Manual rolling machine. Rolling mills - basic types and design. Types of machines for bending shaped pipes

Consider a good example of how you can make a rolling machine with your own hands: methods and technologies for its manufacture. But first of all, it is necessary to understand for what purpose we need this machine.

It's hard enough to imagine modern everyday life without metal. It is used universally and requires appropriate equipment to process it. The metallurgical industry mainly uses modern rolling mills, which in turn have a high price tag. For independent use and manufacture of professional pipes, you can design a rolling and punching machine on your own.

What is this equipment used for?

Rolling and punching machines and other metalworking equipment are most often used to create a specific shape for a metal part. As this material is widely used, it is handled with due responsibility and care.

Rolling machines for metal profiles are ubiquitous, but many do not even realize that such complex equipment can be made independently. Due to the fact that the price of such equipment is extremely high, we will clearly consider an example of how to make a rolling and punching machine with our own hands.

A striking example of metal parts, where a rolling machine for shaped pipes is used in the manufacture, are pipes or radiators of batteries present in every house or apartment. All these products are made on metalworking equipment, which can be manufactured independently without any skills and deep knowledge.

Important: if you decide to independently make a rolling-die-cutting machine type, then for the reliability of the subsequent parts produced on it, its assembly should be treated with due attention and responsibility.

Varieties of rolling machine

As it became clear from the above, rolling equipment is necessary for processing a metal blank into a finished geometrically formed part. In this case, the following types of equipment are used for sheet metal:

  1. Continuous extension, which allow the manufacture of metal pipes with a cross section of 110 mm.
  2. Pilgrim machines that are used in the manufacture of massive pipes with a diameter of 400 to 700 mm.
  3. Short-cut models of equipment that are used in the production of seamless pipes with a diameter of up to 450 mm.
  4. Three-shaft machines, which, in turn, are used to make thick-walled pipes, the diameter of which can reach 200 mm. This type of equipment is often referred to as a jewelry rolling machine.

Important: in modern metalworking plants, wide-profile models of the bending system of installations are also often used, which makes it possible to produce shaped pipes with a total length of up to 3 meters.

Component parts of equipment

Typically, any rolling mill has three main components, namely:

  • working cells;
  • transmission devices;
  • electric motors.

The shafts where the metal components of the future part are placed are part of the working cage. Also, this component includes the following elements: installation mechanisms, beds, plates, as well as wiring. Powerful electric motors are responsible for the movement of all components of the rolling mill. They are connected to the working elements using couplings, transmission elements and spindles.

Important: the main component of rolling equipment of the crimping and billet type is the diameter of the shaft, namely the size of its working surface.

Modern metal-working machines can have several working stands at once, this is necessary for the manufacture of parts of complex geometric shapes. It is often called a crow's feet machine, which allows you to perform work in several projections at once.

As a rule, such devices have impressive dimensions and can provide a working surface up to 3 meters. A distinctive feature of modern rolling mills is the work in three directions at once for:

  1. Making holes in sheet metal.
  2. Exhausting the workpiece into the pipe.
  3. Product calibration, which allows you to set the diameter of the future part.

Important: work on the rolling machine can only be carried out by a qualified specialist who has been instructed in safety precautions.

DIY rolling installation

For a profile pipe with your own hands, you will need to make a small machine that differs significantly from industrial installations in size. This can be done in everyday conditions if there is free space for the machine.

At the same time, it can be noted that a home-made machine can allow you to make parts of any complexity. With its help, you can easily make wire of any diameter, cut sheet metal, which provides for the roofing of any roof, as well as many other details that are often in demand in everyday life.

First, you will need to select the appropriate drawings so that you get a homemade rolling machine. After that, you have to prepare its components, namely:

  • a pair of powerful struts made of strong metal;
  • a rod of steel, whose diameter will be at least 5 cm;
  • top plate with M10 nuts;
  • two gears of the appropriate size;
  • gear;
  • springs and stops;
  • as well as bronze bearings and bushings.

After you have all the components in stock, you can start making a work machine, which will be mobile enough to move:

  1. With the help of bolts from the racks and a metal plate, a kind of working cage is assembled.
  2. Two working shafts are mounted to the same racks. They should first be carved from a previously prepared steel bar. They also need to be hardened to obtain improved metal strength.
  3. The lower shaft is mounted between the struts using prepared bushings and bearings. In this case, the upper shaft is mounted on special sliders and is a movable element of the machine. The upward movement of the sliders is limited by stops.
  4. The two separate shafts are continuously compressed by means of a spring, which keeps them in constant tension. It is attached simultaneously to the plate, the bases and directly to the movable upper shaft.

Important: to ensure the operation of such a machine, synchronous rotation of the working shafts is necessary. You can solve this problem with the help of a gear transmission, which transfers torque to a gear, which is installed on the lower shaft. Thus, using the handle, you can start the device.

The installation made in this way has a manual drive. It requires continuous rotation to work. If the manual mechanism stops, then, accordingly, the shafts will stop rotating. Thus, a universal device is obtained on which it is possible to change components and thereby change the profile suitability of the machine.

Pros of a homemade device

Ultimately, everything you need to make such a universal device can be bought at a low cost in any hardware store, or you can pick up the necessary components from old long-forgotten things, as well as pick up drawings. In any case, the price of such a machine will pay for itself very quickly, since parts of any complexity can be made on it with minimal expenditure on consumables.

Important: Renting a rolling machine will cost a lot, which is why you can post ads and make good money on your device.

The work done pays off quickly enough, since you can make any parts. Here is just a small list of them:

  • professional pipes;
  • metal guides for gypsum plasterboard profiles;
  • seam roofing;
  • elements for metal siding;
  • square and rectangular metal sheets;
  • additional siding mounts;
  • wire for electrical wiring.

All these homemade products will come in handy when building a new house or renovating it. As practice shows, self-made sheet bending machines are extremely in demand, since their scheme does not require complex manufacturing, but at the same time it allows you to make a lot of useful and necessary parts.

Video: DIY rolling machine.


Thus, by hand, you can make an excellent machine for folding roofing sheets and other structures with minimal investment and labor costs, and you will never need to rent sheet bending machines or any other metalworking equipment again.

Real master jewelers have long been working part-time, thus, having a stable, profitable part-time job, or using their homemade equipment as their main source of income.

With the development of metallurgy, the requirements for the equipment used in this area have greatly increased, so that the modern high-performance rolling mill differs from its predecessors.

1 Purpose and role of the rolling mill

One of the most important areas of industry is the production of metal, and it is quite difficult to argue with this, because not only the state of the national economy, but also the economy of the entire state depends on how developed this industry is. It should be borne in mind that humanity's need for this durable material is constantly growing. Therefore, now it is almost impossible to imagine an industrial area where metallurgy does not participate. It is used in mechanical engineering, and in construction, and in shipbuilding - in general, the list goes on and on. The final technological stage in the production of much needed material is the receipt of rolled products.

Of course, the result can be achieved only using special equipment, which carries out rolling by plastic deformation. In general, a whole complex of machines works harmoniously in production, their functions include not only the main operation, but also a number of auxiliary ones. These are, for example, raw material supply, material calibration, turning, as well as transportation of finished products. In addition, processes such as cutting, marking, straightening, packaging and, of course, transfer to the warehouse are also automated. But in this article we will analyze exactly the rental stage and the corresponding units.

2 What types of rolling mills can there be?

The types of rolling mills can be divided by purpose depending on the type of product being produced. So there are billet and blooming mills, the latter include slabbing and blooming mills. This is a kind of roughing equipment, their functions include the processing of a large ingot of metal into a billet, which is further supplied for rolling to other shops, the products on different types of these machines differ in geometric shape. After them, the material goes to section, pipe or wire machines, where more specialized rolling takes place.

Long-range mills have quite a variety of possibilities. So, many are made on them, beams, corners, various types of profiles, rails and broadband steel. The types of these machines are divided depending on the set program, so there are large-section, medium-section, rail-rolling, as well as the MPS installation for the production of profiles. Sheet units can be either hot or cold rolling. The manufactured products are divided, depending on their dimensions, into plates with a thickness of 50 to 350 mm, 3–50 mm sheets and strips (1.2–20 mm). The latter, as a rule, are wound into rolls weighing up to 50 tons.

With pipe-rolling equipment, everything is clear from its name, it is necessary to obtain different diameters. This is how the following products are produced:

  • the continuously extending mill produces products with a cross section of up to 110 mm;
  • on the short-cut - 60–450 mm,
  • the three-roll mill produces thick-walled pipes with reduced wall thickness, the diameter of which is 35–200 mm;
  • to obtain seamless pipes of a fairly large diameter (400–700 mm), pilgrim units have found their way.

The last type of rolling equipment is special (part rolling), which produces pipes and profiles no more than three meters long, as well as balls, screws, bent profiles, ribbed pipes, gear wheels, etc. Further, these blanks are finalized directly in the automotive , furniture or other industries.

3 The device of the rolling mill - features of mechanisms

The rolling mill structure includes three main units: working stands, electric motors and transmission devices. The former include rolls, setting mechanisms, slab frames and wiring. Electric motors, on the other hand, perform one of the most important functions - they rotate the rolls by means of transmission devices, consisting mostly of couplings, gears and spindles.

The main characteristic of swaging and blanking machines is the diameter of the work roll, but if several stands are involved at once, then they are guided only by the numerical indicators of the finishing, it is the value of its parameter that is usually mentioned in the name.

Section equipment usually consists of several successive stands, so, for example, universal mills have 5 or 3 stands, of which 3 or 2, respectively, have horizontal shafts with a diameter of approximately 1350 mm, and the section of the remaining shafts is about 800 mm. Plate mills usually have one or two stands, the length of the rolls is 3500–5500 mm, very often they are equipped with additional stands with vertical rolls in order to crimp the side edges. The most widespread among the units for rolling strips are broad-band, the number of stands in them is from ten to fifteen, the length of the barrel of the shafts ranges from 1500 to 2500 mm. They also have additional stands with vertical rolls.

As you can see, sometimes these units can take up a lot of space. In general, pipe-rolling equipment mainly consists of 3 mills, since first the hole in the workpiece is pierced by screw rolling, then this workpiece should be pulled into the pipe, and the last operation is calibration, i.e., reaching the required diameter. The basis of the detail rolling mechanisms is the principle of screw and transverse processing.

4 Is it possible to make a rolling machine by hand?

Of course, if we talk about large-scale industrial production, then there can be no question of any amateur performance, but for home use you can make a rolling machine with your own hands. However, do not underestimate such equipment as with its help, you can not only get wire of different cross-sections, but also carry out straightening work or cut sheet materials, the thickness of which will not exceed half a millimeter... So, we need two racks, an upper plate, 4 M10 screws and, accordingly, the same bolts, a steel rod with a diameter of 5 cm, bushings and bearings made of bronze, springs and stops, 2 gears and a gear wheel.

We connect the racks to the plate with screws and bolts so that a sufficiently strong frame-cage is obtained. 2 rollers are turned from the bar, in order to increase their hardness, quenching should be carried out. The lower shaft is mounted in the struts by means of bronze bearing bushings, and the upper one is mounted in sliders, so it can freely move vertically. To limit their upward movement, special stops are mounted in the plate, and springs are installed from below, which tend to push the rolls apart.

The synchronous rotation of the stops is ensured by a gear transmission located on the upper plate. It includes a gear wheel on an axle pressed in the center of the plate; it transmits torque through gears located on the shank of the stops. This way you can adjust the gap. There is a handle on the lower roller; when it rotates, it scrolls and transfers torque through the same gear to the upper one.

Thanks to special attachments, for example, circular knives, it is possible to cut sheet metal, and cylindrical rolls with shaped grooves will make it possible to produce wire of the desired section. If it is necessary to roll stiffening ribs, then rollers with a symmetrical arrangement of the groove and ridge will be needed. In general, the capabilities of this machine, given that it is made at home, are simply impressive.

    Homemade pipe bender for a profile pipe. Profile tube rolling machine

    Diy rolling machine: manufacturing methods and technologies

    Consider a good example of how you can make a rolling machine with your own hands: methods and technologies for its manufacture. But first of all, it is necessary to understand for what purpose we need this machine.

    It's hard enough to imagine modern everyday life without metal. It is used universally and requires appropriate equipment to process it. The metallurgical industry mainly uses modern rolling mills, which in turn have a high price tag. For independent use and manufacture of professional pipes, you can design a rolling and punching machine on your own.

    What is this equipment used for?

    Rolling and punching machines and other metalworking equipment are most often used to create a specific shape for a metal part. As this material is widely used, it is handled with due responsibility and care.

    Rolling machines for metal profiles are ubiquitous, but many do not even realize that such complex equipment can be made independently. Due to the fact that the price of such equipment is extremely high, we will clearly consider an example of how to make a rolling and punching machine with our own hands.

    A striking example of metal parts, where a rolling machine for shaped pipes is used in the manufacture, are pipes or radiators of batteries present in every house or apartment. All these products are made on metalworking equipment, which can be manufactured independently without any skills and deep knowledge.

    Important: if you decide to independently make a rolling-die-cutting machine type, then for the reliability of the subsequent parts produced on it, its assembly should be treated with due attention and responsibility.

    Varieties of rolling machine

    As it became clear from the above, rolling equipment is necessary for processing a metal blank into a finished geometrically formed part. In this case, the following types of equipment are used for sheet metal:

  1. Continuous extension, which allow the manufacture of metal pipes with a cross section of 110 mm.
  2. Pilgrim machines that are used in the manufacture of massive pipes with a diameter of 400 to 700 mm.
  3. Short-cut models of equipment that are used in the production of seamless pipes with a diameter of up to 450 mm.
  4. Three-shaft machines, which, in turn, are used to make thick-walled pipes, the diameter of which can reach 200 mm. This type of equipment is often referred to as a jewelry rolling machine.

Important: in modern metalworking plants, wide-profile models of the bending system of installations are also often used, which makes it possible to produce shaped pipes with a total length of up to 3 meters.

Component parts of equipment

Typically, any rolling mill has three main components, namely:

  • working cells;
  • transmission devices;
  • electric motors.

The shafts where the metal components of the future part are placed are part of the working cage. Also, this component includes the following elements: installation mechanisms, beds, plates, as well as wiring. Powerful electric motors are responsible for the movement of all components of the rolling mill. They are connected to the working elements using couplings, transmission elements and spindles.

Important: the main component of rolling equipment of the crimping and billet type is the diameter of the shaft, namely the size of its working surface.

Modern metal-working machines can have several working stands at once, this is necessary for the manufacture of parts of complex geometric shapes. It is often called a crow's feet machine, which allows you to perform work in several projections at once.

As a rule, such devices have impressive dimensions and can provide a working surface up to 3 meters. A distinctive feature of modern rolling mills is the work in three directions at once for:

  1. Making holes in sheet metal.
  2. Exhausting the workpiece into the pipe.
  3. Product calibration, which allows you to set the diameter of the future part.

Important: work on the rolling machine can only be carried out by a qualified specialist who has been instructed in safety precautions.

DIY rolling installation

For a profile pipe with your own hands, you will need to make a small machine that differs significantly from industrial installations in size. This can be done in everyday conditions if there is free space for the machine.

At the same time, it can be noted that a home-made machine can allow you to make parts of any complexity. With its help, you can easily make wire of any diameter, cut sheet metal, which provides for the roofing of any roof, as well as many other details that are often in demand in everyday life.

First, you will need to select the appropriate drawings so that you get a homemade rolling machine. After that, you have to prepare its components, namely:

  • a pair of powerful struts made of strong metal;
  • a rod of steel, whose diameter will be at least 5 cm;
  • top plate with M10 nuts;
  • two gears of the appropriate size;
  • gear;
  • springs and stops;
  • as well as bronze bearings and bushings.

After you have all the components in stock, you can start making a work machine, which will be mobile enough to move:

  1. With the help of bolts from the racks and a metal plate, a kind of working cage is assembled.
  2. Two working shafts are mounted to the same racks. They should first be carved from a previously prepared steel bar. They also need to be hardened to obtain improved metal strength.
  3. The lower shaft is mounted between the struts using prepared bushings and bearings. In this case, the upper shaft is mounted on special sliders and is a movable element of the machine. The upward movement of the sliders is limited by stops.
  4. The two separate shafts are continuously compressed by means of a spring, which keeps them in constant tension. It is attached simultaneously to the plate, the bases and directly to the movable upper shaft.

Important: to ensure the operation of such a machine, synchronous rotation of the working shafts is necessary. You can solve this problem with the help of a gear transmission, which transfers torque to a gear, which is installed on the lower shaft. Thus, using the handle, you can start the device.

The installation made in this way has a manual drive. It requires continuous rotation to work. If the manual mechanism stops, then, accordingly, the shafts will stop rotating. Thus, a universal device is obtained on which it is possible to change components and thereby change the profile suitability of the machine.

Pros of a homemade device

Ultimately, everything you need to make such a universal device can be bought at a low cost in any hardware store, or you can pick up the necessary components from old long-forgotten things, as well as pick up drawings. In any case, the price of such a machine will pay for itself very quickly, since parts of any complexity can be made on it with minimal expenditure on consumables.

Important: Renting a rolling machine will cost a lot, which is why you can post ads and make good money on your device.

The work done pays off quickly enough, since you can make any parts. Here is just a small list of them:

  • professional pipes;
  • metal guides for gypsum plasterboard profiles;
  • seam roofing;
  • elements for metal siding;
  • square and rectangular metal sheets;
  • additional siding mounts;
  • wire for electrical wiring.

All these homemade products will come in handy when building a new house or renovating it. As practice shows, self-made sheet bending machines are extremely in demand, since their scheme does not require complex manufacturing, but at the same time it allows you to make a lot of useful and necessary parts.

Video: DIY rolling machine.


Thus, by hand, you can make an excellent machine for folding roofing sheets and other structures with minimal investment and labor costs, and you will never need to rent sheet bending machines or any other metalworking equipment again.

Real master jewelers have long been working part-time, thus, having a stable, profitable part-time job, or using their homemade equipment as their main source of income.

Diy pipe bender for a profile pipe

Industrial designs of pipe benders have a sufficient number of differences from similar devices created by handicraft methods. Compact models of this equipment are available for purchase, supplemented with manual drives if you intend to work with a small profile pipe. As for more serious work, when it is supposed to bend pipes from 3 inches, hydraulic machines are used. An industrial tool of the type under consideration is relevant only in the case of the appropriate scale of work, that is, it is unlikely to be suitable as home equipment.

The production of pipe benders in an industrial way is the release of two modifications of devices, where some are created in a mobile version, available for carrying, and others in a stationary one. Pipe benders connected to electricity are distinguished by great comfort of use. They provide the desired bend radius according to the specified angle without deforming the profile.

If you plan to carry out work on bending pipes at home, then certain nuances must be taken into account:

  • the manual tool is equipped with a spring element, with the help of which the pipe configuration is changed;
  • the segment tool makes it possible to bend the pipe by stretching it around the segment of the equipment used;
  • the mandrel tool allows bending only thin-walled pipes to a rather small radius by means of special guides.

How to make your own pipe bending machine?

To make a machine for bending a profile pipe with your own hands, you need to remember that the final product must be extremely simple and perform its function.

1st way

To make and use a bending machine for a profile pipe, you need to prepare two pieces of the channel, two trimming the fingers that are part of the tractor tracks, and four corners.

To bend the workpiece, you need a jack capable of developing an effort of 5 tons or more. At the same time, it will need to be modernized by installing a steel platform on a retractable rod, for the manufacture of which an exhausted pulley can be used, having a “stream” width comparable to the pipe profile. In this case, the arrangement of the hydraulic drive involves cutting off half of the pulley and drilling a seat in it for the jack rod.

The bed of the future machine is assembled from corners fixed to a steel plate by welding. In total, four corners are used, having a shelf from 60 to 80 mm, at the upper ends of which two channels are fixed by welding. To adjust the bending angle, it is necessary to have symmetrical holes in the walls of the channels, which must be drilled.

To bring the finished machine to the starting position for work, it is enough:

  • insert the axles (fingers) into the holes obtained in the channels and fix the rollers on them as stops for the workpiece;
  • raise the platform of the jack to such a level that the workpiece can pass through the gap;
  • install the workpiece into the profile pipe machine and create the required bend with the jack using its functionality.

2nd way

A home-made pipe bender for a profile pipe based on rolled products implies that the workpiece will be laid on the side rollers, and pressed from above by the third. After fixing the pipe in this position, it remains only to drive the shafts by means of a chain drive to achieve the desired bend.

To make a machine for rolling a profile pipe you will need:

Attention! It is problematic to manufacture a functional rolling pipe bender without appropriate calculations and drawings. At the same time, not everyone has the necessary knowledge for this, so it is best to use ready-made documentation.

Self-production of a pipe bender for a profile is a completely feasible task that must be related to certain goals. If you plan to carry out such work only as a one-time event, then you can assemble a wooden structure that is quite capable of withstanding a short service life. Otherwise, when it is planned to manufacture pipes with one or another bend on a permanent basis, it is advisable to acquire a stationary unit of a more complex and reliable design.

To assemble a stationary device required for bending pipes, you must do the following:

  • mount a metal frame by connecting its elements with bolts and welding;
  • install axles and shafts on them in accordance with the existing drawing, observing the placement levels: two above the third;
  • assemble the chain drive used to drive the machine, which will require not only a chain that can be borrowed, for example, from an old motorcycle, but also three gears;
  • fix the handle on one of the shafts.

Profile pipe bender drawings

Homemade tube bending machine rolling type

Schematic specification-explanation:

  1. Wooden plate;
  2. Channel;
  3. Bolt;
  4. Corner;
  5. Special cracker;
  6. Pressure roller;
  7. A pen;
  8. Clamp;
  9. Guide roller;
  10. Angle fixing bolts.

The simplest pipe bender from a crossbow-type jack


  1. Bolts;
  2. Jack;
  3. Mandrel.

Assembling a simple pipe bender

Following the instructions below, you can make a pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands for a cross section from 10 × 10 to 25 × 25 mm at an angle of up to 180 degrees.

The proposed design is simple, and for its manufacture you will need the following set of materials:

  • fastening bar;
  • the square profile required to make the rotation handle;
  • two rollers, where the diameter of the first is 65 mm, and the second is 173 mm;
  • an axis equipped with an M14 thread in the end part;
  • nut М16, washer С

For the manufacture of the fastening strip, metal with a thickness of 7 mm or more can be used. In this structural element, it is necessary to drill a hole (30 mm) for installing the axle for the roller, 4 sockets (8 mm) for M6 studs and holes for bolts.

A square profile (36 × 36 mm, wall thickness 4 mm) is suitable for making a handle that drives a machine. To fix this element as a lever, two plates must be welded to its inner end and holes (30 mm) must be made in them, focusing on the bolts that fix the rollers.

The assembly of the pipe bender is carried out in compliance with the following procedure:

  1. The fixing bar is fixed to the workbench with M8 bolts. In this case, the stability of the workbench should be ensured in order to eliminate the likelihood of its shifts during work on bending the workpiece.
  2. A large roller is mounted on the pivot axis, fixed in the mounting plate, fixed with a nut.
  3. An axle is installed and secured, holding the small roller.
  4. M6 studs are placed in their places, necessary to hold part of the profile when working with it. The studs are fitted with fastening plates corresponding to the profile size.

In the future, the process of bending the professional pipe assumes that at first the handle of the pipe bender will be retracted to the left position until it stops, then the workpiece will be set in the desired position, the bending of which will ensure the operation of the machine, driven by the lever.


Since it is quite difficult to make a pipe bender for a profile pipe, we presented 3 different options for its manufacture. One of them should fit.

After you make a pipe bender with your own hands, send it to us by mail with a description of the work and we will post it on the website.

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Profile pipe bender - the better to bend the profile

Many structures include pipes with a profile section, and they do not always have a straight geometry. With a turn, with a bend at an angle and even with a spiral twisting - such pipe configurations are found in industrial facilities and in the household. To achieve the desired shape, the pipes are subjected to a forced bending process. In order to facilitate this work for the master, a special mechanism is used - a pipe bender for a profile pipe.

Bending a profile pipe is an alternative to cutting it with subsequent welding of fragments into a single structure. With the help of profile benders, one-piece curved tube billets (or with a minimum number of joints) are immediately obtained. In the metalworking market, you can find the right roll forming equipment for any material, section, diameter and pipe wall thickness.

Types of machines for bending shaped pipes

Depending on the control principle, all profile pipe benders are divided into 3 types:

  1. Manual.
  2. Hydraulic.
  3. Electrical.

Let's consider the capabilities of each of them in a little more detail.

Manual pipe benders

A manual pipe bender for a profile pipe works by using only the muscular strength of a person. Due to its mobility, compact size and low weight, such a roll forming machine is convenient for the production of the desired products directly on the site of their further use. The most common option is with three rollers around which the workpiece moves in the process of giving it curvature.

A manual pipe bender for a profile, into which a straight profile pipe is tucked, allows you to get a product with a bend at any angle at the exit. In addition to a pipe (with a rectangular, square or circular cross-section), a manual profile bender can easily bend a steel strip, bar, angle, square, etc. into an arc. settings, the bending of the product takes place in exact accordance with the specified radius.

The manual roll forming machine has other advantages:

  • safety;
  • ease of transportation;
  • affordable price;
  • independence from the source of electricity;
  • wide range of applications.

Some users are afraid to buy hand bending tools, considering them unreliable. In fact, these fears are unfounded: mechanical profile bending machines are made of high strength steel, including alloy grades.

Hand-formed roller shafts easily and accurately bend pipes made of various materials: steel, copper, aluminum and metal-plastic. Depending on the purpose, mechanical pipe benders for professional pipes can be equipped with several sizes of grooves for bending shaped pipes of various sections, for example: 15x15 mm, 25x25 mm, 40x40 mm, etc.

Each model has its own capabilities to achieve the maximum bending angle of the workpiece and the maximum wall thickness of the product. For ease of use in the bed of the manual mechanism there are holes with which it is securely fixed on the work table.

The affordable price for equipment in this category allows many home craftsmen to acquire them for household needs. They are also used by some individual entrepreneurs, tinsmiths, blacksmiths and repair shops. To manage them, special knowledge and great physical efforts are not required.

Of course, as in any group of products, there are representatives of the premium class here. For example, a universal roll forming machine that can bend large shaped products. Its rolls are made of hardened steel and have a prefabricated structure that allows you to bend square pipes by winding them onto a predetermined template.

Often, such equipment is used in the housing and communal services sector - to register a turn on water and gas pipes. The cost of such units is an order of magnitude higher than conventional manual ones, but the scope of application is much wider.

Hydraulic roll forming machines

The second group of pipe benders is hydraulic mechanisms. They have broader functions and work not only with pipes, but also with cylinders, squares and other complex profiles. During work, the operator of the machine makes less physical effort, since the hydraulics do it for him.

The hydraulically controlled roll forming machine is technically more advanced than manual roll forming machine. Its rolls can roll the pipe both horizontally and vertically. In just one rolling operation, the product can be given several turning bends of the required radii at different angles.

As a standard, the hydraulic profile tube bending machine is equipped with three rollers (rollers): one drive and two pressure rollers. The rollers are made of high-strength alloy steel and therefore do not require frequent replacement. However, if necessary, they can be easily dismantled and replaced with backup ones.

Like manual profile bending machines, hydraulic machines have three grooves, but the dimensions of the pipe sections here can be up to 60x30 mm. The section of square pipes, as a rule, does not exceed the dimensions of 40x40 mm. You can also bend strip, bar and round tube.

An additional convenience in work is created by the engine braking device - at any time you can pause the operation, make the necessary adjustments and resume work again. The operating mode of such units is variable: it can be manual, semi-automatic and automatic.

The performance of hydraulic profile tube bending machines allows them to be used not only for one-time operations, but also for full-scale serial production. The choice of this type of roll forming machine is based on the planned scope of work: for periodic use, a small manual machine will be sufficient; in the case of operation in production conditions, the choice of a semi-automatic or automatic machine will be more effective.

Electric Profile Pipe Bending Machines

The curved tube roll forming machine can also be powered by an electric motor. Of all the types of profile benders, it is the electric one that has the greatest capabilities. In fact, this is a real professional machine designed for batch production of bent products.

Metal products, which are easily handled by the settings of the rollers, can be made from different types of rolled products: steel of various grades, aluminum, copper and others. The rolling rollers of the machine are made of high-strength steel and have a long service life, and therefore frequent replacement of parts is excluded.

The machine cannot be classified as mobile: it is installed permanently, with a permanent connection to the mains. Such bending units are installed on the sites of machine-building shops, in forges and in workshops. The advantage of electric profile benders is that no physical effort is exerted on the part of the operator during operation.

Precision bending on electric bending allows you to create products of the highest performance class. The angle setting can be set by the operator either manually or using digital programs. In the second case, the control of the execution of operations on the machine is carried out using the built-in or remote display.

The performance of an electric pipe bender depends on the power of its electric motor. In different models, it can reach from 0.7 kW to 2.2 kW. The choice, as always, is conditioned by the production objectives. To increase the processing speed of metal products with a complex profile, the quick change of nozzles also allows - there is a set for each profile.

Despite the fact that the profile bending machine with an electric drive has established itself as the most productive, its popularity is still not as high as that of manual and hydraulic equipment. The main reasons are the high price and attachment to a certain place. The purchase of electric rolls is economically profitable only in case of large stable production.

Of all industrial pipe bending machines for working with various metal profiles, the CNC machine takes a separate place. This is the most powerful and productive unit of all used in mass production. It is designed for three-dimensional bending of pipes and profiles made of stainless steel, copper, aluminum, bronze and other metals and alloys.

The most effective way to control CNC machines is considered to be a servo drive. The use of such equipment, due to its high price, is justified only in conditions of full-scale production, for example, at car factories or at large furniture enterprises.

Perhaps you have your own experience in the practical use of pipe benders for a profile pipe: at home or at work. We would like to know your opinion about the model you are using, about its advantages and disadvantages. This exchange is very important to other users, and can be of great help to them when choosing a good tube bending equipment.

A rolling machine, which many experts call a roll machine or simply rolls, is a device that allows you to bend workpieces made of sheet metal. Rolling machines are distinguished by high efficiency and versatility, which makes it possible to successfully use such equipment in a wide variety of areas, including construction and repair.

Rolling machine W12-4 × 2500 rolls mild steel up to 4 mm thick

Purpose and main varieties

Rolling devices, the versatility of which was mentioned above, today can be found in almost any manufacturing enterprise. It is with the help of such a machine (which, if desired, can be made with your own hands), products of a conical, cylindrical and even oval shape are obtained from sheet metal. A technological operation that allows you to solve such problems is called rolling. At the same time, it should not be confused with flaring, through which changes in the configuration and dimensions of tubular products are achieved.

Roller mills of the simplest design are actively used by home craftsmen. With the help of such equipment, various gutters, air ducts, elements of roofing structures, as well as many other products are produced. Rolling mills produced by modern industry can efficiently process sheets made of various metals.

So, devices of this type, represented by a wide variety of models, can successfully cope with sheet blanks from carbon and alloy steels, aluminum, copper and cast iron. Some models of these machines, the rollers of which have a special design, can bend polycarbonate sheets.

Among the rolling equipment, the following categories are distinguished:

  • manual machine;
  • electromechanical machine;
  • sheet metal machine equipped with a hydraulic drive.

A manually operated roller mill is the simplest type of equipment, which can be produced in floor (mounted on a rack) or tabletop (mounted on a workbench) versions. This manual rolling machine is easy to use, but requires considerable physical effort. Meanwhile, the simplicity of the machine design ensures the maintenance of its reliability for a long time.

The classic manual 3-roll bending machine is suitable for rounding metal workpieces up to 3.5 mm thick

Three-roll manual rollers (namely, with such a number of working bodies, they are mainly manufactured) allow processing pipe and sheet metal with a wall thickness of up to 1.5–2 mm. Such a manual bending machine is the easiest to make with your own hands. It has such advantages as:

  • compact dimensions;
  • insignificant weight;
  • high mobility, which makes it easy to move such machines to those places where their use is most in demand;
  • saving on electricity costs (manual rolling machine does not require its use);
  • low cost (when compared with the price of electromechanical type machines).

FormRoller electromechanical three-roll bending machine is used for batch production of workpieces of various geometries

An electrically driven device (electromechanical rolling machine) has a special gearbox in its design, which significantly increases the efficiency of such equipment. The electromechanical bending machine can be used both for processing sheet metal and for changing the configuration of profile tubes. When it comes to sheet metal processing, the electromechanically driven 3-roll machine can be used to process sheet metal that is less than 4mm thick.

The most powerful type of equipment is a hydraulic rolling machine, which is actively used in power, shipbuilding and machine-building enterprises. A hydraulic three-roll machine or a device with a large number of working elements differs in times more power when compared with devices of the manual or electromechanical category. On the hydraulic type rolling equipment, which is often equipped with CNC systems, it is possible to successfully bend metal sheets, the thickness of which reaches 8 mm.

The hydraulic drive of this machine easily moves the shafts of impressive dimensions, and the CNC controls their position and the degree of sheet deformation

Design and principle of operation

The supporting element of the rolling machine, including one made by hand, is the base frame. It is on this bed, which can be made of cast iron or sheet steel of considerable thickness, that the deforming body of the machine is mounted, which can include two, three or even four rolls. The vast majority of such devices, including those made by hand, are equipped with three working bodies, since the two-roll rollers are not highly efficient.

The rotational movement during the operation of the three-roll machine is communicated only to the two lower working bodies, which, meanwhile, can move linearly only in the horizontal plane, which is necessary to change the distance between them. The upper roll of such a device, which is called thrust, rotates due to the frictional forces created between its surface and the surface of the workpiece being processed.

The upper roll, which is equipped with the rolling machine, has the ability not only to move in the vertical direction, which allows it to be pressed against the surface of the workpiece being processed with the required force, but also to swing to the side. The latter is necessary in order to quickly replace it with a roll designed for processing workpieces with other geometric parameters.

The machine, the working rollers of which are equipped with special grooves, can be used for bending pipes, rods and even large wire. It should be borne in mind that an additional fourth roll, the use of which significantly increases the load on the equipment drive mechanism, can only be installed on an electromechanical or hydraulic rolling machine.

The bending machine, the main working bodies of which are rollers, works according to the following principle.

  • A sheet of metal, from which it is necessary to form a product of a cylindrical or conical shape, is laid on two lower rolls, separated by a certain distance.
  • Lowering the top roll using a special mechanism, the metal sheet is securely clamped between the three working bodies.
  • When the two lower rolls rotate, which provides a manual or electromechanical drive, the metal sheet being processed is set in motion and begins to bend around the working bodies of the rolling machine clamping it, gradually assuming the required configuration.

Moving at a certain speed between the rolls, a flat sheet of metal gradually turns into a product of a cylindrical, conical or oval shape. Obviously, this type of machine does not work like a flaring machine, the working body of which rolls out the end of a tubular product, expanding it to the required geometric parameters.

A rolling machine, on which you can effectively bend not only sheet metal, but also tubular products, is not at all necessary to buy. A rolling machine, if high performance is not required from it, is easy to make with your own hands. Of course, the easiest way is to make such a machine with a manual drive, but the power and functionality of this equipment will be quite enough to carry out construction and repair work on it.

Diy rolling machine: drawings and video

To manufacture a manual rolling machine, you must first find its drawings or develop them yourself, taking as a basis the design of any serial model.

As an example, consider a set of drawings of the USG rolling machine, which are presented below.

Assembly drawing of the serial rolling machine USG (click to enlarge)

So, in order to make a manual rolling machine with your own hands, you must follow the algorithm presented below.

  • The frame of the device is made from metal sheets, cutting them according to a previously prepared drawing, in special grooves of which its lower shafts will be fixed. The structural elements of the bed are interconnected by means of stiffeners, which can be metal pipes or corners.
  • To accommodate the upper roll, support legs are welded to the device frame. For their manufacture, it is best to use a powerful U-shaped profile. The bearing units are mounted in the support frame, into which the upper roll of the machine is installed.
  • A drive mechanism is mounted on the side of the bed, which includes three sprockets, a chain and a device for its tension.
  • The final stage in the manufacture of a homemade rolling machine is to install the drive mechanism handle, tension the chain and adjust all structural elements.

Naturally, after the final assembly, the home-made machine must be tested (and the operation of all its mechanisms must be adjusted, if necessary).

Popular models of manual rolling equipment

Manual rolling machines, presented in the modern domestic market, allow you to effectively solve technological problems of any complexity. So, for a reasonable price, you can buy a small-sized table-type rolling device or stationary equipment, the power and productivity of which is quite enough to solve the problems facing a small manufacturing or repair enterprise.

Among specialists and home craftsmen who prefer to perform, manual rolling equipment of the following brands is very popular.

This company manufactures reliable and efficient equipment designed for processing sheet blanks of various widths and thicknesses.


Reliable, functional and easy-to-use equipment for rolling is produced under this brand. On many models from Metalmaster, thanks to the special grooves on the rolls, it is possible to bend pipes and rods.


This is a domestic brand under which inexpensive but rather reliable plate bending equipment is produced in China. Using such machines, it is possible to bend sheet metal, the thickness of which does not exceed 1.5 mm.

Electromechanical type plate bending machines

Rolling electromechanical machines are presented on the domestic market in an equally wide range. So, of the most popular brands of devices of this type, the following should be noted.


This is a functional rolling equipment that, due to its high reliability, rarely needs repair and expensive maintenance. By equipping with additional structural elements, the technical capabilities of the machines of this brand can be significantly expanded.


Roller electromechanical machines of a professional level are produced under this trademark. The design feature of such machines is the asymmetric arrangement of the work rolls, as well as the ability to quickly retrace the upper working body, which allows for prompt removal of the workpiece from the processing zone.

Electromechanical rolling machine Stalex ESR-1300 × 2.5 (width and thickness of the processed metal is reflected in the designation of the machine)


It is powerful and reliable equipment with comfortable foot control, which can be used not only for bending sheet metal, but also for processing tubular products and rebar.

A rolling machine is a special equipment that is used in the metallurgical industry and is designed to process a metal workpiece by pulling it through special rolls.

With the help of a rolling mill, products such as rolled metal sheets, square or round beams, wire are obtained. In the future, complex mechanisms and machines are created from these materials.

Rolling machines for sheet metal

Rolling machines, with the help of which sheet metal is obtained, belong to the so-called section mills.

Such machines can be:

  • large-sized;

  • medium-grade;

  • rail rolling.

Fox rolling mills can be hot or cold formed, and can be used to produce metal plates from 50 to 350 mm thick, sheet metal from 3 to 50 mm, and metal strips from 1.2 to 20 mm. After the product is ready, the product is wound in standard rolls weighing 50 tons.

Rolling machines for shaped tubes

Rolling machines, with the help of which it is possible to obtain profile pipes, are divided by experts into three types.

  1. Roller bending machine - a machine that is used to deform sheet metal. Most often, this unit is used for the manufacture of thin-walled parts. For example ebbs or gutters.

  2. Three-roll machines - these devices make it possible to deform not only the sheet, but also the pipes. With the help of equipment, profiled rolled products are also processed. The power of this equipment is determined by the downforce generator. If the machine is hydraulically driven, then it can deform even the T-rails.

  3. Four-roller machines - the most powerful unit of this type. Such equipment even makes it possible to produce an annular profile. It is these machines that are used in industrial enterprises with mass production.

Manual rolling machines

A manual rolling machine allows you to make specific metal workpieces, wire or, for example, flatten metal plates at home.

The design of a manual rolling machine includes:

  • two gears;

  • two racks;

  • gear;

  • springs;

  • bushings;

  • bearings.

A manual rolling machine can be versatile, due to the fact that the unit can use shafts of different designs. So, if you put shafts with special grooves, you can make wire, and the installation of circular knives allows you to cut metal.

Production of rolling machines

Many companies in different countries of the world are engaged in the production of rolling machines.

The rolling line includes equipment such as:

  • the main line of the rolling mill;

  • heating furnaces;

  • descaling systems;

  • equipment for cutting, transportation, coiling, marking, packaging.

Modern rolling equipment must have characteristics that allow to obtain products of the required quality, while it must be sufficiently compact, versatile, economical and energy-intensive.

An important factor for classy equipment is its production flexibility, the ability to quickly change to another product, durability and the possibility of simple maintenance.

Rolling machine manufacturers and suppliers

The rolling equipment for the metallurgical complex is a complex system, in the production of which the most modern technologies are used. Among the world brands that produce rolling machines, the following enterprises stand out.

  • JSC “Elektrostal Heavy Machine Building Plant” is the only Russian company that manufactures fluid-friction bearings for rolling mills.

  • BORA Group of Companies is a major manufacturer of lines and other automated equipment for processing thin sheet metal in Russia.

  • NPP Mechatronica is a Russian company that designs rolling mills and manufactures rolling mills for individual orders.
If we talk about global manufacturers, then we can note the following companies:
  • MS COSTRUZIONI SRL, Italy. This enterprise is engaged in the production of complex equipment and machine tools for the metallurgical industry. Among other things, the company is engaged in the production of rolling mills of various capacities.

  • ELEKTROMASHSTAN, Spain. The plant produces rolling machines that allow the production of metal sheets, pipes, profiles. The company has a developed network for the sale of its equipment and is well known in many countries around the world.

  • Luoyang Sennuo Precision Bearing Co., Ltd China. This company develops and manufactures machines for a wide variety of purposes, including a rolling mill. It should be noted that despite the good quality, the company sells its equipment at quite reasonable prices.

Where can you buy a rolling machine

You can get acquainted with manufacturers of rolling equipment for further cooperation at specialized events (exhibitions, fairs). You can buy rolling machines from supplier companies and on the Internet.

Among the most famous sites offering such equipment, experts note the following trading platforms:

  • On the site you can find offers for the sale of rolling machines of various capacities, from manual to powerful industrial equipment;

  • On this resource you can order rental equipment for small businesses and private use;

  • This site offers a wide range of rolling machines. On the site, you can choose equipment to equip a large factory or a small factory.

Rolling machines at the exhibition

Industrial companies have the opportunity to get acquainted with the most modern models of rolling equipment at specialized exhibitions.

Usually, well-known foreign and domestic manufacturers demonstrate their products at such events.

In addition, here you can get acquainted with the most advanced technologies in the field of metalworking. For example, not only Russian companies are participating in the competition, but also representatives of other countries.

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