Tarka Admiral Kuznetsov. Tactics "Admiral Kuznetsov": History of service. Interesting facts and specifications

In the spring of 1982, the first "real" aircraft carrier was laid in Nikolaev. The aircraft carrier of the project 1143.5 was laid under the name "Riga"; November 26, 1982 renamed Leonid Brezhnev; Running tests in 1987, he passed under the title "Tbilisi"; Entered into account as "Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union of Kuznetsov". Although he retained the number of the project of the first airfare ship, "Kuznetsov" has little common with him, with the exception of the energy installation

His architecture acquired a more "aircraft carrier" view: a solid flight deck (width of 75 m) with a springboard, an aerofinisher and an emergency barrier, two onboard aircraft. "Island" remained almost the same. Superwater structural protection was improved, autonomy increased, underwater housing protection.

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"Admiral Kuznetsov" - a heavy aviance cruiser of the project 1143.5

"Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union of Kuznetsov" - a heavy aviance cruiser of the project 1143.5

In the spring of 1982, the first "real" aircraft carrier was laid in Nikolaev. The aircraft carrier of the project 1143.5 was laid under the name "Riga"; November 26, 1982 renamed Leonid Brezhnev; Running tests in 1987, he passed under the title "Tbilisi"; Entered into account as "Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union of Kuznetsov". Although he retained the number of the project of the first aviance ship, "Kuznetsov" has little common with him, with the exception of the energy installation. His architecture acquired a more "aircraft carrier" view: a solid flight deck (width of 75 m) with a springboard, an aerofinisher and an emergency barrier, two onboard aircraft. "Island" remained almost the same. Superwater structural protection was improved, autonomy increased, underwater housing protection.

The PTZ system has a depth of 4.5 m and consists of three chambers: expansion, absorption (filled with fuel), filtration. Between the two latter there is a protective bulkhead variable in the height of thickness, from high-strength viscous steel AK-25. Steam TZs are similar to the Baku installed on Baku.
According to the project, the aircraft was supposed to consist of 24 deck aircraft and 42 helicopters, but the staff number of cars was not achieved due to lack of funds. Control of planting aircraft ensured the Optical System "Moon". In the nose part of the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" installed 12 sub-deck launchers for impact winged missiles P-700 Granite. Four six-speaking modules SPK "Dagger" are placed in the nose and stern on the side sponsons.

The defenses of the ship provide 8 anti-aircraft artillery complexes "Kortk", 6-30 mm of the AK-630M artistors, 2 PU complex of the anti-detver protection "Break". In parallel with the construction of the ship, there was a testing of deck aircraft for him and aviation-technical equipment. In the Crimea at the airfield, Novo-Fedorovka was built a polygon with a steel flight field in the form of a ship deck, called "thread". In the summer of 1982, the first SU-27 and MiG-29 MiG-29 were produced on it from a terrestrial springboard with an angle of 8.5 degrees. A year later, Aerofinisher "Svetlana-2" began to work. On September 1, 1984, the first SU-27 landing took place with the help of Aerofinisher.
In 1985, planes of the usual scheme began to take off with a more steep springboard (angle of 14 degrees) adopted for the tactar. 09.09.1989. The pilot-test pilot Viktor Pugachev made the first landing on the aircraft carrier deck "Admiral Kuznetsov". On the same day, from the board of the ship climbed into the air on the aircraft MiG-29 pilot testing Takhtar Aubakirov. Before completing the state testing of the ship, more than 300 flights were performed. However, the system pilots began to master the deck "Kuznetsov" much later.

01/20/1991, "Kuznetsov" entered the Northern Fleet. The state economy has declined significantly complicated and detained the development of the ship, the configuration of its airgroup serial SU-27K serial fighters and the preparation of flight crews. Only in 1993, on the Northern Fleet, the aircraft intended for aircraft carriers and only next year they managed to prepare ten construction ships.
At the end of August 1995, they made their first landings on the tactar, and in September "Kuznetsov" took part in the exercises of the fleet, during which the practical development of its aviation weapons began.
As for the problem of basing, it remained unresolved. True, for "Kuznetsova" built floating berth in a hand-lip, but the coastal power plant and the boiler house could not build. The ship to ensure its livelihoods has to constantly "chase" two main boilers.

In the course of operation of "Kiev", one interesting feature turned out in the north. The aviance ship has a huge upper deck, which in the cold time (eight months per year) is actively cooled. Since the heating system in the harsh conditions of the Polar region does not cope with its duties, there is a constant formation of condensate, causing corrosion decks, bulkheads, cable-tracks, failure of the instruments. In addition to premature aging of ships, low temperatures and large humidity significantly worsen the household conditions of the crew. So, on "Kuznetsov" in kubricks located in the tips of the ship, the temperature in winter does not rise above 10-12 degrees.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov"
Displacement 55000 (70500) tons
Dimensions of 304.5 x 38 x 10.5 m

Power of a fourfold power installation 200000 hp: 4 PT
Speed \u200b\u200b32 node

Sailing range 8000 miles on 18 nodes

Armament 12 PKR Granit, 4 SPK "Dagger", 8 Cork Cork, 6-30 mm AK-630M machines, 2 RBU-12000
AviaGroup (March 1996) 15 Su-27K fighters, 1 Su-25Utg, 11 Ka-27 helicopters, 1 Ka-31 helicopter

TASS that a contract for the repair of the aviance cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" was concluded between the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the United Shipbuilding Corporation.

As reported by the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov, the repair of the ship is supposed to be completed in 2020, and its return is scheduled in 2021. Repair work will be held at the 35th ship repair plant in Murmansk (a branch of the center repair center "Star").

The editorial office of the TASS dossier has prepared a certificate of aircraft carrier.

"Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" - a heavy aviance cruiser (tactar). As of 2018, the largest ship and the only aircraft carrier of the Navy (Navy) of Russia. It is part of the Northern Fleet, flagship Navy. On February 23, 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded Tacthar Order Ushakov (for merits in strengthening the country's defense capability, high rates of combat training, courage and heroism shown by the personnel during the fulfillment of combat missions).

Project history

In the post-war period in the leadership of the USSR, the Ministry of Defense and the Navy did not exist in a single look at the need for aircraft carriers and possible ways to use them. Part of politicians, industrialists and military leaders (including the Minister of Defense Marshal Andrei Grechko and the Minister of Shipbuilding Industry Boris Butoma) advocated the construction of large atomic aircraft carriers similar to the American type Nimitz.

Opponents (among them - the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Sergey Gorshkov and replaced in 1976, Grechko as Minister of Defense Dmitry Ustinov) pointed out the high cost of the construction of the air-supporting ships, the lack of a clear concept of their use and focused on the development of the underwater fleet, primarily atomic submarines. As a result, until the 1980s, an aircraft carriers designed for aircraft with a horizontal take-off and landing were missing in the USSR.

For anti-submarine struggle, which was declared the priority of the Navy of the USSR Navy, the anti-submarine cruiser of projects 1123 and 1143 was built, on which helicopters were based, as well as vertical take-off aircraft Yak-38. For combat capabilities, these machines were inferior to ordinary aircraft, which forced the leadership of the Navy in the early 1970s to return to the plans for creating a major aircraft carrier, able to ensure aviation hostilities at a significant distance from the databases of the fleet.

It was proposed to build an atomic aircraft carrier with a displacement of up to 80 thousand tons, with a fleet to 70 aircraft (project 1160 "Eagle"). In the future, the project was subjected to numerous changes, in the late 1970s, work on it was discontinued. In exchange, it was decided to build an aircraft carrier, taking as a basis by the Aviance Cruiser of the project 1143 and equipped with its equipment for take-off and landing "ordinary" aviation. Also, the developers refused to use the nuclear power plant.

The project 11435 was developed in the early 1980s in the Nevsky Design Bureau (Leningrad, now - St. Petersburg) under the direction of the chief designer of Vasily Anikyev. In the design of the design, the specialists abandoned the installation on the ship catapult - instead of them the aircraft carrier is equipped with a nasal springboard, which limits the take-off weight of aircraft.

In addition, a powerful shock armament was installed on the aircraft ship - Rockets of P-700 "Granite". As a result, the project 11435 was classified as a "heavy aviance cruiser" (tactar; for another version, this was done to bypass the provisions of the Montreux Convention on the status of Black Sea Straits, which forbade the passage through them by aircraft carriers).

Initially, it was assumed to call the head ship "Soviet Union" (in the 1930s, the same name was assumed to be assigned to the first Lincoor of the Soviet construction, not completed in connection with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War). In 1982, the aircraft carrier was called "Riga" (traditionally Soviet aviance ships were called in honor of the capitals of the Union republics). At the end of 1982, he was renamed Leonid Brezhnev (after the death of the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CCSU). In 1987, at the beginning of the restructuring and condemnation of the "Epoch of Stagnation", the Top changed the name on Tbilisi. From October 1990 - "Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union of Kuznetsov" - in honor of Nikolai Kuznetsov, who headed the USSR Navy in 1939-1947 and 1951-1955.

Construction, testing

The ship was laid on the Black Sea Shipbuilding Plant (the city of Nikolaev, now in the territory of Ukraine) on September 1, 1982 under the factory number 105. February 22, 1983 is rebooted (as "Leonid Brezhnev"), launched on December 4, 1985. June 8, 1989, mooring tests began. On October 21, 1989, the ship was bred in the Black Sea, where he conducted a cycle of flight testing of aircraft. For the preparation of pilots simultaneously with the construction of the ship at the Saki-4 airfield (village Novofyodorovka, Crimea), a special training center of the thread was opened ("Ground Test Training Complex Aviation", now - Polygon of Rights Title Systems).

The first in the history of the Soviet Navy horizontal landing on the ship committed on November 1, 1989, the pilot test pilot of the Hero of the Soviet Union Viktor Pugachev on the aircraft Su-27K. On December 25, 1990, a foster act was signed, and on January 20, 1991, the ship entered the Northern Fleet of the USSR Navy. However, he remained on the Black Sea, continuing the test. The transition to Severomorsk was performed only at the end of 1991.

History of service

The operation of the ship was hampered by the lack of funding and the necessary coastal infrastructure. In particular, many problems arose with the main energy setting, whose boilers were constantly faced.

As of April 2018, the aircraft carrier made seven distant trips, of which six - to the Mediterranean Sea (1995-1996, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2011-2012, 2013-2014, from October 15, 2016 to February 8, 2017 ) And one - in the North Atlantic (2004). In 2000, "Admiral Kuznetsov" was involved in emergency and rescue work on assistance to the stentest submarine K-141 "Kursk".

Being in the seventh of the expense of the long hike, in November 2016 - January 2017, the cruiser first took part in hostilities - the deck fighters of the ship struck the infrastructure of the terrorist organizations "Islamic state" and "Jebhat An-Nusra" (prohibited in the Russian Federation) Territory of Syria. In total, 420 combat departures were performed during the campaign by pilots, including 117 nights, 1 thousand 252 terrorists facility were affected.

The ship was repaired in 2001-2004, 2008, 2015.

Tactical and technical characteristics

  • Waterlinnia length - 270 m;
  • the greatest length (deck) is 306 m;
  • waterlinnia width - 33.4 m;
  • the greatest width is 72 m;
  • height - 64.5 m;
  • standard displacement - 46 thousand 540 tons;
  • full displacement - 59 thousand 100 tons;
  • full course speed - 29 knots;
  • sailing range at a speed of 29 nodes - 3 thousand 850 miles, at a speed of 14 nodes - 8 thousand 417 miles;
  • autonomy of swimming - up to 45 days;
  • the crew is 1 thousand 960 people, including 518 officers and 210 Michmanov.

The main energy installation is a cell vibilic, includes four paired turbines with a capacity of 50 thousand horsepower each. On the ship are nine turbogenerators and six diesel generators with a capacity of 1 thousand 500 kW each.


  • 12 launchers of the anti-develop missile complex P-700 "Granite" (the range of flights of supersonic missiles is about 550-600 km);
  • 24 launchers of the anti-aircraft missile complex "Dagger" (Boezapass - 192 rockets);
  • eight modules of the anti-aircraft missile artillery complex "Cortic" (Boezapaas - 256 rockets, 48 \u200b\u200bthousand shells);
  • six six-solid artillery settings AK-630 caliber 30 mm (48 thousand shells).
  • reactive Complex of the Anti-Force Protection "Break-1".


Tactop can carry on the flight deck and in the sublocking hangar 26 aircraft and 24 helicopter. The cruiser airgroup initially consisted of SU-33 deck fighters (SU-27K), deck storms Su-25Uutg, Ka-252RD helicopters (KA-31), KA-27 / 27PS and KA-29, since the end of the 1990s included fighters SU-33 of the 279th Ship Fighter Aviation Aviation (Bazing Airfield - Severomorsk-3, Murmansk Region), Ka-27 and Ka-29 Helicopters and Ka-29 of the 830th Separate Shipping Shelf (Base - Severomorsk-1).

In the summer of 2016, the vehicle began on the ship, the tests of an updated air group, which consists of new deck fighters MiG-29K / cube. In 2016-2017, on the "Admiral Kuznetsov" during his campaign to the shores of Syria, the shock helicopter of the ship's Ka-52K "Katran" was tested.

Ship commanders

  • 1987-1992 - Captain I rank Viktor Yarygin;
  • 1992-1995 - Counter-Admiral Ivan Sanko;
  • 1995-2000 - Alexander Chelpanov counter-admiral;
  • 2000-2003 - Captain I rank Alexander Turgul;
  • 2003-2008 - Captain I rank Alexander Shevchenko;
  • 2008-2011 - Captain I rank Vyacheslav Rodionov;
  • 2011 to the present - Captain I rank Sergey Artamonov.


According to a slightly modified project 11436 in 1985-1992, a heavy aviance cruiser "Varyag" was built in Nikolaev. In 1993, he was owned by Ukraine, in 1998 sold by China. In 2012, the Navy of the People's Liberation Army of China was adopted. Received the name "Liaoning". Currently, the only current Chinese aircraft carrier (the second is preparing for testing).

A heavy aviance cruiser, project 11435, known in the West as "Kuznetsov" class, "Eagle" class or as type 11435, was built on a Black Sea shipbuilding plant on in Nikolaev. The project was developed on the basis of the preceding Tactics "Admiral Gorshkov" (formerly "Baku"), the project 11434, which was laid in 1982, but surpasses it on displacement (58,500 tons compared with 40,000 tons) and has a slightly smaller speed (30 nodes for compared with 32 at Admiral Gorshkov.

The aircraft carrier "Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" (project 1143.5) was laid in 1985, and the second ship of the same type "Varyag" - in 1988, but its construction was not completed.

Project 1143.5 can support submarines carrying ballistic missiles, surface ships and marine rocket aircraft of the Russian fleet. The ship may affect surface, underwater and air targets.

Aviation weapons:

The area of \u200b\u200bthe flight deck is 14,700 square meters and a flight deck is equipped at an angle of 12 degrees between the runway. A flying deck is equipped with aerofony. Two lifts deliver aircraft from Angara to a flying deck.

The ship has capabilities for capacity and maintenance by 16 aircraft Yak-41m (known under the code name of the NATO "Freestyle") and 12 Su-27K aircraft (SU-33) (Code name of NATO "Flanker") of airplanes included in airplanes and a helicopter compound comprising 4 ka-27ld (code name of NATO HELIX), 18 ka-27plo and 2 ka-27c.

Rocket arms

The ship is equipped with anti-worm rockets granite (surface surface), 12 launchers are equipped. In the West, the rocket granite is known under the code name "ShipWRECK" and have a range of over 400 kilometers.

Anti-sophisticated rocket-artillery armament includes anti-airbands blade with 24 vertical launchers and 192 rockets. This system protects the ship from anti-ferrous missiles, airplanes, unmanned aerial vehicles and surface ships. Control is carried out using multichannel radar with a phased grid with electronic control. The system includes a control system, a sublitting start-up setting with four drum-type start-up modules, each of which has 8 missiles and surface-air missiles in a container start-up setting. The system can reach the launch frequency of 1 rocket every 3 seconds. Four goals can be attacked simultaneously in the 60 x 60 sectors sector. The lesion range is 12-15 kilometers.

The fire-free chestnut system manufactured by the Tula Machine-Building Plant has 4 command and 8 combat modules with 256 aircraft missiles. The system provides protection against "accurate" weapons, including anti-workers and anticulate rockets, airplanes, helicopters and small-sized sea goals. Range radius 1.5 - 8 kilometers. The guns can fire with rapidity up to 1000 shots per minute for a distance of 0.5 - 1.5 kilometers. Anti-aircraft guns - AK630 Hell.

Anti-submarine armament

The ship is equipped with a system of anti-submarine defense of Break-1 with 60 anti-pocket rockets. Break-1, supplied by the Scientific and Production Association "Alloy", protects surface ships distracting and destroying the enemy torpedoes. The system also provides protection against submarines, dwarf submarines and sabotage tools, such as underwater motorcycles. The system has 10 sections and is capable of fire with deep reactive shells 111rse, put mine harnesses (111 s) and use distracting shells (111So). The range of validity is up to 3000 meters horizontally and up to 600 meters in depth.

Acoustic and radar equipment

The ship's radar includes radar detection of air and maritime purposes, low-fat target radar detection (low-fat airplanes and rockets detect), flight control radars, navigation radar and four radar controls for the air defense system Chestnut.

Ship hydrolycial equipment includes a hydrolector of the detection and management of weapons located in the ship housing, acting on medium and low frequencies capable of detecting torpedoes and submarines. The anti-submarine aviation of the ship is equipped with radar search for surface targets, submersible hydrocolocators, immersion buoy and magnetic anomalies detectors.

Ship electronic systems

Ship electronic systems include a combat information center and combat aviation system. The ship has a navigation system and means of communication, including satellite communications.


The ship is equipped with 8 boilers and 4 steam turbines, each 50,000 hp, rotating 4 shafts with fixed diameter screws. The maximum speed is 29 nodes, the diving range at the maximum speed is 3800 miles. The maximum swimming range at the speed of 18 nodes is 8,500 miles.


The crew of the ship has 1960 people, including 200 officers. Also, the ship is equipped with 626 people. Fluent-technical composition, including 40 people. Command lineup. The ship premises 3857 include 387 cabins, 134 facilities for a crew with 50 shower, 6 tables, 120 storage rooms and 6000 meters of corridors and transitions.

"Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" - a heavy aviance cruiser of the project 11435, the only ship of such a type of Russia.

Base place

Northern Fleet, Severomorsk.

Building, name

The ship (in the project was the name "Soviet Union") was laid on the Black Sea Shipbuilding Plant on September 1, 1982, under the name Riga and launched on December 4, 1985, under the name "Leonid Brezhnev". On August 11, 1987, renamed Tbilisi. On October 4, 1990, it was called "Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union of Kuznetsov". Enrolled in the Northern Fleet on January 20, 1991.


On October 21, 1989, it was removed into the sea in an unfinished and nepococcal condition for the flight testing of onboard aircraft. On November 1, 1989, the first landings of MiG-29K, SU-27K and SU-25UTH were produced. November 23, 1989 returned to the plant for completing. In 1990, repeatedly went to the sea for testing.

In the 90s, regularly went to the sea on the exercise, carried the combat service in the Mediterranean. From 1996 to 1998 was repair. In 2000, he participated in the teachings on which the "Kursk" submarine died, participated in the rescue operation.

From 2001 to 2004 was repaired. In 2004 he participated in the monthly campaign to the North Atlantic. In 2005-2007, several times a year went to the sea. On December 5, 2007, he was published at the head of the Martial Arrival Shop in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, which ended on February 3, 2008.

Until December 2008 was repaired.

In the period from December 6, 2011 to February 16, 2012, the ship carried out a long campaign to the Mediterranean Sea as part of ensuring the naval presence of the Russian Navy ships in the World Ocean.

In May 2014, she ended the seventh long campaign of the ship, which continued without a small six months.

In September 2014, the scheduled restoration of technical readiness was completed on the ship.

Tactical and technical characteristics

Speed: 29 nodes
Autonomy of swimming: 45 days
Crew: 1960 people
Paroturbine power: 4x50000 hp
Power of turbogenerators: 9x1500 kW
Diesel generator power: 6x1500 kW


Length: 302.3 meters
Waterlinnia length: 270 meters
Width: 72.3 meters
Watering Width: 35.4 meters
Sediment: 9.14 meters
Standard displacement: 43000 tons
Full displacement: 55000 tons
Maximum displacement: 58600 tons


The aircraft carrier is equipped with rocket launchers (12 anti-worked granite missiles and 60 "Break-1" missiles), blade anti-aircraft complexes (192 rockets, 24 launchers) and "chestnut" (256 rockets). On board can be located up to 24 Multipurpose helicopters KA-27, up to 16 supersonic multipurpose aircraft vertical takeoff and landing Yak-41m and up to 12 deck fighters Su-27K.

In the spring of 1982, the first "real" aircraft carrier was laid in Nikolaev. The aircraft carrier of the project 1143.5 was laid under the name "Riga"; November 26, 1982 renamed Leonid Brezhnev; Running tests in 1987, he passed under the title "Tbilisi"; Entered into account as "Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union of Kuznetsov". Although he retained the number of the project of the first airfare ship, "Kuznetsov" has little common with him, with the exception of the energy installation

His architecture acquired a more "aircraft carrier" view: a solid flight deck (width of 75 m) with a springboard, an aerofinisher and an emergency barrier, two onboard aircraft. "Island" remained almost the same. Superwater structural protection was improved, autonomy increased, underwater housing protection.

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"Admiral Kuznetsov" - a heavy aviance cruiser of the project 1143.5

"Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union of Kuznetsov" - a heavy aviance cruiser of the project 1143.5

In the spring of 1982, the first "real" aircraft carrier was laid in Nikolaev. The aircraft carrier of the project 1143.5 was laid under the name "Riga"; November 26, 1982 renamed Leonid Brezhnev; Running tests in 1987, he passed under the title "Tbilisi"; Entered into account as "Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union of Kuznetsov". Although he retained the number of the project of the first aviance ship, "Kuznetsov" has little common with him, with the exception of the energy installation. His architecture acquired a more "aircraft carrier" view: a solid flight deck (width of 75 m) with a springboard, an aerofinisher and an emergency barrier, two onboard aircraft. "Island" remained almost the same. Superwater structural protection was improved, autonomy increased, underwater housing protection.

The PTZ system has a depth of 4.5 m and consists of three chambers: expansion, absorption (filled with fuel), filtration. Between the two latter there is a protective bulkhead variable in the height of thickness, from high-strength viscous steel AK-25. Steam TZs are similar to the Baku installed on Baku.
According to the project, the aircraft was supposed to consist of 24 deck aircraft and 42 helicopters, but the staff number of cars was not achieved due to lack of funds. Control of planting aircraft ensured the Optical System "Moon". In the nose part of the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" installed 12 sub-deck launchers for impact winged missiles P-700 Granite. Four six-speaking modules SPK "Dagger" are placed in the nose and stern on the side sponsons.

The defenses of the ship provide 8 anti-aircraft artillery complexes "Kortk", 6-30 mm of the AK-630M artistors, 2 PU complex of the anti-detver protection "Break". In parallel with the construction of the ship, there was a testing of deck aircraft for him and aviation-technical equipment. In the Crimea at the airfield, Novo-Fedorovka was built a polygon with a steel flight field in the form of a ship deck, called "thread". In the summer of 1982, the first SU-27 and MiG-29 MiG-29 were produced on it from a terrestrial springboard with an angle of 8.5 degrees. A year later, Aerofinisher "Svetlana-2" began to work. On September 1, 1984, the first SU-27 landing took place with the help of Aerofinisher.
In 1985, planes of the usual scheme began to take off with a more steep springboard (angle of 14 degrees) adopted for the tactar. 09.09.1989. The pilot-test pilot Viktor Pugachev made the first landing on the aircraft carrier deck "Admiral Kuznetsov". On the same day, from the board of the ship climbed into the air on the aircraft MiG-29 pilot testing Takhtar Aubakirov. Before completing the state testing of the ship, more than 300 flights were performed. However, the system pilots began to master the deck "Kuznetsov" much later.

01/20/1991, "Kuznetsov" entered the Northern Fleet. The state economy has declined significantly complicated and detained the development of the ship, the configuration of its airgroup serial SU-27K serial fighters and the preparation of flight crews. Only in 1993, on the Northern Fleet, the aircraft intended for aircraft carriers and only next year they managed to prepare ten construction ships.
At the end of August 1995, they made their first landings on the tactar, and in September "Kuznetsov" took part in the exercises of the fleet, during which the practical development of its aviation weapons began.
As for the problem of basing, it remained unresolved. True, for "Kuznetsova" built floating berth in a hand-lip, but the coastal power plant and the boiler house could not build. The ship to ensure its livelihoods has to constantly "chase" two main boilers.

In the course of operation of "Kiev", one interesting feature turned out in the north. The aviance ship has a huge upper deck, which in the cold time (eight months per year) is actively cooled. Since the heating system in the harsh conditions of the Polar region does not cope with its duties, there is a constant formation of condensate, causing corrosion decks, bulkheads, cable-tracks, failure of the instruments. In addition to premature aging of ships, low temperatures and large humidity significantly worsen the household conditions of the crew. So, on "Kuznetsov" in kubricks located in the tips of the ship, the temperature in winter does not rise above 10-12 degrees.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov"
Displacement 55000 (70500) tons
Dimensions of 304.5 x 38 x 10.5 m

Power of a fourfold power installation 200000 hp: 4 PT
Speed \u200b\u200b32 node

Sailing range 8000 miles on 18 nodes

Armament 12 PKR Granit, 4 SPK "Dagger", 8 Cork Cork, 6-30 mm AK-630M machines, 2 RBU-12000
AviaGroup (March 1996) 15 Su-27K fighters, 1 Su-25Utg, 11 Ka-27 helicopters, 1 Ka-31 helicopter


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