Computer programs for handling customer complaints. Handling complaints is a simple guide that any business can use. Sample Customer Claims Policy

Any service business makes mistakes in its work, so there are always dissatisfied customers. This is normal.

Can complaints be useful? Can!

Let's look at some statistics

  • The complaints received are just the tip of the iceberg. Statistical studies show that only 2% of the total number of dissatisfied customers say about their dissatisfaction. In other words, if something went wrong with 100 clients, then you will only hear complaints from two.
  • Statistics say that a dissatisfied customer will tell 10 other people about their dissatisfaction, while a satisfied client will tell only five. With the development of the Internet, the first number can be multiplied by 10. And if a client describes his dissatisfaction on the Internet, then a lot of potential customers can see this record and refuse possible cooperation.
  • If the client's problem is solved, then 90% will come to you again.

Here are some simple statistics. Everything in it suggests that customer complaints should be given special attention.

Why is customer complaints good? Is it good for your customers to complain? Definitely yes. There are several reasons for this: First reason - a person is always happy when his problems are solved, and you will earn another loyal client. The second reason is that you have the opportunity to look at your business with someone else's eyes, from the outside. This can provide an opportunity to find weaknesses and eliminate them.

We have prepared for you

Complete step-by-step guide to handling complaints

Step 1. Understand the complaint

1. Listen to the complaint and let the client talk.Be extremely polite, empathize. Your client should see that he is talking to a real person who understands his problem. In this case, the dialogue will go back on track.

2. Ask questionsin order to better understand the problem. It also helps to get the client out of an emotional state into a state of reflection on your questions. Thinking over the questions, trying to remember the details of the incident, he goes into a state of logical thinking.

3. Never react emotionally, do not take customer complaints personally. Your client is not happy with the situation, not you, even if he tries to offend you.

Step 2. Understand if you can help the client

3. Determine what the essence of the complaint is and whether you are able to correct it. After all the questions and clarifications, it should be clear who is to blame and how you can help. If your company really did something wrong, skip to the next step. If, in fact, you did everything as it should, and it is not your fault at all, tell the client very gently and try to help him solve the problem, if possible.

4. Immediately admit your guilt if you are truly guilty. And move on to the next step.

Step 3. Solve the problem

5. Suggest solutions to the client. Explain to him why the problem occurred and how you will solve it. The client should leave you feeling that his problem will be solved.

6. Solve the problem accurately and on time. Remember not to make a mistake the second time!

It’s so simple and without hassle, you can turn a client's complaint to our mutual benefit. The main thing is to understand that the client is angry with the situation as a whole, and not with a specific employee.

The receipt of a claim from customers does not mean that the entrepreneurs made a mistake in their business. For business owners, the main task is to establish communication with consumers.

By competently using the algorithm to consider incoming applications from buyers, it is possible to find a way out even from difficult situations - for example, when the sold product really turned out to be of poor quality.

Depending on the type of claim, the content of the instruction also depends, because in accordance with this, the terms that are provided by legislation to Russian companies differ.

What is Customer Complaints & Claims Handling?

In Russia, a general procedure for handling customer complaints has been adopted, but many companies are improving the algorithm for this technology. If the existing basic algorithm is observed, customer loyalty is guaranteed to increase. And all because the client will know: it is important for company representatives to know his opinion, and they are ready to conduct two-way communication.

This procedure will help to get as close as possible to the consumer. Thanks to this, it will be possible not only to earn the respect of the client, but also to better know the essence of the problem.

Details on how to respond to a customer claim are available.

What are the main ways to deal with complaints and claims?

Even if the complaint is unfounded, you should not ignore it.

Modern books, the basics of which businessmen should know, describe the main ways to handle customer claims:

  • Emotional empathy;
  • Argumentation and direct assistance;
  • Open questions;
  • Apology;
  • Customer satisfaction check.

The method is chosen by the entrepreneur himself, depending on the specific situation.

Rules for handling customer complaints and claims

Buyers need to follow the instructions. You never need to be aggressive with them, but there is no need to enter into excessive defense. Study the appeal carefully and agree to be responsible.

The customer's needs must be met as quickly as possible. If an immediate solution is not possible, it is recommended in the response to the buyer to indicate as precisely as possible when the problem that has appeared will be solved. At each stage, you need to communicate closely with the consumer, and check how satisfied he is.

The main task for an entrepreneur is to determine the reason for which a complaint could have been received. It is important to determine immediately in what state the consumer is - calm, aggressive or irritable. It is necessary to find out how the employee himself, who made the mistake, figured out the situation that had arisen. One of the main rules in the existing algorithm is to constantly stimulate feedback.

Regulation on dealing with complaints and claims of buyers

Oftentimes, a company has a customer complaint statement that is publicly available. Clients have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the text of this regulation on the official website.

The regulations begin with general provisions and definitions of the main concepts. The following describes instructions for customers on how they can file complaints. The key point in the regulation is the algorithm itself for dealing with complaints.

Sample Customer Claims Policy

After reviewing its content, you can make sure that the main thing in the text is the procedure for filing complaints and the procedure for their consideration.

Regarding the instructions for appeal, it is indicated that the communication is made in writing. It is allowed to write an application via e-mail or by voice - by phone. The message must not be anonymous. It fits either the full name for an individual, or the name for a legal entity. The address for feedback is also mentioned. Buyers are asked to describe the problem in as much detail as possible.

In the order of consideration, it is recorded who is responsible and how much time there is to resolve the issue that has arisen. It is obligatory to provide for a written response for the consumer.

Algorithm for handling customer complaints and claims

Part of the procedure for handling customer complaints may differ from company to company, but on the whole it is similar. The next day, the maximum address is received by the person in charge. The application must be registered in the Call Log. Next, an investigation is initiated with the participation of company employees.

A motivated response is then prepared for the complainant. The whole procedure is given about five to ten days. The result of the review must also be entered in the Journal. After that, the answer is signed by the manager and sent to the client.

(1 estimates, average: 4,00 out of 5)

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Customer dissatisfaction can extend to service, actions of company employees, quality of services and goods. In each case, it is necessary to understand how to deal with customer complaints.

You should not be afraid of complaints from customers - after all, they indicate the company's shortcomings and the possibility of further progress.

A complaint is a client's request for a response to a specific given situation. First of all, the complaint confirms the client's desire to report his dissatisfaction or the reason for the offense.

Since the expansion of the circle of customers depends precisely on the loyalty of current consumers, with the correct organization of work with their incoming claims, you can achieve progress in your company and increase the loyalty of your target audience, with stable income growth.

At the same time, if a well-founded complaint is left without attention, the company loses not only one client, but also his friends.

Customer dissatisfaction suggests correct development paths

Of course, solving situations with dissatisfied customers is additional work, but with a competent approach, working on mistakes is a serious resource, a path to company growth: to improve the quality of services, to expand the range.

The main algorithm for dealing with customer complaints

We offer to work with customer complaints following this algorithm:

  1. we accept the claim;
  2. we give the primary answer;
  3. if it is not enough to resolve the issue, we register the received appeal;
  4. we find out the situation;
  5. we form a response to the client;
  6. we respond to the client's complaint;
  7. we form a plan of corrective actions.

How to accept a claim and respond to customer complaints?

It is necessary that each employee be able to quickly respond to a complaint. In any case, it is important to be polite, friendly and disposed to resolve the issue.

Primary answer

It is important that the first reaction to a claim occurs as quickly as possible. Immediately in response to the complaint, a positive response should be given, which will reassure the client. If the problem can be solved immediately, it is necessary to do it. If it needs to be worked out, you need to “take a break” by giving the client a deadline in which you can answer him. It is important that the second contact on this issue takes place no later than the date you have named. Only in this case the client will be sure of the care from the company.

There are claims that do not require analysis in the company, but there are also those that require careful discussion in the team and decision-making.

Registration of the received appeal

All claims received are subject to fixation. This function is performed by the administrator, customer manager, manager, quality director or marketer, or another person who is responsible for this in the organization.

Complaints are recorded in order to identify the most correct ways to eliminate shortcomings in work and services.

Clarification of the situation, understanding the causes of the complaint

The quality representative of the company will process the complaint.

First of all, you need to find out the situation: find out the opinion of the client, the opinion of the employee who accepted the complaint, as well as the employee to whose work it relates.

Then you need to determine whether the claim is justified.

In the case when there is no fault of the employee or the company in the problem that has arisen, you need to understand that the complaint is a request for communication. Do not leave the client with your problem, try to offer him a way out of this situation. Be polite and friendly.

If the claim is substantiated, form a response for the client.

Forming a response to the client, resolving the situation

If guilt on the part of employees is revealed, you need to provide the client with an apology, getting rid of the identified shortcomings. Experience confirms that it is better to get rid of small claims first, and only then to identify the causes and culprits of the company's failure and to take penalties.

So, we will need measures to eliminate customer dissatisfaction. If you need to apologize, figure out how, in addition to verbal communication, you can level the situation using your own resources. If you need to apologize from the company, offer the client an additional service for free or even a course of services if it is required to correct the wizard's mistake. If the problem is not related to a specific service that was not performed correctly, you can offer him to go through a new procedure that the client has not used before. To do this, before making a decision, you must study the client's card, determine his preferences and offer a service that he might like. Thus, for you it will be akin to an individual promotion and, possibly, in the future, the guest will expand the range of services they choose.

When resolving the situation, it is also necessary to determine whether the proposed measures suited the client, whether he is satisfied with the proposed solution.

Formation of a corrective action plan

At the next stage, it is necessary to understand the causes of this problem, eliminating them directly and other identified shortcomings in the provision of services.

Actions should be planned to improve work processes to prevent similar problems in the future.

When grievances are regularly discussed, it is necessary to consider their essence. This will allow you to identify if there are frequent problems requiring one solution, and also determine an action plan.

You should also remember to pay attention to how quickly the problems were eliminated.

Well-established feedback

In today's competitive environment, reliable and consistent customer feedback is essential.

There are clients who are not comfortable talking, complaining out loud, especially if this is a complaint against a third party (for example, informing the administrator something that they did not like in the work of the master). It is very important for such clients to make printed questionnaires in which they can put a tick or state the essence of the complaint in the window provided for this.

However, it is also necessary to teach your employees to listen to guests, to take them to a conversation. They also need to understand how to respond to customer complaints and what quick fixes they have in their arsenal. It is important to convey to the staff that complaints or comments are a normal phenomenon in the work of any organization, and active work with clients will help improve the company's work, show concern for consumers, which they will definitely appreciate

Even the most successful companies have dissatisfied customers from time to time. However, most of them tend not to waste their time on complaints. They just go to competitors without even bothering to notify you when and how your company did not meet their expectations. The good news: according to statistics, 95% of those who complain are ready to give your company a second chance if you can deal with their complaints successfully and promptly. So what is the secret of effective work in this direction? How to turn a customer complaint into a positive experience and win their favor?

Your attitude matters most

The key to successfully handling complaints is handling them correctly. Everything is very simple. Get the most out of your customer inquiries by treating them as voluntary feedback, which is always a valuable source of information about your business. Customers are not complaining to just upset or rude you. They do this because they ran into a problem using your product or service, and now they just tell you about it. Why not use this feedback as a great opportunity to see how your business can be improved? Here are six tips to help you every time you chat with an unhappy customer.

Customer Complaints Strategy

  1. React Immediately

Make sure every customer who contacts you by phone, live chat, social media or email gets a quick response. Even if you cannot provide an immediate solution to his problem, at least let him know that the complaint has been heard, taken into account and that you will do everything possible to correct the situation as soon as possible. has the function of hold messages, which are displayed whenever the operator is busy. Thus, the client understands that his appeal has been received, and a response will come soon.

  1. Keep calm

No matter how angry or even rude your client is, you should remain calm and listen without interrupting. And while defense is a natural reaction to attack, remember that "winning" such an argument will not do you any good. Allow the client to speak up and express their frustration without taking it personally or losing their temper.

  1. Find out the facts and details

After letting the client speak, take the initiative and start asking questions to find out everything you need to understand the situation and the essence of the problem correctly. It is important to avoid being too formal and formal. Use the circumstances as an opportunity to start a frank conversation and build trust.

  1. Admit the mistake

If the error was indeed your company’s fault, admit it and take responsibility for helping the client resolve the problem. You can also apologize. Just because you're apologizing doesn't necessarily mean you're taking the blame personally. This largely demonstrates your empathy, understanding of your client's feelings and his disappointment with the situation.

  1. Offer a workable solution

Now that you know all the facts and the essence of the problem behind the customer complaint, it is time to offer a workable solution. If you cannot do this, pass the application to someone who can. If you are able to correct the situation appropriately and on a tight schedule, you will have a happy and likely loyal customer.

  1. Thank the customer

No matter how unpleasant the conversation with the client was, you should still thank them for contacting them. When the problem is resolved, thank him for bringing your complaint to your attention, which gives your business the opportunity to improve. This will help the client feel important and valuable.

Minimize reasons for complaints

Knowing how to solve the problem that triggered a customer complaint and being able to do it successfully is no doubt essential to the success of your business. But, even more importantly, you can learn from such situations that you can use in the future to minimize customer complaints. Do what should be done - improve your product, adjust your workflow if necessary, train staff, and so on. In addition, be honest with your customers in everything related to your products and services, first of all, do not give them vain promises in order to avoid unjustified expectations and disappointment.


1. Give thanks.
2. Explain why you are grateful.
3. Apologize for the mistake.
4. Promise to take immediate action to fix it.
5. Get the information you need.
6. Correct the error quickly.
7. Check if the customer is satisfied.
8. Do everything to prevent similar mistakes in the future.


Whenever you hear a complaint, the first word you utter should be: "Thank you!" - regardless of the nature of the complaint and who your client is.
Remember, the customer who comes in with the complaint is your friend. He is doing you and your organization a favor. makes it possible to develop, improve quality, and maybe even survive in a tough competition.


Saying "Thank you" is not enough.
The word "Thank you" without any explanation can sound like a meaningless, taped cliche.
Therefore, you must explain why you are grateful for the complaint. For example, you might say, “Thank you, I am very grateful for pointing out my mistake. This gives me the opportunity to correct her. "
"Thank you, your complaint gives us an opportunity to improve our work."
Maintain your dignity when giving explanations.


Be sure to apologize, regardless of whether the mistake was made:
-some of your colleagues;
-your boss;
- subordinate;
Apologize even when the complaint is not justified or there is some kind of misunderstanding. But don't try to explain who made the mistake.


Reassure the client that you will take the necessary action immediately. Do this regardless of whether you or someone else will handle the complaint.


Now you can go to the information you need to resolve the error. For example, you might say, "Could you please help me with information that will help me quickly fix a mistake ..."
Make sure that your questions do not appear to the client as “questioning”.



It is not enough to just fix the error, you also need to make sure that the client is happy with how his / her issue was resolved.


Analyze the complaint:
-Why was the client unhappy?
-What was wrong?
-What caused the error?
Treat the cause of the error, not the symptom. Take steps to prevent mistakes and reduce the risk of recurrence.

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