So that the suction cup was well kept on the glass. Suction Cups on the tile: ways of reliable fastening. Preparation for hood

How to glue the sucker? It doesn't matter whether it is new or an old, with which you feel sorry to part, the device must be correct and securely secured. At this time, in almost any supermarket, you can see a variety of different devices or simply decorative devices on suction cups. Before the acquisition, few people think about how high-quality suction cup is and how long it will last. But when the installation processes occur, then we begin to indulge in reflections: will this construction assign "responsibilities" with it?

In the interior, of course, such things look bright, positively and comfortable, besides, they are quite practical in terms of consolidation and dismantling. Mostly suckers are equipped with small shelves for the kitchen or bathroom: soaps, all sorts of chants of hair dryers, comb, toothbrushes, washcloths, hooks, rings for towels and other things. As well as various devices that are attached to windows and glass in the form of thermometers, registrars or any other gadgets. Devices are often small and designed to hold a small weight.

How to securely glue the sucker?

How to securely glue the suction cup "tightly", but without the use of any "super block"? The advantages of the suction cup are that it does not have to spoil the walls, they do not need to be tapped by nails or drill holes for them. Mounting with suction cups provide convenient installation, ease of fixture and easy disassembly. The reliability of the retaining element is affected by such moments as:

  • the quality of raw materials from which the sucker is made;
  • the presence of a marriage on the sinking element;
  • total weight pressure on sucker;
  • the structure of the material on which the velcro object should be.

It often happens that on the concave side of the sucker there are various defects in the form of tubercles, seams, microcracks and other flares formed in the manufacture or transportation. Such moments do not allow velcro to evenly stick to the surface, so it disappears after time. When a seam or other protrusion is detected, the layering should be immediately removed immediately removed with a blade or a stationery knife. Cracks and breaks to repair is difficult, so it is better to immediately replace the sucker part. The system of suction cups should also be correct and smooth.

Another circumstance that does not allow the sucker tightly, is a rough or embossed surface. If the tile is made with patterns or inhomogeneous texture, then the fixing element will not be held. Also, adhesive particles, various smells and joints themselves are not able to hold the sucker.

Fixation methods

Various methods of fixation can help solve many installation problems. All fixtures will qualitatively work and will hold the sucker if all the above and the following conditions are followed.

The most common ways of durable consolidation are:

  • application of degreasing agent;
  • use of means containing a vaseline base;
  • lining from self-adhesive PVC films;
  • silicone sealant.

No matter how you benefit from, it is initially necessary to prepare the surface to high-quality gluing. The action consists in processing the place by any degreaser, it can be a nail polish remover, acetone, a special degreaser, solvent, white spirit and the like. If there was not a single alcohol-containing agent at hand, it is possible to wash the surface with ordinary economic soap, after which it is thoroughly solid and dry out the required place.

  1. The method of cleansing fluids will suit items that have low weight and size. The main thing in this process is to clean thoroughly, and then degrease the tile or tile. Cleaning the surface follows from any contaminants in the form of rust, soapls, lime plates, dust and other dirt. After careful cleaning, you can degrease your surface, and at the same time the sucker. After these procedures, it is necessary to firmly press the suction element to the tile. Usually it works and the suction cup holds on the desired area. If it is necessary to move the decorative support, the surface should be mixed near the suction cup. The wet wall of the suction cup excellently slip up to a more convenient place for you and it does not have to even twist.
  2. The method using vaseline improves the result of the adhesion of the velcro with a smooth surface. This option is suitable even for use in an aquarium with water, where it also happens to consolidate any object. In addition, Vaseline is absolutely harmless to fish.
  3. The lining from self-adhesive PVC film is suitable for medium severity interior items. The bathroom is very often fixed with decorative elements not only for washcloths or toothbrushes, but also holding towels, hair dryers and other heavier devices. Self-player often comes complete to modern accessories, and if it is not found, it can be purchased in a stationery or construction store. It is necessary to take the desired size or with a margin, cut from the film suitable size circles and glued to the tile. After that, you need to remove the protective film and attach the detail on the suction cups along the contours.
  4. The efficient and best method for holding large loads is silicone sealant. It provides a solid grip of two surfaces and is indispensable in the case of an uneven structure of the tile. For better and neat gluing, a transparent silicone should be used. Before applying sealant, the tile and the inner part of the sucker also need to be cleaned and handled the degreaser or alcohol cleaner. After that, on the concave side of the velcro, it is necessary to apply a rich amount of silicone and very tightly press to the selected surface. Do not worry if the excess hermetic paste gets out the suction cups behind the contours. Traces of such adhesive can be immediately witching to the cloth. Or after the sealant will finally dry, it can be easily and easily removed with the stationery knife. For high-quality glitting and drying of silicone, it is necessary to wait a day before starting to use a hanger, shelf or crochet. After the sealant dries, it is able to withstand massive bathrobes, towels or even heavy appliances. Subsequently, it is possible not to be afraid that the suction cup will fall off and fall along with all bath accessories. If necessary, dismantle the mount can be quickly using a conventional knife.

Ultra-modern vacuum sucker is now in great demand. Due to very dense contact with the surface, a specific vacuum is created, which does not allow the velcro just so fall. But these suckers, as far as popularized, are able to withstand the load of moderate severity. For heavier items, you will also have to use the aforementioned options.

Installation from the street

Installation from the street of elements with suckers also requires certain fastening technologies. An important role in this business is played by weather conditions, temperature and humidity. Basically, thermometers for observations on temperature indicators are fixed on the window from the outside. Also, the density and quality of the mount depends on the type of thermometer: the more expensive, the better there will be a sucker or adhesive base.

In order to properly glue the thermometer on the suction cups so that it does not fall off, you should select models suitable for your window. For example, for plastic windows, there are many modern electronic devices, which in the event of a fall will bring a lot of disorders due to the loss of such an expensive accessory.

The thermometer you purchased on suckers or velcro does not take much time when installing. But how long does he stick before it decides to talk? The following methods will help you post a thermometer tight to prevent further fall capabilities. Also, when installing the thermometer, it is very important to adhere to certain rules so that it show the correct data.

  1. The place of attachment of the thermometer must be chosen so that it is at an equal distance of heat sources and cold. Heat can serve as the sun's rays, so the open part of the glass package. A favorable place for the device is the northern side.
  2. In order for the gluing to be as dense as possible, the device should be installed in warm dry and not windy weather.
  3. As in the previous cases, glass should be thoroughly rinsed, and then process the degreaser.
  4. For good vacuum suckers, there is enough tight pressing with your hand so that they "tightly" fasten on the surface.
  5. If you are afraid that even with high-quality suction cups, the thermometer can turn around and fall, use the PVC film as an additional connection or ordinary two-way tape.
  6. You can also use colorless sealant, but in this case it will be better to fix the thermometer on plastic, and not on the glass.
  7. Since the glass windows from the outside are in contact with dust, water, many are solved to use the "superclaim". Applying this fluid, follow the volume of the glue. For good gluing this substance you need quite a bit. It is also recommended to apply this option on a plastic frame.

When choosing an outdoor thermometer, it is better to give preference to simple and reliable models than "souvenir" products. Such instances often give failures in the indicator and in general are unreliable. Of course, if there is a storm with a hurricane wind on the street, the thermometer may be kept only metal fasteners in the form of screws. But with all other weather conditions, the suction cups with additional fixation with ease will cope with the task.

Put on the windshield

Candle on the windshield using suction cups you can video recorder, navigator, telephone, antiradar or other gadgets you need. The attachments are glued for gadgets usually on a few small or one large and massive suction cup. But, as practice has shown, any suction cups, even with levers for strengthening vacuum, have the property to fall and cause great inconvenience to a person driving, and even in motion.

The varieties of such suckers are only two: rubber and silicone, and what better, it is very difficult to judge, because it all depends on the manufacturer and product quality. The reasons why the sucker can unwind, we disassembled at the very beginning of the article, these sources of falling are the same for both home conditions and for the car. Now we will analyze in detail the ways of reliable fastening.

  1. Wetting. Here are just many uroat a concave part of the suction cup with water, alcohol or alone, which is not entirely correct. Moisturizing for greater clutch is, of course, well, but in the cold the liquid will freeze, and in the heat they will simply evaporate. Therefore, you need a consistency that will not harde it, to freeze or evaporate. For such a goal, the engine oil is perfect. Literally a drop of such an oil should be applied to the finger, and then rub the suction cup on the rubber band and glue the machine to the glass.
  2. Additional lining. This reception is suitable for massive suckers with a lever. Often, this lever produces a solid turn before creating a vacuum, and starts working only at the end of the clutch. It turns out that the main part is invested. It is this moment that should be reduced and make an additional lining. A regular car chamber is suitable for laying, in which you need to cut the circle with a radius equal to the suction cup. Then, in the resulting rubber circle, cut the middle so that it remains like one bezel, which will need to be inserted between the suction cup and the plastic recorder holder itself. For a more detailed and visual examination, you can see the appropriate photo with the arrow pointing. Such a design will also be worthwhile to lubricate with oil. When you start glue an improved suction cup, you will immediately feel how much pressure has increased inside.
  3. For automotive glasses with silk screen printing, airbrushing or other "bursts", many motorists come up with a lot of busy ways to hang the necessary devices. For example, some use an option with an anti-slip rug that is fixed by an auto double-sided tape for spraying. And the gadget with suction cup is already glued to the rug. Also widely used method with glass circles or simple flat glass from the old lantern. Again, this design also needs to be glued. The demand is used by the "superchalter" on the gel basis, with the help of which a piece of glass to the embossed part of the windshield is fixed.

Self-tech or silicone - for the most hopeless cases or in winter. This is the same as your devices refuse to "cooperate" with the options described above. In all methods, naturally, it is necessary to comply with the basic rules for use and application, which include good temperature conditions and a degreased surface.

Taking into account our advice, you just can quickly and quickly consolidate the incredibly beautiful and stylish soap, street thermometer or other comfortable decor elements. And applying some examples in practice, you will stop waiting for the moment when this shelf will fall on the sucker!

The suction cup is a device that can be attached to solid surfaces. It is more often an elastic concave disk, which can be isolated cavity from the external environment, which leads to the appearance of reduced pressure. Due to this, it holds on the surface.

Today, suckers are used in construction, for example, to transfer glass. They are used in industrial processes to transfer sheet materials. They are used in everyday life for hanging hooks, shelves in the bathroom, in the kitchen. At the same time, there is no need to drill a tile by arranging holes in it to accommodate fasteners.

The cost of household suckers, which can be used for mounting on the wall, for example, any shelf, considerable. Often they made in China are becoming quickly non-working and simply emit.

In order not to despair, do not regret lost money, you should learn how to make such fasteners alone from polyurethane. In addition, it will be necessary to prepare: a knife; Roller; plasticine; soap solution; separation lubricant; Old sucker.

Take plasticine of any color, knead it, separated a piece. Form thick dams from it, spray with soapy. Rolled it with a rolling pin to the thickness of 1 ... 2 mm. Roller to eliminate grasp with plasticine, also sprayed with soap solution.

On the resulting finely rolled pancake plasticine placed the old sucker. Make a plasticine blank: cut around the base with a reserve; turn over the old sucker; Plastic circle on her bottom; Press plasticine in the center of the circle so that it becomes concave; The edges bend to the edges of the old sucker, forming flights; Putting all the plasticine side on the table, take out the old sucker. Get the form at which a new suction cup will be filled.

Weigh on the scales an old sucker, determining the required amount of polyurethane for crafts. Measure material on the scales. Separate half, knead.

Sprinkle the inside of the shape of the separation lubricant. She will not give to grab plasticine and polyurethane. The mixture of material prepared earlier is poured into the form. Waiting for 1 ... 2 hours, for which polyurethane will grab a little and will lose fluidity.

Place from above in the center of the bolt, head on polyurethane. It will be the future for fastening on the hook suction cup. The bolt head should be drifted by reducing its height to a minimum. It is necessary that it is located in the thickness of polyurethane, which is small.

The remaining part of the polyurethane is mixed, the mixture is poured into the form of almost gradually grappling material. Leave per day. After removing and test. Get a very cheap suction cup, which keeps even better sold in the store, especially Chinese. Time for its manufacture, not counting polyurethane grabs, is spent no more than 15 minutes.

, Option of a miniature heating table, upper IR emitter, homemade sucker, option of self-made sucker. There is an alternative - Thermal Soldering Station

When working with a soldering station, especially when picked up the BGA chip, reliability and accuracy of the capture of the discharged part are required. Smaller breaking the solder balls and not to shift the neighboring small parts can only with the vertical lift of the chip without allowing the slightest side shift in touching and capturing the tool. It is usually a small distance between the edge of the chip and the board, the small side of the side faces, the squeezes of the faces with which the tweezers slides, does not always have a free space, the solder equipment prevents frequent.

A lot of tools for this purpose and ways to work with them are invented. One of them is a vacuum tweezers, the so-called "vampire". His principle of operation is the range of air in the suction cup, which serves as capture and creates hermetic contact with the part. The reliability of the capture and the maximum weight of the raising just depends on the degree of air liquefaction in the system, the degree of its sealing.

Requirements for the sucker: must be elastic with a very smooth working edge, durable and heat-resistant. Personally, I could not find the normally withstanding temperature of the suction cup of the factory manufacture, one, by me, changed its form after 1 minute of heating to 200 degrees. For a homemade soldering station you can make a suction cup with your own hands.

Not bad material for making suction cups - silicone.

From the finished and affordable billets from the silicone, you can apply elastic pushers of a computer keyboard. It is interesting exactly the upper edge, it is small in diameter, the plane of the edge does not have breaks, withstands the temperature to 280 degrees. Carry the hole is not difficult and cut up too much. Suction cup ready. Although there is a minus. The small thickness of the material at the velocity of the hole and, as a result, does not rest on the needle. For this, the suction cup is glued to the needle using silicone sealant.

Sealant and itself can serve material for making suction cups. For this, black, and better red car sealants. If you are frozen, they are very elastic, and quite resistant to high temperatures. The sucker can be pulled out entirely, picking up a suitable form. And you can carve, cut out from the already frozen sealant. Remember that the bottom, the working edge should be perfectly smooth.

We pour or rather smear the sealant on the glass layer of 5-6 mm, the glass is easily lubricated with solidol, we are waiting for a few days until the mass grasp. We get a blank for the manufacture of homemade suction cups.

The principle of such, the greater the thickness of the material, the greater there will be a taper of the carved suction cup, since the material during cutting in the lower part is strongly stretched.

As the velocity itself, a metal thick rod from an old ballpoint handle was used, the shape of the suction cup was carved by a wide face, and the hole is the hole. Well suitable tubes from the telescopic antenna of radio receivers. Before cutting, turning over a smooth side up. Hole to try to do the tubes to which the suction cup will be hoping or glued to the same sealant.

Ready homemade suckers for

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Fully justified reluctance to drill walls in the bathroom or in the kitchen for fastening the shelf, soaps, glass for dental brushes, hooks and other accessories and devices, and use all these devices having a sucker, can face the problem of reliable fixation of bathrooms and kitchen attributes to smooth The surface of the tile.

Accessories on suckers are securely attached to a smooth, smooth surface, such as a tile, mirror, metal or glass

What needs to be done to reliably glue the soap and other accessories on suckers, on a tile, glass or mirror? There are several methods to attach the sucker so that it is firmly held on any smooth surface, and did not fall off at the most inopportune moment, with the subject on it fastened.

Advantages of fastening supplies on suckers

The main area of \u200b\u200bapplication of objects having a sucker for fastening them on a smooth surface of a tile or glass is a bathroom or kitchen. If earlier, almost the only accessory that could be joined on the wall with the suction cup, there was a hook, then today a list of such objects, quite extensive and constantly updated. You can find the following products on sale with attachments on suckers:

  • hooks;
  • soapits;
  • glasses for dental brushes;
  • holders for shower watering can
  • holders for toilet paper;
  • holders for towels;
  • decor items;
  • shelves for bathroom facilities and cosmetics.

Most often objects on suckers are used in the bathroom.

The growing popularity of products with such a type of fastening is due to a number of benefits that suction cup gives:

  • soap, hook or any other item, you can quickly, for a few seconds, attach to the desired place on the ceramic facing;
  • that the device is reliably held on the tile, no use of mechanical and electrical tools and drilling walls, for mounting various brackets and clamps;
  • if necessary, the product is easily dismantled without leaving traces, and is transferred to another place;
  • low price.

This type of fastening is designed for the installation of oversized products and objects having a small weight.

Factors affecting the strength of the attachment of the sucker with the surface

There are several factors that may affect the quality of the fixing

The reliability and strength of the attachment of the sucker and the tile depends on the three factors:

  1. From the material from which the surface and its condition and quality is made. The base should be absolutely even and clean, not to have chips and chosel and better if the tile will have a glossy face. On matte ceramics, the adhesion of the suction cup with the surface drops significantly, and on the embossed tile, it is unlikely to be able to glue something.
  2. From the total weight of the device itself with the suction cup and the weight of the subject on it located.
  3. From the quality of the material of the device and the presence of flaws on it. When buying fasteners with a suction cup, you need to pay close attention to the internal work side of the device so that there are no bugs and growths on it, which will not allow reliably glue the device to the tiled surface.

Bugs and thighs from the inside of the suction cup, you can cut off with a sharp knife or blade.

Methods of fastening

Whatever the option fastening the sucker to the caféil you chose before it is to glue, you need to prepare the surface of ceramics. The work is to degrease the place of installation in any affordable way. This can be both processing with special compositions of the type of acetone and the usual cleaning of the tile soap solutions, followed by a thorough washing of the surface with water.

in the bathroom, help maintain order, because this accessory allows you to place each item on a designed for it

There is a significant ways to attach the sucker, the most common of them will provide for consideration:

  • Degreasing place of gluing. For better quality, alcohol or acetone is used. The method is used to attach devices having a small total weight with the subject, which will subsequently be located on it: soapbox, hook for a small kitchen towel.
  • Processing the work surface of the suction cup with vaseline. This option allows you to slightly increase the load on the device and apply fastening in aquariums.
  • The use of polyethylene circles. If this device was not complete to the device with the suction cup, it can be easily made from a special film for lamination, or a self-adhesive film is one of the sides of which, has a sticky layer. Cutting the mug of the required diameter from the film, they are glued to the tile, and only after that the suction cup is glued.
  • Print using silicone sealant. This method is applied, if there is no significant load on the attachment with the sucker, it is not glossy. After gluing the device using silicone, during the day it needs to give time to frozen and then, the hook or shelf can be subjected to loads.

If necessary, the suction cup, fixed on silicone sealant, with a thin knife or blades, can be cut and move to another place.

Thus, competently using the listed methods of gluing and following the recommendations for the choice of suitable products and methods for the preparation of the surface, not quite reliable and constantly falling off suction cups, will be long and correctly served, performing responsibilities assigned to them.

Now a large number of gadgets, be it a video recorder, an antiradar or just a mount for the phone are attached to the sucker (usually two - three small) or one, but massive (which has a lever on the housing, for greater effect). However, not quite high-quality suction cups can fall off from the windshield! It seems that everyone fastened well, but hang your device, and it is frost, heat or on the bumps - "Bach" and fell off! And if the gadget costs several thousand rubles, you can smash! In general, it is really unpleasant or even dangerous, but what to do, how to deal with it? Today, several actually working methods that will help almost "tightly" glue such a fastening to the windshield, there will be a video at the end ...

Suction cups This is not the only mounting on the windshield, their mass of different, ranging from simple 3m Scotch, ending with magnetic fasteners. However, they are uncomfortable in the installation, and some are also difficult to remove, say to transfer to another car. The suction cups are really won here, "stuck - looked down" - dragged where necessary. But if the suction cup is poor-quality it falls off from the windshield, even if the car stands still.

How does the suction cup work?

Actually, there is nothing magical here, remember the school course of physics. If you describe the essence of the phenomenon in a few words, it turns out - under the suction cup, almost zero pressure is created, since we pressed the surface to the windshield and pulled themselves. But we have an atmospheric pressure, which always presses on us and the objects around us, and since it is quite high, then it presses on the surface of the suction cup on the other side, pressing it to the surface (it seems to fill the inner vacuum under the suction cup).

There are only a few reasons here:

Tasks are only two:

  • Design as much as possible atmosphere inside.
  • Do not give this negative pressure to go out

That is why the side edges of the sucker are made so wide! And the material is trying to make the maximum elastic to lay down to the glass well.

Often, normal mounts fall off due to the fact that the suction cup is notch. And in order to make it at the maximum one, you just need to wet the surface. Any liquid as if clogging "microcracks" and does not give air pressure to leak. And yes, the water is not quite the best option.

Many water surface water (or even saliva) This is certainly right, but in winter it can freeze, but in summer it is trite to evaporate. Therefore, you need a composition that will not evaporate, freeze or hard. Ideal fits motor oil, you need a little bit on your finger, wipe the surface of the suction cup and fastened on the windshield. To keep will be very long!

The second "joint" of modern gadgets - This is a "lever" in the attachment that creates a large pressure.
Frequently, it makes almost a complete turn (180 degrees), but it starts to work only in the very fit, just 25 - 35 degrees, that is, the remaining corner works in a frightened. We need to reduce this idle move, which is done - from a conventional car chamber a circle is cut out, on the size of the suction cup (as it were, the label) is then cut off all the insides and it is inserted between the suction cup and the case.

After you start pressing the sucker with a lever, this "gasket" will reduce the idling and increase the pressure inside. It will be kept several times better, checked many times.

Featuring a small result:

  • We check the rubber or silicone surface on damage
  • Degrease in glass
  • Lubricate the surface of the suction cup (motor oils are ideal, because they do not freeze in winter, and do not evaporate in the summer)
  • You can make a gasket (perfectly from the tire of the wheel) between plastic and rubber (silicone) component, thus increase the clamp

Now a small video version is looking.

A source

Bought rather "just so" - but suddenly There were many applications and even the second order was made 🙂

I saw the topic about the "Master of the Machine" - I decided to develop the topic! 😉

The first purchase was made in another store, the review itself, and the review was written ... But the link no longer works + in a large selection in the header placed in the header.

The thought of buying has arisen after writing a review about the curtains for the car. Describing in the shortcomings that the curtain is dangling from below and I would like to "pull" - for this you need additional suckers. Then he decided to buy several pieces for the implementation of "refinement" + immediately arose an idea of \u200b\u200badditional use ... well, and went. Already having them in the hands for the review "invented" several more options, perhaps not so obvious, but still! It turned out this trifle can be useful in various situations.
It would seem that the first in the head comes, why can they come in handy? Well, naturally, the fact that the sellers themselves are presented in advertising on the store page ... something like that ...

Well, or such ... Even suppose that "it" will constantly fall off (from the experience of applying rubber some - they once came across for a long time).

Although the seller himself also begins to invent other applications, due to the fact that the suction cups from new materials are better held.

Well, the first, for which I bought them - I tried to modify the curtains - I glued them on the veranda, and not in the car (there is no difference to fit the performance) 🙂
It turned out something like this:

Well, nothing complicated naturally in such a refinement was not - everything is perfectly held, and the suction cups (on my surprise) were very "podlitis", and better the quality of the original from the curtains ...
Since there were a dozen in the lot of them, several things "selected" the wife (and said that it was not enough for her - she immediately had them at the entrance to the side of the refrigerator immediately and glued to the improvised key.

type nothing to the keys on the refrigerator to be scattered 🙂 the wall of the refrigerator is not so easy to smooth, however these suckers have been hanging out for more than two months and not going to fall off. And hanging should be said very firmly 🙂 it became curious even how much!?

The moment of separation I am not sitting, but as you can see in the photo more than 3kg withstand easily, it is despite the fact that I also pull at an angle! Just like ant weigh 3 gr. And holds 3 kg and it is with a not too smooth surface! I wonder even it became this coincidence? Weigh 3g, holds 3.33 in the photo! 🙂

Suction cups from the first order with a diameter of 4 cm approximately, and how much will it be solved larger? :)))

Running forward - from the second order climbed the suction cup on the 6cm diameter - the last photo, which dismisses weight (probably not just a coincidence is also diameter 6cm holds 6.6 kg in the photo 😉

Do not believe, but the last photo (which turned out to be lubricated) was supposed to show the weight of 10kg !!! Then the hook broke :))))) With what weight I did not have time to notice, because A hook was broken with a characteristic sound, which "distracted" from the process, did not expect such a loud sound. I broke because in the plastic were visible inclusions - air bubbles, otherwise I would probably stand more ...

In the store their shaft of different sizes! There are 8cm even.

I did not buy eight centimeters, but I bought a second order to 4 cm for another 6, 2.5 and 3 cm

The device itself is collapsible, so it is possible to fix objects to them.

Those. If you pull out the hook, you can turn the lace for example, and, if necessary, make a curtain improvised on a second - this can be useful on new buildings, for example, or during repairs.

Since the weight of the suction cup holds a decent, you can even hang calendar

Of the two suckers, you can make such a mount ...

upd. Option for a car - you carry an open package of milk, or another "tipping" item - it can be attached to a regular cellophane package and hang on the side rear window, it will not turn over to the corners and in theory should not be splashing ...

Quite useful use was invented (although not for season) - it is really convenient and easy to attach all kinds of New Year's decorations on the windows ... The photo is not too clearly visible - interferes with the back plan a little (and the lack of snow;) I hung up a toy in a couple of minutes and stretched the garland ...

By the way, in the auto temporarily throw a wire from the registrar, for example, attaching it on hooks, although of course the photo is not the perfect option, but I think the idea is clear (and do not shout about the collective farm 😉 - temporarily :) ...

The car itself and thought when buying target number 2.
Or rather Radar -Dextor! After all, no news for anyone, that on many radar detectors, there are completely stray suckers constantly falling off 🙁
True, the suction cups from the first order did not approach the size of "Lopukhov",

It was lazy to redo it, I decided to wait for the second, I bought a little smaller diameter there. And so, entering the seat perfectly!
The second steel - as if they were made specifically for this mount 🙂

In principle, it is normal, but you can additionally consolidate "something"

Better certainly not so 🙂

It is possible to apply suction cups for the greenhouse (as it turned out) - for example, to "dock" carrying non-land

An option with fixation can be a clamp - the hook is easily removed.

Although it seemed to me, on a fine polycarbonate, the suction cups are worse than the surface relief.

And of course another "typical" application - to replace Tacha ... why buy specials. Device, if you can use quite successfully available.

Below will be the original ideas of using the sucker readers! Thanks for the ideas!
From the user

When I get out of the microwave heated food, then you can remove the upper plate by this suction cup.

These are some small findings.
Naturally, these are not all options, but the first thing that got into the head after Friday drunk beer - it turned out a small entertainment / review! So I thought - it was also necessary to post on Friday to be "on the same wave"?

Yes, there will be srach! 😉

Advantages Suction Squakes for Tile

Among the consumers, the suction cups are incredible popularity. This is understandable, because they are easy to mount on the wall, while in the tile no need to drill any holes. Many products are already released with velcro.

The reliability of fastening the lipochki to the wall depends on the quality of the materials from which they are made.

When buying, you should pay attention to the surface of the sucker - its inner surface is absolutely smooth. This factor is very important, since it is he decides whether the suction cup is suitable for fastening. Also, you should choose the sucker only correctly forms.

The advantage of silicone holders is that they are easily attached to the wall

Advantages of suckers:

  • Quickly attach to the surface, it does not need to use auxiliary tools.
  • Do not spoil the tile with ugly traces on its surface.
  • Different with mobility. They are easy to dismantle and move from place to place.
  • Low cost allows you to buy suckers of various types.

With already attached suckers, you can buy soap, special hooks, shelves, shower holders, various accessories, toilet paper holders, etc. Silicone suckers are distinguished by durability, efficiency and large selection. When buying a sucker, it is important to remember that it is important not only the quality of the accessory, but also the type of finishing material.

How to attach a sucker to the cafes: fastening methods

To securely attach the sucker, you must be confident as the material from which it is made. If at least the slightest roughness is found on the sucker, it may say that the material is made of incorrect technology. Such suction cups are often dugs than they create great discomfort.

Before buying Lipuchek, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the tile itself. It will not work to glue the embossed cafél.

The best velcro holds on a tile with a glossy surface. The matte surface has pores that weaken the fastening of lipochki. Velcro is inappropriately attached to embossed protrusions, tile with various defects, on adhesive particles - they will all contribute to the suction clearing. It is important that there are no chips and cracks on the surface of the tile.

There are several ways to attach suction cups to the cafes, choosing which can be at its discretion

Molding methods:

  • Use alcohol to degrease the surface of the tile.
  • Apply Vaseline or other products similar in composition.
  • Film PVC, which has a self-adhesive foundation.
  • Strengthen the suckers with silicone sealant.

The choice of method depends on which item will keep suction cups. We should consider the weight and dimensions of the product. It is important to remember that for reliable attachment of the sucker in any way, it is necessary to pre-carefully clean the surface from contaminants.

How to attach a hook on the suction cup to the cafe

Hooks on the suction cup - a very practical accessory. But his practicality can only be guaranteed if the vacuum suction cup is properly attached. An important factor is the appearance of the tile and its condition.

Before buying hooks, it is important to determine their appearance and sizes, for this you need to know exactly what items it will hold.

In order for the suction cup to attached to the cafée, it is important to handle with alcohol not only tiles, but also the inner silicone surface of the suction cup. Improve the grip between the surfaces often helps the use of vaseline, cream or simple water. But before fixing the velcro to the cracked cafée, its surface must be restored.

Before glue the sucker on the wall, first should be carefully cleansed surface

Council for fastening the hook on the suction cup:

  1. Degrease the surface. This method is suitable for retention on hooking items with a slight weight and size. It is important that the surface is completely delivered from dust, dirt, plaque, rust, fat, soap, etc. After all manipulations, the suction cup can be firmly pressing to the tile - this is enough so that it firmly attached in the surface.
  2. Use vaseline. It improves the quality of the combination of silicone and tile. This method is completely safe, as it involves the use of environmentally friendly materials.
  3. Fastening with PVC film. If heavier items will be placed on the hook, it will be useful to know about this fastening method. For this, the circle of suitable diameter is cut out of the film. Self-keeper is fixed on a liter, and the sucker is fixed on it - it should coincide with the contours of the film.
  4. For significant loads use silicone sealant. With its help, two surfaces are firmly connected to each other. The sealant is easily cleaned, without damaging the surface of the tile.

The last way is the most reliable if the hook is not going to move frequently. For this, the suction cup on the reverse side is usually lubricated with a sealant, then the stencil is pressed against the wall. Do not immediately hang the hook. So that he is securely attached, it must be left to dry for a day.

Methods for fastening silicone lipukes

Many are thinking about what will happen if we stick the silicone velcro to the tile, and how long it will last. You can do this in different ways - it will be from this that the velcro will be held for a long time. Silicone is perfectly connected with the surface of the tile, but there are nuances in which the velcro can disappear.

Not attached to the chewing, can disappear when changing the temperature or humidity in the room.

It is especially important that the velcro is tightly kept in the bathroom, where there is always increased humidity. You can make a more reliable fastening with silicone sealant. It is important to decide in advance what will hang on the hook. For example, for towels use one type of lipuchk, \u200b\u200bfor the hair dryer - the other.

Attach the silicone holder with ease with the sealant

Molding method for sealant:

  • Take a transparent sealant.
  • The surface of the suction cup and the place where it will be attached, should be deguted with alcohol.
  • Thin layer lubricate the inner surface of the suction cup.
  • Firmly press the suction cup to the cafél.
  • If necessary, the sealant, which came out of the edges of the suction cup, can be removed by a spatula.

The disadvantage is the method that the suction cup becomes one-time. It can not be attached to a new place. But it will last long enough, although the reliability of the attachment and the timing depend on the quality of the tile and the level of humidity in the room. You should not use the sealant for glass, as it will look ugly.

What is silicone wall holders (video)

Silicone velcro is modern holders that ensure reliability and safety of fastening. If it was performed correctly, the sucker can serve for many years. It is important that the material from which they are made is high quality. It should be checked that there are no roughness and tubercles on the surface of the lipuchk. You should also pay attention to the surface of the tile - it should be smooth. Any defects will lead to the fact that the suction cup will not hold on and will often disappear. The suction cups are well held if they are fixed on sealant.


Glue sucker on the tile

Choosing items in the bathroom or kitchen, the owners understand that most of them can be mounted in this way. But at the same time, the question arises that the fastening is durable, but at the same time did not leave tracks on the surface.

So, the first thing you need to degrease the plot to which you will clipped velcro. To do this, rinse the tile with soap or any other detergent. It is best not to mount the item "on the eye", but to outline the desired points with a pencil or marker. Before starting installing a shelf or any other subject purchased in the store, inspect the box in which it was sold. You can find there special mugs of polyethylene with one adhesive side. Stick them on the outlined points and already attach the sucker themselves. If you do not find such circles, you can always be done by yourself.

To do this, buy a polyethylene self-adhesive film in the Stationery Store. It is usually used for cold lamination purposes. For your case it will be needed quite a bit - a couple of centimeters. From this film, cut the mug desired on the diameter and stick them as the basis for suction cups.

It is due to the basis of polyethylene circles, your items will hold a long time and you do not have to use glue for this.

How to glue hook

Very often, picking up the elements of the interior in the bathroom or kitchen, the owners are interested in hooks for towels. Many of them are attached with sticking. But what to do if you want to hang on such a hook not just a thin waffle towel, but a big bath? How to attach a hook so that it can withstand any load? Especially the task is complicated, if in the bathroom or kitchen you put a relief tile, which does not allow the sucker to fit tightly to the wall.

To be confident in the strength and durability of such a hook and at the same time not to spoil aesthetic look, use a transparent silicone sealant. Apply it evenly on the suction cup and press to the surface. If the sealant comes out of the edges, you can immediately wipe it or read it with a blade after drying. Leaving such a hook for a day to dry, it can be confidently using in the future and not to think that he will not stand a large towel or bathrobe. If you want to remove the hook, then the transparent sealant can be easily read by a blade or a knife for wallpaper.

How to secure the soap

Soapite, like other bathroom interior details, can also have a mount in the form of one or more lipochk. Since the soap is used more often than a crochet or shelf, it is especially important to consolidate it so that it does not fall. To answer the question, you can simply see the previous ways. Try first before installing the soap to the wall, moisten it with water, and degrease the tile with soap. If this method is unreliable, use the silicone gel. This approach will certainly ensure the strength and aesthetics of your soap.

Glue sucker on the glass

Especially often it becomes a problem for drivers who complain about the insufficient strength of such fastening on the windshield for navigators, stands for phones and other items in the car. It is important to remove dirt and fat from the surface to which you will clipped the item. This can be done using a liquid for washing the glass that contains alcohol. Wash at the same time it is necessary not only the surface, but also the velcro itself. After such a procedure, the assigned subject will not deliver you inconvenience.

Given all the advice and recommendations, you can easily use the convenient elements of the interior. The methods proposed above will not leave you a reason to worry about the strength of fixed items and the duration of their use.

The material is updated 04.08.2017

As I already wrote, there are usual two things in the attachment - three things to better keep the gadget.

And there are single but massive. Made mainly of two materials are rubber and silicone. Rubber suction cups of dark (often black) color, but silicone is often transparent.

There are many disputes, which of them are better. However, by experience, I had better kept conventional rubber options. Silicone on the frost is much stronger than heels, which makes the sucker less than elastic.

Although justice for the sake of choose from these two options is really difficult! Because it is high-quality silicone, and there can be poor-quality rubber.

How does the suction cup work?

Actually, there is nothing magical here, remember the school course of physics. If you describe the essence of the phenomenon in a few words, it turns out - under the suction cup, almost zero pressure is created, since we pressed the surface to the windshield and pulled themselves. But we have an atmospheric pressure, which always presses on us and the objects around us, and since it is quite high, then it presses on the surface of the suction cup on the other side, pressing it to the surface (it seems to fill the inner vacuum under the suction cup).

Thus, if the suction cup is properly, it will be very firmly held on the windshield. But why is she falling off?

Why sucks suction cup?

There are only a few reasons here:

  • Poor-quality production. If it is bad, there is a breakdown or bends, it will not hold. After all, manufacturing accuracy is important here.
  • Insufficient pressure. Ordinary options (without levers), cannot create sufficient pressure inside, they will not hold out high weights. That is why they are required more, two - three pieces

  • Breakthrough. If the rubber or silicone surface is torn, then the vacuum which was created inside, immediately will be filled with "atmospheric pressure", the gadget will not hold
  • Dirty surface. Before sticking to the windshield, it is worth it to rub it, it is advisable to degrease it, if there is any field on the surface, then it will contribute to passing the air inside, after a certain time it will fall off again
  • Imperfection of surfaces. Like windshield and suction cups itself. They have microcracks and other imperfections. It is through them - slowly, but surely, the air will be seeded. Over time, again fall off

What you need to learn is a simple truth so that the air pressure is not passing inside, and the vacuum was inside as long as possible.

Fastening the DVR

The "suction cup" type bracket allows you to place a video recorder in a convenient place for the driver. The device should not excel the review, but at the same time it is possible to be able to enable the steering wheel at any time and turn off the video device, see what is displayed on the screen. The holders have a different design, as well as the different area of \u200b\u200bthe fastening element itself for installation, the fasteners can be purchased separately from the recording device itself.

Suction cups are rubber and silicone, with a lever or the simplest, with a side turning mechanism, with two rubber / silicone fasteners, there are other types. The brackets coming in the kit are calculated taking into account the weight of the registrar, but do not always fulfill their task.

Why not holding a suction cup

Often in the weak fixation of the DVR on the glass bland the manufacturer, indeed, from a cheap gadget, it is difficult to expect super characteristics, high quality manufacturing. But it is worth it to shift the guilt on the manufacturer, the reasons why fastening falls off, quite a lot:

  • the suction cup was installed not according to the instructions;
  • glass is dirty (oil), dust and fatty divorces interfere with ensuring tight contact;
  • due to heating (for example, having visited direct solar rays) the fastener is deformed, and the vacuum is not created;
  • the holder was attached to cold weather;
  • the surface for fastening the suction element is uneven;
  • the bracket is "not native", is not designed for the weight of this device.

To understand the question, you first need to understand how vacuum fasteners work, its principle of deduction on the plane.

Due to what the Bracket of the DVR holds

The fastening element of the type "suction cup" is held on the plane due to the pressure drop, when the silicone or rubber circle is molded on the surface, low pressure is formed inside it. But the bracket is fixed only in the case when the material is absolutely sealed, and the air does not fall into the circle. If there is at least a microscopic hole in the rubber band, the appetizer will not be, such a holder can be bolder to throw out. Fix the sucker is obtained only under the condition of its complete tightness, and it is still impossible, pressing, immediately release, in this case it is guaranteed to fall off.

In what conditions it is difficult to install the holder

The most common cause of a weak attachment of the DVR bracket is a low temperature, mostly suction cup falls off in the cold. It happens because rubber or silicone under negative temperatures hardens, loses the property of elasticity. Also, the gum does not hold in the heat if you left the car for a while under the rays of the Sun, you should not be surprised that you will find a fallen registrar on returning.

It will be difficult to install a holder on glass covered with dust, the rubber circle itself should also not be dirty. A suction cup on uneven glass is very bad, for example, if it is with a silk screen. Here it is impossible to align the surface, you need to invent how to ensure tight contact. It should also be taken into account - there are many Chinese products on the Russian market, and the fastening element will initially be defective.

But if immediately the bracket is well consolidated in the car it is impossible, it is not necessary to despair, there are many different tricks and folk ways, using which, you will be able to securely install a portable device on the windshield.

Rules for fastening the holder of the registrar

Before applying cunning methods and non-standard techniques, you first need to try to install the sucker for all the rules. We make the installation of the video recorder, performing the following actions:

  • a clean napkin or a rare, moistened with alcohol or degreaser, wipe the surface on which the device will be attached, also degrease (clean) the base of the recorder bracket;
  • some time we expect, it is necessary that the processed planes are dried;
  • tightly press the holder to the glass, if he has a lever, press and lower it, keep a minute, another, it is necessary that the suction cup "grab" and fixed in place;
  • after mounting the bracket, check the reliability of the installation - the hand is trying to unscrew the holder, but it is not necessary to pull very much.

You need to check, looking at the back side of the glass, how the rubber circle was installed: if there are at least microscopic air bubbles, then almost one hundred percent warranty that the suction cup will not hold for a long time. If the bracket does not want to take the place allotted by him, try various ways to help the suction cup to fix it tightly.

Methods that help reliably fasten the bracket

There are methods that help reliably fasten the sucker, here are some of them (car enthusiasts are advised):

  • warm the fastener, bringing it to the heater fan, while the car's salon should be heated;
  • use bilateral scotch;
  • smear the contact surface of the Silicone bracket;
  • cut over the diameter of the circle rubber gasket and pave it between the glass and the holder;
  • for sealing, add a bit of glycerin to the contact plane, you can use the household soap, garlic juice.

Not all listed methods are 100% work, and there are side effects. Scotch holds well, but he heats up and loses properties. An additional rubber gasket helps in many cases, just need to consider that the DVR becomes a bit harder, the load on the bracket increases (it can break), moreover, add a gum is meaningless on suckers without a lever. Garnsy juice helps trouble-free, but the smell that he spreads, not all. A good effect gives a solution of economic soap, only one moment should be considered - while soap dried, you can move the suction cup on the glass, then everything collapsing tightly. Silicone should be smeared not too thin layer, evenly, his minus - it only grabbed in a day, if you go by car at once, fasteners can fall off. Another disadvantage - the holder moves along with silicone.

Doubtful ways to fasten the holder

There are many advice who give motorists, but as far as they are all useful - a big question. Drivers also advise:

  • smear the contact surface with engine oil;
  • use brake fluid as a fixing means;
  • moisten the contact saliva;
  • put the bracket on superclauses;
  • fasten the sucker on sealant;
  • to improve contact, apply Pepsi Cola.

Motor oil is a good remedy for creating reliable contact, but you need to not forget that the quality of the rubber seal of the sucker, especially Chinese manufacturers, is different, the rubber can wake up and "swim". The brake fluid and saliva have a water base, when the moisture is dried, the reliability of the contact is worsening. Automotive color sealant looks not aesthetically, possibly after its use traces will remain, but the transparent silicone sealant will be by the way. Someone fixes the sucker and superlocks, but it looks like a perversion - it is not a fact that the mount will not fall off, but scrape the remnants of glue from glass will not be easy.

Repair bracket recorder

There are often cases when the sucker itself comes into disrepair: a plastic pin is broken, holding the "hat". This happens if removing the video recorder, pull it for the housing, without observing the accuracy.

One of the methods of fixing is to smear the pin superclosure, only to keep the connection will be shortly, sooner or later the "Hat" falls off. The easiest option is to buy a new mount, and you can still try to restore the sucker, repair will cost much cheaper shopping. Consider how you can repair the suction cup with a lever:

Thus, you can restore almost any bracket for the DVR, the procedure time takes a bit, and the new holder does not need to buy.

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