E-cube schemes for children's desktop. Economical dice on PIC12F629. Convenient dice generator

This device is based on a random number generator and is intended to be used as a game (for example, dice, or as a cube in logic games), as well as it can be used to determine the winner in any competition by drawing lots ...

The design is very simple, and is repeatable by almost any novice radio amateur who has the least experience with a soldering iron and knows the specifics of soldering microcircuits. It is as follows:
1) The tip of the soldering iron must be grounded
2) Do not heat the output of the microcircuit for more than 5-8 seconds
The first point can be omitted if the microcircuit is not afraid of static (but this does not apply to MK).

So, here is the actual diagram of the device:

Immediately I focus on the absence of current-limiting resistors connected in series with the LEDs. In this circuit, there is no need for them, since at a supply voltage of 3.7V a relatively small current flows through the LEDs, which the microcontroller is able to withstand (but if you still want to play it safe, then there is enough space on the board to connect resistors in series with the LEDs in smd execution).

As you can see, the dimensions of the board are quite modest (6 x 4.5 cm). If you use a printed circuit board with the layout shown in this article, then the appearance of the assembled board will be as follows:

Since in this design the board is made in a double-sided version, the procedure for soldering a socket for a microcontroller may turn out to be problematic. In my practice, I use this method of connecting two layers of the board:

This method is well suited for connecting low-power printed conductors, as well as where the number of connections of this type is small, otherwise it is very difficult to solder it all.

Now about the firmware. I developed a program for MK in the environment (the draft is attached to the article, there is also a project in PROTEUS). The program works as follows: when the power is supplied to the MK, the program starts, and waits for a button to be pressed. As soon as the button is pressed, the gsch variable (byte type) is called and a value is assigned to it (this is a software RNG). Next, the generated number is evaluated, with an interval of 42 bits (if the number<=42 битам, тогда на кубике высвечивается одна точка, если число больше 42, но меньше 84, то высвечивается две точки и т.д. Так же после отпускания кнопки число будет светиться до следующего нажатия.

Now about fuse bits:

This is how the window for their installation in the program looks like.

Details, replacements. As a control element, I used a microcontroller of the AVR family, ATTINY2313, a quartz resonator should be taken at a frequency of 8MHz, capacitors with a capacity of 22-33 pF, as for LEDs, they should be low-power for a nominal voltage of 2V.

Below you can download the sources, firmware, PP, project in and

  • 20.09.2014

    The offered autogenerating SMPS (switching power supply) has small dimensions and high efficiency. Its peculiarity is that the magnetic circuit of the pulse transformer operates with an approach to the saturation region. When designing autogenerating SMPS, in most cases, a powerful transformer is used in a linear mode, and a low-power switching transformer is used in a saturation mode of the magnetic circuit. The individual windings of these ...

  • 17.03.2017

    The circuit of the multivibrator on the NAND elements is shown in Figure 1. The circuit has two states: in one state, the DD1.1 element is closed, and DD1.2 is open, in the other, everything happens the other way around. For example, if the element DD1.1 is closed, DD1.2 is open, while the capacitor C2 is charged with the output current of the element DD1.1, flowing through the resistor R2. Voltage on ...

  • 22.06.2015

    Stationary measuring shunts, interchangeable 75ShIS (hereinafter referred to as shunts), with a nominal voltage drop of 75 mV, are intended to expand the measurement ranges of DC indicating recording devices used at various objects of the defense and security industry. DESCRIPTION Structurally, the shunts are made in the form of manganin jumpers, connected by soldering with brass or copper tips, fixed on a plastic base ...

  • 06.10.2014

    This is a simple signal level indicator for sound reproducing equipment, the circuit is adapted to various user needs. Can be adapted to different input levels - TR1 (input voltage level control), TR2 (gain control). Principle of operation: after amplifying the op-amp at TL017, the signal is rectified by diodes D1-D2 (in the future, only the positive half-wave of the signal is used), then the signal ...

Bones Is one of the oldest games in the world, dating back millennia. They were originally made from animal bones, and if you believe myths and legends, also human bones, hence their name and a certain mystical aura. Dice were played in Ancient Egypt, Rome, India, from where they penetrated into the Western world with the development of trade and cultural ties. Craps is the most popular type of dice today, played both at home and in casinos, including online casinos. In total, there are several dozen varieties of this game.

The basic principle of the game is simple and clear to everyone - the players throw the dice, the sum of the points dropped on the dice is calculated. Dice themselves are used in a wide variety of board games, forcing you to perform different actions on the map. And, of course, no casino in the world can do without them. However, to play dice, you can use various programs and applications, such as our online dice.

How to roll the dice online?

What if you don't have dice at hand or someone likes to cheat with them? easily solves this problem, because here the computer program throws out the bones, and it is impossible to manipulate the result of its work. The numbers from 1 to 6 drop out randomly.

In addition, our cube simulator is capable of a lot, because we have developed many additional variations of it. In addition to the classic six-sided cube, we have variations of four, eight, ten and even twenty sides that would simply not be possible in real life. And such virtual dice are capable of seriously diversifying ordinary games.

To roll a die online on our website, you need to do three simple steps:

  1. Choose the type of cube - with sides from four to twenty;
  2. Set the number of cubes - from one to twenty;
  3. Click on the "Roll the dice" button.

Online dice have many benefits:

  • - firstly, they will always be at hand, the main thing is to have access to the Internet;
  • - secondly, they do not risk getting lost, rolling under the sofa;
  • - thirdly, they eliminate the risk of fraud, because unlike ordinary cubes that can fall to the edge, they always give an unambiguous result.

The online dice is an amusing entertainment that partly contributes to the development of intuition. With our service, you can roll the dice online with great convenience.

This device is based on a random number generator and is intended to be used as a game (for example, dice, or as a cube in logic games), as well as it can be used to determine the winner in any competition by drawing lots ...

The design is very simple, and is repeatable by almost any novice radio amateur who has the least experience with a soldering iron and knows the specifics of soldering microcircuits. It is as follows:

1) The tip of the soldering iron must be grounded

2) Do not heat the output of the microcircuit for more than 5-8 seconds

The first point can be omitted if the microcircuit is not afraid of static (but this does not apply to MK).

So, here is the actual diagram of the device:

Immediately I focus on the absence of current-limiting resistors connected in series with the LEDs. In this circuit, there is no need for them, since at a supply voltage of 3.7V a relatively small current flows through the LEDs, which the microcontroller is able to withstand (but if you still want to play it safe, then there is enough space on the board to connect resistors in series with the LEDs in smd execution).

Device board:

As you can see, the dimensions of the board are quite modest (6 x 4.5 cm). If you use a printed circuit board with the layout shown in this article, then the appearance of the assembled board will be as follows:

Since in this design the board is made in a double-sided version, the procedure for soldering a socket for a microcontroller may turn out to be problematic. In my practice, I use this method of connecting two layers of the board:

This method is well suited for connecting low-power printed conductors, as well as where the number of connections of this type is small, otherwise it is very difficult to solder it all.

Now about the firmware. I developed a program for MK in the Flowcode environment (the project is attached to the article, there is also a project in PROTEUS). The program works as follows: when the power is supplied to the MK, the program starts, and waits for a button to be pressed. As soon as the button is clicked, the gsch variable (of type byte) is called and assigned a value (this is a software RNG). Next, the generated number is evaluated, with an interval of 42 bits (if the number<=42 битам, тогда на кубике высвечивается одна точка, если число больше 42, но меньше 84, то высвечивается две точки и т.д. Так же после отпускания кнопки число будет светиться до следующего нажатия.

Now about fuse bits:

This is how their installation window looks in the PonyProg2000 program.

Details, replacements. As a control element, I used a microcontroller of the AVR family, ATTINY2313, a quartz resonator should be taken at a frequency of 8MHz, capacitors with a capacity of 22-33 pF, as for LEDs, they should be low-power for a nominal voltage of 2V.

Dice have been used by humans for thousands of years.

In the 21st century, new technologies allow you to roll the dice at any convenient time, and if you have Internet access, in a convenient place. The dice is always with you at home or on the road.

The dice generator allows you to roll online from 1 to 4 dice.

Fairly roll the die online

When using real dice, manual dexterity or specially made dice overweight on one side can be used. For example, you can spin a cube along one of the axes, and then the probability distribution will change. A feature of our virtual cubes is the use of a software pseudo-random number generator. This allows you to provide a really random option for this or that result.

And if you add this page to your bookmarks, then your online dice will not be lost anywhere and will be always at hand at the right time!

Some people have adapted to using online dice for fortune telling or making predictions and horoscopes.

Happy mood, good day and good luck!


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