If you put cells to the hive from the blue. Protection of bees from birds in winter. How to get rid of mice

The greatest threat to the normal existence and development of insects and their families during the period of intensive medical assembly is a variety of pests.

The main danger comes from:

  • ants;
  • slugs;
  • wax moth;
  • butterflies "Dead Head";
  • sherny and OS;
  • mice;
  • all miserable rodents.

Among the birds are dangerous tits, sparrows, pegs, pures, fihokuts.

Fighting ants

It will take only time to get rid of the unreasonable guests, which kidnap honey, attack bees, destroy the breakdown and can inflict pathogens of diseases.

Protection of bees from ants does not require much work and costs

It is advisable to apply:

  • Salt. Saline solution (1 l of water + 200 g of salt) process the soil around the hives, and the bottom inside sprinkle with salt.
  • Fresh tomato leaves. The smell scares insects, so several such leaves can be decomposed around bee nests.
  • Mustard. The durability of the mustard allows you to get rid of ants for a long time. It is enough just to sprinkle with this powder around the hives.


Protection of insects from mice is reduced to the use of traps, mousetrap, cappos. It is necessary to eliminate all the slots and holes in the hives. Protection against these and other rodents is especially reliable to be in winter. Otherwise, enjoying in the hive, they can harm very much. In winter, the bees eat, honey, and hitting a hundredths, destroy some of the cells. To exterminate mice, it is advisable to attract domestic cats.


Protection of insects from OS and Sherne is also of great importance for saving the apiary. The danger of the OS is that they attack bees, penetrate their dwelling and abduct beef feeds.

It is better to destroy the aspen females in the spring, using homemade traps of bottles with honey soles. This is a kind of protection against annoying pests. And the aspen sockets is better destroyed by spraying with chlorophos or pour the carbon.


Protection of bees from the blue is required late in autumn and winter. Touch the beak on the wall of the hive, they are guard and eat crawling bees. It should not destroy the dogs, but also needs protection from them. To save bees, you should scare these annoying birds. It can be done over the flyer from a metal or piping grid canopy.



Sometimes the beekeeper faces such a task, which at first glance is simple, but if it is not solved in time, you can lose a lot of bees. One of such problems that occurs in the fall, this is a tit. We offer you two articles in which it is said about it. .

High harm to the wintering families are applied. To protect bees from these robbing, I take a board with a length of equal to the size of the front wall of the hive and a width of 8 - 10 cm. Put it to the fly so that the top side of the board on 2 to 3 cm is located above the letters, and the bottom stood on the arriving board. Through the hive hive formed between the board and wall will be free to pass the air inside the hive, and the cautious tit will not dare to get into a narrow passage. I do that, and the sinits are not even whipped to the hive.

P. F. Bodak.

My apiary constantly winters in the summer parking lot - in the garden. As soon as the earth is covered with snow, the sinic ray on bee families is immediately beginning.

It hurts to look when you see under the trees in the garden at the apiary is not white, and gray snow from the remaining bees wings and legs after the cinema meal. For several years in a row, I am successfully fighting with these birds with the help of a special device.

From the ordinary construction duranka (under the plaster), the width of which is 25, and the thickness of 5 mm, with small nails knocked the square with a side of 143 mm (you can increase the length of the sides). After that, on two opposite sides (Fig.) I make a knife for ten slots (1) to 3 mm deep on each side at a distance of 13 mm one from another. On the other two opposite sides, I make in the middle one slot to the same depth. Then I take an ordinary line with a cross section of 0.2 or 0.3 mm, at the end of which tie a knot. I lay it between the adjacent sides of the square, pick up and displacing the free end of the fishing line out on the end side at the point A, I introduce into the slot b and then I stretch on the opposite side into the slot, I return, I work with the slots of the D & E, and so to the end (2 ). Thus, it turns out ten rows of the fishing line at a distance of 13 mm one from the other. This size can be slightly increased, but so that the head of the tit between neighboring rows does not climb the head. Next, I stretch the fishing line through the slot about the upper strap into the slot to the bottom, where and fix its end. At the same time, the fishing line necessarily crosses around each horizontal fishing line in places where they intersect (4). So all the ten stretched fishing fishways will be fixed without a disorder set between 13 mm distances.

Ready-made adaptations from the autumn hanging on two nails on the upper pilots to the side where there are no slots.

Bee weave not a hindrance, they can always do the flight when warming. But the tit does not have the opportunity to knock on the flyer and to lure the bees, since it does not break through her head through the binding.

With a spring inspection, removal and storage until the next autumn. Earlier, I did a weave from the wire, but she rusts and fails, and the fishing line at any weather does not deteriorate.

3.I. Maslo.

Journal "Beekeeping".

Anti-emergences are required to strengthen the bee family. Depending on climatic conditions, the process takes place at different times and is reflected on the family's activities, so it is important to know about anti-tone receptions. In addition, the petition is subjected to pest attacks and you need to be able to fight with them.

Plywood box as a tree on a tree

The fight against the sites at the apiary

Tits fall and winter in search of food attack bees. Clear birds are sitting on a skip at the flyer and knock until the insects appear. So they destroy bees.

Polystyrene should not be made. Birds with a beak break through holes and penetrate into the house.

To fight with such pests, there are several ways:

  1. Attach the mirror near the flyer. When the tit is sitting on the attachment board, he sees his reflection, frightens and flies. If you buy a plastic mirror, you can just glue it.
  2. The protection serve as a CD, which are suspended on the rope so that they do not knock on the walls of the hive. Such brilliant and spoiling things frighten the blue.

Such a semi-trigus compact protects the pilot
  1. Attach oblique boards from plywood to the pillar so that only bees can move, or put a metal grid.

Watch the video how to deal with the cinemas

Fighting wax mole

Wax moth is a kind of small butterflies that harm the bees. The ratio of beekeepers to such insects is ambiguous. Some bold it, others struggle. Wax moths when eating beekeeping products absorb useful substances, therefore considered therapeutic. Based on the larvae prepare alcohol tincture. However, to make such a medicine, it is necessary to give a whole hive to excite. Not every butt will go for such a step.

Fight, jessel, the moth eats literally all the products of beekeeping, honeycomb and cocoons. Mole does not touch bees, but if the family is weak, it dies from hunger.

The problem is that the bees in the daytime fly behind the nectar and are engaged. Moli caterpillars go hunting only at night. The task of an adult individual, find the male, mate and postpone the eggs that diligently hides in the slits of the hive.

The use of insecticides is excluded, bees may die.

There are the following methods of combating Molia:

  1. Heat processing frames. Wax mole does not like high and low temperature. Therefore, in winter, the hive is stored at temperatures below +10 degrees, and frost for insects is destructive. In the summer handle the frames of hot steam. At a temperature of +50 degrees, all individuals at any stage of development are dying.
  2. Treatment of salt. Wax moth sensitive to any change pH. Thermal processing acts briefly, and the saline solution for a long time. The sprayer is poured and treated with honeycombs.
  3. The frame damaged by the moth is folded into a separate hive. The topical 80% solution is prepared at the rate of: 200 ml per 1 sq.m. Surfaces. The material is impregnated with the means and covers the cells, soy with polyethylene is covered. Duration processing - 3 days.
  4. In the fight against mol, the plant is used by the immortal. Dry raw materials are crushed to the state of the powder and sprinkle honeycombs. Also, the mole does not like smell of nut, souls, mint, hop, wormwood, elderly.

Some beekeepers use formalin, which is categorically prohibited, because honey is a food product.

The appearance of wax moths on damaged cells

Watch the video how to deal with wax mole

How to get rid of mice

Bees are often subjected to visits of irrequited guests. - Double trouble, honey will eat and reverse the nests, so the butters invented the mass of the ways in the fight against pests.

Mice are dangerous in winter. There are simple ways to get rid of rodents:

  • penetration protection;
  • mousetrap;
  • poisoning substances.

Mice penetrate the hive through the gaps. In addition, they can bother the house. Therefore, it is important to smell all sorts of cracks. Also fencing metal grids. The bottom and the roof should be chopped by iron sheets, put the grilles on the pilots.

Mousetrap and traps belong to homemade means, but can be purchased in the store. Objects for fishing are placed near the hives.

Homemade Mousetrap of Plastic Bottle

High-speed poisons are not a humane method, but bees are more expensive than rodents. Use the following chemicals:

  • zinc phosphide;
  • salfat Tallliament;
  • fluorocetamide;
  • zoocumarine;
  • ratinan;
  • fumarin.

Mice also do not like the smell of plants:

  • chernelin;
  • elder;
  • mint;
  • coriander;
  • chamomile.

Each beekeeper determines himself that it is more profitable to apply to fight rodents.

How to get rid of ants

Not only ants are unwanted neighbors for bees, but also. During cooling, insects are looking for a warm place and triple between the walls of the hive. Here they bring offspring and feed through the reserves of bees. Therefore, you should get rid of the anthill near the apiary in the summer.

Ants and eggs in bee

There are the following chemicals: supersulfate, DDT and hexahloran. Preparations process ant tracks. The method not only removes, but also kills insects.

Less spending folk methods, including:

  1. Dispatch crushed and peeled bow at the apiary.
  2. Sulfur not only makes ants, but also robs.
  3. Salt salt also acts effectively, it is poured near the houses.
  4. Spice cinnamon helps get rid of insects forever.
  5. Overall anthill sprinkle with tobacco dust.

You can make ditch and pour sweet water into it. Bees will drink, and ants will not be able to overwhelm.

Warning of family rosium

The bee is a natural process that allows you to increase the apiever in the spring. But more often apply anti-erase methods, it is easier to prevent than to lose bees. This process makes insects to leave the hive. This output often occurs without a buttery. Roy is put on the trees, bushes. One such cluster contains up to 50,000 bees and takes up to 3 kg of honey.

Roy - the basis of the future family

How to warn you:

  • the butter must constantly expand the sockets, to change the frames in a timely manner, add with a fear and fresh honeycomb;
  • in time to carry out tribal work and remove drunks;
  • do not allow the heating of houses, ensure good ventilation;
  • form anti-tag;
  • use multicompute designs and beehive beds.

Some beekeepers believe that it is necessary to get rid of the sumps. However, this method does not solve the problem that prolongs it, the bees build new honeycombs.

Anti-Eagle Activities

There are various anti-evaluating methods that send insects to collect honey. The best are those who are tested by beekeepers in practice.

№1 Method of Stamari.

The method is suitable only for two-circuit hives.

In one house, leave the uterus and breakdown, in the other - remove the framework. With the help of the grid, the housings are separated. Through time, they put a framework with a train and honeycomb.

For many beekeepers use the pimarium method.

Mother's individual is left on honeycombs, young bees move to another hive. The printed breakdown is removed, and there is no open with the bench.

№2 Method Deruna

This method has 3 options:

  1. In the daytime, the swarm is transferred to the basement, the breakdown is taken. In the evening, they return to the place and put a shopping extension. Insects begin work, young people add to a weak family.
  2. The flight bees are transplanted in another hive, which put the place where the individuals were wound. The house with insects turn over the opposite side near the empty. Bees are stopped to wet, destroy the Musicians. Then put a hive in place. Flight insects return to their uterus.
  3. Get rid of the old maternal individual, leaving only the sealed pancake. To reduce the number of modules, they are cleaned.

№3 Taranov method

Lay down the nest with bees so that they scored honey into Poskiki. Separate the swarm, it is close to plans to place a bit, the insects with the uterus form a tangle, you need to collect it in Roya. A day later, put a swarm in the hive.

Watch the video about the anti-Taranov method

Method number 4.

When the bees are actively working, they forget about the rose. Separate empty upscaping socket. Insects do not like free places, so they begin to actively fill.

Love for fishing with your own hands

Make sure the lead is very simple. Drink a box and paint green. Then place the honeycomb. Outside the box rubbing propolis and wax. Hang on a tree. When all bees take a drawer, transfer to the new hive. Put the cords early in spring or summer.

Hello everyone!

Our world around us, our nature is even imagined without such a pretty and funny bird-cinema. But many beekeepers have the opinion that the sites are a considerable threat to the apiary. I even know one who periodically shoots them on their apiaries and in the district.

Here, I looked at a few books at your leisure and in each of them in the chapter "Enemies," there is a section "Birds". And the tit is clearly highlighted separately and proudly against the background of all other birds of enemies bees: church, soothers, etc.

Today I want to figure out this: Indeed whether the tit can be so dangerous for bees, what is this danger and how to deal with it? And most importantly: is the title of the enemy bees really?

It is worth admitting, I read earlier that the tits partially satisfy their nutritional needs at the expense of bees and easily find themselves food in winter. What these sites are fiddles sit on the rigging homes and begin to knock on the beak, while the "sleepy" bee will not come out of the flyer. Here the bird presses one paw of a bee, the beak pulls out the inside, sucking the cherished nectar and eats a poor bee whole, often leaving only chitin. But I did not think that I would feel a significant damage from these Internet beauties, but I didn't notice them earlier in the district.

What exactly is the danger of the presence of the blue of the apiary

The problem, in my opinion, is characterized precisely for and. And it is not that the cinema will eat a few bees per day. The main problem in the other.

Firstly: the tit of his knocking excites peace of the wintering family of bees, the club can start frills, bees worried. The crowded intestine and bustle is not the most suitable company. Possible diarrhea and, as a result,. Plus, the honey from the sophisticated frame of the bee to use for nutrition will not be in the future.

Secondly: my favorites do not hold down at all of these hooligans.


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