Consumers of electrical energy, energy supplying organizations and bodies of Rostechnadzor. The legal basis of the relationship. Administrative regulations of Roszheldor on the provision of state services for the implementation of the number accounting of railway subways

SO 153-34.20.505-2003

The instruction defines the order and sequence of switching operations in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V and above. The instruction has been drawn up in accordance with federal legislation, the rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks, and labor protection rules. On the basis of this Instruction at power plants, in electrical networks, local instructions for the production of switches should be developed, taking into account the features of normal and repair schemes of electrical connections of electrical installations, the design and composition of switchgear equipment, features of the relay protection device, and the procedure for operational maintenance of these facilities.

The instruction was approved and put into effect by Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated June 30, 2003 N 266.

Document format: .doc (MS Word)



2.1. Switching order

2.2. Switching forms

2.3. General provisions on switching

2.4. Switching in relay protection and automation circuits

2.5. Switching when eliminating technological violations

2.6. Switching when commissioning new equipment and conducting tests


3.1. Carrying out operations with circuit breakers, disconnectors, isolators and load break switches

3.2. Removing the operating current from the drives of switching devices

3.3. Checking the positions of the switching devices

3.4. Hot-lock actions

3.5. Sequence of operations with switching devices of line connections, transformers, synchronous compensators and generators

3.6. The sequence of operations when turning on and off power lines





7.1. Features of performing switching

7.2. General instructions for switching operations

7.3. Sequence of operations when performing certain types of switching




I did not find the table of contents in the instruction itself, so I compiled it myself.

6.2.4. Operational switching in electrical installations

One of the most difficult and important tasks requiring a thorough knowledge of the power supply scheme of an electrical installation is the production of operational switching. Switchings are carried out in connection with the preparation of workplaces for performing various kinds of work in the electrical installation (installation, commissioning, repair, etc.), to ensure reliable, economical and safe power supply of production and for a number of other reasons related to operational dispatch control in the power system.

When making operational switches, there should be a clear delineation of responsibilities of all links of the operational dispatching personnel. Switchings are carried out by order or with the knowledge of the superior operational personnel in the operational management or supervision of which this electrical equipment is located. In accordance with the procedure established for the consumer of electrical energy, this can be an oral or telephone order with an entry in the operational log.

By Order No. 266 of June 30, 2003, the Ministry of Energy of Russia approved the Instructions for Switching in Electrical Installations, which determines the order and sequence of switching in electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V.

The instruction is drawn up in accordance with federal legislation, PTE of power plants and networks, labor protection rules.

On the basis of the specified instructions, local instructions for switching operations should be developed at power plants, in electrical networks and at other facilities, taking into account the features of normal and repair schemes for electrical connections of electrical installations, the design and composition of the switchgear equipment, features of the relay protection device, and the procedure for operational maintenance of these facilities. The instructions should reflect the features and order of switching during the operational maintenance of electrical equipment.

The content of the switching order and the procedure for its implementation are determined by the issuing superior operational personnel, taking into account the complexity of the task, the necessary coordination of the actions of the operating personnel and the consistency of changes in the electrical installation diagrams. The order specifies the purpose of the switching and the sequence of operations in the electrical installation diagram and relay protection and automation circuits with the required degree of detail, determined by the superior operational and dispatching personnel.

At power plants and substations with constant duty of operational personnel, the switch executor is simultaneously given no more than one task for carrying out operational switches, containing operations of one purpose.

When eliminating damage in power grids with a voltage of 10 kV and below, it is allowed to perform the next tasks without a preliminary notification to the dispatcher about the performance of the previous tasks.

The dispatcher's order to switch is considered executed if the person who received the order informed the dispatcher about its implementation.

Operational switching should be performed by an employee from among the operational personnel who directly maintains electrical installations. Complex switchings, as well as all switchings (except for single ones) on electrical installations that are not equipped with interlocks or have faulty interlocks, must be carried out according to programs or switching forms.

To complex switchesinclude switching that requires a strict sequence of operations with switching devices, earthing switches and relay protection devices. Lists of complex switchings, approved by the technical manager of the enterprise (organization), technical managers of the corresponding AO-energos and power facilities, should be stored at dispatch centers, central (main) control panels of power plants and substations.

Switching form (normal)is an operational document that provides a strict sequence of operations with switching devices, grounding disconnectors (knives), operating current circuits, relay protection and automation devices, operations for checking the absence of voltage, applying and removing portable grounding, hanging and removing posters, as well as necessary (according to conditions of personnel safety and equipment safety) verification operations.

Typical switching formis an operational document that indicates a strict sequence of operations when performing repetitive complex switchings in electrical installations for specific wiring diagrams and states of relay protection and automation devices.

During the production of complex switchings, it is not allowed to replace the forms or switch programs with any other documents.

The most important personnel check actions are indicated in the switching forms:

checking the absence of voltage before imposing grounding (turning on the grounding knives) on live parts;

on-site check of the switched-on position of the bus-connection switch before starting the operations to transfer the connections from one bus system to another;

on-site check of the disconnected position of the circuit breaker if the next operation is with disconnectors;

on-site check or by means of signaling devices of the position of each switching device of the primary circuit after the operation with this device;

check at the end of the switching of the correspondence of the switching devices in the relay protection and automation circuits to the regime cards.

The instruction strictly regulates the rules and procedure for the application, registration, storage and reporting when using switch forms. Each operation or action in the switching form is recorded under a sequential number (Appendix 5). The switching forms themselves must be numbered. Used switching forms are stored in the prescribed manner for at least 10 days.

Along with the general provisions on switching, the instructions contain the requirements and procedure for the production of operational switching in relay protection and automation circuits, when eliminating technological violations, when new equipment is put into operation and testing. The sequence of operations with switches, disconnectors, isolators and load break switches, as well as with switching devices of line connections, transformers, synchronous compensators and generators is given. The order of switching is considered when transferring connections from one bus system to another, when taking equipment for repair and when putting it into operation after repair, etc.

When describing switchings in power distribution networks, in addition to the features of the switchings and general instructions for their implementation, a sequence of operations is given when performing certain specific types of switchings. It is necessary to know and strictly follow the sequence of performing these operations.

In Appendix 6, as an example, the sequence of basic operations is given when the supply cable line is taken out for repair, and in Appendix 7, the sequence of basic operations when it is put into operation after repair.

Electricity consumers must have lists of complex switching, approved by the technical head of the organization, which must be stored at dispatching points, central (main) control panels of power plants and substations.

Complex switching should be performed, as a rule, by two workers, of which one is the supervisor.

Switchings in electrical installations of different control levels and different objects are carried out according to switching programs (typical programs).

Switching program (typical program)is an operational document that specifies a strict sequence of operations during switching in electrical installations of different control levels or different power facilities.

The switching program is approved by the head of the dispatch control, in whose operational subordination is all the equipment to be switched.

If there is only one employee from the operating personnel in the shift, the supervisor can be an employee from the administrative and technical personnel who knows the scheme of this electrical installation, the rules for making switches and is allowed to perform them.

In emergency cases (accident, natural disaster), as well as during the elimination of accidents, it is allowed, in accordance with local instructions, to perform switching without the order or without the knowledge of the superior operational personnel, followed by his notification and entry in the operational log.

Switching in an electrical installation is allowed to be performed by operating personnel who know its scheme, the location of equipment and relay protection devices, trained in the rules for performing operations with switching devices and clearly representing the switching sequence, having passed the knowledge test of the PTE, safety rules and instructions. Access to operational work is permitted after duplication at the workplace.

The list of workers allowed to carry out the switchings (indicating on which electrical installations), as well as the list of persons of the administrative and technical personnel who control the implementation of the switchings, are approved by the head of the enterprise (organization).

The list of employees who have the right to conduct operational negotiations is approved by the person responsible for the electrical facilities and transferred to the power supply organization and sub-subscribers.

In accordance with PTEEP, in the programs and forms of switching, which are operational documents, the procedure and sequence of operations must be established when switching in the circuits of electrical connections of electrical installations and relay protection and automation circuits.

Switching programs (standard programs) should be applied by the managers of operating personnel when making switches in electrical installations of different control levels and different power facilities. The workers directly performing the switching are allowed to use the switching programs of the corresponding dispatcher, supplemented with switching forms.

In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, switching is carried out:

without switching forms - with simple switching and in the presence of operating interlocks, excluding incorrect operations with disconnectors and earthing knives during all switching operations;

according to the switching form - in the absence of interlocking devices or their malfunction, as well as in case of complex switching.

Without forms, but with a subsequent entry in the operational log, switchings are carried out during the elimination of accidents.

In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, switching is carried out without drawing up forms, but with an entry in the operational log.

When switching in electrical installations, PTEEP requires the following order to be observed:

an employee who has received a switching task is obliged to repeat it, record it in the operational log and establish the order of forthcoming operations according to the operational scheme or layout scheme, draw up, if required, a switching form. Operations' negotiations should be as short and clear as possible;

if the switchings are performed by two workers, then the one who received the order is obliged to explain, according to the operational scheme of connections, to the second employee participating in the switchings, the order and sequence of forthcoming operations;

if there are doubts about the correctness of the switching, they should be stopped and the required sequence should be checked according to the operational connection diagram;

after completing the switching task, a record should be made in the operational log.

Operational personnel directly performing switching operations are prohibited from unauthorized deactivation of the interlocks.

In accordance with the requirements of the PUE, all switchgears must be equipped with an operational blocking of incorrect actions during switching in electrical installations, designed to prevent incorrect actions with disconnectors, grounding knives, separators and short-circuits.

An online lock should exclude:

supply of voltage by the disconnector to the section of the electrical circuit grounded by the switched on earthing switch (grounding knife), as well as to the section of the electrical circuit separated from the switched on earthing switches only by the switch;

turning on the earthing switch in the circuit section not separated by the disconnector from other sections, which can be both energized and de-energized;

disconnection and switching on by the load current disconnector.

The operative blocking should ensure, in a circuit with a series connection of a disconnector with a separator, the switching on of an unloaded transformer by a disconnector, and disconnection - by a separator.

Unblocking is allowed only after checking the disconnected position of the switch on site and finding out the reason for the failure of the blocking by permission and under the guidance of employees authorized to do so by a written order of the consumer responsible for the electrical equipment.

When switching in electrical installations, operations on the imposition and removal of portable groundings almost always take place. Operating personnel performing operations with portable grounding must comply with the following provisions of the instructions.

Portable groundings should be numbered through for the entire electrical installation and stored in certain places designated for this purpose, the numbering of which should correspond to the number available on the portable grounding.

To save time on recording when handing over duty, it is recommended to use a special stamp for accounting for portable groundings, affixed in the operational log, for example, as shown in table. 6.2.

Table 6.2

Stamp of accounting for portable groundings and a record of their locations

Grounding No. 1, 2 - under repair.

Grounding No. 40 is installed in cell 15 on KL5.

When the equipment is taken out for repair and its grounding, the stationary grounding knives are switched on first, and then (if necessary) portable groundings are applied. When the equipment is put into operation after repair, all portable groundings are first removed and placed in storage areas, and then the stationary grounding knives are turned off.

The switching form is filled in by the person on duty who has received an order to carry them out. The form is signed by both switching workers. The supervisor when performing switches is the senior in position. The responsibility for the correct switching in all cases rests with both workers performing the operations.

Disconnection and switching on under voltage and into the operation of a connection having a switch in its circuit must be carried out using a switch.

It is allowed to turn off and on by separators, disconnectors, detachable contacts of the switchgear (KRUN) connections:

neutrals of power transformers with a voltage of 110–220 kV;

grounding arc suppression reactors with a voltage of 6-35 kV in the absence of an earth fault in the network;

magnetizing current of 6-220 kV power transformers;

charging current and earth fault current of overhead and cable power lines;

charging current of bus systems, as well as charging current of connections in compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents of the power supply organization.

In ring networks with a voltage of 6-10 kV, disconnectors are allowed to disconnect equalizing currents up to 70 A and close the network into a ring when the voltage difference across the open contacts of the disconnectors is not more than 5% of the rated voltage.

It is allowed to turn off and turn on the load current up to 15 A by three-pole outdoor disconnectors at a voltage of 10 kV and below.

The disconnectors allow remote disconnection of a faulty 220 kV circuit breaker bridged by one circuit breaker or a chain of several circuit breakers of other connections of the bus system, if disconnection of the circuit breaker can lead to its destruction and de-energize the substation.

The permissible values \u200b\u200bof the currents to be turned off and turned on by the disconnectors must be determined by the regulatory and technical documents of the power supply organization.

The procedure and conditions for performing operations for various electrical installations should be regulated by local instructions.

Switches are mainly used as switching devices for the production of operational switching (manual or automatic switching on and off). Switches with arc suppression devices are designed to turn on or off sections in the circuit through which the load current, no-load current or short-circuit current (SC) flows.

Disconnectors are also designed for manual or automatic switching on or off, but de-energized sections of the circuit; they are allowed to perform the following operations:

switching on and off the charging current (transient and alternating steady-state current through capacities of all types) of busbars and equipment of all voltage classes (except for the current of power capacitor banks);

switching on and off voltage transformers, neutrals of power transformers and arc suppression reactors with a rated voltage of up to 35 kV inclusive in the absence of a phase-to-earth fault or resonance in the network;

switching on and off of electromagnetic type voltage transformers with a rated voltage of 110 kV and above;

bridging and bridging of the switched on switches (from the drives of which the operating current is removed) together with the adjacent busbar.

When switching in electrical installations, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence, avoiding the slightest mistakes that can lead to emergency situations in the electrical installation and electrical injuries.

This can happen, for example, during operational switching in networks with a voltage of 6-10 kV due to non-observance of a certain sequence of operations with disconnectors and switches. The consequences of erroneous switching on or off of current by disconnectors depend on which disconnectors (busbar or line disconnectors) are operated. The first to be switched on, and the last to be switched off, are those disconnectors whose improper operation can lead to more serious consequences.

For example, the sequence of typical operations with switching devices when turning on and off connections of overhead lines and cable lines should be as follows.

Turning on:

the open position of the switch is checked; the busbar disconnector switches on;

the line disconnector turns on;

the switch turns on.


the switch turns off;

the line disconnector turns off; the busbar disconnector switches off.

The sequence of operations in switchgear with withdrawable elements when the connections of overhead lines and cable lines are switched on should be as follows.

Turning on:

it is checked whether the switch is open;

the circuit breaker trolley moves from the control to the working position;

the switch turns on. Disconnection:

the switch turns off; it is checked whether the switch is open;

the trolley with the switch is moved to the inspection or repair position.

The disconnection of sectional disconnectors that are not interlocked with sectional switches (or in the absence of the latter) is carried out after removing the load from the disconnected bus system and providing the disconnectors with a visible gap not only from the side of the supply connections, but also from the side of outgoing feeders.

Despite the fact that the procedure for performing operational switching in electrical installations has remained unchanged for many years and has been worked out in detail, the readiness and safety of its implementation is largely determined by the level of organization of such work, the completeness and quality of the above regulatory operational dispatch documentation, the degree of responsibility and professionalism of the operational personnel of electrical installations of consumers and power supply organizations.


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