail price will appear.

Select a product with two clicks of the mouse and close the product selection window. In the RMK window Enter quantity of goods sold press the button Cash (F6)to make a sale, enter the amount of money deposited, the program will calculate the change and press the button Enter.

Your sales receipt will be displayed on the bottom right. If you are using not the Emulator, but a real fiscal registrar, then your fiscal registrar will print a Check.
After you have completed your working day, you need to close the shift. To do this, exit the RMK by pressing the key Exit (F12).The RMK launch window will open. Now we need to close the cash register shift. Push the button Closing a shift.

The program will ask for confirmation of closing the shift. If you are ready to close the shift, click Yes.

If everything is in order and the amount of sales for the day coincides with the sales, press the button Closing a shift.

The checkout shift is closed. The program will display an information window about the cash register shift. If you are using a real fiscal registrar (not an emulator), then it will print you Z-REPORT.


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