Edo what programs are there. Automated document management system. Document processing processes

Our society is only on the way to introduce electronic document management systems everywhere in all enterprises.

This is because most of the enterprises are still unable to do this for a simple reason - lack of experience in using electronic documentation.

EDMS Docsvision

EDMS Docsvision as a tool for automating processes outside the framework of document flow


EDMS ELMA is implemented as part of several packages ECM +, Projects +, ELMA CRM +, which are selected according to user requirements. There is even a KPI package.

The peculiarity of the interface is its adjustment to the user's role using the built-in design tools.

It implements accelerated access to reference data and automation of a number of processes, in particular, the processing of documentation from various sources.

As for the search for data, there is a procedure for searching by requisites. The search result can be formed into a report, and templates can be formed from search queries.

For BP operations, a special subsystem is allocated that allows you to plan replacement, configure tasks, manage and simulate BP.

The security block supports a number of authorization methods, clearly delineates user rights to the type of access to objects.

Additionally, an EDS is used, and the number of active users can be determined programmatically.

This EDMS also has disadvantages. For example, there is no local mail. There are restrictions on the creation and assignment of tasks, and registration from office applications is not implemented.

In addition, there are no built-in tools for viewing attachments, only typical queries are executed, and there is no automatic search for duplicates.

What tasks does 1C: Document flow 8 solve

What tasks does 1C solve: Document flow 8: office work; storage and retrieval of information; business processes; routing documents; time tracking.

Today, 100% of documents in the office are created in electronic form, but still more than 80% of them are printed (for approval, review, launch). How can this approach be effective?

It seems that the introduction of electronic document management is the most reasonable action on the part of decision-makers. But the business need for automation is far from instantaneous. And only after receiving a number of signals, the management comes to the conclusion that the company needs a special information system for content management (ECM-system). It is then that it becomes necessary to manage information at all stages of its existence, until it becomes obsolete.

What is an electronic document, EDMS, ECM

There are many definitions. We will try to give you the most understandable and concise ones.

Electronic document - a set of information (text, image, sound recording) saved on a computer (Word, Excel files, etc.). It is accompanied by a card with attributes - just like books in a library are accompanied by a file cabinet. By attributes (title, author, creation date, etc.), the document can be quickly found.

Workflow (work flow) - the sequence of actions of employees within a certain business process. An example of such a sequence is receiving a document, registering it, reviewing and executing a document, and a business process is working with citizens' appeals.

Electronic document management (EDM) is a way of organizing work with documents, in which the bulk of documents are used in electronic form and stored centrally.

Do you need an ECM system

To assess whether you need an EDMS or an ECM system, answer the following questions for yourself:

  • can you quickly find the document you need by talking on the phone with an important partner?
  • will it be possible to say exactly which of the orders you have issued have not been fulfilled and are overdue at the moment?
  • are you sure that the current speed of document approval creates a positive image of your organization?
  • are you satisfied with the volume of papers on your desk?
  • can you confidently say where the document that was sent for approval is currently located?

Advantages of electronic document management

Transparency of business processes... Thanks to the system, you can track all stages in the organization's activities. Business processes become completely transparent for management, they are easier to control.

Higher performing discipline... According to statistics, 20% of the tasks received are not performed by the employees responsible for them. With full control of all stages of work, the ECM system directly affects the performance discipline of employees.

Lower labor costs for managers and employees. The system reduces the time that employees spend on almost all routine operations with documents: creation, search, approval, etc. Document flow is accelerated. And as a result, all processes in the organization go through faster.

Confidentiality of information is ensured... A data breach can cause millions in losses to an organization. Unlike traditional "paper" workflow, the ECM system provides access to documents strictly in accordance with the assigned user rights. All actions on the document (reading, changing, signing) are recorded.

The requirements of ISO 9000 standards are met... The setting of quality management has now become one of the priority tasks in Russian companies. Among the requirements for the quality management system (QMS) there is a transparently delivered workflow, as well as information interaction between employees.

Easy to innovate and train newcomers... Thanks to the notification system, built on the basis of the ECM system, you can quickly bring the new rules of work to all employees. The training time for new employees is reduced by quickly searching for the necessary information (regulations, instructions, etc.). The routes and templates of documents are easily changed, after which the employees automatically start working in a new way.

Development of corporate culture... The introduction of an ECM system establishes and maintains the internal policy of the company, leads to team cohesion. At the same time, the responsibility of each employee for the high-quality performance of the assigned task increases.

More competitive advantages... The ECM system directly affects the competitive advantages of the company over other market players. The speed and quality of customer service are increased due to the rapid movement of information flows and precise control of all processes. Even the largest enterprise is becoming more mobile and less dependent on some “irreplaceable” employees.

ECM technologies

Corporate content management can be approached both from the point of view of practice and theory.

Let's start with the latter. Pay attention to the components of the life cycle indicated in the canonical definition from the AIIM (Association for Information and Image Management) glossary:

  • capture (Capture),
  • management (Manage),
  • storage (Store),
  • protection (Preserve),
  • information delivery (Deliver).

It is necessary to manage information throughout its entire life cycle: from creation or entry into the organization, to delivery to the end consumer or destruction after the expiration of the storage period.

Information permeates all processes of the organization, it is created and processed in different software and using different applications. But only the ECM system focuses on a unified approach to data management throughout their life.

From a business point of view, in the life cycle of a document, stages are important that have a direct impact on business processes when it participates in workflows. But from a technical point of view, they do not carry a pronounced semantic load and are designated by the general term "document management".

Functionality and classification of EDMS and ECM systems

According to the research company Gartner, systems that support at least 3 out of 6 functions can be classified as ECM:

  • document management: checkout / return, version control, security, grouping of documents, etc .;
  • collaboration on common documents and support of project teams;
  • document scanning and image management of paper documents;
  • managing records for long-term archival retention, automating retention rules and regulations, ensuring records comply with laws and regulations;
  • workflow to support business processes, content routing, assignment of work tasks and states, route tracing and execution control;
  • web content management to automate publishing, dynamic content management and user interaction for these tasks.

You can familiarize yourself with this topic in more detail in the headings of the section "EDMS and ECM Functionality":

An example of a business process in an ECM system

What not to expect from an ECM system

Currently, complex automation of enterprises is built by integrating several systems, each of which solves a certain range of problems. Therefore, it is very important to understand what exactly to implement within each system.

Let's consider the most common business requirements, the implementation of which in the EDMS and ECM system should be reasonable.

HR administration... Despite the fact that it is directly related to documents, the task of this area is not the workflow itself, but accounting and personnel management.

An employee needs different samples of personnel - by education, gender, specialty, date of admission / dismissal, etc., for this information should be stored in a structured form in a database, and not in the form of separate unstructured documents.

The creation of each document should be reflected in a change in the state of personnel, therefore, to automate HR administration, it is better to use specialized HR management systems that can be integrated with an ECM system to store unstructured information (resume, photos, personnel orders, etc.). In addition, it is useful to automate the processes of approving these documents in the ECM system.

Accounting for financial documentsThe situation is similar with structured financial documents: invoices, waybills, acts of completion, etc.

For tax and accounting, which are based on primary documents, specialized accounting systems are intended, as well as specialized modules of the ERP system. The ECM system cannot replace them, although scanning and organizing an electronic archive of scanned images of financial documents are the tasks of the EDMS. The need to implement such solutions usually arises with a large number of documents and participants in business processes who will work with financial documents as with EDMS documents, taking into account access rights, electronic signatures, etc.

In addition, it is now possible to exchange financial documents (invoices, contracts, invoices and acts) with counterparties in electronic form. And the storage of such documents in the EDMS will give an additional advantage. ...

Analysis and modeling of business processes.

As a rule, systems of the BPM () class are used for the analysis and modeling of processes. These are specialized tools of an enterprise business analyst or an external consulting firm. In the modeled business processes, there may be actions that are not related to documents, performed manually (for example, delivery of documents by courier), external actors (for example, suppliers) or with support for other classes of systems (ERP, CRM).

The classical EDMS can provide information for the analysis of business processes (for example, in the form of reports on delays in the execution of certain types of tasks). But this is only a small part of the data required for a complete analysis.

It makes sense to integrate EDMS with modeling systems based on reference data, for example, types of documents or organizational structure.

ECM system implementation

Implementation effect

Evaluating the results of an ECM project is no different from analyzing the effectiveness of an IT project, and the latter is no different from evaluating any company project.

Here the motive is the maturity of the company's technologies, without which the company simply cannot be considered effective. In other cases, it is almost impossible to calculate the benefits, although the need for implementation is beyond doubt. And sometimes calculating the effect is more expensive than the technology itself (such as providing employees with unlimited Internet access). In all these cases, attention is rather paid to the project costs and the potential of the solution, including how easily other tasks of the company will be solved with the help of the implemented system.

EDMS and solutions based on it can not always be attributed to systems regarding the effect of which everything is clear. Traditional methods of analyzing the effectiveness of the use of assets are inapplicable to information, as well as the formula "the ratio of profit to total costs is efficiency." This is due to the fact that information is an intangible asset that participates in production together with material and labor resources. The introduction of an ECM system is accompanied by a change in business processes and labor costs. The costs of information systems, including ECM, are in most cases indirect, which can be calculated per unit of production only using some model of economic planning. And it is often difficult to formalize.

Stages of ECM system implementation

Choosing and purchasing an ECM system is only the first step towards building an electronic document flow in an organization. Before it starts working and really starts to have an effect, there is an implementation process ahead.

Implementation of an ECM system usually consists of the following stages:

  • organization of the project, allocation of personnel (project manager and working group);
  • research of an enterprise and design of solutions for the use of an ECM system;
  • tuning and adaptation of the ECM system;
  • training;
  • trial operation.

In any case, the following rules are mandatory for successful implementation:

  • active participation of the management in the process of implementation and use of the ECM system;
  • selection and in-depth training of key employees for software implementation and support;
  • organization of training for all users and provision of instructions for working with the system.

Problems and risks of ECM system implementation

In many ways, they coincide with projects for the implementation of other information systems and lead to the following negative consequences:

  • the terms and budget of the project are violated;
  • not all goals are achieved (the system works, but not in full: less / worse than planned);
  • implementation completely breaks down (the system really does not work).

Specificity of risks due to the fact that most of the company's employees need to be transferred in a short time to completely new methods of work (reading documents in electronic form, receiving in electronic form resolutions and signatures of management, etc.). The most typical risks of implementing an ECM system include:

  • conservatism of users, rejection of new methods of work;
  • low computer literacy of ordinary users and top management;
  • unstructured processes (lack of regulations);
  • insufficient / inappropriate technical equipment;
  • fuzzy project management.

Ways to prevent risks standard:

  • detailed and preliminary design of the work of an ECM system at a given enterprise;
  • clear guidelines and personal leadership example;
  • staff training and operational support in solving problems;
  • phased implementation.

Reliability and legality of an electronic document

The sphere of electronic content management and paperless interaction in companies is now actively developing. The legislation is also changing, some rules are fixed in it after they have become established in life, and some, on the contrary, are introduced after the adoption of new norms at the state level.

Determining the authenticity and legal significance of a paper document is a clear procedure for everyone: the document must have the necessary signatures and seals. But how to determine the validity of an electronic document?

For this purpose was created electronic signature (ES) - the requisite of an electronic document designed to protect it from counterfeiting. You can identify the owner of the signature, as well as establish the absence of changes in the electronic document after signing it.

In its simplest form, the ES mechanism works as follows:

  • a certification authority (department or external organization) is allocated, which, using specialized software, generates so-called "key certificates" for each user;
  • the ES key is created - this is a unique sequence of symbols. It consists of a private key, which is available only to its owner and who can sign an electronic signature document, and a public key, which is available to everyone, with its help it is possible to determine who and when signed an electronic document.

When using an ECM system, all the "difficulties" that the user may encounter are hidden. The user, as a rule, just needs to select the desired function: "Sign the document" (a document signed by the electronic signature will be closed for changes at the same time) or "Get information about signatures". The legitimacy of electronic documents is recognized.

Parting words

We wish you success in mastering new knowledge, and our materials will always help you with this.

It is no secret that the successful conduct of any business primarily depends on how the mechanism for organizing documentation works. After all, paperwork, although not fun, is an important link in company management.

In addition, the documentation should be dealt with in a timely manner, otherwise it will begin to accumulate and get lost. In order to avoid possible losses, an electronic document management system was introduced.

In this article we will tell you: What is an EDMS? What types, advantages and disadvantages does it have?

With the development of the Internet, the time of thick folders and dusty archives is a thing of the past. Now the process of working with documents is fully automated. The necessary papers can be found in one click, and archiving is done without any human intervention at all. Such opportunities for enterprises are opened by the EDMS.

An electronic document management system (EDMS) is a special software, thanks to which documents are processed in electronic form. In other words, thanks to the EDMS, it is possible to transfer documents between employees, issue individual tasks, archiving, etc.

Surely many organizations know how to create electronic documents, store and transfer them. However, a simple electronic format will have no legal effect. For electronic paper to gain weight, it is important that it be signed by both parties. In this case, the documents must be sealed with a special electronic signature.

Therefore, the EDMS can be divided into two types:

  1. Document flow within the company between employees;
  2. Document flow between various enterprises and organizations through special communication channels.

To use the EDMS within the organization, special software is required. Usually such a program is called an EDF platform. In addition, additional hardware is required for the smooth operation of such software. For example, servers, network channels, etc.

An electronic document management operator will be needed if it is necessary to work with papers between two different firms. Such an operator will be a good helper. After all, he knows how to deliver messages, checks in what format documents are sent, requires and controls the affixing of an electronic signature, stores and archives papers on his own, etc.

Thus, EDMS is the "circulatory system" of the entire business. It saves a lot of time, and undoubtedly has a positive effect on the work of the organization as a whole. But is there always a benefit from this type of information processing? And is the EDMS capable of damaging the business? To answer these questions, you need to consider the positive and negative aspects of electronic document management.

Pros and cons of EDF

Like any other EDF process, it has both pros and cons. The main parameters are presented in the table below.

Dignity disadvantages
  • Ordering. The system automatically assigns numbers to documents, which eliminates all sorts of errors
  • Tracking. At any time you can find out who is working with the document
  • Safety. The employee will not be able to lose or spoil the electronic document
  • Recovery. A deleted document can be restored at any time
  • Preservation of temporary resources... The electronic form of the document gets to each employee in a matter of seconds, regardless of their location.
  • It is convenient to work. If necessary, the employee can change the original version of the document. EDF makes it possible to restore each of them. In addition, you can track the names of those specialists who worked on the paper.
  • Availability . The EDM system works 24/7. Moreover, when connected to it via the Internet, an employee can work with documentation at any time, even if he is in the hospital or on vacation.
  • Planning. The system enables a specialist to plan the course of work with papers. You can set the date, time of execution, as well as the sequence. And at the right time, the program itself will prompt the employee about the need to perform his work.
  • Convenient search. The program is designed in such a way that it makes it possible to find the required document not only by name, but also by keyword.
  • Saving paper. There is no need to print the documentation, stitch it into folders and make an inventory. All information is stored electronically, and at any time the required document can be displayed on paper.
  • Money spendings... The creation of EDF will require certain financial costs. Money is needed for software and hardware. The amount of costs will depend on the number of connected employees. On average, this amount will be about 100,000 rubles (*).
  • To use the EDMS immediately - it will not work... After the acquisition, installation, implementation and debugging of the program takes a lot of time, as well as special skills.
  • Training... In order to use the ERMS correctly, all employees involved must undergo special training.
  • Security... For the safety of information, company leaders must pay special attention to security. Namely, to issue an electronic signature, determine which of the employees, and what access to the papers will have, and also need to protect the program from penetration from outside.
  • You will need an EDMS administrator... The staff of the organization must have a person who will be able to solve the current tasks of working in the EDMS. Namely, to debug the server, help users, monitor the functioning of the system.
  • Requires continuous backup... In order to preserve information, users must keep records at all times.
  • In some cases, the existence of an electronic and paper document is required... If, for example, a partner does not have an EDMS installed, then when working with him, the documentation should be both in electronic and paper form.

The real cost of electronic document management for small businesses

(*) If the company is small, and the business owner (or the sole proprietor) is going to sign the documents personally, then the costs will be minimal. They consist of purchasing an electronic digital signature - 1,500 rubles and access to an electronic document management service - from 100 rubles.

For small volumes, our editorial staff recommends the Kontur.Diadok service. If you choose the tariff " Universal“, Then the costs will be only 9 rubles for the sent document. If we compare it with sending original documents by mail, then sending one registered letter within the region will be at least 50 rubles. The difference is obvious:

The system gives all new users 50 welcome bonus transfers of electronic documents.

As can be seen from the table, despite the positive aspects, the SED also has negative aspects. Basically, they come down to material costs, which, as it turned out, may not be small.

The company will incur significant costs not only for installing software and purchasing the necessary equipment, but also must hire an employee, without whose special skills the electronic document management system will simply not work. Such an employee is also required to pay a salary. And this is another cost item.

But do not forget that the efforts expended will pay off in the future, and companies working with EDMS will only benefit. After all, they will save not only on information processing time, but also significantly reduce the cost of paying for services, for example, for an archivist. Plus, in addition to everything else, the electronic archive does not require additional premises, the purchase of additional office supplies and other points.

What is an electronic document management system?

As a rule, this is an electronic document management system (EDM), in which you can generate, send, receive and sign electronic documents. They are equivalent to paper ones with a handwritten signature. To conduct electronic document management, you need an electronic signature certificate.

The interface usually consists of 2-3 tabs, among which are counterparties (your partners and clients participating in EDF) and the main tab - Documents. In this tab, in the Inbox and Outbox sections, you will find documents sent and received by you.

Types of EDF

Undoubtedly, when introducing electronic document management, organizations place great emphasis on efficiency. It is difficult to say which type of EDI will be most effective for a particular organization. It all depends on the direction of the enterprise and on its business processes.

However, there is a general EDF qualification in terms of functionality, control technology, constituent components, etc. In this regard, the main types of EDMS can be distinguished:

  • Office work system... This type is intended for the management of the enterprise. Moreover, the work is carried out according to all accepted rules with vertical control, i.e. from boss to subordinate;
  • Electronic archives... The main purpose of such a system is to organize the storage of documentation. Among other things, the program allows the user to easily find the required paper. However, the transfer of documentation in such a system will not be possible;
  • Workflow systems... This type of system is widespread among users due to the fact that its main task is to organize and automate business processes. It is easy to do business with such software, and workflow is just a reason for the existence of working moments;
  • ECM systems... The software allows the user to introduce novelty into the organization's management system. With the help of complex systems, it is possible to manage: documents, signatures, workflows, employee knowledge, etc. This type of EDF will be much more expensive, because it offers the user advanced functionality.

It is worth noting that each type of EDMS becomes the largest of the previous one, and gives more opportunities to users. However, in order to appreciate the full benefits of electronic document management, it is necessary to make the right choice.

How to choose the right EDMS

As already noted, the choice of an EDMS is a complex process that requires special attention. Among other things, the management of the company needs to take into account a huge number of decisive factors, such as the direction of the enterprise, the staff, etc.

For example, it will be correct for a commercial organization to establish an EDMS both between employees and between partners. Only in this way the company will be able to obtain the necessary economic benefits.

It is better for a state institution to focus on the specifics of its work, and to pay more attention to the creation of electronic archives. And also it is required to train employees to work with them.

When choosing one or another EDMS, it is important to consider whether the system meets the stated requirements. These include:

  • Completeness of functionality;
  • The convenience of use;
  • How fast will this system be introduced into the workflow;
  • The presence of settings, and they must be flexible;
  • Does the system have the ability to expand functionality;
  • Is it possible to adjust the EDMS to the existing software of the enterprise;
  • Ease of adaptation;
  • Availability of technical support. It is important that such assistance is of a high level;
  • Manufacturer reputation, etc.

Taking this fact into account, the user should adhere to the following actions:

  1. Explore the functionality. It is necessary to pay special attention to the chapter "Opportunities". It is important that the manufacturer specifically indicates the list of tasks performed by the program. If there is no specifics, then it is worth abandoning such an EDMS system;
  2. Availability of thematic presentations. It is important that the program contains demo material, thereby explaining to the user how to use the functionality;
  3. Examine screenshots. So the manager will be able to make sure whether the functionality is really simple, and whether it has the stated requirements;
  4. Be sure to read reviews from real users. The best option is to watch videos on YouTube;
  5. Many manufacturers offer free trials to executives. So the user will be able to understand whether the selected product is suitable or not;
  6. As for the cost of the goods, it is obvious that this point cannot but worry the buyer. It is difficult to determine what the real cost of the EDMS should be, but it is worth studying what makes up this or that figure. Therefore, a detailed study of the price list will help the buyer to avoid unforeseen expenses and expenses.

It is worth remembering that only a specialist will help to make the right choice. Therefore, the selection and installation of the EDMS should be carried out only under the close attention of a person who has special skills.

Due to the high cost, not all organizations in our country work with EDMS. At the moment, so far only large firms do paperwork in electronic form. But everything is changing, and it is likely that in the near future the need to work with the help of EDMS will be appreciated, and many firms will be able to afford to conduct electronic business. This means they will become the most effective and successful!

Currently, the exchange of documents between business entities and individuals is gradually moving from paper to electronic. The electronic document management system has a number of advantages over plain paper - it saves time and increases the efficiency of decisions. EDMS can be built both within a company and between different companies via the Internet.

Electronic document management is a system of processes for processing documents in electronic form. Most modern accounting and personnel programs are able to generate electronic documents in a standard format established at the legislative level. But for such a document to have legal weight, it must be signed by both parties with an electronic signature.

Electronic document flow can be divided into two large types - the exchange of documents within the company or between different companies via communication channels. It is allowed to combine these two systems into one global one.

The use of electronic document management within the company requires the purchase of the necessary software package (EDM platform), as well as equipment for its operation (network equipment, server, etc.).

In order to exchange documents between the two companies, an electronic document management operator is required. It guarantees the delivery of messages, controls the format of the forwarded documents, requires certification of work with data with an electronic signature, stores an archive of documents.

Attention! One of these services is. Documents received through it are legally significant if they have a mark from the EPC of both sides of the document flow.

Advantages and disadvantages of EDF

Main advantages

Electronic document flow has undeniable advantages over paper:

  • Streamlining of office work - the system will not allow assigning the same number to different documents, since this will happen in order and automatically;
  • Tracking the position of each document - at any time it will be possible to find out exactly who is working with the document. The employee will not be able to spoil or lose it. A document deleted by accident or on purpose can still be restored;
  • Acceleration of document processing - if the departments of the company are scattered across several buildings, then the paper document must be personally carried there for approval. With EDF, the required document reaches the employee in a split second;
  • Convenient work with versions - when editing, the system saves each version. If necessary, you can track who and when made changes to the document;
  • Round-the-clock remote access - if necessary, access to the EDM system can be organized via the Internet from any computer in the world. An employee can work with documents while on a business trip, on vacation or on sick leave;
  • Work scheduling - thanks to the indication of the creation date and due date, you can plan the execution of incoming documents according to the queue;
  • Search for documents - you can search in the general database of documents by keywords and expressions;
  • Save paper - no need to print all the documents you need.

Main disadvantages

Despite the obvious advantages, EDM systems also have disadvantages that can stop a company from implementing.

These include:

  • You need to spend money on purchasing the system, which, depending on the number of users, can be up to 100 thousand rubles;
  • After the purchase, it takes a long time to install, implement and debug;
  • It is necessary to conduct training for all users who will be involved in it;
  • Ensuring the security of the system - delimiting access between users, issuing the necessary electronic signatures, protecting against penetration from outside;
  • The staff of the company should have an administrator who will monitor the functioning of the system, perform service actions, resolve user issues;
  • In order to preserve information, it is necessary to back up the database with documents;
  • If partner firms do not have EDM, it is necessary to ensure the existence of both electronic and paper systems.

Functional electronic document management

Any document management system must ensure the performance of many actions:

  • Work with any kind of documents - create them, draw up, process, register, control their execution, coordinate, etc .;
  • Organize workflow flows - define routes within the company, delimit access between individual users, provide the ability to work with one document for several persons at once;
  • Organize an archive of documents with the ability to search, store.

Attention! Electronic document flow should provide the same ability to work with documents, as a traditional paper one.

Large developed systems provide opportunities:

  • Registration of all passing documents - incoming, outgoing, internal, with their further redirection to the head;
  • Provide a uniform procedure for working with documents in each division of the company;
  • Work with the document both individually and collectively;
  • Exchange documents between departments and specific employees;
  • Delimit access to documents;
  • Use standard forms for all documents;
  • Control that the approval, execution and other work with the document will be completed on time;
  • Generate reporting - analytical, statistical, etc .;
  • Organize archival storage with fixing the date and time of user access to them.

Is it possible to combine paper and electronic document flow?

After the transition to electronic document management in the organization, at first it will still not be possible to completely abandon paper documents.

This can happen for several reasons:

  • Not all counterparties use EDF;
  • The company already has a lot of paper documents in the archive.

However, there are fundamental differences in working with electronic and paper documents. For example, a paper document needs to be printed and brought to the manager for signature, while an electronic document is signed in the system itself. Paper accounting documents sent to a counterparty may get lost in the mail during transmission, while electronic documents reach the addressee.

The main difference between working with two types of documents is their storage. Electronic documents immediately enter the system, where all users can work with them. For paper documents, an archive must still be organized, where they will be stored in an orderly manner. At the same time, after entering the company, the paper document must be scanned, and this scanned copy must be uploaded to the system for further work.

Attention!Thus, work within the company should still be carried out only in electronic form. If a paper document arrives, then only those who receive it or sign it are seen. At the same time, working with an electronic copy allows you to protect the original from almost any loss, and allows several users to work with it at once.

What are the EDI programs?

There are many document management systems on the market, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common systems are:

System Features of the The cost
Business One of the largest EDI programs. Great functionality, simplicity and ease of use. From 11 to 13.5 thousand rubles. for one workplace
Logics Can be used in companies of any size, easy to learn, flexible customization for the user From 4900 to 5900 per seat.
Euphrates It is considered the most advanced of the systems, the delivery includes its own database system, light and pleasant design From 5,000 rubles per workplace when deployed on an organization's server, from 10,000 rubles. when placed on the developer's hardware.
1C: Archive Full integration with any 1C products, the ability to store any files - text, graphic, video and audio. From 12 to 57 thousand rubles. for the entire program.
DIRECTUM The optimal system for small and medium-sized enterprises, you can combine electronic documents with paper ones. From 7 thousand rubles. up to 2 million rubles. for a license
OPTIMA-WorkFlow A new system that is just beginning to actively develop. There are several features that are unique to this system. From 55 to 75 thousand rubles. for a license.

Interaction of an electronic document with other programs

Taking its place in the electronic environment of the organization, the EDI system should freely support other business applications already functioning in it during operation. For example, you need to freely process accounting documents - invoices, acts, invoices, powers of attorney, etc.

In addition, the electronic document management system must work with everyone in a coordinated manner, and operate with the same data. Therefore, it is necessary that the system be able to maintain reference books that are used in an electronic environment and be able to update the data in them.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the work with external data - e-mail, marketplaces, etc.

When choosing EDF, it is necessary to pay attention to the possibility of its interaction with other means and data sources available at the enterprise. Usually, popular, and therefore actively developing systems, include many modules for the most popular programs - 1C, Parus, Oracle and many others.

For example, the electronic document flow of the 1C program can allow you to form, receive and send electronic accounting documents directly from it, while confirming them with a qualified signature.

Electronic document management (EDF) - a set of automated processes for working with documents submitted in electronic form without the use of paper media.

Electronic documents in approved forms are components of all accounting programs, but in order for an electronic document to be legally recognized, it must be signed with an electronic signature.

Types of electronic documents

An electronic document signed with an electronic signature can be used if the legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain a direct prohibition on its use.

Thus, contracts, various invoices, applications, reports, statements, as well as consignment notes, acts and invoices can be electronic documents.

Also, electronic documents are divided into non-formalized documents and formalized documents.

Unformalized documents - letters, contracts, powers of attorney, technical documentation and other correspondence - are free from strict government regulation.

For formalized documents, individual legislative acts contain strict requirements for the format and transfer regulations.

Formalized document - a document created in the format of the Federal Tax Service.

Formalized documents directly affect the correctness of tax calculations, therefore, compliance with all transfer procedures is essential for them.

Formalized documents are, for example, electronic invoices.

For some primary documents, the Federal Tax Service of Russia has developed the recommended format of the consignment note in the form of TORG-12 and the Act of acceptance and delivery of (work) services.

Despite the fact that for such documents it is indicated that the format is recommended, it is in this format that companies must send these documents electronically at the request of the tax office if it is necessary to confirm income tax expenses.

Options for electronic document management

There are two options for organizing an electronic document management system. The first is to conclude an agreement on electronic document management with counterparties and exchange documents signed with an electronic signature via e-mail. In this case, you can use a simple electronic signature.

The second option is to organize electronic document management through a special operator.

With this method, the company joins the regulations for the exchange of electronic documents and can exchange with counterparties both formalized documents (for which the FTS of Russia has officially approved the format) and non-formalized ones (contracts, agreements, reconciliation acts, etc.).

The main functions of the electronic document management system

The main functions of the electronic document management system are:

    registration of documents;

    control over the execution of documents;

    creation of reference books and work with them;

    control of the movement of paper and electronic documents, keeping the history of work with documents;

    creating and editing details of documents;

    formation of reports on the document flow of the enterprise;

    import of documents from the file system and the Internet;

    creating a document directly from the system based on a template (direct integration);

    work with document versions, complex multi-component and multi-format documents, attachments;

    electronic distribution of documents;

    work with documents in folders;

    receiving documents through scanning and recognition.

    reducing the cost of accessing information and processing documents.

Advantages of electronic document management

The main advantages of electronic document management include the following:

    centralized, structured and systematic storage of documents in an electronic archive;

    reducing the cost of printing, mailing and storing paper invoices;

    a uniform approach to the procedures for the formation and processing of a document (registration, approval, etc.);

    reduction of time for delivery, registration and approval of documents;

    the speed of signing documents;

    the ability to carry out any operations with documents around the clock online: search, download, print, reconciliation, rejection, as well as track their movement;

    quick search for documents.

The confidentiality of the exchange is ensured by the encryption of documents.

Electronic digital signature (EDS) ensures the identification of the signer and the integrity of the transmitted documents.

Delivery of electronic documents is guaranteed by the document flow operator.

Implementation of an electronic document management system

To operate an electronic document management system, you must:

    develop and approve the procedure for electronic document management;

    appoint persons responsible for its maintenance;

    organize an electronic archive of received and sent documents;

    prescribe in the accounting policy the rules for creating, receiving and storing electronic documents, appoint those responsible for the formation and signing of electronic documents.

Each employee who is authorized to sign electronic documents must have an electronic signature.

Having created an electronic document management system, an organization may not print documents, but store them in an electronic archive.

If necessary, the documents stored in the archive can be printed out for the inspectors, and a document signed by the electronic signatures of the parties can be submitted, having duly certified them beforehand.

EDI (electronic document management): details for the accountant

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