Opening a zoogostite for pets. Business Idea: Animal Hotel Business Plan Hotel For Cats

* The calculations use average data in Russia

1. Rein the project "Animal Hotel"

The goal of the project is the opening of a pet hotel for 45 seats for providing services for their overexposure and temporary placement. Animal hotel will be located in a two-story house with a courtyard, within the city with a population of more than 500 thousand people. The main hotel guestrooms will be cats and dogs, including dogs of large breeds, as well as small animals. Cat owners can take advantage of the apartment overexposure - the placement of animals in specially equipped indoor enclosures, dog owners will be available both apartments and aviary accommodation.

The cost of the project of the hotel for animals, taking into account the purchase of equipment, registration and design, the creation of the site will be 705.5 thousand rubles. The start of the project is scheduled for early May 2016. The access to the return on the hotel can be expected after 1.5 years of work.

2.Discovering industry and companies

Approximately every third Russian has a pet home. Currently, in households of Russia there are about 20 million dogs and 35 million cats, not counting other animals like turtles, birds and fish. Recently, in the country there are trends in the increase in domestic animals. In particular, this is noticeable by the example of large cities, where the concern for a cat or dog becomes the most effective method of communication with wildlife and the best medicine against stress. With the growth of the welfare of the population and spending on pets are increasing. On average, for 2015 they make up about 1.5 thousand. rub. per month. In major cities, more and more points that provide animal services appear: Veterinary centers, hotel for animals and grooming centers, where the pet can be made with a haircut, as well as overall centers.

Animal hotel is a new phenomenon for our country. The need for establishments of this kind among domestic owners arises if necessary, leaving the nurse for the time of absence - during departures, business trips, movies, etc. Quite often, the cat or the dog does not leave anyone, and confidence in the temporary owners engaged in overshadows, small. Often, the conditions of detention can absolutely not to coincide with the desired, while it is difficult to predict whether the animal will properly care for the animals, whether it has a good feed and so on. The solution of all these issues and take the hotel for animals. Until recently, this business developed spontaneously, without using the sufficient level of confidence in the owners of the pets. However, recently, the hotel service market has become more civilized: the sphere has become carefully monitored by a vertical survey, services began to appear, offering services in proven hotels for animals.

In particular, more than 200 hotels for animals are listed in the base. Most of them are located in large cities. According to 2 GIS, in 15 million cities of Russia, you can count more than 100 offers from animal hotels. In the near future, you can expect that pet infrastructure will improve. There are perspectives and in such a phenomenon as tourism with animals. In particular, since December 2016, Russian Railways allowed passengers of second-hand cargo cars and places to transport domestic trains. The list of permitted for transport includes dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, birds, turtles, fish.

The purpose of this project is the opening of the pets for the provision of services for their overexposure and temporary placement. Animal hotel will be located in a two-story house with a courtyard (owned by an entrepreneur), within the city with a population of more than 500 thousand people. The main guests of the hotel will be cats and dogs, for which the hotel will be available up to 45 seats, as well as small animals (rodents, birds, etc.) The hotel will be divided into several zones. On the second floor of the building will place rooms with numbers for cats and small animals. On the first floor and in the courtyard zone will be placed rooms for dogs. The owners of the latter, in particular, can choose one of two ways to maintain: indoor (suitable for small, medium dogs and puppies) and enclosure (with accommodation in indoor enclosures in the yard). In the courtyard will be equipped with several fenced zones for a conflict-free simultaneous walking of dogs. In the tasks of the hotel for animals will include:

    Ensuring the safety and comfortable content of the animal at the place of its temporary stay.

    Ensuring measures aimed at preventing the possible shoot of the animal, injury and any damage during the stay at the hotel for animals.

    Control over the well-being animal, observation of the veterinarian and the provision of veterinary care if necessary.

    Organization of timely feeding animal, access to drinking water.

    Organization of walking on the street (for dogs).

    Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards under the content: regular cleaning, disinfection of places of content.

    Inform the owner of the status and behavior of the animal.

The organizational and legal form of the business will be the IP. Usn15% is chosen as the taxation scheme. Guard of animals will be the project owner, fulfilling the duties of the chief administrator. He will directly subordinate to the staff and hired employees who organize leaving and care for animals.

3. Description of services

Animal hotel will provide services for the apartment and aviary overtake. The establishment will take on temporary content of dogs, cats, rodents and birds. In tab. 1 Prices for animal hotel services. As an additional service, the pets will be available a number of free services, which will become one of the main competitive advantages of the project along with a high level of service. Animal hotel will work in the middle price segment, when the quality of services is higher than the average. The average check for services will be 550 rubles. Animal reception to the hotel for animals will be carried out only if there is a veterinary passport with all the necessary vaccinations.

Table 1. List of services provided by the hotel for animals



Cost, rub.

Overseas cat

Dogs small

Processing dogs weighing from 1 to 10kg

Dogs Middle

Processing dogs weighing from 10 to 25 kg

Dogs are large

Processing dogs weighing 25 kg above

Hamsters and guinea pigs

Hamster and guinea pigs

Ferrers and rabbits

Overetelling ferrets and rabbits

Overexposure of parrots, canary, etc.

Control veterinarian

Daily control of a veterinary doctor

is free

Swimming pets with shampoo for 7 days stay (dog)

is free

Cleaning ears

Cleaning ears

is free

Eye processing

Eye processing

is free


Daily combing

is free


Walk according to regime

is free

Master in touch

Informing the owner about the status and behavior of the pet

is free

Bloch / Tonic Treatment

Bloch / Tonic Treatment

Pet treatment with veterinarian attraction





Pet transfer to hotel for animals


4. Sale and marketing

Various population categories enjoy the services of animal hotels and encourage them for various reasons. At the same time, contrary to the problem, the guests of such hotels may not only be animals not to measure rich owners, but also clients with an average level of income. First, it can be owners who have nowhere to do domestic animals for long departures or vacations. As a rule, they use services to overexpose in winter holidays and summer period. The second category can be attributed to the owners traveling with animals and who do not want to part with them for a long time. Such owners regularly visit their pets, but at the same time there can be no clock with them. Thirdly, these are the owners who leave the pets for a short time when a dog or a cat must be temporarily "evicted." As examples, you can put repairs in the apartment, moving to a new place of residence or the arrival of a relative with allergies to cats.

If we take into account the fact that each third Russian accounts for one pet, then in the city with a population of more than 500 thousand people lives at least 160 thousand pets. Considering that on average, domestic spending constitute about 1.5 thousand rubles. per month, the capacity of pets associated with pets is up to 240 million per month and up to 2.88 billion rubles. in year. Data on the number of customers in need of overall services can be obtained by learning the number of queries by keywords in search engines. In our case, the number of requests for services about the overexpose into the low months is 900-1000 in the low months and up to 3500-4000 per season of vacations. At the same time, the shelters and private oversights are clearly unable to provide in places of all those who want.

Earn before
200 000 rubles. a month, having fun!

Trend 2020. Intellectual business in the field of entertainment. Minimum attachments. No additional contributions and payments. Turnkey training.

In order for more people from the hotel services for animals, the media attention will be drawn to the discovery, advertising on the Internet (on thematic forums, in communities of domestic owners). Information on the progress of the project will be covered in social networks, which will also become a platform for communication with potential customers, studying with the help of polls of their preferences and wishes. For animal hotels, a private site will be developed with which you can book a room. It is also planned to partnership with veterinary clinics and pet stores, with emerging buckling systems for animal owners. Over time, the promotion system for regular customers of the hotel will be introduced.

5.Plan production

Animal hotel will be located within the city, in one of the private sectors of the city, in the area with high transport accessibility, and work around the clock. The technology of providing services will imply the following steps:

    The reservation process of the number by the owner of the animal through telephone communication, left the online bog. Acceptance of applications for the overexpose will be available from 8:00 to 22:00.

    Providing the owner of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and the veterinary passport of an animal with marks about the vaccinations made. In the absence of such an intercourse, it is necessary to pass tests to the most common diseases in the partner vet.

    Conclusion of a contract for the provision of services for the overexpose of the animal between the hotel and the owner of the animal. The document is prescribed the subject of the contract, the duties of the parties, responsibility for failure to fulfill the obligations, the procedure for providing services and payment.

    Check-in hotel according to the selected content mode.

    Animal reception by the owner.

    Conducting the procedure for harvesting the released room, including dry and wet cleaning, processing disinfectants and quartzing.

The total area of \u200b\u200bdomestic rooms, including street enclosures, will be more than 200 square meters. meters. When accommodating the hotel for animals, the requirements of the SES will be taken into account, according to which such institutions should be located at least 150 meters from residential buildings.

Ready ideas for your business

To create a hotel it will be necessary to equip the available building for the needs of the institution. For this, the land plot will be divided into several sectors with a grid partition for the walking animals, 50 square meters are elevated. Meters of indoor helpers of different capacity for dogs. Indoors will create separate zones for room accommodation of dogs (2 rooms of the first floor), cats and small animals (3 rooms of the second floor). The apartment rooms will occupy the total area of \u200b\u200b150 square meters. meters, not counting kitchens and economic premises. The largest areas will require the placement of dogs. When creating enclosures, all dimensional requirements for comfortable accommodation will be taken into account. In tab. 2 shows the conformity table of the Voller area of \u200b\u200bthe dog sizes.

Table 2. Compliance with Woller Square



Waller Square

Growth in withers

from 6 square meters. m.

from 8 square meters. m.

over 65 sq.m.

from 10 square meters. m.

4m.kv, including a sleeping zone 1m x 1m, plus 0.5 m.kv. to the total area for each dog the same size additionally (if there is not one dog in the aviary)

6m.kv., including a sleeping zone of 1.5m x 1.5m plus 0.5 m.kv. A total area for each dog the same size is additionally.

For a dog, more than 30 kg - fenced terrium 8 m.kv., including a 2M x 2m bed zone plus 1m.kv. to the total area for each dog of the same size.

The cost of equipment of the zoohouse will be 360.5 thousand rubles. In tab. 3 shows the main components of the cost data.

Table 3. Equipment costs Hotel for animals


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.

Wolter indoor for dogs

Wolter room for dogs big

Wolter room for puppies and small dogs

Equipment for feline house

Sunbed cat

Feed storage rack

Cat's house-brake

Accessories (bowls, drinkers, leashes, toys, muzzles, etc.)

Cage for rodents

Cage for birds

Carrying for cats

Feline tray


360 500

In addition to the list given in the list, it will take the purchase of consumables, that is, feed, disinfection products, feline fillers, and so on.

To work in a hotel for animals will be needed by the staff of the staff who will look after and care for animals, organize feeding, walking, etc. At the initial stage, 3 people are enough at the low load, not counting the owner. In the future, the state with an increase in the number of transmitted animals will be expanded. The work of employees will be organized in replacement so that the pets are under constant supervision. The main requirements for employees will be: experience with animals (kennels, employees of zoos, Zohnani, etc.), responsibility, ability to communicate with customers (hosts), patience, operational, love for animals. Also to work in the hotel for animals will be attracted by a veterinarian (part-time). Accounting will be transferred to outsourcing. Assistance in utility work owner will have family members.

Table 4. Station schedule and wage fund

Given the average check for services for the overexposition of 550 rubles, with maximum loading of the hotel for animals will be able to have revenue to 670 thousand rubles. per month, however, these indicators are difficult to achieve. In the first year of operation, the planned mark will be only 1/3 of the hotel loading in the peak month (pessimistic forecast). Taking into account the start of work in April, 2 months before the release of the vacation season, it is possible to achieve such a download for 3 months. Net profit will be about 40 thousand rubles. When reserved 222.7 thousand rubles.

Next, in the fall, it is advisable to expect a decrease in demand until the beginning of the winter holidays. In the second month, it is planned to increase the planned mark in the peak months to half the load, in the third - to 70% in season, etc. In the calculations, the fact will also be taken into account that with a high load it will be necessary to attract additional employees, and, consequently, an increase in costs for the wage foundation. In the current costs of animals, salary will be saved to employees, payment of utilities and electricity, purchase of feed and other consumables, deductions for advertising, spending on veterinary service and accounting. For feeding animals, extremely high-quality feed will be purchased. At the same time, the owner can provide any other feed for his pet as desired. To increase the average check, customers will be offered additional services.

6. Organization plan

Responsibilities for managing the hotel for pets will take on an individual entrepreneur. Its functions will include all processes on the organization of the business at the project preparation stage, including registration, management with equipping, receiving personnel, etc. In the process of activity, he will act as chief administrators, as well as interact with partners and lead marketing promotion. He will be subject to other employees, including staff staff (hotel staff), as well as hired employees (veterinarian, accountant).

7.Financial plan

The cost of the project for the opening of an animal hotel will be 705.5 thousand rubles. Articles of investment costs are presented in Table. 5. Financial rates of the main period of activity are given in Appendix 1. The conditions adopted during the calculations: a planned sales volume for 1 year of work - 220 thousand rubles. (1/3 download), for 2 years of work (per season) - 330 thousand rubles. (1/2 download), in season 3 - 70% of downloads per season, etc. Seasonal fluctuations in demand, an increase in the photographer from the third year of work by 25% (in the peak months), an increase in the average check for services from the third year by 10% annually.

Table 5. Investment costs

Article costs

Amount, rub.

Investments in real estate

Repair work (cosmetic room repair, creation of zones for walking, purchase works)

Equipment of the room

Purchase of equipment

Intangible assets

Site creation

Registration and design procedures



Purchase of feed and disinfection


705 500

8. Project effectiveness

The project to open an animal hotel is associated with certain difficulties in the opening associated with the creation of your own person in the market. However, after overcoming this stage and the formation of regular customers, the risks are noticeably reduced: the case is put on the flow. In the season of vacations, with high loading of animals, it is possible to raise tariffs up to 10% per season without significant consequences at the demand level. Project efficiency indicators for a five-year period of operation are given in Table. 6.

Table 6. Project Efficiency Indicators

9.Ris and guarantees

The implementation of the project to open and functioning a hotel for animals can be associated with high risks in several cases. These include an unsuccessful location of the hotel, a weak level of service, a semi-pedago organization outside the legal field, lack of advertising. In our case, animal hotels will be located in a large city with a half-million population, in the area with high transport accessibility. Business will be issued according to all the requirements of the legislation, and the level of service will provide qualified workers with experience. The absence in the structure of constant costs of such an item as a lease significantly reduces the risks of unprofitability, as a result of which the hotel management is granted great freedom of action upon disposal of revenue. One of the directions to which close attention will be paid is to promote the market with a constant expansion of the Customer Base. The risks of the project and prevention measures are described in Table. 7.

Table 7. Evaluation of the risks of the project and the event to prevent their offensive or their consequences


Probability of offensive

The degree of gravity of the consequences

Prevention measures

High volatility of demand for the services of zoochitsy

Complaints of neighbors, residents of neighboring houses, check

Accommodation hotel for animals on distance from residential buildings according to the requirements of the SES, the availability of necessary documents for conducting activities, the availability of vetporates in animals

Animal diseases, epidemic, animal death in the hotel

Animal placement only upon presentation of a passport and after passing procedures for vaccination, compliance with the conditions on separate content, sanitary hygienic procedures for cleaning and disinfection

Competitor pressure

Expansion of the range of services, increased attention to the service, the use of all competitive advantages, review of prices, development of loyalty programs

Interesting selection of business ideas

* The calculations use average data in Russia

Many animal lovers, going to rest, often face the problem, what to do for the period of their absence with your favorite pet. Well, when there is an opportunity to attach pet native or friends who provide him with the necessary attention and proper care. But this possibility is not always. To give a dog or a cat to overtook unfamiliar people, many owners do not want for obvious reasons: it is difficult to predict, in what conditions the animal will be contained, as it will be fed and care for it. And here the help of puzzled owners of domestic pets come zoochitsy.

This is a relatively new phenomenon for the Russian market. Of course, such services in the overeximation of animals are long ago, but to consider them as a business cannot, since most of the odds are not officially registered in any way, they are located in private apartments that are not adapted for such purposes, and are not regulated by law. People leave their pets on such an overtakes on their own fear and risk. Such experience may well be unsuccessful: the animal may return to its masters in poor condition, and to attract someone to justice for it is unlikely to succeed. Zohostitsy open, as a rule, individual entrepreneurs who work with compliance with all the requirements of the law pay taxes and take care of their reputation. They take animals on the overexposure while their owners leave for rest, on a business trip or simply temporarily can not do their pet.

In general, this business can be called profitable, promising and in demand. However, it also has a number of drawbacks (as, however, and any other). First of all, this business has a pronounced seasonality. The greatest demand for the service of zoogostinitz is used by obvious reasons in the summer months. In addition, interest in their services is observed during the New Year holidays, in the last month of spring and in the early autumn (when people leave for rest from the city). At the same time, customers are significantly less. But even in season, the profit of the zoochitsy is limited: any hotel is designed for a certain number of places and cannot accommodate animals over it. The number of four-legged guests is also limited to the requirements that make the owners of such a zoo-hotel to their customers. Mandatory the presence of a veterinary passport with all vaccinations by age.

Earn before
200 000 rubles. a month, having fun!

Trend 2020. Intellectual business in the field of entertainment. Minimum attachments. No additional contributions and payments. Turnkey training.

Where is it profitable to open zoogostinitz? Although the demand for such services is everywhere, but if you consider them as a business, and not as an additional earnings, then the city with a population of half a million people and more will be suitable for opening a zoochostitsa. Only in this case you will receive a sufficient number of solvent customers to recoup all your expenses. In general, this direction is promising, and competition in the market of such services is still small. However, after the cancellation of the state licensed this type of activity (now it is controlled by veterinary supervision) interest in this business among entrepreneurs increased significantly. Experts predict an increase in the number of zoogostinitz in the regions where this business has developed spontaneously and uncivilized to recently.

Room under zoogostinitsa

The largest cost of expenses when opening your own "zoo hotel" - renting the premises for it. Let's start with the fact that it must comply with certain requirements. So, according to the standards of the SES, the hotel for animals should be located at least 150 meters (and the best of all is 180-200 meters) from the nearest residential building. However, even when complying with this requirement, be prepared for regular complaints on you (or rather, on your guests) from residents located nearby houses. Ideally, the room under the zoogostinitsy should be located in the forest park or industrial zone (although not in the city feature, otherwise your potential customers will not find you). But finding the appropriate option in the area and location is difficult, since the minimum area should be at least 100 square meters. meters. It is necessary to have heating, water supply, sewage, as well as albeit a small one, but its own plot of land near the building for walking dogs. The rental price in a big city may be quite high. You can reduce costs in two ways: to open a hotel in the territory of the veterinary clinic or to increase prices for your services, focusing on secured customers.

The most ideal option is to open a hotel for animals in your own private house with a plot of land. Rent at the first stage of your work will "eat" all profits. The entire territory of the site should be entered high fence so that your four-legged guests can escape. In addition, the plot is recommended to split into several separate sectors with partitions from the grid. This will allow you to simultaneously walk even conflicting with each other animals. For the content of pets, indoor rooms are used - rooms with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 10 square meters. meters. 4-5 rooms are located in a hotel for 25 seats. Large breed dogs (for example, shepherds, Senbernara, Newfoundland, husky, etc.) better keep on the street - in special avols.

There are also the so-called mini-coaths, which are more narrowly specialized and take only small animals (and often even one species) - dogs of decorative rocks or cats, birds, rodents, etc. In this case, the large area is not required. It is enough room with an area of \u200b\u200babout 10 square meters. meters. Under such an overeximation, you can use a summer kitchen or a garage. The main thing is that the room is heated, there was a water supply, sewage and good ventilation. In such a room, animals are contained with smaller comfort - in cells. Cages for cats should be of 1.5 meter size, and for dogs, the cell size depends on the breed. Cells can be installed at different levels at different levels, which will save space, but best of all, different types of animals contain separately so as not to cause them additional stress. It is worth noting that many owners do not arrange such conditions for the content of favorite pets. Although, in general, in the content of an animal in a spacious cage with water and food and regular walking there is nothing cruel, experts believe. However, if the cat or dog is not accustomed to such a content, finding the cell during the course may become a real test for it.

As for the equipment and the necessary accessories (bedding, bowls, collars, leashes, toys, etc.), it is best to get a small stock, but, as a rule, the owners transmit an animal with everything necessary. Property for the kitchen and veterinary cabinet in advance. Their area may be small: the kitchen is about 6 square meters. meters and vertakabinet - about 10 square meters. meters, but they must be isolated from "numbers". Do not forget to buy additional equipment for the kitchen and branch.

Conditions of animal reception

If you care about your reputation, then you will not take on animals waiting, which may pose a threat to other cats and dogs. As a rule, for accommodation in the zoogostinice, its owners are asking for an animal owner to provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as an animal passport with marks about the vaccinations. If the animal has no medical documents that would confirm the presence of the necessary vaccinations, the owners are asked to pass tests to some of the most common diseases. For dogs, it is Parvovirus, plague, adenovirus and coronavirus. In addition, the animal is invited to introduce immunosotor (for example, giskan, vitakan or a globan) before being in a hotel. The advent of the animal is placed in the quarantine zone to the main vaccination. Zoogostitsy often work together with a certain veterinary clinic. And it was there that the owners of hotels send their customers and from there cause a branch if the animal snapped during the overeach.

Special attention is paid to the issue of registration of legal documents during the stay of an alien animal in your hotel. For this period, as a rule, an agreement on the content of the animal is concluded. A typical sample of such a contract may look as follows: "Agreement No. ... to provide services for the overeximation of an animal from ... (date of drawing up agreement). Animal Owner's FIO, hereinafter referred to as the "owner", on the one hand, and IP ... (Inn No. Certificate No.) - the name of the hotel, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties" concluded this contract for the provision of services for the overeach Animal about the following.


1.1. "The owner" reports, and the hotel for animals takes for content as a pet: ______________________

Breed ___________________ floor __________________

Age ____________ nickname _____________________

Type of feed _______________

Periodicity of feeding ____________________________

Special conditions of content __________________________

Defined in aviary (cage) No. _______

1.2. The "owner" declares and confirms that at the time of drawing up the contract:

Animal is great, and not at the stage of quarantine after vaccination, processed from fleas

Provides a veterinary passport of an animal with marks of the vaccination conducted, in the case of not the provision of an animal passport with vaccinations, the hotel is not responsible for the health of the animal

2.Read, duties and responsibilities of the parties

2.1. Animal hotel undertakes:

2.1.1. Take an animal and contain it at: ...;

2.1.2. Provide an animal for the conditions of detention corresponding to sanitary and veterinary requirements, legislation and the peculiarities of this animal

2.1.3. Do not allow animal abuse, be responsible for the content of the animal before the "owner";

2.1.4. Inform the "Owner" reliable information on the conditions of the future of the animal;

2.1.5. Comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation; Comply with government decisions and other regulatory acts on the content and maintenance of animals.

2.1.6. Not to leave without care and supervision the resulting animal;

2.1.7. In case of deterioration of well-being during the overexposure, to provide veterinary service under the contract No. 1 (for the provision of services for the veterinary service of the hotel for animals), pay all the costs of veterinary services and, if necessary, the treatment of the animal. If necessary, veterinary service (except for the primary veterinary inspection), veterinary service costs are put on the owner's reimbursement at the end of the content with the provision of reporting documents from the veterinary institution and marks in a veterinary passport.

2.2. "Owner" undertakes:

Ready ideas for your business

2.2.1. When transferring an animal to the hotel for animals, famous reliable information about his health, characteristics of character and behavior, including those dangerous to others;

2.2.2. Take an animal back if the hotel for animals will be found in the veterinary inspection.

2.3. Responsibility of the parties:

2.3.1. In case of non-fulfillment of either improper fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement, or violation of the provisions of current legislation, the violating party is liable, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The Agreement of the Treaty. The order of change, termination, termination of the contract. OTHER CONDITIONS

3.1. This Agreement is considered to be entered into legal force, and the rights and obligations attending - at the time of transferring an animal hotel for animals and signing this contract by both parties.

3.2. This Agreement is concluded for a period of _______ days C ____________ to ______________

3.3. Any changes and additions can be made to the contract in order to agree on as parties.

3.4. This Agreement is drawn up on 1 sheet, in two copies (one for each side) having the same legal force.

4. Payment of services:

4.1 The basic cost of the animal content in the hotel is _________ rubles / day. (Settlement time: 24.00)

4.2 Nutrition ___________ rubles / day.

4.3 On the day of signing the Agreement "Owner" pays an advance in the amount of _______% in the amount of _____ rub. (summing up) __________________________________ (balance to pay _____________ руб.).

4.4.Confractional calculation of the animal content is made on the day of return of the animal "Owner", taking into account clause 2.1.7 and according to rates.

5. Addresses and details of the parties ...

6. Signatures of the parties ... ".

Before drawing up the final version of the Treaty, it is advisable to consult with a lawyer who will prompt which items worth adding to it in order to maximize themselves from possible claims in the future. In addition to the contract, you need to also make an act of receiving an animal, which indicates not only information about its appearance, health, but also information about the habits, character, as well as individual features of nutrition and care.

Zoogostitsa as a business

To work in the zoogostinitz, the staff of the staff, in which, as a rule, consists of two or three cynologists with an average wage in the amount of about 15 thousand rubles, a veterinarian with salary from 15-20 thousand rubles (the doctor is better to take what comes that It will save on the salary), the administrator with a salary of about 10 thousand rubles and an accountant with a salary from 15 thousand rubles (it is also better to take part-time). If your hotel in addition to cats and dogs contain other animals, additional workers will be required to care for them. In the summer period, you can hire and senior schoolchildren or students who will be happy to earn money. Each employees are assigned their duties. The veterinarian examines guests when receiving a hotel and subsequently with a certain periodicity, fixing all inspection data in personal animal cards. Cynologists walk with animals, feed them, and also remove the rooms and disinfect them.

Although each animal has its own diet, which hotel owners inform his hosts, however, be prepared to spend money on the purchase of feed and consumables every month. The cost of feed depends on its type and price category. The minimum cost of dry feed in wholesale purchase is from 70 rubles per kg, and canned food - from 80 rubles per kg. However, as a rule, people who can afford to leave their pets in a hotel for a long time, acquire him better and dear feed. In this case, agree in advance about who provides food for your stay with your animal than it can be replaced if feed, for example, will end ahead of time, etc. Consider that a large breed dog eats about 500-600 g feed.

The cost of the daily stay of the animal in the hotel without taking into account nutrition depends on the region. The average price in Russia is from 500 rubles per day for dogs and from 300 rubles for cats. Higher cost for dogs is associated with their large size, as well as with the need to walk them within 1-2 hours a day.

How much money will you need to open your hotel? Subject to the availability of its own area for organizing a large zoochitsy (at 45-50 places), it is necessary from 300-400 thousand rubles. This includes the equipment of the "rooms", helpers, purchase of sun beds, rugs, feed, hygiene, medicines for animals, as well as wages to your employees for the first month. In the case of a small hotel you can do 200 thousand rubles. True, if in the first case the payback periods will be for about two years, then in the second they increase times in 1.5-2 times.

To increase the profitability of your business, you will have to invent additional ways to profit. It can be both own veterinary cabinet and a cosmetic interior for animals or the provision of dog training services. The last option, by the way, is most promising, because in your state there will be professional keen and you have all the possibilities for the overexposition of dogs and equipment training grounds. At the convenient location of your hotel in the city in a lively place, your own pet store can be opened. The provision of additional services can be about 45% of your income, so you should not neglece this idea.

Open the zoohouse is best in the mid-spring. You will have time to advertise your services and promotion just at the beginning of the season (May holidays). Thus, you will be able to recoup your investments faster and avoid incoming downtime. Do not forget about attachments to advertising, because it will lead to your first customers. Advertising on the Internet on thematic resources in your region is more efficient. In addition, the "partnership exchange" with veterinary clinics has been proven well with the placement of your advertising and their advertising with you, respectively. In advertising, try to emphasize all your advantages (especially if your zoozostnitsa is not the only one in the city). It can be both affordable prices and additional services. Someone installs a webcam in the aviaries, with the help of which animal owners can at any time see what their pets are busy. Although the cameras are not a cheap pleasure.

In this material:

Pets Hotel is a number of special purpose rooms equipped with the aim of temporary placement and content of pets left by the owners. Together with hairdressers and clothing stores with this kind of destination, it belongs to elite types of entrepreneurship. In modern times, such activities are thoroughly strengthened among the projects considered profitable. To organize your own business, its specificity is considered in this area and a business plan for animals with appropriate calculations is drawn up.

Project description, goals

The first animal hotel opened in the Russian Federation in 1997. In major cities of the Russian Federation, more than 15 institutions of this type are registered, 50% of them are located in Moscow.

Estimated every year the demand for the services of zoo beams is associated with an increase in the number of pets and the growing pace of their owners. The purpose of such projects is to receive profits by meeting customer requests by providing the overexposure of pets and care.

Business relevance

Statistics shows that each third family has one or more pets that need an overexposure not only during the holidays period, but also in case of travel, repair work or illness. Despite the fact that the service of temporary maintenance of pets in individual apartments is still in demand, the service of professional hotels with specially trained employees is rapidly gaining popularity. The owners enhanced requirements for the quality of their pets, including cleanliness, the correct feeding mode, the possibility of quick first aid if necessary and even continuous video surveillance.

In order for this project to pay for and was able to make a profit, you must first decide how relevant it is relevant to familiarize yourself with its features, analyze the likely risks in such activities, make an assessment of financial investments.

The target audience

Animal hotel should be opened in large cities, since the target audience in them is more, more active and income is higher than in the province. Such a population is much more frequent sent on travel or business trips, looking for a temporary overeximation for its favorites. Clients of the hotel for animals are usually:

  1. Pet owners, periodically leaving the house for one reason or another and living alone.
  2. Families containing domestic animals leaving to relax in full formation.
  3. People who have no opportunity to fully care for pets due to the shortage of time or physical abilities.

In all three versions, people have the level of income above average and quite often need services on the temporary content of their favorites in qualitative conditions.

List of services provided

The main task of the hotel for pets is to ensure that customer pets are careful for a certain period of time. This process will include a number of functions:

  • security organization;
  • creating comfortable conditions;
  • care for pets (combing, bathing, cleaning of the nose, ears and eyes);
  • controlling animals and provide them with medical care if necessary;
  • power supply and drinking water;
  • walking;
  • systematic alignment of pets of pets with subsequent disinfection.

In such hotels, each animal will be able to get food, fully proportionate its mass, physical condition and age. In addition, food will contain the required amount of vitamins and health benefits.

Each pet is provided with a qualitatively heated room equipped with a ventilation system, with a bed and a mission. To attract the client "Number" for a pet, it is often complemented by the usual and beloved objects in the form of rugs, toys, etc.

To obtain revenue in a larger volume, you can expand the list of services by adding to it to train, sell accessories, additional delicacies, games with animals and their delivery to the owners.

Competitive advantages

The hotel for animals can not be equal to ordinary shelters, as there is a colossal difference between these two institutions. A distinctive feature of this object, allowing it to act as a serious competitor, is the possibility of providing veterinary care animals at any time of the day. Competed with other hotels on the basis of the following factors:

  • convenience when booking (availability of your own website, groups in social networks);
  • strict requirements in the process of receiving animals (only healthy);
  • an individual approach to each animal, creating conditions similar to home;
  • the possibility of receiving small animals and birds (rodents, parrots);
  • training, photo session;
  • the presence of zootaxi.

Check-in Animal Hotel

The hotel business registration is a rather long process, which can be considered a significant disadvantage. This is due to the need to execute a solid list of documents.


In order to open a business associated with the provision of hotel services to pets, first of all it is necessary to issue an IP or establish LLC. Then a series of actions are performed to obtain proper documents:

  • registration in the FTS;
  • the choice of taxation system is recommended to dwell on USN 6%;
  • payment of state duty;
  • choosing a suitable room with the subsequent conclusion of a lease or purchase agreement;
  • obtaining the conclusion of the technical, fire and sanitary service;
  • registration of the cash register.

To provide various services and trade in all sorts of animal accessories, you will need to have appropriate documents and certificates.

OKVED codes

This type of activity will be in accordance with the OKVED code 96.09, taking into account the content and training of animals. If the zoogostin is planned to provide veterinary services, then such procedures are indicated in the classifier code 75.00.2.

Management functions in the hotel for animals usually performs the individual entrepreneur itself. He will have to solve issues related to the organization of business at the initial stage - project registration, equipment acquisition, set and work with frames, etc.

Property location

The hotel for animals is permissible to have a central or sleeping area in any area. To this end, you can rent a separate building, when choosing a place to consider its convenience for future customers: the availability of access roads and car parking, it should also meet all the requirements of the SES. According to the standards, the location of the ZooTel should be at least 150-180 meters from residential buildings.

The optimal option will be the house located outside the city. The object should be equipped with avoirers for walking and escaped a high and reliable hedge, which is especially important due to the presence of large pets.

Rent or purchase of premises

For the hotel you can both buy out and rent the necessary area, the volumes of which depend on certain factors. In this case, the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur, the size of potential guests and their estimated quantity, as well as premises for service personnel are taken into account.

The premises must be well heated, have a sewer system and water supply. The hotel should provide its own territory for walking animals. In a major city, renting or buying such an area will require large material costs, to reduce which in two ways: to organize a zoo in the veterinary clinic plot or increase the cost of services, providing them to secured customers.


The room of the pets for pets does not require expensive repair, it is quite enough to carry out a cosmetic option for imparting cleanliness and comfort rooms. For animal maintenance, you should equip the required number of individual rooms with a small area. For finishing works, environmentally friendly building materials are selected.

To wash your pets, you will need to equip several bathrooms with the corresponding plumbing. In the area adjacent to the object, enclosures are constructed with reliable fencing, designed for animal walking at any time of the year.

For the full functioning in the hotel for animals, special equipment is purchased:

  • indoor and indoor enclosures;
  • dominics and sun beds for cats;
  • fixtures - scheduling;
  • cabinet for storage of feed;
  • cells for birds and rodents;
  • carrying for small animals;
  • dishes;
  • trays;
  • mats;
  • accessories.

A number of consumables are purchased, including all sorts of feed, disinfection products, tray fillers, drugs, and so on for reporting, you will need a cashier and a laptop.

Personnel search

Employees in the hotel for animals should have appropriate qualifications. The staff should include a kinologist, a felinologist, a cleaner of premises, a driver, a veterinarian. The functions of the administrator and customer attracting specialist usually performs the entrepreneur itself, and the accountinger is given to outsourcing.

The number of personnel depends on the number of places for lochmatic guests with the calculation that they will work shift to ensure round-the-clock supervision of animals.

Each of the employees should love animals, not to be indifferent to them and conscientiously fulfill their duties. To increase the level of personnel qualifications, it is periodically sent to the appropriate courses with subsequent exams.

Advertising campaign

  • publication of ads in newspapers;
  • radio advertising;
  • banners;
  • distribution of leaflets and business cards in veterinary institutions and in the respective stores and pharmacies;
  • creating a website on the Internet with the provision of a list of services and cost;
  • advertising in social networks.

The business plan of the animal hotel contains calculations showing all costs associated with the opening and activities of the institution - initial investments, current expenses, as well as expected profits.


The number of costs required for attachments to the opening of an animal hotel is caused by a number of factors. The cost of equipment, rental of premises and repair in each city has the difference.

The amount of investment at the start will amount to 2,015,000 rubles, it consists of the following expenses:

  • registration - 35 000;
  • acquisition of equipment and furniture - 950,000;
  • rent a building - 190,000;
  • repair in the premises - 450,000;
  • advertising - 300,000;
  • accessories for animals - 90 000.

Permanent expenses

The monthly cost of maintaining the hotel for animals includes:

  • payment services utilities - 25,000;
  • rent - 190,000;
  • staff salary - 350,000;
  • feed - 35 000;
  • medicines - 20,000;
  • pet care products - 25,000;
  • advertising - 20,000;
  • tax 6%.

Total - 665,000 rubles Plus tax deductions.

Hotel revenues

On the grounds that the hotel will require some time to expand the clientele of the hotel, in the first year the calculation of profitability will be made with regard to 35-40 animals per month. Run the project is best in spring, since during this period the population begins the time of vacations and travels.

With an increase in hotel attendance, the possible monthly income is calculated based on the rates and the number of animals. When equipped in the following composition: 10 dogs of large breeds, 10 decorative breeds or puppies, 20 cats, 20 small rodents - a day check, in which, in addition to animal maintenance and care, includes delivery, training, cosmetic services, video surveillance and means From the sale of accessories, will be 35,000 rubles. Accordingly, per month, the revenue of the hotel for animals will be 1,050,000 rubles.

Calculation of profits

The profitability of the project is calculated as follows:

1,050,000 (revenue per month) - 665,000 (monthly expenses) - 63,000 (tax 6%) \u003d 322 000 rubles.

Project profitability - 30%.

With a full-fledged workload, the funds nested in the hotel will pay off after 7-8 months, after this period of time you can return the bank a loan taken for this purpose.

Profitability and possible risks

Before you invest in the opening of an animal hotel, you need to evaluate all possible risks. The most common belongs:

  • reducing customer solvency due to crisis;
  • insufficient demand level;
  • illiterately formed services for services;
  • incorrectly selected personnel;
  • viral diseases among animals, in order to avoid taking only grafted pets.

Increasing the profitability of the project is carried out in the following ways:

  • growth in the popularity of the institution due to the permanent advertising and quality of services provided;
  • expansion of the place of establishment and an increase in the client base.

The opening of the hotel for animals is one of the interesting ideas in commercial activities. In modern days, such projects can not be attributed to common, but they are in demand both in megalopolis and small cities. For full functioning in this area, the business plan in which all calculations are made. After the organization of the project, work is carried out on the quality of service and the expansion of the clientele.

Approximately every third Russian (76%, according to the WTCIOM) there is a pet. In total, there are about 20 million dogs and 35 million cats - and there are still turtles, parrots, aquarium fish, guinea pigs and other animals. Against the background of the stable attachment of people to "Brothers Little" also develops the zoosok. In major cities, new zoobuts, veterinary clinics, grooming salons, as well as the centers of overequis and hotels for animals are regularly opening.

In Russia, the zoohouse arose at the beginning of the 21st century and quickly became popular. Pet owner, planning a trip for several days or more, can leave a pet in the institution, where care will be provided, food, leisure.

Now in the base registered more than 200 hotels for animals, most of which are in megalopolis. High demand for vacation period - from May to September - and on New Year's holidays. The annual trafficking of animals for 25 seats at an average daily price of 300 rubles is about one and a half million rubles, the hotel's maintenance costs about 600,000 rubles. The experience of "zoootellers" shows that the business is most beneficial in large cities, where there is a high level of wages, an intense pace of life, many travel lovers.

What services are provided in zoogostinice?

The standard package of services is presented in the table.

Table number 1. Popular services and average markets.

Service name

average price

Oversink cats

400 rubles / day

Processing dogs weighing 1-10 kg

650 rubles / day

Aversion of dogs weighing 10-25 kg

750 rubles / day

Processing dogs weighing more than 25 kg

850 rubles / day

Hamster and guinea pigs

150 rubles / day

Overetelling ferrets and rabbits

300 rubles / day

Overexposure of birds

250 rubles / day

50-250 rubles

The price depends on the problem


700-1500 rubles

Delivery of animal from home to hotel and back

Price depends on distance

The following services are included in the cost of overexposure:

  1. Regular veterinary inspection.
  2. Ensuring nutrition and access to water.
  3. Swimming pets. Usually, it is carried out on the 7th day of stay at the hotel.
  4. Cleaning ears.
  5. Eye processing.
  6. Regular combing.
  7. Walking on schedule.
  8. Sanitary and hygienic procedures.
  9. Inform the owner of the state of the animal.

Many hotels shut down numbers or boxes for pets and make up feeding schedule, walking according to customer preferences. The number of additional services may include a haircut, drawing up a diet menu.

Formats of animal hotels

There are no clear requirements for zoogostinitz, therefore, when choosing a format, you need to be guided by the business development strategy.

The most common types of animal hotels:

  1. Mini-hotel in a private apartment. A wonderful option for the owner of an apartment who wants to earn. In a limited area, the content of large dogs will cause certain difficulties, and small animals create noise that annoys the neighbors. The apartment is suitable for the overexposition of cats, decorative dogs, parrots, hamsters. To avoid conflicts with residents of the house, sound insulation and ventilation will be required.
  2. A private house. In the house you can contain any animals and create them the best conditions for staying without owners. From the point of view, profit is good if it will be in the city feature or not far from its limits. Ideal if there is a fenced area for enclosures and walking.
  3. Separate building in the sleeping or central area. Comfortable format (the neighbors will not have complaints), but have to spend money on rent.

The hotel can be ordinary, VIP-class or combined - combine standard and suites.

Under the usual zooathele, the room with cats for cats and dogs is meant. Such a format is popular in airless cities. The average daily price is 300 rubles (the price does not include meals).

The VIP numbers are profitable in megalopolis, where you can attract an audience with a wealth above average. Here, as in the hotel for people, offer suite and junior suite. The luxury rooms have more space (from 7 to 10 m² for cats and from 15 to 20 m² for dogs) and more comfortable conditions (animal houses, simulators, comfortable space for sleep). Some establishments establish video surveillance, allowing customers to remotely watch the pet. The average price of the day in the junior suite is from 700 rubles, in the suite - from 1,500 rubles.

Let's look at how to open how to open a hotel for animals and what is needed for this.

Documentation and permission

To legally, make a business, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Next, you should find the premises and prepare it for inspections by SanEpidemstation, Fire Inspection and Rospotrebnadzor.

The zoogostite client is provided with a treaty with mutual rights and obligations. There are obmerse points that work without the contract. But they do not give the customer guarantees that his pet will be provided with decent conditions during the entire period of overexposure.

It will take about 20,000 rubles for registration and receiving permissions.


It will take not only the room of considerable sizes, but also the adjacent territory for the walks of animals and the arrangement of the enclosures.

About 500,000 rubles are needed for repair work and room improvement. It is also necessary to organize water supply, bathing baths for animals. Separate the walls are needed by environmentally friendly materials.

This animal hotel project provides for conducting activities in a 2-storey house with the courtyard. It is located in the city with a population of more than 500 thousand inhabitants. For cats and dogs, the hotel has 45 seats, there are also places for small animals. Cats, rodents, birds, other small pets are located on the second floor, on the first and courtyard area - rooms for dogs. Rent will be 200,000 rubles per month. Communal costs - 20 000 rubles.

The business plan of the zoochitsy suggests the following rooms:

  • five VIP numbers for dogs, cats;
  • five rooms for installing enclosures;
  • two rooms for rodents;
  • medical office;
  • five bathrooms (2 baths each).

In the courtyard it is necessary to build enclosures with sustainable fences. Remember: if the animal escapes, the owner has the right to submit to court.

Table number 2. Voller Square depending on dog sizes


The minimum staff with salary calculations is characterized in the table below.

Table number 3. Pets of animals


Number (person)





Officer to control animals

Customer Service Manager / Marketer

Master in Gr.

Accounting can be entrusted with an outsourcing company, engaged to engage in independently.

Equipment for animal hotel

Table number 4. Necessary equipment



Woliers (indoor, indoor)

Houses for cats

Sun beds for cats

Cabinet for feed

Cott's Dominics for Cats

Accessories (dishes, toys, muzzles, collars, etc.)

Cells for rodents

Cells for birds

Carrying for cats

Marketing and advertising

To attract customers and ensure good reputation, it is important to approach the advertising campaign as responsibly as possible. It will take high-quality site with photos of numbers and enclosures, detailed description of the services and the benefits of your zooather, customer reviews. Also groups on social networks, ads on forums, in thematic communities, on advertising and news portals, in print media.

Install a bright, beautiful signboard that attracts passersby. You can order advertising on the billboard in the hotel location area.

Effective and free marketing tool - barter advertising. You post your leaflets in pet stores, veterinary clinics and other places that visit pet owners. The owners of the listed establishments leave their advertisements in your hotel.

You can develop a system of encouragement (stocks, special offers, discount cards), which will increase the loyalty of the target audience.

Financial Plan: Calculations of profitability and payback

To begin with, we define the amount of initial investment.

20 000 (document collection) + 200,000 (rent) + 500 000 (home and territory) + 395 000 (equipment) + 20,000 (feed) + 60,000 (advertising) + 20 000 (transport and other costs) \u003d 1 215 000 rubles

Now we will calculate monthly expenses.

20 000 (utility payments) + 340,000 (wages) + 20,000 (taxes) + 20,000 (feed, medical preparations, etc.) + 10 000 (Advertising) \u003d 410 000 rubles

Planned average check per day from one client - 600 rubles. With full load (45 seats), the day income is 27,000 rubles. Income per month to calculate simply:

27 000 * 30 days \u003d 810 000 rubles

Net profit per month (minus permanent expenses) will be 400,000 rubles.

Table number 5. Financial calculations

This is the "perfect" payback period. In fact, it may take more time to promote business, "conquest" of reliable reputation and a sustainable situation in niche.

If the demand for services is high, in the season you can safely raise the rates by 10%.

Franchise Hotels for Animals: Is it worth buying?

As a business requires weighty starting capital and accounting for many details, the help of a competent franchisor will be by the way. Thanks to the practical experience and market knowledge, it will help to undergo checks, pick up and prepare the premises, purchase equipment and feed in reliable suppliers for adequate rates, as well as pick up and train personnel, develop marketing policies. If the franchise brand is promoted enough, you will be easier to attract customers.

If you are a beginner and do not have a firm confidence in your abilities, use the franchise when opening a zoochostica.


Make a detailed business plan for animals and spend careful market monitoring - then you will cover all possible services that are interested in animal owners.

This is what can be an obstacle in business:

  • unsuccessful location;
  • low quality service;
  • negligent attitude to the compilation of the contract and the obligations assumed;
  • lack of marketing strategy.
If you have your home, costs will be significantly reduced. In this case, your position in the market will be more stable.

Each pet owner does not want to part with his pet for a minute. Unfortunately, dogs and cats can not always be taken with them on travel, business trips, rest at exotic resorts, etc.

In recent years, in the territory of the Russian Federation, it was massively opened by hotels for pets in which ready to take animals Any sizes and breeds. Such institutions have significant differences from all hotels and hotels familiar, since their guests have completely different needs.

In the indoor premises of such complexes there are comfortable enclosures in which animals can relax, sleep, eat and play. For walking dogs, a specially fenced territory is assigned to which the animal will be able to cut down and send their natural needs.

What needs to be done before opening an animal hotel?

Before starting the procedure of state registration, a beginner entrepreneur needs to decide for which animals will be the hotel. This is due to the fact that every type of future guests needs to be delicted, feeding, etc.

Most often in such hotel complexes left dogs and cats, other pets can settle there. The owner of the institution must examine the needs and features of the behavior of those species that will live from him throughout the time.

For a start, you can brangle content The two most popular pets - dogs and cats.

They are ideally adapted for coexistence with man and, in most cases, care for them does not cause special difficulties.

In order for people with a "calm soul" to leave their pets in the hotel for a long time, it is necessary to provide good care dogs and cats. Mandatory should be provided with high-quality veterinary service, as well as the opportunity to use the Radom of additional services:

  • cosmetic procedures (trimming, trimming claws, bathing, haircut, etc.);
  • training (with dogs can communicate an experienced kinologist and teach them an obedience rate);
  • long walking;
  • active games, etc.

In most cases, secured people use private hotels for animals. That is why the entrepreneur can in parallel to implement expensive accessories and feedthat will enjoy great consumer demand.

Many owners of dogs and cats are very worried about their pets, so the webcam installed in the aviary will allow them for 24 hours a day to monitor holidays, feeding and animal games. As an additional service, you can offer clients the organization of transportation of dogs and cats to the hotel complex, and after the end of the overexpositions transported back home.

About the features of the organization of the hotel business for animals, see the video:

Business plan for opening hotel for animals

To open a hotel for animals and develop a business precisely in this direction to an entrepreneur needs to have a clear strategy and a well-thought out business plan. It is possible to enlist the financial support of private investors, and you can pay for current expenses from your personal savings.

On the opening of the hotel for animals can need a fairly large amount of cash, ranging from 300,000 to 500,000 rubles.

State registration

After the financial issue is completely solved, a novice businessman must pass state registration As an individual entrepreneur. To do this, he should contact the registrar at the place of registration, and provide him, standard for this incident, the documentation package.

As soon as the certificate is ready and information on the creation of a new entrepreneur in the Unified State Register, it is necessary get a taxpayer status. This can be done in the local tax service by passing the proper package of documents.

When registering registration, you can immediately select tax regimewhich will be most beneficial to an individual entrepreneur.

Search for premises

At the next stage, you need to search for the premises, which must meet the following parameters:

  • there should be several rooms and utility rooms in the building, which will contain kitchen, storage for feed and products, plumbing equipment, etc.;
  • next to the building should be a fenced adjacent territory on which it will be possible to equip a place for dog walking;
  • in the building, it is necessary to have all the necessary communications: ventilation, heating, gas, water, sewage, electricity, etc.

In the city, it is quite difficult to find a place that is suitable for the hotel, so it follows consider nearby outbreak areas. The appropriate room can be purchased (if there is enough money), or conclude a long-term lease agreement with its owner.

Hotel equipment

In the hotel building, there should be separate compartments for dogs and cats:

  • Each aviary should be a comfortable bedding or an animal house.
  • Next should stand a tripod with bowls, one of which should be filled with clean water.
  • In the aviary for cats, you need to put a tray with a special filler, in which animals will cope their need.

Requirements for hoc staff

After signing documents for renting or buying a building for a hotel, you need to play personnel selection.

The main requirements for workers will be as follows:

  • unlimited animal love;
  • experience in dogs and cats;
  • availability special Education, for example - a cook, veterinarian, a cynologist (for feeding, treating and training dogs), etc.

In mandatory should be invited to work junior service personnel, whose duties will include:

  • cleaning helgers;
  • walking dogs;
  • feeding animals, etc.

If the hotel provides a department for the implementation of accessories and animal feed, it is necessary to hire 2 sellers who will replace each other.

Business advertising

Animal hotel is narrow-profile establishmentwhich is popularly popular with dog owners, cats and other pets.

To convey to them information about the opening of your business, the entrepreneur must carry out a large-scale advertising campaign. To do this, you need to use passive and active advertising:

  • business cards, posters, leaflets;
  • street banners;
  • media, television and broadcasting;
  • internet resources, etc.

On the opening day, it is recommended to decorate the facade of the building, and at the entrance to cheat colorful balloons. Each visitor within the framework of the advertising campaign can be given memorable souvenirs, on which the name of the hotel, address, contact phones and work schedule are written.

For regular customers should be provided to use cumulative discount cardsallowing you to save their money.

An example of a business plan for animals with calculations

An individual entrepreneur can independently draw up a business plan, but if he does not have at least initial knowledge in economics and finance, it is recommended to entrust this process to professionals.

In drawing up a business development strategy, the following should be taken into account expenses (per year):

  1. Payment for renting a building - 720,000 rubles.
  2. Payment of utility bills - 180,000 rubles.
  3. Wages to work workers - 300,000 rubles.
  4. Taxes and fees - 78,000 rubles.
  5. Advertising costs - 50,000 rubles.
  6. Acquisition of animal feed - 300,000 rubles.
  7. Production and arrangement of enclosures - 300,000 rubles.
  8. Acquisition of medical preparations - 200,000 rubles.
  9. Acquisition of cosmetic and hygiene products - 100,000 rubles.
  10. Unforeseen expenses - 150,000 rubles.
  11. Purchase of fuel and maintenance of road transport - 80,000 rubles.

Total expenses: 2 458 000 rubles.

Costs may increase Depending on the various factors: raising feed prices, medicines and hygiene products for animals.

Also, the novice entrepreneur should be borne in mind that the magnitude of the buildings will depend on its location, square, remoteness from the city center.

Calculation of income Produced by the following scheme:

  • On average, an entrepreneur can receive a monthly income within 9,000 rubles from one hotel room.
  • If there are 30 living places for animals, the hotel owner will be able to receive 270,000 rubles every month.
  • For the year, the amount of income will increase to 3,240,000 rubles.
  • Net income per year will be 782,000 rubles.

Secret successful business

The success of this business Directly depends on the conditions of the content of animals, the quality of their feeding and veterinary service. The owners of dogs and cats are usually used by the "Sarafan Radio", so the whole district will know about high-quality service for domestic pets.

Opening a hotel for animals, a novice entrepreneur must monitor the domestic market. First of all, the features of the content of animals should be studied and make a business plan, which will really appreciate your strength.

If an individual entrepreneur will adhere to the developed strategy at the beginning of the business development, he will be able to achieve excellent results over time.


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