Ukrainian beehive and its drawings. We make Ukrainian bee hives with our own hands The best sun loungers on a narrow high frame drawings

The question of how to move bees from Dadanov's hives to Ukrainian ones arises among beekeepers who want to keep bees in Ukrainian hives, but have begun to keep bees in Dadanov's. Or beekeepers who are trying to find better conditions for keeping bees.

The vast majority of apiaries contain bees in hives on a Dadanov frame. Batch beekeeping is also designed mainly for the Dadanov frame.

The dimensions of the Dadanov frame are 435 - 300 mm. The Ukrainian frame is the same size, but only upside down.

The beehives on the Dadanov and Ukrainian frames have their advantages and disadvantages. Both have their fans.

But, in this article, we will not talk about the advantages and disadvantages of hives, but about how to relocate bees without a supply of land, that is, on a "bare" foundation. And at the same time, the apiaries' indices for marketable honey should not be reduced.

At one time I tried to switch to Ukrainian sun beds. First I bought two Ukrainians and populated them with bees.

But, having kept the bees in them for several years, I was forced to abandon them.

20 frame Ukrainian lounger is not enough for the development of one family, and therefore families swarmed a lot.

I also did not make a store for the Ukrainian beehive, because this is another type of frames to those already existing in my apiary: Dadanov's standard and half-frames, Ukrainian.

There was no Internet before, there was not enough information, and therefore did not know how to solve the problem of the Ukrainian.

Tried using a dividing grid, but it didn't solve the problem.

I was good at beekeeping in Dadan's loungers with a half-frame shop.

And as you know, they do not seek from goodness. So he refused to use Ukrainian hives.

Now I learned that beekeepers successfully keep bees in Ukrainian hives, on which a store is placed on the Dadanovskaya half-frame.

The half-frames become across the nesting frames.

So I remembered how I moved bees from Dadanov's hives to Ukrainian ones. Maybe in the future I will make shops for "Ukrainians".

Preparing for resettlement

Dadanovskiy beehive - a lounger with a frame.

It is not difficult to relocate bees from Dadanov's hives to Ukrainian ones if there is a supply of sushi within the Ukrainian framework.

In this case, you can immediately chuck the bees into the hive on the Ukrainian frames.

It is best to do such an operation in early spring, when the families have not yet gained great strength and there is still not a lot of sowing within the Dadanov framework.

But how to make a resettlement if there is no supply of sushi, and at the same time not lose the apiary's indicators of marketable honey?

The best thing to do is to populate the Ukrainians by placing them in beehives on frames with foundation. Early swarms are able to build a 20-frame nest.

And next year, there will already be some kind of sushi in the Ukrainian frame.

But working with swarms is not to everyone's liking because of the difficulties in removing them, as well as their possible gathering.

In order to carry out a resettlement operation without a supply of land, it is necessary to have a bribe in nature. Or it is necessary to organize feeding the bees with syrup.

It is best to carry out such an operation for flowering gardens, flowering acacia, or before the main bribe.

The blooming of gardens in my area is bad weather. It can be cold, rain, sometimes even snow.

It is not profitable to relocate bees before the main bribe because of possible losses in marketable honey. And there is a risk that the bees will not fully rebuild the Ukrainian framework, will not inflict honey reserves on themselves in the winter.

The best time to relocate bees is before the acacia harvest.

If the standard Dadanov frames are used in the apiary, and the Ukrainian frames that will be used are also standard, then the Ukrainian frames are prepared in advance.

To do this, cut off the shoulders of the Dadanov frame, turn it vertically and come up with some kind of device for setting such frames in Ukrainian hives.

You can hammer in the carnations and thus make a hanger, or attach a thin bar to put the converted frame in the hive.

I prepared a few such reworked frames, only 2 or 3 per family.

The family of bees needs them, so that the queen sows eggs in them, for some time, until the bees are not Ukrainian.

The rest of all the frames were set with foundation, depending on the strength of the family.


Having prepared the Ukrainian hives and frames in advance, they do everything as in the usual transfer of families.

Dadanovsky hive is put back, and in its place a Ukrainian one with prepared frames is put.

If you see the uterus on the frame, then you need to transplant it manually, taking the wings with tweezers or hands. Thus, protecting yourself from possible death of the uterus during family relocation.

After shaking out all the bees from the Dadanov frames, the free hive is moved to the side.

Seeding in the Dadanov framework can be given to other families. You can immediately cut off the shoulders and, having remade the frame under the Ukrainian one, put it to the family.

Dadan's honey frames, along with a free hive, are carried away from the apiary. Then these frames with honey are printed out one by one and put to the family in the Ukrainian hive at an angle behind the outpost board.

Within a week, a bee colony in the Ukrainian hive will build a new nest for itself. It is only necessary to periodically check and correct possible gusts.

It's one thing when a family is given 1 - 2 frames with foundation. But if there are 5 - 10 of them, then often the foundation breaks due to the mass of bees.

In the future, care like an ordinary family.

And already next year - there will be a supply of Ukrainian frames with land and it is possible to relocate several more families in early spring. Or, using previous experience, relocate all bee colonies.

I told you how to move bees from Dadanov's hives to Ukrainian ones without a supply of sushi and without possible losses in the apiary in marketable honey.

I admit that in the same way it is possible to relocate bees and vice versa: from Ukrainian hives to Dadanov hives, if the frames that are used in the hives are standard.

Important !!!

It is necessary to move the bees from the Dadanov hives to the Ukrainian ones on frames with foundation if there is a good bribe.

Bees have a good wax release only during flow, and they are able to rebuild many frames. If there is no bribe, then organize feeding the chelam with syrup.

It is best to resettle the bees in the spring. Over the summer, they will completely rebuild their nest and apply fodder in the winter.

Video transplanting a family from a lounger to a multi-hive hive.

Video, Ukrainian frame in the Dadanovsky lounger.

The world's first collapsible frame hive was invented by Petr Prokopovich in 1814. It has become a new and improved housing for bees compared to a log or nest box. In the new hives P.I. Prokopovich kept a large apiary and developed methods of beekeeping in relation to the conditions of honey collection. The invention of the hive played an outstanding role in domestic and world beekeeping, since it laid the foundation for modern technology for keeping bees.

Requirements for hives

The hive is the home of the bees and the main object of the beekeeper's work. Therefore, the success of beekeeping depends on how much the hive contributes to the development of a strong family and the manifestation of its productive qualities, on the one hand, and how convenient it is to work in order to ensure high productivity. There are certain requirements for hives, namely: hives must reliably protect the bee's nest from cold, sudden changes in temperature and humidity; have a sufficient volume for the development of the family and the placement of feed stocks, be convenient for the beekeeper's work, have devices for transporting bees and ventilating the nest, the appropriate size of parts due to the biological characteristics of the family and manufacturing technology, as well as a simple design and low cost
Hives of the same type with a standard frame of a certain size and technological equipment unified on their basis have determined the successful direction of technical progress in modern industrial beekeeping in many countries. Eliminating inconsistencies in these issues is the most important task for the implementation of an interconnected technical support system in apiaries.

Classification of hives

Modern hives differ in the size of the frames, the volume and shape of the body, the design of the parts, adaptations to the conditions of keeping the bees and the materials used for their manufacture. Depending on the shape of the housing, the socket can be extended horizontally or vertically. In this regard, the hives are divided into two groups: 1) horizontal (sun beds), in which the nest is increased by placing frames on the side, 2) vertical (risers), the increase in volume of which occurs upward by vertical arrangement of the buildings and stores one above the other (color photo II -6). An important feature of the second group of hives is that their volume can be adjusted in accordance with the size of the family and are better placed in winter hives and on vehicles. Each hive system has its own advantages and disadvantages. The hives must be adapted to the conditions of honey collection, climate and progressive beekeeping technology

It is impossible to advise one or another hive for keeping bees without taking into account the zonal features of the climate, honey collection, bee breeds, beekeeping methods, and available technological equipment. Analysis of the rich experience of domestic and foreign beekeeping shows that high honey yields are obtained from bee colonies kept in different hives.

Beehive-lounger for 20 standard frames is one of the most common in apiaries in Ukraine. For the first time, they began to make it at the suggestion of V.A. Nestervodsky, based on the Dadant-Blatt frame measuring 435x300 mm. The need to switch to a 20-frame hive was caused by the fact that the Dadan-Blatt hive with 12 frame frames and an extension with frames 435x160 mm turned out to be small for keeping strong families. The beehive lounger is made with a nailed bottom, four notches are arranged in the front wall and one in the side. The ceiling is built from separate planks and can be replaced with two ventilation frames, which is essential for transport. The roof is flat, even (Fig. 8 a, b). The data on the consumption of materials for the manufacture of beehives are given in Table 2. Several methods of beekeeping have been developed and are used in relation to the bee hive, of which a very common method of layering, and more recently - the complex use of bee colonies, in particular for the formation of packages.
The Ukrainian beehive accommodates 18-20 narrow-high frames (300x435 mm) .The modern frame has been slightly changed for the purpose of unification and is equal to the initial size proposed by I.I. Korablev (285x450 mm). At first, the hive had 16 frames in the body, had an extension for low-wide frames measuring 285x110 mm. In the modern design, the frames for the body are made with interlocking or non-interlocking top bars (37 and 25 mm wide, respectively). The bottom can be nailed or detachable, which makes it possible to insert a ventilation frame instead, which is necessary during migrations. One of the variants of this hive is made with double front and back walls (insulated). A hive of a different design was tested at the Goloseevskaya educational and experimental apiary. The body accommodates 12 frames for the brood part of the nest (300x435 mm). Above it, for honey, an extension for 8 frames (435x300 mm) is used, which are placed across the nesting frames, or two extensions for a reduced frame (435x230 mm). Ventilation hole in the side wall at the bottom. In the nest of the Ukrainian hive, a club of bees for wintering is well formed, so the death of families from hunger is minimized. The disadvantage of the Ukrainian hive is a slightly tall frame. Therefore, the lower part of the nest in the spring is not covered by bees.

The Vaschenko hive is devoid of this drawback, since its frame is shorter and wider, namely 330x410 mm. Although this hive is not recognized in standardization, beekeepers in Kiev and other regions still make and use it (color, photo II-7). Vashchenko's hive is well adapted to migrations, and the author's beekeeping methods are recognized as the best for modern conditions.
Beehive lounger for 16 frames. In the case, it accommodates standard frames (435x300 mm), and in the extension - the same number of store frames (435x145 mm). This hive is an intermediate option between the Dadant-Blatt design and the modern 20-frame lounger.

A two-body hive consists of two identical bodies with 12 frames (435x300 mm) each, a detachable or nailed bottom, a roof with a roof cap. In the modified hive, instead of the second body, two extensions with frames (435x145 mm) are used. Therefore, it is also called a single-hull with two store extensions.

The multi-hive hive is equipped with four identical hives, a detachable bottom, a roof and an under-roof with a ceiling, and has ventilation devices. Each case accommodates 10 reduced frames (435x230 mm). On the basis of this hive, a variant has been developed with two bodies of 10 of the same frames and three with magazines per frame 435x145 mm. In foreign countries, multi-body hives are used, containing 8 frames each.
The two-body hive with shops, developed by the Scientific Research Institute of Beekeeping of the Russian Federation, consists of two buildings for the brood part (10 frames each measuring 435x230 mm) and three stores for honey (frame 435x145 mm). The bottom is detachable, an overframe feeder is mounted in the under-roofs). In some parts of the country, other hives are produced and used, depending on the conditions. You can learn about their structure from the pages of beekeeping magazines. Special-purpose hives: 1) core hives - for keeping cores with queens - are mainly for 2-4 places; 2) observational - for layering for 1-2 frames in the summer; 3) hives for keeping families-educators.

Hive accessories

In addition to the frames included in the beehive kit, some accessories are required in different production processes. These are, in particular, hive braces, they are used when transporting bee colonies in hives, the details of which are fixed in order to prevent the formation of cracks and the departure of bees from the nest. According to the principle of use, braces are distinguished for the joint connection of all parts of the hive and its individual parts. In apiaries, mainly tape braces are used.
Enhanced ventilation when transporting or closing bee colonies in hives for the period of treatment of plants with pesticides is provided by a ventilation frame with a mesh, which is replaced by the ceiling. The mesh frame with the size of 478x380 mm is universal for the hive-lounger and multi-hull.
The deaf partition, which divides the hive into two parts for keeping in it, in addition to the main bee colony, the layering, is called a diaphragm.

Since the middle of the 19th century, the efforts of beekeepers have been aimed at finding the optimal frame sizes and the corresponding types of hives. Opinions were divided: some preferred low-wide frames, others - narrow-high.

One of the supporters of the narrow-high frame was the Polish beekeeper Kazimir Levitsky. The hives developed by him are widely used in Poland and Ukraine. The popularity of the Levitsky hive was facilitated by the ease of working with it. Neither second hulls nor extensions were needed. When assembling nests for the winter, it was enough to leave six or seven combs filled with food in the upper part, and success was assured. The bees form a club, the diameter of which roughly corresponds to the width of the frame. The narrow and long nest warms the bees well, which contributes to the intensive development of the family in the early spring period.

Developed by the beginning of the XX century. a huge variety of hives has sharply raised the question of their standardization and unification. The congress of beekeepers held in January 1918 in Kiev adopted uniform dimensions and recommended the main types of hives for them. The dimensions of the hive frames set by the congress (435x300; 435x230; 435x145 mm) are strictly observed to this day.

Later, a somewhat modernized hive, proposed by K. Levitsky, began to be called Ukrainian. Its first description was made by V.Yu. Shimanovsky in 1923.

The Ukrainian hive (Fig. 1) consists of a body, a roof, two diaphragms, 16 nest frames and an integral bottom. The body is 686 mm long, 381 mm wide and 507 mm high. The thickness of the front and back walls is 33 mm, the side and bottom - 28 mm. The walls and bottom are assembled from separate plots, united in a lath with glue. At the corners, the walls are connected in a quarter.

An air vent 115 mm high is made in the right wall of the case at the bottom, which is closed with a special cover (sleeve). On top of the outer edge of the body, a rebate with a depth of 6 mm and a width of 16 mm is chosen for installing the roof edge, and on the inner edge of the front and rear walls there is a rebate with a width of 8 mm and a depth of 22 mm for the frame hangers.

A notch 15 mm high and 160-200 mm wide is cut in the front wall. It is displaced to the left of the center, closed by a net that folds down and serves at the same time as an arrival board. Depending on the beekeeping method used in the hive, one or two more entrances can be made.

The roof of the hive is pitched, attached with loops at its high side to the front wall of the hive. The roof consists of a rail and a shield. The sides of the harness are interconnected in a quarter. The thickness of the longitudinal walls is 33 mm, the side walls are 28 mm. The shield is assembled from boards with a thickness of 22 mm, rallied into a rail. Ventilation windows 15 mm high and 100 mm wide are cut in the side walls of the trim, barred from the inside with a mesh. From above, the shield is covered with roofing sheet with edges bent downwards.

The Ukrainian hive is completed with 16 frames (300x435 mm) without permanent dividers. The upper bar has a size of 330x22x8 mm, the bottom - 312x12x8 mm and two side strips - 419x22x8 mm; the dimensions of the hangers of the hammered frames are 15 mm. The lower bar is nailed to the end of the side ones and protrudes 6 mm on the sides, forming wall dividers.

The diaphragms serve to restrict the nest and, if necessary, to separate two families. Each is a shield, rallied from separate planks 13-20 mm thick. It is suspended in the hive with an upper bar on the quarters of the body. The diaphragm is adjacent to the walls of the hive, and is 10 mm from the bottom.

Ukrainian hives on a narrow frame are not very popular with beekeepers, nevertheless they have a number of advantages over other hive constructions. Especially in the northern regions. But of course the Ukrainian hive is not for everybody, the beekeeper needs to get used to the narrow-high frame.

Nevertheless, Ukrainian hives exist of different designs from 12 to 24 frames, for warm and cold skids with and without extensions.

In this case, there are drawings of the Ukrainian beehive on a narrow-high frame with two extensions. The body is designed for 12 narrow frames, located on a warm skid.

The extensions are designed for the size frame 230 * 435, i.e. rutovsky frames. Each extension includes 8 cold skid frames.

As a result, such a hive provides a capacity of 12 Dadanov's frames (albeit inverted) and 16 Rut's frames, which is quite enough for the development of a family and a good honey collection, especially if there is a supply of Rut's sushi. Such hives are especially good in areas with poor honey collection.

The extensions, even with full-length frames, are not as heavy as the second buildings at the Dadanovsky hive.

The design of such a Ukrainian hive allows you to combine the advantages of a narrow-frame hive and a multi-hive hive.

see also

This hive is suitable for working with bees for novice beekeepers, as it is an elementary rectangular structure. There is no need to install partitions in it, because the uterus does not move into the extension, but remains there. This hive can accommodate one colony with a nucleus, or two. The Ukrainian hive is too bulky for transportation, therefore it is used as a stationary one in personal plots.

Features and Benefits

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a Ukrainian hive belongs to the Polish beekeeper Levitsky. He was a supporter of narrow frames, and the models he developed, thanks to the ease of working with them, quickly spread.

The main feature of such a house, perhaps, is 16-20 frames in it (plus or minus 2). Their uniform recommended sizes for the Ukrainian hive were determined back in 1981 and are still applicable. The standard narrow-high frame has dimensions: 435 * 300 mm, its width corresponds to the diameter of the club formed by insects during wintering.

Review of one of the options for the Ukrainian hive

When preparing nests for winter, it is enough to place 6-7 combs with food in the upper part. The nest of a narrow-high shape is perfectly heated by the bees in the cold season, which leads to a more intensive development of the bee colony in early spring. The large front wall of the sunbed, if it is turned to the south, heats up in the sun and creates a comfortable microclimate inside the dwelling, conducive to the development of insects.

Another plus is that it is convenient to form bends in such structures. Moreover, this can be done, despite the family living in the hive. You just need to fence off these two places.

Working with such a hive comes down, roughly speaking, to the setting and rearrangement of high frames, as well as the selection of frames with foundation and honeycomb. That is why this design is a household one and is now more common for the soul, although there are exceptions.


There are not many cons, but they are:

  1. Difficulties in expanding the nest, since it is located horizontally.
  2. Air exchange is difficult, which is important in winter, due to the small size of the frame space.
  3. Large dimensions and non-separable design.


The Levitsky hive was subsequently improved and became known as Ukrainian. It looks like a body with a roof and a non-removable bottom. The Ukrainian hive is made for the installation of 16-20 frames. If necessary, it can be divided with a diaphragm. The body is 686 mm long and 381 mm wide. Product height 507 mm. The bottom and sides are 28 mm, and the front and rear walls of the structure are 33 mm thick.

When making Ukrainian hives with your own hands, you need to adhere to the dimensions indicated in the drawing and follow the sequence of work.

Assembling the case... The back and front walls of the body are made up of three planks. To connect them to the sidewalls, end quarters are selected. The finished back wall is 40 mm wider than the front one. During manufacturing, it is necessary to make a small allowance. It is needed to fix defects.

An outlet is made on the right wall from below, which is closed by a sleeve. A fold 5 * 16 mm deep is knocked out on the outer edge of the case. The depth of the edge for the frame hanger is 25 mm with a width of 9 mm.

A tap hole is made on the front wall. It should be located not directly in the middle, but slightly to the left (90 mm from the end and 40 from the bottom). From above, it is closed by a mesh that folds down from top to bottom. It performs the function of an arrival board and a minelayer. If the structure contains two families, then four notches are needed.

After trimming the bottom, it is connected to the body and nailed. Four nails are used to fix each board. When the bottom is attached, the projections are tapered to prevent sediment from entering the interior of the structure.

Roof... In order to make a backboard, boards 23 mm thick are used. From above, the roof is covered with roofing iron, the edges of which are bent down. In the sidewalls of the roof trim, three holes are made for ventilation, with a diameter of 20 mm. They should be positioned 50 mm from the bottom edge. The roof is made with a backward slope, raising to the front side.

Framework... The hive is designed for 16-20 frames. They go astray from the top and bottom planks and two side planks. At the top, the frame forms a hanger, with which it is installed in the hive.

Partition... The diaphragm seal is not permanently present, but is used when it is necessary to separate families. It is made from thin planks, no more than 15 mm thick. During installation, the partition is fixed to the top of the structure. Its edges are tightly adjacent to the sides of the hive, and a space of about 10 mm remains below.

The Ukrainian beehive can be made with your own hands or purchased. Sometimes it is sold with insulation, which, if desired, can be easily placed independently on a non-removable bottom and between the walls. For this purpose, shavings, straw and other scrap materials are used.


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