The world of fighting pigeons pigeons of boris ilyasov. Slaughter pigeons. The red factor in the Baku breed

Pigeons are a group of bird species that have the ability to quickly beat their wings during flight, making loud sounds. This category includes a wide variety of species, they all have beauty, unpretentiousness, and most importantly - the talent of an exciting summer and play.

Fighting pigeons get their name from the loud sound they make from their wings during flight.

Why are such different breeds of pigeons, differing in appearance, combined into one group? The reason for this is unusual somersaults, otherwise it is a game when a pigeon rises into the air and then turns over. Additionally, at this moment, he emits a flap of his wings, this is called a fight. The style of play of the fighting pigeons is varied.

  • It happens that the bird starts the game at a height, rising into the air in circles... Sometimes, after making several circles, hovering, it beats loudly, slowly rising into the sky.
  • Pigeons of fighting breeds unusually come out into a pole, rising vertically, quickly flap their wings, accompanying the process with loud claps... Having risen a few meters, they make a rapid somersault back. This year is most appreciated by pigeon breeders. The rise is accompanied by a series of coups, as a result, the length of the vertical column sometimes reaches 15 m, and the fighter sometimes completely disappears from sight.
  • "Hovering years" is characterized by a slow flight, while at times the bird freezes, spreads its tail like a fan and hovers for a few seconds... Then he continued fighting for years and did a somersault, but not as sharp as during vertical takeoff. This lift also creates the sound background of the flapping of the wings.
  • There is also a "tape game", in this case the pigeon tumbles without hovering and without going "into the post". The bird just flies, periodically doing somersaults... In some species, this style is considered marriage.
  • There are pigeons that are capable, rising into a pole, spinning along an axis, as if screwing into the air.... Such types are called helical.

The flight of fighting pigeons amazes the imagination with its diversity.

Pigeons of fighting breeds are able to fly long and high, usually 3 - 6 hours, sometimes their years are delayed for the whole day. Having played enough in the air, they can calmly descend, making circles, some fly down like a stone. Before landing, they open their wings, making another pillar, and lower them. If a pigeon knows how to make such a combination, it is highly valued.

Most fighting breeds prefer to fly separately, this way the quality of the game is better manifested.

Experts believe that when entering the post, high-quality clicks are distinguished by a clear frequency of stages. Coups without claps, or vice versa, indicate a low quality of summer.

Individuals that make an insufficient revolution or make it more than 360 ° are rejected. From this, the flyer loses height, and the drawing of the game is already blurred.

Active years takes a lot of strength and energy, the bird restores strength by flying in circles. Having gained strength, he starts the game again.

The flight of pigeons is an exciting and impressive sight, it is long and high, the birds are located at different heights, fly in circles, playing and frolicking.

It looks best in years when pigeons fly in pairs (while feeding chicks), or when preparing for laying.


The types of battle group are varied, and although not everyone can boast of beauty and grace on earth, they work wonders in the air. Some have tufts and forelocks, feathers on their legs, sometimes they are very lush and long, which is why they got the name - cosmas. The plumage is sometimes modest, sometimes beautiful and varied, the color combination is very complex, beaks and tails can also be completely different.

Slaughter pigeons not only fly beautifully, but also have a beautiful appearance.

Pigeon breeding centers

Where are the most famous breeding centers for fighting species concentrated? In what places do they pay special attention to valuable qualities, what are the best pigeon breeds?


The country is the birthplace of pigeon breeding, therefore there is a high level of fighting pigeons, great attention is paid to the decorative direction. There, for many, pigeons are the meaning of life. All birds are extraordinarily beautiful, masterly master the skill of fighting, so poultry farmers all over the world dream of having representatives of Turkish breeds.

The body of Turkish pigeons is neat, medium in size. There are many color options, but true connoisseurs do not like too colorful decorative beauties, since they have low flying qualities.

They stay in the air for up to 10 hours, but sometimes, being too carried away by somersaults, they lose orientation, fall and break.

Many Turkish species became the basis of Russian breed groups.

Turkish pigeons do not differ in bright colors, but thanks to their small elongated body, they fly perfectly.

North Caucasus

Another place where pigeon breeding is developed. The Krasnodar Territory is famous for its pigeons and breeding work. There they were engaged in breeding new breeds common in our country. For example, Armavir is known for its white-headed cosmates, in addition to high flying qualities, it is also a majestic beauty.

The difference lies not only in the suit, there is a difference in the length of the beak, the variety of tufts on the head and the degree of feathering of the legs. The ancestors of the bulk of the breeds were brought from Persia, Azerbaijan, Turkey.

Pigeons of the North Caucasus have long been famous all over the world for their decorative properties.


Central Asia belongs to the primacy in breeding and selection of fighting pigeons, based on the Uzbek breed. The colors and decorations of birds are striking in their variety. In Asia, short beaks have always been appreciated, representatives of the Tashkent slaughterhouses have become the starting point for the creation of Uzbek species, their blood is also in the pigeons of Armavir. Turkmenistan is famous for its handsome asanas and agaranas.

Short-billed Tashkent pigeons laid the foundation for many species of birds.


In Azerbaijan, preference was always given to the fighting abilities of birds, and little attention was paid to beauty. In this region, Baku fighting pigeons are widespread, which do not have too long brushes on their legs.

Azerbaijani pigeon breeders pay special attention to the flying qualities of birds.


In the West, they love fighting pigeons, but amateurs do not breed their new breeds. All birds that can do somersaults in the air are called rollers or turmans. Preference is given to pigeons from Turkey and Asia, and the breed names are given by place of origin.

Best breeds

The breeds of fighting pigeons are diverse and all deserve attention, but there are virtuosos, which it is simply impossible not to mention.


Among the variety of pigeons in Turkey, the takla breed stands out. Friendly, intelligent, neat birds were bred by the nomads of Asia.

A vertical post, a cascade of somersaults and loud bangs, a fall down to a three-meter "platform", again ups and downs - solo style, this is a distinctive feature of the breed. Takla is the leader in this type of flight, it is laid down at the genetic level, reinforced by intense training and careful selection of the most capable individuals. The colors of the bird are varied, but the external feature is the brushes on the legs and the white back.

Takla pigeons are leaders in vertical flight.

Baku flight

They belong to the most common group among amateur pigeon breeders. Unpretentiousness, excellent adaptive qualities, long and high years - all these are the advantages of the breed.

Baku residents are distinguished by a variety of colors and appearance:

  • there are pure white and black varieties;
  • marble;
  • black-tailed - with black and red tails;
  • neck - with a spot on the neck;
  • variegated chili doves;
  • mane with tufts on their heads.

The Baku flying pigeon is capable of flying high and long.

The breed is of medium size, the wings close on the tail, there are individuals with bare legs, most representatives have small (up to 3 cm) brushes.

A distinctive feature of the Baku people is the ability to play for a long time and with high quality, these properties have developed over the course of several generations of passionate lovers of the breed.

North Caucasian cosmach

The roots of the species come from Persia, therefore pigeons are often called Persians.

  • The bird is large, with a proud bearing and prominent chest, very beautiful.
  • Usually the color is solid, but the color is completely different: there are gray, white, yellow, even red variations. Now, new varieties have appeared inside the breed, variegated or with colored tails.
  • On the legs of the pigeons, the hairs reach 12 - 15 cm.
  • If there is a forelock, then it is thick and wide.

The North Caucasian cosmach has feathers on its legs, the length of which reaches 15 cm.

Kosmachi climb the pillar slowly, making up to 10 sharp somersaults. They are fingered with their feet during takeoff and landing, for this feature they are called rowers.

Iranian pigeons

Birds belong to the most ancient breed, they are mentioned in ancient chronicles. For many years, breeders have worked to improve its natural qualities. According to 2014 statistics, only 5% of the population keep these pigeons, since they are considered sacred and not all are devoted to the secret of raising and raising them.

Their appearance does not have any special distinguishing features:

  • the suits are so diverse that it is difficult to single out a specific one, but mainly these are black, almond, red and gray colors;
  • the plumage on the legs is varied, from bells to long fans, there are also bare-legged ones;
  • there are individuals with a smooth head, there are also forelocked ones.

Iranian pigeons fly slowly, but beautifully, and differ in appearance.

Pigeons fly slowly and calmly, they must go out into the post, hang in the air for several minutes and do somersaults. The fight is moderate, and the somersault stretches for several seconds, the bird is clearly audible, even if it disappeared from sight.

The Persians are also called Tehrans. Breeders claim that their bird is similar to a predatory hawk, the head is round in shape, and the beak is very short, therefore they are also called small-nosed.

Agaran Turkmen

The breed was bred on the basis of an Iranian group of pigeons, it does not fly for long, but the sight is so impressive that it is enough to admire the merits of the battle.

"Camel milk cream" - this is how "agaran" is translated from Turkmen. The bird is very beautiful both in flight and at rest.

  • Beige, light brown, golden - color options for the head and chest of a pigeon. Sometimes the tones extend to the wings and tail.
  • This bird is powerful, large, and has a short beak.
  • On the legs there is a long fan-shaped edge.
  • Agaran does not have a tuft.

The pigeon is prized for its ability to hang vertically and rotate around itself.

Unfortunately, the bird is not widespread on Russian territory, but those who have it in their collection can be proud of this advantage.

Agaran Turkmen is the rarest breed of pigeons in Russia.


  • Fighting pigeons are a type of flyers with the ability to perform tricks in the air, accompanying them with loud clapping.
  • There are several places in the world where birds with these abilities are enthusiastically engaged.
  • The most capable representatives of the group are Turkish, Baku, Krasnodar, Turkmen, Iranian pigeons.

Pigeons are very beautiful birds that many have fallen in love with. They can be found both in huge dovecotes and on balconies. They have become permanent residents of the streets, they are found almost at every step. Many take care of them and often feed them.

Nowadays, pigeons are appreciated all over the world. For example, the rock dove was domesticated by man thousands of years ago. It was from this time that the breeding of various breeds began. And the undressing was gaining widespread character.

In ancient times, sports and carrier pigeons were bred so that it was possible to transmit various information overcoming long distances. It is not surprising, but these birds are remarkably oriented in the terrain and space. As you know from the pages of the Bible, it was the dove that narrated that the flood had ended. For the same purpose, pigeons were used by the Romans. At that time, the price of a carrier pigeon was equal to the price of a thoroughbred Arab stallion. Nowadays, buying a carrier pigeon is an affordable pleasure, for it you will have to pay about 50 conventional units.

What are the pigeons

Ornamental pigeons are practically unable to fly. The main task of their existence is to bring beauty. Here you can highlight the peacock breed, which are distinguished by a magnificent tail. In the tail, you can count up to forty feathers, which, when opened, form a fan. A breed such as a puffer is distinguished by the peculiarity of a goiter, which opens up strongly during cooing. Their color is amazing. Jacobin pigeons have a kind of feather ornament on their heads - a rosette. In short, decorative pigeons never cease to amaze and delight with their appearance.

Meat pigeons can be classified as a household branch. Already from one name it becomes clear for what purposes they are grown. Such birds fly poorly due to their large body weight, which they gain very quickly. There are many breeds of meat pigeons, for example, Maltese, Polish, Strasser, Hungarian giant. Pigeon meat has special characteristics. It is healthy and tasty. Various decorations, souvenirs, and even pillows are made from pigeon feathers.

A meat pigeon costs between $ 15 and $ 25.

There are also rutted breeds of pigeons, they are grown mainly in order to admire their flight in the sky. Moreover, chasing pigeons not only fly beautifully, but can also perform various pirouettes in the air, for example, circling and spinning. Their tricks are always fun to watch.

There are pigeons that rise into the sky in battle; they even hold competitions between such individuals. Such pigeons are called - slaughterhouse and they cost about 10 dollars.

Currently, there are approximately 800 different breeds of domestic pigeons. They are all very different, both in color and in form, even in the nature of behavior. But in order to acquire such an amazing bird, you need a stable financial position, moreover, an impressive one.

Breeding pigeons for business is a risky business. The price from the sale of poultry should at least recoup, as a maximum, multiply the costs of buying a bird and its maintenance. Following numerous observations, an amateur poultry breeder maintains and provides everything necessary for only 50 pigeons (this is 25 pairs of birds). The cost of keeping 2 pigeons may be different, it all depends on the country and region. Expenses for 2 birds will cost about $ 100 per year.

It is rather difficult to predict what pricing policy will be in the poultry market. Much depends on the breed of the pigeon, whether it has achieved success in various competitions or races, or maybe it is an exhibition specimen?

  • Permission to build a dovecote.
  • The costs of building a dovecote and keeping birds in it.
  • Buying pigeons.
  • If necessary, a veterinary report on the health of the bird.
  • Expenses for feed and equipment, as well as vitamins and, if necessary, medicines.
  • If these are decorative or sports pigeons, you will have to spend money on exhibitions and competitions.

The market price for a pigeon is determined by how much demand for the bird is, how interested the buyer is in buying. And, of course, the cost is influenced by competition.

If we are talking about business, then it is better to establish a sales market, if it is meat poultry, to establish relations with restaurants, cafeterias, etc. gourmets value pigeon meat very much.

Pigeons can be rented, for example, for events such as weddings, graduations, birthdays. To do this, it is worth cooperating with various companies, placing ads and placing advertisements.

Another way to make money on pigeons is to take part in various videos and photo sessions. For such purposes, decorative pigeons are most often used. Also, training is important.

Nowadays it is hardly possible to make money according to the buy-sell scheme. There is a known case when in 1992 a Taiwanese sports pigeon named "Invincible Spirit" managed to get 231 thousand dollars. But in 2010, 170 thousand euros were paid for the repeated winner of the competition with the name “Eurobrilliant”.

Siberian breeds are very popular. For one handsome handsome man, you will have to pay about $ 445. These carrier pigeons are known all over the world for their speed, which can develop up to 110 km / h; they easily fly a distance of 5 thousand km. Such results can only be shown by a trained bird, and this will cost its owner not cheap. To do this, the pigeon breeder goes to various cities, releases that bird, and he independently looks for his way home. Those for whom the breeding and training of pigeons is a serious matter, such trips are only a joy. They cannot get enough of it and are insanely happy when their pigeon returns home.

Pigeon breeding is a hobby, entertainment, business. Someone gets themselves one bird and enjoys, while others are actively raising champions, sparing no money or time for this.

Thoroughbred pigeons are incredibly attractive for their beauty; they are very popular and in demand on the market. Not everyone knows how much it will cost him to breed and keep such pigeons.

For many, it becomes unclear why to spend money on expensive thoroughbred pigeons, if there are so many ordinary pigeons around. This is because pedigree pigeons are distinguished by their magnificence, it is very easy to teach them to transfer letters to other cities. Perhaps this is all the abilities of an amazing bird, but these are already great achievements, using which correctly, you can earn good money. Then his purchase will fully justify itself.

Many people are skeptical about online shopping. Of course, there is an opportunity to view all the photo galleries and choose the one you like. But pigeons are not sent by mail, and people very often suffer from fraudsters and often lose a large amount of money.

The most expensive pigeons

You can buy a trained pedigree pigeon at exhibitions, but you will have to pay a round sum for it. For example, in Brussels, a popular pigeon breeder sold a couple of his carrier pigeons for $ 2 million 250 thousand. And as it turns out, this is still not the largest amount that was laid out for various pigeons.

The price will go up much if the pigeon is Dutch, English or Belgian. All of the above numbers are indicative of overseas sales. If we consider, so to speak, the Soviet markets, then for one guard pigeon you will need to pay about $ 25. But these pigeons are not of an aristocratic breed.

One of the most expensive breeds of pigeons in the world is considered to be postal.

For a carrier pigeon at different times, people gave incredible amounts. This pigeon is famous not only for its high cost, but for its numerous achievements. A fantastic result was shown by a pigeon, which covered a distance of 2 thousand 700 km in just 18 days. Its sale price was $ 300,000. And on 05/05/2013, at the famous pigeon auction, a pigeon was given for 399 thousand dollars.

The carrier pigeon can be divided into several types:

  • Luttikhsky.
  • Brussels.
  • Antwerp.
  • Flanders.
  • English quarry.

If you delve into the amount that was received for carrier pigeons, you can find out - it was exactly 5.5 million dollars.

These magnificent birds differ from the common pigeon breed in amazing endurance. They have a strong constitution that allows them to overcome long distances. They are remarkably oriented in the terrain and space, have keen eyesight.

Most often, such pigeons are purchased and bred to participate in sports competitions. After all, it is this breed that is capable of developing a flight speed of about 80 km / h. The bird's flight height is almost 400 m. The lifespan of such a pigeon is approximately 15 years.

Not a single scientist in the world to this day has been able to figure out how carrier pigeons manage to find their way home, because the path is measured out in kilometers. Some have concluded that for birds the reference point is the sun and the stars. Others believe that this is the effect of the Earth's magnetic field. Not fully determined, scientists believe that you can freely release a pigeon into the sky. He will come back anyway.


So how much will you have to pay for a purebred pigeon? First of all, it all depends on what breed he is. For example, a cosmach pigeon will cost about $ 10. And this is a fairly reasonable price. There are individuals and more expensive, for one you will have to pay 120 dollars. Not everyone can afford such an amount, but with such a bird you can make good money.

Basically, the price for a purebred pigeon ranges from $ 8 to $ 450. There are breeds that are not common, and of course the price for such a bird will be overstated.

Also, the pricing policy is very different from where the pigeon is purchased. It is much cheaper to buy this wonderful bird at the poultry market. But for an elite breeder, the price will be much higher. But there is one plus, the pigeon will be 100% healthy and strong. Therefore, sometimes it is better to pay more and be sure of the quality.

You can, of course, turn to an ordinary breeder, their prices may be lower than market ones. Here are just guarantees that the bird does not get sick, you may not get. However, many have all the certificates and references. Then it will climb large, and the price is acceptable and the bird is healthy.

But the online store is a very unreliable place, the price certainly attracts, but the consequences are far from encouraging. The courier delivers an exhausted bird that has a disheveled appearance and cannot be trained.

There are amateur poultry breeders who do not chase expensive individuals, for them it does not matter how long a pigeon can fly and what pirouettes it shows in the sky. They simply build dovecotes and breed the most common pigeons there. It is enjoyable simply because pigeons are very friendly and kind birds. Many people just go out into the yard of their house, or walk in the park, where they are surrounded by a flock of pigeons. It is always pleasant to watch them, to admire their appearance and behavior, to feed them by hand.

Azerbaijani pigeons are represented in the world catalog of pigeons by the Baku population.

Moreover, the diversity of this population gives the right to call it the race "Baku fighting pigeons". In this album we will tell about the amazing, outstanding summer and the play of the Baku pigeons. Let's show the color variety of the breeds included in the race.

And although the editorial board will cover the classification of the Baku breeds based on a scientific approach, nevertheless, the authors of the articles will have the right to their own opinion, which is different from the opinion of the editorial board.

A. Filichkin.

Baku breeds:

1. Baku white fighting pigeons.
2. Baku marble fighting pigeons.
3. Baku chili-fighting pigeons.
4. Baku colored fighting pigeons.
5. Baku belt fighting pigeons.
6. Baku chapa pigeons.
7. Baku necks - fighting pigeons.
8. Baku colored-tailed fighting pigeons.
9. Baku agbash-fighting pigeons.
10. Baku ablaki-fighting pigeons.

Breeding of Baku pigeons in Azerbaijan

In Azerbaijan, doing pigeons is a favorite pastime. The traditions are deeply rooted, and date back not only centuries, but probably a millennium. Azerbaijan is a country in Transcaucasia north of Iran. In ancient times, this territory was part of Persia. The map of Azerbaijan vaguely resembles a flying eagle with the capital (the city of Baku) as its head. Since ancient times, these places have been known as the "land of fires".

It is very easy to meet pigeon breeders in Baku these days. You just have to walk through the "Old Town" area, surrounded by the walls of the 9th century fortress, where among the narrow streets, in the backyards, you will see "pigeon houses". To get a better look at them, apparently, you will have to walk along the old, fragile stairs, after which the well-known "Baku residents" will appear to your eyes. Basically, the owners of dovecotes in Baku and the whole of Azerbaijan keep an average of 100 to 300 pieces. And if you ask a person about his hobby, he will gladly tell you that his grandfathers kept the pigeons, and their own children are also seriously engaged in this traditional occupation, because Azerbaijani pigeon breeders pass on love and interest in pigeons from generation to generation, just like and in Iran. Pigeons are practiced in different parts of the world, and each country has its own reasons. Some enjoy the excitement in competitions similar to horse races, races, etc., others like the decorative properties of pigeons, and still others breed them for the purpose of obtaining dietary meat.

However, the Baku Fighting is a breed created solely for the pleasure of their flight. Baku pigeon breeders practically did not follow the exterior, the indicator of the pigeon's value was and is its flying qualities. That is why in the dovecotes of Baku you can find pigeons of all kinds in color and pattern: marble, variegated, speckled, gray, monochromatic, colored tails, necks, it is almost impossible to describe and systematize Baku ones, all pigeons are quite different. Their true beauty is revealed in the sky. As Baku amateurs say: "We love them and spend more time than ourselves!" Pigeons in Baku are also a means of communicating with neighbors and friends. You can admire their flight for hours, talk about the qualities of a particular bird, because it is not without reason that absolutely everyone loves pigeons in Azerbaijan! Pigeon breeders specially train young people in strong winds to increase their breathing and develop stamina. In translation, Baku means - "City of Winds", probably because seasonal winds fall on this territory, the gust of which sometimes reaches more than 70 km / h.

Azerbaijani pigeon breeders know how to properly handle their bird, which is surprisingly obedient. They can easily manage a flock, lift or plant from a specific patch. To questions about how you achieve this, they answer that only with your attention and love for pets. Most likely, there are secrets that local pigeon breeders will never tell anyone about. Just like in Holland they won't tell you a recipe for making cheese, in France they won't tell you about wine, or they won't give a zest to a recipe for some amazing dish in the mountains of the "Caucasus", although they will cook it especially for you and give it to you. It's also amazing how so many pigeons can fit in a small house on the ground, and at the same time, being monogamous? Nobody pecks young animals, do not fight for nests. Baku carnivores are not just pigeons, they are social, gentle and friendly creatures. One gets the feeling that they like to live in a group more than as a couple, this is, of course, the merit of the Baku pigeon breeders, who have achieved such amazing discipline, devotion and love of their pets. In addition to the traditional requirements for fighting pigeons, the pigeon breeders of the city of Baku include the following: so that the birds do not sit on someone else's roof, be resistant to the wind and "do not ride on their tail." Any deviations are severely punished, and the bird is removed from the flock. Catching other people's pigeons enjoys special excitement and popularity, because in Baku, raising your head up, you can often see the flight of these beautiful birds, and everyone chases them! As the locals say: "If the pigeon eggs flew, we would catch them too!"

It is also very interesting that many Baku pigeon houses have several booths in their households, 5, 6 and even more! In each of them, the bird is sorted according to certain criteria, which only the owner knows. The owner will answer your request to sell several pairs of local pigeons, I give only in bulk, take the whole booth! Due to its unpretentiousness, high flying qualities, over the past 50 years, the breed has spread throughout the territory of our country, regardless of climatic conditions. Perhaps there is no dovecote who does not know "Baku residents", even if he is not engaged in slaughter! They can rightfully be called the most accessible and numerous breed of fighting pigeons! In flight style and appearance, the "Baku residents" are very similar to the Iranian combatants. And this is not strange, the region cannot be divided in terms of pigeon breeding, at the time of breeding these pigeons, Azerbaijan was the territory of the Persian Empire. Even part of modern Iran is called East Azerbaijan, with its capital in Tabriz, the center for breeding pigeon breeding. Hence the similar pigeons, traditions and attitude to the "bird of the world", which have evolved over the centuries. At the beginning of the 20th century in Baku, an expert on local warfare Schmidt created a breed of "Baku mane", which is affectionately called by the people "necks", or necks, for a colored spot in the neck area. There are pigeons with red, yellow, black and gray plumage of the mane and tail. Especially appreciated are the white-headed Baku people, called "ok-bash" (light head), white-breasted ones - "ok-dash" (light chest), "Chili" (translated as freckles, spots), colored tails. However, do not forget that this bird is selected for its flying qualities.

In terms of flight duration, the Iranian and Baku pigeons are champions, from 2-12 hours, depending on the strength of the fight, the degree of training and special diets. Pigeons, capable of climbing to a sufficiently large height, often hide from the field of view, are perfectly oriented. A well-trained, thoroughbred "Baku citizen" is able to find his home even several hundred kilometers away, and this is true! They say that once Astrakhan pigeon breeders bought a whole batch of pigeons from an old and experienced fan in Baku. Arriving home, of course, they could not stand it and began to release the bird, which in a few days was already in Baku, in its native dovecote, despite the distance by sea about 500 km! For their outstanding qualities, Baku pigeons have been declared a national treasure and pride of the Republic of Azerbaijan!

Nikolay Chekhlatov

Years and the game of Baku fighting pigeons.

Training of Baku pigeons

1. First, before you start chasing a bird, you need to provide it with conditions for full development. Only adequate feeding and good housing conditions give us the moral right to demand an appropriate summer from a pigeon. In any area of \u200b\u200bour life, including pigeon breeding, before you take something, you need to give something.

2. The earlier you start chasing the bird, the better. Is it so? In principle, yes, but not necessarily. It is good if it is possible to drive pigeons starting from 30-40 days, but this does not always work out that way. For example, I start ferrying pigeons on January 15-25, and release a bird for flying on April 15-25. That is, my first broods are about 50-60 days old at the beginning of the flying-racing season. But, despite this, they go pretty quickly in years, and in fact are not inferior to the second brood, which flies around simultaneously with them. This fact suggests that genes play the main role here: given a pigeon to fly - it will fly, and not given - it will not fly, that is, not that it did not fly at all, just such years will not meet the established requirements. Of course, if you start driving a Baku citizen at 6 months, then whatever genes he has, the process can be long and not always successful.

3. Is the early "game" of the Bakuvians good or bad? Many pigeon breeders who are engaged in Baku slaughterhouses complain about the dramatically changing style of play and summer in a bird after molting, or, for example, in the second year after winter. Some pigeons abruptly reduce the "game", while others begin to "clog". As a rule, such changes are most often manifested in those individuals that began to "beat" very early, for example, 5-15 days after the start of the rut. It was also noticed, and I completely agree with this, that Bakuvians who "take the game" at 5-7 months or later show more stable years afterwards.

Yes, indeed, my pigeons also had this tendency. Unfortunately, no one can give an exact answer to this question. There are suggestions that the "clogging" is due to the pouring of the blood of decorative rocks to the people of Baku in order to improve the exterior.

Regarding the fact that the Bakins "play" less after the molt. Based on the literature I read, communication with experienced pigeon breeders and my own experience, I can say that the style of flight and "play" of a Baku citizen can take up to 2 - 3 years.

And how it turns out, basically, with us! A pigeon hatched in the spring, flew well, played well. After molting, we see that the bird began to "beat" much less. Well, we drove it for about a month, and then closed it for the winter. In the spring they released, drove for another month, we see that the "game" is not added. What do we do then? That's right - to the market, or we give it to the boys, and we ourselves again buy the "young and promising" one.

Or another option. A pigeon hatched, flew for 2-3 weeks, showed good years and a game, and we immediately close it so that it does not disappear, and we take out the youth on it. And the youth turns out - neither to the village nor to the city.

One of the main problems of pigeon breeders who deal with Baku poultry is that they do not fully know the flight and play characteristics of their pigeons because they do not have the patience or desire to drive it after molting and in subsequent periods.

You need to carefully study the flight of your pets, and leave only proven individuals that show the most stable flight for the tribe. Then take young people from them and also leave the most stable among them. The consequence of such actions in a few years will be that you have a flock of Bakuvians with a stable flight, who will not upset you with unpleasant surprises, and if they do, it will be very rare. I now have mainly a bird, five generations of which have been bred in my dovecote. And, believe me, the stability of summer is much higher than it was 5 years ago.

Another problem is clogging. In my opinion, this is a genetic problem that is not directly related to overshoot. A pigeon can be hammered after winter, when you start to chase it, but not more than 1-2 times, and then it should fly. I see the solution to this situation in the culling of slaughtered individuals. Actions such as trimming or pulling tail feathers, etc. are temporary in nature, "clogging" from this does not disappear.

4. How many individuals is it advisable to drive at the same time to see a beautiful game and years? If you drive young people who have not yet hit or even "break their tail," I think you can drive 20 and 30 or more birds at the same time. But if individuals have appeared among this flock, which begin to somersault, or go into a stance, or have even begun to beat, then such Bakuvians should be driven separately. Indeed, as "literature says", the Bakuvians reveal their abilities best when in a flock, which is chased by no more than 7-8 individuals at a time, or even fewer. Although, in my opinion, the point here is not so much in the number as in the similarity of the flight styles of the pigeons from which the flock is formed. For example, I can chase 13-15 birds at a time without harming aesthetic contemplation for a bird, since they have the same style of summer and play.

5. How long should a Baku citizen fly and what is his flight style? A "classic" Baku resident is a bird with a circular flight, strong pole game and a flight duration of at least 5-6 hours. For some, they say they fly for 8-10 hours, or even more. I don’t know, I haven’t seen it. But .... The modern Baku pigeon is a very collective concept, with a variety of flight and game styles, in which, unfortunately, a lot of bloods are mixed that do not contribute to the manifestation of good flight and play conditions.

Personally, I try to strike a balance between flying and playing. I do not like pigeons that fly for 5 hours or more, but which "hit" mainly when going up and down, and at the top they cut huge circles and "play" once every 30-40 minutes. I do not feel aesthetic satisfaction from such a sight. For me, a pigeon is of great value, which flies in a slow circle, in the first half hour he plays every 1-2 minutes, after that in 5-10 minutes. Let the duration of the flight of such a pigeon be 2.5-3.5 hours, I don't need it anymore. In general, how many people - so many opinions, each has a right to exist.

There are "storytellers" who talk about pigeons flying for 5-8 hours and who "constantly play at the dots." It's biologically impossible. Is it possible to attach steel wings to such bakins, and put a "fiery motor" instead of a heart.

6. Is it possible to drive young pigeons with old ones and does such a rut contribute to losses among young people? There are different points of view. Some say - it is possible, others - that it is impossible to drive young animals who have not reached at least 2 months with "old men" - they will be lost. I don't know, I personally drive, and they don't disappear, they just sit down faster.

7. To drive or not to drive Bakuvians in winter? Honestly, there would be an opportunity, I would drive for a whole year. But since there is so little good bird, and the hawk is especially rampant in winter, I do not chase the breeding bird in winter. In winter I drive only untested pigeons, I have time to check some, others are checked by a hawk.

8. Should I chase breeding birds during brood season? I think not worth it, unless there are spare doves or pigeons. And so, either the hawk will disappear and that's all - the problem: to find a pair, to feed the young. As a rule, those who deal with Baku residents do not hold a feeder. As a rule, my hatching season ends in June, so I manage to "train the old people" even before the molt. For those pigeon breeders who live to the north, it is more difficult in this regard.

Baku pigeons need to be kept from hand to mouth! I have a question - why? Really, if you are constantly feeling hungry, you will do better to run 100 meters or do more pull-ups on the bar? I doubt it very much. So is the dove. In order for a bird to fly well, it must receive sufficient amounts of all the necessary nutrients. And she receives these substances with food. Of course, you cannot overfeed the bird, but I also think it is wrong to underfeed. Nobody argues that you cannot feed him before driving the bakin, but he should not be absolutely hungry either.

How to deal with the loss of pigeons during the rut? I can say that Baku residents are very smart pigeons who are very attached to the house and do not disappear "just like that". One of the main reasons for the loss of Bakuvians is that since they fly for a long time, rain, thunderstorm, wind can overtake them in the air, and they are simply carried away many kilometers from home, some return, and some do not. Here I would advise pigeon breeders, before driving a bird, to find out the weather forecast and, based on the information received, decide for themselves whether or not to drive. Everyone has their own ways and methods, personally I try not to drive my pets in the rain, strong wind, thunderstorm or in front of them.

One more nuance. The advice of experienced pigeon breeders, and most importantly, personal experience, confirmed that pigeons bred in their own nursery in the second, third, fourth generation, etc. much less likely to disappear during the rut than those acquired from other pigeon breeders. The genetic memory of pigeons is very well developed, and he perfectly remembers "his homeland".

In addition, "enclosure" is also one of the reasons for the increase in the percentage of Baku residents in the air. If parents "sit in prison" for years and do not see the sky, then young people, too, over time, deteriorate orientation, genetic memory of their home, they are more prone to losses.

In modern conditions, one of the main reasons for the loss of Bakuvians, especially in winter, can be considered hawks. Above, peregrine falcons attack, below or at an average height - goshaws and other types of feathered predators. What is there to advise? Some are engaged in extermination or trapping hawks, but these methods are temporary and can lead to problems with the law. Study the behavior of these pigeon terrorists, try to drive when the probability of their attack is minimal.

Most importantly, love your pigeons, no matter what breed they are, take care of them and they will bring you a lot of joy and pleasure.

Yuriy Levenets, Ternopil, Ukraine.

Chebarkul line of Baku residents.

I can write a lot about this bird, I grew up on it.

The main thing is to believe, and not be considered empty-handed.

The first time RAGIM (Azerbaijani) brought this bird with bare feet and "in boots", and the second time - with little feet. Few people know about this, with whom they have contacted, and no one considers this bird to be Chebarkul.

I saw this bird as they looked from the initial delivery.

My Uncle has kept this breed since 1968, when it was just brought from Baku, after the death of Warrant Officer RAGIM, my Uncle got an old pigeon who was 22 years old. As far as I know old Chebarkul pigeon houses, none of them consider it Chebarkul. She is Baku, and she is Baku, and she did not mix with any blood in Chebarkul.

When Uncle was the Chairman (founded the club), they had no such thoughts to rename the bird RAGIMA. They remember him to this day and praise that he brought such a bird, although there are not so many of them left. That is why I describe Chebarkul's pigeons (not for the sake of advertising), but so that they know and remember that they kept the bird for themselves, and not for the sake of advertising and money. That is why I asked everyone if you yourself would come for the pigeons, I would bring you with Uncle and you would know his opinion.

About Rahim I can tell what he told Uncle, and he told me, that's all I know about Rahim.

They said that the pigeons are good at gaining the game only for 3 years, do not drive until the squeak is squeaky, if the pigeon does not fly, then change the situation for him. How the pigeon scored the game, before scaring him, you need to feed, and how they should look.

In principle, nothing new, but I'm not going to argue that this bird is Baku.

To be understood correctly, I do not divide them into old and new breed, they are one breed. I wrote that people remember what kind of blood and from whom it comes. A certain domestication took place not by mixing with extraneous breeds, but by mixing the lines within the breed that Rahim brought us, so this did not affect the flying qualities in any way. And the fact that it was called Chebarkulskaya, so not one self-respecting dovecote does not think so, as it was a bird of Rahim, and remained. We have a lot of birds in the region, I know that in Plast they interfered with the Persians, so why should this be reflected in Chebarkul, in which they lead one line, improving the look of the pigeon, while not pouring the blood of other breeds.

From the very beginning, my Uncle kept this bird and if you look closely, his pigeons have a thin nose, but I would not say that it is too long, as I saw from a friend of mine. He keeps Arabs in Chelyabinsk. And when young people overshadow, then everything seems to overgrow with them.

As for the rut, take your time, take the young people and chase them, if young people go, then why chase their parents. If it doesn’t work, then you will slowly start trying the old people, it’s not a bad thing to drive away. The main thing is to pick up the bird and save it, so that you don’t look for it later.

I already wrote that Rahim had brought in bare-toed and fur-paws, only the heads and noses were different. Here, on the sly, our heads and noses were pulled out.

I found out not so long ago - the bare-footed ones had long noses, but the head had a forehead, and the shaggy-paws were the opposite. Over time, the old pigeon breeders have achieved what they are now.

The eye should be like the eye of a mouse, small, and even when you look from top to bottom, it should not protrude much from the skull, that is, it should be almost flush with the skull. There were such rules before, now few people look at them.

Rahim also brought in crested pigeons. So the game and the years are the same. I just took a pigeon from Sanka Vedraska for my yellow pigeon, and he has yellow blood. Sanka says that he played well and began to pull well, and he saw my pigeon in flight, so he drove the pigeon. The old pigeon coops (which no longer exist), I know Kolya Karp, had good white crested ones, then they (I don’t know for sure) went to Seryoga Vedrashka (Sanin’s brother). This is how we in Chebarkul know who and what blood keeps from the very beginning of the delivery by Rahim.

I called in Chebarkul, I found out from Vovka Zolotukha how a bird with such a head and nose was brought out (Pasha Shmotin was not yet in sight). When RAGIM brought a bird with a bare-footed and shaggy paw, the nude-footed bird had a square head, and the nose was thin and long, while the shagpaw had, on the contrary, the head was sloping, and the nose was short and thick. BORIA KRIVORUCHKO (SIZAR) started pairing them, then everyone started. This is how we slowly got such a bird with a good head and nose. The game and the years were good.

As for where RAGIM comes from and where he brought the pigeons from, I don't know, since Uncle no longer remembers, but on the other hand, no one needed it before. But definitely from Baku. About the head and nose. On the site, Grisha (Yangursky. Editor’s note) also has a straight head. They began to pick up with a straight head, and they tried to clean it with the forehead, and that's how they brought it out. Previously, the pigeons flew all and not for 5-6 hours, as now, so they were banned. As RAGIM said: "I drove away - I will bring myself, and where will you get it from?" So they began to cut the pigeons in the fall, if they had time. Rahim died in about 76.

About the blood. Each kept his own and until the 90s (judging by Dyadka), then they began to take from each other, and that's how they survived to this day. In 86, YURA ASHKHARYAN brought from Armenia 3-4 pairs of yellow solid ones, now we have both yellow and yellow-sticky ones. Now I want to go to Grisha, if I can, take 2-3 pairs from him. First, let the offspring give it, only then I will mate with my own.

The flight of our bird is sharp, then abruptly goes into the post. I have a bead-ply. His flight is slow, and the game - gets up, starts to play, he pulls up.

Uncle told me that once RAGIM offered to buy a pigeon from him, Uncle came to him.

(From the Editor: Uncle - Ivanov Gennady Sergeevich).

He frightened him, the pigeon sat down on the pole, RAGIM said that in 5 minutes he would go on his own. After sitting for 5 minutes, he breaks down, without making a single circle, with the game he goes out of sight and he never sat down again.

About the game and the summer. Uncle told me that they used to float, in spite of how the pigeon was playing and flying, only with a pillar, only with a candle, and everyone soared together. Years passed and therefore they began to seek more purity of the suit, and the shape of the pigeon.

Valera Ilinykh climbed the mountains in the late 80s and they had a chance to visit Baku. In the mountains there, at my grandfather, he found our bird, but he did not sell a single pigeon for any money. He said that they are non-standard and there are so many of them.

My example. One pair produced 3 squeaks per season. I drove the first brood. One for the third time from the night did not come (he drove because he was red-screeched, but badly beaten), the second drove away in the spring (he also stayed at night), this one was cleaner, drove him away when he fell off at an average height, moved to the side started to play, apparently they were upset there and did not come again. The 3rd brood began to roll over, in the morning I scare - in the afternoon it comes, sits and staggers. I watched its flight, as soon as it starts to roll over, then it turns to the very ground, until it plops against it. So what's the conclusion?

I'll tell you about the pigeon house (no longer), Panteley Lavrentievich, he was older than my Uncle. He had a pigeon named Horse. So they ordered pigeons from him, stood in line for 2-3 years, in the late 80s he sold it, the pigeon was over 18 years old. I don't remember exactly how long it was. The second line he had was ruddy (who soared one blood took all from him), the third line was red solid white-billed. That's all for now.

Sergey Lomov.

Readers can get acquainted with additional materials on "chebarkul" on the specialized site "Pigeons of the Urals".

From the Editor:

The work of Chebarkul pigeon breeders to create a separate line, noticeable on the exterior, is reflected in the name of one of the exteriors of the Baku pigeons - "Long-billed Chebarkuli". We place materials on the "Chebarkul line" of Baku residents in the Album on Baku pigeons, there are also photos of these pigeons.

The red factor in the Baku breed.

And not only in Baku. But everything is in order. I'll start with the aphorism of Ragim Agayev. The founder of the Baku people in the South Urals: "We don't have much wheat in Baku to wait a whole year for the pigeon to take the game." His pigeons took the fight on the tenth rush. There was no talk about slaughter, it was a rare exception. It was 35 years ago.

I bred my flock of 2 doves and 3 doves. Apparently they were related to the Agaevskaya breed. The rut began at 45 days, at 55-60 the chick already took a fight and went into the lead. Some of them, yes, were hammered, but after 3-4 days it passed by itself. Subsequently, they became the best in battle. Once a squeak was stolen by ravens for 44 days. He returned after 3 days tired and dry. I gave him 5 days of rest and drove, I drive everyone at once. I couldn’t believe my eyes, he was already tumbling around. After 5 days he took a fight and never scored.

Also, when he was driving the Uzbeks, the dove Tasman flew for 10 months without a game, then somersault and after 2-3 days slaughter. The beauty is incredible. In Tashauz, in the 70s, there was just a boom in games with ground fighting. Not for interest. The highest chic fight in the palm of your hand, threw it a little, bang, and again in the palm.

Picture: my friend and I are in the Ashgabat courtyard, he is buying a white two-lipped. There is such a dialogue between him and the seller:

No, it doesn't fly.

How does it hit, but does not fly?

We like it so much. (And he showed.)

And so for half an hour. One cannot understand, the other can explain that this is a ground fighting. Lotan. In the Great Steppe, pacers have always been valued, but no one thought to make them a breed. In Pakistan, the lotan is a breed, in Central Asia there are just separate valuable specimens. These pigeons take a fight both without rutting and in the aviary. But there are such people among Baku and among Armenians. Recently I saw such a Baku woman and listened to a story about Armenians. But how they would show themselves if they were driven is unknown. The daughter of this bakinka played - not a fight. No one has yet proven a reliable connection between slaughter and early fire. We need observations, records, statistical processing of data for different types.

The question is this. What comes first, battle or thurman? I think the first vertuns that arose as a result of mutation and subsequent selection were not that, and not that, something in between, like a rare "fight" along the way. Then they began to break them in different directions, for a thug, a vert from cotton-marriage. Well, after that, the ways of selection are inscrutable, the fighting ones were divided into ground (lotan, parlor) and flight. Two branches of the same tree, lotans and flying ones, diverged, then converged and intertwined. Slaughter is the red factor of lotan. The light came on, stop - rejection.

The beginning of the battle for me is one of the selection signs. The sooner the better. But no matter how I try, the period of recruitment of the game is increasing, the game is getting smaller. The late ones, yes, are easier to work with, and they squeeze out the early ones. And it is even easier with the direction of the coffin-long-term and little beating, where the main problem is losses. It's quite simple in Tehran, a month of preparation for a competition, a competition on the summer solstice and 11 months of virtual pigeon breeding. This is the other side of the traffic light. Passed on red and the breed was reprofiled. A natural process independent of us. In which direction the Bakuvians will go, because there are connoisseurs of both longevity and podpodushki. There may be 2 or 3 breeds. At least there is already a name - Starobakinskaya. Wait and see.

G. Malkov.

Baku battle.

Today this breed of pigeons is bred in all corners of Russia. They were brought to the Caucasian Mineral Waters from Baku at the beginning of the 50s of the XX century. In those days, the bird was with feathered legs, in "boots", and in "battle" it was not inferior to many breeds. In memory remained white, white with black, red, yellow specks on the body, black with yellow eyes, with white specks on the head, shoulders, with short tails and low legs. However, as time went on, the Baku also underwent changes in its development. They became chubaty, bare-footed, the "boots" disappeared, but the "stockings" were still preserved.

Then the pigeon breeders themselves began to take out the Bakuvians: with bare feet, with and without forelocks, etc. Fashion was constantly changing, it was determined by the market, but amateur pigeon breeders brought out whatever they wanted for the soul. And these pigeons are unpredictable, their flying and fighting qualities are individual, they are of a strong constitution, strong, intelligent, unpretentious to the conditions of detention, they breed well. When you hold a Baku citizen, it seems that a smooth stone is lying on your hand. The extraordinary abilities of these pigeons during the summer with periodic play (fight) are enchanting. They are also surprised by their affection for their home, nest, pair. The chick, who left its enclosure for the first time and sometimes flies for days on the roofs of other people's houses, eventually returns to its fold. An adult pigeon purchased by you in another city, if it wants to find its former home, but for some reason does not find it, will definitely return to you.

If you have not identified a place for a couple, then the people of Baku will make a nest from any material at hand, where they like, and if the dove is carried there, then you will not be able to move it to a new place by any effort. By the way, the dove tends to lay eggs all year round. Even during molting, delaying this process artificially, she can lay an egg and hatch offspring. However, this process is undesirable, therefore, the nests should be cleaned with subsequent processing so that there are no "building materials" in them. But you need to feed the pigeons hard.

The body of a dove in winter requires a maximum of vitamins. After molting in December - January, she sits on eggs in natural conditions, incubates and feeds the strongest and strongest chicks. For newborn pigeons, a clear feeding regimen must be observed. A variety of food and its timely delivery are important factors so that the pigeon's crop does not empty out and does not stretch too much. The food should be soft, and the chick should receive it at noon. You can not give enough food, which, unfortunately, many pigeon breeders are fond of.

I will return to the adults of Baku. The flying pigeon must be well trained, it needs to be added daily to the load. After all, a young Baku resident begins his first steps in the game: landing on the tail with preliminary flapping of the wings is short (not protracted), two or three times with a quick transition into years. Then the pigeon begins to easily twirl over its head with the same claps, goes into "battle", and here it should not be given a break. The pigeon will improve the quality of the "fight" every day. The interval between tail landing and "fight" is different. Sometimes it lasts up to a year, depending on the pedigree of the pigeon. The shortest is two weeks. There were cases when the chick still squeaked and was already beginning to "beat" like an adult pigeon.

A well-trained flying Baku citizen, released in the evening and caught in the darkness, can fly all night and only lands at dawn. In recent years, some pigeon breeders have practiced this rutting scheme to protect birds from predators. Only she does not justify herself. And although you save the bird, you weaken its physical condition. Doves, on the other hand, at night, as usual, sit on eggs or warm their chicks. Now, unfortunately, pigeons are especially susceptible to attack by predators. From the end of August to May they are disturbed by the female hawk, from April, when the pigeons easily go up and gain the pace of summer and "fight", the falcon ruthlessly dealt with them. At high altitude, it is difficult for a Baku resident to escape from the tailbone (there is such a predator). It is easier for Baku people to leave a hawk than from a falcon: it cannot catch up with a strong flight pigeon, which cannot be said about a young one, or a non-run one.

What is typical for a Baku citizen? Mostly flying style. If no one bothers him (hawk, falcon, crows), then he always keeps a certain square. Basically, Baku residents love loneliness, they often fly for hours, demonstrating battle in front of each other. Some rise above others, as if controlling the lower "floors". The variety of flight and combat allows them to keep their distance from each other, to create floor-by-floor years. In this style, they sit down. They show many fragments of the battle when landing. In my opinion, the most beautiful is this: a pigeon, sitting down, "lets out", like an airplane, the landing gear, legs down, and when there are two meters to the landing place, it suddenly makes a sharp jerk upward. The "screw" with the "fight" goes back to years, makes several circles, repeating it several times. Such a pigeon is very valuable.

It is difficult for Baku residents to fly in strong winds, although they are not afraid of it. In high altitude conditions, they feel oxygen starvation. If a pigeon has to live at an altitude of 1800 m above sea level, and in years to climb to the "point" or hide from sight (another 1000 -1200 m additionally), and even show the game, then it can withstand only 2-3 hours. Other breeds are not capable of this either. If we compare a Baku resident half a century ago with the present, we will notice the following changes. He became larger, slender, more beautiful. The variety of combat remained, but the years got worse. In this, the content in the aviary, where the pigeons were driven from predators, played a negative role. Assimilation with other breeds also changed it, although the effect from it is also ambiguous. Baku resident of the 50s - unattractive in appearance, hunched over, on low legs, with an ugly gait. In a word, he was mad, but showed miracles in the air. In my opinion, even today - the uglier a pigeon, the better it is in "summer" and "fight". Of course, there are many worthy specimens among the beautiful ones.

It is a pity that the flying and fighting bird perishes in the claws of predators - 30 - 40 heads per year. Couples have to be replenished from the outside, which, of course, affects the quality. It so happens that you don't get anything good during the season. And yet we grow them and even participate in exhibitions. At the last Moscow one we were appreciated. I only wish that the standard for this bird was placed next to the cage, so that there would be no misunderstanding between experts and fanciers. And advice to experts: in the score sheet, you should emphasize the position for which points are removed. All this will have a positive effect on the breeding of Bakuvians.

For questions that interest you, write to:

357000, Kislovodsk, Stavropol Territory,

st. Katykhina, 54, apt. 2

An amateur pigeon breeder A. Rafaelyants tells about this breed

About marble.

I would like to tell you a little about myself. I saw the pigeons for the first time at the age of 7 years, a neighbor who lived on the contrary started, kept them for a short year, 2, the bird was of different breeds, but all slaughter. Then I just fell in love with pigeons, spent hours looking at the neighbor's roof and it was great happiness when they gave me a pigeon in my hands to carry and throw away. But the parents of the pigeons were not allowed. In the 90s, hard times came, life became hard and many people tied up with a bird. I no longer came across the bird and my passion subsided. The second meeting with pigeons happened when I was 14 years old, the boys and I decided to eat pigeons, climbed to catch them on the technical floors in high-rise buildings and there I accidentally catch a slaughterhouse. As I saw him, something in me immediately stirred, my heart began to beat faster. It was a half-breed from Baku with some kind of shaggy fighting man, but he looked great, white with a red spot on his neck in the form of a penny and a trimmed gray tail, his legs were in 5-inch boots. Here already my parents could not keep me. I cut off a corner in the attic and started collecting wherever I could. All weekend I wandered the streets of the city in search of pigeons, but the dovecotes and attics were empty. After a while, I found several pigeon breeders, those who did not part with the bird, the bird was mostly Baku. The pigeons were mostly over 40 and older, they didn't talk much with the boys, but there were also those with whom it was possible to agree to take a bird, helped with advice. In the beginning they were: Baku, Krasnodar, North Caucasian, different mestizos - but they all chased all year round, many played very well. But with me, the Baku people always made up the majority of the flock and gradually ousted everyone else, no one flew so hard. Baku people were then: white, with feathery manes, with colored tails in frames. I took up the black-tailed ones, then the edged ones were a rarity, but after a few years I also brought the edged ones, the bird flew for 6 hours, someone had the game in place, someone had a small one or two meter post. By this time, the pigeons began to move, they began to start pigeons in a new way, they began to import the bird, and I began to travel, mainly to Chisinau. In Chisinau, the bird was stronger than ours and more stripes, that's when I saw the marble ones for the first time. Since then, there is no favorite suit for me, and now I practically only deal with them, I think that it is marble that you can do endlessly, every year you bring out some interesting shade or combination of colors. And now, specifically about the bird: "For me, the marble background is not important, it is important that there are no large spots, black feathers in the tail and wings, especially those running in a row, I am trying to achieve a smaller speck, it is important that the color looks harmonious. I prefer a medium-sized bird, just from my experience I can assume that the game is sharper, the overlap is more abrupt, although for someone it may be different. I select the bird with frequent play, always in the pole, one and a half to two hours of flight is enough for me, but so that this time was a spectacle. Although this year I recorded four and a half, the game is less frequent with such, but still at least once every 10 15 minutes. The average height of the pillar is three four meters, many with a screw, there are several with a pillar height of fifteen meters, but such a bird rarely plays in summer, but they will certainly suffer during landing while they sit down. I also reject pigeons riding in boats, the bird should rest in summer on even wings. I can leave a pigeon with a rare boat for the tribe, but with a strong game, but I pick it up in a pair without a boat and this one lingers with me until the chicks are hatched with his game but without a boat. I would like to dwell separately on the topic that a fighting bird in a large flock sharply reduces the game. In the fall, when the bird has mostly scored, I chase pieces of 40, and this is the most spectacular period of the year, when there are so many birds in the sky, the bird periodically scatters, breaks up into groups, converge, at the moment of descent the fireworks of pigeons pulling pillars. After all, this is what everyone wants to see above their roof? But not everyone knows that for this it is necessary to shovel a bunch of material, to tear off more than one hundred heads, plus everything to be a successful person, so that at least sometimes it gets into the blood. I think there are a lot of fans like me and it is to them that I would like to wish good luck, patience and always good health, because we will need it in such a difficult but very exciting hobby!

Vasily Skripchenko

Articles about Baku battle pigeons


Cooed my white-breasted,

I hand-fed him for a month.

I was so hoping for a miracle.

And I got this miracle.

Be strong baby, spring will come

The skies will turn blue

Your kids will be in the pack

Do such miracles.

Life is beautiful

Though there is no point in it.

"Blessed is he who has not drunk to the bottom."

It may be so, but more noticeable

My wealth is gray hair.

G. Malkov.

The ballad about the valiant knight of the sky.

8 feathers from the wing,

Who cares,

That pain pierced like an arrow

My thin body.

The king ordered me in the morning

Take off my slave if you please.

He waved his handkerchief after me,

And in the sky I am the king.

Blow, blow, wing to wing

Cotton, coup.

There is warmth, light in the sky,

And the din I could live.

From echo to echo

Mine reaches the gaze.

I do not wear armor

Forelocks, bows and spurs.

Someone in need,

Someone on a whim

I am the eternal knight of the sky

And valor is my motto

I rise with a fight

I'm screwing into the heights

I'm a flying dove

And the sky is my life.

Something was missing

I did not smell trouble

And the night rolled me down

To someone else's roof.

8 feathers from the wing,

Who cares,

That pain pierced like an arrow

My thin body.

Someone else's evil hands

Only death is more terrible.

Not wings, but stumps.

But I must fly.

And I flew, ran as best I could

With a torn wing

From death was on a spikelet.

And now I see a house.

All behind, sadness and pain

Misfortune and bondage.

Some strange king of mine

Is he crying or what?

G. Malkov.

Tales about Baku residents.

The first bike.

I'll tell you now how I burst with the shaggy ones, or whatever they are -Takla, Starobakinskie, baidam-laley, and probably there will be many more names.

So, a year ago I was on a trip to the Bird, well, we are going to gossip and drink tea in a coffee shop, and the devil pulled me there to come. We are sitting, talking, we are already heavy with tea, and one guy says: "Lyonya, we have not communicated with you for 5 years, let me give you a gray neck, the whole day is flying, if you don't take it, you will offend!" Well, I took it, but I myself think: "What the hell is she to me?" Then we continued drinking tea at his dovecote, in short they hung for a day, and I didn’t have a stroller. How to get there? I forgot how to ride the metro, and this is the area of \u200b\u200bthe Belorussky railway station.

Well, he says to me: "Tomorrow you will go, but for now we will see the tapes about the Baku people." In the morning he gives me a box with the words: "I also put a white male there, take the children and see what kind of pigeons they are."

Well, off we go. Andryusha saw this case and uploaded 3 more pairs, and then in the summer Lyokha collected the mistakes of his breeding work in boxes and to my village. Come on, he says, let's drive.

So guys, what am I all about. I was in love with my necks, but here is such an opportunity. My necks fly on average 3-5 hours, at 3-4 years old they slip 1-2 mad. Well, 7 hours maximum is rare.

There are also colored ones, those are stronger. Well, I would have held them and be pleased. Even earlier, two years earlier, Grisha got me all the way: "Take it and take it!"

So my dears, what I saw in my garden just shocked me. These half-breeds flew - and how ?! Somewhere in the afternoon we raised 4 of them, one was immediately grabbed by the hawk, and 3 were covered. Six hours passed, one appeared, a couple of hours later sat down, and two appeared already dark. And one (later the nickname US) brought the female to the middle one, and he demonstratively gained height and covered himself. And the thrill, when I took my friend home, he said with absolute certainty: "Don't worry, he'll sit down in the morning!" What was my amazement when at 5 in the morning he was not there, and at 7 he fell, did not sit down, but fell and sat on the roof for four hours.

We sucked it like a hawk, stress, etc. And a month later, those who were younger began to freak out, but that's another story. And note - I did not write what emotions I experienced. But in the magazine he wrote "I shouldn't have ignored Gregory the Munil!"

Leonid Krylov

The second story.

I want to tell you one story about the game of the Baku bird, and then decide for yourself who is hanging (moth), and who is the pillars with candles.

There is a village in the suburbs of Baku called Mardakan, one grandfather lived there, and once my friend and I, and he was a Tatar (their languages \u200b\u200bare similar to az-kim), were brought to this grandfather. We bought pigeons from him by chirp, it was a lot of money, the mid-70s, and at the end of the day, he gives us one white barefoot. And the grandfather explains something to our guide, it turned out that they were arguing, the guide asks this male for himself, and the grandfather is not in any, let the guys say to Moscow, they have spent so much.

We flew to Derzhavnaya, and a couple of days later to meet our parcel in Kursk, the bird arrived at that time. Slowly they began to master a new bird, the pigeons turned out to be excellent, flew for days, it came to a white one (the molokans reached)

He began little by little to go out into the light of God, what was our surprise when he stepped out onto the threshold, tearing one leg off the floor, tore out such a candle, I just AHNUL. Further more, a candle with a screw with a loud clapping, at the end of a somersault, we figured out somewhere about seventy meters, then a circle, or even half, and so several times, within 4-5 minutes, it was covered.

He made us happy for about two weeks ...... Now I understand that it is necessary to take children from such, and then they caught the buzz.

Then several more times they brought these from their grandfather, the whole bird disappeared due to weather conditions. And I still dream of such a pigeon, but alas. I have a lot of interesting beautiful games, many connections with Bakuvians, with Yevlakh people, how many have been sent and are still sending - everything is not right.

Leonid Krylov

The third bike.

One elderly pigeon breeder from Chisinau had a very interesting line of yellow necks. It was interesting in that the chicks from such necks hatched solid yellow, and became necks in the third year of life. I know, many will say that they say nonsense, it cannot be. Probably, I would say so too, but I saw them with my own eyes. It was in 2002, when we, then 20-year-old boys, did not have such financial resources to carry poultry from abroad, we were looking for a bird either in Cahul or in Chisinau. So one Sunday morning we gathered in Chisinau, 170 km from Cahul to Chisinau, 3 hours by minibus and we are on a bird. Then we were looking for Baku marble doves. I must say that until the 80s in Moldova nobody really knew the Baku ones, they kept mostly turmans, such as: Akerman, Bessarabian, Balti, Chisinau ducks, some other decoration, in general, the breeds are mostly Moldovan. Little fighting birds were kept. The fighting ones were with big shags, probably the North Caucasians, there were few strong flyers among them. Baku birds began to appear somewhere in the 80s, the bird was imported from Baku, imported in large quantities, then they sold and immediately brought others, the old Kagul pigeon-houses told about this, who then bought the bird. True, the bird was of excellent quality, it flew strongly, played beautifully, in general, the Baku birds very quickly earned the love of pigeon breeders and became very popular. There were a great variety of colors for every taste. So here we at the market get acquainted with this elderly man and go to his house to watch a bird in summer. The grandfather's bird was of excellent quality, flew for a long time, we were tortured to wait for them, well, while we waited for them to sit down, we admired his bird, among others we saw beautiful yellow necks, with trimmed tails, with beautiful manes, bare-footed, perfectly folded, with beautiful heads, beaks as we then called a hairpin, in general, handsome, you can only dream of such. Of course, we wanted to get hold of these, but the grandfather flatly refused to sell them, as we did not persuade him. We began to ask him where, they say, the bird is like this, and the grandfather said that he had brought this bird 20 years ago from far away, for very large money at that time. I began to show young people from them so we could not believe our eyes, the squeaks were solid yellow, we thought that he was fooling us, and the grandfather showed us the older youth and each conclusion was lighter than the previous one. In general, he destroyed our doubts. He said that young people shed several times before acquiring a clean suit, but the suit is always clean. We then asked people who knew him, all his words were confirmed. Many praised those grivnas, they said that a bird worked miracles in the sky. But did he sell them to anyone - the realties did not even hear, all who meddled, left with nothing. It was interesting - maybe to find out who had heard of such? Maybe there are such people now.

Vasily Skripchenko

So what unites the huge variety of these pigeon species into a single group? First of all, they do somersaults during the flight. But many birds are tumbling in the air, many will be surprised. But fighting pigeons, during somersaults over their heads, make clicks with their wings - a fight. They also come out into the pole in an unusual way, which you can clearly observe in the video below.

It is important to note that all fighting pigeons differ in their flying style and play in the air. So, for example, many make frequent somersaults with flaps of wings, while others rise in an unusual way into a pole, and then sharply decrease. There are also rocks that literally walk in the air, making a vertical rise. It should also be said that many fighting species have a beautiful exterior. Among their decorations there are various crests, beautiful plumage patterns, various options for beaks and tails.

Flight features

The flight of such pigeons, as we have already said, is different. You can see this in the video. Some, for example, Baku high-flying can hit up to 30 times in a row, making a smooth circle. After that, they go into a stance and repeat the fight again. At the same time, their flight can last up to several hours in a row. Most of the combat representatives rise up to 20 meters, as in the video, therefore they are called high-flying.

Fighting qualities appear in birds about the third month. However, there are also later varieties, in which the most perfect flight becomes only by the age of three. It is important to say that the later the pigeon starts the "fight", the higher it is valued among amateurs.Iranian and Baku birds go into battle until about 1 year, later - Central Asian breeds. Let's talk about the breeding centers for these flyers in more detail.

Turkey is the capital of beautiful pigeons

In Turkey, many species of flying pigeons are bred for flying decorative purposes. All local birds are beautiful in appearance, so they have long been loved by poultry farmers around the world. The Takla breed, which was bred by nomads from Asia, has earned special respect. have a number of similar characteristics, for example, feathered legs, the presence of forelocks and other ornaments on the head. It is also important to say that most of the Russian breeds were bred on the basis of the Turkish ones.

North Caucasus

middle Asia

This is perhaps the most important region for the development of slaughter pigeon breeding. And the basis for this was the cultivation of the Uzbek breed. A huge number of colors and decorations are found among these birds. But in Central Asia from time immemorial, short-billed birds have been valued. For example, Tashkent ones became the basis for receiving Armavir and Uzbek ones. And in Turkmenistan, beautiful kosans and agarans were bred.

In the Iranian-Azerbaijani region, pigeon breeders pay more attention to flying abilities than to the appearance of birds. Therefore, mostly Baku ones are popular here, which do not differ in any decorations. You can see these birds on the video and read in our previous article "".

Western world

In the West, fighting pigeons are popular, but they do not have their own breeds. So, for example, they call all birds with somersaults rollers and turmans. And the most popular among them are Turkish and Asian breeds. Here it is customary to give names to birds according to their place of origin.

Photo gallery

We offer you to see some photos of these beautiful and unusual birds in our photo gallery.

Video "Flight of the fighting men in the Krasnoyarsk Territory"

In this amateur video, you can see the beautiful flight of pigeons, as well as observe their behavior in the air and in the aviary. How they go up and how they perform the "fight", all this is clearly visible on the video.

Baku pigeons are one of the most famous breeds of fighting pigeons in the world, famous for their flying qualities. Their flight is unique, the Baku pigeons hold the record for the duration of non-stop soaring in the sky, which lasts up to 12 hours. At the same time, the birds show their skills and their fight in the sky is simply enchanting.

Baku pigeons are one of the most famous breeds of fighting pigeons in the world, famous for their flying qualities.

Breed signs

The pigeon breed got its name from the city of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, where these birds were bred. The excellent flight and fighting qualities of birds are the result of centuries-old enthusiastic and fruitful work of Azerbaijani pigeon breeders. Once upon a time in Baku, pigeons were kept on almost every roof and in the skies above the city from morning until late evening one could admire the flying play of these beautiful birds.

For a long time, they did not pay much attention to the color and texture of pigeons; the main advantage of the bird was its fight in the sky. Pigeons from Baku can be of a wide variety of colors (black-tailed, marble, white, red and many others), but their flying qualities were and remain unrivaled, on this basis they surpass all currently known breeds.

Despite the variety of colors and the presence of many subspecies, Baku fighting pigeons have a number of distinctive features, among which it is necessary to highlight:

  • average value;
  • strong, slightly elongated body;
  • round forehead and slightly oblong head;
  • long neck and wide back;
  • long strong wings;
  • rather dense plumage.

In addition, representatives of the Baku breed of flying pigeons are unpretentious in care, they easily get along in large flocks, they are perfectly trainable, they are very hardy and have good immunity.

Azerbaijani pigeons, both marble and representatives of any other species, reproduce very well. The pigeon lays eggs all year round, and if the poultry farmer has not prepared a place for offspring in advance, then the couple will build a nest from any available material, and it will no longer be possible to move it to another place. These flying pigeons are very attached to the house, they are able to find it hundreds of kilometers away. There is a known case when a small flock of birds was purchased in Baku and taken to Astrakhan, after a while the birds, having overcome hundreds of kilometers, returned home to their native dovecote.

Baku pigeons (video)

Gallery: Baku pigeons (25 photos)

Types of Baku residents

All the pigeons of Azerbaijan have excellent flying qualities, they all work real miracles in the sky, therefore they are divided into types only according to the peculiarities of color and additional decorations. They can be with or without forelocks, in "panties" or with bare legs, with a spindle-shaped constitution and a raised chest.

The following types of breed are distinguished among the Azerbaijani pigeons:

  1. Marble Baku residents are distinguished by the presence of small inclusions on the multi-colored plumage, and with each molt the color of the plumage becomes more saturated, according to this feature, you can easily determine the age of the bird. In purebred marble Baku residents, the spots on the plumage are evenly distributed, there are no monochromatic feathers and large spots of the same color.
  2. Manes - have a completely white or slightly matte plumage and a bright, very noticeable spot on the nape. The color of the spot can be gray, yellow, red or black. Also, the pigeon is able to have several brightly colored feathers on the tip of the forelock and in the tail.
  3. Black-tailed - the main distinguishing feature of this species is the presence of a black tail, but sometimes the color can be bright red, while the rest of the plumage remains completely white. Black-tailed Baku residents have all the flying qualities of the breed and show themselves well in the sky.
  4. Wide-tailed Baku people - have a wider tail than other representatives of the breed and are distinguished by their long stay in the air. They can be of various colors, but mainly ash, light and milky tones prevail in the plumage.
  5. Chile pigeons - representatives of this species have completely red or black plumage (sometimes small specks may be present) and a variegated head. These are incredibly beautiful flying pigeons, they are very strong and hardy, have a wide chest and well-feathered legs. This species is capable of making a pillar up to 15 m high, hanging in the air for a long time in an upright position, while performing 5-7 somersaults.
  6. Solid (one-color) - have a monochromatic plumage color from pure white to bronze, bare unfeathered legs, the ends of the birds' wings lie on the tail.

Baku pigeons (video)

Flight style

Flying pigeons from Baku are famous for their special style of soaring in the sky. They usually fly in bulk, each pigeon independently, demonstrating the best qualities of flight combat. The very concept of "fight" does not mean the ability of birds to fight in the sky, but the peculiarity of their flight, during which they seem to beat the air with their wings, while making a distinct sound. Black-tailed, marble, monochromatic pigeons of Baku are able to rise to a rather large height. Showing their game in the sky, they are perfectly oriented in the air.

There are several types of combat:

  1. "With an exit to the post" - while during the flight the bird flaps its wings often, sharply and noisily, rushing vertically upward. At the peak of the rise, it makes a sharp roll back over the head, accompanied by a loud click of the tips of the wings. Some pigeons, after somersaults, continue a whole series of rises and rolls, while the pillar reaches a height of 15 m. The “pillar with a screw” looks very mesmerizing in the sky when the pigeon makes a smooth spiral rotation to the left or right with somersaults accompanied by distinct clicks of the wings.
  2. "Hanging fight" - during such a flight, the pigeons rise up more slowly, make periodic stops with a less abrupt turnover than during the flight "with an exit to the pole", and again slowly rise to the heavenly height.

Currently, with the development of the popularity of Baku pigeons, breeders began to pay more attention to the appearance of the bird, not forgetting to develop the flight-fighting qualities of their pets.

Today these birds have an excellent exterior, a variety of attractive colors, are leaders in the duration of their stay in the air and show a wonderful, unrepeatable style of flight combat.

Attention, only TODAY!


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