What did 1 aircraft made. The first steps in the sky are aircraft. How it was. Arguments in disputes

Humanity wanted to fly long before it learned to move quickly on the ground or water. Too tempting moved in the air of the bird, without experiencing noticeable external resistance. The man in his movements was limited to the plane of the Earth or the stroking of water, and to speed up the movement could only with the help of animals, flow or wind.

The desire to fly at first led only to tragedies. ICAR and Dedal Characters Mythological, but there are evidence of real attempts to fly with the help of wings bonded by waxing. There were no such jumps for the forerunner of the current pilots.

Gradually, attempts to fly have become more conscientious. People learned to rise into air balloons and build similarity of gliders and deltaplanov. But if the flights on deltaplans people, according to some reports, could perform in the first millennium of our era already in the first millennium, then the development of aviation was reduced in the absence of a propulsion. As one of the pioneers of Aviation Emmanuel Swedenborg, the human body has too heavy weight and gives too low power.

Nevertheless, the centuries of people who have sought to fly, do not disappear. Gradually developed general ideas about the design of aircraft, methods of managing them and the aerodynamic properties of materials. The case remained behind the engine ...

In the second half of the 19th century, steam and gasoline engines learned how to make quite compact and powerful for placing on the aircraft. The race for creating a workable airplane received a new acceleration, and the work of varying degrees of success was carried out immediately in several countries.

Most often, the creators of the first aircraft in the world are called Americans of the Wilbur Brothers and Orville Wright. There are many evidence that it is already up to the flight of Orville Wright on December 17, 1903, other pilots made successful flights. But the Right brothers documented well and photographed their flights. In addition, they approached the design of the construction of airplanes with great care, carefully fixing all the results of their works.

The main driving force in the Duet of Wright brothers was Orville, although Wilbur began to be interested in the first to be interested in aviation. It was he who in 1899 after the death of the famous aeronaut of Otto Lilientall began to collect literature on aviation. When Orville joined the case, the brothers began their way to glory.

By creating your plane (they called him "Flyer" without a clause, from the English verb Fly - "fly"), the Rait brothers along the way did a huge research work. After calculating, they decided that the power of the existing engine and strength of materials for the flight is enough. But on the control of the aircraft in flight to the brothers, no one thought, which often led to injury and deaths. The invention of the control system brothers, which allowed the aircraft not only to make small maneuvers, but also to resist the side wind. Only conducting the testing of the management system on the personally constructed air sneakers and glider, they decided on the piloted flight.

December 14, 1903 "Flyer", piloted by winning this right to Orel Wilburo collapsed to Earth immediately after the separation from the guide rails due to a pilot error. Three days later, Orville was lucky more, and the flight 36.5 meters is now considered the first in the history of aviation.

Subsequently, the Right brothers continued to work on airplanes, at the same time trying to get financing from US governments and other countries. Without receiving money from the authorities, they patented their aircraft management system, attracted a firm for military equipment to the sales, and their cases dramatically went uphill. Their airplanes were sold in unprecedented prices of 25 and 30,000 dollars. MiG Triumfa came in October 1909. In front of the millions of public who celebrated the anniversary of the opening of the Hudson River, Wilbar Wright flew along the river within the borders of New York, and then flew out the statue of freedom.

The aircraft of the Russian engineer Alexander Mozhaysky rose into the air for twenty years earlier than the "Flyer". And the flying machine Mozhaysky was where how much more like modern airplanes than the fruit of the works of the Rait brothers. On July 20, 1882, the mechanic I. Golubev, who piloting the plane was able to break away from the ground and make a short flight.

However, the championship of Mozhaisk was not properly recorded at once for two reasons. The engineer himself considered only an ordinary test, not standing by Fanfar. And later, he has exhausted funding and could not continue working on an aircraft. Nevertheless, the scientific community recognizes that Technically Mozhaysky plane was developed at a very high level.

Interestingly, at the end of the 20th century, scientists conducted aerodynamic tests of the model of the Mozhaisk aircraft. They showed that for a full flight, the correctly designed device did not have enough power of the engines.

Alberto Santos Dimon was born and died in Brazil, but the main success in aeronautics and aviation achieved in France. Supporters of the fact that it was Santos-Dimon who was the creator of the first aircraft, argued his version that his aircraft for the start did not use a strong counter wind (as the plane of Wright brothers), the accelerated plane (like the Mozhaysky aircraft) or catapult. Accordingly, they consider the year of the invention of the aircraft to be considered 1906, when Santos-Dramon made his first flight.

Santos-Dimon acquired a huge popularity, flying on balloons and airships. He created an image of a lightweight dandy-athlete. By collecting a whole collection of monetary and other prizes for the establishment of records, the miniature Brazilian began in the highest light. I was happy to meet with pleasure and supported the friendship of rich and the power of Imumb.

However, a deep mind was hiding behind the sputum appearance of Santos-Dumon. For his 14-bis aircraft, he has created a control system with predecessors of perfect aileons. He constantly worked on the technological assembly of aircraft and an increase in the specific power of the engines.

On October 23, 1906, he flew to 60 meters in the presence of dozens of spectators. The plane Santos-Dumon took off and sat on his own, without dropping the chassis, which still allows you to consider it precisely by his pioneer of aviation.

Arguments in disputes

Most likely, all three points of view on those who invented the car capable of moving in the air ocean have grounds. In some aspects and brothers Wright, and Alexander Mozhaysky, and Alberto Santos-Dumont were the first.

For example, supporters of the Right brothers believe that their aircraft flew over the rails simply because of the sandy soil at the test site. Santos Dumon Fans built dozens of copies of "14 bis" and flew hundreds of hours on them, whereas from many attempts to build copies of Flyer, only a few were successful, and only partially. Well, the plane of Mozhaissky ahead of competitors for two decades, and, they will receive a Russian engineer financing, the first aircraft, most likely, would be created in Russia. We should pay tribute to all aviation pioneers. By samples and mistakes, often risking health and life, they built and piloted the first aircraft, and laid the foundation of the huge industry, in which aviation has become in our day.

K.S. Builders

Historical documents irrefutably prove that the world's first plane was created in Russia. The creator of the world's first aircraft is Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisk. He built and experienced the first aircraft for twenty years earlier than Americans of Wright brothers, which until recently completely undeservedly attributed this invention.

Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky was born on March 9, 1825 in the family of an offacarious seaman, Admiral of the Russian Fleet Fedor Timofeevich Mozhaysky. A.F. Mozhaisky received upbringing in the Maritime Cadet Corps, which he brilliantly graduated from January 19, 1841. A year later, he was produced in Michman.

After seven-year swimming on various ships in the Baltic and White Seas Mozhaisky in 1849. Got the rank of lieutenant.

In 1850-1852 Mozhaisky walked on the Baltic Sea. In 1853-1855 He on the frigate "Diana" participated in the far swimming of Kronstadt - Japan.

At the end of 1855, Mozhaisky was appointed to Brig "Antenor", which cruised in the Baltic Sea and protected the approaches to the Finnish bay from the sabotage raids of Anglo-French ships.

In 1858, Mozhaisky took part in the Khiva expedition, organizing its movement on water on vessels specially built for this purpose. He made up the first description of the Aral Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Aral Sea and the Amudarya River. Upon his return from the expedition, Mozhaisky was appointed a senior officer of the 84-gun Eagle.

September 8, 1859 Mozhaisky received another rank of captain-lieutenant. After the cliper's cliing descent, he was appointed his commander and sailed on her in the Baltic Sea to 1863.

In 1863, Mozhaisky was dismissed due to the forced reduction in the number of fleet after the Crimean War, but in 1879 he was re-enrolled on the actual military service in the rank of captain 1 rank and sent to the Maritime Cadet Corps, where the course of marine practice was conducted.

Back in 1876, Mozhaisky began to work on a project of a long-conceived aircraft heavier than air. During the service in the Marine Corps Mozhaisky, using the consultation of the largest Russian scientists, continued to improve his project.

In July 1882, the captain of 1 rank Mozhaysky was awarded the title of Major General with dismissal from the service "at home circumstances". Subsequently, Mozhaisk was awarded the title of counter-admiral.

Reducing from service, A.F. Mozhaisky, without any help from the royal government, continued to improve and improve his aircraft tested in the air in July 1882, and only death that coming on March 19, 1890, prevented him to end the construction of a new aircraft.

All works on the history of aviation, written in the second half of the past and the beginning of the current century, hid or distorted the authentic meaning and the importance of the work of Mozhaisk.

Meanwhile, archival documents and statements of Mozhaysky contemporaries with full persuasive proven that the path of his scientific research from the beginning to the end was correct, deeply thought out and ended with the construction of the world's first aircraft and testing it in the air.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an aircraft is heavier than air appeared at Mozhaysky back in 1855, when he began to maintain thorough observations of the flights of birds and air coils.

In 1872, after a number of painstaking research and experiments, Mozhaisky established the relationship between the lifting force and winding resistance at different corners of the attack and thoroughly illuminated the question of the flight of birds.

The German researcher and Planeter Lilientel did a similar job for 17 years later Mozhaysky.

Checking its conclusions and observations in practice, Mozhaisky made experiments in two directions: on the one hand, he worked on the screws that had to create a craving aircraft in the air, on the other, - on airplane models.

In 1876, Mozhaisky, according to the testimony of the Bogoslovsky engineer, "he climbed into the air twice and flew comfortable" in the air snake. In this way. Mozhaisian first in the world flew in the air snakes, ahead of the French testes of Mayo for ten years (1886), for the eighteen years of the Englishman Baden-Puela (1894) and for twenty years of Australian Hargrava (1896).

In addition to experiments with air serpents, A.F. Mozhaisky worked on creating flying models of his future aircraft.

Mozhaisky produced a large number of different calculations, research and experiments, as a result of which in September 1876 he built the first flying model of the aircraft.

This model, called by them, "feet", consisted of a small fuselage boot, to which one rectangular carrier surface was attached at an angle of 3 °. The model of the model was created by three air screws, one of which was located in the nose of the boat, and the other two, in specially made of the grooves of the wing. The screws were driven by the head of the clock spring. Steering surfaces (horizontal and vertical) were rendered back. For takeoff and landing, the model had four wheels located under the fuselage. The model made sustainable flights with a speed of over 5 m / s with an additional load of about 1 kg.

Famous shipbuilder engineer, Member of the Marine Technical Committee, Colonel P.A. The Bogoslovsky wrote about this: "The inventor quite rightly decided the number of aeronautics for a long time. The device, with the help of its motor shells, not only flies, runs on the ground, but can swim. The speed of the flight is amazing, he is not afraid of gravity, Not a wind and is able to fly in any direction ... Experience proved that the obstacles to swimming in the air were brilliantly defeated by our gifted compatriot. "

After the flight flights showed that the way was the inventor was right, he began to make a detailed development of the project of its aircraft in full size.

However, if the preceding work of Mozhaysky could perform on its own limited funds, the construction of the aircraft in its original amount required the costs of significant monetary amounts that he did not have.

Therefore, at the beginning of 1877, he decided to "subjected his invention to the court of scientific criticism, offering the military ministry to use his project for military purposes in the upcoming war with Turkey."

In early 1877, Mozhaisky appealed to Chairman of the Air Placement Commission of the Military Ministry of Count Totleben with a request to work out the necessary funds "for the further production of surveys and experiments both over the movement of the projector ... projectile and to determine the various data required for the rational and proper device All components of such a projectile. "

On January 20, 1877, a special commission was formed to consider Military Minister of Count Milyutin to consider the Mozhaisk project. This commission includes the largest representatives of Russian science and technology: D.I. Mendeleev, N.P. Petrov (author of the world-famous hydrodynamic theory of friction), Lieutenant-General Zverev, Colonel Theological and military engineer Struve.

After two meetings, the Commission submitted a detailed report on the Mozhaisk project to the Chief Engineering Department. The report indicated that the inventor "on the basis of his project was adopted by the provisions recognized now for the most faithful and capable stories for favorable end results."

Thanks to the support of D.I. Mendeleev was decided to let the inventor of 3,000 rubles for further work and oblige him to submit a program of experiences over the device.

On February 14, 1877, Mozhaisky presented his program of experiences on the models of the aircraft. It provided for the study of air screws, determining the size and forms of steering and carrier surfaces, the specific load on the wing, resolution of the issue of controllability and the strength of the aircraft.

In one of the items of the program, it was referred to testing actions "small areas on the back of the wings, on the turns of the device", i.e. The test of the ailerons or, in other words, the transverse stability and control of the aircraft are envisaged.

The enormous importance of these tests will become clear if you remember that Mozhaisky investigated the ailer's ailer for 31 years before the Frenchman Pharman, who allegedly invented them in 1908, and the Rait brothers who built their first airplane in 1903 did not have any idea about them .

Experiments from Mozhaysky over a large air screw, which makes the movement of the steam engine, were the first in the world with the experiments of this order.

After receiving only a part of the promised amount (2192 rubles), the inventor undertakes to exercise his program. He had to work in very difficult conditions. Its material situation was extremely difficult.

Despite difficulties and extreme need, Mozhaisky built a new airplane model. This model, according to the testimony of contemporaries, "flew completely freely and descended very smoothly; the flight took place and then when the cort was put on the model, which represents a very significant size. The invention of Mozhaissky was already on testing several well-known specialists and earned their approval. .. The most invention is kept secret. "

As a result of new studies, Mozhaisky at the beginning of 1878 came to the conclusion that air resistance can be used to create lifting force.

On this occasion, he wrote: "... For the possibility of a saving in the air there is some ratio between the severity, speed and size of the area or plane, and it is undoubtedly that the more the speed of the movement, the greater the severity can carry the same area."

This formulation of one of the most important laws of aerodynamics - about the value of the speed to create lifting force - was given to Mozhaysky 11 years before the publication of such works Marea and Liliental, which also came to the same conclusion in 1889, the mathematical substantiation of the occurrence of lifting force, as is known, It was first given in 1905 by Russian scientists N.E. Zhukovsky in his work "On the attached vortices", in which he led the theorem about the lifting power of the wing.

In the spring of 1878 A.F. Mozhaisky decided to move to the construction of the aircraft in a natural value. On March 23, 1878, he turned to the main engineering department with a memorandum in which "data required to resolve the issue can only be obtained above the device of such sizes on which the power of the machine and the direction of the device could be managed by a person" and requested Vacation of funds for the construction of an airplane, the cost of which they were determined in 18895 rubles.

The proposal of Mozhaysky was considered by the Special Commission, which was presented with detailed drawings of the aircraft, based by calculations, and an explanatory note containing a description of the device. The description said that the aircraft consists of:

1) from a boat serving to place the machine and people; 2) of two fixed wings; 3) from the tail that can rise and go down and serve to change the direction of flight up and down, equal to the vertical area moving in it to the right and left to obtain the direction of the apparatus to the parties; 4) from a big front screw; 5) of two screws small on the back of the apparatus; 6) from the trolley on the wheels under the boot, which serves in order for the device supplied with the area of \u200b\u200bits wings, and the tail is obliquely, about 4 degrees to the horizon, the front part of the upwards could first disperse on the ground against the air and get the speed that is necessary for Warning it; 7) Of the two masts that serve to strengthen its wings and the connection of the entire apparatus at its length and for lifting the tail.
As engines provided for the installation of two steam machines with a total capacity of 30 hp. One of the cars was to work on the nasal pulling screw, and the other - through the transmission to two rear pushing screws.

The device, according to the inventor plan, could land and water, for which the fuselage was granted a form of a boat.

From the presented description, it can be seen that Mozhaisky conceived to carry out a monooplan type aircraft with a thin profile of the wing installed at an angle of 4 °, modern controls and chassis with spring depreciation.

Now that the history of aviation development has been studied quite well, we can appreciate the merit of the Russian sailor-inventor, who offered in 1878. The design of the aircraft, all the basic elements of which are inherent in modern aircraft.

For the first time, developing the fuselative type of aircraft, Mozhaisky for 30 years ahead of Western European and American designers who were only in 1909-1910. Began to build similar aircraft.

The idea of \u200b\u200busing the fuselage boat for planting on the water was first implemented in 1913 by another Russian designer and inventor D.P. Grigorovich - the creator of the first boat hydroaeroplane.

In addition to the development of the project, Mozhaisky described in detail the technique of take-off of his aircraft and provided the installation on it of air navigation equipment: a compass, a speed meter, a barometer-high-volume, two thermometers, three boreometers and a sight for the production of bombing.

The plane, according to the plan of Mozhaisk, was intended for bombarding and intelligence purposes.

At the end of his explanatory note, the Mozhaisky project indicated that "the construction of the apparatus from the technical side does not represent any difficulties nor the impossibility."

The expert commission, which this time was part of the foreigners, are few interested in the development of Russian aviation, General Pauker, General Hero and Colonel Valberg, found that if the problem of building an aircraft heavier than air and will be solved, then not in Russia , and in Western Europe.

At the first meeting, which occurred on April 12, 1878, the Commission doubted that the device would be able to soar in the air with the help of air screws, and suggested the author of the project to submit new additional data and calculations on this issue.

To meet the requirements of the Commission, Mozhaissey, after consultation with Academician Chebyshev, compiled an additional note in which he gave a detailed and thorough analysis of the operation of the screws in the air and supported them with reasonable calculations.

Mozhaisky was confident that the air screws offered to them "no doubt will be produced by the work expected from them, because their dimensions are determined with respect to the power of the machine with computing and theories confirmed by experiments."

Having considered the explanatory note of Mozhaysky at the second meeting, the Commission made a striking decision on his ignorance, which said that she didn't find a swirl in the experience of the G. Mozhaisk, even after the changes possible in it could lead to useful Practical results, if it is not arranged by a projectile on completely different bases, with movable wings that can change not only their position relative to the gondola, but also their form during the flight. "

"The amount requested now, Mozhaisk, is so significant," experts recorded in their decision, - that the Commission is not solved to welcome its allocations ... ".

In other words, the commission pushed the inventor to the false way and reduced the results of his many years of work and research.

Mozhaisky, protesting against such a decision of the Commission, turned to the Military Minister Vannovsky with a request for his cancellation. However, Bathnovsky, even without having familiarized himself with the merits of the case, approved the decision of the Commission.

Then Mozhaisky turned with a letter to the head of the Chief Engineering Department General Zverev, which indicated that "the Commission, discussing and leading a business by the Stationery and Canel, took the opportunity to submit my final conclusions about the size of the parts of the apparatus, the strength of his car and other conditions And from the very beginning I did everything to ... kill me confidence in the possibility of my project. " General Zverev on Mozhaysky's letter did not answer. Government organizations refused to finance the inventor. Only the advanced Russian intelligentsia and who worked together with Mozhaisk, the simple workers supported him and provided him with all the assistance. The nearest helpers Mozhaysky - Golubev, Yakovlev, Arsentev, and others - continued to work under his leadership.

Advanced Russian scientists had greater moral support. For example, the professor of the Maritime Academy I. Alimov wrote: "The Mozhaysky Authority ... is, in our opinion, huge and, perhaps, even the final step towards the resolution of the great issue of human swimming in the air in the desired direction and with the desired, in certain limits, speed ... A.F. Mozhaysky belongs, in our opinion, the great merit, if not fully solving this task in practice, then, at least, to be extremely close to this decision, and therefore, to solve everything Question about aeronautics. "

And Mozhaisky continued to work on his invention. After two years, when working drawings were manufactured and a number of additional research were carried out, clarifying settlements, Malay to protect themselves from numerous "Deltsov" from the ministry seeking to assign someone else's achievement or sell it abroad, decided to patent his invention.

On June 4, 1880, he appealed to the Department of Trade and Manufactory with a request to issue him a patent for invented by him "Air-herulent projectile" and received it on November 3, 1881. It was the world's first patent in the world, and he was issued to the Russian sailor inventor Captain 1 rank A.F. Mozhaisk.

After receiving Patent, Mozhaisky began to make individual parts of the future airplane.

Marine Minister

Quite confident in the reality of his invention, deciding to bring to the end of the work started, Mozhaisky turned to the Marine Strider S.S. Leskovsky (his former commander on the frigate "Diana") in order to obtain funds to build steam machines, whose drawings were developed.

Leskovsky, knowing the inventor personally, applied to the Minister of Finance on vacation Mozhaysky 5000 rubles, but received a refusal.

Then Mozhaisky appealed to the Military Office to Greyu's Adjutant and achieved promises from him in support, provided that the Maritime Minister would also apply for this.

Leskovsky, "In view of the most important results in the military, which can be expected from a successful solution to the issue of aeronautics," asked for the issuance of the captain of 1 rank Mozhaysky 2500 rubles (instead of the previously requested earlier than 5,000 rubles). The petition of the maritime minister was satisfied this time. For the money received, Mozhaisky gave an order for the manufacture of two steam machines according to the project developed by him. In 1881 cars were made.

These were two-cylinder vertical steam vehicles compound a lightweight design. One of the cars developed a power of 20 hp at 300 rpm. Her weight was 47.6 kg. Another car had a power of 10 hp at 450 rpm. Its weight was 28.6 kg. Couples in the car received from the direct-flow boiler weighing 64.5 kg. The fuel served Kerosene.

The crankshafts and piston rods of machines to reduce weight were made by hollow. Having received the car, Mozhaisky started assembling the aircraft.

For the production of some works, the inventor appealed to the Baltic Plant. But the Directorate of the Plant, having learned that the inventor has no money, refused to him.

Then Mozhaisky turned to the royal government with a request to let go to the assembly and test of the aircraft 5000 rubles. The "highest command", the request of Mozhaisk was rejected.

The inventor did not have any hope for government support, and it seemed that all the work done was convened at the last stage. But still the construction of the aircraft Mozhaysky was brought to the end.

For money, reversed from the sale of personal belongings and busy from relatives and interested parties, Mozhaysky in the spring of 1882 finished assembling the aircraft.

According to the testimony of contemporaries, the finished apparatus Mozhaisk was a boat with wooden ribs. Rectangular wings were attached to boats, slightly curved up.

The boat, the wings and the tail of the aircraft were covered with a thin silk matter impregnated with varnish. Wingspinds were wooden (pine). The device stood on the chassis with wheels. Both of its cars were located in front of the boat.

The plane had three four-odd screws and two steering wheel - horizontal and vertical.

The span of the wings of the aircraft was about 24 m with a length of 15 m. The area of \u200b\u200bcarrier surfaces was 371.6 sq.m. With flight weight, about 950 kg, the payload of the aircraft was 300 kg.

The estimated flight speed did not exceed 40 km / h with a total capacity of 30 liters. with.

In the summer of 1882, the plane was ready for testing. To run the aircraft, Mozhaysky built a special take-off track in the form of an inclined wooden flooring. He decided that this inclined track would provide an opportunity to develop additional speed while running the aircraft, thereby increasing its lift force.

Tests of the Mozhaisk aircraft were made under great secrecy.

On July 20, 1882, representatives of the military department and the Russian technical society were gathered at the military field in the Red Syel.

Mozhaiskoye was not allowed to fly, since he was already 57 years old at that time. The test of the aircraft in the air was entrusted to the Mozhaysky Assistant - Mechanics I.N. Golubev.

A plane, pilotable with Golubeum, typing at the end of the run by the required speed, rose into the air and, flying some distance in a straight line, sat down. When landing, an airplane wing was damaged.

Despite this, Mozhaisky was pleased with the test results, since for the first time the possibility of a person's flight on the device is heavier than air was practically proven. It seemed to be now provided with universal recognition and support from the government.

However, in fact it turned out completely different. Invention A.F. Mozhaysky was declared military mystery, and stricter it was forbidden to write anything about the plane. There was still no help to the inventor to be inventor. Tsarist officials and foreigners in the Russian service did everything so that not only the successes of the Russian inventor, but and his name were forgotten.

Faithfully and its homeland, the enthusiast of science and tireless worm, Mozhaisky immediately after the first tests began to improve the design of the aircraft and designed new, more powerful cars for him.

These cars were ordered to the Baltic Shipbuilding Plant. For that time, it was the easiest and most powerful steam vehicle with a steam superficial refrigerator. Their total capacity (i.e. the power of two cars) was 50 hp With a specific weight, 4.9 kg per 1 hp Rait brothers only after 20 years have managed to collect a gasoline engine about the same specific weighing by 1 hp.

In our time, even if there is a huge experience and a large stock of theoretical knowledge, the work of the constructor of the aircraft is separated from the work of the engine constructor. Mozhaysky had to be both the other at the same time. Nevertheless, he managed to build and experience the plane, creating such engines for him, which, according to the technical indicators of that time, exceeded such engines of foreign firms, specially engaged in their design and manufacturing.

While the cars were made, Mozhaisky made a refinement of the calculated data of his aircraft. Calculations showed that the design of the aircraft must be facilitated and replaced by some of the oldest parts new.

After the calculations were clarified and a new project of the aircraft was developed, Mozhaisky January 21, 1883 presented it in VII (aeronautical) department of the Russian technical society. On a specially convened. meetings whose chairman was MA Rykachev, Mozhaisky made a message about his new design of the aircraft and about all the works they did.

For a detailed consideration of new works by the counter-admiral retired Mozhaisk, a commission was established, in addition to representatives of the aeronautical department, representatives and from II (Mechanical) of the Russian Technical Society were included. The Commission, having read the results of the work of the inventor, recognized as desirable, "In order for the VII department to assist A.F. Mozhaysky - graduate from its device and make interesting experiences over the aircraft such a large size." But the VII could not provide material assistance, and Mozhaisky was forced to appeal to the Military Ministry again.

From the ministry he was answered that "the continuation of the test of the apparatus invented by them assumed the imperial Russian technical society, which was appointed a certain amount specified on this subject."

However, this amount nor the inventor, nor Russian technical society and did not receive.

As it became known now, the appropriations were not issued due to the interference and the registers of the General Headquarters of Foreign States, which so diligently encouraged the royal government.

In 1885, Mozhaisky filed an application to the main engineering department, which indicated that they received new practical conclusions, "represent the opportunity to make the presentation of the theory clearer, and calculations more defined" and requested not to refuse to leave the funds produced by their work.

The Commission, having considered the statement of the inventor at its meeting on June 29, 1885, noted that she did not see any reason for the petition for the manual Mozhaisk. "

A.F. Mozhaisky continued to work on improving his apparatus until the last days of his life.

After the death of the inventor, his plane stood under the open sky in the Red Selo and, after the military department refused to buy it, was subsequently disassembled and transported to the estate of Mozhaisk near Vologda.

And if in France "Avion III" the Ader (airplane with the folding wings of the construction of 1897) was able to preserve as a relic, then Russian officials under the pressure of foreigners did everything in order for the invention of Mozhaisk and a trace. Even the name of the inventor turned out to be unnoticed and unrecognized in Tsarist Russia.

Based on the experiments A.F. Mozhaysky, Russian designer engineers created in 1913 in the Baltic Plant in St. Petersburg, the heavy aircraft "Russian Vityaz". Following him, in 1914, a series of aircraft type "Ilya Muromets" of an improved design was built. It was the world's first heavy multi-power bomber with engines located in the wing. Exceptional in terms of its qualities was the giant-giant "Svyatogor", designed in 1915 by the designer V.A. Slicarev.

Our people holy keeps the memory of A.F. Mozhaisk - Aviation Riflear. His name is recorded on the pages of history next to the names of the talented people of our country who won the priority of domestic thought in a wide variety of science and technology.

The first idea of \u200b\u200bthe reactive aircraft proposed the Russian inventor of the TV. An attempt to replace the screw with a piston engine was carried out in 1910 by the designer from Romania A. Kande.

These attempts were not crowned with success, and the first successful test of the reactive aircraft was held in 1939. The test was conducted by the German company Heinkel, but several errors were allowed during the design of the model:

  • incorrect selection of engine design;
  • high fuel consumption;
  • frequent need for refueling.

Nevertheless, the first prototype of the reactive aircraft was able to develop high height set speed - more than 60 meters per second of the flight.

Due to the structural errors, the jet aircraft could not be removed from the airfield more than 50 kilometers, due to the need for frequent refueling. Due to a number of shortcomings, the first successful model did not get into mass production.

The first serial aircraft was ME-262 in 1944. This model has become an improved version of the previous model of HEINKEL.

First jet aircraft

Then the development of reactive aviation equipment picked up Japan and the United Kingdom.

Wright brothers

In most countries, in books devoted to aviation, this is exactly the name as the inventors of the world's first aircraft. Was it so?

The Americans Wirbull and Orvill Wright from Ohio did the gliders at first, and only then decided to create an aircraft equipped with an engine.

Wright brothers.

Create it helped them mechanic Charlie Taylor. The engine was very simple and even primitive compared to modern models. But you need to take into account the fact that in fact the brothers had no starting point.

They focused on ship screws when designing the aircraft. The engine had no carburetor or fuel pump.

A chain feed chain was made on a firm specializing in the production of chains for car engines. Its power was 9 W, and he weighed 77 kg.

Flyer-1 airplane layout

The plane received the name Flyer-1, and its weight consisted of 283 kg.

At first it was tested December 14, 1903But the attempt was unsuccessful. He almost immediately fell.

December 17, 1903. It is considered a day when the world's first aircraft plane took off into the air. True flew by Only 12 seconds and 36, 5 meters, at a speed of 43 km / h. Subsequently, the brothers still flew on it.

The biggest distance he flew is 60 meters, at an altitude of 3 meters and stayed in the air for about a minute.Find out what the fastest aircraft can be from this article. And about the maximum height of the flight of passenger liners of modernity

Later, the plane was transferred to the Smithsonian Institute in Washington as a valuable exhibit.

Risks and refinement

The first jet aircraft was far from ideal. Often it was necessary to make emergency landings, carry out repairs. Tu-104 has undergone a number of changes. It required to reduce the maximum height of up to 10 thousand. I also had to make structural changes. Experts say that initially all problems arose due to the fact that it was necessary to quickly release the aircraft into open production, so small, it would seem, the flaws were left without attention.

It is not surprising that in the end the engineers began to actively change and refine the structure. For example, it was possible to almost completely eliminate the problems with the deviation and the ruling jam. All this resulted in attractive statistics: the jet plane overcame the route three times faster than old models (which used piston systems). On average, one Tu-104 could take on board 100 people. In the late 50s, he was the main passenger aircraft in Russia (more precisely, in the USSR). He could direct flights to Khabarovsk, Tbilisi, Tashkent.

In the 57th year, tests were performed Tu-104A.. It changed engines by making the main focus on increasing power. Also added 20 new places, even the passengers complained about some closeness. Learned more and more new modifications. Finally, this series was removed from production in the 80th year.

Alexander Mikhailovich Mozhaisk

The counter-admiral of the Russian Empire, during the reign of Emperor Alexander Second, Alexander Mikhailovich was very interested in aircraft and is one of the pioneers in world aviation. Including domestic.

Many Soviet and Russian scientists and historians consider it precisely his project - the world's first attempt to create an aircraft.

He began to design him back in 1877 However, the work was delayed for Russia typical of Russia - state commissions refused to provide him with the necessary funds for research.

After numerous battles with bureaucrats, it received the necessary amounts. And then largely due to the personal instructions of the emperor.

At first, Alexander Mikhailovich wanted to use only the internal combustion engines that appeared then. But they had one weighty drawback - they were too heavy. Therefore, he decided to choose the most lightweight model of the steam engine.

For their acquisition, he went first to America, and then to England. In London, he ordered two steam engines, and they were ready for 1881.

The remaining details were made on the Baltic Shipbuilding Plant, for money donated by Mozhaisk, various individuals.

In 1880 he received a patent for the first plane in Russia. By 1883, he graduated from his assembly. For his test, he was allocated a field in the Red Selo, near St. Petersburg.

Mock of aircraft Mozhaissky

The exact date of the aircraft testing is unknown. It has been established that the first flight was held in 1884. The device even broke away from the Earth, but due to its instability, she tied up and fell.

Further tests and studies have not been carried out for a lack of funds.

So, we traced the fate of the first aircraft of the world. I think that the question is when the first aircraft appeared - you also know the answer. But who was the discoverer in this area?

In fact, everyone from the above, scientists. After all, they all began, in fact, from scratch, therefore they brought their contribution to the development of aviation equipment and the development of heavenly space.

Plane Brothers Wright.

Plane Brothers Wright.

Having studied the design of the Mozhaysky aircraft, they realized that the inability to ensure the preservation of the equilibrium was the main reason for the fall of the Mozhaisk aircraft. And the brothers created the aircraft control system for three axes with cables, which made it possible to continuously control the rotary, inclined and rotational movements of the parts of the aircraft. Thanks to this system, the device was no longer afraid of the oncoming wind. A steam engine was replaced with a gasoline engine.

The aircraft brothers Wright was able to hold out in the air of 59 seconds, flying a distance of 260 m.

The invention of Wright brothers was officially recognized as the first aircraft with the engine on which the controlled flight was performed.

First air patent and steam model

The first person who guessed to equip a glider with a motor and get a full-fledged aircraft, became another Briton - William Henson (1812-1888). Henson was a famous engineer and inventor, and made money on the mechanization of making razor blades. And in April 1841 with his friend and colleague John Stringfelloou (1799-1883), he first patented the plane for the first time in history. His Aerial Steam Carriage (Ariel) was a wooden monooplan with a sailing wing of 420 m? and a scope of 46 m and a closed fuselage of the streamlined form. In motion, it was brought by two pushing propellers rotating from one 50-strong steam engine. Henson and Stringfellow registered the first in the history of the airline The Aerial Transit Company, which offered high-speed tours in the near future ... to Egypt. It was assumed that the aircraft will transport 10-12 passengers to a distance of up to 1500 km.

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    Plastic bottle: The main invention of the 1960s

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Ariel William Henson.

Newspaper engraving depicting a steam airplane of the William Henson system.

In 1848, John Stringfelloou committed the first in history of a motorized flight - naturally, unmanned. Its ARIEL model with a 3-meter wing scale, which moves into a compact steam engine, made several successful flights, subsequently repeated at the World Exhibition of 1868, where the inventor received a gold medal for his work. Model to this day is stored in the London Museum of Science and Technology.

Model of the steam aircraft of John Stringfelloou (1848) - the first unmanned airplane rising in the air.

Monoplan Stringfelloou, one of the rare photos.

Replica Monoplane Stringfelloou is kept in the London Technical Museum.

The first aircraft of the USSR

The revolution and those who followed the civil war and foreign intervention did not contribute to the development of the industry as a whole and the aviation industry in particular. Many talented aviation experts emigrated abroad, some were shot as "counter-revolutionary elements". By 1920, and not too high productivity of Russian aircraft facilities fell 10 times compared with 1917. In fact, the Soviet government was forced to start a plane building from scratch. Special hopes assigned to cooperation with Germany. Versailles, completing the First World War, prohibited this country to have its own combat aviation, and the capacity of passenger aircraft was limited to 600 kilograms (including the weight of the crew members). Therefore, cooperation between the German aircraft and Soviet Russia was beneficial to both parties. The Germans received the opportunity to build airplanes, and Russians - access to modern technologies and airlines on their territory.

In 1922, the USSR concluded an agreement with Junkers on the participation of German specialists in the development of Soviet military aviation. It was assumed that German engineers will put in the Soviet Union the production of metal aircraft of various purposes, aircraft workers, will assist in the development of the production of aviation materials. In 1923-1925, the Germans have established an assembly of scout aircraft JU-20 and JU-21 in Filly. In general, cooperation with Junkers did not meet hopes imposed on him. Airplanes built in filiel possessed low flight characteristics; For this reason, in March 1926, the Soviet government decided to terminate the agreement with Junkers and the enhanced development of its own aircraft enterprise.

Nevertheless, thanks to cooperation with the German party, the Soviet specialists have the first experience of metal aircraft construction. After all, the world's first all-metal aircraft was designed by Hugo Junkers back in 1915. In 1922, in the Soviet Union, the first batch of metal necessary for the creation of aircraft was obtained - ringhammia, analogue of German duralumin, and on May 26, 1924, the first Soviet all-metal ant-2 construction plane of Andrei Tupolev was rose to the air. A year later, Russian disciples surpassed German teachers: under the leadership of Tupolev in the Soviet Union, the world's first all-metal bomber-monoplan-monooplan (ANT-4) with engines located along the wing was built. It was this scheme that it became classical and subsequently formed the basis of all the "flying fortresses" of the Second World War. In 1932, four-minded TB-3 (ANT-6) was built as a continuation of TB-1 (ANT-6), which was served in the Soviet Air Force until the Great Patriotic War. In fairness it should be noted that in 1920 the German engineer Adolf Rorbach built a multi-component passenger monooplan with engines on the wing. But this car has made only a few flights and did not have a noticeable effect on the development of aviation.

The most weak point of the Soviet air industry turned out to be the absence of own engines. On the first Soviet aircraft of IL-400 (in the I-1 series) Nikola Polycarpova I-1 (in the I-2 series, Dmitry Grigorovich, built in 1923, stood the American trophy motor of water cooling Liberty (Soviet designation M-5) with a capacity of 400 L.S., designed at the end of the First World War. Liberty was not bad for his time, however weighed too much to install on fighters. The IL-400 monopilator flew faster than Biplan I-1, but was less reliable. Therefore, in the mid-1920s, only 14 IL-400 and 209 I-1 were released.

However, the first mass soviet aircraft It was not, and the scout of the P-1 design of polycarpov. Until the late 1920s, the scouts were one of the most common classes of aircraft throughout the world, accounted for 82% of the number of military aircraft in the USSR, 60% in Poland, 44% in France and 40% in Italy. The R-1, created in 1923, was built on the basis of the English time exploring aircraft of the First World War DH-9 with the Liberty Motor. Of course, by the time of his appearance, P-1 could be considered an outdated machine, but the Soviet Union too needed a reliable and simple sample of aviation equipment for mass production. In addition, the double intelligence officer could be used as a multi-purpose aircraft, for example, P-5 and P-Z, replacing the R-1 in the early 1930s, were actively used in a number of conflicts as light bombers and attack aircraft.

Evaluation of aircraft construction in the world

The main trends in the development of breeding aircraft during the war years can be reduced to the following: - Full and final refusal of Biplane schemes, sub-venerable monoplane and from three-dimensional scheme; - Careful aerodynamic "finishing" of a plane of an airplane due to the elimination or finalization of "trifles" causing additional resistance ; - introduction into the practice of laminated wing profiles (on fighters) and sealed cabin; - complication of landing mechanization (preds, slotted flaps, faucer flaps) to compensate for increased load on the wing; - transition to a three-wheeled chassis with a nasal support that provides the possibility of more efficient braking When running and simplifying planting equipment; - the use of cabbage lanterns on fighters, providing the best overview of the pilot; - the widespread distribution of booking and drilled tanks to increase the combat viability of aircraft; - improvement of devices for increasing the high-rise engines (distribution Annation of two-step centrifugal superchargers and turbocompressors); - introduction of forced modes of engine operation for short-term increase in aircraft power during take-off and in battle; - tendency to replace the two-blade air screw with a large number of blades; - replacement of machine guns of a rifle caliber large-caliber machine guns and cannon 20 and 30 mm; - the final displacement of open turret rifle installations with tower type settings (on some aircraft - with remote control); - the replacement of mechanical is aimed with gyroscopic; - installation on aircraft onboard radar for action in conditions of limited visibility; - Replacing unmanaged aviation missile shells with rockets Air-to-air and air-land (TAN.ko in Germany); - The use of catapult systems of the aircraft (only in Germany).

Ilya Muromets The world's first passenger plane

First Flight Year: 1913

Crew: 5-8 people

Passenger capacity: 16 people

Load capacity: 1100-1200 kg

Flight range: 500-600 km

The creator of this unique four-dimensional wooden airliner was the famous Russian aircraft designer Igor Sikorsky, who later emigrated to the United States and became famous as an outstanding American helicopter engineer. But the first glory of Sikorski brought His fighters, and truly legendary he became after the construction of "Ilya Muromets". It was not only the world's first four-dimensional plane. On him - and also for the first time in the world! - a specialized passenger salon appeared, in which one and a half dozen people could be located. It had glazing and doors to enter the surface of the lower wings, where, as expected, passengers could be carried out right in flight (then speeds allowed to do it almost safely). In addition, bedrooms, a bathroom with a toilet and even heating, which worked at the expense of engine exhaust gases was provided in the cabin.

The World World War began to "Ilya Muromets" become the first multi-component bomber in the world - and it was in this capacity that he was most famous. However, the plane still managed to peaceful service: six such cars in 1921 served the first postal-passenger line of Moscow-Eagle Kharkov in 1921 and 60 passengers and more than 2 tons of cargo transported.

Who first invented the plane

All these reasons became an apple of discord between the Rait brothers and the Brazilian designer Santos-Dumon in the aircraft championship. Brazilian managed to invent the plane, which could take off without help with the help of engines. It was successfully demonstrated in France in 1906. Therefore, Brazilians consider their countryman of Santos Dumon, the first inventor of the aircraft, although in many countries the championship is given to the Rait brothers.

Interest facts about aircraft:

The first commercial passenger flight was a hundred years ago - in 1914.
Do you know that the aircraft on the civil code of our country relate to real estate?
They say, rich their quirks. Recently, flights on combat fighters have become quite affordable entertainment, and the rates are included in the official price lists, for example, flight flight about half an hour at a height of 22 km costs $ 17,000.
According to the popular television regulations of Hollywood blockbusters, the heroes easily open the aircraft doors during the flight, and in fact, the doors are automatically blocked.
The black box in reality is not at all what most of us represents. It does not look like a black secret suitcase at all, in fact, this device has a rounded shape, and painted in bright colors, so that after the crash of the aircraft it was easier to detect, and the commodity name rather referred to the tragicity of what happened.
Very often, lightning falls into airplanes (which is known to be an electric discharge), but passengers do not even notice passengers during the flight, since all airliners have special antifungal protection.
The limit of height on which a person managed to climb by an airplane is 37,650 m.

In the following articles you can learn how the wheel came up and built.

A.F. Mozhaisian inventor of the first aircraft

Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaysky offered his ideas on the construction of an aircraft, but faced in Russia from bureaucracy, worn, illiteracy and misunderstanding officials. Because of the extreme need, he could not complete his device, but the authorities not only did not allocate money, but in every way prevented the construction of the apparatus. Alexander Fedorovich still achieved that part of the money was allocated, partially covered costs at the expense of their savings and sales of personal belongings. Mozhaisky received even a patent for the invention in 1881.

He completed the device, and the flight took place, it was July 20, 1882. The result was modest: the plane acted on the wooden flooring, took off and flew quite a bit very little. Managed his assistant, mechanic I.N. Golubev. The experiment was positive and argued that flights are possible. The device was not perfect, and it understood Mozhaisky. He knew in which direction you need to work, but after three years the experimenter died. The authorities have also tried to classify the invention of the Russian scientist and did everything forget about him. The plane was also not preserved, he was transported to the estate Mozhaisk, then, in 1896 he burned down.

take off of the Mozhaysky aircraft (from the drawing of the famous pilot K. Arzulova)

Russians fairly consider A.F. Mozhaisk Pioneer Aviation. The invaluable experience and operation of the inventor were used by Russian designers when building Russian Vityaz aircraft, Ilya Muromets, Svyatogor in 1913-1915.

As you can see, it is impossible to specifically answer the question who invented the first aircraft. If you figure it out, the aviation originated and developed due to the enthusiasm of many fanatics. All of them are eligible for recognition. In conclusion, look at the flight of the flight of the aircraft 14-bis Alberto Santos-Dorma. Of course, this is not a real plane, but its copy.

First military airplanes

The prototypes of Flyer Brothers Wright and the aircraft Santos Dumont were used for military purposes.

If the brothers initially pursued the purpose of the invention of the technique, which would give the advantage of the American army, then the Brazilian Santos Dumon was against the use of aviation for military purposes. Despite this, his work served as a starting point for creating a number of aircraft, which were then used during the war. Interestingly, Mozhaisky initially also pursued the construction of an aircraft, which would be used for military purposes.

The first jet plane appeared in the midst of the Second World War.

On the flights of Wright brothers on their airplanes

His first airplane brothers Wright, Wilber and Orville called "Flyer-1". It was constructed with an internal combustion engine of its own development and carried out his test, its first flight in 1903. Small achievements were at that car, just a plane rose for one and a half meters and flew 37 meters, but it was proved that flights are possible.

The experiment was a success (this happened December 17, 1903) Despite the fact that there was a strong wind, the device slid on the guide rail and was controlled in accelerating the primitive catapult.

Brothers Wright strengthened in their faith to build a plane and continued to work, calculations conducted and finalized their car. In October 1905, regular tests of the aircraft were held, which was assigned the name "Flyer-3". This aircraft flew as much as 39.5 km in 40 minutes. Airplane ruled Wilber. It was his last and longest flight. The brothers had witnesses of their flight, including among their friends and local farmers.

Local journalists missed this historic moment, and now no one will say, in which year the first aircraft was built. Photos also preserved little, although some of them brothers Wright did yet. The most important thing is that they understood after the last flight - they built an aircraft that fully manage in flight and can land.

Planner of 1900. Photos with a pilot does not exist

It was the idea of \u200b\u200bmanaging an aircraft embodied in practice, made possible further development of aircraft construction. Therefore, the brothers Ryne give the championship in this invention.

However, it will not be unfair to not remember other applicants for the invention of the world's first aircraft.

Orville in Kitty Hawk with the planner of 1901, the nose of the device is directed up; he did not have a tail

Who was the first

Wright brothers

Most often, the creators of the first aircraft in the world are called Americans of the Wilbur Brothers and Orville Wright. There are many evidence that it is already up to the flight of Orville Wright on December 17, 1903, other pilots made successful flights. But the Right brothers documented well and photographed their flights. In addition, they approached the design of the construction of airplanes with great care, carefully fixing all the results of their works.

The main driving force in the Duet of Wright brothers was Orville, although Wilbur began to be interested in the first to be interested in aviation. It was he who in 1899 after the death of the famous aeronaut of Otto Lilientall began to collect literature on aviation. When Orville joined the case, the brothers began their way to glory.

By creating your plane (they called him "Flyer" without a clause, from the English verb Fly - "fly"), the Rait brothers along the way did a huge research work. After calculating, they decided that the power of the existing engine and strength of materials for the flight is enough. But on the control of the aircraft in flight to the brothers, no one thought, which often led to injury and deaths. The invention of the control system brothers, which allowed the aircraft not only to make small maneuvers, but also to resist the side wind. Only conducting the testing of the management system on the personally constructed air sneakers and glider, they decided on the piloted flight.

December 14, 1903 "Flyer", piloted by winning this right to Orel Wilburo collapsed to Earth immediately after the separation from the guide rails due to a pilot error. Three days later, Orville was lucky more, and the flight 36.5 meters is now considered the first in the history of aviation.

Subsequently, the Right brothers continued to work on airplanes, at the same time trying to get financing from US governments and other countries. Without receiving money from the authorities, they patented their aircraft management system, attracted a firm for military equipment to the sales, and their cases dramatically went uphill. Their airplanes were sold in unprecedented prices of 25 and 30,000 dollars. MiG Triumfa came in October 1909. In front of the millions of public who celebrated the anniversary of the opening of the Hudson River, Wilbar Wright flew along the river within the borders of New York, and then flew out the statue of freedom.

Alexander Mozhaisk

The aircraft of the Russian engineer Alexander Mozhaysky rose into the air for twenty years earlier than the "Flyer". And the flying machine Mozhaysky was where how much more like modern airplanes than the fruit of the works of the Rait brothers. On July 20, 1882, the mechanic I. Golubev, who piloting the plane was able to break away from the ground and make a short flight.

However, the championship of Mozhaisk was not properly recorded at once for two reasons. The engineer himself considered only an ordinary test, not standing by Fanfar. And later, he has exhausted funding and could not continue working on an aircraft. Nevertheless, the scientific community recognizes that Technically Mozhaysky plane was developed at a very high level.

Interestingly, at the end of the 20th century, scientists conducted aerodynamic tests of the model of the Mozhaisk aircraft. They showed that for a full flight, the correctly designed device did not have enough power of the engines.

Alberto Santos Dimon was born and died in Brazil, but the main success in aeronautics and aviation achieved in France. Supporters of the fact that it was Santos-Dimon who was the creator of the first aircraft, argued his version that his aircraft for the start did not use a strong counter wind (as the plane of Wright brothers), the accelerated plane (like the Mozhaysky aircraft) or catapult. Accordingly, they consider the year of the invention of the aircraft to be considered 1906, when Santos-Dramon made his first flight.

Santos-Dimon acquired a huge popularity, flying on balloons and airships. He created an image of a lightweight dandy-athlete. By collecting a whole collection of monetary and other prizes for the establishment of records, the miniature Brazilian began in the highest light. I was happy to meet with pleasure and supported the friendship of rich and the power of Imumb.

However, a deep mind was hiding behind the sputum appearance of Santos-Dumon. For his 14-bis aircraft, he has created a control system with predecessors of perfect aileons. He constantly worked on the technological assembly of aircraft and an increase in the specific power of the engines.

On October 23, 1906, he flew to 60 meters in the presence of dozens of spectators. The plane Santos-Dumon took off and sat on his own, without dropping the chassis, which still allows you to consider it precisely by his pioneer of aviation.

Eagle and Wilber Wright, two brothers from the city of Dayton in Ohio, the first to make a good flight on a motor vehicle, which was heavier than air. And this event happened on December 17, 1903 near Kil Devil Hills in North Carolina.

The first airway, in which the pilot was ordered, continued 12 seconds and had a length of 120 feet. "Flyer" Rait brothers with a wing of 40 feet was driven by a light four-cylinder engine operating on gasoline. This engine capacity of 12 horsepower rotated through the chain drive aircraft aircraft. One of the main features of the "flyer" was the flexible ends of the wings, which could be bent to control the aircraft.

Engine brothers Wright.

Brothers Wright were specialists in the manufacture of bicycles. When they managed to create an easy gasoline engine, they understood where it was best to apply it. The chain transmission attached to their engine coarsed in opposite directions two air screws.

Right brothers air screws

The air screws of Writovsky "Flyer" were made of ate. They had the same cross-section form as the wing of their aircraft. And consequently, similar aerodynamic properties. With these screws, about 65% of the engine power passed into flight energy. Currently, the air screws have a useful effect of not more than 85%.

Flyer Management "Flyer"

Noticing that the birds manage their flight, change the direction of the tips of the wings, Wright decided to copy nature in the "Flyer" design. The lunas of his wings could move from side to side. At the same time, the ends of the wings were also leaked into the one or the other side, which made it possible to make turns to the right and left. And for a set of height or reduction, a control lever was used.

The ancient dream of people was carried out when Flyer rose into the air.

Management system in the plane brothers Wright

Before the wings were strengthened dual wings of heights. With their help, a set of height and decline was carried out. A similar design, known now called Canary, makes a sustainable flight of an airplane at low speeds. Unlike modern air liners, whose heights are located in the stern, the "flyer" they were in front. And if his nose looked too high, the heights were exhibited before the wings, which smoothly lowered the nose book and returned the balance of the balance.

The very first aircraft in the world

Chinese legend

The Chinese legend says that for more than 1000 years ago a certain scientist flew into the air on the chair equipped with a multitude of rockets to create a lifting thrust. As this experiment ended, the legend shuddly silent: "He took off on the sky and remained there." Are attempts made to repeat this experience, and whether they were successful among them - there are no documentary evidence. But it is just known that the history of most technical inventions is the history of time, competition and the general technical level of the development of society.

Invent anything significant (or similar to significant) is quite possible. For example, Leonardo da Vinci invented on paper and parachute, and the helicopter, and the tank - just had to wait for the twentieth century, so that all of these inventions were embodied in metal, tissues and plastic.

When were the foundations of aerodynamics?

The end of the XIX century was marked by a rapid interest in the technique in general and to aircraft in particular. Dozens of single inventors worked out their technical masterpieces in handicraft workshops. Some of them became famous and remained in mind, he did not recognize the world at all. Entering the controversy about the first aircraft in the world, they involuntarily become a member of the sluggish current century-old battle, for the championship of the invention of the aircraft heavier than air.

The basics of aerodynamics were laid in technical books and brochures of the end of the XIX century. Inventors studied on them, the creators of toy models worked on them. I have done at least some success, it is impossible not to mention the name of the Russian sailor A.F. Mozhaysky, who over many technical parameters ahead of his time. He first equipped his model by Aileron, he created light and effective steam engines, was able to bring his brainchild to tests on July 20, 1882 in a red village in conditions of strict secrecy. The model with the tester flew only 10-12 meters and the wing was damaged during the landing. Mozhaisky himself rated the test results as good, but the Commission had a different opinion. Because A.F. Mozhaisky received generous government financing, it is not surprising that after such tests it was discontinued. In some ways, members of the Commission were right - historical experience showed that it is impossible to create a full-fledged aircraft on steam rod. But with secrecy moved.

Aviation Birthday

At the beginning of the 20th century, the construction of controlled devices is rapidly developing, and airship is rapidly developing, and all attempts to build a plane end failure. Mechanics V. Cress, L. Levasser, S. Lengley - Only some of the victims of failure on this thorny path into the sky. Yes, some of their models were jumped, broke away from the ground, some designs endured a catastrophe with human victims, but it was not able to achieve stable, repeated results of them from them. At that on December 17, 1903, when the Wilber Brothers and Orvill Wright (Wilbur Wright; 1867-1912 And Orville Wright; 1871-1948) In secret, they experienced their design on the deserted beach and flew from the first attempt to 37 m, and from the fourth already 259.7 m, it is considered the birthday of modern aviation. As they say politically correct historians of technology: "Flyer-1 - The aircraft design of Wright brothers was the first aircraft heavier than air with a gasoline engine that could take off and land. "

By the way, the most first aircraft were not the aircraft.

Mikhail R. Vom, samogo.net

Mozhaissky aircraft

The draft of its aircraft scientist presented for consideration back in 1876. Mozhaisky faced a misunderstanding of officials of the Military Ministry, as a result he did not allocate funds for continued research.

Despite this, the scientist continued to develop, investing his own funds, because of which the construction of the Mozhaisk aircraft prototype was delayed for many years.

Mozhaysky plane was built in 1882. The first tests of the aircraft ended with a catastrophe, but the witnesses argue that the aircraft still rose for some distance from the Earth before wreking.

Since there is no documentary confirmation of flight, consider Mozhaysky the first person who has committed a flight by plane cannot be. However, the development of the scientist served as the basis for the development of aviation.

The homeland passenger aircraft is Russia. The first in the history of aviation passenger aircraft was the Russian "Ilya Muromets". The design of the Sikorsky design, converted to a passenger from the bombarder, was equipped with a comfortable interior, restaurant, separate bedrooms and even bathroom. On the "Muromster" there was heating and electricity. For the first time, the plane rose into the air on December 10, 1913, in February 1914 a demonstration flight with 16 passengers on board was performed. In June of the same year, the plane set a range of a distance, making a flight from St. Petersburg to Kiev and back all with one intermediate landing. The beginning of the First World War and the Civil War in Russia prevented the further development of domestic civil aviation.

The second passenger aircraft was the American Ford Trimotor. It was equipped with three piston motors (two on the wings and one on the nose) and took 8 passengers aboard. Trimotor was produced from 1925 to 1933. Thanks to its reliability, the aircraft was used for many years after the end of production. In the mid-30s, the production of DC-3 began, which became the most massive passenger aircraft in the history. It was made in particular for the needs of the US Army and Allies during World War II as C-47 Skytrain (Dacota). The plane took on board 21-32 passengers. DC-3 was performed under license and in the USSR under the designation of PS-84 / Li-2. The most popular aircraft in the pre-war Europe was Junkers Ju52 / 3m. Significant distribution received passenger hydrosapolines.
At the end of the war, the creation of multi-power passenger aircraft based on gliders of heavy bombers was characterized by the leading design bureau. In the 50s, the era of jet airliners began. The first such aircraft became the British de Havilland Comet, which rose in the air on July 27, 1949. However, after the series of disasters, the airliner in 1954 was temporarily removed from flights and subjected to serious upgrades. Leadership in the field of reactive passenger aviation has passed to the Soviet Union with the Tu-104 airliner (first flight on June 17, 1955) and the United States with Boeing 707 (first flight on July 15, 1954) created on the basis of military aircraft.

The future development of civil aviation has become wide-body aircraft. The American Boeing 747 was the first wide-body aircraft rising in the air in 1969. Two-candy airbus A380 was the biggest wide-body aircraft, which made the first flight on April 27, 2005. At the end of the 60s of the 20th century, the first supersonic aircraft appeared - Soviet Tu-144 And the English-French Concorde. However, they did not achieve commercial success, becoming rather symbols of the prestige of national aviation industries. Tu-144 After a few disasters, it was removed from operation. Concord served until 2003, but the catastrophe in 2000 turned out to be fatal and for this aircraft, also derived from operation.

Modern passenger aircraft outwardly little are different from those that appeared in the 60s. Nowadays, the main emphasis is on the improvement of aircraft engines in order to increase the fuel efficiency and reduce the level of noise, the improvement of avionics and facilitate the design of the glider by applying the materials of the new generation, including on the basis of composites.

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The man always dreamed of flights, but at the same time he understood that he could not do it like a bird, therefore need an aircraft. And here are some smart and brave inventors in the XIX century approached their goal. The story has kept several names of such experimenters who tried to build the world's first plane. Most countries recognized the championship in the invention of the aircraft behind the Wright brothers. As it was, we will describe in this article, as well as tell about other scientists who have invented the first aircraft.

Airplane Mozhaissky

His first airplane brothers Wright, Wilber and Orville called "Flyer-1". It was constructed with an internal combustion engine of its own development and carried out his test, its first flight in 1903. Small achievements were at that car, just a plane rose for one and a half meters and flew 37 meters, but it was proved that flights are possible.

The experiment was a success (this happened December 17, 1903) Despite the fact that there was a strong wind, the device slid on the guide rail and was controlled in accelerating the primitive catapult.

Brothers Wright strengthened in their faith to build a plane and continued to work, calculations conducted and finalized their car. In October 1905, regular tests of the aircraft were held, which was assigned the name "Flyer-3". This aircraft flew as much as 39.5 km in 40 minutes. Airplane ruled Wilber. It was his last and longest flight. The brothers had witnesses of their flight, including among their friends and local farmers.

Local journalists missed this historic moment, and now no one will say, in which year the first aircraft was built. Photos also preserved little, although some of them brothers Wright did yet. The most important thing is that they understood after the last flight - they built an aircraft that fully manage in flight and can land.

Planner of 1900. Photos with a pilot does not exist

It was the idea of \u200b\u200bmanaging an aircraft embodied in practice, made possible further development of aircraft construction. Therefore, the brothers Ryne give the championship in this invention.

However, it will not be unfair to not remember other applicants for the invention of the world's first aircraft.

Orville in Kitty Hawk with the planner of 1901, the nose of the device is directed up; he did not have a tail

Alberto Santos-Dumont

The debate on the championship of the invention is between Alberto and the brothers Wright. In Brazil, it is he who is considered the inventor of the aircraft.

Alberto Santos-Dumont is an inventor of balloons, airship, he was able to manage these devices. Waking up the devices heavier than air and understanding their future, he finished work on one of his projects in 1905. In October 1906, he tried his experimental aircraft, called 14-BIS. The device flew at an altitude of 2-3 meters a distance of 60 meters, there were many witnesses. He climbed into the air in quiet windless weather with only its engine.

Santos-Dormut did not stop at the achieved, and his next project was the Demoiselle monoplan. The device had a length of 8 meters, the wing span of 5 meters, weighed 110 kg, easily overcome 200 meters at a speed of 100 km / h. The inretal constantly refined and improved its device, periodically making flights on it. The latter of its achievements were flights for 8 and 18 km on aircraft with two-cylinder engines.

Santos-Dormut did not make secrets and its inventions, providing drawings in the magazine "Mechanics" for young novice aviators. The experimenter rightly believed that the aviation was a great future.

Now you know about what time the first aircraft was built, but the Russian inventor was not mentioned, who also worked on the invention of the aircraft and did it for two decades earlier than the Rait brothers

A.F. Mozhaisky - inventor of the first aircraft

Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaysky offered his ideas on the construction of an aircraft, but faced in Russia from bureaucracy, worn, illiteracy and misunderstanding officials. Because of the extreme need, he could not complete his device, but the authorities not only did not allocate money, but in every way prevented the construction of the apparatus. Alexander Fedorovich still achieved that part of the money was allocated, partially covered costs at the expense of their savings and sales of personal belongings. Mozhaisky received even a patent for the invention in 1881.

He completed the device, and the flight took place, it was July 20, 1882. The result was modest: the plane acted on the wooden flooring, took off and flew quite a bit very little. Managed his assistant, mechanic I.N. Golubev. The experiment was positive and argued that flights are possible. The device was not perfect, and it understood Mozhaisky. He knew in which direction you need to work, but after three years the experimenter died. The authorities have also tried to classify the invention of the Russian scientist and did everything forget about him. The plane was also not preserved, he was transported to the estate Mozhaisk, then, in 1896 he burned down.

Take off of the Mozhaysky aircraft (from the drawing of the famous pilot K. Arzulova)

Russians fairly consider A.F. Mozhaisk Pioneer Aviation. The invaluable experience and operation of the inventor were used by Russian designers when building Russian Vityaz aircraft, Ilya Muromets, Svyatogor in 1913-1915.

As you can see, it is impossible to specifically answer the question who invented the first aircraft. If you figure it out, the aviation originated and developed due to the enthusiasm of many fanatics. All of them are eligible for recognition. In conclusion, look at the flight of the flight of the aircraft 14-bis Alberto Santos-Dorma. Of course, this is not a real plane, but its copy.

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