Abstract reactive movement. Report: Reactive Movement in Nature and Technology Message Report Jet Movement in Engineering

Reactive movement in nature and in the technique is a very common phenomenon. In nature, it occurs when one part of the body is separated at a certain speed of some other part. At the same time, the reactive force appears without the interaction of a given organism with external bodies.

In order to understand what we are talking about, it is best to refer to examples. In nature and technology are numerous. First we will talk about how animals use it, and then how it is used in the technique.

Jellyfish, dragonfly larvae, plankton and mollusks

Many, swimming in the sea, met jellyfish. In the Black Sea of \u200b\u200bthem, in any case, grabs. However, not everyone was thinking that jellyfish moves just with the help of a reactive movement. The larvae of dragonfly is resorted to the same way, as well as some representatives of the sea plankton. The efficiency of invertebrates, which use it, is often much higher than that of the technical inventions.

Many mollusks are moving in the way you are interested in. As an example, you can bring Caracatians, squid, octopus. In particular, the marine mollusk-scallop is able to move forward using a reactive stream of water, which is thrown out of the sink, when its sash is sharply compressed.

And these are only a few examples of the life of the animal world, which can be brought, revealing the topic: "reactive movement in everyday life, nature and technique."

How Karakatitsa moves

Very interesting in this regard and Caracatia. Like a plurality of challenges, it moves in water using the next mechanism. Through a special funnel, which is ahead of the body, and through the side crack of Caracatia takes water into his gill cavity. Then she energetically throws her through the funnel. Craakatian funnel tube directs back or sideways. The movement can be carried out in different directions.

The method that Salpa uses

Curious and the way that Salp uses. So called a marine animal having a transparent body. Salp when moving pulls water using the front opening for this. Water turns out to be in a wide cavity, and inside it diagonally there are gills. The hole closes when Salp makes a big sip of water. Its transverse and longitudinal muscles are reduced, the entire body of the animal is compressed. Through the rear opening the water is pushed out. An animal moves forward due to the reaction of the flowing jet.

Squid - "live torpedoes"

The most interest is perhaps the jet engine that has a squid. This animal is considered the largest representative of invertebrates living on large ocean depths. In the reactive navigation, the squid reached this perfection. Even the body of these animals resembles a rocket with its external forms. Rather, this rocket is copied by squid, since it belongs to the undisputed championship in this matter. If you need to move slowly, the animal uses a large rhombid fin for this, which is bent from time to time. If a quick throw is needed, a jet engine comes to the rescue.

On all sides, the body of the mollusk surrounds the mantle - muscle tissue. Almost half of all the volume of the animal body falls on the volume of its cavity. Kalmar uses a mantle cavity to move, sucking water inside it. Then he dramatically throws the scorched water stream through a narrow nozzle. As a result, he moves back at high speed. At the same time, squid folds all its 10 tentacles to the knot above his head in order to purchase a streamlined form. As part of the nozzle there is a special valve, and the animal muscles can turn it. Thus, the direction of movement changes.

Impressive speed of squid

It must be said that the squid engine is very economical. The speed he is capable of developing can reach 60-70 km / h. Some researchers even believe that it can reach up to 150 km / h. As you can see, squid is not in vain called "live torpedo". It can turn to the desired side, flexing down, up, left or right tentacles folded with a beam.

How Kalmar manages the movement

Since compared with the size of the animal, the steering wheel is very large, so that squid can easily avoid a collision with an obstacle, even moving at maximum speed, just a minor steering movement. If it is sharply turned, the animal will immediately surrender in the opposite direction. Squid is curves back the end of the funnel and as a result of this can slide head forward. If he displays it to the right, it will be discarded to the left with a jet jet. However, when it is necessary to swim quickly, the funnel is always right between the tentacles. An animal in this case rushes a tail forward, like a run-speed cancer, if he had a rudeness of the hill.

In the case when it is not necessary to hurry, Caracatians and squid float, indulging with fins. Front-back miniature waves run on them. Squids and Caracatians gracefully slide. They only pushed themselves with a jet of water, which is thrown out of their mantle. Separate shocks that mollusk gets when weaving water jets, at such moments are well noticeable.

Flying squid

Some cephalopions are able to accelerate to 55 km / h. It seems that no one has carried out direct measurements, but we can call such a figure based on the range and flight speed of the flying squid. It turns out that there are such. Kalmar Wainhetis is the best pilot of all mollusks. English sailors are called his flying squid (Flying Skwid). This is an animal, the photo of which is presented above, has a small size, approximately with herring. He so rapidly pursues fish, which often pops up from the water, rushing the arrow above her surface. It uses such a trick in the case when he threatens the danger from predators - mackerels and tunses. Developing the maximum reactive craving in water, the squid starts into the air, and then flies more than 50 meters above the waves. With its flight it is so high that often flying squid falls on decks of vessels. The height is 4-5 meters for them - by no means a record. Sometimes flying squid take off even above.

Dr. Rice, an explorer of mollusks from the UK, in his scientific article described the representative of these animals, the length of the body of which was only 16 cm. However, he was able to fly a fair distance through the air, after which she landed on the yacht bridge. And the height of this bridge was almost 7 meters!

There are cases when a lot of flying squid is collected on the ship. Trebius Niger, an antique writer, once told a sad story about the vessel, which as if he could not withstand the severity of these marine animals and sank. Interestingly, squid can take off even without acceleration.

Flying octopus

Octopuses also have the ability to fly. Jean Verani, French Naturalist, watched, as one of them broke up in his aquarium, and then suddenly jumped out of the water. An animal described in the air the arc about 5 meters, and then flopped into the aquarium. Octopus, dialing the speed necessary for the jump, moved not only due to the reactive thrust. He also pages with his tentacles. Octopuses bagged, so they float worse than squid, but in critical minutes and these animals are able to give odds to the best spripers. Californian aquarium workers wanted to make an octopus photo that attacks the crab. However, they spruit, rushing to her prey, developed such a speed that photographs even when using a special regime turned out to be blurred. This means that the throw lasted the fractions of the second!

However, octopuses are usually floating quite slowly. Scientist Joseph Sainl, who explored the migration of the spruits, found out that the octopus, the size of which is 0.5 m, swims with an average speed of approximately 15 km / h. Each jet of water, which he throws out of the funnel, promotes it forward (more precisely, to say, because it floats back in advance) somewhere on 2-2.5 m.

"Squirting cucumber"

The reactive movement in nature and in the technique can be viewed and using examples from the world of plants to illustrate. One of the most famous - the mature fruits of the so-called they bounce off the frozen at the slightest touch. Then, from the resulting as a result of this opening, a special adhesive liquid is ejected in which seeds are located. The cucumber itself departs in the opposite side to a distance of up to 12 m.

Law of preserving impulse

Be sure to tell about it, considering the reactive movement in nature and in the technique. Knowledge allows us to change, in particular, our own speed of movement, if we are in the open space. For example, you are sitting in a boat and you have several stones with you. If you throw them in a certain direction, the movement of the boat will be carried out in the opposite direction. This law also applies in outer space. However, there for this purpose apply

What else can be noted examples of reactive movement in nature and technology? A very good impulse conservation law is illustrated by the example of a gun.

As you know, the shot of it is always accompanied by the return. Suppose the weight of the bullet would be equal to the weight of the rifle. In this case, they would scatulate on the sides with the same speed. The return happens because the reactive force is created, as there is a discarded mass. Thanks to this force, movement is ensured in both airless space and in the air. The greater the speed and the mass of expiring gases, the power of the return, which our shoulder feels, more. Accordingly, the reactive force is the higher, the stronger the reaction of the gun.

Dreams of Space Flying

The reactive movement in nature and in the technique has been the source of new ideas for scientists for many years. Many centuries mankind dreamily about flights into space. The use of reactive movement in nature and technique, you need to assume, did not exhausted yourself.

It all started with dreams. Science fiction writers several centuries ago offered us various means how to achieve this desired goal. In the 17th century Sirano de Bergerac, the French writer, created a story about flight to the moon. His hero got to the satellite of the Earth using the iron wagon. Over this design, he constantly threw a strong magnet. The wagon, attracting him, climbed over the ground everything is higher and higher. In the end, she reached the moon. Another famous character, Baron Münhhausen, climbed onto the moon on Bob Stumble.

Of course, at this time there was still little it is known about how the use of reactive movement in nature and technique can ease life. But the flight of fantasy, definitely, opened new horizons.

On the way to the outstanding discovery

In China at the end of 1 Millennium N. e. Invented the reactive movement, resulting in the action of the rocket. The latter were simply bamboo tubes that were stuffed by gunpowder. These rockets were launched for fun. The jet engine was used in one of the first car projects. This idea belonged to Newton.

About how the reactive movement in nature and the technique arises, and N.I. Kibalchich. This is a Russian revolutionary, the author of the first draft reactive aircraft, which is intended for a person's flight on it. The revolutionary, unfortunately, was executed on April 3, 1881. Kibalchica was accused of attempting to Alexander II. Already in prison, in anticipation of the execution of the death sentence, he continued to study such an interesting phenomenon as a reactive movement in nature and in a technique that occurs when separating the part of the object. As a result of these surveys, he developed his project. Kibalchich wrote that this idea supports him in his position. He is ready to calmly meet his death, knowing that such an important discovery will not die with him.

Space flight idea

The manifestation of the reactive movement in nature and the technique continued to study K. E. Tsiolkovsky (photo is presented above). Even at the beginning of the 20th century, this great Russian scientist suggested the idea of \u200b\u200busing missiles for space flight purposes. His article dedicated to this issue appeared in 1903. It featured a mathematical equation that became the most important for astronautics. It is known in our time as "the formula of Tsiolkovsky." This equation described the movement of the body having a variable mass. In his further works, he introduced a scheme of a rocket engine operating on liquid fuel. Tsiolkovsky, studying the use of reactive movement in nature and technology, has developed a multistage rocket design. He also belongs to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibility of creating entire space cities in the near-earth orbit. That discoveries came to the scientist, studying the reactive movement in nature and technology. Rockets, as Tsiolkovsky showed, are the only devices that can overcome the rocket it determined as a mechanism having a jet engine that uses fuel and oxidizer. This apparatus transforms the chemical energy of the fuel, which becomes the kinetic energy of the gas jet. The rocket itself begins to move in the opposite direction.

Finally, scientists, having studied the reactive movement of bodies in nature and technique, moved to practice. There was a large-scale task of selling a long-standing dream of mankind. And a group of Soviet scientists, headed by Academician S. P. Queen, coped with her. She implemented the idea of \u200b\u200bTsiolkovsky. The first artificial satellite of our planet was launched in the USSR on October 4, 1957. Naturally, the rocket was used.

Yu. A. Gagarin (in the photo above) was a man who fell out the first to fly in outer space. This is an important event for the world occurred on April 12, 1961. Gagarin on the satellite ship "Vostok" flew around the whole globe. The USSR was the first state whose rockets reached the moon, flew around her and photographed the side, invisible from the ground. In addition, both Russians visited Venus for the first time. They brought scientific devices to the surface of this planet. American Astronaut Neil Armstrong is the first person who visited the surface of the moon. He landed on it on July 20, 1969. In 1986, "Vega-1" and "Vega-2" (ships belonging to the USSR) were investigated from a close distance of Comet Gallei, which is approaching the Sun only every 76 years. The study of space continues ...

As you can see, a very important and useful science is physics. Jet Movement in Nature and Technology is just one of the interesting questions that are considered in it. And the achievements of this science are very and very significant.

How in our days is a reactive movement in nature and in the technique

In physics, in the past few centuries, especially important discoveries were made. While nature remains almost unchanged, the technique is developing a rapid pace. Nowadays, the principle of reactive movement is widely used not only by various animals and plants, but also in astronautics and in aviation. In outer space, there is no medium that the body could use to interact to change the module and direction of its speed. That is why only rockets can be used for flights in airless space.

Today, reactive movement in everyday life, nature and technology is actively used. It is no longer a mystery as before. However, humanity should not stop there. New horizons ahead. I want to believe that the reactive movement in nature and technology, briefly described in the article, inspire someone to new discoveries.

Jet Movement in Nature and Technology

Physics abstract

Jet propulsion - Movement that occurs when separating from the body at some speed of any part of it.

The reactive force occurs without any interaction with external bodies.

Application of reactive movement in nature

Many of us in our life met while swimming in the sea with jellyfish. In any case, in the Black Sea they are enough. But few people thought that jellyfish for movement enjoy the jet movement. In addition, it is precisely how dragonfly larvae and some types of sea plankton are moving. And often the efficiency of marine invertebrates when using the reactive movement is much higher than that of technical inventions.

The reactive movement is used by many mollusks - octopus, squid, Caracatar. For example, a marine mollusk-scallop moves forward due to the reactive strength of the water jet, thrown out of the sink with a sharp compression of its sash.



Caracatia, like most challenges of mollusks, moves in water as follows. She takes water into a gill cavity through the side slit and a special funnel in front of the body, and then energetically throws the water stream through the funnel. Karakatitsa directs a funnel tube in the side or back and rapidly squeezing out water from her can move in different directions.

Salpa is a marine animal with a transparent body, when moving takes water through the front hole, and the water falls into a wide cavity, inside which the gills are stretched in diagonally. As soon as the animal makes a big sip of the water, the hole closes. Then the longitudinal and transverse muscles of the slips are reduced, the whole body is compressed, and water through the rear hole is ejected out. The reaction of the flowing jet pushes the salge forward.

The jet squid jet is the greatest interest. Squid is the largest invertebrate inhabitant of ocean depths. Squids reached higher perfection in reactive navigation. They even have the body with their external forms copies the rocket (or it is better to say - the rocket copies a squid, since it belongs to the undisputed priority in this matter). With a slow movement, Kalmar enjoys a large rhombid fin, periodically bending. For a rapid throw, it uses a jet engine. Muscular fabric - mantle surrounds the body of the mollusk from all sides, the volume of its cavity is almost half the body of a squid. An animal sucks water inside the mantle cavity, and then sharply throws the water stream through a narrow nozzle and moves back at high speed. At the same time, all ten tental squid gather to the knot above his head, and it acquires a streamlined form. The nozzle is equipped with a special valve, and the muscles can rotate it, changing the direction of movement. The squid engine is very economical, it is able to develop speed up to 60 - 70 km / h. (Some researchers believe that even up to 150 km / h!) No wonder Squid is called "live torpedo". The flexing of the tentacles folded to the right, left, up or down, squid turns into one direction or the other. Since such a steering wheel, compared to the animal itself, has very large sizes, then it is enough of his minor movement so that squid, even at full speed, could easily dodge the collision with an obstacle. A sharp turn of the steering wheel - and the swimmer rushes in the opposite direction. Here he bent the end of the funnel back and slides now head forward. I arched it to the right - and the jet push threw it to the left. But when you need to sail quickly, the funnel always sticks out straight between the tentacles, and Squid rushes a tail forward, how the cancer would be run - the gorge, endowed with the rudeness of the horse.

If you do not need to hurry, squid and cuttlefish float, aligning fin, the miniature waves run on them in front of the back, and the animal gracefully slides, occasionally pushing himself also with a jet of water thrown out of the mantle. Then the individual shoes are well noticeable that it gets the mollusk at the time of the eruption of water jets. Some cephalopions can develop speed up to fifty five kilometers per hour. Direct measurements seem to be nobody produced, but this can be judged by the speed and range of flight of the flying squid. And such, it turns out, there are talents in the native of the spruits! The best pilot among mollusks - Kalmar Wainhetis. English sailors call him - Flying Skwid ("Flying Squid"). This is a small animal with a herd size. He pursues fish with such a swiftness, which often pops up from the water, rushing over her surface. He resorts to this trick and saving his life from predators - tunats and mackerels. Developing in water the maximum reactive traction, the squid pilot starts into the air and flies over the waves more than fifty meters. Aptic flight of a living rocket is so high above the water that flying squid often falls on the decks of the ocean courts. Four to five meters are not a record height to which squid climbs. Sometimes they take off even higher.

English Researcher Mollusks Dr. Rica described in the scientific article of a squid (just 16 centimeters long), which, flew through the air, a fair distance, fell to the yacht bridge, towering over the water by almost seven meters.

It happens that a variety of flying squids falls on the ship with a sparkling cascade. Antique writer Trebius Niger once told a sad story about the ship, which would even sank under the weight of flying squid, falling on his deck. Squids can take off without acceleration.

Octopuses also know how to fly. French Naturalist Jean Verani saw the usual octopus dispersed in the aquarium and suddenly the back forward unexpectedly jumped out of the water. Describing in the air the arc of a length of meters in five, he flopped back to the aquarium. By typing the speed for the jump, the octopus was moving not only due to the reactive thrust, but also the panel of tentacles.
Burglaped octopuses float, of course, worse than squid, but in critical moments and they can show a record for the best sprinters class. Californian aquarium staff tried to photograph the octopus attacking the crab. Sprut rushed to prey with such a speed that on the film, even when shooting at the biggest speeds, lubricants were always turned out. So, the throw lasted hundredths of seconds! Usually octopus float relatively slowly. Joseph Sainl, who studied the migration of the spruits, calculated: the octopus is half the meter floats over the sea at an average speed of about fifteen kilometers per hour. Each jet of water, thrown out of the funnel, pushes it forward (or rather, back, since the octopus is floating backwards) by two - two and a half meters.

Reactive movement can be found in the world of plants. For example, the ripe fruits of "mad cucumber" with the easiest touch are bouncing from the fruits, and the adhesive liquid with seeds is thrown out of the resulting hole with force. The cucumber itself departs in the opposite direction to 12 m.

Knowing the impulse conservation law can change its own movement speed in the open space. If you are in the boat and you have some heavy stones, then throwing stones in a certain side you will move in the opposite direction. The same will be in outer space, but there are reactive engines for this.

Everyone knows that the shot from the gun is accompanied by the return. If the weight of the bullet would be the weight of the gun, they would scatulate at the same speed. The return occurs because the discarded weight of the gases creates a reactive force due to which movement can be provided both in air and in airless space. And the greater the mass and speed of expiring gases, the greater the power of the return feels our shoulder, the stronger the reaction of the gun, the greater the reactive force.

Application of reactive movement in the technique

For centuries, mankind dreamed of space flights. Science fiction writers offered a variety of means to achieve this goal. In the XVII century, the story of the French writer Sirano de Bergerac about flying to the moon appeared. The hero of this story got to the Moon in the iron wagon, over which he threw a strong magnet over which he threw. Attaching him, the wagon climbed above the ground, until she reached the moon. And Baron Münhhausen told that she climbed onto the moon on the stalk of Bob.

At the end of the first millennium, our era in China invented a reactive movement, which caused the rocket - bamboo tubes stuffed with gunpowder, they were also used as fun. One of the first car projects was also with a reactive engine and belonged to this project Newton

The author of the world's first project of a reactive aircraft intended for a person's flight was Russian revolutionary - N. Georital Kibalchich. He was executed on April 3, 1881 for participating in the attempted emperor Alexander II. He developed his project in prison after making a death sentence. Kibalchich wrote: "While in detention, a few days before his death, I am writing this project. I believe in the feasibility of my idea, and this faith supports me in my terrible position ... I calmly meet death, knowing that my idea would not die with me. "

The idea of \u200b\u200busing rockets for space flights was offered at the beginning of our century by Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. In 1903, an article appeared in print teacher Kaluga gymnasium KE Tsiolkovsky "Study of world spaces with reactive devices." This paper contained the most important mathematical equation for astronautics, now known as the "Tsiolkovsky formula", which described the movement of the body of the variable mass. In the future, he developed a rocket engine diagram on liquid fuel, offered a multi-stage rocket design, expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibility of creating entire space cities in an near-earth orbit. He showed that the only apparatus capable of overcoming gravity is a rocket, i.e. The apparatus with a jet engine using fuel and oxidizing agent on the device itself.

Jet engine - This is an engine that transforms the chemical energy of fuel into the kinetic energy of a gas jet, while the engine acquires the speed in the opposite direction.

The idea of \u200b\u200bK.E. Tsiolkovsky was carried out by Soviet scientists under the leadership of Academician Sergey Pavlovich Korolev. The first in the history of the Earth's artificial satellite with a missile was launched in the Soviet Union 4 October 1957

The principle of reactive movement is widely practical application in aviation and astronautics. In outer space, there is no medium with which the body could interact and thereby change the direction and module of its speed, therefore only reactive aircraft can be used for cosmic flights, i.e. rockets.

Rocket device

The rocket movement is based on the law of preserving the impulse. If at some point in time, some kind of body will be discarded from the rocket, it will acquire the same impulse, but directed in the opposite direction

In any rocket, regardless of its design, there is always a shell and fuel with an oxidizing agent. The rocket shell includes a useful cargo (in this case it is a spacecraft), dashboard and engine (combustion chamber, pumps, etc.).

The main mass of the rocket is fuel with an oxidizing agent (the oxidizer is needed to maintain the combustion of fuel, since there are no oxygen in space).

Fuel and oxidizer with pumps are served in the combustion chamber. Fuel, burning, turns into high temperature and high pressure gas. Due to the high difference in pressure in the combustion chamber and in outer space, the gases from the combustion chamber of the power tools are rushed out through the socket socket, called the nozzle. The appointment of the nozzle is to increase the speed of the jet.

Before starting the rocket, its impulse is zero. As a result of the interaction of gas in the combustion chamber and all other parts of the rocket, the gas escaped through nozzle receives some impulse. Then the rocket is a closed system, and its overall pulse must and after launch is zero. Therefore, the shell of the rocket is completely, which in it is located, it receives a pulse equal to the module of the gas pulse, but the opposite direction.

The most massive part of the rocket intended for the start and overclocking of the entire rocket is called the first step. When the first massive stage of the multi-stage rocket exhausts when all the stocks of fuel are accelerated, it is separated. Further overclocking continues the second, less massive stage, and to previously achieved with the first stage of the speed, it adds a certain speed, and then separated. The third stage continues to increase the speed to the required value and delivers useful load into orbit.

The first person who made a flight in outer space was a citizen of the Soviet Union Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. April 12, 1961 He flew around the globe on the East Satellite Ship

Soviet rockets were the first to reach the moon, flew off the moon and photographed it invisible from the ground to the side, first reached the planet Venus and brought scientific instruments on its surface. In 1986, two Soviet spacecraft "Vega-1" and "Vega-2" with a close distance were investigated by Comet Halley, approaching the Sun once every 76 years.

Jet propulsion - Movement that occurs when separating from the body at some speed of any part of it.

The reactive force occurs without any interaction with external bodies.

Application of reactive movement in nature

Many of us in our life met while swimming in the sea with jellyfish. In any case, in the Black Sea they are enough. But few people

focused that jellyfish for movement use the reactive movement. In addition, it is precisely how dragonfly larvae and some types of sea plankton are moving. And often the efficiency of marine invertebrates when using the reactive movement is much higher than that of technical inventions.

The reactive movement is used by many mollusks - octopus, squid, Caracatar. For example, a marine mollusk-scallop moves forward due to the reactive strength of the water jet, thrown out of the sink with a sharp compression of its sash.



Caracatia, like most challenges of mollusks, moves in water as follows. She takes water into a gill cavity through the side slit and a special funnel in front of the body, and then energetically throws the water stream through the funnel. Karakatitsa directs a funnel tube in the side or back and rapidly squeezing out water from her can move in different directions. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Salpa is a marine animal with a transparent body, when moving takes water through the front hole, and the water falls into a wide cavity, inside which the gills are stretched in diagonally. As soon as the animal makes a big sip of the water, the hole closes. Then the longitudinal and transverse muscles of the slips are reduced, the whole body is compressed, and water through the rear hole is ejected out. The reaction of the flowing jet pushes the salge forward.

The jet squid jet is the greatest interest. Squid is the largest invertebrate inhabitant of ocean depths. Squids reached higher perfection in reactive navigation. They even have the body with their external forms copies the rocket (or it is better to say - the rocket copies a squid, since it belongs to the undisputed priority in this matter). With a slow movement, Kalmar enjoys a large rhombid fin, periodically bending. For a rapid throw, it uses a jet engine. Muscular fabric - mantle surrounds the body of the mollusk from all sides, the volume of its cavity is almost half the body of a squid. An animal sucks water inside the mantle cavity, and then sharply throws the water stream through a narrow nozzle and moves back at high speed. At the same time, all ten tental squid gather to the knot above his head, and it acquires a streamlined form. The nozzle is equipped with a special valve, and the muscles can rotate it, changing the direction of movement. The squid engine is very economical, it is able to develop speed up to 60 - 70 km / h. (Some researchers believe that even up to 150 km / h!) No wonder Squid is called "live torpedo". The flexing of the tentacles folded to the right, left, up or down, squid turns into one direction or the other. Since such a steering wheel, compared to the animal itself, has very large sizes, then it is enough of his minor movement so that squid, even at full speed, could easily dodge the collision with an obstacle. A sharp turn of the steering wheel - and the swimmer rushes in the opposite direction. Here he bent the end of the funnel back and slides now head forward. I arched it to the right - and the jet push threw it to the left. But when you need to sail quickly, the funnel always sticks out straight between the tentacles, and Squid rushes a tail forward, how the cancer would be run - the gorge, endowed with the rudeness of the horse.

If you do not need to hurry, squid and cuttlefish float, aligning fin, the miniature waves run on them in front of the back, and the animal gracefully slides, occasionally pushing himself also with a jet of water thrown out of the mantle. Then the individual shoes are well noticeable that it gets the mollusk at the time of the eruption of water jets. Some cephalopions can develop speed up to fifty five kilometers per hour. Direct measurements seem to be nobody produced, but this can be judged by the speed and range of flight of the flying squid. And such, it turns out, there are talents in the native of the spruits! The best pilot among mollusks - Kalmar Wainhetis. English sailors call him - Flying Skwid ("Flying Squid"). This is a small animal with a herd size. He pursues fish with such a swiftness, which often pops up from the water, rushing over her surface. He resorts to this trick and saving his life from predators - tunats and mackerels. Developing in water the maximum reactive traction, the squid pilot starts into the air and flies over the waves more than fifty meters. Aptic flight of a living rocket is so high above the water that flying squid often falls on the decks of the ocean courts. Four to five meters are not a record height to which squid climbs. Sometimes they take off even higher.

English Researcher Mollusks Dr. Rica described in the scientific article of a squid (just 16 centimeters long), which, flew through the air, a fair distance, fell to the yacht bridge, towering over the water by almost seven meters.

It happens that a variety of flying squids falls on the ship with a sparkling cascade. Antique writer Trebius Niger once told a sad story about the ship, which would even sank under the weight of flying squid, falling on his deck. Squids can take off without acceleration.

Octopuses also know how to fly. French Naturalist Jean Verani saw the usual octopus dispersed in the aquarium and suddenly the back forward unexpectedly jumped out of the water. Describing in the air the arc of a length of meters in five, he flopped back to the aquarium. By typing the speed for the jump, the octopus was moving not only due to the reactive thrust, but also the panel of tentacles. Burglaped octopuses float, of course, worse than squid, but in critical moments and they can show a record for the best sprinters class. Californian aquarium staff tried to photograph the octopus attacking the crab. Sprut rushed to prey with such a speed that on the film, even when shooting at the biggest speeds, lubricants were always turned out. So, the throw lasted hundredths of seconds! Usually octopus float relatively slowly. Joseph Sainl, who studied the migration of the spruits, calculated: the octopus is half the meter floats over the sea at an average speed of about fifteen kilometers per hour. Each jet of water, thrown out of the funnel, pushes it forward (or rather, back, since the octopus is floating backwards) by two - two and a half meters.

Reactive movement can be found in the world of plants. For example, the ripe fruits of "mad cucumber" with the easiest touch are bouncing from the fruits, and the adhesive liquid with seeds is thrown out of the resulting hole with force. The cucumber itself departs in the opposite direction to 12 m.

Nomination "Enough Peace"

Preparing for the celebration of the New Year, I decorated with balloons with balloons. When I inflated the balls, then one of them broke out of the hands and flew from me at the opposite direction. I asked myself a question: What happened to the ball? Parents explained that this is a reactive movement. Does the ball fly just like a rocket?

Hypothesis,which I put forward during the study: perhaps the reactive movement occurs in nature and everyday life.

Goal Works:

  • explore the physical principles of reactive movement
  • to identify where a reactive movement is found in nature and everyday life.

To confirm or disprove my hypothesis, I set me tasks:

  • carry out experiments illustrating reactive movement
  • read the scientific and popular literature on reactive movement,
  • find the appropriate materials on the Internet,
  • create a presentation on this topic.


The reactive movement was used in the manufacture of first powder fireworks and signal missiles in China. At the end of the XVIII century, Indian troops in the fight against English colonizers used combat missiles on a black smoky powder. In Russia, powder missiles were adopted at the beginning of the XIX century.

During the Great Patriotic War, German troops were used by FAu-2 ballistic missiles, shelling British and Belgian cities. Soviet troops with great success used the installation of the "Katyusha" launcher.

Straoters of jet engines:

  • greek mathematician and mechanic Geron Alexandria (Appendix 2.1), the creator of the eolipial (heonon ball);
  • hungarian scientist Janos Segner (Appendix 2.3), which created "Segnerovo Wheel";
  • The first to apply the reactive movement for flights into space was offered by N. I. Kibalchich;
  • Further theoretical development of rocketing belongs to the Russian scientist Tsiolkovsky K.E.
  • His works were inspired by S.P. Korolev to create aircraft for a person's flight into space. Thanks to his ideas, for the first time in the world, the artificial satellite of the Earth was launched (04.10.57) and the first piloted ISS with a pilot - astronaut on board Yu.A. Gagarin (April 12, 1961).

Physical principles Jet Movement AND Rocket device

The reactive movement is based on the principle of action and counteraction: if one body affects the other, then at the same time it will act exactly the same force on it, but directed in the opposite direction.

I had an experience that proves that every action is equal to opposition. (video phrase)

Modern cosmic rocket is a very complex and heavy aircraft consisting of hundreds of thousands and millions of details. It consists of working body (i.e. hot gases formed by combustion of fuel and emitted in the form of a jet) and the final "dry" The mass of the rocket, remaining after the release from the rocket of hot gases (this is a rocket shell, i.e., system of life support systems of astronauts, equipment, etc.). To achieve cosmic velocities, multistage rockets are used. When the reactive gas jet is thrown out of the rocket, the rocket itself rushes in the opposite direction, accepted to the 1st cosmic speed: 8 km / s.

I had experience in the interaction of carts and proved that the greater the mass of fuel, the greater speed acquires the rocket. So for flights, space requires a huge amount of fuel.

Reactive movement in nature

So, where is the reactive movement occur in nature? Fish float, birds fly, the beasts run. It seems to be simple. No matter how. Hunt for the change of places in animals is not capricious, but a harsh necessity. Want to eat - I'll move to move. You do not want to eat you - I'll be able to sniff. To quickly move in space, you need to develop high speeds.

For this, for example, scallop- got a jet engine. It energetically throws water out of the sink and flies the distance, which is 10-20 times more of its own length! Salp, dragonfly larvae, fish- All of them use the principle of reactive movement, for moving in space. Octopus Develops speed up to 50 km / h and this is due to reactive traction. He even dries on land, because He has in this case a stock of water for the sinus. Squid - the largest invertebrate inhabitants of the ocean depths is moved according to the principle of jet propulsion.

Examples of reactive movement can be found in the world of plants. In southern countries (and on our Black Sea coast too) a plant grows entitled "squirting cucumber". It costs only slightly to touch the ripened fruit, similar to the cucumber, as it bounces off the fruit, and through the resulting opening of the fetus fetne at a speed of up to 10 m / s flies fluid with seeds. The cucumbers themselves fly away in the opposite direction. Shoots Cucumber (otherwise it is called the "Dame Pistol") by more than 12 m.

In everyday life soul by flexible hoseyou can see the manifestation of the reactive movement. It is only possible to put water into the shower, as a sprayer handle on the end is rejected into the opposite to the resulting jets of the side.

On the principle of reactive movement, the work of raincoats (Appendix 7.2) is based for watering landings in gardens and gardens. The water pressure rotates the head with water sprayers.

The principle of reactive movement helps movement plovman. The stronger the swimmer pushes the water back, the faster it floats. (Appendix 7.3)

Engineers have already created an engine similar to the squid engine. It is called a waterman. (Appendix 7.4)


In the course of work:

1. I found out that the principle of reactive movement is a physical law of action and counteraction

2. Experimentally confirmed the dependence of the velocity of the body of the body from the mass acting onto it of another body.

3. Make sure that the jet propulsion occurs in the art, life and nature and even cartoons.

4. Now, knowing about reactive movement, I can avoid many troubles, for example, jumping from the boat ashore, shooting from a gun, including shower, etc.

So, I can argue that hypothesis, Note I confirmed: the principle of reactive movement is very common in nature and everyday life.


  • Book for reading in physics 6-7 class. I.G.Kyrilova, - M: Education, 1978. -97-99
  • Physics - young for extracurricular reading grade 7. M.N. Alekseeva, -M: Enlightenment, 1980.- 113 with
  • Hello, Physics. L. Galperstein, -M: Children's literature, 1967. - 39-41c
  • Encyclopedia Science.A.Kreig, Krosni, -M: Rosman, 1997.- 29
  • Hi octopus.journal Misha, 1995, № 8, 12-13c
  • Feet, wings and even ... Jet engine. Misharynal Misha, 1995, No. 8, 14c
  • Wikipedia: -ru.wikipedia.org.

The use of reactive movement in nature Many of us in our life was met while swimming in the sea with jellyfish. But few people thought that jellyfish for movement enjoy the jet movement. And often the efficiency of marine invertebrate animals when using the reactive movement is much higher than that of techno inventions.

Karakatitsa Karakatitsa, like most challenges, moves in the water in the following way. She takes water into a gill cavity through the side slit and a special funnel in front of the body, and then energetically throws the water stream through the funnel. Karakatitsa directs a funnel tube in the side or back and rapidly squeezing out water from her can move in different directions.

Kalmar Kalmar is the largest invertebrate inhabitant of ocean depths. It moves on the principle of reactive movement, picking into the water, and then with a huge force pushing it through a special hole - "funnel", and at high speed (about 70 km / hour) moves backwards. At the same time, all ten tentacles squid gather to the knot above the head and it acquires a streamlined form.

Flying squid is a small animal size with herring. He pursues fish with such a swiftness, which often pops up from the water, rushing over her surface. Developing in water the maximum reactive traction, the squid pilot starts into the air and flies over the waves more than fifty meters. Aptic flight of a living rocket is so high above the water that flying squid often falls on the decks of the ocean courts. Four to five meters are not a record height to which squid climbs. Sometimes they take off even higher.

Octopus Octopuses also know how to fly. French Naturalist Jean Verani saw the usual octopus dispersed in the aquarium and suddenly the back forward unexpectedly jumped out of the water. Describing in the air the arc of a length of meters in five, he flopped back to the aquarium. By typing the speed for the jump, the octopus was moving not only due to the reactive thrust, but also the panel of tentacles.

Mad cucumber in southern countries (and on our Black Sea coast too) a plant occurs under the name "Mad Cucumber". It is only a slightly touching to the ripened fruit, similar to the cucumber, as it bounces off the fruit, and through the resulting hole from the fetus at a speed of up to 10 m / s flies fluid with seeds. It shoots a mad cucumber (otherwise it is called the "Lady pistol") by more than 12 m.


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