Equipment used for the production of flour. Flour Milling Equipment Business Idea Rice Flour Products

A mini flour mill is a very lucrative business. It does not require huge start-up investments and pays off quickly enough. Also, the manufactured products are in demand on the market at any time of the year.

Business features

Household grain mills are capable of handling large amounts of raw materials. This value can reach 0.5-1 t / h, which is a very good indicator. To start production from scratch, you need to invest at least $ 50 thousand (subject to the availability of your own or rented premises without the need for major repairs). Under other circumstances, the start-up capital must be increased several times. Despite this, small-capacity flour plants have many advantages:

  • if necessary, all equipment can be upgraded, its profile can be changed;
  • low operating costs, which leads to low production costs;
  • no need to hire a large staff of service personnel and qualified specialists to establish mini-production of the required capacity;
  • the availability of the possibility of producing a variety of products that are in demand at this particular time;
  • such a plant can be located close to the source of raw materials for production, which will reduce transportation costs.

The simple things of flour production

The principle of the mini-plant

The scheme of work in the presence of a small flour production plant is as follows:

  • Wholesale purchase of first grade grain.
  • Processing of raw materials into flour using modern equipment with the required capacity.
  • Sale of the received products to the end consumer, wholesale or retail.
  • Sale of waste that remains in the process of grain processing. These products include bran. They are sold as feed for poultry and animals.

If you are engaged in the production of premium flour, in the process of grain processing, you can get 60-72% of finished products of the required quality. There is also 28-40% of the bran that must be sold.

To expand the range of products presented, you can produce small-scale batches of other goods - coarse flour, with bran and others. Their release is targeted at certain groups of buyers and is in high demand.

Raw material requirements

The following requirements are presented to grain as a raw material for flour production:

  • the amount of moisture in soft wheat is 14.5%, in hard wheat - 15%;
  • volumetric weight - 750-850 g / l;
  • the presence of organic and inorganic impurities - no more than 1.5%;
  • the amount of metal inclusions - maximum 0.02%;
  • the volume of mineral impurities - 0.3%;
  • the amount of cockle - 0.5%;
  • the volume of germinated grains is 0.3%.

The flour mill can process exceptionally high quality grain that does not show signs of spoilage. Also, the raw material should be free of foreign inclusions and mold.

Stages of processing raw materials in mini-factories

Heap cleaner VO - 50

A mini mill provides an opportunity to obtain a quality product that will be in demand in the market. To achieve this, you need to adhere to a specific technological scheme. It includes the following steps in the production of high quality products:

Premises for placing a mini-factory

Also, a flour mill needs to be located in an industrial building of a certain area. With a capacity of up to 1 ton / hour, it is necessary to prepare a room with an area of \u200b\u200b30-40 sq. m, and with an indicator of 1-10 tons / hour - 100-300 sq. m. It is also necessary to organize spacious warehouses for storing finished products and raw materials. Their area can be several times larger than the size of production facilities.

Grain in warehouses can be stored in silo and floor storage. In the first case, the raw materials are placed in vertical structures, the maximum height of which is 60 m. Silo structures are not cheap, but they are of high quality and reliability. If it is decided to use a floor storage method, the grain can be stored in bulk or in a special container. This method is less effective but more economical.

Necessary equipment

The flour mill must be equipped with a whole range of equipment, without which it is impossible to organize efficient production.

Cereal cleaning device

The principle of operation of this equipment is as follows:

  • Grain is poured into the receiving hopper, which must be cleaned from various impurities.
  • The raw material passes through an aspiration column, where light particles are removed under the action of a stream of air.
  • The grain enters the separator. With its help, separation into small and large impurities occurs.
  • Getting into the puppeteer, the raw material is cleared of plant seeds and other small particles.
  • The prepared grain is cleared of dust and dirt with the help of a scraper mechanism and an aspiration column.
  • With the help of a special machine, the raw materials are moistened, followed by heating.
  • Fully prepared grain goes to household mills for the production of necessary products.


Household flour mills work according to the following principle:

  • Grain from the receiving hopper goes to the roller mill.
  • The mixture obtained during the grinding process is transferred to the basement hopper.
  • The product is sorted into fractions.
  • The cycle described above is repeated three times. This makes it possible to obtain products such as flour, bran and intermediate raw materials (they are re-processed).

Filling machine

Household mills should be equipped with filling lines that allow you to get a finished product for sale. They include the following mechanisms:

  • storage device;
  • transportation equipment;
  • separator for removing metal impurities;
  • sifter;
  • packing units;
  • module for grouping packages;
  • sewing head;
  • various sensors and more.

1. Loading hopper 2. Conveyor 3. Batcher 4. Dust removal system 5. Outfeed conveyor 6. Sack sewing machine

Mini-mills with the following configuration will provide a quality product that will be in demand on the market. The use of standard packaging from 500 g to 3 kg will increase profits as a result of increasing the range.

Business plan

A flour mill is a profitable business, as it is necessary to purchase equipment with good performance in order to obtain high profitability. On average, household mills of average power will cost 1.1-1.2 million rubles.

To recoup such an enterprise in 1-1.5 years, it is necessary to ensure the process of grain processing in 2 shifts. The average productivity of the equipment should be 0.5-3 t / h. Also, household mills can be additionally equipped with other units - platform scales (cost from 20 thousand rubles), bag-sewing machines (average price 15-25 thousand rubles). They are optional, but the benefits are tangible.

When calculating profit, consider the following:

  • The flour mill processes wheat at a cost of $ 200 per ton.
  • The average price for 1 kg of flour is $ 0.37, and bran is $ 0.08.
  • From 1 ton of grain, you can get 720 kg of flour and 280 kg of bran.
  • After the sale of products, the income is $ 288.8.
  • Net profit from 1 ton of grain - $ 88.8.

With a productivity of 1 ton / hour, about 170-180 tons of raw materials can be processed per month. This will make it possible to receive 15-16 thousand dollars of net profit. Therefore, we can consider that the flour mill is a fairly profitable business when using efficient and high-performance equipment.

Video: Flour Making Process

Alexander Savkov's company has a loud name - "Ochakovskiy food ingredients plant", but the scale is not suitable. Compact mill, industrial mixer and filling machine - that's all the equipment. True, it occupies a small part of a floor rented at one of the enterprises of the Moscow industrial zone. The already purchased German unit will be installed on the free space. “We will grow up,” says the owner. - For flour, our capabilities are realized by seventy percent, and for additives - only ten percent.

Flour and food additives are not original products. Nevertheless, the revenue of Savkov's company is growing on average by 30% per year and this year is likely to exceed 110 million rubles. OKPI produces flour of limited demand - barley, corn, rice and mixtures of flavoring and functional additives for various products. And in such batches that other manufacturers will not undertake. Savkov's approach is to look for small gains. There was no other choice: at the time the business was created, all its capital was reduced to managerial experience, and $ 100,000 had to be borrowed to start.

“I like production,” explains an entrepreneur who graduated from Tomsk Polytechnic University without a shadow of posturing. Having received an engineering degree, he moved to Moscow in 2000. He was hired by Fisonik, which invested in energy-saving technologies. Its founders also considered non-core projects, and Savkov ventured to put forward ideas on his own. Only on the sixth attempt did he achieve agreement. Mosobltara sold equipment for the production of glassine - impregnated cardboard. Since glassine is used in roofing works, Savkov suggested resuming production in order to sell the material to construction companies. Shamil Iskhakov, co-owner of Fisonik, gave him $ 40,000.

The current miller recalls that already in the third month he was pursued by one thought - to bring the matter to mind, sell and no longer undertake such projects. As a production director, Savkov received $ 400 a month, counting on a share of future profits. The desire to "come out beautifully" helped to cope with a heap of problems. In a year the investments paid off, and the glassine shop was sold for $ 80,000. Savkov was paid a bonus of $ 12,000. Encouraged that everything was successful, he agreed to the boss's offer to participate in the competition for projects to revive the Czech porcelain factory Pirkenhammer, which Iskhakov bought. The tender was conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Savkov admits that he had a trump card - knowledge of investor sentiments. As a result, his project was approved - an economical one: all viable equipment is restored and concentrated in one workshop. The author himself agreed to a minimum wage of € 800. But he could gain unique experience and understanding of all the processes of organizing complex production. “I personally made about 2,500 plates,” the entrepreneur boasts. Having revived, in 2004 the plant produced up to 50,000 items per month. And then Savkov's permission to work in the Czech Republic was canceled when he tried to get a visa for his pregnant wife at the embassy.

Alexander did not protest, reasoning that he was now able to find a good job in Moscow. And he was hired by the production director at Rosgame with a salary of $ 6,000. The gambling market grew rapidly, Rosgame shareholders expanded the production of slot machines. “Alexander was distinguished by his initiative and willingness to take on a large amount of tasks,” notes Evgeniy Matveychuk, a former shareholder of Rosgame (now the owner of the Kooker’s cafe chain). "He controlled everything so clearly that we could be calm about the state of affairs." Savkov was promoted to executive and then general director. If in 2004 Rosgame sold equipment for $ 27 million, then in 2006 - for $ 55 million. The company has a network of 40 "R-clubs". It all ended when a law was passed in December 2006 banning gambling clubs. The enterprise was closed, the equipment was sold out.

Savkov had to look for work again. After attending interviews at Mars and Formula Kino, he chose the least-status option - the position of executive director in a company created by his acquaintance at Khladokombinat # 7 (JF Ai Rus - production of ingredients for soft ice cream). According to Alexander, he hoped to achieve more in a young growing business than as one of the managers in a large project.

One day a customer who was buying powdered sugar asked if they could supply him with rice flour as well. Savkov studied the issue and found that a single enterprise constantly produces such a product in the Moscow region. It is unprofitable for large mills to make small quantities of rare flour, although there is a market for sale - confectionery companies, manufacturers of snacks and cereals, meat processors (flour with a high starch content is added to sausages and sausages). The average profitability of wheat flour production is 5–7%, rice flour - 20–25%. Savkov persuaded the owner of JF Ay Rus to buy the mill, and when he did not agree with him on a share in the project, he decided to create his own company.

Just by that moment a potential investor appeared - Roman Cherepanov, co-owner of Nova Leasing and Olimp Engineering, a classmate of Savkov's wife. Together with his partner Dmitry Zemlyakov, he agreed to provide $ 100,000 in exchange for a 50% stake in the project. “As a friendly help,” explains Cherepanov.

In February 2008, Savkov established OOO Ochakovskie food ingredients, ordered a mill and found premises. In the summer, the enterprise started working. “When we already had clients, I talked with the manager of one mill,” says Alexander. - He said that we can make up to 5 tons of flour a day, and heard: laboratory level, we do 200-300 tons. But already in 2009, the revenue of OKPI amounted to about 30 million rubles. Savkov agreed to produce batches of even 500 kg and with weekly deliveries - so that the client did not have to order and buy out large volumes.

Where there is flour, there are food additives - flavorings, emulsifiers, stabilizers, etc. And the market is wider - additives are needed both by dairy enterprises and canned food producers. What you need: find out the needs, order formulas for mixtures in food institutes, purchase additional equipment. With additives more cost effective than flour, the business began to grow faster. In 2012, OKPI sold products worth 90 million rubles, flour brought in less than a third of the revenue.

Compared to the market leaders, this is quite a bit. The revenue of the PTI group of companies, the largest manufacturer of food additives, exceeded 3 billion rubles in 2012 (the activities of a small competitor are not commented on there). Nevertheless, OKPI's products are purchased by such giants as Cherkizovo and Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant. Large customers account for about half of the revenue. “We take only a few items and in small volumes, but we are satisfied with the combination of price, quality and service,” says Alexander Kostikov, representative of Cherkizovo. - OKPI is a mobile company, it quickly responds to requests.

Back in 2011, Savkov bought out the investors' shares, taking a loan from the bank (according to Cherepanov, he invested for a year or two and left the project, because this business is not interesting to him). There are now enough profits and short-term loans for development. When the OKPI capacities are loaded, what will happen next? “We will master a new market. Here, we study the prospects, - Alexander points to a pile of nutritional bars on his table. - We want to create a tablet with a complete set of proteins, carbohydrates and amino acids. It's time to make products for end consumers. "

In this material:

The flour business should be based on real calculations based on the state of affairs in a particular region, after analyzing the market situation. The document helps to clearly plan both investments at the start and the expected profit, assess the profitability of the business and its feasibility.

Flour is a product that any housewife can find. On an industrial scale, this raw material is in demand in bakeries and private bakeries, it is used for the manufacture of pasta, breading. Despite the relatively high competition, the need for flour is inexhaustible, which means that the business for its production is economically profitable.

Features of the milling business

When deciding for yourself on what scale the flour production will be organized, you need to understand that modern high-performance equipment allows you to ensure a high yield of the final product, organize the supply of large quantities to factories and other interested objects. But at the same time, a small flour mill requires less start-up costs and allows for a minimum number of workers.

Not being seasonal, the flour-making business is dependent on currency fluctuations, the reliability of raw material suppliers, and crops in specific regions.

What raw materials are flour made from?

Along with the traditional wheat flour of the highest, first and second grade, in the production you can use grains of other cereal crops - rye, barley, oats, corn, spelled, rice, as well as from buckwheat, soybeans, peas.

Flour from different types of raw materials differs in taste and energy indicators, different in calorie content and chemical composition.

  1. Flour is divided depending on the purpose:
  • bakery;
  • confectionery;
  • pasta.
  1. Depending on the grind:
  • thin;
  • coarse (whole grain).

Flour production technology

During the production process, grain goes through several stages of processing and processing until the finished product is obtained.

  1. Incoming control of raw materials. At this stage, the quality of the grain is assessed, its compliance with the norms and requirements of technological documentation.
  2. Grain preparation and cleaning.
  3. Peeling and grinding of raw materials (separation of films).
  4. Grinding (crushing) of grains.
  5. Sifting flour, separating unmilled grains.
  6. Packing of finished products.

Organizational plan of the enterprise

Production registration

To register a private business, you must draw up documents for an individual entrepreneur or LLC. If you do not plan to work with legal entities, then an individual entrepreneur is quite enough.

To register, you will need an application to the tax office to obtain a TIN, an application, a photocopy of your passport and a receipt for payment of the state duty.

To register an LLC, you need a Charter, a decision on the establishment of a company, an order on the appointment of a manager, information about the authorized capital and a personal account number.

OKVED code 2 - 10.6 - "Manufacture of products of the flour-grinding industry, starch and starch-containing products."
To obtain a license necessary for grain processing, Rospotrebnadzor must submit quality documents for raw materials (from the supplier), technological documentation for machinery and equipment, process flow diagrams, health and safety instructions.

Search for premises

The room for the equipment of the flour mill must comply with the standards of sanitary and hygienic documents, be equipped with ventilation, have a water supply, sewerage, and electrical supply.

The workshop is treated against rodents before installing the equipment and starting work.

In addition to the main premises for the workshop, warehouses for grain and finished products - flour, utility rooms will be required.

The production facility should be located near a convenient road or road junction to facilitate grain delivery and flour removal.

Equipment purchase

The milling production requires:

  • devices for pre-processing and preparation of grain;
  • flour mill;
  • equipment for filling and packaging.

But in addition to the three main items, as a rule, additional machines are required for the formation of grinding parties and their storage, devices for separating impurities, grinding grains, separators for separating fractions, flour milling machines, sorting sieve machines, brushes, and whipping machines.

The price of machines for a flour mill is directly related to their performance. Some entrepreneurs prefer buying used equipment. It is much cheaper than a new one, however, it is often either morally outdated, or does not consist of warranty service, unlike a new one.

The domestic manufacturer offers prices lower than those of foreign competitors.

Staff formation

The staff of a private flour mill is small: 2 workers who have been trained on the spot or have experience in similar work, a technologist (workshop foreman), a laboratory assistant who provides incoming control of grain and finished flour, a room cleaner, a storekeeper (1 or 2).

Gradually, gaining momentum and increasing production, you will have to hire an accountant, a purchasing and sales manager.

Advertising and search for distribution channels for flour

To establish sales, it is necessary to negotiate and conclude agreements with organizations dealing with flour: bakeries, pastry shops, baking shops, as well as farms (if the plans include the production of compound feed).

In addition to working directly, you can attract intermediaries, expanding the horizons of sales. The best advertising is high-quality products, positive feedback from partners. You can release any amount of printing products, but at the initial stage it is important to personally negotiate, offer free samples.

Financial indicators of the project

Investment and running costs

  • rent for 3 months - 100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase and installation of equipment - 1.5 million rubles;
  • advertising expenses, paperwork - 80 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of grain to start work - 200 thousand rubles.

Current expenses include:

  • rent, utility bills - 100 thousand rubles;
  • salary, taxes - 150 thousand rubles.

In some cases, transport costs have to be taken into account.

Revenues and expected profit, profitability assessment

According to statistics, the profitability of the milling business is approximately 20-22%. It will be possible to recoup the costs and start working for profit in 12-18 months with a work shift of 12 hours without stopping and days off.

The more power and productivity of the machines, the more production can be obtained per shift. Warehouses for raw materials and finished goods should be designed to store a ten-day supply.

The milling business is interesting and relevant, by choosing a set of the necessary equipment in a good price / quality ratio, you can organize a profitable production with relatively little blood.

Order a business plan

Investments: from 450,000

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For a long time, flour has been the basis of the human diet. From flour products, our body receives the nutrients necessary for human life. They contain vitamins and such valuable minerals as phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. These nutrients are essential for the normal functioning of the human brain.

In modern production of flour products is fully automated. For the production of flour, various equipment and manufacturing technologies are used.

Flour is a powdery product obtained by crushing cereals.

It is classified according to several characteristics: by species, types and varieties.

The type is determined by the grain crop used.

The type is determined in accordance with the intended purpose.

The variety is determined by the amount of product obtained from 100 grams of cereals. The more it is obtained at the exit, the lower the grade.

Interesting fact! One grain gives about 20 milligrams of flour. To make one loaf of bread, about 10,000 of these grains are required.

In modern production, the following types of flour are most popular:

  • wheat;
  • rye;
  • oatmeal;
  • rice;
  • barley;
  • buckwheat;
  • corn.

It has the highest popularity in the production of flour products. It has a high calorie content. Contains all the nutrients necessary for life. Used for making baked goods and products.

Contains essential amino acids, vitamins and trace elements. Used for the production of nutritional mixes, bakery and culinary products. It is often mixed with wheat to provide nutritional benefits to foods.


It is high in carbohydrates and nutrients. Lean production technology allows you to preserve the rich composition of vitamins of groups A, B and E.

Used to make culinary pastries. Used as a food additive to various types of flour products.


Contains a high amount of starch. It is rich in vitamins and useful microelements. It has dietary properties.

It is used for the manufacture of infant formula and dietary products. They are used to prepare various sauces, breading meat and fish dishes.


Contains a fairly large amount of trace elements. Normalizes the digestive tract. Removes harmful substances and toxins from the body. It is widely used as a nutritional supplement for various types of food.


Differs in its beneficial dietary properties. It is easily digested and absorbed by the human body. Contains nutrients and amino acids. It is used for preparing various cereals and culinary pastries.


Possesses unique taste, nutritional and healing qualities. The composition of corn grain contains all the substances necessary for the vital activity of the body.

Cornmeal is made from yellow and white corn. Corn is rich in starch, iron, carotene and vitamins PP, E, D, B1.

There are three main types of flour in the food industry:

  • Bakery. Used for the production of bakery products and yeast dough.
  • Macaroni. It is widely used for the production of pasta and spaghetti.
  • Confectionery. Used for the production of confectionery and baked goods.

Flour grade

In modern food production, the following varieties are regulated:

  • Extra (grains) - 10-25%.
  • Top grade (bakery) - 25-50%.
  • First grade (universal) - 25–70%.
  • Second grade (butter) - 70–85%.
  • Wallpaper - 95% or more.

Flour normalizes metabolism, regulates digestion, removes toxins, strengthens muscles, prevents diathesis and dysbiosis.

An adult needs from 300 to 500 grams of bread per day. With heavy physical exertion, this rate increases to 700 grams. For children and adolescents, the daily intake of bread is 150–400 grams.

Production equipment

The following equipment is used for the production of flour:

  • equipment for preparing grain for crushing;
  • mill complex;
  • packing unit.

Equipment for the production of flour is supplied in complexes ready for production immediately after installation and commissioning.

The main suppliers of production equipment are MILLTECH plants from Turkey, SKIOLD plants in Denmark, Penzmash JSC in Russia.

Transportation and preparation of raw materials

The grain is brought in railway cars. The railway tracks go directly to the territory of the mill.

Transportation of flour is possible by all types of transport

Grain wagons are different from conventional freight wagons. They are tapered and have several hatches at the bottom.

The locomotive drives the cars onto the track section, which is located above the receiving bunker equipment. The hatches open and the contents are poured into the bunker. From the bunker, through an underground conveyor, the grain is transferred to the upper floor of the elevator and placed in storage tanks.

Then a sample of each batch of raw materials is sent to the laboratory for verification. Laboratory workers investigate and determine the possibility of using grain for flour production.

The test samples are checked for the presence of grain pests. For this, equipment is used that has two sieves with different mesh diameters. Microparticles during sieving pass through the sieve and fall in the form of sediment on the pallet.

Then the test samples are checked for contamination with impurities from other cultures. After the completion of laboratory tests, a batch of grain is sent to the mill.

A modern mill complex is a powerful equipment several floors high.

The grain begins its journey from the very top of the production structure and is transferred from floor to floor, going through all stages of production. From the starting point to the finished product, the manufacturing process goes all the way from top to bottom.

Raw materials are supplied to the elevator equipment from different fields and have different characteristics. To produce flour of the required quality, grain from different batches is mixed in the required proportion.

The main stages of production

The production process is carried out in 5 stages:

  • peeling of grains;
  • cleaning grains from impurities;
  • washing and moistening grain;
  • packaging of finished products.

Peeling grains

The raw material is cleaned from volatile impurities and husks with a strong air stream. The crushed casings are transferred to another plant for the production of bran.

Cleaning grains from impurities

At this stage, the selection and removal of various impurities by thermal hydroprocessing is performed. Under the influence of air flow and vibration, impurities are lifted upward and removed from the cycle.

With the help of washing equipment, grains are cleaned from dust and dirt. The seeds are then moistened by spraying with water to facilitate the separation of the kernels from the shells. The moistened grain mass is left to rest for several days and then sent for grinding.


The moistened raw material is crushed at the mill complex using special equipment - roller machines. The crushed grains are repeatedly sieved by scattering machines until a homogeneous powdery mass is obtained. The finished product is sent to the packaging department.

Before packaging the goods, laboratory staff take a sample of the received batch for analysis. Based on the analysis results, the flour is assigned a grade.

The following indicators are subject to verification:

  • the amount of gluten;
  • gluten quality;
  • ash content of gluten.

Gluten is a mixture of protein products that make up cereals. Gluten is obtained by sieving flour and washing out protein substances with water. It is a highly plastic gray viscous mass.

To determine the amount of gluten, knead the dough. The resulting dough is soaked in water. After 15–20 minutes, all the starch is washed out of the dough. The resulting dry residue is gluten. Its weight and elasticity are the result of testing.

Ash content is determined by burning the product in a furnace and weighing the ash residue. The lower this indicator, the higher its grade.

According to the new rules, a vitamin-mineral mixture is added to the flour of the highest and first grades. Therefore, the products are not only natural and fresh, but also enriched with vitamins.

Finished product packaging

With the help of a filling machine, the finished product is placed in bags. The weight of one bag is 50 kg. The bag is sewn up and sent to the finished product storage area.

Ensuring high yields of cereals and the use of modern production technologies allows Russia to occupy a leading position in the world grain market.

The grain processing business is today the leading one in many countries of the world. Now not only large grain processing plants can be engaged in the production of flour and other grain products, but also private agricultural companies. All this is achieved with the help of flour grinding equipment for grinding grain crops. And now there is a huge variety of it on the agro-market. Models that include all the necessary and additional functions are produced by various manufacturers in a wide range.

General information about flour milling equipment

Flour milling equipment is the main link in the stage of processing grain into flour of various sorts. The grain itself has a very hard, even tough and quite dense structure. And its component parts have different strength characteristics. That is why special devices are used for flour and grits, designed to provide mechanical effects and destruction of the structure of grain crops. Today there is a wide variety of companies that produce equipment for grinding flour, but all devices of flour grinding equipment, as a rule, perform functions similar to each other, so let's just get acquainted with the principle on which they work.

Technology of operation of flour-grinding equipment

To begin with, the grain is cleaned from the outside of dust, barbs and embryos are removed from it. All this is carried out by scouring and brushing devices of flour-grinding equipment, or pneumatic separators for grain cleaning. is necessary to remove impurities from cereals. Then the grain is sterilized by a percussion mechanism in special entolents in order to get rid of living pests. If the grinding of flour is divided into varieties, then the grain is subjected to hydrothermal treatment.

Flour Milling Equipment - Roller Mill

The best solution for the processing of cereals into flour of different varieties today is a roller mill. This milling equipment is an almost complete complex, including such functions of grain processing as: grain cleaning, grinding, sifter, transporter and a lot of additional operations. The operation of such a mill is carried out by simultaneously rotating cylindrical rollers that are parallel to each other.

The grain passes along these rollers, the surface of which is usually grooved. Rollers with grooved surface are selected individually, depending on the type of grinding. They differ in the number of applied grooves, size and slope. After the grain has been processed on the rollers, it falls into the roller hopper, from where it goes on to the next stage of processing - to the mill screen. The grinding process itself takes place in three passes. After the first three grinds, the crushed mixture is subjected to sorting, as a result of which three different products are fed for sieving - flour, bran and residual grains. All these products are sent from the sieve again to the rollers, now of a smaller caliber.

Then the whole processing cycle is repeated one more time on the milling equipment, thus, there is a thorough separation of flour from residual products, and its separation into grades. The sifting itself consists of two blocks, inside of which wooden frames are inserted, on which sieves are longitudinally fixed. During the sifting of flour, air streams, which are supplied from special aerodynamic installations, enrich it with oxygen. After the grain passes through all three phases of grinding and sieving, it is delivered to the landfill. Pneumatic units also take out grain to the grain outlet. Flour mills can be equipped with additional equipment for transportation, these are the so-called silos, in which flour and other products of the milling process without containers are delivered to rail or road transport.

If the function of packing into containers is included in the flour-grinding equipment, then after being served at the disposal, the products are packed in bags.


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