Typical employment contract for microenterprises.






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A typical agreement can be applied to all business entities - both micro, small, medium and large.





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  1. Basic provisions - This is indicated here, the date of the start of work, place of work, the term of employment contract (if it is urgent), the presence or absence of a test when taking a job, is the main work or partification, the work time and recreation is established, how the employee's interaction occurs by the employer
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from the conditions of this employment contract, the employee undertakes to carry out labor functions (official duties) specified in the relevant job descriptions, subscribed by the Administration, and the employer undertakes to provide him with the necessary conditions for work, to pay wages and provide social benefits in accordance with the legislation and this













5.5. _________________________________________________________









6.7. _________________________________________________________

(other duties - by agreement of the parties)





7.4. _________________________________________________________










8.6. _________________________________________________________

















10. Annual paid vacation employee is established by a duration of __________ working days.













16. At the end of the term of employment contract (for urgent employment contracts), it can be concluded (extended) for a new term determined by the parties.













20. For all issues that have not found their decision in the conditions (provisions) of the present employment contract, but directly or indirectly arising from the attitude of the employer and an employee on him from the point of view of the need to protect their property and moral rights and interests protected by law, the parties of this Labor


























However, the refusal to adopt local regulations does not mean that issues usually resolved by such acts will remain unresolved.









One copy of the indefinite (or temporary) employment contract is transferred to the employee, another is stored with the employer.






Enclose and to sign the shape of temporary and perpetual labor contracts as employers have the right to individuals who have reached the age of 18, provided that they have civil advivity in full, as well as persons who have not reached the said age - from the date of the acquisition of civil legal capacity




The blank of an indefinite employment contract may contain additional conditions, for example (Article.57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):











Mandatory information that should contain an employment contract are listed in Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.






- For undefined period;
- at the time of performing the work due to this Agreement.





7. Other conditions of employment contract










Since 2017, employers (organizations and IIs) related to microenterprises have the right to fully or partially abandon the adoption of local regulations containing labor law norms.


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1 {!LANG-69bca91ae0eb6ca1c95b8ff01a5e7783!}
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3 {!LANG-96cce4099858b2360f6f0b94de172d1c!}
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10 {!LANG-c8f11697b4d54a8a069a83e6e684f126!}
11 {!LANG-d560a7b1acf101a546898540fa3dcdc0!}
The form of the standard contract already includes all the mandatory information and conditions that need to be negotiated in the contract according to the rules of chapter 10 and 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

{!LANG-23f47316654952bfafcae7821717d808!}<Положение об оплате труда и премировании>{!LANG-12096a439321f92c0e2c7432fa731bbb!}








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It turns out that the form of a typical employment contract allows the employer to decide how it is more convenient to do.



